Unsolved Mystery of Minecraft's Disc 11

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discs in minecraft have always been a source of controversy whether the argument is regarding their comparison to the value of tubo or the question of why mumbo jumbo insists to only use chirp as the background song in his psychedelic time lapses but one mystery looms over them all in a game seemingly intended for young audiences why does there exist a piece of nightmare fuel that is the horrifying disc 11. and more interestingly what unknown secrets about the game do its mysteries hold [Music] music discs have been in minecraft forever the first ones were added in the alpha versions and the rest added later in beta even more recently though the 13th music disc pig step was added as tribute to the 1.16 nether update but one disc stands out even visually if i asked you to pick out which disc looks different from the rest assuming you didn't choose pig step the obvious choice would be 11 while all the other discs have this somewhat colorful and complete appearance with the exception of maybe style 11 is ruined its edges are battered a piece of it is missing and its center is pitch black not to mention its cryptic name and even more horrifying audio and this begs the question why does this disc exist and what is it telling us about the nature of minecraft since its addition there have been many many speculations as to what secrets disc 11 holds theories about its haunting characteristics some believe it tells a story about herobrine while others speculate it's tied to the warden the new 1.17 mob but which is it actually the disc must have a story so what side is correct why does such a terrifying track exist in a children's game and what is the true meaning of the disc after hours of research and speculation i have drawn a conclusion that i don't think anybody's drawn before and i think we might have just solved it this is my take on the unsolved mystery of minecraft's haunted disc 11. to analyze disk 11 we first have to understand what about its audio makes it so special well let me tell you you'll notice right away let me play you a bit of two random discs and a bit of disc 11 and maybe you can pick out a few differences [Music] [Music] well that sure was something it isn't even music well most of the discs in minecraft are relatively cheery retro tracks with the exception of maybe pig step in 13 the latter of which we'll cover later disc 11 is nothing of the sort it's filled with creepy ambience unnerving audio and most importantly seems to tell a story to get a better idea of what's going on let's quickly draw a timeline of the disc with all of the important focal points the disc starts off with a bit of static and ambience followed by heavy and ragged breathing this is accompanied by quick footsteps on what sounds to be stone the supposed running terminates around 11 seconds in but the heavy breathing [Music] continues we then hear some rustling followed by metallic clicking then silence only broken by a strong cough another 11 seconds later now we hear the sound of stiff paper or parchment being turned or handled we then get another clicking sound before the ambience in the background intensifies and we again hear heavy breathing and quick patterning footsteps the running transitions from a stone surface to what sounds like dirt or gravel followed by a loud distorted screeching noise and then complete silence and static ending at exactly one minute 11 seconds 111 milliseconds nice the rough road map is now here but there are still many questions left unanswered namely the who what where and why the where is the easiest part we can say with confidence that disc 11 takes place in a cave the creepy ambience start at the beginning coupled with the block choice stone and dirt or gravel suggest that someone or something running in a cave is the most likely option it's also important to consider when disc 11 first came out the disc was officially released in the beta 1.9 pre-release but its audio files were added as early as august 2010 in alpha version 1.0.16 even if i can't verify this at the time minecraft was far simpler and caves are really the only location that makes sense for the context now that we have a rough idea of the where let's move on to the what there are many notable aspects of eleven so let's go in order the first is the rustling thought by metallic clicking sound this can be assumed to be whatever the character in the disc is rummaging in their belongings and pulling out a metal tool the nature of this metal tool is a bit ambiguous at the time only three metallic objects existed in minecraft which were the clock compass and flint and steel if the sound file was really added as early as august 2010 compasses and clocks which were added later in alpha would not be possible candidates as such the only plausible metallic tool that could be used is a flint and steel which has been in the game since indev our character could be using it to light up a fire or scare away monsters but we'll cover more on the why later the source of the paper-like rustling can be narrowed down by similar deduction at the time the only feasible paper objects in the game were maps books and well paper maps as you may know require a compass to craft and not only that were added in beta 1.6 well after the supposed edition of the disk sound files in alpha as such the character writing in a book or paper as some sort of journal seems to make the most sense in his video on the subject matpat proposes the journal's nature is hinted at by the mob beast jerry and more recently the lost journal's novel series he claims that the protagonist of the disc could be keeping a journal that is the maubisteri that being said the bestiary was published in 2017 seven years after the sound edition of the disc and in a game not as low or heavy as minecraft i would assume they don't plan out lore reveals seven years in the future but it is something to consider our mysterious character then supposedly senses something as depicted by the increased ambience they then begin to run faster and faster before finally running onto a dirty or gravely material and then the screech this is perhaps the largest and most highly debated mystery in disc 11. what is making that haunting noise before the disc cuts off to my knowledge there are five prevailing theories herobrine the character's dog the warden a scratch on the disc or an enderman contrary to all the conflicting arguments i do believe there is in fact a correct answer but let's consider all the possible suspects herobrine is the easiest theory to dispel because there are so many factors against it number one herobrine wasn't made by mojang i really don't think c418 would create a whole music disc about a rumor number two herobrine is just that a rumor not to mention the first ever image of herobrine the catalyst behind the creepypasta was posted from a version that came out a day after 11 sound file was added so no one even knew about herobrine prior to the disc's release the character's dog is another theory that is relatively easy to disprove officially wolves were added to the game before 11. however that was again only in beta as we've mentioned many times the sound files of disc 11 were added nearly a whole year before the inclusion of dogs into the game the second reason it probably isn't a distorted dog is that none of the wolves sound files match the sound of the screech the scourge has a very distinct twin peak shape of pitches like a swoop downwards and back up out of all the wolfe's sound files none match the heard audio the theory regarding the warden is also fairly clean cut disc 11 wasn't inspired by the warden though warden was inspired by disc 11. one might think that since the warden was added a whole 11 years after the sound files of the disc there is no meaningful connection between the two this is false however in an interview with brandon pierce the gameplay developer mainly responsible for designing the warden pierce says this when asked about a correlation yeah i mean for me i've always been like very interested in sort of like the music discs from minecraft like uh disc 11 and disc 13 and um even though they're not necessarily related i was definitely very inspired i mean even you know back when i was a teenager i was thinking like you know what what's the monster making that noise at the end of like disco 11 or dis 13 and um again while they're not necessarily related uh i was always just thinking of like what could scary mob look like in minecraft to reiterate pierce designed the warden based on what he thought the disc 11 screech was this explains some of the similarities between their sounds so while the warden definitely isn't the mob c418 had in mind when designing disc 11 whatever that mob is is certainly what pierce had in mind when designing the warden the scratch on the disc is hard to prove and disprove eleven's appearance is very clearly battered and damaged a reference to the static portion of its audio but is the screech because of the scratch or is the scratch because of the screech if they really are played in jukeboxes discs in minecraft are more like records if you picture how a record plays you have a needle that spins around the grooves going around and around touching every point besides the exact center where it's positioned all that's to say excluding the center disc 11 totals 140 pixels and the broken part 14 pixels 14 divided by 114 is just over 12 percent so 88 of the disk is whole if you reference the audio file the screech takes place around 62 seconds in that's exactly 88 of the entire disk playing fine before it's mysteriously cut off as if part of it was missing now does that seem like just a coincidence to you it probably is the old model for disc 11 didn't have a missing piece until 1.14 not to mention the way records actually play would make this song last a very short period of time if there was a chunk missing this is just a cool coincidence but that's not to say that its conclusion is incorrect i believe that the screech indeed caused the scratch in my opinion something happened in the disc to make it crack and we'll cover that soon the sound also just seems far too aggressive to be a simple chunk missing although it definitely is up for interpretation but that leaves us with only one theory enderman and i think this is the correct one if not on the right track pun intended let me explain several contradictions are made to the enderman theory the main one being they were added too late in a tumblr post notch the creator of minecraft talks about his plan to make the enderman a post that was published on july 2nd of 2011 exactly a year after the addition of disc 11 sound files but what these theorists didn't consider is the source of it all daniel rosenfeld c418 the creator of the discs himself on september 29th 2011 c418 waited this after i take a bath i promise i'll finish and derma sounds this week has been filled with interruptions sad face twitch notch replied at c418 did you see the title even shows up when hovering the item in the inventory now smile this is a bit of a strange reply but it gets weirder and wilder to this c418 responds and notch yes i now imagine c418 being a weird monster that occasionally records songs from strangers and then dies in 11. and just seal the nail on the coffin at c418 haha yeah that record was fun to draw winky smile this thread is a gold mud i now imagine c418 being a weird monster that occasionally records songs from strangers then dies in 11 disc 11 whose story notch had drawn out so there is a story and this is how it goes it's my belief that an enderman is recording disc 11 and it dies in the process notice how the only places you can find discs in game are places that are owned by mobs dungeons mansions bastions and creepers shooting skeletons no disc can be found elsewhere c418 the creator of the discs is a monster mobs the creators of the discs which follow players around trying to find their story we know that according to c418 something dies in eleven a monster and guess what the enderman scream sounds like a twin peak of screeches followed by its static death cry just like the screech and static ending of eleven imagine a world where an enderman lurks in the shadows following a player it found in a cave recording its sound the store in a disk the player runs from it hence the running and breathing then lights a fire with flint and steel for light and documents his findings in a book before getting back up to run away finally stabbing the enderman and fleeing somewhere else this brutal attack causes our enderman protagonist to screech and drop the disc it was recording breaking it exactly when the sword struck 88 of the way in there is so much more to build off of this like the why well we know that according to matpat the illagers are trying to mimic life from the totems of undying to the fake structures maybe they even commanded the mobs to get the discs as a way to create life that sounds like the player as well to get songs from strangers think about it why are none of the other discs damaged it's because for 11 the enderman tried recording a player only then did the stranger fight back and hurt a recorder not to mention the connections to skeletons causing creepers to drop their discs it's just like a charge creeper causing a skeleton to drop its head only mobs can take away what belongs to other mobs like the discs belong to the monsters now i will be the first to admit that this theory is somewhat far-fetched there are so many other explanations for c418's tweet where c418 is a person who was tracking the enderman and died recording the discs himself making the music as a literal part of the game's lore or c418 was being vague and he really did have no monster in mind leaning towards the theory of the warden a mob that records songs from strangers since it's blind and can only live through audio and that isn't even touching upon the connection that 11 has with its sister disc 13 where they are rumored to be played together to get the full meaning but then what monster would be dying there i i don't know it's this jumbled mess of possible answers that make this mystery so hard to conclusively solve in my opinion the theory about the mobs recording the discs and the connection to c418 is too cool to resist and it will be my personal interpretation but after all now that you have the facts it's up to you to decide which meeting you agree with the most it doesn't have to be mine but if you don't agree with me or subscribe i will cry in the end though until we get an official answer or statement from c418 disc 11 will remain a mystery an unsolved mystery thanks for watching peace out
Channel: Wifies
Views: 1,736,348
Rating: 4.9570246 out of 5
Keywords: wifies, mumbo jumbo, dream, minecraft unsolved, disc 11, minecraft disc 11, disc 13, minecraft disc, game theory, haunted discs, minecraft's scariest mystery, minecraft's scariest mystery: disc 11, minecraft's deadliest hacked client, mystery of minecraft's haunted discs, game theory discs, the game theorists, lemmino, unsolved mystery, dream unsolved
Id: hj1PQzxPzPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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