WHO is the Rover? [Wuthering Waves Lore]

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hi there so with weather and waves coming out in a few weeks I should say that I along with many others are excited for it combat looks great end game it exists story on lore not talking about enough now I can see why cbt1 was another dumpster fire trying to cook something good but fails terribly added because of the glitches in mist transation and confusing plot lines that exist for some reason while cbt2 which had changed 99% of the story by the way still kind of felt meh that is until scar first appeared he said what and I can definitely tell why now this kind of confuses me as one of the few people that does play kuro's other game pgr and read everything that is in the global patches if they can make chapters written by gods like spal of Kronos Cinder Burns her last bow and [ __ ] survive and lome of all things then how can the writer screw this up now I can't judge the story this early as this is just the beginning of Rua I'm going to be a little hopeful that Kuru will do better for the beginning and go from there after all they did say that they will improve the pacing of the story and some other things related to that but anyway enough about that let's talk about lore I'm a little curious about a few things so I've stole I mean I've made three theories about R was lore each one being their own video so subscribe if you're not willing to miss them you're right but before we actually begin all the info comes from cbt2 to take anything that I say with the grain of salt as it can change in the official release so let's not double around and get started she today's theory is about our main character the Rover who are they well let's start off with the facts the Rover's power is special and similar to the so-called legendary hero who is capable of consuming through an odience and by extension other tcid discords what are tcid discords and thians you might ask well Taca discords or TDS in short are lifelike beings that consume the frequencies of other beings like humans a frequency is a combination of matter information and energy made from the L which are disaster events that bring about changes to the World by consuming the frequencies the TD's appearance abilities and behavior will depend on those frequencies that were consumed now when they get enough of it especially from humans they evolve into th odience which in simple terms are the most powerful types of tcid discords now when tcid discords eventually die they have a chance to leave a thing called an echo which unlike the Rover who sucks them inside themselves other people pangu terminals to catch them and use them in battle kind of like Pokémon in a way so how is the r capable of doing that well it's mostly because of the person who's seen at the beginning of the game the so-called goddess she gave them their tassin Mark and the ability to absorb Echoes possibly now who the goddess is well it's a bit of a mystery we don't know much and it's a bit speculative but I'll go through that in another video so the next part I'll go through is when the Rover meets a potential future character called gyi ginshi is the magistrate of Jingo and is one of the few people who can resonate with a sentinel Sentinels are Divine Guardians and guides that help Humanity by sharing their wisdom and prophecies the one who ginchi resonates with is called juou the dragon that we see in the beginning according to her the Rover has the same Powers as the hero who is capable of absorbing tcid discords again the same thing that I said in the beginning now I feel we have a similar situation as in genin where the traveler we choose will change some words said by characters well well the same goes here if we choose the female Rover The person gingi talks about is feminine however if we choose the male Rover the text changes to masculine so is the Rover the legendary hero well to answer that let's continue by showing a file this file is a resonator file all resonators have one and show what their powers do where they come from their chances are overclocking Etc in short this file details a resonator who has Amnesia similar to the Rover and has a test mark on their left hand keep in mind that the Rover has their testing mark on their right if the file is talking about this hero which it most likely is then this could mean that the two are not the same person unless the left hand is just narrow made by Kuro so unless that does change and it most likely will the hero is possibly not the same person as the Rover but even with that the Rover is still most likely the hero either way the file also states that the hero fought and defeated a tacid Discord who was speculated to be crownless by yanyan and stood alongside xou when the city of jino was founded this can be related when the Rover met Shou in the Gorges of spirits and later confirmed by jinshi now I should mention that the battle mentioned took place many cycles ago which is where we bring the ancient Chinese culture unless you're blind and deaf in this case how are you watching or hearing this well anyway a lot of what is shown in wua is inspired by ancient China so the Cycles should also be similar to reality in ancient China and the rest of East Asia used a thing called The Sex sagittary cycle which states that a cycle is equal to 60 years now it's specifically mentioned that gin show was founded after crownless Was Defeated several Cycles ago we don't know how much is that several but we can guess that jino is about hundreds of years old so if the Rover is the hero then yeah they are very old now according to ginshi resonators do live longer than humans but it's unnatural to live for hundreds of years and thus proposes that the Rover must have fallen into a deep Slumber one day until being awoken hundreds of years later which I mean we were asleep in space until waking up underwater and upside down but never mind that let's move on to when the Rover met a member of the facted named scar n scar when the Rover first met scar he said that both he and the Rover are black Lambs or rule Breakers and that the Rover was chosen to join the fadus he says that once the rover finds out about their past the Rover will join them without hesitation now why would the Rover do that they are a good guy well it may have something to do with another organization called the black Shores the black Shores focuses on research and the lament by making contact with many other cities and organizations around the world to bring World salvation in a vision Rover holds a black Bloom flower held by many members of the black Shores given evidence that they were a member of the black Shore according to alto's story Alto AIDS the organization by providing useful information until that person returns that person most likely being the roover who was a member of the organization as seen by that flower but why not just tell the Rover who they are if they know a lot about them especially the fact that they are the hero the hero who will save the world from the lament well we now relate to what scar said that once the rover finds out about their past they will join the fraad without hesitation so what if that information is very sensitive which could lead to the r joining them and the black Shores are not willing to risk that H so who is the Rover well firstly it is very obvious that the rer is supposed to be the hero who first defeated crownless in that battle hundreds of years ago the hero who also had Amnesia and was capable of consuming thren odans but now the question is what happened in between after defeating crownless hundreds of years ago up until then being with the goddess well those questions will be answered when the official game comes out thanks for watching And subscribe to not miss out on any presential theories and L bits of Rua [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: CrowTheCorvid
Views: 3,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: T3YBD1ezAes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 47sec (467 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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