James Holmes - The Batman Dark Knight Rises Massacre | Aurora Theatre Shooting

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all right all right did you have a lunch yep that was tasty what would you have for lunch oh like chili and peppers and onions and chicken sounds good uh [Music] [Music] and 314 for a shooting at century theaters 14 300 east alameda avenue they're saying somebody's shooting in the auditorium 315-314 there is at least one person that's been shot but they're saying there's hundreds of people just running around for the thing that happens eight or nine where batman was playing but another rp is named they're still shooting i need a rescue in here hot steel got a guy shot [Music] [Music] rescue personnel i got at least three to seven hits i'm 9 news reporter brandon ridderman on the scene of breaking news in aurora right now a late night apparently multiple shooting incident at a movie theater in aurora i'm going to step out of the shot so that we can show you exactly where we are we are on the northeast side of the century 16 theaters which are in the town center of aurora then i raised the shotgun and saw that people were getting up in like the back left corner so i like shot up that direction july 2012 24 year old james holmes would walk into the century 16 movie theater in aurora colorado he was attending the 12 a.m premiere screening of the newest batman movie the dark knight rises roughly 20 minutes into the movie james would fake a phone call and make his way to the emergency exit to his right as he leaves he uses a picnic table cloth clip to keep the door just slightly open but not enough to arouse suspicion once outside he walked over to his parked car geared himself up head to toe in ballistic armor and a gas mask whilst at the same time equipping himself with a remington 870 shotgun an ar-15 and a glock pistol approximately 10 minutes later james would walk back through that same emergency exit and like fish in a barrel would open fire on around 400 moviegoers killing 12 of them and injuring 70. how did we get here a shooter with no criminal record had no ties to any terror organizations wasn't known to any law enforcement agencies but was able to carry out a massacre that no one in recent american history had ever seen before let's rewind back to the 13th of december 1987 where james egan holmes is born to parents robert and arlene he grew up in oak hills monterey county in california along with his sister and was said to have had a fairly decent upbringing in a good neighborhood throughout his early years he was described as a well-mannered smart and shy kid but was fairly outgoing being one of the 15 boys who played for his local football team with his dad as the coach family life at home was good as well both siblings had parents who supported them in every aspect of their lives and james and his sister chrissy was said to have had a close bond with each other james's mother would even go on to say that it was a childhood to envy whilst attending middle school now aged 11 james's mental health would begin to deteriorate he would start to exhibit signs of chronic depression and even attempted to commit suicide he would claim to see shadowy figures which he called nail ghosts accompanied by flickers in the corner of his eyes these shadowy figures would hammer on the walls at night and would fight each other with firearms and various other weapons but it is believed that james would have homicidal thoughts from the young age of 10 years old where he would picture himself killing people who annoyed him or upset him he would later on picture killing people who did nothing to him at all the mental decline would further when a house relocation was made 400 miles away to san diego james recalls welling up as the car pulled away from what had been a somewhat happy life with many young friends and it's believed on that car journey he would attempt to cut his wrists with a piece of cardboard when he arrived in san diego he had trouble making friends and began to withdraw into his room where he'd spend most of his days playing video games his mom would quite literally go door to door to look for playmates but the boys in their new neighborhood weren't exactly the friendliest after spending all of his time indoors now when not at school he would go on to become one of the top five players in the world at the video game warcraft 3. although making this achievement james's mother recalls around this time that he had lost his joy and felt guilty that no matter what she did she couldn't make him happy anymore looking back she chalked this behavior up to a tough adjustment but she goes on to say realistically it was the early signs of his mental illness because although we've been over how james's mental health had started to deteriorate from a young age this was all behind closed doors and his parents were none the wiser to the breakdown of his mental health even though he had been reserved in his social life james was still an exceptional student going on to achieve good grades throughout middle school and he was even involved in trumpet classes and ran cross country this behavioral pattern would continue throughout high school a special education teacher and coach of the west view high school cross country team would be quoted as saying this about james he was not particularly a good runner and he lacked proper form and stamina but he always showed up to practice he rarely spoke however declined to take part in team building activities continuing he was a part of us but not a part of us he was kind of like a shadow figure in 2006 james graduated from high school and seeing as both his father had degrees in mathematics and science and his mother was a registered nurse james wanted to follow a similar career path so he decided that he wanted to study neuroscience at uc riverside in california before the course had started he wanted to have a taste of what it was like in that line of work so in the summer he attended a prestigious eight-week-long internship at salk institute for biological studies in la jolla california thanks claire all right our next speaker is james holm he has great what school did you graduate from west view high school he just graduated from west view high school and will be attending the university of california riverside he will be majoring in neuroscience his goals are to become a researcher and to make scientific discoveries it's a good start in personal life he enjoys playing soccer and strategy games and his dream is to own a slurpee machine these kids have been fun to work with this summer test yes really okay well the lab i work in is the computational neural biology lab or c l for short c l is very computer oriented basically everybody who works in c l does programming of some sort one division of the lab called m cell does mathematical models of the cell such as that picture there there's also computer simulations of hippocampal functions and neural network firings and the knowledge that's gained is then made available to the public and scientific community through the web my mentor john jacobson who works in cnl is a philosophical type of guy he's interested in how we perceive reality specifically graphene perception and graphemes are basically just letters of the alphabet and he wants to know how graphemes are mediated in spatial frequency channels he also studies subjective experience which is what takes place inside the mind as opposed to the external world i've carried on his work in dealing with subjective experience i've done it through flash programming flash is set up to make movies there's a timeline which is on the top there and within the timeline there are layers and layers give the movie order and structure and within the layers there are frames and text images and code can be placed in frames to make the movie do things and my main task was to write code and i was writing code to show how our perception of causality can be tricked and a major way humans learn is through action and effect relationships and to simulate this on a computer we have a key press as an action and the effect is the appearance of an image and actions and effects have logical progressions through time that is effects proceed or seem simultaneous with the actions that cause them unless we have a temporal order judgment reversal which i just call the illusion and in the illusion the effect seems to precede the action that it causes so subjectively you're causing events to happen in the past and to implement this illusion we insert a series of gradual delays in between the actions and the effects so we'd have a key press and then a 10 millisecond delay and then an image appearing and then keep fresh and then 20 milliseconds and then the image appears and we keep doing this over and over again and it would increase up to around 200 milliseconds and we do this gradual delay incrementations to adapt the person to modify their perception of time and then after we modify their perception of time we completely remove the delay and this causes the time illusion and potential applications for this illusion are in reducing car accidents and by it might be possible to increase the reaction times of drivers also another application is in the entertainment industry like video games and uh my mentor came up with the video game one not me so gamers might feel like they have a super power and that might let them have more fun so so lastly i'd like to thank john c l sloan center homesteaders and family if they want to give me an allowance bonus that's good too okay any questions nope are you spinning [Applause] when this footage started to do the rounds in the years that followed people claimed that this behavior didn't match that of a socially awkward person who has serious mental health issues well john jacobson supervisor of the lab said that throughout his time he was there he tried to sit down for lunch with james at least half a dozen times and tried to make conversation with him but found it impossible because he was extremely shy he also described james as an unusually bad intern jacobson said he repeatedly tried to explain to james exactly how to do the computer programming he had tasked him with but he kept on insisting on a different approach one that didn't work james had been given a project on this eight-week internship and he never completed it after the internship had ended john had emailed james to ask if he wanted to try and complete the project but he never got a response either way james wood finished the internship and attended uc riverside where he studied neuroscience and in 2010 he received his undergraduate bachelor's degree with highest honors but ended up skipping his graduation ceremony more than likely due to his social anxiety after graduation he applied to six top graduate schools to study for a doctorate in neuroscience although academically bright his shyness and interviews appeared to work against him and so he would go on to be rejected by all six universities in 2010 after his dreams of going on to further study in his field had collapsed he decided to move back home with his parents and seemingly had no purpose in life he sleeps eats and plays video games all day going back to his old ways but now as an adult he's pushed by his parents to go and get a job he secured himself a job at a pill coating factory where he works from around 4 p.m till 2 p.m every day monday till sunday he was offered full-time placement but in his own words he couldn't see himself doing that line of work for the rest of his life during this time his parents continued to push him to apply for graduate schools which he did iowa illinois and colorado all offered him interviews but he still presented poorly he was described as being aloof quiet to perceive him to be disinterested not a good fit for the program in fact some people who interviewed him would go on to say quote do not take this guy under any circumstances even though he didn't seem like a good fit illinois in colorado offered him a placement with him accepting the latter as they offered him more financial aid and so it seemed as if james had his purpose back once again he got into the competitive neuroscience program where only six students per year get accepted the program consists of two things the first would be classes in the fall and spring just like any other course but the other half is something called a lab rotation you get three in one year and this basically consists of a research project under the supervision of a faculty trainer but if for whatever reason you don't get accepted into one after a somewhat trial period then you get kicked off the program all three would end up going badly for james and when the time came to choose a lab he decided to go with the first professor he was described in his evaluation as having a lack of communication skills and again showing a lack of interest something that a student would need moving forward so he was declined on that basis during the first and second lab rotations he started to see a go but only a short while after the second lab rotation they would go on to break up after the deterioration of his performance and the breakup with his girlfriend james decided to see the university counselor when he met the councillor she asked him if he was suicidal to which he denied but he did tell her he was having homicidal thoughts the counselor would go on to say this wasn't a concern as many students had came to her before with homicidal ideations and because james stated he had no specific targets he had no plans no delusions and no hallucinations in regards to these homicidal ideations the counselor concluded that he wasn't a threat he was eventually passed on to the university psychiatrist dr lynn fenton similar things were reported but when dr fenton preston about the homicidal comments that he made he responded quote people are my problem and the only solution is to kill everyone but that can't happen because it isn't realistic she concluded that he might have ocd so she gives him some medication and adds he doesn't pose a threat because he denied he self-mutilates doesn't plan on committing suicide and doesn't plan on killing anyone that was all to save face though because deep down inside of james holmes he had something cooking up that would fruition in the months that followed you see although he'd been telling dr fenton he basically didn't pose a threat in his journal it painted a whole different side of him and if anyone would have known what was in this journal i probably wouldn't be making this video right now in his journal he's quoted as saying he can't tell the therapists who he called mind rapists his plans because if he did his normal life would combine with his ideal enactment of working on his homicidal ideations and his plans would end up foiling he said he would continue to have his guard up and deflect any incriminating questions if they asked if he had a plan he would continue to deny them because if he did go on to spill the beans they would have him locked up and he wouldn't be able to go on and kill people around this time he's emailing back and forth with his ex-girlfriend you see the two had kept in contact and were somewhat okay as friends in this email james would talk to her about his future prospects fading away and having a desire to kill people she thought the latter was theoretical based on other conversations they've had in the past so she engages in the conversation for example she says that killing people is too much effort and that he'd get thrown in jail for it he responds that's why you'd kill many people and if you wait until the end of your life there's nothing to lose the conversation goes on for a while but then the value of life becomes the focal point james would go on to say quote there's nothing more valuable than a human life you take away the life of a person you take away the experiences of that person and you take away all of their potential his ex would prod him to open up about what he exactly meant to which he responds it's human capital again when questioned what he's going to do with all that human capital from having taken away all of those people's lives he responds have a more meaningful life but the thing is james doesn't even know what that means to himself all he can explain is that it's just what he wants to do his ex would go on to explain it wouldn't fulfill his purpose but he believes it will grant him a more meaningful life by the time april of 2012 comes around james decided to nip things in the bud with his ex-girlfriend saying he just simply can't be friends with her anymore in the two-part ways around two weeks later he's back to see dr fenton once again still sticking to his plan keeping a guard up and he denies having any suicidal thoughts and outright refuses to talk about any homicidal thoughts but once again dr fenton sends him on his way saying he poses no threat the following month in may james continued to perform great in his exams not so great in that third lab rotation and because of this he felt like once again his purpose in life was slipping away because of his bad performances at university so he decided he would find himself a new purpose in life in his journal he begins to hatch a plan on how he could kill people to make himself feel better his failed performance at school he notes would act as the somewhat catalyst for the motivation behind the killings in this plan his first thoughts were bombs but he reckons they'll be way too suspicious later he thought about biological warfare but scraps the idea because it requires too much knowledge and chemical use he ponders on serial murder heavily his plan would be buy a stun gun shaped like a phone equip himself with a folding knife head over to national park forest trails and one by one pick off his victims but no it's way too personal it would be easy to get caught it leaves too much evidence and most of all it's not enough kills so his last resort would be mass murder and then the light bulb switched on maximum casualties and can be performed easily with firearms which would also mean it was less personal he does know that there's a 99 chance of being caught but he didn't mind because he said he didn't fear the consequence now that his type of attack is planned out it was time to choose the location he thought about an airport but quickly aborted the idea due to the heavy security presence and it'd be too linked to terrorism you see he didn't want people concluding this act of mass murder was based on terrorism because that wasn't his message the message was he said there was no message he eventually chose the century 16 movie theater based roughly four miles from his apartment in aurora colorado it's the perfect location in his mind it's proximal to where he lives it's isolated it's large so what a better place to case and plan for mass murder than an inconspicuous entertainment facility he started to map out the theater in detail both outside and in and he began assessing the different theater rooms talking about the best approach and quickly criticizing the ones that have too many exits theater 9 and 10 became primary targets because in both theaters there's only one entrance and two exits he noted that you can lock some of the theater room doors with handcuffs which equaled the maximum number of casualties he would also do in-depth research about the columbine massacre that happened years prior to see what the police response time would be and how much ammo he would need the police response time would roughly be three minutes and so he had to do something about that just bear that one in mind though because it will become more relevant as the story continues throughout may james would go on to buy various items that he would eventually use for the shooting such as a glock pistol a shotgun a gas mask and tear gas then towards the end of the month he continued to see dr fenton but this time she brought in dr robert feinstein a specialist in violence and suicide assessment dr feinstein would take charge of this meeting to see if he could grasp what was going on with james ultimately james was able to pull the wall over his eyes as well because after denying having any targets any suicidal thoughts and agreeing to come back for more counselling he's let go once again and they know that he's showing signs of stability hence why he's able to leave at the start of june james takes his preliminary exams but fails them of course around this time he had also not been chosen to do a lab rotation so he feels like quitting he goes to see dr fenton again where he tells her he's going to quit the program to find a job in aurora for the next few months because the lease on his apartment didn't end until november she quizzed him on various things such as student debt to see if this would affect his mental health moving forward but he didn't have any in fact he had around ten thousand dollars in the bank dr phantom would ask james to continue to come back and see her even if he quit the program to which he would go on to say that his insurance wouldn't cover it and then he got up and left that was the last time he would see dr fenton she would go on to call family members and program leaders to ask them about how james was and although they claimed he was odd and had social problems they agreed on one thing and that was he wasn't a violent individual but of course they'd be proven wrong so james decided to leave the course and throughout june he continued to gear up in order to act out on his plan now only having one purpose in life he bought an ar-15 laser sights tens of magazines for his guns a case for his rifle a bullet blocker jacket a helmet tie puncturing devices first aid dressing and quite literally thousands of rounds of ammunition in july he continues his shopping spree buying a ballistic trousers rifle scopes more ammunition neck protection arm protection groin protection and purchases a second handgun he would also acquire bluetooth headphones and an ipod as he didn't want to make the shooting feel personal so he'd pop the headphones in so he could shoot people and not hear them scream he decided to dye his hair red not to match that of the joker like many people believe rather to stand out where he later would explain it was exotic and it would look better than green or blue now remember how i said that he needed to do something about the quick police response time well to combat this on the 18th of july 2012 he booby-trapped his apartment building with various chemicals and flammables the bomb itself was hooked up to some sort of wire that if the door opened it would blow up attached to the bomb were three jars filled up with bullet gunpowder and napalm there was also broken magnesium on the floor you see magnesium fires are made worse by water if water comes into contact with it it lets off a lethal hydrogen gas so if anyone wanted to try and put the fire out they'd be making it ten times worse but how could he lose someone to set off the bomb well there was two ways that this thing could be set off first an rc car was placed by some bins near his apartment building he put a boom box by the car which would be silent for 40 minutes and then that would be followed by loud music on top of the rc car was a remote but the remote wasn't for the car or the boombox it was for the detonation system in the apartment so in turn a random person would walk up to this boom box car and remote trying to maybe turn it off they might use the remote but they've just blown the building up the next way which james was banking on was inside the apartment itself again he set his computer to play loud music around 20 to 25 minutes after he left the building this in turn would summon people to open the door and then blow the building up this nearly worked but ultimately failed after a neighbor was awoken by the music and pounded on james's door to no response she even touched the door handle and realized it was open but for whatever reason she decided to go back to her apartment and call for the police the only thing is though all the police were heading to the century 16 theater to reports of an active shooter and on a quick side note the explosives would eventually be safely removed by the bomb squad and there would be no reported casualties in regards to the apartment block rewinding the clock ever so slightly and james holmes would leave his booby-trapped apartment to head for the century 16 movie theater he took a viking because he feared he might get shot and the medication would make it less painful once arriving at the theater he parks around the back just outside of theater 9 then walks around to the entrance where he picks up his ticket from a kiosk desk he hands it to the attendant and makes his way to the concession stand he loiters briefly but eventually would make his way to theater 9 although his ticket had been for theater 8. you go in the theater or what's it like what are you seeing and hearing as you go in the theater i just went to the very front and sat down in one of the chairs and then pulled out my phone to make it look like i had a phone call i'm sorry i pulled out my phone to make it look like i had a phone call okay and then went out the exit for that reason what else did you see in the theater when you first went in oh well it's just annihilate i'm sorry it's just denial way to the stand and i looked back in the stands and saw that they were all full so you go out through some sort of exit corridor to the outside exit door is that right yeah okay then what happened um then i went to put the stuff on and get all the weapons ready any particular thoughts preparations getting ready psyching yourself up anything like that i put my music on on my headphones on my wireless headphones okay then what happened then uh an employee came out to the dumpster and threw something away but i had the tinted windows and the sun shade up so they didn't see me they heard them but i heard them you heard them come out okay what'd you think about when they came out um if they're going to interrupt the process or not but they didn't they just went back inside the theater after they threw their trash away if they had somehow interrupted the props the process what would have happened i had a handgun in my passenger jewelers site that i could use okay were you prepared to do that if necessary yeah at what point did you call the behavioral health hotline in the hotline of some kind um like halfway through gearing up from the car then yeah okay so that was something that happened in the car if you can i'd like to pretty much hear everything i want to hear that i told him but what led you to make that call um just one last chance to see if i should turn back or not as far as you know your reception was fine in the middle of town right and you didn't hear any answer electronic or personal or otherwise on the other end no and and you said nine seconds did you kind of count them off or did you show on the phone how long it was it said like call ended after nine seconds i'm sorry it said call ended after nine seconds you remember what you thought or felt or when nobody answered um then shortly after i thought the fbi would stop me walk me through you go in through the outer door then what happens and what do you see what do you hear what do you smell first i opened the tear gas canister while i was still outside the door and it made a hissing sound and then i went inside and tossed it over on the right side of the theater how did it feel to be really doing it then it was autopilot walk me through from there then i raised the shotgun and saw that people were getting up in like the back left corner so i like shot up that direction and then i don't remember any of the other shots of the shotgun any idea why those people were getting up in the back left well they could see me all decked out with my nuns and stuff okay so you shot in that direction do you know whether you hit anything um i heard a scream yeah you shot how many times toward the folks in the upper uh i think the shotgun held five or six the six shells so i shot all six of them in that in that direction okay but then i uh threw the gun down and switched to the ar-15 and i don't remember where i shot those ones either except for like two people who tried to run away and i shot like three shots at them there were many more people in the theater than the two who were trying to run away right did they running away prompt you to shoot them it made me kind of focus on them or divert my attention to them while you were firing did anybody get out while you were firing yeah the two people who ran away and then afterwards uh four people i think carried a guy out and they got out the back exit the emergency exit i had a scope on it but i i didn't use it to cite i just got randomly in the direction of people but randomly would have randomly towards the people at least some of the time you were trying to shoot specific people right so those two people who ran were the specific people and then there was one other guy which they carried out who was a specific person i shot it how about the sound what did all that sound like um well i'd had my music in to drown out sounds and i i guess i didn't hear much how high was the music turned out to its full volume full voting i'm basically in that corner the whole time except for once i go into the light which is later the lighted hallway i was checking the weapon and i discharged the magazine that misfired i was trying to put a new one in but they wouldn't go inside the they wouldn't click in there okay so as you were what was your purpose of walking up that app to be able to see because i couldn't see very well in the corner and it was a safer spot to reload um then i i walked out i think before i went into the iowa i shot some with the handgun but i don't remember shooting the handgun before you went to new hands of the island yeah did you walk up the aisles at all and look down the aisles to see if there was anybody behind seats or anything no i didn't walk up into the stands bullets blood brains and bodies is how the prosecution described the horrific scene that james holmes left behind in that short period of time he opened fire on around 400 moviegoers killing 12 the youngest six-year-old veronica sullivan and a further 70 were injured but words just simply can't describe the mayhem that was rained upon those innocent people that day from the details we know bullets flew across the theater hitting multiple people in their heads and bodies as they ran for safety and ducked for cover behind chairs james would later say he specifically aimed for people who were escaping to deter more from doing so some of the victims had acted as human shields in order to protect their loved ones this worked but unfortunately they wouldn't make it out alive on the 20th of july 2012. bullets even penetrated through the walls which in turn meant they went through to theater eight some had been shot in the face but they would go on to survive good evening thanks for joining us we'll take you back to the vigil that will soon start in just a moment but first the intense manhunt for the person responsible for the chaos at the eaton center last night when he opened fired in the crowded mall one month prior to the shooting on the 2nd of june 2012 several people were shot resulting in two deaths when a gunman opened up in the food court of the eaton center in toronto canada in attendance was aspiring sports reporter jessica gowie who had reported on the incident live on her twitter feed towards the end of the coverage she tweeted an eerie tweet which read a man dressed as batman is charging tourists to take pictures outside the eaton center yelling my parents are dead very tacky and heartless after surviving a mass shooting she would be caught up in another one one month later and this time she wouldn't be as lucky never thought i'd have to coerce a guy into seeing the midnight showing of the dark knight rises with me she tweets followed by of course we're seeing dark knight red-headed texan spitfire people should never argue with me maybe i should get in on those nhl talks minutes later she would be brutally murdered in that century 16 movie theater by none other than james holmes the shotgun had been used first and all rounds were fired into the crowd next was the ar-15 but 65 rounds in it jammed on him james would make his way to the hallway to use the light to try and sort the clip out but ultimately he failed to do so he ended off by using his 40 caliber glock pistol he fired five rounds but after making his way back through that emergency exit he would soon be apprehended by officers after they spotted him standing by his car believe it or not they had made it to the theater in under two minutes quicker than his prediction of three could we get your name i already gave my name okay i i don't have talked to anybody who has your name if you just tell us what your name is it's james james okay james what holmes how do you spell that please mike sherlock okay so h-o-l-m-e-s yes okay i'm gonna read this to you if you have any questions please feel free to ask okay the sciences victim services unit and children something uh-huh yeah well yeah what about that there wasn't any children hurt uh i don't know we'll get to that i i don't know multiple moviegoers were in critical condition but there was a slight issue there were no ambulances you see the ambulances were blocked behind parked cars police vehicles and the thousands of people who had just fled the theater so at this point officers took the initiative to put multiple people in their cars and drove them to five nearby hospitals and this in turn would save multiple lives after all the seriously injured victims were taken by police it allowed for ambulances to eventually come through and the people who were less injured were then taken to hospital via ambulance the 60 patients who were brought to hospitals 27 went in police cars and 20 went in ambulances others were transported in private vehicles and one walked there had also been reports that there were two shooters rather than one various witnesses had came out to tell reporters that a man had let another person in after going towards the exit but with all the chaos and confusion you could see as to why people would think that for example one woman would go on to say the alarm goes off this is a murder in the theater like it's just going off murdering the theater murdering the theater it's crazy that they got an alarm saying that there was a murder in the theater you know but the alarm really said emergency in the theater so it just goes to show you that sometimes in a state of panic you might think you've seen or heard something but that might not necessarily be true eventually though james holmes would go on to be charged with quite literally hundreds of counts he was hit with two counts of first-degree murder for each of the victims he fatally shot and then two counts of attempted murder for each of the 70 others who were injured but survived he'd also got some charges for the booby trap department he would go on to admit that yes it was him who was the shooter that day but he entered a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity the prosecution wouldn't accept the plea and so a trial went ahead in april of 2015. after months of witness testimony evidence being presented to the court and the cases of why james holmes was either sane or insane the jury would find him guilty on all counts but it was now up to them to decide whether he should get the death penalty or not eventually the jury failed to make a unanimous decision and so the death sentence was thrown out and all that was left now was the judge going on to sentence him running all the set sentences uh consecutive and adding him all up i believe the total comes out to 12 live set life sentences without the possibility of parole consecutive to each other and consecutive to 3 312 years in the department of corrections yes actually it's 3318 excuse me i i realized that i have imposed the maximum sentences and i somebody yesterday uh said judge i want to make sure that whatever sentences you impose that you are a hundred percent sure that they are just and fair and i am 100 sure that these are just and fair i want to make it clear that it is the court's intention that the defendant never set foot in free society again the intention of my sentences is that he spend every single day of the rest of his life in prison and that he be imprisoned without the possibility of parole if there was ever a case that warranted the maximum sentences this is the case one of the victims yesterday said the defendant does not deserve any sympathy i wholeheartedly agree the defendant does not deserve any sympathy and for that reason the court imposes the maximum sentences that the court can impose under the law sheriff get the defendant out of my courtroom please thank you and so for the people of aurora colorado the 20th of july 2012 will be a summer's night they'll never forget a time when friends and families were out just to have a good time but ultimately would have their lives taken away with a man whose motive wasn't exactly clear we can attempt to get into the mind of james holmes and say that his motive was more than likely a failed path in life with no purpose mix that with mental health issues and you've got your answer all the warning signs had been there in the months leading up to the shooting and it saddens me to think that nothing was done beforehand you see although we mentioned throughout the video that dr fenton had let him go on multiple occasions he actually told her that he wanted to become a famous killer as he wouldn't be able to make his mark in the science world dr fenton would go on to say that she lacked evidence to have him placed on a psychiatric cold but i think the more you look into those meetings the more that it points towards evidence showing that he could have and he should have been put into place on a psychiatric code had that been done then maybe all of those innocent lives wouldn't have been taken away on the 20th of july 2012.
Channel: Ape Huncho
Views: 1,591,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ape huncho, james holmes, james holmes interview, james holmes documentary, century 16 movie theater shooting, century 16 movie theatre shooting, century 16 shooting documentary, batman shooting documentary, james holmes shooting, aurora colorado shooting documentary, batman movie shooting, james holmes shooting documentary, america mass shooting documentary, america mass shooting documentary 2021
Id: M4YpnKBn8ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 23sec (2723 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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