The Most Unnecessary Level in New Super Mario Bros U

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ah the super mario secret exit a boon to speedrunners and other like-minded individuals since as far back as the invention of the brick block now while they may be great for the gamer in a hurry they also create the interesting situation where one can find themselves beating an 82 level mario game after only clearing 18 levels that is a lot of content that a player can potentially skip so today i raise the question what is the level in a given mario game that least needs to be played to beat the game what level is the most skippable friends today we search for the most unnecessary level in new super mario bros u and i guess technically new super luigi as well to find the most unnecessary level in new super mario bros u we are going to imagine that we have 100 marios trying to beat new super mario bros u all at once their job is to press forward beating every level in their path until they eventually get to the final level and beat the gang whenever these marios come to an intersection where multiple different levels will allow them to make progress they will divide themselves evenly between the available levels once we've gotten all the mario's to the end of the game we'll have a list that'll tell us which levels the fewest number of marios pass through on their journey and the level on that list that the least number of marios played will be the most unnecessary level in new super mario bros u oh and just to be clear we're only worried about levels in the 8 main worlds of the game obviously the levels in world 9 aren't encountered by anyone on their way to rescuing peach so we aren't even bothering with them today and as one last thing yes we are giving secret exits equal weights to normal exits in this simulation sure most new players going in blind won't use all that many secret exits but for our purposes every possible path from a given level will be treated the same with our methodology established let's get started but first if you've got a prediction as to which level it'll be now would be the time to leave it in the comments i look forward to reading your theories alright now let's do this the first level of the game acorn planes one acorn plane's way is played by 100 of our marios for obvious reasons all players then also progress through tilted tunnel where they come across their first intersection a two-way split between acorn planes tower crushing cogs tower and a secret exit which leads to acorn planes blooper bloopers secret lair thus granting a 50 play rate to both of those levels we'll catch up to those blooper bound marios later for now the 50 that took the tao route advanced to acorn planes 3 yoshi hill leading to that level having a 50 play rate as well completing yoshi hell gives those mario's passage to a second fork in the road here that fork is between acorn planes 4 mushroom heights and acorn planes 5 rise of the piranha plants after dividing our mario troop in half again we are left with 25 going to each of those two levels the division is short-lived though as both one four and one five leads straight to acorn plains castle lemmy's swing back castle which fifty percent of players play that means that larry cake desert's first level stone eye zone is starting off the world by welcoming 50 of our marios we then immediately arrive at another simple two-way fork between layer cake desert 2 perilous pokey cave and layer cake desert 3 fire snake cavern both of which host 25 of the marios then just like last time that branch comes right back together this time at layer cake desert tower stoneslide tower so it of course gets the combined total of both those levels fifty percent the reunited marios aren't together for long though as the path then immediately branches between layercake desert 4 spikes spouting sands and layer kick desert 5 dry desert mushrooms meaning that both of those levels get cleared by 25 percent of players spike spouting sands then features a branch itself between its secret eggs at the layer cake desert ice piranha plants on ice and its normal exit layer kick desert 6 blooming lakitus this leads to 2-4 contributing half of its 25 to each of these levels resulting in piranha plants on ice receiving 12.5 percent of players since no other levels lead to it and blooming lackatoos getting 37.5 percent of players because in addition to two forest 12.5 percent it also gets all 25 from 2-5 we'll look into where exactly those marios that took the secret exit ended up a bit later for now we find that all marios that venture into 2-6 also go to laircake desert castle morton's compactor castle meaning that 37.5 percent of our original cast can be found there next up is a branch giving a choice between two whole worlds sparkling waters and frosted glacier each of which will be receiving 18.75 of players at their first level in the case of sparkling waters that level would be waterspout beach sparkling waters 2 tropical refreshers sparkling waters tower giant skewer tower and sparkling waters ghost house haunted shipwreck are all straight non-branching shots from each other and therefore all inherits that same 18.75 percent of the marios we are then presented with quite the interesting set of branches in the wake of haunted shipwreck the normal exit leads to a two-way intersection between sparkling waters three above the cheap gps and sparkling waters for urchin shoals which would normally mean that they both get half of haunted shipwrecks players but in this case they don't as haunted shipwreck also has a secret exit leading to sparkling waters leaf skyward stock which means that the 18.75 is actually getting split three ways with each level getting just 6.25 percent of our original crew of marks three leaf goes far far away to a land i'm sure we'll reach eventually meanwhile three three and three four immediately come together again meaning sparkling waters five dragon eel's undersea grotto and the level immediately following its sparkling waters castle larry's torpedo castle are both visited by 12.5 percent of our players and that same 12.5 percent is what sparkling waters will be delivering to soda jungle but before we are welcomed to the jungle we need to sort through frosted glacier now remember frosted glacier starts off by being visited by the eighteen point seven five percent of players that layer cake desert gave us the beginning of the world is quite linear frosted glacier ones spinning star sky frosted glacier 2 hooligan fields frosted glacier tower freezing rain tower and frosted glacier 3 prickly goombas all inherits that same 18.75 of players the linearity trend ends with a branch between frosted glacier 4 scaling the mountainside and frosted glacier 5 icicle caverns which each claim 9.375 of our marios both of those paths then reconvene at frosted glacier ghost house swaying ghost house which gives our marios the choice between a secret exit leading to frosted glacier philippus philippus lake which 9.375 percent of our total mario's take never to be seen again or at least not for a while the other nine point three seven five percent take the normal exit which leads to frosted glacier castle wendy's shifting castle which brings us to soda jungle airship the mighty cannon ship which is where the main paths from sparkling waters and frosted glacier come back together that gives five airship the sum of twelve point five percent of mario's and nine point three seven five percent of mario's or twenty one point eight seven five percent soda jungle one jungle of the giants is the only level that can be accessed from the airship so that is 21.875 percent from there but what do you know as it turns out this is where the first two secret exits let out finally the 50 from bloopers secret lair and the 12.5 percent from piranha plants on ice are back with us giving this level a fairly large 84.375 percent of players that play it that percentage is then quickly reduced as the next level is actually a pair of levels soda jungle 2 bridge over poisoned waters and soda jungle 3 bramble woods which means that each of them only gets half that amount or 42.1875 they then quickly reconvene at soda jungle tower snake block tower well somewhat while bramble woods does bring its full 42.1875 to the tower bridge over poisoned waters has a brick-based secret exit which leads to a fork between two later levels in soda jungle that means that its population is split three ways with 14.0625 percent going each way that means that stake block tower ends up with percent of players that 56.25 is then sent in full to soda jungle ghost house which weigh labyrinths which itself leads to three different levels soda jungle four painted swampland soda jungle five deep sea ruins and its secret exits so do jungle para beetles flight of the parabeetles all three levels receive 18.75 percent we'll see where flight of the para beetles went soon for now we shall focus on the normal exits branch the normal exits in both of these levels are useless and gain the player nothing as such we don't even slightly care that they exist and we'll just focus on what happens to our marios after finding the secret exit in one of these levels in both cases this leads our marios to a split path leading to either soda jungle 6 seesaw bridge or soda jungle 7 wiggler stampede technically speaking half of each of the marios from the two earlier levels go to each of the two later levels practically speaking though that just means we'll be dividing by two and then multiplying by two so in essence both five six and five seven inherit eighteen point seven five percent from their immediate predecessors as well as fourteen point zero six two five percent from the secret exit back in five two for a grand total of thirty two point eight one two five percent those two populations then get added together for the final level of the world soda jungle castle iggy's volcanic castle which is attended by 65.625 percent of players that 65.625 percent is then joined by the 6.25 percent from skyward stock and the 9.375 percent from philippus lake for a total of 81.25 percent of players taking on rock candy mines one fuzzy clifftop that 81.25 percent stays united through rock candy mines 2 porcupine falls and rock candy mines tower grinding stone tower which is where we encounter our next intersection and boy this one sure is a doozy here's the deal some of the shortcuts in world 6 are based on these stretch blocks which are controlled by red and blue switches which are often accessed by getting certain exits and levels whose available routes aren't immediately impacted by getting said switches as an example the secret exit in sixth tower leads to six six which has the potential to let us after playing six tower two skip six seven but only if we have access to a red switch which we can get by also playing six three here is a diagram of exactly what roots can get our marios through rock candy mines which ultimately gives us the falling percentages rock candy mines three water wings nest has 40.625 percent rock candy mine's six thrilling spine coaster also has 40.625 percent meanwhile rock candy mine's four light blocks dark tower only has 27.08 to three percent repeating since six three and six six feet into each other but do not do so for six four rock candy mines five walking piranha plants has forty point six two five percent from all of six four's players and half of six three's initial wave players as the half that went to six six obviously didn't go to six five and the players that stopped buy from six six were there specifically to unlock a shortcut unlocked later along six six's root and therefore also didn't have any interest in going to six five unload here that to do the whole 6663 shortcut to skip six seven you actually have to get both the secret exit and regular exit from six tower but since those are just players replaying six tower it's not going to affect the percentage because still the same people are playing it if that makes any sense rock candy mines tower 2 screw top tower gets 81.25 percent since every route 3 rock candy mines has to go through screw top tower rock candy mine 7 shifting floor cave only gets thirty three point eight five four one six percent repeating of traffic twenty point three one two five percent of this is from the half of players that didn't get the secret exit in six five the other thirteen point five four one six percent repeating comes from the players who went through six six but didn't make an attempt to unlock a red switch to bypass six seven that's thirty three point eight five four one six percent repeating then joins the twenty point three one two five percent that did take the secret exit in six five and the twenty seven point zero eight three percent repeating that did the whole six six and six three combination of levels to unlock the six seven bypass that makes 81.25 percent of players that play rock candy mine's castle roy's conveyor castle that 81.25 is then joined by the 18.75 percent from flight of the parabeetles meaning that moraine clouds one land of the flying blocks is the first level in a long while that 100 of players play that then leads to a basic 50 50 split between meringue clouds 2 seesaw shrooms and marine clouds 3 switch back health which then rejoin at moraine cloud's tower slide lift tower to make for once again 100 attendance which carries over to meringue cloud's ghost house spinning spirit house spinning spirit house can then lead to four different levels the first two marine clouds 4 bouncy cloud boomerangs and marine clouds 5 a quick dip in the sky can only be accessed from spinning spirit house and therefore received 25 percent of players each brain cloud 6 can be accessed by 7 4 and 7 5 as well as spinning spirit house leading to its 75 play rate that level along with the secret exit in spinning spirit house then in turn leads to meringue cloud's castle ludwig's clockwork castle which 100 of players experience all of them then go on to marine cloud's airship boarding the airship next up is peach's castle 1 meteor moat which 100 of mario's must brave meteor moats contains a secret exit leading to a 50-50 split between peach's castle 2 magma river cruise and peach's castle 4 firefall cliffs magma river cruise then gives way to peach's castle 3 rising tides of lava which also attracts 50 percent of players 8-3 and 8-4 then rejoined for peach's castle castle red-hot elevator ride causing 100 of mario's to pass through this level and finally peach's castle castle 2 the final battle as the final level is of course enjoyed by 100 of players so then taking a look at our list it would seem that the most unnecessary level in new super mario bros u isn't a level at all but a tie between the three levels above the cheap cheap seas urchin shoals and skyward stock so congratulations you three levels i'm sure your designers must be proud that you've earned such a title oh and by the way since in new super luigyu the world map is exactly the same the most unnecessary levels in that game would be waterspout sprint the great geysers and beanstalk jungle anyways i hope you enjoyed this video and since it's a fair departure from what i've mainly been doing on this channel feedback would be especially appreciated would you like to see more videos in similar vein and if so what would you like to see from such videos going forward but anyways guys the next video is going to be back in the standard format and let me tell you it's going to be a big and at least in my opinion exciting until then i've been seamacraft and i hope to see you there goodbye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign
Channel: CMeeCraft Gaming
Views: 601,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New Super Mario Bros U, The Most Unnecessary Level in New Super Mario Bros U, new super mario bros u secret exit, secret exit, new super mario bros u all secret exits, new super mario bros u guide, Is It Possible to Beat New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe Without Touching a Single Brick Block, new super mario bros shortcut, worst level, mario level skip, new super luigi u, new super mario bros U deluxe, CMeeCraft, super mario, mario, no coins
Id: HxnyaJZB8FM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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