What Is Minecraft Steve?

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mm yeah, someone is looking good today. Ohh Ohh oh yeah that’s a nice angle. Hello Internet, welcome to Wifeory the show that milks video ideas dry like I do to a cow when there’s an ocean monument nearby. And I can’t be the only one that’s noticed the fact that we can breed together any set of cows but we can also milk every single cow. Something here just doesn’t quite line up. But Minecraft has far stranger mysteries than the magic of domestication. In a world characterized by mostly dumb animals and blocky sturcutes, one thing just seems so much more advanced and intelligent than all else around it. That thing is you, the player, steve. In a game filled with hidden lore, how do you fit into it? Minecraft Steve is so much more powerful than everything else around him, it begs the question, who or what is he and how does he fit into the whole story of Minecraft? And that is what I will be answering in today’s video. But really quickly if you do enjoy the video then please consider subscribing. We’re getting so close to 700 thousand subscribers. According to socialblade I’m supposed to reach that milestone in around a month, but let’s prove them wrong and hit it even earlier. If you like the video and find that you aren’t subscribed, then consider doing so. It’s completely free and you can undo it whenever you like. It really helps me out a lot and I greatly appreciate it. But with that said, thank you so much and I hope you enjoy. At face value Minecraft doesn’t seem like a game filled with lore. It’s marketed as a sandbox, an open world where you, the player, can do anything. But with a bit of digging and a lot of creativity, you can string together a theory based on the mysterious aspects of the game. The abandoned underwater cities of the drowned, the fake wool structures inside of woodland mansions, and the strange names of the achievements. But continue to do this and you run into an impasse. Something that doesn’t make sense, a puzzle piece that doesn’t quite fit. You. Steve. Over the last couple of years as Minecraft has had a ressurange, we’ve seen many videos and channels trying to piece together the story of the game. It’s not outright stated that there is lore but there are definitely hints towards a greater narrative scattered throughout Minecraft. But one thing that has yet to be solved is how we, the players, fit into all of this. We’re just so different from everything else in this world, so what are we? To figure this out we first have to understand what truly separates us from the other mobs in the game. It’s easy to say that Steve is better than everything else around him but what makes him better. Searching through Minecraft’s mobs it’s not hard to find the dumb ones, and the smart ones. There are only a few Minecraft mobs that express any signs of intelligence. The villagers, the illagers, the piglins and arguably the endermen. While most of the creatures in Minecraft merely walk around with a simple goal, whether that be to survive or to kill you, these four mobs are different. They live together in organized colonies and have unique characteristics that other mobs don't. Villagers, illagers and piglins have the ability to build structures to live in. Sure they aren’t the prettiest but they are organized and active. They’ve displayed an ability to construct settlements as well as engage in trade and mimic the world around them. I mean the illagers can coordinate attacks on the village settlements, that requires a fair bit of intelligence if you ask me. Endermen are more on the dumb side but aren’t just a regular hostile mob, they only attack you if you look at them first and maybe they were the ones who built the end cities, who knows. Either way this proves we aren’t the only ones in this world that can build and think. So what makes us different from them? An argument that I often hear is that Steve is some sort of god, I mean how else could he carry that much stuff. Shulkers upon shulkers of diamond blocks, that’s really heavy and he’s the only one that can do that. Except he isn’t. Villagers and Piglins also carry a lot if not more materials than Steve, just more subtly. If you have enough gold, you can literally trade forever with piglins, they carry an infinite supply of items to give you when you barter. Compared to these guys, Steve is not even close to superhuman. And yeah we can sprint, we can swim, we can crawl but that’s just because Steve is built different. We can’t fly like the phantoms or shoot lasers like the guardians. Mining and crafting aren’t valid things either. While not that common crafting tables do generate naturally- in witch huts, villages and pillager outposts. In blacksmith chests we can find diamond tools and weapons proving that these guys do indeed know how to mine for resources and craft them into gear. The witch can brew potions and the piglins can create and equip armor. The villagers know how to engage in trade and the illagers can manipulate the forces of life and death. So again in comparison the player isn’t really that smart. No, what fundamentally sets us apart from the rest of the creatures in Minecraft is one of the things that we take for granted the most. Something we can do but no other mob in the game can. The ability to respawn. Sure we can craft and progress faster than those around us but they can do it too. But they can't come back to life. If I kill Jerry here, yeah more villagers will spawn naturally, but jerry isn’t coming back. He’s gone forever. And if I die, I’ll just wake up in my bed again, good as new. As if it was all a bad dream. And this is where I have a problem with the current Minecraft theory. If you aren’t aware of the current lore theory proposed by MatPat of the game theorists, I’ll briefly catch you up. At one point in the Minecraft world, there was a race of ancient builders. Humans like us roamed the world with the same abilities to mine and craft that we have. They are the ones responsible for many of the structures you see in game, from the mine shafts to the jungle temples. But, something happened, some disaster that caused the builders to flee, an extinction event that drove them to hiding in the end. Once there though, they realized there was no way out, they were stuck. They spent centuries in the end dimension trapped by the dragon, and eventually evolved into the present day endermen. Unable to ever return to the overworld. The supposed disaster that drove the ancient builders into the end was the creation of the wither. A force that none of the builders could stop and so had to escape. We, the player, are supposedly the last remaining person of this forgotten race, left alone and somehow unscathed. But if we are truly what they were, why did they run? I mean if we can respawn shouldn’t they be able to as well. Why didn’t they just face the wither head on and if they died, whatever they can just try again. Or, could they not respawn, and if so why can we if we are their supposed descendant. Something doesn’t quite line up. It’s clear just from appearance that we aren’t related to the villagers, well, directly their noses are larger and they are much more simple minded than us. But if we are a descendant of the ancient builders and they can’t respawn, why can we? When they fled the wither, our ancestors hid in the end, and I think the end dimension holds the last bit of information we need to crack this mystery. There are three important things to inspect regarding the end dimension. The first is the awkward interaction we have with the endermen. They won’t attack us, unless we look directly at them. But why, if these are our ancestors, why do they suddenly get mad when they see our face. Maybe they have something against us. The next notable thing is the interaction with the dragon itself. The endermen or ancient builders clearly don’t like the dragon. It’s imprisoning them in the end and has no problem attacking them. When we kill it, we get an advancement called “Free the End” As if our goal wasn’t just to kill the dragon, but beating the game means to set our ancestors free. And that brings us to the third feature, the end poem. When you finish the game and jump into the portal at the end you’re greeted by the end poem. The end poem is a strange and cryptic conversation between two gods, two entities that describe themselves as governing forces of the universe. Whatever you believe runs reality, whether it be demons or quarks, that’s what these things are. One line in particular stands out. “I like this player, it played well, it did not give up”. The way this is phrased is strange, it alludes to the idea that there have been players who did give up, who didn’t play well. I like THIS player? As opposed to what others? Have there been people before who played in this world, who have tried to beat the game, and failed. And they’re proud of us for some reason? As if they wanted us to beat the game, as if they wanted us to free the end. And now, the puzzle pieces seem to come together. Wherever you look in Minecraft you can usually find a common overarching theme. Death. The forces of death seem extremely present in Minecraft following you wherever you go. The nether is the most obvious correlation, a red demonic dimension that seems to be strongly based on hell. There are souls of the dead trapped in the ground, rib cages littered all over the world and charred skeletons that can seep away your life. In the last video we discussed the power of soul energy, and how it seems to run everything in the game. The beacon which gives us positive status effects is created with a nether star, a densely packed collection of souls dropped by the undead wither. The potions that we brew to become stronger are originally grown on soul infused land. I mean, even one of the best ways to get experience in the game is to kill things. As if to progress on our journey we need to harness the power of the dead. But there are also more subtle details that allude to this grisly theme. Fossils scattered around in corners of the world, and the ankh on the side of desert temples. An ancient egyption symbol associated with life and death and rebirth. Seems unlikely that it’s just a coincidence. So what does all of this mean and how does it connect together? Well, it’s my belief that the extinction event that originally drove out the ancient builders, we caused it. Us, Steve, were the ones who had the idea to create the wither. We were intrigued by the deadly power and potential of the nether and tried an experiment, to create life. And it backfired horribly. The wither was created and drove the world into turmoil. The builders, unable to respawn, ran away from the wither, us along with them, fleeing for the end. But before we could make it, we died. Steve was killed. But that’s not where our story ends. The Minecraft gods watched as we created the wither, watched as it terrorized our people and watched as we ended up dying ourselves. But instead of sending us to an afterlife, they brought us back. Creating the wither was just the beginning. The beginning of a cycle, where each time we die we are brought back to finish what we started and free our ancestors. We are given handicaps like bonus chests, crafting recipes and the ability to carry multitudes of blocks because the gods want us to repent and succeed. Whenever we die we're brought back into a new life, with nothing of what we had before but we can still find it where we passed away. And we’ll keep respawning, until we make our way to the end. Until we can repent for the crimes we commited with the wither. The endermen, our distant relatives, knowing what we did in our past life attack us when they realize it’s us. We are the ones that created the wither. They haven’t forgotten that. Only when we kill the dragon keeping our relatives hostage, only when we finally free the end, are the gods proud, and end our cycle of respawning. Now with that said this theory might sound far fetched, and that’s because it is. Granted there isn’t a lot of in-game proof backing this up but I think it offers a considerable explanation as to why Steve is the way he is. He sinned and now he’s making up for it, that’s his mission. But do let me know what you think, I’m very interested in hearing your thoughts about what Steve could represent. But that said, that is the story of Minecraft steve. If you did enjoy the video, please consider leaving a like and subscribing. It really helps out a ton, and I do appreciate it. And as always, peace out, thank you for watching, I'll see you next time.
Channel: Wifies
Views: 1,828,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wifies, mumbo jumbo, dream, minecraft steve, who is minecraft steve, who is steve, steve, what is steve, what is minecraft steve, the game theorists, game theory, game theory minecraft, hello don't sue thanks, sorry
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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