What Was Your Most Extreme Awkward Moment? (r/AskReddit)

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while riding in car with my college girlfriend of three years and her family her father made me get out and walk home because I wasn't family read it what is the most awkward moment you've ever had my grandparents both in their late 80s invited me to come down to Florida for spring break one year and they said I could bring a friend I was thrilled and so was my friend am she and I booked our tickets and were really excited for our trip about a week beforehand Graham called me to talk logistics what kind of food should they have for us what kinds of things would we like to do would we be wanting to share a bed she kind of slipped that last one in there and I short-tailed her that Emma and I are not gay I'm pretty sure she didn't believe me because every morning at breakfast while we were there she told us about how there were several gaze at her church and they were wonderful and the whole congregation was very open it was the cutest thing but so awkward especially when my World War two vet grandpa strong and silent chimed in his acceptance TL DR my grandparents are extremely supportive of my non-existent gay relationship after so many posts about awkwardness coming from relations not accepting choices of significant others this over acceptance is really refreshing I once went to my girlfriend's for Christmas in high school because my parents went on vacation during dinner her sister decides to announce she's pregnant she's a twenty year old single college student who's the dad my 27 year old cousin they met at one of our family functions my most awkward moment I had been friends with this guy for nine years we were both sophomores in college and he was home for Christmas break staying with his parents we discovered that we had feelings for each other but decided we didn't want a date long distance but while he was home we wanted to spend time together we were with a group of friends we decided to go back to his house just the two of us he had asked his parents earlier in the day if he could have friends over his parents already disliked me my brother had dated my friend's sister and broke her heart whoops so I show up at their house with them expecting a group of people and it's already awkward then my friend and I spent a couple of hours in his basement making out by this time it was pretty late around 1:30 a.m. he went upstairs to get his keys to drive me home and when he came back downstairs his eyes were really wide and he said I'm so so sorry apparently his mother was still awake and refused to let him drive me home that late if so she decides it would be better if she drove me home it was a 20-minute drive and the car was completely silent 15 seconds is a Lulu a long time to be silently awkward in a car full of hostility I don't think I would have been able to contain myself I would have just started laughing at her father I used to babysit a three-year-old when I was in high school it was her birthday and her dad invited me I bought her a stuffed snakes and she was into snakes and some helium balloons and showed up a few minutes early in case the parents needed some free babysitting while they set up I get there and nobody is there except the moment the three-year-old so I play with her and supervise while the mom ignores I exist which is cool she scares me anyways about analogous bye thinks are getting a bit awkward nobody is showing up and in their house being in the way but leaving now would be rude so I wait around finally kids and family show up the kids are upstairs all these adults are sitting around the living room and nobody acknowledges I am there I smile and try to say hi but people just look away so I stand in a corner by the stairs waiting to be thanked so I can leave and about another hour goes by me just standing right there in the corner of the room about five feet away from everyone awkward as Frick the dad shows up and he stands right next to me staring into space sipping a beer I try to chat with him but he just nods and stares off into space ignored by the rest of the people as well finally I'm thinking Frick this so I announce I have to go everyone just stares for a second then turns away so I just walk out of their house no thank you no bye no hello no offer of food or drink no offer to sit down you were dead the whole time only explanation why didn't he want her to date you there must be a reason even if it's a stupid one last year I went to visit a friend surely after her brother had died her brother committed suicide by running the car in the garage when I got there there was another girl at the house I don't remember her name but let's call her Lisa who was eating a plate of food that Shirley's mom had cooked before I got to the house apparently Lisa had driven Shirley's dad somewhere down the street because Shirley's family wasn't using the car that killed their son I don't know the exact details anyway before Lisa leaves she asks Shirley if she can have gas money for driving Shirley's dad down the road it was literally a mile or two that she drove him so I thought it was a bit stingy on her it's Oh Shirley calls her dad into the room and says Lisa would like gas money for driving you today and her dad says ok and I would like food money for the food you ate in my house it was really or could but I was proud of her dad why you telling this story reminded me that the same thing happened to me I was at a friend's house he was asked to come downstairs after a long enough time period I got curious and wandered downstairs to his family eating dinner but I just silently stepped outside and walked home the mourning process is such a fragile time and even the smallest actions can be downright awful I remember when my uncle hung himself and I had a few finals left to take for school and almost punched a teacher in the face when they started complaining to me about how to plan my vacations ahead of time rather than at the last minute I went to my friend's house once and my friend and her mom got in a huge fight I ended up just petting their dog in the corner staring oh my god I remember my friend doing that in high school we went over to his house during a spare and his mother called him out on going on the computer late at night they had a screen fight he to wall and I sat on their couch wondering if I should just dive out the window we'll wait for them to finish I was talking to a friend of mine about my upcoming formal I think it's a prom in America she said that she couldn't wait to go and that she had just bought the most beautiful dress I was a bit confused because I didn't know she was going and asked her who was bringing her she said John was mutual friend not his real name now this is where it gets awkward because I knew John had actually asked another girl we knew I seen him ask so I say to her are you sure I thought he was bringing X she looks at me with a confused expression and gets out her phone to text John we stand an awkward silence for what seems like an eternity until finally John replies but to my phone asking me to tell her she isn't going I show her the text and she just says oh then looks at me and says I have to get back to my mum and practically runs away holding back tears as it turns out John asked our friend then decided he didn't want to bring her anymore and just asked X instead without ever telling her I have never felt so awkward than when I was having that conversation and have never been so furious at someone as I was at John this happened to me in high school but the friend of the douche counter offered to take me our school marching takes a trip to Orlando Florida every four years and I went as a sophomore the entire trip a girl in my section that I had been friends with for a long time began flirting with me holding my hand and whatnot after the week was over basically everyone knew there was a thing between us now we are sitting by each other on the way home on the bus nearly back to our hometown napping under a blanket when she slowly undoes my belt and reaches inside my pants it is 3:00 in the afternoon broad daylight we both continue to pretend to be sleeping then I hear the girl in the seat directly in front of the say look is she followed by dead silence in the back of the bus she slowly withdraws her hands from my shorts leaving me to refreshed in my own belt whilst pretending to be unconscious TL DR I received an unsatisfactory Hance key in full view of 15-16 people in the back her bus what the Frick you never out someone get in giving a handy in the back of the band bus that's what the back of the band bus is for way back in high school my then-boyfriend was over visiting at my house I decided to be nice and heat up some leftovers for him from the fridge right as I sat down the plate my dad walks in and says that is our food and takes the plate away from him and sits down to eat it at the opposite end of the table I just stood there in painfully awkward silence until my dad finished and left what a Frick is wrong with your dad I was the only guy in a class of 25 students for psychology and women the day's topic was domestic abuse and the prof wanted to set the tone by asking everyone to close their eyes and engage in a visualization exercise she wants us to think in great detail about how the typical domestic abuse incident Claes out she starts asking questions and various students provide answers who is the victim a woman who is the aggressor a man why is he abusing her he came home from work and dinner was cold and so on it is established through this exercise that the imaginary couple are poor the man drinks and they live in a trailer home then she asks what did he do to her and someone says he pushed her down the stairs the girl next to me whispers in a way that no one hears there aren't stairs in a trailer home which causes meted to aloud sputter laughs in a way which everyone hears I spend the next hour and a half in a room full of twenty six women who think I think beating women is hilarious C+ for the class TL DR classmates snarky comment in a psyche of women class caused the all-female class to think I was amused by violence against women so dear I can't imagine being under such heavy influence from my parents as to leave a partner of couple years just because someone demands it I dated a girl named Chrissie for a year back in college her parents were divorced and she lived with her mother and never spoke fondly of her dad I got the impression that he had cheated and that's what led to the split about nine months in I finally meet Chrissy's dad while helping her twin sister move I had dark emo hair a lip ring visible tattoos and it was obvious that he didn't like me right off the bat he acted like a dong to me the entire day and after wear Chrissy and him got into a huge fight over dinner over it prompting us to leave midway through he called her cell 10 minutes later and threatened to cut her off if she didn't break it off with me immediately eight years later he is a client of mine and we get along incredibly well he has no idea I'm the same guy who dated Chrissy I think you should tell him that was you you would both get to great laugh out of it so back when we were 17 stroke 18 my boyfriend and I were in his room one day just watching movies and chilling his mum walks in and asks to talk to him they both go out into the living room and she proceeds to rant at him about how it's not normal for us to spend so much time together and how she didn't like that we had been in his room all day meanwhile I'm alone in his room and can clearly hear the whole conversation I gather my nerves and all my stuff walk out to them and say Matt I'm going home would you like to come over to my house the mum interrupts with we are actually having a conversation here so I just say goodbye and walk out the door his sister who suspected a conflict had been initiated by me then chases me out of the door screaming you freaking be you ruined my family I was pretty shocked by this and didn't respond and just got in my car and drove home a few minutes later my boyfriend shows up to apologize for his family a few minutes after that there's another knock on the door and his mum had followed us to my house and asks him to talk to him outside he told her to go home this all happened a few months before we both moved away to university so I just didn't go to their house again when now in our twenties and still together his family is still crazy and he agrees loudly we now live five hours from them that's pretty freaking awkward yours was unprovoked mine not so much when I was 16 I was at my girlfriend's house watching movies which meant making out in such we had dinner with our parents and she told them we were in the middle of the flick and could we finish it before they drove me home they agreed and we went back in things escalated and she gave me a bj and her dad walked in as she was in the middle of it he wanted me to walk home which I wanted to do but she flipped out and made him drive me home which was in the next town over so he was like 15 minutes off horrible horrible silence I went to my neighbor's house on the 4th of July with a big box of fireworks I had bought in Pennsylvania we were drinking in his house for a bit before his mom showed up with his grandmother they were outside on the porch and I was on the other side off the glass sliding door preparing the fireworks to bring outside and downing a beer I finish my beer and grab the box to go outside and step directly into the screen door which I hadn't realized was still closed I go completely through it and tear the door off the hinges all while screaming obscenities in front of his mother and grandmother they don't let me drink at their house anymore I can picture this so perfectly because my friend did something similar my family had my friends family over for dinner all of those kids were inside but the parents were outside my mom called us because the food was ready and my friend got overly excited and ran outside taking the screen door down with her she mutilated it and she weighs about 115 pounds we never let her forget it was told to move my vehicle from g/f driveway because it's dirty I lived on a gravel road in the mom didn't want neighbors to see it apparently she also freaked out when I wore khaki shorts to their Country Club for dinner I was never informed of a dress code she wanted me to pretend to be a foreign exchange student it didn't help that I met their daughter through mowing their lawn the previous summers apparently she felt that the help was not worthy of her daughter I had a similar situation except I wasn't thrown out of the car I was thrown out of their house eight miles from my own I was 15 and had been dropped off there her dad was drunk and got all crazy and threw me out then beat the heck out of her her mom had him arrested in two days later when he got out of jail she dumped me I had to walk the entire way because cellphones weren't considered necessities to the common folk yet and hitchhiking was useless in the middle of the day with no traffic and nothing around but corn and bean fields I was out at a bar with a few friends having dinner and drinks while watching the hockey game midway through dinner I have to excuse myself to go use the restroom I walk into the bathroom and there are two urinals and two stools one of the stalls was occupied while the other was missing a door the business I had to conduct needed a stall so I decided to wait a minute or two for the other one to free up after about five minutes things start to get urgent I decide to use the stall without a door I figured if anyone walked and they would understand and it wouldn't be that bad after sitting down for maybe a minute a man walks into the bathroom he sort of takes a peek into the stall and then asks hey there is no door it looks broken I assure him that he is correct and the door is in fact non-existent he then asks me what I was doing in the stall I gave him a quick explanation of my predicament he nods and goes about using a urinal I was relieved thinking that conversation was over wrong he finishes and sits on the counter facing me and starts having a chat about the hockey game it's amazing how unnerving it is to make eye contact with someone while taking a crap I tried to keep my answers short and made it clear I was in no mood to chat however he kept insisting on making small talk with me after a solid 5-10 minutes of this going on he finally leaves I quickly start to clean up and hope to god no one else comes in the guy was gone for 15 seconds before he popped his head back into the bathroom and asks hey you sitting at the bar with my hand cleaning my butt I said number TL DR got forced into small talk by someone who was observing me taking a crap I am currently dating a Pakistani girl I was over at her house watching a movie and I brought sort of jokingly that she owed me $20 she did normally i woldn't care but I needed gas money this escalated and we had a little argument and were just silent for a while which is normal for us when we have an argument we just shut up and let it pass so five minutes later or so her parents and aunt come downstairs to watch the movie with us this is where it starts to get awkward they noticed we aren speaking to each other and her father starts speaking to her in Urdu she sort of just brushes him off in English not now dad he says something again then her mom says something then her aunt says something my girlfriend again basically just says not now in English mind you it's not uncommon for them to speak Urdu around me it's their first language after all so they keep talking in Urdu gesturing at me my girlfriend is becoming more and more visibly upset I have no idea what is happening at this point eventually she just goes to her room I am left sitting there while her mom and aunt watch the movie and chat in Urdu the aunts English ice was very good and her father glances between me and the movie I excused myself to go to the bathroom and then go talk to my girlfriend her family was asking what happened but she just wanted a little privacy I seriously had no idea what was happening TL DR my GF spakest and E family was arguing about me and her while I was sitting next to them I had no idea what was happening I spent the weekend at my girlfriend's place when I was 19 she lived two hours away I went to take a shower one night and I apparently forgot to lock the door as I opened the curtains her mother opened the bathroom door I stood there for a second in shock grabbed the towel I always hang over the curtain rod then covered my nether region she stood in the doorway staring at me for a good 10 seconds looking me up and down she finally blinks her eyes and quickly exits I dry off and go into my girlfriend's room and tell her what happened and she gets mad at me the next morning my girlfriend gets up before me and her mom comes into the I'm awake but just laying there in bed she asks my girlfriend if I told her what happened the night before and she says yes her mom says he's got a nice body don't lose that one her mom exits the room and my girlfriend is now pee at me again she was an unreasonably jealous person TL DR my ex is mom girlfriend at the time walks in on me naked after a shower and complements my manliness - my ex ex gets mad at me you have been visited by the romantic girl comment love is magic so you never fall in the friendzone + thanks for watching if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 35,088
Rating: 4.8391609 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, funny awkward moments, funny awkward moments and fails, awkward moments, awkward moments compilation, awkward, awkward story
Id: UhoRG7O_6Z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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