Is Wuthering Waves Worth Your Time?

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weing waste is a gadget game I've been playing a lot for the last three weeks now so I decided to make a video talking about what makes this game good and bad for my personal experience hopefully answering if this game is worth your time or not if you're someone that's been keeping up with the game you might know that it's had a rough day one arguably week one arguably two weeks however because of how frequently the developers are releasing fixes I have been hopeful that they fix this game sooner rather than later not only have they been releasing fixes 24 hours after a problem is they've been providing constant compensation for their mistakes which many of the games I played before have never done before there are two things that this game does a very good job on those being the combat and exploration there are a lot of smooth combat mechanics that make this game feel good to play and the exploration of the world is very good that being extremely complemented by the movement but while there's a lot of good there is also a lot of problems with the game in its current state I personally have been experiencing a lot of random chops where the game will freeze for a short burst of time recently the only other game that I've seen have worse optimization in this has been Dragon's Dogma 2 I don't have a god PC or anything like that so if you're curious here are my specs if you have a better PC than me you'll probably have less problems if no problems at all hopefully hello this is future me/ editing me uh yeah I found a way to fix the Jitter problem I had that I was talking about um just install your game on an SSD rather than a hard drive and that will make it so your game should run a lot smoother I normally don't do this because I don't have a lot of space on my SSD but because of this change the game runs better smooth now okay moving on to the story in characters without spoiling the story I summarized the first 10 minutes of the story are somewhat good at getting your attention with a beautiful opening sequence that leaves you with more questions and answers and our first boss battle then you're ahead with the Bible of exposition and well building that's super boring this unfortunately is kept up for a while until we meet scar for the first time his introduction directs a tone change within the storytelling after which I honestly found the story does not fall off anymore and uh it just keeps on getting better until we end the story of 1.0 don't get the wrong idea the story writing is not amazing in any way shape or form and it's simply passable and interesting later on the story itself is definitely at its weakest at the very start where you're hit with a lot of exposition however this is something that needs to happen allowing your character to be more knowledgeable about the world they're in now but while it doesn't need to happen the way they did it in the story is very bad with you getting trinkets that you're supposed to decode to find out the truth about yourself this is extremely boring and honestly feels a little bit childish look I could go through the whole story and dissect it step by step but honestly I'd rather not this is not berserk this is not V Saga this is just a gacha game the story is passable and that's all it needs to be unfortunately the ending of 1.0 story feels a little bit abrupt and hopefully they make the transition between story beats more smooth from this point on if I had to give you any advice about the story just enjoy it for what it is and don't try to overthink it personally I think the story is saved by its characters there's a large number of characters in this world that are very interesting just because of their design and in some cases because of their backstory as a quick example Karo is a character that is very cool and I'm extremely curious about just because of their design he looks like sephra and not only does he look like him he also has the same voice actor in Japanese yunin is a new character that's coming to the game and they look really attractive there are many other characters in this game that also look be really appealing honestly after they redesigned most of the cast so that they look better I was impressed with their commitment to really making the characters look good and unique I remember there were a lot of people that were very unhappy with how some the characters looked but I think now the Sate of all the designs in the game are in a very good spot besides the main character in this game specifically the female one is probably one of the best looking main protagonists that I've seen in a gacha game I could even argue in games full stop if you disagree name me a better looking protagon in the comments as of me writing this script there are two characters out within actual backstory Quest and they're not fully fleshed out or anything like that they're just a little dive into the characters one of these being the tiger boy lingyang and the other one is our general ginan I personally think they did a good job with both of these especially with the general however lingan story is good as well by the way if if my pronunciation is bad my bad okay I I'm not used to saying these kind of names even though I was not interested in linging on story in any way shape perform I ended up enjoying the story it did feel a little bit childish at some points I overheard them talking about where be G went a loud bell ringing oh jeez guys do you know who the jingle Beast is and the opposite at some other points where he tells a story about ripping his fair out so he looks more human that last Swani might have yearned to become a human to make itself more approachable it first came up with a less intimidating name something like the jingle beast and then it yanked off all its fur filed down its claws Twisted its bones and learned to stand upright this honestly caused a little bit of narrative Whiplash however I still feel like they did a good job of making you care about the character for their own portion of the story which is very important I do believe they especially did a good job with Gian because he's a very key part of the main story specifically at the end you're able to start a quest after you're done with the main story that leads you to learning more about his character and back story because they are right after each other it feels as if you learn a lot more about him than you actually do they try to emphasize his tender side attempting to build his character up in a more round way in his personal Quest this is definitely done to emphasize his humanity and kind heart there's one thing at the end of this Quest that really caught my eye this being that depending on which character you pick the female or male Rover you get a different picture to com rate the story I absolutely love the attention to detail like this of course we're going to use a different character model in this picture however I like how they made the aesthetic slightly different depending on what character you picked the relationship is depicted slightly different in a way that I think is a very nice touch moving on to the visuals and the sound of the game there's a lot of good visuals in this game especially if you compare it with some other Gadget games where you play Chibi characters or the game is designed to be specifically on mobile so they have to restrict the graphic quality even if you compare it to genin a game that's designed to be very similar to waving waves waving waves does a better job graphically this game goes as far as to make your phone download more compressed textures so that your phone can operate better when playing this game obviously this is normal however it's something that I recognize instantly when getting the game on my phone in some areas with interesting lighting I ended up taking game screenshots for fun I normally don't do anything like this however as someone that does create digital art I do appreciate good contrast and strong lighting I even ended up editing some of them for fun the in-game cutscenes are good and some of them have very good visuals a lot of the cut scenes are designed to look not that different from the game which is a good choice that helps them make better immersion and not break you away from what's Happening you're not put in a weird situation where you question why the scene looks so different from the rest of the game the only time they change the art style is when Scar is telling you a story however I do believe they do a good job of using this difference to keep your attention the only sad thing in my opinion is that you can actually skip this whole thing this whole backstory of his you can literally just skip it by going up to them and pretty much challenging him to fight while they do a good job with the camera angles and action scenes they do make the camera go behind people that are talking in some dialogue heavy cut scenes which is annoying if you realize they're doing it this might be a me problem but when important characters are talking the camera should be facing them or at least allowing the viewer to see their face so while the visuals of the game are good there's a big problem with the Audi experience especially the English voice acting yangyang has a super sof spoken tone that over time made me hate her and the Rover speaks like an actual NPC with no life in all the lines she speaks you're not going anywhere what's wrong are you injured from the fight you saw our Sentinel in your memories one can hardly see our Sentinel with their own eyes most people only get the chance during the appointment ceremonies let's look back on what we've gathered so far our Clues point to the sugar Pearl as a key in solving the Sund Dial's puzzle simply put one token can lead to multiple targets and one target May hold it's some of the most frustrating stuff especially when I know both the voice actors could have 100% done a better job but the direction of the English voice acting came down to do whatever you'd like and you only have one take unfortunately this is by far the biggest problem we have with the voice acting right now the music is not bad quality and the game never has music that doesn't fit what's happening but it's not memorable besides this one boss theme in my opinion besides the music not being memorable there's just too much clut the sound effects in the game are taken away from the music and while this might be too much work to fix this problem they could create custom sound effects that work better with each theme song this will help them complement each other rather than doing the opposite if you don't like the English voice acting I would advise you to swap to the Japanese voice acting however I do not believe that this is something we should have to do next I'll be talking about the gameplay and the mechanics of the game if Kur games gone anything correct it was the gameplay in the mechanics every character is designed to have very different mechanics this helps make every character unique and interesting to play for a simple example diene she uses her own life force to do damage and the lower Health she has the more damage she's able to do we could pair her with a character called Jing Jang she's able to give every character Shield The Shield will heal your allies however this will also allow dye to stay low Health without being killed this will help her do more damage while also being a lot safer there are also characters that will give an attack boost as soon as they are on the field so you can just have them on the field and then take them away so they provide the damage boost to your damage dealer but these are just aspects of the characters honestly the fundamental mechanics of the game are what really makes the game shine we have mechanics like a pyro system a perfect Dodge and intro skill skills when you learn how to use these with each other it's super satisfying especially when you learn a boss's movement pattern you know you can Parry an attack when a yellow circle is created that's also closing on a a circle which is indicative of the timing you're supposed to hit this is especially important with bosses because it reduces their stagger meter making them vulnerable for a while apparently you also take away 5% of their Max HP every time you hit a perfect paring however I'm not sure about this I haven't looked very deep into this however if it's true it makes it possible ble to complete the whole game as a lower level if you like to flex your skill and torture yourself because I keep on seeing explanations on how to power I am might as well tell you now there's two main things that you need to know to perform a parry and those are obviously the timing and the distance between you and the enemy if the enemy is too far away and the timing is still correct you will miss the Parry because you are too far away from the enemy I hope that helps there are also exceptions to some rules some characters are able to Counterattack or par even though it is not according into the paric system it's just an ability of theirs an example of this is tangui and Jang Xin one of them is more designed for a passive counter attack so you don't take damage while the other one is made mainly for offensive Counterattack so yeah there's a lot of complexity for every character in the game this is all without me talking about intro skills and never a very important mechanic while you're fighting you'll be filling up a gauge and this gauge will correlate to you being able to use an intro skill this intro skill will simply put in another character on the field however this intro skill can either do more damage or possibly give a different passive effect it's very important that you fill up the gauge and then you swap the character in because it will also do stagger damage allowing you to do even more damage whenever you break their guard if you wish to swap in the character whilst there's also a Parry that's being indicated you will be able to do twice the Stagger damage you just need to make sure that the gauge is filled the last but very important mechanic in this game are The Echoes these are monsters and bosses from throughout this game that can be turned into echo's AKA Pokemon that you're able to use in two ways either you can use an echo to add another skill to your character or simply power up your character increasing their overall stats if you've ever played genan impact or honkai starel they're very similar to The Relic system in those games you're able to equip multiple Echo however only one can be used as an ability while the other ones are simply there to boost your stats when you equip these Echo you can get a set of them giving you a very WR buff to your character if you have a full set in reality you should prioritize using the best set for your character as fast as possible and then later getting the correct Echoes you have a 20% chance to get an echo and depending on how high your data Bank level is you can get higher Rarity Echoes you level the data Bank by getting new echo or getting higher Rarity versions of ones you've gotten before there is also an increased drop rate for bosses that you get every week you get a total of 15 increased drop rate chances each week so you can try farming one that helps with a character you have there is also a method to get a higher drop rate for normal echos however I'm not going to go into that on this video if you're interested in that I'll leave a video made by m tached in the description about this mechanic they have introduced a quite interesting mechanic to the world exploration that allows you to complete a quest and then it will unlock an area of the map that you would not have access to normally in some cases this Quest might even make it so the whole area changes entirely hopefully when new characters come out they don't feel repetitive and they keep on making their play style unique this might be a problem in the long term because obviously the more characters come out the more creative they're going to have to get with the mechanics and how they play and feel but honestly this combat system is especially amazing for a game like this I've never played a gadget game able to create such an in-depth core combat system that feels so good it does feel like the gameplay systems were designed to put PC players first lowering the priority of making this game playable for the mobile users this leads me to talking about the user experience there's a lot of clut on your monitor when you're using a phone and honestly I think it's little overcrowded with all the different button options for both combat and movement if you don't have a PC that allows you to play this game it'll be a less enjoyable experience for you 100% I personally don't mind it when I'm just doing my daily Quest however going through the whole game would be hell in my opinion other than then I don't personally have much of an opinion about the UI especially for a gacha game it feels normal having six buttons you can press to access every page your bag your summoning page and other things while I do partially wish it was all in my Escape menu it's normal for these games to be a little bit messy if you can't find something just go to your Escape menu I say this because for a while I was unsure where my data Bank was I've spoken about the game's performance and I do think it's okay most of the time if you have a very good PC you'll be fine but if you have a cheap PC you won't be able to play this game without it becoming an absolute [ __ ] mess as for mobile it seems to be working fine especially after they did all the fixes for day one this is what the game looked like before if your game still looks like this just make sure to report uh the bugs and hopefully they will fix it moving on to one of probably the biggest problems is its translation so far I don't believe it's been too much of a problem for the English side however there's been a big translation on the Japanese side this led to a lot of people spending money on a weapon that was not as good as it was described to be there was also a problem with emails being leaked once again on the Japanese side Kur games did give compensation for the mistake however that was still a big blunder on their part with a lot of people not having a very good opinion of them even after they gave compensation with all the mistakes they're making they're consistently giving us compensation pretty much saying sorry we are trying our best and I appreciate that from a developer personally especially when I've played a lot of games that had bugs and the developers don't do anything to say sorry or compensate us players for having to experience them as for the difficulty and balance of the game I think it's hit a sweet spot in my opinion if you are a casual you can just play the game casually while enjoying the well-designed mechanics and not doing all the endgame content if you are someone that's a hardcore player you can enjoy the Holograms that are part of the endgame content there are bosses on crack that have new mov and stronger abilities that'll just onot you at the higher levels lastly I'll be talking about the longevity and the social features of the game a lot of these gatchet games don't really have a fun way to play with your friends but I do believe this one does those Echo that I spoke about before you're able to farm them with your friends let's say you kill all the monsters in your world you're able to join your friend and kill those monsters once again if you and your friend are on the opposite sides of the map you're able to Kill The Echoes if your friend kills an echo there's a possibility that you're able to pick it up as well there for you can literally increase the speed at which you farm Echoes by two if you have a friend if you really enjoy farming Echo with your friend you can get another friend and now there's three of you farming echos at the same time increasing the speed at which you're farming echos by free obviously it's not something that I'm personally going to do but if you are an absolute grinder then this is an option this game does a way better job of allowing you to play with your friends and making it rewarding compared to a lot of other gacha games if you wish you can open up your own world for randoms to join and you can join randoms if you wish however I personally don't see much of a reason for it it would be cool if in the future we could have an event that revolves around you going to other people's worlds and doing something together but that could be a mess so I don't know when thinking about the longevity of this game I do have hope however it does feel like a taking time bomb right now and Kur games are trying their best to diffuse that [ __ ] bomb if not for the fact that they keep on trying their best to fix all the bugs and all the problems we as the consumers are having with the game I would have written it off within the first 3 days and just waited for it all to be fixed one day just like we all did with ganshin for context I myself enjoyed genin when it first released of course and I played it for a month straight but as soon as that month went by I knew things weren't going to be getting changed in the future at also I dropped the game and I never came back because of all the problems that waving waves is having right now I'm sure that there's a lot of people that are having a negative view of it however I think in the long term this would be a number one gget game at least for me a big part of this is my own visual thinking to be fair I hope this game becomes better and better and it keeps on improving without there being any major issues in the future however that's something I cannot predict because this is a live service game of course it's going to have longevity if you're looking at it from a conom perspective if you enjoy this game and its current state then it's only going to get better in my opinion with more events and more content however I am unsure how well it's going to be able to perform in the long term with retaining its audience currently the game is doing phenomenally with the stes and I just hope it keeps it up if you're someone that's here for the Hardcore gameplay only you will probably Dr this game after a month because of all the game play being finished up you're just going to get through all of it or you're just going to find it repetitive honestly after a while the only reason why this will not happen is if you start actually enjoying other aspects of this game like maybe the characters or the world that they're in I could be wrong about this but I do think a lot of the people that are on here for the combat are going to be quitting sooner than everybody else look if you go to this part of the video make sure to click that subscribe button this is my first time talking about a video game normally on this channel we talk about anime stuff so I H I made a comprehensive review for you um obviously it's not really like a review review I was kind of just talking about my opinions of the game and I just hope it does well you know what I mean I don't know if I'll be making any other video game videos on this channel but uh I might be I don't know depends how I feel on the day the week or the month uh I think my I definitely think my next video is going to be about frean the anime that's uh like that show just appeared out of nowhere so good if you think I've missed anything out or I could have talked about something else just put it in the comments if you like my opinion I believe the whole game is clearable with any character in the game so don't go get overwhelmed with all the different tutorials that are on the internet about the game how found with the game and the characters yet but on the other hand if you want to be overwhelmed with information about the game and how to mid Max every element of the game then go look for those videos but don't force people into that mindset there you go just play the game bro okay just have fun just enjoy the [ __ ] game don't make other people enjoy the game in your way if you feel like I should talk about something else like I don't know maybe an anime that you like or maybe a game that you like perhaps put it in the comments I might think about it you never know I might make a video about it honestly if you don't know this is a channel that shared between me and my friend we've been gone for almost a year from YouTube and that's because of university for all of you Americans that's College we were focusing on our cour workk making sure that we get the work done anyone that's watching this video that's subscribed to our channel that doesn't watch doesn't want to watch our videos just make sure to unsubscribe uh I would rather have people unsubscribe than have fake numbers uh in any wish shap form but if you're a legend and you wish to keep on watching our stuff then stay tuned I should be releasing more videos and also we are trying to make an art Channel I'll be mainly in control of this Channel and my friend will be mainly focusing on the Art Channel how ever he'll still be making videos for this channel in his free time is there anything else you wish to know make sure to leave a comment I'll respond if it's not stupid I hope you enjoyed this video and I hope you're having a wonderful day and I'll see you in the next video hopefully hi peace [Music]
Channel: Cofku
Views: 2,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #WutheringWaves, #GachaGames, #GameReview, #FirstImpressions, #Gaming, #Anime, WutheringWaves, HonkaiStarRail, DragonBallLegends, AFKJourney, MobileGaming, AnimeGames, GamingTips, Honkai Impact 3rd, Fate/Grand Order, Arknights, Azur Lane, Epic Seven, One Piece Treasure Cruise, Bleach: Brave Souls, Fire Emblem Heroes, Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross, Granblue Fantasy, SAO: Memory Defrag, Sword Art Online: Alicization Rising Steel, DanMachi: Memoria Freese, Goddess of Victory: Nikke, SINoALICE
Id: AmmanvFK-2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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