What Random Fact Could Save Your Life One Day? (r/AskReddit)

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what random fact could save your life one day if you are overdosing on illegal substances you won't get in trouble with the police if you call 9-1-1 for help one day you might try a new food or get stung by a bug and not realize you allergic to until it's too late if food makes your lips mouth tingly you're probably allergic if you have any swelling at all X tongue feels heavy you're probably allergic if you experience any sort of throat or chest tightness or have difficulty drawing in a breath you're in trouble that's especially true if it's iStent you'll only get at reaction if you're allergic and having a full-blown reaction don't fool around don't delay time for Anette dependend ambulance ride to be clear you must go to a doctor after using an EpiPen it is not optional even if the person looks feels better if no EpiPens is available antihistamines like benadryl are better than nothing see a doctor it's not the type of thing you want to just assume will be fine kids might be oblivious I've seen peanut allergic kids eat Snickers bars swell you up and not have a clue if you see a kid's face lips tongue start to swell or turn red time to do something about it PS EP pens have a needle on the orange side with an arrow pointing to it that side gets pushed into the person having the reaction it is not where your thumb goes for EP pens blue to the sky orange to the thigh if there is any flooding in your area don't take the elevator down into a parking garage take the stairs I was in Houston for a wedding a number of years ago and several people staying at my hotel drowned when they took the elevator down into the garage to retrieve their cars this is the most terrifying concept I've ever heard in Australia if something bites you do your best to identify it and go to hospital this goes for stims to land or sea we have a pretty good track record of people not dying two venomous creatures feathery clouds technical term Cirrus usually indicate a weather change burning a candle inside a closed vehicle like a car or plane as long as common-sense fire prevention is observed and as long as you're in no danger form loss of oxygen can help stave off hypothermia your dog is more likely to attract a bear or cougar especially a cougar than it is to repel one Cougars love to eat dogs around here they'll follow you and your dog silently and wait for an opportunity to swoop in and grab the dog they've plucked dogs from within metres of their owners where I live even if you think you have a bad ass dog it's no match for a cougar and badass dogs love to start fights with bears lose their nerve and then run back to their owner with angry bear right behind if one torniquet isn't enough add another never remove bandages on a patient if they bleed through just continue to add more on top until you can get them to the hospital or doctor first thing in the morning birds will fail though and straight to a water source on the return flight they will stay high and stopped frequently to rest so you can either follow them or go in the opposite direction depending on how they are flying in order to find potable water if you're drunk or have a drunk friend make them sleep on their side never on their back after particularly FM social nights in college if one of us were puking and not doing great my roommate and I would put a book bag on the inebriated one to ensure he didn't roll over on his back to prevent vomit aspiration checking a text message while driving is a 4 point 5 second distraction on average increases the risk of crashing 23 fold if y'all ever swept away in a river don't fight the current you'll exhaust yourself and you won't win try to swim diagonally down so you can reach the side instead crayons make pretty good fire starters for hypothermia shaking equals sucks but we'll be okay keep warm silent and falling asleep equals bad the body is giving up if a product is the word oxy in it or as ammonia do not let it come into contact with bleach if you think your house or apartment is haunted and have been seeing hearing or feeling a presence get a carbon monoxide detector you may be hallucinating and this is potentially lethal but funny but real malaria doesn't always exhibit predictable symptoms what feels like a cold or the flu could actually be malaria the symptoms also appear after some time even up to four weeks so even when you're back from your holiday in a country with malaria mozzies you shouldn't ignore what you think is just a common cold context when I got malaria I thought my appendix burst the disease was the furthest thing on my mind people rush out the way they came in especially at events and unfamiliar places take note of exits when you go somewhere if a tornado looks like it's not moving it's moving towards you also do not hide under an overpass it's like a wind tunnel at that point in the USA the majority of DUI related fatalities occur after 10 p.m. on Saturday nights just a little food for thought brown coconuts contain oils that cause dehydration so drink the milk of the green coconuts however you can burn the husks of the brown coconuts to repel mosquitoes ha I just started replaying the first Kingdom Hearts game there's a part in the beginning where you have to collect coconuts for a trip I wondered why it would only let me collect the green coconuts but not the brown ones I thought it was just a weird video game technicality till you need to chew an aspirin if you take one thinking you are having a heart attack need to break a car window aim for the edges corners not the center where the glass is strongest was taught this by a friend who is a fireman was taught by a stereo salesman if you're in an enclosed space like a room and smell roasted almonds but no one is roasting almonds you need to get out that's what cyanide smells like never use water to put out a grease fire use baking soda I'll suffocate the flame with another pot pan I see videos all the time of people putting water on fires that start in their kitchen one with water because they're freaking out and are inexperienced in the kitchen the fire will get 1,000 times worse if you throw water on it just to sum up some other options from below the following things are also good for assisting in putting out grease fires the lid for said pan that should be slid across the pot to create a seal for proper flame suffocation a damp cloth or towel salt a fire extinguisher specifically a class k extinguisher according to our experts below thanks guys apparently use this method only if you want to do a lot of cleanup and possible repairs but you shouldn't be afraid to use it if necessary and of course remember to turn off the stove flour is not a good substitute for baking soda either aerosolized flour is highly explosive check out some YouTube videos sometime should scary how flammable it is if it spreads out enough in the air it's also a reason why silo fires are so dangerous that's a lot of potential energy if you are at the beach on vacation and one day ask yourself where all the water is gone far beyond normal tide run this has actually saved lives in the catastrophic Christmas tsunami of 2004 because someone has paid attention in school if you are ever being chased by a polar bear take off an article of clothing and leave it on the ground as you run away polar bears have really bad ad D and they will thoroughly inspect your dropped clothing before chasing you again in these instances your decision is if you want to be mauled to death ought to die of hypothermia the true reason behind this is that when the polar bear eats you if you are naked you won't upset its tummy as much if you've been lost in the wilderness for days upon your rescue do not try and down all the food and water in sight the shock to your system can be fatal refeeding syndrome for those curious if you come across a mountain lion never turn your back towards them they won't stalk or attack if they see your eyes face not all heart problems come with clear warning signs there is not always an alarming chest clutch followed by a fall to the floor like you see in movies some heart symptoms don't even happen in your chest and it's not always easy to tell what's going on nausea indigestion heartburn stomach pain shortness of breath throat or jaw pain can also be signs of a heart attack I know this is true but this is also the worst thing in the world to know now anytime I have jaw pain from chewing gum heartburn from food shortness of breath from asthma or mild chest pain I occasionally pull muscles at work I think yeah this totally normal thing sucks unless I tease a heart attack to save your kids from being abducted teach them to yell help I don't know this mother as loud as possible to get everyone attention a friend from high school was telling us one day that when he was 4 his parents taught to scream frig off you pervert if a stranger offered him candy toys a puppy etc he screamed this at the top of his lungs when he met one of his uncle's for the first time I was driving home with my dad about a month ago and we encountered a few deer my dad said to me quiz occur if a deer is running across the road it's better to just hit it than to swerve and end up in the ditch but if there's a moose that's in the road swerve and go into the ditch hitting a moose is like hitting brick wall I don't think he's ever hit a moose in his life and I've never seen a moose in the wild but it's still advice that could help me later if your garage door needs maintenance leave it to the pros garage door springs can kill you if you remove them in the wrong way had one of the spring tethers rust away and snap made the loudest noise that shook the whole house Springs are dangerous don't flick with them one of the first signs of a heart attack that is not often talked about is a serious upset stomach my dad just passed off a heart attack last month they found pepto bismal next to him I hate to think it was preventable if he'd recognized this sign but he was always having heartburn and stuff and we just had a rich meal and cocktails so he may have also just been having an upset stomach he always had a sensitive stomach the self Heimlich if you like eating alone then people won't help you if you are choking place a fist on the top of a chair and lean onto the fist then drive your fist towards yourself by thrusting upwards so I read this as punch yourself or pretend to wank someone off in your chest this should go without saying build if you're in the shower it's absolutely necessary to check for lumps on your breasts testicles cancer is no joke also yes men can get breast cancer but testicular cancer in women is very rare TFT gks punched gouge the shark in the eyes or gills not the nose like everyone thinks I would assume gouging the eyes out of most things would stop them from attacking you you don't have to pay money on any type of phone to call 9-1-1 so don't bother foundling for change of its a pay phone by law in the US all phones can call 9-1-1 without any changes even if you're in an office that makes you hit 91 or something to call out 911 operator if it does not that's illegal all cell phones can call 9-1-1 too even without a SIM card or plan all phones have an emergency call option where you don't need to unlock the phone to call if you're stranded with your car in a remote area burn a tire to draw attention kangaroos can't jump backwards you'll thank me one day one day you'll be out with a friend and a kangaroo will attack and instinctually young yell get behind it it's not funny but you've learned something most bullies are not traditional cards and will not always back down if you stand up to them in fact a lot of them are so overconfident that they will follow through not all of them are from troubled homes either some people are just that fricking evil if you get stabbed don't remove the item you were stabbed with it's the only thing holding the blood inside of you and removing it could result in a large amount of blood loss if you get lost and have a cell phone but it says you have no signal try dialing 9 1 1 anyway a thanks to the FCC emergency calls will go through any possible connection this includes all networks not just your carrier emergency service channels and even any available private networks forestry mining military ranching et Cie this also works with any country in the EU using 112 also if you're in a country where you don't know the emergency number try 9-1-1 or 999 or 112 or whatever your country's emergency number is common emergency numbers will usually still connect to emergency services in other countries with other numbers ideally learn the number where you are but if you happen to need emergency services just dial what you know if you are trapped in a fire in a building stoop low the breathable there will be near the floor if you lost in the wilderness follow a river downstream to find civilization don't do this in Africa or arid places in general rivers tend to dry up and stagnate downstream and you should go upstream to where there is more water and civilization if you're in a pool and there's a metallic taste in your mouth get out off said pool there's an electrical short somewhere in the water the international Morse code SOS is three short three long three short if all you can do is tapping then you have to add longer pauses between your long taps to distinguish them from short taps my grandpa tough this to me when I was six it always stuck with me if you have a firearm in the wild three shots spaced five seconds apart will signal distress if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 26,219
Rating: 4.9376621 out of 5
Keywords: random fact, could save your life, save your life, save your life hacks, life saving tips, life saving, life saving hacks, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, sub
Id: KcjMBClt0N0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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