Jinhsi Vs Yinlin : Who Offers Better Investment Value In Wuthering Waves?

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yinin versus jensy which character should you be investing into and rolling on weathering waves has been an absolute blast so far but has become very noticeable that resources will be made scarce that is why knowing who to invest into early will help your account in the long run and prevent you from breaking it so today let's take a look at which character offers the better investment value to help you decide which one to pull for starting us off will be Yin Lin now I believe that Yen Lin has some amazing investment value just because of her role as a a sub DPS now sub DPS characters will naturally get more use than main DPS characters due to things like power creep being a factor when we talk about main DPS characters but on the topic of that Yin is just very flexible in the sense that she can be both Main and sub DPS she doesn't confine herself to just one role obviously she will work best whenever you do have any lecture unit to swap into for her outro skill but she does still buff resonance Liberation damage so she can be played with something like a Havoc Rover or be played as a main DPS with a sub DPS Yan wo she has a lot of options that I do find very nice when considering investment value I do not think she'll be power crept anytime soon she does have that passive Mark which just makes any character deal a ton of damage and she has a really nice outer skill with buffing Electro damage obviously if you have a calara if you have a Vina if you have that whole team already setup then the obvious no-brainer pick is to invest into yinin as she will be the best investment for your account currently that is that is what I'm doing I do have a calaro and a yinlin and that team has been absolutely shredding content and carrying me through most of the things in this game now if you don't have calaro I still think yinlin is a great investment as she does play nice with a lot of the other characters she even works well on a team with eny in helping to build up her passive Stacks she just performs her role as a sub DPS so well that she can be played with almost any main DPS character even the new Chang lead coming out in patch 1.1 the versatility she offers is great when looking at Raw investment value making in ly a really good investment moving on to Jin C now I do believe that genin c is relatively a lot more freet to-play friendly when it comes to team building than yinlin I do think that if you do not own a alaro you should probably be going for jiny as you will need three teams in this game and having a character like jiny who can just cheat out intro and outro skills will make an amazing main DPS unit for one of those three three teams she has many more free to playay options when it comes to her team building pairing up well with units like sanoa for her basic attack damage bonus and her quick swap capabilities as well as pairing well with spectro Rover for that spectro shred Jin just has a lot of potential to make some really broken teams seeing us how in the future if we do get some four stars or five stars with powerful outro and intro skills that can play well with quick swap teams or even without it it'll just be great to fit into jiny's team um I see some really good future investment value when it comes to her it all just depends on how good her damages and how fun she is to actually play we are going to need three teams in this game to full complete all the challenges and make it to endgame so having gen c as a 4Runner in one of those teams would be a great investment and help out your account a ton so who has better investment value jiny or Yin Lyn I do believe that if you are someone who owns calaro and is relatively free to play but does spend a little bit yinin will actually be the better investment value seeing as how she'll be able to fit into teams as a sub DPS just making those teams so much better she can be a main DPS but I think her role as a sub will just end up performing a lot better when it comes to investment value and slaughtering into your other teams with your other five star characters Yan Lin will definitely shine in that aspect as to where you can just pull on the very broken units that can come out in the future and just slap a yinin in there now if you are someone who maybe is just coming into the game or you are very free to play and you've been saving your polls for a unit like this I do believe that genin c actually does offer the better investment value if you want a strong building block to get one of your main teams started you know team one two or three and you just need a main DPS to to get going and help to solidify that whole team building aspect Jin c will be the answer see how she has a lot of freet to-play options as we mentioned earlier sonano and Spectra Rover JY will be a great main DPS to have with her ability to cheat out kerto energy as well as working with basically any element in the game seeing us how her passive incandescent Stacks work with every element and actually work better having different elements on your team in conclusion while both units offer great versatility when it comes to team building if you already have some really good units then investing into Yin Lan would be the best bet seeing as how she can just make those teams 100% better with her amazing damage and outro skill or if you're someone who doesn't quite have your team invested into yet and you're not sure what you want to play with yet I think that jiny will be the best pick and a strong main DPS unit to help forun that main team let me know down below which unit you will be pulling on if you have a choice I know some of us did lose the 50-50 onion ly I fortunately won it so I might be trying to pull for jiny in the future just depends on what my account needs if you enjoyed the video leave a like leave a sub and I'll see you guys in the next one peace out
Channel: Spudzrawr
Views: 29,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jinhsi, yinlin, wuwa yinlin, wuwa jinhsi, wuthering waves who to pull, yinlin or jinhsi, pull guide wuwa, wuwa best f2p, wuwa yinlin or jinhsi, wuthering waves pulling, wuthering waves f2p jinhsi, wuthering waves f2p yinlin, jinhsi build, wuwa build, wuthering waves which unit to pull, wuthering waves jinshi or yinlin, best investment yinlin, best investment jinshi
Id: vR0ydpSBWXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 1sec (361 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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