Disturbing History of Minecraft Endermen

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[WALKS IN] Oh what ew there’s an endermite in my room gross. What the hell. Aw get outta here, shoo, shoo. Stupid- stupid parasites. Wait a second, that gives me an idea. Hello internet, welcome to wifieory the show that can’t bear to stay from lore, like a parasite to your brain, but more on that later. As we’ve covered multiple times on this channel, Minecraft lore is a pretty deep rabbit hole. If you know where to look, the game is full of unsolved mysteries. Such as the giant fossils underneath your world, the creators of the nether fortresses, and the origin of the endermen. And it’s actually that last one that I’m going to talk about today. In Minecraft’s lore and storyline there’s probably no more intelligent and important creature than the endermen. They are the focus of so many theories, yet I don’t think we actually have a concrete answer as to what they are. And that is the topic of today’s video. What are the endermen? But super quickly if you do end up enjoying the video then please consider subscribing. We’re actually so close to 800,000 subscribers and every bit of support does help a lot. If you’re part of the 81% people who watch these videos and aren’t actually subscribed then please consider doing so. I greatly appreciate it, and it’s completely free and you can undo whenever you want. So just check to see if you are subscribed, you might think you are but you actually aren’t, but with that said, thank you so much, and I hope you enjoy. Across every major theory about Minecraft’s lore, one aspect remains consistent. Endermen. They’re everywhere. They’re the core and secret to every popular Minecraft narrative, and they hold the key to fully understanding one of minecraft’s largest unsolved mysteries. From the ability to pick up blocks to having very human-like sounding sound files to straight up being able to teleport, endermen are so much different from the world around them, so what are they? To start off I think it would help to briefly compile a list of all the notable aspects that make endermen so interesting and different. Thing 1 is obviously teleportation. Apart from the shulker which doesn’t seem to be able to control itself , endermen are the only mob in the game that can naturally teleport. They’re the only mob that can be found in every single dimension but how do they do it, what gives them that power and how does teleportation work? The second noteworthy thing is their human-like characteristics. The endermen can place and break blocks like the player, and their sound files seem oddly human, here’s an example. Maybe they share some connection to us as steve. The third notable thing about the endermen is their aggression mechanics, the endermen will only attack the player if we look directly at them, but won’t attack us if we wear a pumpkin. And more interestingly, while they’re often classified as a passive mob, this isn’t true at all. Endermen will unconditionally be aggressive towards endermite, small pests that just lay around and exist. Endermen will attack them for seemingly no reason, it’s the only mob in the game that they’re aggressive towards. Why is this, what exactly is the endermite and why do the endermen hate it so much? Now that we have those questions established, I think the best way to answer all of them is with this one question. Where did the endermen come from? What is their origin? The current theory of Minecraft proposes an interesting narrative. This theory was popularized by Matpat over on the game theorists and I am aware that RetroGamingNow, a more lore focused youtuber does have a differing theory. However, for better or for worse, since more people watch matpat, I’ll be focusing on his story. Simply put, there was once an ancient race of builders in the Minecraft world. However due to some unknown disaster, theorized to be the creation of the wither, they fled to the end without realizing: it was a one way journey. Stuck in the end and imprisoned by the dragon, the builders built cities, the end cities we now have. And over time as a result of consuming the chorus plants or something, they evolved into the current day endermen. Leaving their race extinct, except for us. But this theory has a few holes. Namely what are the enderpearls? Matpat admits that this question goes unanswered. What are these orbs that the ancient builders drop when killed? And if the builders did evolve into the endermen, how on earth did they evolve to teleport. That seems like a bit of a stretch. And finally, why the odd aggression mechanics. If they are our ancestors, why do the endermen attack us, but not with a pumpkin, and why do they attack the endermite. A crucial puzzle is missing, and I think I’ve found it. The one thing missing from this problem, a key that seems to have almost everything line up, the solution to Minecraft’s greatest unsolved mystery. That key is the endermite. What do we know about the endermite? The endermite is one of the more uncommon mobs in Minecraft. The only way to get it to spawn is to throw a pearl and when you do there is a 5% chance that an endermite just poofs into existence. It doesn’t spawn naturally anywhere else. Even weirder than that though, is it’s despawn mechanic. Most mobs if in an unloaded chunk will despawn after a set amount of time. However if you look at them, that mob isn’t going anywhere. The one exception though is the endermite. No matter what even if you look directly at it, after two minutes of just existing, the endermite will begin to swirl and then just poof out of existence. It will vanish in a burst of particles, as if returning somewhere. And it’s the only mob that does that. Definitely very strange. Finally the endermite itself has some weird aggression mechanics. It will attack the player perfectly fine but seems to have no problem with endermen. It won’t agress unless hit. It’s a very strange relationship where one party wants to slaughter the other while being passive to everything else, and the other while being aggressive won’t put up much of a fight. And it’s this interaction with the endermen that lead us to an answer. It’s worth noting that the particles emitted by endermen and endermite are the same as those produced by a nether portal. As if teleportation and interdimensional travel are somehow related. Picture this, if I set up a nether portal in the overworld, and go through it, each block I walk in the nether is equivalent to 8 blocks in the overworld. And once I leave the nether in a new portal, I’ll appear some blocks further. So, if I were to do this process insanely fast, construct a nether portal, go through, and come out 8x as far, to an onlooker who had no idea what just happened, it would look like I teleported. Granted there would be a portal behind me but still they wouldn’t know what that was. Now consider this, what if it’s the same thing for the endermen. What if whenever they teleport they are just traveling to an in-between dimension, another realm that they walk through and then come out of a few blocks later. And what if, the endermites live in this pocket dimension. This in-between world is infested with these little pests, and when endermen access it to teleport, some endermites latch on. Sort of like trans dimensional hitchhikers. And then travel with the endermen back to our world. This is even more confirmed when you consider that for a couple of weeks after they were added, endermites could also actually spawn when an enderman teleported. However this feature was removed in the weeks after it was added, for seemingly no reason. Although it did exist. Furthermore once being in another dimension for long enough, the endermites inevitably return to the pocket dimension they came from. Hence their odd despawn mechanic And you may think that this sounds like a bit of stretch, I mean a pocket dimension of endermite, that’s kind of absurd. Well, this isn’t just a what if. Dinnerbone, one of the head developers of Minecraft actually confirmed this and said it was intentional. In an interview with the Minecon Earth panel in 2017, he said this. So this seems to confirm our theory, but so what? We now know how teleportation works but that doesn’t explain how endermen can do it in the first place. Well this relationship goes much further than just transdimensional hitchhikers. The endermites, they’re transdimensional parasites. Something you’ve probably never thought about is why ender pearls are called ender pearls. It seems like a strange choice when you consider the other options. They could be called ender hearts, ender eyes, ender brains, ender balls but instead Mojang chose pearls. Why is that? Well, let’s consider how pearls are formed. By definition, a pearl is formed when an irritant like some sort of parasite wanders into an oyster or mollusk. As a result, the oyster releases a defensive goo or fluid that traps the parasite and overtime forms a pearl around it. And you can probably see where I’m going with this. The endermite is that parasite that forms the pearl. the irritant that causes the pearl process. And the oyster, well, it’s the ancient builders. Now that may sound absurd, I mean we literally have the shulkers. These things look so much like oysters and clams it would make a lot of sense if they were the hosts. Except, it doesn’t. When you consider the leaps of judgement you have to make the human oyster theory actually seems more likely given the game mechanics. Let’s look at the theory where when shulkers teleport they access this in-between dimension and end up picking up a few endermite. The endermite then acts as the irritant producing the ender pearls. This seems reasonable but there are two flaws in this logic. Number one, shulker teleportation doesn’t produce endermites. Endermen used to, ender pearls do but shulkers never have. Additionally, shulkers don’t drop pearls. If the pearls are really formed within the shulker, it would make sense that they would drop them when killed, but they don’t. And yeah the idea that humans can make pearls is a bit strange but it isn’t that outlandish. Biomaterialization, the process that creates pearls in oysters, also happens in humans, albeit a bit differently. Producing things like kidney stones, the dangerous and arguably more useless human pearls. But ok, sure, ender pearls are human pearls; what on earth am I getting at? Well, it’s my belief that the endermen are infected humans. The Mobestiary, an official book released by Mojang begins the section about endermen with this quote. “It is strange to think that Overwolrd inhabitants are host to visitors not of our world” as if alluding to the idea that something is residing inside the endermen. They are the host of some sort of parasite. The endermite. In the whole Mobestiary the only two mobs that have a section on origin are the endermite and the endermen. There is a connection. The endermen are aggressive towards the mites because that’s their human side, attacking the parasite that infects them. And they’re aggressive to humans because that’s their parasite side. And when we wear the pumpkins, they can’t infect our brains. Or see that our eyes aren’t purple, that we aren’t one of them. The endermen are victims, victims of a transdimensional plague. When the ancient builders first entered the end, fleeing from some disaster up above, they had no idea what lay ahead. It was a one way trip, and once they entered, they were stuck. Trapped by the dragon, they couldn’t leave. And fled off into neighboring end islands. There they established cities out of the local blocks. They used the levitation powers of the shulkers to create the elytra, as well as flying ships to fight the dragon. But, they fell victim to a plague. Running out of food they decided to turn to the only other option. Chorus fruit. They ate the chorus, and unbeknownst to them were taken through a pocket dimension as they teleported through space to random locations. What they didn’t realize was what came with them. Hitchhikers, or parasites, the endermites latched on like a disease. Infecting every single player around the end islands. Of course, the process took time. Slowly the endermite rooted its way into the brains of the builders, and as their body fought back it produced within them ender pearls, organs built around parasites. But it wasn’t enough. Slowly the endermites began to take control of their hosts. Their skin turned black with disease they morphed into disfigured players as their intelligence and brains were overrun by the parasite. The power of the endermite and ender pearl allows them to travel in between dimensions as they please, but they have no control over their own bodies. Some tried to escape, to flee on the end ships bringing with them potions of healing. But they could barely get anywhere. They were only able to travel so far, and with no food apart from chorus, also fell victim to the endermites. It was starve, or be controlled. And then the race of ancient builders was no more. Completely infected by the endermite, all that remains are semi intelligent beings. Skinnier, darker, longer but still retaining some human characteristics, like the ability to place blocks, and communicate. But their free will is nonexistent. They are trapped within their own bodies, by a parasite which doesn’t want to return home. Some believe that when they see an endermite, their human instincts kick in, their anger gives them control of their body once more. The more cynical ones believe it’s also just the parasite acting, fighting for dominance. And when they see another human, they don’t miss their chance. The chance to infect your brain, as well. Or at least that’s how I interpret it. A tragic story of a race driven to the end, eventually succumbing to a disease they couldn’t stop. The end of their journey. Now this theory does have a few flaws. Namely, chorus travel doesn’t produce endermite. And how did ender pearls exist in the first place to light the portal. Although that’s a whole other can of worms. But that said, that is the story of minecraft’s endermem. If you did enjoy, then please consider subscribing. It would really help me out. Thank you so so much for watching. Please leave any feedback or ideas down in the comments. And as always, peace out, and have a good one. Don’t let the bed mites bite, and I’ll see you next time.
Channel: Wifies
Views: 1,503,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wifies, mumbo jumbo, dream
Id: 89NJ-z1Lv_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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