Online Dating Cringe Stories

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how has online dating worked for you posted a comment on a metal band's official page and got a request from this chick started talking to her cuz i wanted to bone but ended up with a house and a kid with her ten years strong straight out of my space my friend was weighing the pros and cons of dating this girl he described a girl who i thought sounded really great and advised him to see her he didn't and i never met her she had a unique name and years later i see that name on tinder i think it couldn't be a coincidence so i message her the story of my friend and how i thought he blew it we've been dating for seven months i told my friend and he got a good laugh in classic reddit form please return in seven years and let us know that you are now married and expecting your first child i've seen how this plays out and let me be the first to say congrats girl i met online i dated for a few months turns out she was temporarily separated from her husband she started seeing another guy without anyone else knowing i find out she was cheating on me and still married when the wife or girlfriend of the guy she was messing around with spray painted her car when she was caught at his house one night the police called me to figure out where i was that night and told me she was married but not to the guy she had been spending the night with this was the same day my mother died craziest one in this red good luck down the line back in 2016 i created anon twitter account as a place to blow off steam and rant about things i didn't want my current future employers seeing i wasn't looking to make friends and definitely wasn't looking for romance but one day another anandi made me one of my tweets with a message like omg yes i totally agree with this we started talking about random topics and hit it off immediately over the next few weeks we talked on the phone a lot facetimed every night and before either of us realized what was happening we were falling in love people will argue whether you can fall in love with someone you've never met but i can tell you that it's absolutely possible one minor problem i lived in south georgia at the time and she lived over 1 000 miles away in chicago another minor problem both of our parents were absolutely opposed to us dating and did everything they could to keep us apart she was a freshman in college and i was a sophomore at the time and both of us were still living at home so that became a challenge if you thought a long-distance relationship was hard try having a long-distance relationship in secret her parents wouldn't let me visit her and every time we'd try to plan a trip to meet up things would fall through after about seven months of waiting i did the craziest thing i've ever done i got on a plane and flew to chicago without telling anyone where i was going or telling her that i was coming i called her from the o'hare airport and nearly gave her a heart attack her parents somehow agreed to let her come see me after loading her purse with mason pepper spray and we spent an incredible few days laughing together and falling more in love than we thought possible amazed that i would go to that much effort to date their daughter her parents eventually relented and gave us their blessing we continue to date long distance and in september 2018 i dropped to one knee on the chicago waterfront and asked her to marry me she said yes and made me the luckiest man alive fast forward to may 2019 i packed up my life and drove 14 hours straight with my golden retriever to start a new life in chicago with the girl i love adjusting to chicago has been a challenge for this die-hard southerner but it's worth it and i'd do it all again in a heartbeat when the stars align and fate brings an incredible woman into your life you don't give up on her just because she lives 1000 miles away if you made it this far thanks for putting up with my rambling hopefully this inspires you not to give up on love tl dr sometimes sliding in the dms works oh and love always finds a way i would walk 500 miles and i would walk 500 more rarely match when i do get a couple messages back and forth of pleasantry isn't getting to know then ghosted every time never gotten a date with anyone from online met a girl on plenty of fish we went out that it didn't really work out we are still friends and talk frequently three plus years later aww that's really nice it's amazing to know that even if it doesn't romantically work out you can still have a friend i met my wife in a less traditional online setting we met on xbox live six years ago a friend of mine met her husband married for seven years on world of warcraft messaged by a girl on bumble who was wearing a pro wrestling and a mass effect shirt in two different pics and responded immediately been dating for over a year now i met a boy online 14 years ago when i was 17. he was in alaska i was in australia but he was my online dating boyfriend he's currently sitting next to me in australia as my husband of eight years 10 stroke 10 would find in the abyss of the internet and marry so hard again long story short met the love of my life on puff in september 2018 soul mate who completed me made me and my body sing he got diagnosed with cancer in january 2019 given 12 18 months to live died december 2019 so very very good for 14 wonderful months i'm so sorry got married to the person i met online dating after countless crap dates it was just really nice relaxed and we just clicked we've barely been apart since and that was 10 years ago same i was going through no more dating just hookups phase when he asked me out for coffee the typical i'm looking for something serious line i kept dodging until i got laryngitis and was so high on meds i said yes five years later we are in a new country got married and have a five-month-old baby best accidental swipe ever was gonna swipe no as he wasn't really my type so not really dating but i met my husband online in a msn chat room in 1999 when online dating was unheard of one day he sent me a whisper a private message for those of you who have never heard of msn chat and asked if he could come see me he lived five hours away and drove down to take me to dinner and then drove back home 20 years later we are married for 13 years after doing long distance for seven and have three kids i met my wife in a chat room in 1999 just by chance she only lived 30 miles from me we went to college together got married had two kids and bought a house near her parents two years ago i was swiping through bumble on a boring unnecessary conference call and i swiped right on the woman i will be marrying later this year matched my misses on tinder both type 1 diabetic both worked in the same company became the factory legend because i got with an office girl now we live in arundel with a river in our back garden colandee i wasn't truly searching for a boyfriend but i met a boy online and we started dating in 2016. he moved in a year and a half later and we just celebrated our four-year anniversary met my girl on tinder four five years later we have a kid started tinder for a few months two three months no matches redid my pictures twice still nothing deleted and haven't tried again thinking of trying again edit wow this comment doubled my karma alone thanks for the words of encouragement advice and pms i will be putting effort in taking good and interesting pictures of myself and starting a fresh account i have one more month of cutting feels like that would be a good point to start i've read older accounts aren't prioritized as much after a while try remaking an account altogether i think you have to do this every couple of months i was skeptical about it but i swiped aggressively both left and right for two weeks hoping something would work out ended up that after three weeks i had a date with two separate girls saturday and one sunday saturday flaked the morning of claiming to be too hungover to make it mind you this was 10 hours before the agreed time so i was not impressed i was cool about it though said we could reschedule for later in the week second girl messaged me that afternoon asking if i wanted to meet that night instead i said yay absolutely thinking hey that's pretty neat so we agree to meet at a restaurant of her choosing and i show up five minutes early get there and there's a private event that's closed to the public so now i'm thinking this is quite a curveball i wonder if i will have to pretend to know someone at their private corporate event it wasn't that though she just didn't know about the private event so we went somewhere else been seeing her for over a month now and it's going great sure there are plenty of horror stories but really my personal opinion is that even if you have nine bad dates it only takes one for it all to turn around i may have gotten lucky it is still early but even if i hadn't if you are serious about wanting a relationship you have to keep trying it won't fall out of the sky was on several online sites for a few years a couple of dates here and there but nothing serious then i connected with one girl and we clicked first date ended up being a three-hour conversation hanging out at a restaurant where we not only knew we went to the same college at the same time but had mutual friends i thought it was too far-fetched that we hadn't met in college so that night after the date i went through old digital photos convinced we had met i found a group photo with her in it then remembered meeting her we absolutely would not have worked as a couple thinking it was a bit much to tell her that i spent an hour scouring photos i waited to tell her that we actually did meet in college on our wedding day a year and a half later it was a reveal in my vows that even somehow after our first date i thought it would be a surprise to tell her later on our child just turned 10 weeks old we love each other and bicker like an old married couple all because we had another chance to meet at the right time matched on tinder about five years back things hit off we liked the same music and series which was a big plus after three years we moved in together and about a year later we both noticed how the relation became more difficult she had feelings for someone else but we would work trough that together until she went to her party kissed him and i she decided this couldn't continue and i moved out within a week those four years were great though living together took a toll and always remember to search for something you feel good about don't stay with someone just because it's safe and you know how it is if you're not comfortable either both work on it or be honest and call it quits i always have trouble calling it quits sometimes the relationship is just whatever and sometimes it's just good enough never anything obviously terrible to justify ending it it's just kind of there before blowing money on video games and fast food lonely and slept as much as i could after married have a daughter i'm part of her family now and i love them all home is clean and comfortable and we're smart with our money and we'll have a house with land before too long so it's all a trap i freaking knew it met my wife via online dating when i came to the us there was no other way to meet women all the women in grad school had boyfriends since high school or were already married so i gave online dating a shot it was a roller coaster process but in the end i met my wife so it all worked out well tried serious dating just ended up increasing the number of men i've slept with uhh not well whatsoever the matches i have either ghost me or send a few messages then never text again it's also bots that i get as well got to a point i just stopped bothering very much this was me even after paying for a brief subscription i even thought i had a date set up at one point who then abandoned it because i wasn't obsessively messaging her leading up miss i have worked during the day terribly for the first half a year or so i was about to give up when i found a girl with a really high match percentage to me we went out and now over four years later we're engaged and living together in a new state so in the end it worked out pretty well a good friend met her husband online and before she met him she'd had a few other less successful relationships from online dating sites no horror stories just things that didn't work out i met an awesome canadian flight attendant she was flying here to germany once or twice a week we dated for some time unfortunately it didn't work out in the long run but it was a great experience and i still consider her a good friend i tried bumble once went on a date and it worked out we're still together one year on that has been my first and only online dating experience so literally a 100 success ratio for me though i wasn't expecting that going in i feel like i've become too reliant on it i've met all my exes through apps and i wish i knew how to meet people the old-fashioned way i mean you're just as likely to meet an ex in person it's not like meeting someone by happenstance suddenly makes the relationship better all relationships fail until you get one that doesn't it's just how it is thanks for the gold i joined tinder after i had broken up with my exes for my friend's insistence just to have fun within three days i had matched with a guy with who we never ran out of things to say so a week later we met up and we just clicked fast forward it's now been three years that we are together and even more in love than when we first met and we even have a house together congratulations also i loki hate you been married six years now to the woman i met on a dating app she lived six blocks away at the time but our circle of friends had no overlap best advice i can give is to be 100 honest with your profile and what you want i spotted a guy at my local bar doing lights for the band that was performing and i sadly got kicked out before approaching him for using the men's washroom because i couldn't wait in the huge women's lineup lol anyway so i immediately downloaded tinder to see if i could find him and i didn't he matched emmy we're still kicking it three years later thanks tinder happily married for seven years erimony this is how my buddy convinced me to try online dating one use a paid service you know the person you meet has already invested at least fifty dollars to one hundred dollars to get to meet someone so they are somewhat serious two you rule out the first deal breakers you learn in the first ten dates for example want kids in the next two years more important to have fun now or be financially responsible how much smoking drinking do you do career important three there is more likely to be some traceability so there are less people that will rob kill you before he was meeting great people 10x 20x faster than you would through everyday life you can connect with people you would never meet otherwise my advice to make it work one be transparent don't hide anything you want someone to accept you as you are don't try and doubt who you want to be or who you think they will like two be real about who you could be happy with when connecting with matches we all want our mate to be at 10 but the reality is that after a couple years you won't see the surface and will love a person for what's on the inside three accept a person for who they are do not get into something where you think you can change things that are deal breakers four online dating is not a sign of desperation try it we have busy lives and it connects you to a much larger pool of people than you would ever meet in your life we only have so many friends of friends to meet and that chance encounter from the movies is rare or just bs i never would have met my wife otherwise met my wife on craigslist personal ads back when those were a things it's done all right for me i mean 12 years together six married got a six-year-old kid she's kind of on the fence on us making it to 13 years though lol that's how i met my husband we have been together nearly eight years i heard they shut it down now there was a message saying thanks to all those that had formed meaningful relationships but they were closing that part down due to concerns of human trafficking and prostitution met my soul mate and now wife while on a tinder date she wasn't the girl i was on the date with but i still partially credit tinder with putting me in the right place and time to meet her rather debilitating experience lots of fraud in pictures and about me descriptions and fake likes looking at you much i had pretty much given up stopped subscribing and only stayed on one where i could receive messages for free and then a gal sent a message we were an incredibly good fit had a heck of a lot of fun together she moved in after four months with her three bengal kitties it's been a year now and we have five bengal kitties this seems pretty suspicious i think we're gonna need pictures of all those bengals as proof it gave me the courage to talk to women about dating and relationships and i suddenly realized that i was wasting my time i knew that i needed to talk to the girl that i actually knew who i cared for and who might have feelings for me that was seven years ago and now i'm married to the love of my life matched with a girl on tinder and we decided to meet up she looked a lot chubbier in person but i didn't mind problem was she brought her fat best friend without telling me and she stayed throughout our date i was pretty much left out of place the whole time common problem was she brought her fat best friend without telling me and she stayed throughout our date i wouldn't have been able to resist saying i'm not sure i'm comfortable with a threesome on the first date but i do admire your initiative 200 plus coffee dates 3 000 plus messages my average reply rate was like 22 i think i even tried making a bot for a cupid lol i had an excel spreadsheet to track dates and how they went finally found the girl of my dreams going on six years with no signs of stopping i keep thinking about doing an ama about my adventures with coffee dates i am a guy for your information i don't know about going online with the intention of dating but my parents met online playing quake back in 1997 and here i am 21 years later so i guess you could say i couldn't live without it met a girl on tinder while talking about our hobbies she mentioned that i perhaps would be good match for her best friend both very nerdy we agreed to meet up later at her home that day so i can meet her and to play some smash brothers this totally happened i swear we had our one year anniversary about a month ago and that is a real friend it didn't work until it did i had lots of first dates one night stands and fizzled crushes before i met my wife on tinder about three years ago it just took a while to find a girl who a i was attracted to be was attracted to me and c had similar desires for what they wanted out of life the big thing is just be yourself improve yourself if possible and be patient someone who appreciates you for the things that make you you will come along you can't rush compatibility hey it's pretty low effort too many of my dates originating online had successful outcomes ranging from short-term relationships to marriage mind you this was before tinder please for the love of god change either the a or the two i have enough stress in my life as it is already i met my ex on tinder four years ago i swiped right on him because he was a cute latina guy and one of his photos was him wearing a wookie onishi he immediately accused me of being a bot we saw star wars together and fell in love unfortunately i had a pretty nasty age addiction at the time he helped me kick it but only after witnessing the overdose in his apartment and we've dated on and off since then without success at moving past all that my recovery entailed we've both put each other through awful things as he spiraled into alcoholism for about a year dealing with the fallout of our relationship before he also decided to get sober he's nearly two years sober from alcohol and i'm 2.5 years clean from opiates and i'm going to graduate nursing school in may i think i'd be dead if i hadn't met him and he is my best friend in many ways i don't know that it will ever work out between us even though i wanted to but i'd like to believe this is still a success story as far as dating apps go if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 4,249
Rating: 4.6981134 out of 5
Keywords: online dating, online dating horror story, online dating scams, online dating apps, online dating be like, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit stories 2021
Id: MCCe1M7HmX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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