15 Strange Glitch in the Matrix Stories [Vol 1]

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this is something I've been confused by and struggled with for years I had a friend named Jocelyn I have vivid memories of Jocelyn and the things that we used to do together this isn't a childhood friend but someone I was friends with well into my late teens and early 20s I can remember us working at the same restaurant both in the kitchen slinging pizza I have an old public online diary dating back to 2004 and Jocelyn has mentioned a lot throughout the years and years of entries the problem is no one else seems to remember her there are no photos of us together despite memories of taking photos my parents and siblings have no memory of me ever having a friend named Jocelyn I'm unable to find her on any social media it's like she never really existed what's even more odd the one thing I can't remember is where she went or what happened to her I've come up with many theories over the years perhaps I suffered some sort of trauma and this was a coping mechanism or maybe I somehow moved between universes and realities but some of my memories remain intact perhaps my OCD diagnosis and subsequent medical treatments have also cured or treated a second undiagnosed disorder that created jocelyn has anyone else experienced anything like this I'd love to get an answer to this mystery but I fear it will always be just that a mystery one evening I was sitting in my living room reading my favorite book when I heard someone clearing their throat for context it was already dark outside and I had the lights on which meant that I could see the room and myself in the window taking up the entirety of the opposite wall I looked up and around wondering where that came from considering I live alone when I couldn't see anyone in the room except me the reflection I figured I had imagined it but a couple of minutes later I heard it again again I looked around I wasn't worried because I had encounters like this a few times before but then I noticed something very strange when I looked in the mirror my reflection looked back at me and smirked and he wasn't holding the book I still had in my hands in the reflection it was lying on the table in front of me then he struck up a conversation he wasn't too pleased with some of the decisions that I had made previously apparently my subconscious or whatever the heck he is disagreed with my decisions this happened about a week ago or so he hasn't talked to me since but I still catch my reflection smirking at me when no one else is looking I decided to spend the night at my boyfriend's house during the week once he has a dog so we had a walker normally I would stay home while I wait for them to come back but it was late so for some reason I went with them this time we walk outside and obviously it's really dark it's around 1 a.m. so nothing unusual everything was quiet like it should be and we were just walking when I didn't know where the sky became really bright for a second it looked like lightning struck really close to us and it almost became day but we waited for the sound of thunder and it never came we both saw this and try to figure out what it was it couldn't be lightning because the sky was so clear later I even checked an app on my iPad to see the weather and there were no clouds close to us we started to head home and it happened again it also happened close to his house on another day we still don't know what it is I was goofing in my kitchen and kind of trying to juggle three apples with various success rates I dropped one and since we have tiled floor in the kitchen I prepared to hear a crunch of the Apple breaking or at the very least a thud of it hitting the floor nope nothing no sound and more importantly no Apple there was no way it bounced because I would have heard it it literally had nowhere to go I looked everywhere and still couldn't find it I don't know what to make of this experience and I want my Apple back I decided to do lyft as a side hustle and around 4:00 a.m. this morning it was time for me to take people to work and for them to start their day a side note I never believed this whole matrix thing or a parallel universe but this is mildly alarming to me I took these passengers to Phoenix and we were saying how I could just finish up after that ride and go home since I live just five minutes west of them I dropped them off and I vividly remember looking at my compass on the digital screen of my car and proceeded west on the road I'd taken literally hundreds of times I can see the high-rises and skyscrapers the city I loved so much and I remember admiring it because the city looks so pretty under the cold dark November sky I was with cars following light traffic a white Nissan was in front of me I took a glance at my speed to make sure I was following the speed limit and I kid you not when I looked up less than a second later I was in a rural part where Scottsdale meets Mesa no buildings no houses no streetlights or cars it was a desolate space with nobody I was so caught off guard I looked at my compass and I was driving east I tried to logically debunk it but I couldn't I then how to look up directions for my home because I had no idea where I was I remember feeling this vibe and the closest thing I can describe it as was impending doom I didn't feel comfortable at all here's where it gets more freaky when going west I go on Thomas Road and I was on Thomas because my passengers were on Thomas but when I looked up I was then on McDowell and Pima Pima and McDowell is about 20 minutes from where I live how did I get 20 minutes away in a nanosecond in the opposite direction on a different Road I finally found a freeway and it took the full 20 minutes to be back to where I originally was my friend Adriana and I had to switch cars on this particular day which was kind of out of the normal we never switched cars but I think we were supposed to be together on this night for a reason the reason I don't know yet though also on this particular day it just happened to be Friday the 13th and a full super Blood Moon coincidence maybe these are the only logical explanations i've come up with since we had to switch cars on that day i had a pickup adriana from work at a local Country Club in our town I brought with me my boyfriend's dog Cesar is a French American bulldog mix when I picked up Adriana I was around 10:45 p.m. on a Friday night Fridays and Saturdays are the main nights for this country club to make money as they were extremely busy all the time on the weekends it's called the Atlantic City Country Club and it has a long line of history dating back to 1898 and has been claimed to be haunted keep that in mind as we left the country club Adrienne I realized that she left something at work we stopped at her house prior to get clothes because we were having a sleepover at my house and by the time we got back to the country club an hour had passed we arrived back at 11:45 p.m. when we got back to the country club there were no cars in the front parking lot which was odd earlier when I had picked up Adriana she told me that there was a wedding party going on and that it was a surprise that she got out early when we got there the country club looked the same however you could tell that there was not a soul there from the lack of cars and how quiet it was a wedding party was going on so you would think that there would be a lot of noise and a parking lot filled with cars but there wasn't as we pulled up to the front she told me to sit in the car while she ran in she walked up to the front and the front doors were locked and it was dark inside at this time we both heard music coming from the side entrance however this music wasn't modern-day music it sounded like a record player from the 1900s at least the 1920s era we both looked at each other confused due to the front door being locked Adriana said that she would go to the side entrance where the music was coming from because maybe that's where the wedding was before she walked to the side entrance we both heard what sounded like a bunch of men having a serious discussion among the music as she walked to the side entrance I got that feeling in my stomach that I didn't want to be alone it's almost like the air turned thick and I couldn't breathe as she walked to the side entrance I saw her walk to the doors and linger there for a bit I saw that she had knocked and waited I also saw movement behind the blinds in the side area and it looked like a bunch of figures moving around after that she came running to the car in a panic when I asked her what was wrong she had to calm down to tell me during this time the dog started getting irritated and what seems like uncomfortable Adriana had told me that when she walked up to the door she could hear men talking and music in the background the music was stuff from the 1900s era when she knocked on the door she said the men turned silent and one man in particular said wait a second who is that in a serious creepy tone a tone as if no one should be there and they or whoever it was was caught Adriana said that she got the feeling that she shouldn't wait around to see what would happen if they opened the door almost like when your sixth sense is so strong then you need to trust your gut and run the hell out of there after she told me this we got so extremely freaked out and decided to go around to the corner to the employee lot to our surprise there was not a single car in the parking lot except for the company card that's always there even more freaked out we decided to take the back entrance to the main road which goes through the ground keepers area while we're going through the ground keepers area Adriana said that she had never seen the area before even though she had worked there for three years in particular she set a certain building with a light on that we both saw was the building she had never seen before either the building was old and rundown this was not a building at a high-class modern day Country Club we were so freaked out we didn't even stop what felt like an eternity to get out onto the main road had only been five minutes there is no way only five minutes had passed after all of this at the very minimum at least 30 minutes for the next hour or two it's all we talked about trying to come up with reasonable explanations as to what happened this isn't the creepy part we decided that Adriana was going to text her manager fellow employees and the banquet employees to see what was going on the next day Adriana's manager other employees and additional banquet employees all texted her back the next day claiming they didn't even leave the country club until 2:00 a.m. they also said that the wedding party was so big that there was nowhere to park in all of the parking lots we were speechless of course everyone thought we were lying because they claimed that there was no way we couldn't find anyone or that all the doors were locked because there was an overwhelming number of people there until 2:00 a.m. and the side entrance had also been closed off for remodeling this happened when I was in elementary school in Colorado I don't live there now I believe fifth grade I'm 25 now however I constantly think about what happened to this day anyway let me start off with something that I can't make sense of but it also ties to what I'm about to say I don't know what it was but when I was a kid I would see this knee level beige four legged I assumed really blurry thing from the corner of my eye or I would see it moving fast around the environment around me I don't know if it was a ghost or something of that nature I was never able to see it clearly so I made guesses about what it was and what it looked like but it wasn't a living thing as for the shape I don't know just the color I just know I saw it often regardless if I move states and whatnot I don't know what it was I noticed that the times I would see this beige thing were increasing and I wondered what the hell was even happening or if I was going crazy well one day my twin sister and I were walking up the hill to get to our bus stop for school on the way there I saw the beige thing in the corner of my eye and some what appeared to go past me and up to where my sister was she was walking ahead of me but at the same time I saw this I looked up to see a mountain lion run from out of the woods next to us and jump on my sister attacking her I remember hearing my sister let out a blood-curdling scream and I in return screamed her name out of fear I couldn't believe what I was seeing and closed my eyes I didn't want to see my sister get attacked it was all so fast however just when I yelled my sister's name I hear my sister angrily yell what I then opens my eyes and my sister was just standing there staring at me she was just facing me and somewhat mad that I yelled out her name the way I did I remember looking around but nothing at all appeared to have happened no mountain lion no beige blur just my sister and myself I asked with fear in my voice if my sister saw the mountain lion run up to her and she just chuckled and angrily told me no and then proceeded to call me an idiot I don't know what happened but some glitch had to have occurred I recently got fired for my job with applied behavior analysis I worked with children with autism and had other jobs dealing with therapy for over seven years before I got fired I had a session with this one child I will name Callie for confidentiality reasons I'm going to change the name and change the age this will not affect the glitch in my account Callie is about eight years old has a genetic disorder in the past had a cleft lip and is a mute Callie chews on toys hair ties beads necklaces pens and pencils one day during session Callie opened her mouth Callie's whole tongue and only her tongue was like glowing neon green it looked like her tongue was missing and a green screen where her tongue was supposed to be was there that's the best way I can describe it as if a movie green screen was in her tongue area after three seconds she closed her mouth I was so surprised that I started forcing her to open her mouth to make sure she was not eating candy hair ties or drink kool-aid or had a green color marker in her mouth after I opened her mouth to make sure there was nothing in there everything was normal Callie's tongue was back to being pink textured and had no sign of neon green anywhere her mom was on the computer in that session and had her back to us her mom refuses to give her any sweetened drinks and she's only allowed to drink water after all my years working in therapy nothing this strange has ever happened to me Kali's missing tongue replaced with green neon light felt or looked like a real-life computer game and the computer programmer forgot to fill in the tongue or not enough memory or a ram to run that simulation of a tongue I work at a retail store pretty popular one it's color is red and I was walking to go stock something I see this lady with a baby in her cart walking in front of me my wife and I have had baby fever so I look over and I stopped the baby's face looked like a video game model who hadn't loaded in it was a face but it looked like a terrible old video games graphics I thought at first maybe the baby had a deformity but about 20 seconds later the face just became normal I thought I'd just mossad it until I talked to the guy who was working near me who saw the exact same thing only it was the baby's face going from normal to weird a little bit earlier I'll start off with incident one this was a couple of weeks ago for backgrounds I have my computer desk with two large monitors in a speaker system on the desk and a set of drawers next to each other with my TV above it there was room between the drawers and the desk to just fit my hairdryer between to get it out of the way anyway this particular de-ice led my hairdryer in the place I usually do and then went into town to do some errands upon coming home my hair dryers on the floor in front of the desk and drawers and I could no longer fit it in the same place I usually do the space is tiny now and there is no way these two things could have been moved easily there's also no one else around that could have done it and it wouldn't have been an easy task nothing else was out of place or any different either perhaps there is another logical explanation but there is nothing I can think of honestly second thing happened today this morning as I was leaving for university I grabbed my backpack and I put it on my back as well as my handbag over my shoulder and my thermos I distinctly remember putting my handbag in the car and having it near me but when I got out of the car and grabbed all of my things I realized I didn't have it I went back home and found it sitting on the bench where I had it next to my backpack this could have just been a false memory but I swear I grabbed it I remember putting it over my shoulder and grabbing my coffee before going out the door I also remember putting it in the foot bay of the passenger side of my car this happened a few years back when I was about 15 my mom and I were in line for self checkout at Target we had stepped up to the checkout line placed the basket down on the side of the machine and before we even began scanning all of the items in our cart were already scanned we were so an odd that we had called over for help and asked if there was a new program or something of the sort the employee was confused and said no we explained to the employee what happened but the reaction they had was just as confused as we were but brushed it off with a laugh and continued on with their day my mom and I were still confused but we proceeded to just pay since everything was already accounted for literally every single one of our items was accounted for and we only had about six things I tried to look it up on Google to see if there was a checkout scanner that had some kind of program like this to avoid theft or something but I couldn't find anything online about it we were confused but never spoke about it again just laughed it off at how weird it was looking back another scenario could have been that someone went to check out their things scanned all of their items that were coincidentally the same as ours but decided not to pay and left but seriously what are the odds of that pretty slim a year ago my buddy and I visited our friend he had an empty place there were only three of us in the house that evening we were playing some music on YouTube and then decided to go to the store to get some beer and snacks my buddy and I went to the store situated three minutes away from the house important to the story the truck on YouTube had just began as we left the house it's 8 minutes and 22 seconds long our friend decided to stay and wait until we came back on our way we were fooling around dropping random jokes and whatnot for like 15 minutes we bought what we needed so we headed back to the house we knocked on the door just to see our friend scared us how he was pale as a sheet of paper he was just standing and looking at us completely shocked at first we thought he was just joking with us but it didn't seem to be the case he swore that he felt like seconds had just passed between us leaving and returning from the store still thinking it was a joke I noticed that the track mentioned was only at around 2 minutes no loop or autoplay and my friend convinced me that he didn't put it at 2 minutes I believed him because he was visibly scared and confused in 5 plus years of hanging out with him I never saw him like that to this day we haven't found a rational explanation for this call me an idiot but I didn't actually know what appendicitis was until I was 19 I have extreme generalized anxiety disorder so it was somewhat normal for me to obsess and worry about something new like this but something felt different about this particular case as the years went on I'd catch myself checking for pain and signs of organ distress every time I woke up and I even talked to a counselor about it and helps to make myself feel better about my irrational fear things got even more bizarre after I said it out loud to her I knew for sure that when it happened I'd be on my way home from my counselors house writhing in pain with every twist and turn of the road and ready to face what had become my worst fear I could even see a hospital doctor informing me well your appendix does look a little large in each of my obsessive daydreams what an odd detail but it was clear as day I started getting some severe GI issues at the age of 27 which still haven't resolved life is awesome but for an entire two-year stretch I knew without a doubt that it was coming to get me and it was all down to a matter of when I finally got the stomach ache but headed off to counseling thinking it was just heartburn or something like that I almost spend the entire hour squirming around in pain like Abba headed snake but I decided to leave 20 minutes early because something told me there was no reason for me to be in this amount of pain I tried to block out the reality of what was happening because it looked exactly like my nightmares or daydreams driving home and unspeakable pain knowing exactly what would happen next finally when I got my wife to come home from out of town to drive me 45 minutes to the hospital I got some CT scans your appendix does look a little large and swollen is exactly what the doctor said I have no idea why I predicted any of these things happening thankfully everything was fine well they took my appendix out but I lived but I don't know how I could have predicted any of this appendicitis isn't even as common as I originally thought and the other two details are just plain weird tidbits of something that actually happened I worked in a busy cafe about ten years ago I had tons of regulars and got to memorizing their orders the front of the cafe had a big window where I could see people coming and if it wasn't busy and I saw a regular coming I would start on their order so it would be super quick for them by the time they came in during the mornings I kind of worked on autopilot fulfilling orders and making small talk I saw this fellow coming so I made a small coffee with milk and sugar and put a blueberry danish in a bag he came in and I put his order on the counter he said good morning I said good morning here you go and he said what I haven't ordered yet and I said yeah small coffee with milk and sugar and a blueberry Danish to go right yes that's what I was going to order but I haven't and I said it's what you always get I'm not even from here I've never been to this cafe before and we just kind of stared at each other for half a minute I laughed but he seemed annoyed and freaked out he ended up buying it but I never saw him again a few years ago I was in a head-on collision with a truck on the highway I had six of my friends in the car with me and we all walked away which is scratches and bruises but the truth is we shouldn't have for about three days I felt like my body was an empty vessel without a consciousness on the third day I experienced the glitch I was sitting at my boyfriend's house drinking a beer I placed it on the nightstand next to me as I answered a text from my best friend asking to borrow my denim jacket I agreed no problem as we share all of our clothes when I looked at my boyfriend had just entered the room holding his own beer and this made me want mine but when I went to reach for it it wasn't there I looked around and I saw all the way across the room on the dresser my boyfriend was not in the room at the time at all and the beer was just sitting right next to me there is no way that he could have moved it without me seen I tried to shake it off but then it gets weirder I get home later and I see a denim jacket draped on the kitchen chair but when I inspect it further it looks nothing like my jacket this was my mom's jacket she bought from the Levi's outlet in the 90s that she eventually gave to me I've had this jacket forever and it was a staple in my wardrobe so there is no way I could have been confused about how it looked so I asked my friend where my jacket is she says on the chair in the kitchen I say no it must be someone else's that's not mine she swears up and down that she left it there so I bring her in the kitchen and show her she looks at the jacket and immediately does not recognize it agreeing with me that it's not my jacket we've had a lot of parties so thinking that somebody left it behind and maybe took mine on accident I pick it up I find multiple craft stains of glitter and puffy paint all over that I got on my denim jacket my freshman year of college this is when I get complete goosebumps and we call my other friend who was in the car with us to come look at it she agrees that it's not my jacket and then I show her the stains and her face completely turns white I went to look at my phone for pictures of me in the jacket and suddenly didn't have any this jacket is also from Levi's but the cut is much tighter and the wash is way darker there's also stitching in the front that was never there my original jacket was way oversized and very lei acid-washed so these two jackets are extremely different for the first day or two all of my friends and roommates have the same reaction as well without me giving any background at all my theory is I died in that accident and my consciousness was transferred to a different timeline where my mother purchased a different denim jacket I don't like to wear it as much anymore partly because it's not as cute as my previous reality jacket but mostly because it creeps me out a whole lot every time I look at it [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 31,679
Rating: 4.8306065 out of 5
Keywords: glitch stories, glitch in the system stories, scary simulation stories, reddit horror stories, true scary stories, scary stories 2020, new true scary stories, new glitch in the matrix stories, near death experiences, real near death experiences, life is a simulation, real life glitches, scary real glitch stories, glitch in the matrix stories, true glitch stories, true parallel universe stories, alternate realty stories, time slip stories, scary, horror
Id: Sm41jtdUU9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 1sec (1861 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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