The Story Of Minecraft's ERROR 422

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that was minecraft's error 422 capable of scaring any player to death in this video i'll tell the story about how i fell into a version of minecraft that isn't even on record it's december it gets cold and dark pretty quickly but i'm in my warm room when i stumble upon a weird minecraft page there's a list of random minecraft things but minecraft version error422 sticks out to me more than anything else here let me read this blog post here when minecraft is being updated they're versions of the game that are in progress or in development these versions are also known as lost versions and they are to never be played on by the public the page wasn't giving me enough so i googled it out of curiosity and what came back was remarkable error 422 is the last and scariest version of minecraft it was a snapshot rumored to be minecraft 2 including intelligent ai capable of creating real-time in-game problems in this version all possible game codes were rewritten from scratch but something went wrong the game as it were came to life and began to well do as it wished now in my time of playing minecraft i've never heard of such a thing but that wasn't going to stop me i opened a new tab and googled minecraft error 422 download at first nothing promising popped up and in fact it took me a while but i eventually came across a download link at this point i'm so invested i take the leap let's download it as i'm waiting for the file to download i come across a new piece of information you see when searching up error 422 it also brings up a developer document which has nothing to do with minecraft but which defines error 422 as an unprocessable entity in fact here have a read for yourself did you catch that to put it simply from what i understand an unknown computer genius the error understands your behavior but is unable to process it if this relates anywhere near to the version of minecraft it would mean this minecraft version has a real half-mind of its own to add to this fact at one point this game disappeared completely as if it never existed nowhere on the internet to be found and not a single place to download it but here it was with the download complete and the game ready to be launched i double clicked on the shortcut and waited a second but what was to come next would take me completely by surprise the starting screen popped up and well i've never seen anything quite like it before the game looks familiar in layout but unique in a disturbing way with the minecraft logo glitching out every so often and the usual peaceful menu music being replaced with an eerie white noise here have a listen creepy right well after some careful investigating i hit single player and moved towards the create world menu which greeted me with a bedrock background with create new world being the only glitching option for some reason the choice of changing the game to anything but survival also wasn't possible almost as if the game had carefully planned out its way to trap me i decided at this point whatever this version of minecraft had in store for me i was ready and hit the create world button the world loaded up and i spawned in a jungle biome but that wasn't the first thing i noticed my health and hunger bar were glitching in a similar fashion to how the starting menu was but either way i started playing minecraft as one does collecting wood cooking food and upgrading my tools but as i was crafting i realized some of the items in my inventory were also randomly appearing with glitched out names to add to this the items were also not stacking into groups of more than five seven or nine i'm not sure if it's a hidden code or clue of some sort but my best guess is that this was the game's way of restricting me i kept moving things felt unusually normal or at least for now but i would later learn that the game was studying my every move taking his time in observing my behavior now being lost in this jungle i decided the best thing to do was to find some high ground where i could get a proper look at my surroundings i noticed a tall tree in the distance sitting on a rather high hill and made the decision to head over there i made my way there carefully once it got darker but this all felt wrong as if i wasn't even supposed to be playing i got up to the hill and started scaling the tree but when i got to the top i was in total shock because ahead of me was a desert but the cacti were floating midair as if they were trying to point me in a certain direction but it was about to get a lot weirder all of a sudden i had a speed boost buff as i sat on top of this high tree surrounded by darkness almost as if whoever gave it to me wanted me to either miss my step and fall to my death or to hurry and run towards the floating cacti i decided to wait for the speed buff to wear out and for the sun to rise again before making my move over to the desert morning arrived and the view of the cacti was unmissable these things were scattered all along the skyline i quickly made my way over to the desert but whilst doing so i noticed animals being stuck within jungle bushes is this normal either way i set them free and kept moving i crossed the last jungle bush and entered the strange desert i was in total fascination seeing the floating cactus from the treetops was definitely something but being directly underneath was unbelievable everywhere in the sky within a 300 block radius or maybe even more was entirely covered i made my way over to the sand temple that i had spotted earlier in hopes of finding new clues the walls of the sand temple used wool i thought crafting a bed wouldn't hurt clearly i was wrong it was almost as if i had tried to sleep in the nether one entire side of the sand temple was completely torn to shreds right hold on a second i wanted to know more about this version of the game and where it originated from i went back to the original download site looking for clues of some sort and stumbled upon a description according to the uploader there was a boy named erin who was in class when a sudden strange account name messaged him out of nowhere with a link to a minecraft video the video was titled minecraft err 422 followed by four random two-digit numbers in the description there was a link to download a file that was untranslatable to him as it turned out later it was not just a file but the most terrifying version of minecraft that he would regret opening and then the story just stops there wait what yeah it just stops there i got back to playing the game and pushed on knowing the game didn't want me to sleep so i went exploring instead however smaller weirder things continued to happen such as when i chose to build a small cabin blocks would be replaced with other objects or when cooking food in a furnace i would randomly be hit by absolutely nothing but my exploring came to a stop when i came across a rather empty desert village of course this place was littered with floating cacti and other desert plants but i felt safe here so i started toying around trying to interact with whatever this error truly was i started placing blocks in a flurry in an attempt to see what the other items it would shape into and it worked i had wood turning into iron pressure plates seeds on sand and a wooden staircase i quickly got bored and picked up my blocks and continued entering the different village houses and then i started taking damage i looked around and then checked my inventory i had been poisoned weird but not unexpected i was having too much fun with this and the game clearly didn't like it to the point of when i decided to mine up dirt to once again try my luck with the random block replacement this happened i would be lying if i said that i didn't feel startled because at that moment i finally understood what error 422 truly was the computer definition the story it all made sense this version really had a mind of its own and there was nothing i could do about it i watched as my screen filled up with error codes and my glitched out screen closed itself out and then being greeted with a simple black screen that i'd never seen before as much as i would have liked to poke around more i was done with this game version i had my fun it was time to go once i'd managed to close the minecraft version i've never uninstalled something so fast if you enjoyed this video check out the video on screen where i tell the story of how my minecraft account was hacked sold and stolen
Channel: Kunai
Views: 3,530,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Kunai Minecraft, Kunai, KunaiKynu, The Story Of Minecraft's ERROR 422, minecraft mod, wifies, Can You Beat Minecraft's Hardest Escape Room?, What Is Minecraft Steve?, Minecraft ERROR 422, minecraft error 422 download, The UNKNOWN Story of Minecrafts Potions..., Testing a Haunted Version of Minecraft.. (Error 422), I Survived [REDACTED] Days in Error 422 in Minecraft..., KohlPowered, Testing Minecraft’s Most Scary Version That Was Banned, FitMC, The story of minecraft
Id: -AugZ_6G-x4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 08 2022
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