Wuthering Waves, Zenless Zone Zero & GACHA GAMING...

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the channel I think it's been about 21 days since I uploaded my Yin Lin summons which was my last video and I wanted to just have a general chat in this one we're not going to have any fancy editing fancy stuff going on in the background anything I'm talking about relevant I will pop up but I want to have a chat about what I'm doing and what I'm looking forward to in gaming and stuff like that so first of all the reason I'm making this video was sparked from this video by Mt which was let's talk about gotcha games and life uh where he basically talks about the internal struggles of a content creator especially one in his style which I am very similar to him in my content creation uh type style um so there was this then me bifone and got smack had a chat about it over on the podcast on the other channel and so I thought you know what let's go ahead and make a video talking about this whole topic now first of all with weing waves where's my account at it is Union level 46 my unit you know leveled up to 70 at least my core ones my echol Lu still been pretty horrible and stuff like that I am not playing the game hard I'm not pushing for anything I am just Bare Bones daily lob now with this type of game this type of game is what I refer to as the hoyo model of game and for those that don't know what I'm talking about I have played gotcha games for a very long time now probably like I'm I'm probably eight or so years and if you've paid attention to the the four channels I have I have hopped from game to game to game game to game and done this for a very long time now quitting a game or like just moving on from a game is something that in these communities uh I find is like very shunned upon and people like not not by everyone but there's always some people that get mad at people for quitting games and I think that's something that Mt gets concerned about a lot when he gets bored of a game uh me personally I used to as well and now I'm just like hey dude I'm just here to play games that I'm enjoying and that is what I do now a lot of these games like weaing waves which I consider to be a hoyo model game copy that basic outline of what genin impact is these are games that don't really fit my content creation style and I think the same applies for someone like mtashed these games for Content creators um I think you have two types of content creators that really Excel with these types of games the first being your really high quality indepth character guide making people uh rophone I went to lose those type guys come to mind for me for people that can really shine in these games because they don't need to make much content they just make the really entertaining flashy in-depth guides when the character comes out and that's enough to keep them cooking for another 3 weeks till another one comes out uh yes they do often that's that's downplaying a bit they they they make more content than that in between you know guide related content uh but those are the ones that really can shine in these types of games and the other ones are social commentators people that want to talk about the drama people that you know techone gotcha smack is doing a really good job at it uh as well those guys who just com basically comment on the general space of the game can do really well in these games because what I find is with games like weing waves uh honkai starwell uh they are they don't have any competitiveness really in the game they don't have leaderboards they don't have PVP so what they transform into is social PVP where it's just people on Twitter and and stuff like that and if you guys know me I just give genuinely zero Fox about that side of the world I didn't even know what sub tweet was until like a couple months ago that's how limited I am on my social media knowledge I never had social media until I created a YouTube channel when I was 28 and one of the games asked me to make a Twitter that was the first I never had Facebook I never had Myspace yes I'm I'm 34 I grew up through Myspace but like I just don't care about that whole side of things I really don't my my whole thing with YouTube and content creation is to play games I enjoy have fun doing it make a bunch of content cuz I actually enjoy just making content on something I'm passionate about and then obviously to earn a living because this is what I'm doing for a living now and that's pretty much what I do I don't care for the social aspect I don't care for commentating I don't care for the drama anything like that it's just not what I do now I think Mt is a very similar content creator to me as well and I'm just going to refer to him because his was the inspiration for me just making this whole discussion video so I think he is a very similar person to me in that he doesn't fall into that that braap phone I win to lose there's guoba from Star like those type of guid makers me and him are more guys that we jump into a game we need to be enjoying the out of it and then we will make endless amounts of content because we're enjoying it and that's what we do the problem with these games like what In Waves zenis will be the same honka Stell they just dry up on content super super quick now I will probably come back into weing waves in 1.1 1.1 does look pretty cool and I will probably go ahead and give you guys my Impressions but I'm not going to be able to keep up a regular content flow for this game and I will go ahead and play other games as well and maybe I just don't even make any more content past like the random patch update on weing waves and stuff like that because I don't want to stress myself into trying to maintain a game like it's a job even though technically is a job for me but when you look at how much time you have to put into something like this uh to maybe make one video every 3 weeks it's just not worth it to me and I don't enjoy the game as much as obviously the launch period or as much as playing any other new game that comes out at launch because the launch period of these games is absolutely fantastic and that's what I love and I have phased myself into playing a lot of gotcha games kind of like their console games you get into them I dump a ton of of hours into them and then I kind of finish up get to the end game that doesn't exist and I kind of just move on and that is what I do and there is nothing wrong with you guys saying oh but I love you know running around the the world in mothering waves and and just killing Echoes every day dude that's cool it's a game at the end of the day whatever you find fun is what you're supposed to do in a game no what anyone else finds fun who gives a what everyone else does you're just supposed to have fun and me personally I lose the fun after about that two we period but having said that I will continue to cover every one of these games as they come out because you never know when one of them will actually flip that switch and it'll be like no this is a game that I want to cover and I can make daily content on and stuff like that last couple weeks I just went back to making a ton of AFK random content a six-year-old Idol game that I get about maybe less than a tenth of the views that I get inside weing waves but it's something I enjoy and I can make gameplay content for it and I have fun doing it so that is what I kind of do I focus on what I do actually enjoy but I will continue to cover these games because I never know when that one of these games will actually be that different game where I'm like oh this is it so I will cover Zen Zone zero I'm actually really excited for Zen Zone zero it looks really really cool um the thing that got me excited was I saw a tweet talking about how they got inspiration from Digimon so I'm hoping there's something cool from Digimon out of there the other thing with zenis is I do like that it's instance based as opposed to open world I know a lot of people like oh it's not open world I'm not playing it that's cool man that's what you enjoy me personally I like to play a lot of games on my phone and stuff and these open world games are just they're so awful on phone and that's why I still play honkai Star I don't upload a ton of videos for honai staro but because the game is so easy to maintain and when I come back to it it's actually really easy to come back to with these action games it's like I especially mothering waves because it is more in-depth combat combat I can't really play it on my phone and I have feel like I have to keep playing it and keep Hing my skills cuz I suck um to come back 3 weeks later and still be you know half decent so I feel like I've got to maintain that level of quote unquote skill whereas Stell I go away for 3 weeks I come back to a new Moc I click the auto button job's done it doesn't really matter like I don't feel like you lose that there's a massive loss in these like heavy skill-based games uh that I just don't want to maintain in a gotcha game if that makes sense um so moving on I will be covering uh zener Zone zero like I said at launch and I just want to bring up actually one thing while I'm thinking of it let's bring up this one uh I I I feel like I did Telegraph this and people laughed at me but uh if we go to this one let's let's crank the volume of let's have a listen ladies and gentlemen welcome back to wethering waves you are here on this video cuz I know you're a dirty sweat like me who loves rrolling plays a game for two weeks then drops it but enjoyed all 40 hours of your rrolling process yeah that was my who you should Roll video I I knew it was going to be a game that I was going to play for two weeks I actually wasn't going to cover weing waves until Tech said but what if it's that game that you absolutely love and it goes really well and I'm like it did go really well I just didn't absolutely love it so unfortunately like that is kind of the way I view these games currently um and you know what I mean like I I see Mt make his video and I see him I I feel like he just he has that emotional response of I'm letting people down but at the end of the day I I I feel like covering a game that you're not fully passionate about is kind of more letting people down so I I'm just going to always angle with and this is what I've always done just play whatever I'm enjoying and whatever I'm passionate about at the time and hey what happens happens so that is what I'm going to go with like I said I'm going to play Zena Zone zero wouldn't surprise me if we cover that for like you know a you know a block of two weeks is and then same sort of thing I don't think that game's going to have a ton of content for me to like you know keep making content on and that's what happens I think you'll notice it with a bunch of weaing waves uh people who have making content the first two weeks you getting daily videos and then you might maybe get in one a week um unless there's some big drama going on and people are spamming that but besides that there's not a ton of gameplay stuff related so for me personally what do I kind of look forward to what am I looking for in a game the two and this is this is a funny one especially talking to people who are in like the weing waves SL uh hoo verse style of games dude the games I love the most Idol games and turn b games in the form of Summoners War epic 7 rage Shadow Legends I played Summoners War for ages I love that model of game where you have Guild PVP you have just normal Arena you have you know Towers to climb and and and farming to actually do where you have incentives to build speed teams and stuff like that so I am hoping we get another one of those games um like I said the game I've played the longest is a game that I started playing maybe a year into my content creation career and I've been playing it for six years and is AFK Arena because I just love Idol games Idol games just have a good bunch of gameplay content for me to create and that's what I have fun with and I have fun in those games but I also would love a new style of summon as war game with those core models as opposed to all the hoyo model games coming out now there is this game chaos Zone nightmare or something like that I can't remember the exact name of it it's just one of those ones that tongue twist me every time but it's by the people who made epic 7 I was really looking forward to it until I saw some leaked gameplay and it's all chibies and I was like yet so we'll have to see hopefully that game is a good one but besides that there's nothing crazy I know a lot of people looking forward to Azure prilia I am I'm looking forward to jumping in and playing that one but I do think that one will be another one of those games where it's two weeks of content and then not much to do outside of that so you know we'll have to wait and see but let me know if you guys have any other games you guys are looking forward to let me know your thoughts on like how you're enjoying mothering waves are you going to play Zen Zone zero um but like I said I I like to stick towards the gameplay content I don't care about the social aspect of these things I don't care about making videos saying like you know comparing like the communities of watering waves to genjin to Star to I don't give a man I'm just going to play the games that I see that I like play them for as long as I like them uh and make content while there's content to make and then just move on to the next thing and hopefully one of these days we get one that sticks but like I said star rail has been that nice middle ground for me that I found where it's a game that I don't make daily content I maybe make weekly content but the game is still uh a style for me that I can keep coming back to without feeling like um I've taken a break and from you know content or playing the game and I can't make content anymore because it is that turn-based where you don't lose it whereas the skill aspect of weing waves is kind of what's like dude I'm going to lose my skill if I don't like keep practicing my proper rotations for two weeks and then I'm going to come back and I'm going to suck and I'm like that's just too much investment for me into a gotcha game uh for for what I can considered to be little not enough fun or reward personally but that is where I'm at like I said this wasn't a very planned video or anything like that just wanted to have a discussion let you guys know where I'm at what my thoughts are like I said next thing we'll be covering will be Zenus um we'll see how that goes I think it's going to be a really really fun game for the first couple weeks cuz apparently they fixed the TVs if they didn't fix the TVs well it might be a fun game for an hour let's face it 48 hours while I roll but anyway guys that's it let me know your thoughts as always thanks for watching hope you have an awesome day and I'll look forward to see you in the next one cheers
Channel: Volkin Gacha
Views: 17,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wuthering, waves, wuthering waves, kuro, game, kuro game, wuthering waves trailer, wuthering waves gameplay, wuthering waves Kuro game, wuthering waves punishing gray raven, wuthering waves best teams, wuthering waves best team, wuthering waves best 5 star, wuthering waves selector, wuthering waves tier list, wuthering waves global tier list, wuthering waves launch tier list, tier list wuthering waves, wuthering waves yinlin
Id: tHzM9yFGsgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2024
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