What Odd Things Have Happened During A Test?

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what is the weirdest thing that has happened during an exam you have taken in high school my friend discovered that he was particularly agile at running toward a wall and kicking off of it into a backflip he would do this all day every day before school at lunch etc one day we were inside a classroom and the teacher had stepped out for a moment of course he took this opportunity to try his little trick he didn't however take into account the fact that drywall might not support his weight as well as the brick and concrete walls he'd tried before his leg ended up busting straight through the wall to the other side into a classroom full of students taking an exam so i wasn't actually in the class taking the exam but to this day i still imagine how strange and hilarious it would be to be sitting in that class then suddenly see a leg burst through the wall makes me smile just thinking about it [Music] during a summer course i was taking i spent the entire previous day studying then worked eight hours overnight followed up by playing in a golf tournament in the morning it got to the mid-afternoon exam started writing it and passed out from heat stroke halfway through my prof was skeptical of it but realized that i had over 90 percent on what i had completed so he trusted the note from the er doctor when i supplied it my friend's brother told me this one friend's brother was taking and sat or some other standardized test when he looked over and saw a kid on his hands and knees trying to pick some tiny things off of the carpet when the proctor asked what he was doing the kid responded i bumped my test and the bubbles fell off the paper the kid was tripping balls and thought his answer bubbles fell off his test and onto the ground is he from long island because i totally witnessed this myself probably a common trip while taking the sat though if you're into that kind of thing i was taking a german test in high school when it started to rain all of a sudden the kid next to the window screams oh frick which startled the heck out of everyone he continues by saying i left my window open at home he then proceeds to climb out of the window he is next to and sprint across the yard toward to nearby neighborhood a cow blundered into the window and broke it there was an actual mooing cow with its head in the exam room for a few moments it left we carried on caught the idiot next to me taking a peek at my answers on the set just let it happen because he was too stupid to realize we had completely different sections poor guy didn't want to hand in an empty paper in high school i was taking a final exam for a home economics class felt sick to my stomach while filling in my name on the scantron by the time i got to the 10th question i knew i was going to spew we were told we were not allowed to get up to go to the bathroom during the exam for any reason so i wasn't sure what to do to give you context i was sitting against the wall on these long conjoined desks that each have a drawer and cabinets below for sewing machines i put my head down to hopefully get the attention of the teacher after about three minutes i just couldn't take it i quietly opened my desk drawer and spewed into it the strange thing is it made a very loud splat sound and of course i sounded like an old man with a hernia while spewing but nobody heard me throw up except for the blonde sitting next to me who in turn got sick and immediately ran to the bathroom to throw up after the exam ended i handed in my scantron and told the teacher that i threw up in her desk drawer she was less than thrilled got a b-plus i heard from a buddy that she changed her bathroom rules after my incident at least you took it like a champ teacher climbed through the window to give us the answer to a question that wasn't on his review there were two sections taught by two different teachers and mine wasn't the most prepared most comical yes we were on the first floor and i had a teacher that made kids who acted up to fenestrate themselves and jump out the window and walk around the school to come back this was my european history teacher and it was to remind us of the defenestration of prague i took a computer architecture class where the final was so difficult no one wrote the thing down for the first 15 minutes the teacher who was head of the cs department noticed we were doomed and started teaching how to solve each question i had over time developed two sebaceous cysts on my back a neighbor of mine a nursing student at the time offered to drain them for me she sterilized the needle and was successful in draining the first it was unable to penetrate the second it seems the lining of that cyst was too thick fast forward to about a month later the first cyst is still empty and doing great the second however had turned into an abscess about the size of a golf ball i was taking a calculus 2 midterm sitting near the front of the class and i thought i was sweating because i felt hot and because you know calc 2 exam turns out the abscess had developed a leak and turned the back of my white shirt to a gross red color i didn't notice until after the class nor did anyone even notify me of the problem still aced the test though my school has senior crawl at the end of every semester it's an hours and hours long bar crawl down the main street bordering one side of our university there are about 15 bars on it and you crawl from north to south with the goal of hitting every bar with the obvious effect of becoming very drunk by the time you reach south campus it's kind of a big deal since it's the last hurrah of the graduating class and the last time you will be with many other people in your class it is an event not to be missed so imagine my dismay when i realize that i have a final exam for a class i absolutely need to pass in order to graduate at 8pm the night of senior crawl there were a lot of seniors in the class and we begged cool professor to change the time or date he tried but some people had conflicts so it stayed the weeks leading up the crawl all of us seniors were trying to figure out what to do we can't fail this class but it's senior crawl you're supposed to be drunk starting at like 1pm wtf are we going to do it's crawl day and we all went out in the early afternoon and started the party seniors wear white shirts and carry permanent markers so you can write messages read dongs on friends shirts sort of like a walking yearbook my friends decided to paint my face too because it seemed like a good idea at the time 7 30 rolled around so we started heading to the exam the room reeked off cheap liquor and bud light eighty percent of the class was wearing white t-shirts with obscene drawings and swear words scribbled all over them students were visibly swaying in their seats so drunk they can barely sit upright cool professor strolled in and you could see the stench of alcohol hit him as he recoiled and scrunched his face as he was passing out the exams he asked my favorite question i've ever heard from a professor so who here is the drunkest half the class proudly raised their hands like he had just asked if we wanted extra credit i can only imagine how we look to him drunk stumbling covered in swears and dongs ready to take his test it's 25 questions multiple choice if you came to class ever you should pass don't frick it up drunkasses that is the weirdest and best pet talk i have ever gotten in an exam we have a lot of sudanese refugees in my area and a lot of them attended my uni and exhibited what i've heard referred to as first generation vigor they are kids that have come out with their family to australia and make a really good go of it i was in the middle of a three-hour essay exam and i heard a noise from the section next to me a very tall sudanese man stands up and begins dancing up the aisle singing at the top of his voice i finished my last exam my last exam forever popping his arms in the air it was awesome he was just so freaking happy you could hear him keep singing as he walked out the hall and down the corridor everyone stopped writing to watch him and a couple of people even clapped normally i get really pissy when people interrupt exams but this was just awesome that's really cool i couldn't begrudge a first generation college girl his accomplishment that could be the most important thing to happen to his family in generations i want to see this happen now one of my colleges in college was a volunteer fireman his fireman beeper went off during an exam and he jumped on his desk crashed on the wall and ran out of the class the teacher said something like did he find the exam too hard his lab partner just replied he is a fireman he'll retake the exam when he's back just got told this one by a tay i'm friends with she gets to the 8am class to procter an exam there are two versions version 1 and version 2. the questions are scrambled on each to prevent cheating off your neighbor about 10 minutes into the exam she realizes version 1 has all the correct answers multiple choice in bold version 2 is just a normal exam she said only one student bothered to tell her this the others acted like they were trying hard to think about and solve the problems she told all the version 1 students that some answers were just randomly bold but didn't alert the version two students that anything was amiss she tried emailing and calling the professor who teaches the class but couldn't reach her until after the fact this happened yesterday morning can you imagine how bimodal that distribution is going to be i think in that situation they have to make all the version 1 students retake the exam most of those students are getting 100s my first year exams at law school occurred during a huge flood however the school did not cancel classes i mentioned this was law school because the first set of exams are extremely important they sort of determine your first summer job which is the first step in your career plus no one has taken a law exam so everyone is under a lot of stress anyway because of the flood people were a mess loads of people had to move into a hotel because their apartments were flooded however one guy comes bursting into the room soaked and out of breath about five minutes before the exam starts he hurriedly takes a seat and begins preparing for the exam afterwards we all asked what happened apparently this guy lived out in the boonies and a small bridge he had to cross to get into town was flooded over he had to park his car carry his laptop and books over his head and wade through the creek then he called a cab and got a ride to school absolutely nuts second worst story during my bar exam a person in the next room overthrew up and went back to their seat and resumed the test during a high school english exam young adult female teacher drops papers student checks out her butt and proceeds to slap it he disappeared off the earth till some women have portals to other universes on their backs cheeks that activate when slapped calculus that was weed out for engineers and cs students testing was scheduled in the evening and the teacher had to check ides before handing out the exam etc exam starts at six don't be late so one of my study partners who mostly knew the stuff but had to retake it thinks it starts at 7 and gets there at 6 30. he tried to be early but he is very late the teacher tells him to answer everything he can in the time he has he sits in the row in front of me and starts right then his stomach starts rumbling it's loud i'm trying to concentrate but his gut is distracting he tries to leave but the teacher tells him she will have to accept his exam she's sympathetic but there are rules she has to follow he sits back down and that's when he crap himself it was a few minutes early and he has hardly anything written down he is farting and shifting and lets out a moan then the back of his pants starts fountaining diarrhea the room cleared out and the teacher and everyone left the room i don't think anyone double checked their math because the smell was so bad in the small room the classroom was scheduled for another round of tests at seven the guy never showed up for class again or poor guy how come you didn't look around the room for him before the test begin and text him i do that for my classmates if we both study together i got a nosebleed once right at the start of an exam i had to frantically ask around for a tissue while trying to stop the bleeding with my hands when i finally got a tissue it was time for the exam to begin so i didn't have time to wash the blood off of my hands i had to take the exam with bloody hands and i had to make sure not to get any on my answer sheet next time fill out all your answers in blood the girl next to me threw up on herself during a chem exam she kept taking the exam i could smell her the whole time i had a similar thing happen in second grade we were taking some kind of standardized stay test and this kid just puked so freaking much right on the floor no one could leave puke smells terrible while taking a final exam in college i found myself in the worst sneezing fit ever at least 20 back to back never happened before never happened again i had a girl in my class once that started sneezing and just didn't stop at about 45 sneezes into it the teacher finally asks her to go out where i then watch through the windows and continue by counting every time her head shoots forward 65 sneezes then she just went to the nurse so there could have been even more it was impressive not me but apparently during end of year exams my friend says that a suspicious looking guy walked into the school with a gun everyone had to get under their desks while the police were called to handle the situation everyone just copied each other's answers under the desks and the teachers didn't even realize who cares if there's a guy with a gun in the school we need to pass this test one girl had a pee in an exam everyone heard running water and she had filled her plastic chair and was overflowing onto the floor in front of an exam hall of a couple of hundred of her peers i can't think of many times i have felt worse more embarrassed for a person poor girl thank god it was the end of school one guy in the room just sat there not writing for a solid hour he then picked up his exam and started tearing it into strips slowly when it was all torn up he took his soda can ripped it in half and started mutilating his wrists and crying he spent some time in the hospital after that i did not see that ending coming during an eye exam the eye doctor started complimenting my eyes he said you have a good set of eyes you have very strong eyes your eyes are powerful finally he's sitting there and saying your eyes are incredibly resilient i have never seen eyes as durable as yours it was weird because he was incredibly happy during the eye exam he wasn't i'm hitting on you happy he was a twisted kind of happy smirking throughout the exam he made me feel like a superhero of sorts but maybe i was his next victim i know he is an eye doctor but he seriously wouldn't stop saying how strong my eyes were it was odd after that one occasion i never had him again because he left that specific practice nor has any other eye doctor ever said anything remotely similar look with your special eyes this girl and i in the same class both pulled 100 on the test our answers exactly alike only problem was we sat on opposite ends of the classroom our parents are called they tell us that we need to take the tests over our parents agreed we both take the tests modified questions this round and we are in different classrooms they scored our tests and we both aced it with 100 again our parents were proud of us and the teachers apologized when i took the sat years ago it was in a high school auditorium with the little tiny swing out desks for each chair the desks were tiny and there were very few left-handed desks since i'm a lefty and there were no more left-handed desks available me and two other people were sent to take our exams in the tiches lounge high backed padded swivel chair full table to spread on on quiet and private in the auditorium where all the plebeians had to take their exams a sewage line burst in the ceiling in the middle of the so i was sitting next to friend a and friend b was sitting behind him during the test the following happens in this order one friend a turns around and cheats off of friend b nothing out of the ordinary turns back around two friend a turns around and cheats off of friend b big can't read the test upside down so he physically turns b's test around turns back around three friend a turns around realizes that friend b is on a different page as he is flips b's test until he's on the right page gets answers turns back around four friend a turns around flat out takes b's test puts it back on a's desk so now he has two tests friend b is very confused five i get in trouble from the teacher for laughing at this in seventh grade i was taking a test and some redneck asked me a question i kept staring at my test sitch and continued working teacher came up and ripped my test apart saying i failed this and cannot make it up in any way leaves the redneck and his test alone and walks away frick you mr sullivan what you didn't realize was that she was one of the answers on the test people were turning their exams in and leaving when a person walked into the room it was a guy in the class that forgot what time we had class and was upset because according to him the professor didn't tell anyone we had an exam today he started yelling at the professor to let him take the test as an extra bonus that semester i was working as a receptionist for the department's office his mom called multiple times yelling at me because she wanted her son to be able to retake the exam the word around the office was that she went up as far as the department head before giving up he wound up dropping back in high school there was this girl who i really liked she was a good student but i was a better one we were in a class together that she was struggling with so i told her i would type a bunch of answers into my ti 83 and pass it back to her literally as soon as i passed it back the teacher came along and took it off of her desk he had no idea how to work the thing so he gave it to the head of our math department i happen to be really close with the header of the math department so i went to talk to him at lunch and he told me that he couldn't find anything on it which is what he had told the other teacher but when i got the calculator back my answers had been cleared not that weird more baffling i sat an entrance exam for the irish department of foreign affairs there were literally hundreds of hypothetical scenarios laid out and you had to take a box to indicate how you would react in each situation one scenario was and i paraphrase the irish foreign minister and the french foreign minister are engaged in a long negotiation in the french foreign ministry in paris the negotiations have been going on for several hours and eventually the embassy staff arrive with dinner for the two minister unfortunately it's a meat stew despite the fact you indicated to diplomatic staff that the minister is a vegetarian do you allow the dinner to be served as prepared b manually remove the chunks of meat from the irish minister stew or c dial out for a meal from a nearby vegetarian restaurant i just sat staring at this question for about 15 minutes wondering which was the least stupid answer and also since when do the frenchies do i can't remember what i put in the end and i didn't get the job about five years later i was talking to someone who had sat the same exam although we didn't know each other at the time we were remarking on what a coincidence that was when he said you know there was one question on that exam i have never been able to get out of my head you're in paris get take out the vegetarian would be pee if you took the chunks of meat out if the stew it's still a meets you during my math model's final senior spring of college two kids left the room as soon as the professor handed out the exams and left our school had an honor code so professors didn't ever proctor exams they returned two minutes later with a couple assorted cases of beer and handed them out to everyone in the class i was sufficiently drunk halfway through the test once while taking a final exam in ancient greek my head started to itch so i scratched at it while contemplating a translation suddenly something i was scratching at separated from my scalp i thought whoa that's weird i must have some crazy dandruff right there so i pulled the object away combed it out of my hair with my fingers and looked at it it was a living tick swollen from my blood still living and squirming in my fingers i silently flipped my crap trying not to draw attention to myself i flung it away from me and then i lost sight of it on the brown carpet my heart is racing and i'm so grossed out i can hardly stand it but i have to keep translating the odyssey so awful worst part was i had spent two hours out of doors in the woods a week before so the tick had been feasting on my blood for a whole week other worst part i found another tick in my hair a few hours later that's when i started jibbering and ran for the bathroom to freak out called a friend to help me look through my hair for more parasites good times oh god d people on reddit flip their crap all the time about spiders spiders are usually nice it's the dang ticks that you've got to worry about and don't get me freaking started about human butterflies in my introductory computer science class i had the worst professor ever the only book was a 100-page booklet she had written and it didn't have any code in it there was a total disconnect between the material we talked about in class and what we were tested on i've had classes where the test is 95 out of the book and readings but her questions were neither in the book or lectures and no guidance was given as to where to learn these things she treated us like idiots if we asked obvious questions about what the heck we were supposed to be learning in the beginning there were 50 people i get to the final exam and there are five i look at the test and see questions about things that i've never seen before i think she meant for us freshmen to just figure out the fundamentals of computer science after making a few simple java programs five people two left within a couple minutes i spent about seven just grasping for any ideas and then i just turned it in and left i changed my major to information systems and now work in a field i was made for i found out later that she lost her tenure for passing not a single student for a semester or two i've heard of weed out classes but not for the first course in the major back in elementary school some kid threw up on the guy in front of him setting off a chain reaction that took over half of the class out of commission and people kept chanting lard but lard but lard but lard but i took a high school calculus exam once and it was a little harder than the example tests we have done previously for practice about a dozen people were crying at the end this was at the end of senior year [Music] during a college calculus final the guy next me to me opened up the first question it was taken on computers yelled son of a b and slammed his head into the keyboard but he picked up his things and walked out without answering a single question i've never heard of a calculus exam being taken on computers halfway through my bio final the doors burst open and there stands a guy in pajama bottoms and clutching a pencil in his outstretched hand nothing else he was breathing hard his hair was a mess and he was barefoot he grabbed the packet and sat down to start taking the final he almost slept through two years ago we were taking an exam in the university gym about 15 minutes into the exam as the profs started checking student ids someone's phone started ringing loudly at this point everyone was looking around to find out who it was all of a sudden this guy stands up wearing a shirt and tie with glasses on he answers the call and says the president needs me i'm on the way he hangs up the phone throws his glasses away holds off his tire rips his shirt off has snap up gym pants and rips them off and there is a superman outfit underneath it all he then storms out of the gym as the hundreds of students there are dying of laughter great day great day my final exam for english in high school our entire class just didn't give a dang and luckily neither did our teacher about halfway through the exam someone just read out a question that they didn't know and simone else gave the right answer from across the room teacher just looked up rolled her eyes and went back to grading papers so we proceeded to do this several more times until everyone was satisfied dang it simone not me but a friend told me a story about someone who had a full-blown anxiety attack during the lsat apparently the guy who she was sitting beside freaked out on the second or third section and proceeded to start tearing his exam into pieces while laughing monarchically the proctors had to physically remove him from the room my friend told me this story days before i was going to write the test but no stress right guy came in the last five minutes of a big accounting test he was all sweaty and panting like he had ran there teach made him turn it and once time was up he looked pretty disappointed he was at least 55 and had an unkempt beard and glasses he was also late for normal class usually what a guy the woman next to me ahem pleasured herself in the middle of the exam midway through i noticed she was moving a lot i looked out of the corner of my eye and saw she had her hand down her pants and was moving it rather vigorously her other hand was still writing i just looked away and tried to ignore it about five to ten minutes later she started breathing very heavily i looked and noticed her arm was moving much faster than before i looked up towards the front of the class thousand-yard stare i made eye contact with the poor grad student supervising the test and jerked my head towards the woman his face flushed red and eyes went wide we just kind of stared at each other for a few seconds before i broke eye contact to try and resume my test her master bashing session continued a bit longer during which time the people in front of us and i assume everyone else immediately around us noticed but did nothing what the frick are you supposed to do then her breathing and everything else just stopped for a few seconds at which point i openly stared at her she then sighed pulled her hand out of her pants got up and set her test on the pile in the front of the room end of year exams for year 12 i had no real ambition or drive so i did the test to the best of my minimal abilities and waited till an hour was up and walked out this one test english if i remember correctly had multiple choice and two essays which we were told to practice for i did ish anyhow come hour and a bit i've written five pages per essay and figured anything more would be just nonsense and garage so i concluded and raised my hand to leave as i proceeded to walk out i saw a girl who was a good friend but insanely strict with her studies and marks so naturally she was pumping pages out like nobody's business it was at the moment i walked past her desk she looked up i went and smiled and the girl had a heart attack or over assessed the situation because at moment she scribbled some words quickly and just as i hit the door i hear a loud thump she fainted worst part they dragged her out it looked and felt like i do the exam there will be casualties style thing because no one turned or cared as she was being dragged out tl dr relax kids it ain't the end of the world it's merely the beginning are you attractive freshman year college it's the beginning of my gin chem final and a guy stands up rips his test paper in half and yells i can't take this anymore he then storms out the lecture hall second guy stands up and says no come back runs after him no one not the tas or professor chase after them they never came back as soon as i saw who they were i knew it was a prank i knew both of the guys who ran out and neither of them were even registered for the class it was hilarious and sure did freak a lot of people out at the time my favorite was one time at university we had a big midterm worth 30 percent of our grade a student walked in with nothing i had never seen him before in the class either so i was very confused what he was doing at a vector calculus midterm after the tests were handed out he didn't even rush to get started on the test but instead took a nap for the first hour of the test worried about my own test i ignored him for the next hour but after that first hour he wakes up asks to borrow a pencil from thr teacher bangs out the test in 30 minutes and walked out not sure what grade he got though because this was yesterday if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 28,668
Rating: 4.9036756 out of 5
Keywords: weird, weirdest, exam, school, school stories, teachers, students, weirdest exam, weirdest things, weirdest things ever, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: lKhSGnkxrPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 12sec (1872 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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