WHAT is the Goddess? [Wuthering Waves Lore]

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yo what up it's me again so before we start I should say congrats to Kuro for getting 30 million pre-registrations wo anyway this is my second video talking about W and waves lore before the game is actually released my first video about W and waves was talking about who the Rover actually is and their potential identity as a hero who existed hundreds of years ago and I'll say Aid God big by my standards now if you're confused well this tells me that you haven't watched what I'm talking about well watch that okay so if you haven't watched that video well in it I've mentioned that I have three theories that I've made about some things in wther and waves and that I'll make two more videos talking about it while considering how there's less than a week left until the game is actually released I say screw it reball it and change those two theories a bit now mostly focusing on the potential identity of the goddess and having the what the lament and through odience truly are Theory be a bit less focused on and try to relate it back to the goddess and maybe even kuro's other game also subscribe if you want to know more about Ru aore greatly appreciate it now before we begin the info comes from cbt2 so if anything changes well don't blame me for it blame Kuro anyway let's strap in and begin let's start by giving a rundown on what is happening at the beginning of the game as it is going to be required and knowing what is what so we begin in space many rocks and a broken Moon flood about with a black hole or something like that in the form of a tcid mark appearing he tassin Mark if you don't know is a Mark that resonators have which tells that they are a true resonators and not a faker we later see the rover that you have chosen and the goddess who I'll just start calling Lucio from now on for no particular reason and because it's annoying to say goddess multiple times so in this scene Lucy awakens and later makes a tcid mark like entrance in the Rover's chest and she extracts a few gold orbs from the Rover and transforming them into a Tass Mark placed on their right hand after that she gives a satin look and throws the Rover down the tacid mark like black hole thing begins to converge and disappear until ice begins to cover Lucia she smiles and also disappears while the Rover goes all bongas and is now under waterer and upside down there the orbs get out and go somewhere while the r awakens upside down and later falls to the ground only to be awakened by yanyan and chiia without any memories to speak of okay we did that now let's speculate first of all what is this black hole thing well firstly there are two things I'd like to mention one it is with Lucia and then disappears after Lucia throws the Rover out and secondly on like a black hole you can see that it does take a form of a tcid mark so we can kind of say that it is kind of special but what is it well it could be one of those things either it's just a portal created by Lucia a black hole or something that looks like a black hole that just conveniently looks like a tasting Mark or a guess thought of the lament to answer which is which let's go through some things starting with a poral theory I mean look at it Lucia comes out of it maybe and she also makes a tcid mark like entrance The Rovers inside sides and from just looking alone you can see it kind of just looks like a gate right a gate to another dimension or something even more complex then we need to consider a whole bunch more things if that's the case all of that I'll go through in a moment hint it's related to another one of kuro's games that I've mentioned earlier so let's move on to my other theory of it being a conveniently shaped black hole the black hole theory is just something that I've seen a couple people talk about and sure it does look like it but is it well let's investigate what is a black hole well it's a place where everything around it gets sucked into it and not even light escapes it well going back to that thing and looking around it's obvious that it is not sucking things in rocks still exist around it even lights still exist making it look like a Tass Mark so from that it is absolutely clear that that thing is not a black hole maybe but then what is actually happening when that thing actually begins to disappear well maybe you remembered that it is a black hole and just stared at the two beauties in front of it until one is thrown and just remembers oh I have a job to do and begins to just suck things in in other words it's a more complicated way to say that I've got no [ __ ] clue and if it is just that then maybe it's not a black hole and maybe something else I don't know but anyway let's go through my last Theory regarding that thing it being a guest of the lament now to me it is very unlikely for that thing to be an actual guest out but I feel like could have some fun with it so starting off what is a guest out well a guest out is essentially a being or a thing that is made up of multiple other things things to make that one thing while being separate and better from the other things if you're confused by that well that was me as well when I saw what the word actually meant for the first time going back to we in waves if this thing is a guessed out what is it made up of then well to me it's frequency energy frequency energy if you don't know is a type of energy made from the lament by combining matter information and energy into one thing it will continue to Decay until it's transformed into a reverberation or a tcid core seen in the tcid discords and will continue to Decay until it shatters and turns to nothing frequency energy is also made up of another type of energy made from the lament called Remnant Remnant is a pure and complete form of energy which is made up of memories according to Gian and his quest in which we also get to see Remnant in action when we get to a Sonos sphere a special domain made up of Remnant and when you enter one we see the information stored in it so now let's go back to the beginning and relate everything that I have said back to the hole if this thing is a guessed out made up of frequency then in that case we can possibly speculate that it possibly has its own Consciousness made from the knowledge from Remnant and this thing then either possibly controls the lament or it observes the world as it goes through destruction and rebirth from the lament now me saying that is very ambitious and is the least likely to be right but if it is then well nothing I guess just say that I'm right and that you're now let's move on from that thing and go to Lucia she is a bit interesting now with that reference in pgr what will she provide to the world will she be similar to the unknown God just appear once at the beginning and never again we'll have to see when the game actually comes out but all in all we know very little about her without reference in pgr I mean what else am I supposed to do not Z as Lucia well yeah kind of you see there is one character that is in water and waves that actually kind of looks like the goddess and it's yanan now obviously looking at it she for no particular reason actually kind of looks like her I don't know how but yeah for some reason that just happens but if there is a theory about how the goddess is actually yanan from the future Sting the Rover down to the past when yanyan was still a human and not a God to fulfill a secret special Mission or to just save the r from A Spacetime multiversal predicament or something like that then um yeah okay sure it sounds cool but there are questions that I have to ask then why does the goddess have red eyes then her hairstyle is kind of different from yanyan's what do you have to say to that then and also yanyan is related to wind and Feathers so why is ice scene when Luci is disappearing but anyway going back to the goddess if she isn't yanyan from the future or something like that then she's either a new character like the unknown God from genshin who just disappears for many years to come or if pgr is a part of the W and waves world then she's an observer who views the planet of Sul Tre and for some reason looks like luciia now firstly I really should mention that Kuro never confirmed or denied that water and waves is connected to punishing Grand Raven in any way but with her looking like Lucia yeah no it's impossible to not see a connection there now how major is the connection is the question that is needed to answer well I'd say it's a universal SpaceTime like Connection in which the connection can be seen in spiral of Kronos specifically in the beings known as the observers observers are very simply Gods a group of gods that come from a higher Dimension who have sent the punishing virus on the world of punishing great Raven along with three other civilizations or worlds before this one keep this point in mind The Observers then watch and see if the civilization they infected with the virus will either Ascend to their level becoming greater beings or fall to nothing this the three civilizations before the pgr1 have all failed in this now is the goddess an observer well it's likely according to them a very small minority of observers can actually Traverse Dimensions such as a character called the merciful one who is assumed to be an observer so from that we can assume that Luci is also one of those minority observers but that is also not the only thing that makes her special why is that well that's because The Observers are extremely secretive having a rule in not participating in anything they do The Observers have implemented this rule because of their participation in the three previous civilizations which led to their destruction and thus only implant the punishing virus or something close to it like the lament unto set civilization and leave so why is Lucia participating in something when she shouldn't be in the first place well I'd say it has something to do with the Rover she may have a lovely relationship with a Rover so she's possibly risking her duties and maybe even her life to save them now that we understand of the possibility of Luci being an observer let's expand on a couple other things let's start with the Lament The laments are disaster events that change the world through the waveform phenomenon well taking what we know about The Observers it should be obvious that both the lament and everything that comes after it could be a result of The Observers attempt at one of their operations in other words the lament could be a result from a form of punishing virus or is a type of punishing virus that is a bit more different and violent secondly the black hole connection it could just be a gate to a different dimension I said before maybe to where all the observers are well we won't find out until much later so now is the time to ask a question if the world of pgr is in the same world as woa then when is this taking place now this is a very complicated question to answer with many variables to consider such as the true civilizations before pgrs The Observers coming from a higher Dimension meaning that time itself is an object that they manipulate and and the fact that Lucy is there so for all we know this could take place before during or after pgr and one other thing the world of pgr is very much focused on SpaceTime sometimes spiral of Kronos was very space timey and you might know how complicated SpaceTime [ __ ] goes but anyway this again very complicated let's end it by saying subscribe and thanks for watching see [Music] you what about the TR aians well as said before if pgr is a part of the world and as said before again the lament is the result of the punishing virus brought by The Observers then we can try to compare the th odience to the ascendants think of it this way compareed element or frequency energy as the punishing virus compared to tcid discords Monsters made from frequency energy which comes from the lament to the corrupted robots corrupted by the punishing virus and then compared it rodians tcid discords that have absorbed a a lot of frequency energy becoming the most powerful types of tcid discords and then compare that to the ascendants corrupted constructs that have consumed enough punishing virus to become very powerful now again that is assuming that pgr is a part of wua if not then we can say that wua is just mirroring what pgr is doing without the robot part well either way we'll see when the game comes out in a few days [Music] [Music]
Channel: CrowTheCorvid
Views: 8,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: u94W17Kt7W8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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