What Is The Most Dangerous Minecraft World?

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[Music] 452 000 that's how many kills the number one leveled skywars player lifelong has being around him would certainly be pretty dangerous but what is the most dangerous minecraft world the minecraft world can be pretty deadly if you aren't careful there are tons of different ways to die but is there a specific minecraft seed a specific minecraft world that can be considered the most dangerous for one reason or another that is what i want to explore in today's video i hope you enjoy when you think dangerous something that should quickly come to mind is lava lava can kill you in seconds if you aren't careful but what if you spawn in it loading up this seed in minecraft 1.8.9 is not something i'd recommend doing you spawn right into lava dying in less than five seconds granted when you respawn you do leave the lava but if you're on hardcore it's all over not to mention you're now stuck in a ravine with really no good way to get out except for maybe dying again and trying to respawn outside so is this world the most dangerous minecraft world not necessarily there are literally tons of seats that spawn you in lava and i'm also looking for something in the current latest version of the game 1.16.5 so what are the main dangers of a world three that instantly come to mind are ravines mountains and lava springs or lakes so maybe the most dangerous minecraft world is the world with the most of these features i went ahead and loaded in 100 separate random worlds i then looked through each one in a separate 16 by 16 chunk square around spawn counting up how many of these features i noticed the world with the most of these was this one which had two ravines one lava patch and five mountains all in the same 16 chunk square around spawn does that mean that this minecraft world is the most dangerous world in all of minecraft again maybe it's up for interpretation this world definitely has a lot of features that could kill you so yes it can be considered one of the most dangerous but we can discover much much deadlier worlds and we will out of 100 worlds there were 45 lava patches 60 ravines and 135 mountains in this case a mountain is high enough that if you were to jump from it you'd be dead these findings are a bit misleading though according to this data you'd expect each and every world to have 1.3 mountains in a 16 chunk square around spawn obviously though this isn't true the reason for this data is that biome was where there are mountains like well mountain biomes there are usually more than one mountain thus raising the average per world but what about worlds where there is more than one mountain per spawn i'm talking about amplified worlds when you create a new world you have the option to make it amplified this creates some really cool and really wild looking terrain not to mention really dangerous with this setting on 98 out of 100 worlds i generated had tons of mountains at spawn the other two i spawned in oceans amplified worlds are pretty much permanent mega mountain biomes which can prove be very dangerous if you explore from above and aren't careful so you could argue that amplified worlds are some of the most dangerous in the entire game but what about worlds that are dangerous for other reasons this seed spawns you right next to a pillager outpost which can kill you quite fast if you aren't careful while this one on the other hand spawns you right in the middle of an ocean with the nearest piece of land being this 188 blocks away and the nearest tree [Music] 363 blocks away this can prove to be very dangerous if you can't get any wood or food and are forced to hunt for fish and swim frantically away from trident rounds or maybe even this seed which seems tranquil at first until you discover that right in the center of this bamboo forest is a lava lake that threatens to burn down all the wildlife and cause massive wildfires not to mention release tons of harmful co2 into the atmosphere and potentially suffocate all those who come near it wait that only happens in real life every day oh thank god how about worlds that aren't dangerous for natural reasons but for man-made reasons this world and seed look pretty normal on the surface right nothing strange well this is actually the world seed of 2b2t the largest anarchy server in minecraft looking at footage of 2b2t's landscape and it's hard to imagine all its seed has been through on 2b there are no rules so users with hacked clients roam free often slaughtering any new players that try to join and that's not even the worst of it but i won't cover that but the problems for survival don't end there and there are little to no trees even thousands of blocks away from spawn and getting food is also extremely difficult if you don't have friends like me or a hacked client of your own even then it's still difficult so you could make the case that 2b2t is the most dangerous minecraft world as when you join if you don't have friends or you don't know what you're doing it is very hard to survive but let's come back to single player worlds is there a world that can be crowned the most dangerous i think so consider other worlds other dimensions what's even more dangerous than the overworld well the nether and the end these two dimensions that we're probably all familiar with are definitely deadlier than the regular overworld the nether is crawling with lava piglens ghasts and the ruthless piglen brutes well the end is filled with endermen shulkers and the void and let's not forget the freaking dragon if you challenged me to survive 100 days in any dimension i would almost always choose the overworld as opposed to one of these two but there are even more dangerous worlds and these are custom dimensions the april fools update for 2020 introduced infinite dimensions you could run the slash warp command followed by any phrase of your choosing and boom you would be sent to a customized random dimension and oftentimes these were very deadly some dimensions like colors didn't really do too much to the world and others like bridges weren't dangerous per se but would be nearly impossible to progress in and some like danger are extremely well dangerous it's just a bedrock ceiling and there are so many more very deadly worlds truth be told there's no way i could possibly find a definite most deadly dimension because there are so many there's always the chance that there exists a more dangerous one than the one i'm in i recommend exploring it though and seeing what dimensions you can find if you find one that looks really cool feel free to tag me on twitter at wifey's was taken with a picture and the name of the dimension i may just end up using it for a thumbnail like the one you're watching now speaking of which something extremely dangerous is the worrying amount of people who watch these videos and aren't actually subscribed if you're enjoying the video or have made it to this point i would greatly appreciate it if you could subscribe it's completely free and helps the channel a ton so thank you very much and let's get right back into it some minecraft worlds aren't actually dangerous but are rumored to be this world on the surface doesn't look that interesting either but if you were to load this seed in minecraft alpha you'd be able to find and recreate this screenshot the very first post that started the rumor of herobrine the original herobrine world the minecraft at home project was able to discover this based on a singular screenshot which i find very impressive likewise if you were to look up the title of this video you'd probably find another video by someone called o1g o1g now specializes in roblox horror and creepypastas but used to do minecraft ones he often showcased several quote-unquote dangerous and haunted seeds seeds with 666 999 404 303 or other satanic or cryptic numbers are often considered haunted even though there is really no truth behind this or any sort of danger or so i think the rabbit hole continues though as there are several creepypastas explaining in detail why these worlds are so dangerous and there are a concerning number of them seed 149 3028 is occupied by the malicious entity 149 3028 who glitches and crashes your game seed 8476 is a story about a boy whose grandmother gave him minecraft for christmas and upon loading up seed 8476 was hacked and then his house got invaded and world 6000 about a mysterious angry figure who wants you to disturb his privacy goes out into the real world and can't say that and bloody steve who forgot to put on his underpants sure and there are a lot more that's not at all how it ends obviously it should go without saying that you have no need to worry if you are and all of this is made up for entertainment but in the realm of fiction these are certainly one of the most dangerous minecraft worlds things like mountains ravines and lava lakes are certainly dangerous but it's really up to the player whether or not they're about to die from fall damage or lava debatably this seed which spawns you right on the edge of a mountain could be argued to be more dangerous than some of the ones before since if you hold on a direction for too long without thinking you will die probably but where do the most players die after looking through a bunch of hardcore death compilations one location of a minecraft world repeatedly proves to be the most dangerous without question caves out of 100 hardcore deaths that i witnessed 51 of them happened in a cave whether that be to a baby zombie a spider or most often a creeper so while certain worlds can be the most dangerous the most dangerous part of a minecraft world is probably a cave but we can take this one step deeper literally in the new 1.17 update new y levels below zero were added going all the way down to negative 64. and new mobs like the horrifying warden were also added to occupy these caves the warden is a tank it hunts based on sound and can too shot a player wearing full netherite armor as a result you can see the most dangerous part of any world is the deep caves where not only are there creepers which account for around 26 percent of hardcore deaths there are also wardens which are clearly very deadly so to answer our original question it depends what you mean by dangerous if you mean places where the most people can die then amplified worlds or this world with five mountains two ravines at lava lake may be the most dangerous because it has so many places and as a subgenre if you want to find the most dangerous parts of these worlds just head down to the deep caves where the warden spawns if you mean challenging those that spawn you in the middle of the ocean or the custom infinity snapshot dimensions are the most dangerous they're almost impossible to play and if we're talking player influenced 2b2t is almost undoubtedly the most dangerous most popular minecraft world with its deadly amount of hackers in the end though it's really up for interpretation with all of that said thank you so much for watching i hope you have enjoyed please consider subscribing and as always peace out have a good one and stay safe out there you
Channel: Wifies
Views: 1,172,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wifies, mumbo jumbo, dream, o1g, what is the most dangerous minecraft world, what's the most dangerous minecraft world, what is, dangerous minecraft world, deadliest hacked client, deadly minecraft world, hardest minecraft world, hard minecraft world, dangerous minecraft seeds, minecraft seed, minecraft world, minecraft seeds, worlds, seeds
Id: gHmWp1efepg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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