Ranking Wuthering Waves Characters by HOTNESS?! πŸ”₯

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welcome to ranking weaing waves characters by hotness weing waves just came out with the second closed beta test I'm sure you've been hearing about it if we're about to start a new game here we need to see who we're working with all right these are mostly going to be based on First Impressions obviously it goes without saying these are my personal opinions to each their own o I'm so excited pretty straightforward s through C tier I don't think we're going to get any worse than C really and we have a child siiz category for the young characters first up we have the male and female Rover these are the main characters can pick from when you start the game oh they're both beautiful I love the dark design sort of monochromatic their hair is a sleigh giving both of them a long thin ponytail on the back is an interesting choice overall solid hotness for MC's I'm pleasantly surprised that sounded so formable yeah it's giving baby girl there we go I mean honestly I love them both these these both speak to me I'm going to put both of them firmly in the a tier I think we can get hotter but they're good next up is yangyang she is a cutie patootie I don't know if I would say hot necessarily but I don't think she's not hot you know we stand a helpful queen that gets her some points you know it's unfortunate but I feel like a lot of partner characters end up getting detracted in these lists because it's like they're friend shaped they stuck in the friend zone a little bit I'm sorry I'm going to place her in a b tier next is chiia also I apologize if I butcher any of their name pronunciation you know I'm not vibing with her as much energetic gal personality ready for action you know what I mean she can't get her bangs in her eyes she's all business again she's firmly friend shaped in my opinion in terms of hotness Gia I'm sorry somebody's got to go there I'm going to have to put her in C tier ooh by she caught my eye very early on I'm a sucker for the hee haircut this sort of stoic cold demeanor I think she's absolutely stunning she's beautiful 10 out of 10 would ask her to step on me I'm going to have to put baiji in an sest here speaking of which sanua why is she doing that with her finger the tattoos the Elegance I think she's so hot when I watched her resonator trailer I was in transed look at her eyes you cannot tell me you would not do exactly what she asked you to do if she looked you like that I think she's another s tier I love her D okay hear me out at first glance she's like the sweet girl you know really elegant but then if you watch her trailer and you get to know her she's got some stuff lurking under the surface okay wiping blood off her cheek with a smile on her face deceitful hotness sort of the two different flavors I think for now I'm going to place her in a high B but maybe might go up later next is Yan wo Uncle Yan wo I love the representation of different age groups here it's not very often that we see like an older gentleman in these games maybe next time they'll add a granny up in here that being said um he's not my type personally you know um got the Fedora thing going on I'm sorry I'm not really feeling the Mady energy this one's giv off C tier is still okay okay it's middle of the road mortify the V could afford to be a little bit deeper he's a spicy man I feel like he would want absolutely nothing to do with me if I ran into him in a bar potentially adding hotness points you know when someone spits at you he seems cold but he also seems stuck up to me I do think I like mortify better than Yuan wo but like B tier he's fine toui oh my God she's got some spice to her I think she's a little bit generic compared to some of the other ones we've seen I will say hot points for the bangs covering a single eye add a little bit of Mystique you know a little mystery I mean yeah you can't really go wrong I think I'm going to place her like a low a Alto oh I've been waiting for this one his attitude is something else he's Sly he's sassy gives you a wink and a nod calls you sweet cheeks it's the half up half down hair for me I like him I is he an S here though I mean there's nothing wrong with having a bunch of s s tiers am I right ladies and germs I'm leaving Alto in the S tier lingyang I have not confirmed anybody's age however they do look relatively child-sized so I'm going to put them in the bottom row as well as Little Miss Encore is also child sized and Verina as well all cute designs they're very precious but you know it's not precious it's big Dy cero calaro Cocula can't tell of it intimidated or attracted why not both he will step on you he will throw a rock at you he will push you down the stairs I love the stern look in his eye with the like skin tight bodysuit you ask him what he wants for dinner and he just says H I got to put him up an Nest here this feels like a PokΓ©mon evolution to me organization 13 remember looking we have a very good distribution of hot guys and hot girls in this game I will say how am I going to decide who I'm going to man cuz I definitely Man People based on how they look and not how they play Don't Judge Me next we have yinlin love the red hair her hotness 100% comes from her play style and her attack animations oh don't hate me for this but this is another one where I saw her design and I it just like kind of left my brain I guess I'm going to put her in a low a tier as well you know there's nothing wrong with being an a tier I think the S tiers scream and the a tiers whisper you know what I mean popping in really quick while I'm editing this video I actually hadn't seen much about her before I recorded it now that I've witnessed more of her gameplay I'm going to rrect ly adjust her to be in the S tier just saying wanted to set the record straight okay back to the video next we have dtin she's also giving cutie patootie the giant bean sprout coming out of the top of her head dude I'm not the biggest fan of this one as well I think I'm going to have to put her in C tier I just she's cute but she does not really speak to me personally again with the sort of like peppy personality type what does this say about me I'm over here like oh yeah she would step on me she would hate my guts s tier oh she's so sweet she's so nice eh see oh no I need to talk to someone about that I think anyway and finally last but certainly not least we have Dion or Zeon this is the boy all right this is him he is that girl I've seen him on a lot of marketing materials and I'm like hello you that's me like popping my head from around the door frame weathering waves hello iconic beautiful Sublime it's giving Lancer from the Fate series he protect he attack he looking like a snack we have found our champion in my opinion he is the hottest character as of right now in weaing waves the final contestant is the top of the S tier who would have guessed is it the ultra highrise turtleneck or is it the attitude you know what I can't really tell but I like it now that the list is complete it is time to make any final adjustments move some people around if necessary honestly I'm feeling pretty good about this here let me if I'm being honest I think sanoa is my top lady o I don't know if I prefer Alto or cero I think I'm going to leave it there because alto's tude is just too good kind of prefer the male Rover and while I don't necessarily dislike anybody in particular I think bean sprout McGee is the one I Vibe with the least so I'm going to leave her at the bottom of the C tier unfortunately okay I think I feel good and thus my personal weaing waves hotness list let me know in the comments below who your male and female ultimate hotties are maybe whose designs you're not vibing with as much if you guys got into the Beta let me know what you guys think of the Gam so far as well I'm really curious every time there's like a new gotcha game on the scene I get so excited to make a video like this I don't know why like all right close beta started let's get that hotness list rolling baby be sure to check out my channel And subscribe for more nonsense if you're into this type of shenanigans perhaps someday I'll make a second run once I've experienced more of it and there's more characters available thank you so much for watching I will see you in my next video and have a good rest of your day I said that out of order it threw me off bye [Music]
Channel: Koomaxx
Views: 38,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wuthering waves, wuthering waves cbt2, wuthering waves cbt 2, wuthering waves tier list, wuthering waves tierlist, wuthering waves good, wuthering waves bad, wuthering waves review, wuthering waves ranking, wuthering waves characters, wuthering waves cbt2 gameplay, wuthering waves jiyan, wuthering waves character ults, wuthering waves character voice lines, wuthering waves rover, wuthering waves resonators, wuthering waves cutscenes, kuro game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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