What Is The Downright SCARIEST Thing That's Ever Happened To You? (r/AskReddit)

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serious what is the downright scariest thing that has ever happened to you the ik paranormal or otherwise when I was younger and visiting my parents I took my stumpy never met a stranger lab mutt out to go potty around 5:00 a.m. at the end of the super long driveway I ran into a guy just kind of hanging out in the pine trees he asked for a cigarette and when I said I didn't have one he wished me a good night the whole time my happy little dog she must have been about ten months old was straining towards him for attention I get halfway up the driveway and she suddenly lunges behind me practically ripping my shoulder out of the socket just going absolutely apeshit something I have never and still haven't seen from her to this day eight years later when I spun around to get her under control I see the guy's just beyond her reach booking it away he was following me up the driveway later I remember my family remarking over the few days I was there that it smelled like cigarettes around the front porch and garage this guy had probably been hanging around our house I don't know what would have happened had my dog not flipped her [ __ ] when I was driving through my burning town I had to turn back from the road I was supposed to take to evacuate because a burning branch fell and blocked me I turned and drove through the entire town there was Ash falling and flames on both sides with houses and residences burning around me I drove by melted cars downed power lines and pieces of cars from car accidents it looked like someone dropped a bomb and everything was destroyed my only thought was to get home to my family to make sure they are okay my phone had no service adding to the feeling of not knowing as I drove fire personnel and police were going in the direction I came from I didn't believe I would make it to the other end in that my fate would be like the cars I drove past I have a video of part of my reaction to what I saw I edited out parts of the silence I didn't realize that after taking a few pictures I threw my phone down and it started recording the video ends right as I react to witnessing an entire neighborhood engulfed in flames it was chilling to watch so I didn't watch it again only edited it and uploaded it so I hope you can feel what I felt I was about five or six years old living in Dallas and I was in the nurse's office when the tornado warning siren went off the nurse ran out of the room towards the other side of the school leaving me behind the lights had gone off and I didn't want to be alone so I went to follow her and ended up on this ramp that connected both sides of the school to the right of me was the cafeteria and on my left was a wall with floor-to-ceiling windows it was so dark outside that I could barely see anything out the window the sound of the siren combined with the intense wind scared me the most by this point I was in tears and I just stood there for who knows how long because I was so scared so then the vice-principal came running up the ramp scooped me in her arms and asked whose class I was in I remember walking into the classroom and seeing my teacher with a flashlight in her hands huddled with the other students in the middle of the classroom sixteen years later rams mae is still my hero I was asleep in bed one night and my mom who had recently taken interest in home security had put a wooden dowel in my bedroom window and forgot to tell me about it it was obviously a redneck version of a window lock because we lived in an old house and didn't have locks on the windows for some reason in a hoe I found out later that there was an electrical fire in the hallway outside my bedroom and I woke up to smoke slipping into my bedroom from beneath my door being a little kid I was scared shitless and have no idea what was going on at the time and so being smart I thought to try and get out my window but I couldn't get the dowel out I spend what felt like 10 minutes trying to get my little fingers around it and slip it out of the window seal but couldn't finally my mom got into my bedroom grabbed me and wrapped a wet towel around me and super mungus out of the house and me safely out of trouble best part she went back in got our fire extinguisher from under the kitchen sink and put that fire out herself thankfully it wasn't some huge home destroying catastrophe it was about 10:30 p.m. and I'm laying on the couch jamming out through my earbuds and playing on my iPad I close my eyes while listening to lithium by Nirvana when I noticed the song just cut out I open my eyes and I'm outside in the cul-de-sac at the other end of my neighborhood about half a mile wearing nothing but pajama bottoms and just below freezing temperatures just staring out into a cornfield I walk back to my house and when I get to my room I saw it was like 3 a.m. still no clue what happened but I had apparently scribbled in my school notebooks and put out the fireplace during my little nighttime adventure I had thought it was all a dream until I woke up the next day and my mom asked about all the grass I had shaken off my pants onto the floor so that freaked me out pretty bad got robbed at gunpoint at work pretty minor compared to other stories here but it was one of the few times in my life where I legitimately thought I was going to die a bit late to the game but it's about 2:30 a.m. I was out drinking one night and decided I was too drunk to drive so I called a cab I wait and try to avoid the very drunk guy smoking outside cab pulls up and I hop in he asked me where to and I tell him we stopped chatting and he's got this adorable hound dog in the front seat as we're talking he starts telling me about his startup cab company I tell him it's neat that another company is helping them get on their feet by passing them calls he looks in the rearview mirror and says we don't have a phone number I asked how he found me then he says we also don't have a base and you are the one that flagged me down I quickly register that not only did I get in the car with a complete stranger but no one knows where I am in the last person to see me was a next near blackout guy on the sidewalk luckily the cabbie drops me at home and I praised all the powers that be that nothing bad happened to my dumb bus opening my front door to see 12 armed police officers about to raid the house me arguing hysterically with my husband in a camper with the tornado bearing down on us trying to tell him his truck was not the safest place for us to be and neither was this camper but there was no place else to go having already been in one tornado with less than desirable results needless to say I was nearly pissing myself with fair happening right now actually I live in Northern California I wasn't terribly far away from the rocky and Jerusalem fires while they were still burning now there's a brand-new fire arguably worse and much closer to where I live during the day it's smokey everywhere and that night it looks like Mordor is just over the mountain I'm terrified my family is going to lose our home that I've lived in all my life I'm scared that my friends are going to lose their homes I'm just really scared my mom was a drug addict she was passed out on the couch most of my life one night I was at home with my two sisters all of us under 12 mom was passed out as always men in black jackets with police labeled on the back started banging on our doors banging on the windows shouting that they were the police and to open up being that we were all little kids we were terrified and had no idea what to do my eldest sister made sure everything was locked up and ushered us into a back room as she called our grandparents thankfully they were a short drive across town so they showed up rather quickly one by one every single guy walked past them and got into an unmarked white van they didn't make eye contact they didn't say a word they just left one of the scariest weirdest experiences I've had there's no telling what would have happened to us if we had opened the door makes my skin crawl thinking about it even 20 years later one time I woke up and my eyes were super dry like beyond description I opened them and it was pitch black couldn't see a thing but I knew there was light in the room since my alarm went off so it must have been 8 a.m. at least I literally felt my eyelids to make sure they weren't closed I shot them and rubbed cried for like a minute to moisturize them and I could see again so yeah waking up blind is not a fun thing to have happen just copy plus pasting one of my old comments I saw something weird [ __ ] creepy so have you ever seen what you thought looked like a person out of the corner of your eye but they disappear before you get a good look at it well while I was on Netflix and browsing Reddit when I saw head peeking out from the stairwell when I looked at it it was still there it slowly moved its head back behind the wall I got a good enough look at it that it seemed to be charred burned the thing that creeped me out the most is that my puppy who was with me at the time looked at that spot for the next five minutes with his hair and ears perked up I had a severe allergic reaction to something but doctors gave me after knee surgery when I was 14 first my face would start swelling and be all the pins and needles then it would spread to the rest of my body my tongue and throat swelled up so it was hard to breathe my ears must have swelled up because I could barely hear anything and I couldn't see well because I blacked out but was still aware of what was going on the entire allergy team of childrens was outside my room trying to decide what to do I was having such a severe reaction they didn't want to risk making it worse by moving me to the ico after about 15 minutes it faded away then an hour or two later it happened all over again still don't know exactly what I was allergic to I was out snorkeling with some friends off the eastern coast of Nicaragua I noticed a shark on the ocean floor just going about his business so I pop out of the water to yell at my friends that there is a shark just below us suddenly I see the shark coming up towards me which at first I thought was awesome but as it got closer I could see it was coming directly at me which was not awesome I proceeded to freak out swimming as fast as I can at the surface of the water lose a fin and my goggles while I rushed to safety at this point the shark is just a few feet from me as I hurl myself onto the boat only to see the Nicaraguans and my friends laughing hysterically the shot was a we caught on one of their lines and the local guy was just slowly dragging him up to the surface to get a better view I am not normally scared or anything this was by far the scariest moment of my life sleep paralysis just being unable to move while in bed and see a figure with blood-red eyes looking at you I was working in the Amazon doing sustainable resource surveys and often traveled with local Rangers when traveling with the Rangers we would also look for poachers we caught some one day and they attacked and butchered one of the Rangers with a machete before the other Ranger pulled a gun and subdued the man it was horrible I was on a Girl Scout trip staying in this elder house in Sandy Hook I think I was around 11 or 12 we were all in bed and for some reason I wanted to go downstairs I remember hearing the parents talking in the downstairs kitchen and I was walking toward where I saw lit up room then it all disappears and I'm standing in the middle of an empty dilapidated room random crap plaster on the floor no furniture I freak out and try to retrace my steps back to where I thought the adults were I wander around for a bit and finally find a staircase weird the staircase was blocked by a couch at the bottom then I realize I had been sleepwalking and somehow managed to go up to the third floor while he were told not to go years ago I was in bed and was woken up by the loud sound of an airplane I thought it was obnoxious but not unusual so I waited for it to start but it didn't stop it just got louder and louder until it was deafening it was so loud that in that moment I honestly thought a plane was going to come crashing through the roof and I was going to die in my bed like I got the full effect of the drawn-out seconds of blinding terror and then a sudden wave of calm which is I guess the brains preparation for the end I heard my younger brother wake up in the room next to mine and start screaming and crying and then heard my mom wake up and run to get him no plane crash though and annoys just went away I know I didn't dream it because we all remember the same thing I don't know anything about planes but I live in the street lui area and there is a military base nearby I've wondered if it was a military jet or something but if that's the case I don't know why they would be allowed to fly so low over a residential area at night seems like that would be against regulation does anyone have an idea I was followed by a man in a car one night and I'm 100% certain he would have tried to abduct me this was in Chicago after I helped chaplain the debate team trip I was walking back to my car and the guy passed me then circled back and passed again I honestly thought he thought I was a hooker and remember thinking he'd be disappointed if he stopped but then he started driving next to me at walking speed but had to move when another car came I crossed and crouched behind a parked car for a minute and when I stood up he was gone kept walking and when I got to the next intersection he was hiding on a cross street I was almost back to my car and he was still following me when I ran into a group of teenage girls I blurted out I think that man is following me meanwhile dude parks behind my car waiting for me to be alone again thankfully the girls walked me to my car and texted me his license plate but I don't think I've ever felt so unsafe in my life so visiting my grandparents who lived in an extremely poverty ridden rural area they had an outhouse still and a semi working Charlotte in the house chickens etc there are maybe 10-15 people who live around for miles at night it's dead silent and black not dark black so black you can almost touch it and it seemed to vibrate but I am fine cause I am with my poor poor in his bed with me there right so one night the screaming begins it is this lady's voice just screaming like she is dying over and over again for a few minutes I think I was dreaming briefly and snuggle up to my grandfather who says that she made me want to run out of a black room and scream then it started again at this point pawpaw hops out of gets a shotgun walks out of the road opens the front door in his slow grandpa walk ballon ballon ballon ballon came back into the house trudged back to the bed rub me on the head said it was a cougar put up the gun and said go to sleep he was snoring in about five seconds I think not any no sir I didn't sleep any more after our son was born we had many incidents of his toys going off and making noise when everyone was downstairs one time we had one go off in the middle of the night in our master bedroom the logical explanation is that the electronics are unpredictable when the battery is dying or if a switch is halfway set still very upsetting at a time [Music]
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 16,056
Rating: 4.9304347 out of 5
Keywords: r/ask reddit, r/ askreddit, askreddit horror stories, askreddit scary stories, askreddit top posts, best posts and comments, askreddit paranormal, askreddit creepy
Id: YO7PORiDnzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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