What Movie Was So Bad That You Left The Theater? (r/AskReddit)

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what movie did you walk out off Titanic left to go use the restroom and went back and only to find I could not remember where I said the place was full so I left spoiler it sank Jurassic Park when the Dino spit in Newman's face I lost it as a six year old infatuated with Dinosaurs and all things prehistoric I was not prepared for how vicious they would be in a realistic situation I love this this is an example of a truly enduring immortal character you didn't refer to him as Dennis Nedry the character's name Norah's Wayne Knight the actor's name is Newman I've never walked out a movie but one of the most hysterical moments I've ever seen in a theatre was the first ten minutes of the South Park movie apparently a lot of kids convinced their parents who had no knowledge of the movie to take them q Terrance and Phillips uncle sucker song theater was full at the opening credits half full before the end of ankles sucker kamar apparently a lot of kids convinced their parents who had no knowledge of the movie to take them my sister's best friend his brother and I did this to my mom she was livid afterward and mortified when one of her friends saw her I walked out off Napoleon Dynamite to go to the bathroom and an over officious employee wouldn't let me back in also I missed the final 20 minutes of Casino Royale when the fire alarm and the cinema went off and we all got evacuated a movie theater employee stopping you from Ray entering Napoleon Dynamite's is the best description of a permanent virgin loser I've ever heard of Percy Jackson and the Olympians the lightning thief after really enjoying the whole Percy Jackson book series I was really disappointed on how the movie was pretty much nothing like the book it didn't even have the same plot if it makes you feel better Rick Riordan desperately tried to get them to change the script and called it trash they ignored him even he hates it Paranormal Activity one I saw a black guy get up after the first jump-scare and just say well that's it for me you'll enjoy the movie a man when I saw Paranormal Activity III I think it was during that scene where you think the kid is behind the batter sit under the sheet and then it falls empty to the ground some black lady loudly said or shipped now she got a fold that the delivery and her accent had half the fear - laughing Fant four stick was a damn travesty of a movie pretending to be a Fantastic Four movie I get they were going for a body horror vibe and were going off the ultimate version of the FF but you still have to make the characters likeable first I went to see Sicario a few days after it came out 7:00 p.m. on a Tuesday shortly after the movie starts they are doing a raid on a house that's allegedly owned by the cartels a mother walks into the theater with her son who looks as if he's maybe five years old and her newborn she sits down near the entrance bottom-left almost immediately the scene where they accidentally shoot a wall and discover that the drywall is hiding rows of corpses in plastic bags starts the newborn starts crying because it's a loud scene gunshots the boy looks terrified three minutes later the newborn is still screaming at the top of its lungs I finally decide to go say something to the lady since none of the six other people in the theater are doing anything about it I woke up crouched next to the end of the aisle and say hey would you mind taking your kid out of the theater at least until it stops crying she looks at me with daggers in her eyes and says freak off mind your own business but the boy turns to look at me and he's clearly scared this isn't a kid's movie by a long shot I walked back up to my seat grab my jacket and leave the theater to find the team meeting of the theater employees they're talking about customer satisfaction I do the upward nod of acknowledgement to the guy who's dressed differently because he seems to be in charge and he meets me at the counter where I tell him what just happened and ask for my money back because I know they won't rewind the movie two weeks later I went back and saw it without kids in the room it was a great movie they're gone god I love the books but the movie sucks but biggest disappointment and worst book to movie after Earth it wasn't even remotely good at all and it also wasn't as so bad it's good movie Jaden Smith was just awful and a lot of the movie was incredibly boring also Jaden Smith weird accent in the movie changed halfway through it was so incredibly distracting and it made me realize that I would much rather just be doing anything else I'm mad about this one too because it has an interesting premise I'd love to see the good version of humans who crash-landed on earth in a distant future after we've been forced to abandon the planet fight II went to see it with a friend on the premiere near the end suddenly the audio got cut off then the lights got turned on and after a while the movie stopped playing to to claim about 15 minutes to even send anyone in to tell us they didn't know what the problem was let alone how to fix it I T they didn't know what the problem was let alone how to fix it I think this classifies as irony only did it once even during bad movies I stay because I paid a lot of money for ticket and popcorn drink so for me to walk out in a movie would take a lot I did before Avatar The Last Airbender it was already starting off as a crap movie but I was still going to continue to stay for reasons above however I left after maybe 20 minutes when Katara said avatar on a rng did no one frickin watch the cartoon anime to know I tease Aang I felt incredibly insulted and just left foremost Wicca man but then it was so bad I ended up going all in on it's terrible glory not the BES Being John Malkovich but only because I got food poisoning from a muscle posture that I ate earlier in the day I recommend the film I do not recommend the restaurant great review felt like I was there I took a little nephew to cars too I didn't care for it but I never expected to but he was getting restless bored asked if he wanted to finish he said no we got ice cream much more enjoyable you've forgot to bring baked beans that movie where the Train wouldn't start law mail unstoppable none I paid for that movie so I will endure and then shred it to anyone who will listen until I get the perceived entertainment value I paid for I agree I've fallen asleep but I will not walk out I've wanted to walk out of lots but I was always trapped in the theater with two wisecracking Roberts hey Joel Holmes and Watson was frickin abysmal I went to see that with my girlfriend and her parents there was one person in the theatre either drunk or high as Frick laughing her butt off at every single not funny joke in the movie made it so much more uncomfortable wanted to leave pretty bad but that was the first time I had gone to a movie with her parents and didn't want to be the guy who suggested we leave it was 2012 my heavily Christian stepmother was raving about the new talking teddy bear movie she was going to take my two-year-old little sister to see that movie was Ted I tried multiple times to tell her that that movie wasn't for children but because I was a child myself my stepmother was adamant to ignore my opinion I wanted to see Ted anyway so Frick it I'll get to see it was how I went about it after being ignored for the fifth or sixth time that week we finally got to the movie theater I watched her buy the tickets and we walked in we sat down just as the movie was starting chaos ensued when John's father let out one beautiful jesus H Frick and my stepmother and her mom both stood up grabbed my little sister and said we need to go I never got to watch Ted that moment was so funny I didn't even mind not seeing the movie their faces were priceless and I didn't even bother with an i-told-you-so because it probably would have gotten me in more trouble I guess you could say we ran out of the theater never walked out of any but I was damn close to doing so during purge election year stared I realized that my friends were sleeping too so I just went back to napping I got to see Avengers end game on the weekend it came out but before we got to the big fight at the end they happened to be a thunderstorm while it was playing the power went out in the theater and I guess they had no backup generator we were told that it was being handled for about twenty minutes until they just told us to leave for is freaking powerful technically all of them except Dark Knight Rises Polar Express I saw it in IMAX when I was really little and the scene way he was trying to catch the train really scared me for some reason the scene with all the broken dilapidated toys stuffed in the dark train car freaked me out Rock of Ages I actually couldn't leave because I was with my then housemate fist day we met actually and he had driven he enjoyed the movie and was lowkey offended I didn't I tried to lie and told him I enjoyed it then he pointed out that not only had I fallen asleep during various points of the movie I also went to the bathroom aka loitered in the lobby about five times that movie felt eternal I like classic rock and I like musicals so I am still amazed at how bad that movie was I was Saru excited to watch it because i'm a huge peter pan found i left the theater in the middle of their first nirvana song and i was extremely disappointed and mad at how awful of a movie it was blair witch so was getting motion sickness keep her away from Cloverfield then Zoolander 2 stupidest thing ever one big wheel of celebrity grad but last thing I remember is Katy Perry singing in some acid trip sort of dream scene and said Frick this after reading the reviews it seems I made the right choice same except it was when they started going on about some weird but orgy and my mom was with me the movie wasn't good enough for me to stay for those uncomfortable scenes I dropped a hit of acid and went to see Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas I made it to the bar scene where everyone was a fish they were all lizards not fish I had a panic attack in the first 20 minutes of World War Z because my dumb self thought seeing a zombie movie would cure me of my zombie fare well it didn't and I ended up being ushered into Despicable Me 2 to wait until the rest of my family finished their zombie film you know exposing yourself to the thing that scares you is actually not necessarily a bad idea but that movie was probably a bit too much for your first try a gradual exposure could be good for you I made a date cry and leave hateful 8 if that counts I really needed to pee before the final act of avengers endgame so I ran out and tripped on the stairs on my way out maybe doesn't quite count but I went to go see a Stuart Little movie I think it was a sequel with my grandma when I was a kid and I think there was a scene where he fell into a garbage truck or something and we had to leave because I was so worried about Stuart that I started crying a wrinkle in time Jesus Christ it sucked whatever transformers had the dinosaur Roberts in it I had never seen a single movie in the series before that so I had no idea what was going on nor could I follow the basically non-existent plot I only went because it was playing at my colleges movie theater where they would show recent movies for free every week my friends and I made it maybe halfway through before we just left it's perfectly acceptable to walk out of s Michael Bay film my friend bailed out of I am Legend when the dog died since it was very similar-looking to her own dog and was even also a girl I joined her out of solidarity I had my first kiss during the scene where Will Smith was quoting Shrek Super Mario Brothers Joe's apartment meet the Spartans I have made some bad choices Super Mario Bross is a fun romp if you go in knowing that it's legitimately one of the worst movies ever made but 10 year old me was very confused the first time I saw it the internship cringy google advert that we actually had to pay to see like the onion said the 2013 comedy was poised to be the best film of 2006 I turned off sausage party after the orgy scene not out of outrage just because the whole film had just been tremendously unfunny and this was the final squirt of the juice box maybe it would work as a 10-minute skit but it was just poor all-round swearing can be hilarious but is not a substitute for humor and the parts that were meant to be funny were like hearing an average joke retold by someone else the orgy scene is pretty much the end scene of the movie I agree with everything you said but I'd like to add that if puns aren't your style of humor you will loathe us movie it's nothing but food puns and being vulgar for the sake of being vulgar I wish I had walked out of Suicide Squad I wasn't in a theater but I didn't finish Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1 I had only watched the others because my best friend at the time really loved them I had grown a bit distant with my friend because she moved schools so I had only watched up to eclipse gonna admit the series isn't as bad as people tend to say but it did get worse over time anyways my dad happened to have most of the series on DVD for reasons I still cannot comprehend including one I hadn't watched so I decided to watch it and didn't make it through because it was just taking way too long to go anywhere I cut it off during the honeymoon because I don't need 10 minutes showing how their daughter was conceived I mean I know the general rule is show don't tell that every rule has exceptions epic movie it was epically terrible Holmes and Watson if I ever happen to meet Will Ferrel I'm going to briskly slap him without explanation turn and quietly walk away you should at least let him know which all his movies it's for he's done at least one good one I swear daddy's home idk why but my gf and I just looked at each other halfway through and said Frick this was the great and powerful left half way simply because one chuckle up until then wasn't enough to keep us entrusted my sister had to lead monsters University cause she's was scared yep you've been spotted by the dog Olaf studying like this video for good grades for the next two years like and subscribe you magnificent person [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 86,917
Rating: 4.9150114 out of 5
Keywords: movies, walk out, walk out of movie, worst movies, bad movies, worst movie, bad movie, had to leave the theater, leave from movie, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, reddit on tap
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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