The Legend of "Jeff"

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JcS is amazing I wish he posted more often bcs I haven't found anything like it. He usus subtitles which is soo helpful, the audio for interrogations is terrible. What's remarkable about Jeff, the reason he's a legend is that he openly defied the detective ad called his BS. That often (mostly) doesn't happen. This is a how-to on being questioned by the cops. I really wish he did end up as an advertiser executive for Coca-Cola. He genuinely seems like a good person

👍︎︎ 56 👤︎︎ u/sorradic 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Interrogation video breakdown by JCS-Criminal Psychology

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/Dethscare 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

“Wam, bam, thank you for the Coke. Put me back in the cell.” —Jeff

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/AzureDaniel 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

I didn't find this guy too remarkable, except for that he played them for snacks. Every dopefiend I know doesn't answer questions. I was questioned about a gas station robbery when the police knew damn well it wasn't me (I know the guy who did it and he's half a foot shorter than me, totally different build too) but they still tried to get me to confess.

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/valuum 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Honest question. Why did they keep going in after he clearly asked for a lawyer? I thought that was a non-starter?

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/truecrimeaddicted 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/killiekat69 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

Funny how if you institutionalize people for long enough they eventually learn how to play the rules of the institution

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/SOfoundmyotherone 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

"You look like a prick" ahahaha what a legend.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/RandomlyPMsCutePics 📅︎︎ Sep 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

I love this vid

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/shebopbr549 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
am i under arrest for them I'm under arrest yeah I'll explain everything but before I talk before I explain myself to you before we talk to Chinese read your rights Oh jack what am i her ask for what I need to bring you rise first obviously the charge is robbery okay yeah ultimately I'm under arrest for robbery you are but let me read your rights real quick okay and I'll explain it all to you okay let me do that go fast I guess can you read with me just reading you're here okay before we ask you questions you must understand what your rights are you're the right to remain silent anything you say can will be used against you in a court of law that make sense you probably heard these before haven't you to make sense do you understand your rights you interested right chef yes or no do you understand do you understand what I read to you did you comprehend what I read you jeff of this here talk to you and figure out what happened maybe on out of here at least some of it so you understand the rights I read to you if you got something that says you didn't do this robbery this is your chance to talk to us okay good know usually I'm the prick you look like the Brit this is Jeff Jeff is a heroin addict and has been for the last 14 years he is 6 foot 5 weighs 153 pounds and has now found himself in the unfortunate circumstance of being charged with armed robbery this is in the state of Georgia so if found guilty they will render him the minimum term of 10 years without parole up to the maximum term of life in prison jeff has been through the system multiple times over and he will know that if indeed found guilty his sentence will be considerably longer than the minimum 10 years due to his previous convictions Jeff you understand your rights yesterday I'm not asking you want to talk to me at this point is what did you understand what I read to you so am i under arrest yes jeff has become somewhat of a cult figure in the domain of interrogation footage his recognition seems to have grown through his own popularity as opposed to the notoriety of his crimes like most others conveying the exact reasoning behind this can be tricky as the interest in this character will no doubt vary by the individual yet we found the most collective Reason can be explained through a single pop-culture reference the antihero while the concept is timeless the actual term was created through the realm of modern cinema there's a diverse number of characters passing through the decades that fit the criteria yet perhaps the most textbook example could be the protagonist from the 2003 feature Bad Santa a middle-aged man simply known as Willy this is a character that lies cheats steals swears at children drinks an inconceivable amount of alcohol and is generally extremely unpleasant to every single person he comes [Music] on paper this is an extremely unlikable individual yet for some reason we root for him while following his story which begs the question why anti-heroes are flawed as are we their moral complexity mirrors our own and just like us they are learning and growing as they move along the path of life their mistakes make us think of our mistakes and perhaps the reason we root for their Redemption is the reflection of ourselves rooting for our own so you might be curious about the contrast between the anti hero and the villain one we embrace and relate to while the other we despise and detach from both are driven by selfish motivations yet our emotional response differs between them the reason for this while not necessarily obvious is a relatively simple formula the antihero must have a glimmer of humanity alongside a noticeable vulnerability this is what allows the viewer to truly connect with a character it allows us to forgive them when they are unethical but admire them when they are noble it allows them to be angry cowardly and greedy but also cheerful brave and empathetic the [ __ ] is Thurman is that use your name Thurmond yeah yeah Jesus unlike the clean-cut one-dimensional hero of mainstream culture an antihero is not only more realistic but far more likely to resonate with a viewer may resemble ourselves and remind us not only of the ambiguous morality of existence but also the possibility of redemptive change with relation to Jeff while many of us can't relate to the feeling of being addicted to heroin for well over a decade we can certainly understand the feeling of sadness while we may not be able to put ourselves directly in the shoes of an addict we can somewhat relate to the adversity that comes with it not to mention the incredible magnitude of the situation he is going through in this video how he responds to this very moment is quite literally the precursor to his entire future he is at crossroad moment in life where on one side is the possibility of hope and on the other side is the outright guarantee of despair the long-term path he goes down will be the consequences of the short-term choices he makes all of which have to be judged and decided on while going through the early stages of heroin withdrawal sometimes the manner in which words are spoken can convey far more than the actual words themselves the admixture of pain regret and acceptance in his voice is not only palpable but harrowing it brings us back to the essential components of the anti-hero he has the singular desire to accomplish his goal to which the end justifies all means yet this desire stems from the scars of vulnerability and there are a few vulnerabilities more crippling than the relentless burden of addiction what are you trying to talk to me about here talk to you about what happened last night look here's the deal either you're in a bad bad set of circumstances or you ain't committed an armed robbery last night yeah I'm in a shitty wrong place wrong time obviously I didn't commit no [ __ ] wrong all right then let's talk about this I think it's in your best interest to well I know you're totally okay I've been through the system yeah my friend I'm not you're here trying to [ __ ] get me and you're not training are you trying to get it something [ __ ] stupid ass [ __ ] confession you're not gonna get one Jeff I'm not gonna get it as a fashion out of you for nothing exactly because I don't even time to be too confessionary okay I'm gonna tell you I didn't commit no armed robbery and you only got no [ __ ] everything saying I did let me go all you did is find me sitting in my buddy's house because my [ __ ] buddies dogs you want ape [ __ ] I go outside there are cops everywhere and they spotlight me they say come here I said what's up they search me ain't fine but what's let me read this no yep and I'm not gonna sign you don't have to sign it let me read it for you okay that's not enough you don't have to sign it let me read it yo you ready I know we did but I'm gonna read it to you again thank you well before we ask any questions you must understand what your rights are and here we have our glimmer of humanity it may seem like a non-essential moment yet sometimes the smaller things can reveal the most Jeff extends his gratitude and recognition of a small favor the detective has done for him there is no return benefit for Jeff giving thanks to his adversary meaning there is an element of selflessness and grace in the act there may be considerable emphasis on the glimmer of humanity here but all we need is a glimmer to know that it's at least in there yeah they're at remain silent if you cannot afford a lawyer in one the law you will be provided for you if you decide to answer questions now without a lawyer present you don't still have the right time answering questions at any time you also have the right to stop answering at any time until you talk to a lawyer do you understand the rights I've explained to you huh yeah okay tell me what happened last night playing it simple your your side of the story alright this is what I don't understand I know this is what I don't understand Jeff you were sitting there talking just like you're ready to sit here and tell me what happened last night then all of a sudden I read that team screwed I talk to you a little lawyer I don't understand that what what's the thing because I because I told you what I already told you you didn't I did not you didn't tell me what happened last night I did like this tell you what but now you've handcuffed me and I can't talk to you because you've asked for an assignment so okay that's fine but I will tell you right now you're still on hold for a robbery I know I don't know why I need a [ __ ] lawyer because uh obviously I didn't do nothing and obviously you guys know I didn't do nothing because I've been arrested for the same [ __ ] before and you guys don't interview me this much so wham bam thank you for the coat put me back in a Cell all right don't we do this twice I got do it again every time okay for asking you questions Harry your eyes uterus a bit okay do it inside there it's a careful I'm not okay you have something there you understand your rights all right that's all I need is verbal yes yeah what is coming here or is that just a fairy tale it's gone but you get there right now we have about two minutes just watching the suit sheets good I have enough evidence of the old robbery okay but you know if you're saying you didn't do it you need to give me your side of story I didn't do okay we'll give me your side of the story you gotta convince me because I got a lot of evidence I got a lot of physical evidence like why why should I tell you that there's only a couple pieces evidence I'm missing what's it you help me you give me a little bit I give you a little bit I give you what Muffy said that's not give me a little something the detective downplayed the magnitude of the question to a considerable degree he stated that it was a little something when in reality establishing a timeline alongside a destination can be a crucial and sometimes decisive piece of evidence if the suspect locks himself into a specific place at a specific time it can be used to refute a multitude of amendments he might come up with at a later stage a single piece of admission such as this essentially has a butterfly effect on the suspects leverage in a case and although seemingly insignificant this was a crucial moment during the interrogation the suspect at this point in time has given nothing away and this was the detectives attempt at turning the table know anything I say here can and will be used against me sure anything you say here I can also tell you here your parole officer you helped me out but there's no way I didn't do it there's no way how drunk were we drunk no I was pretty sober so you're in your outline you remember everything about the night right yeah so you can done something not remember you couldn't go and rob the place and not remember [ __ ] okay so you would remember if you rob the place you asked me to bring you up here I'll I mean I was done talking to you if you want I mean while we just talk about the gun let's start there okay I don't [ __ ] have a gun or own a gun okay I don't think you do okay I didn't know where that gun came from I don't have what the [ __ ] are you talking about again you were signaled I was sitting on body language analysis can never be given full credibility yet this would be the most telling moment if one were to use it the subject of the gun used in the armed robbery has been brought up in the discussion and when inquired over the gun he was sitting on the suspect brings forward his posture maintains eye contact and responds to the question in a forceful manner it displays both confidence and conviction in the declamation one could assume the suspect genuinely has no idea what the detective was referring to in this moment however in the next moment the detective will clarify with the words the gun over at Aaron's house at which point the suspect will reset his posture break eye contact and lower the tonality and emphasis in his dialogue what the [ __ ] are you talking about over here himself I don't know I could Aaron says wasn't his compared to the gun he was sitting on it would appear the suspect knows exactly what the gun over at Aaron's house was referring to yet whether it be for the purpose of not incriminating himself or for the purpose of not incriminating his friend the suspect does the smartest thing and refuses to continue the conversation I said I got a lot more I can tell you about the hole but you gotta help me out too I'm willing to go the prosecutor I'm really good at parole officer and say this guy's a good guy he old man I know you don't wanna bet jail it looks like I am and you're gonna charge me with some bogus [ __ ] you guys don't I mean what what do you got really that I was at a buddies house and I happen to come outside because you guys were [ __ ] sworn there in and what's doing about it I came out of the front door you know what I'm not saying I'm done but I'm [ __ ] yes the only reason I came up here to get a [ __ ] coke yeah I got things done better fingering compelling him promise you didn't I said we'd see what happens Jeff was released from custody just under 12 hours later and that takes us to the final and perhaps the most important component of an antihero the conclusion which unfortunately in this particular case is unknown the final outcome of this story will vary depending on the source some with a happy ending others a cautionary tale one legend has it that Jeff got clean soon after his release and now works in the corporate marketing team for coca-cola while another states that he was picked up the day after for the same charge and is now facing down a 15 year sentence in Georgia state prison if we go by the Hollywood formula an anti heroes actions throughout the course of their life are so drastic and single-minded that they only ever lead to salvation or destruction and their final decision is always dictated by what they have learned and how they have changed throughout the course of the story the paradox here is that we don't even need the theme of imprisonment to mold the outcome of this particular story as the theme of addiction is more than enough whether he goes to prison or not Jeff will either manage to get clean and rebuild his life or he won't he is headed for salvation or destruction no matter what and that single concept can perhaps define Jeff as an antihero his outcome is a mystery but either way it goes it most certainly conforms to the anti-heroes ending yeah you're bringing my president really well wishing one hand [ __ ] the other one see which one fills up first
Channel: JCS - Criminal Psychology
Views: 5,780,661
Rating: 4.8828363 out of 5
Keywords: police, interrogation, body language, psychology, criminology
Id: 9x2NaGkl6BI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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