Would You Send Your Kids to Fat Camp? | I Know What You Weighed Last Summer | Only Human

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[Music] us Brits are among the fattest in the world it's a national crisis and for some it's a matter of life or death there is no hope there is no Hotpoint if she carries on she will die young welcome to a super-sized summer camp that claims to have the answers to tackling the obesity epidemic diets and boot camps don't work because the forcing something on some of it up there may not be ready for but its methods a controversial the kids dine out on fast food and pizza are on the menu my first impressions of the food I would like more that's why I'm here and the staff are barely older than the campers themselves for some campers it'll be the longest five weeks of their lives but for others it's life-changing does this radical approach work and is this really the answer to teenage obesity it's week one at Europe's only residential weight-loss camp for kids I think bullies okay but it's not like my favorite Isis in America fifteen-year-old Katie from Surrey way 17 and a half stone Casey is naturally lazy she will quite often find an excuse for me to pick her up she's got too many bags or she needs the toilet there's always something Katie's battle to lose weight has been a long-standing family issue and it's why she's joining 85 other teenagers for five weeks to battle the problem katie has always been under the dietician at Kingston hospital from the age of two in fact I think she's probably their longest-serving patient when she went to a party as a toddler the other children would go off and play after tea whereas she never seemed to feel full I guess like all my life I would don't know what it's like to be thin as well as over eating at mealtimes Katie's a regular snacker I definitely have it like and I'd like it addictive personality definitely I like Brad routes Pizza anything like that I try and have that healthy muesli bars sometimes find those under the bed you know she's constantly wanting to satisfy her sugar craving I suppose this is my like inspiration board I don't really use it that much there was like a couple of days where I saw was like yeah let's lose weight and then it sort of ran out hopefully yeah I'll be able to use that after camp to motivate me Katie has set herself the goal of losing a stone over the five week camp if he's going to meet this target she needs to change her habits and thinking my first impressions of I would like more obviously that's why I'm here yeah it's good it's the end of week 1 and the campus first big challenge a two-mile run it's the benchmark used to monitor progress each week we've got the two-mile run today every campus run is timed and each week the aim is to beat that time I'm so out of breath and I let you down like 1 meter for Katie and the other campers every day of the next 5 weeks we'll follow the same pattern structure is critical and forming habits that a positive is critical professor Paul Gately a leading childhood obesity expert co-founded the camp with leads Becker to University sixteen years ago the way the day works only have three activity periods in the morning which can be from educational experiences to you know exercise ball [Music] so in the afternoon there's lots of physical activities [Music] the early days of our program about building their fitness up slowly and what we see is a sort of slow increase in their fitness building them up to enable them to be successful when they return the five-week camp costs over 4,000 pounds some are funded by the NHS or local authorities but Katie's family have paid the bill themselves my husband and I were sort of at the end of our table with all I gave her the brochure and she was furious she didn't speak to me for the rest of the day I'm glad we don't have to run cuz at school we always do if we complete this we should be an add the Wi-Fi password I've got really bad stitch I think it's tab to me it takes Katie 36 minutes to complete the two-mile run I'm quite lazy I mean a shower and everything but like just relax and so like I don't do much exercise a lot of people describe her as happy funny very friendly I don't always see that nice funny side of her which is quite sad really [Music] obviously I'm not happy all the time I used to have breakdowns about my weight a lot so yeah I'd say there is like a subconscious trick on what I have I'm quite sensitive [Music] I'm not really that body confident like people who don't know me obviously judged me more on looks because everyone like it's judged on that it's like first appearance and stuff yeah [Music] most of the staff are students with a background in sports science nutrition psychology or education we're not here for ourselves we really are invested in these kids emotionally is a pleasure just seeing change just so much over the course of the term for most of the activities in camp boys and girls work in separate groups we want kids to develop social skills so we put them in their own age in gender groups they can build relationships and develop their sort of social skills to be more successful when they return home fourteen-year-old Lana weighs 20 stone she's come with her 12 year old sister Alicia but a few days in and she's struggling to make friends Lana arrived was quite low self-esteem I think she thought you know I'm the biggest and I'm different to everyone else and things go for walk [Applause] she feels a lot of people are talking about her today I'm not at all they're not so one night when you get to that you've come talk to a staff okay and then so we could take you away from the situation we could chat you I think you just there's just miscommunication do you want to go back in or just just wants a breather I know they've called me stuff I just choose to like put in a box lock it up and not think about it because if I stop think about it all got really depressed she'd rather risk getting run over by running across the road to get away from kids than to face him Lana has had a long history of bullying tease me about my weight and then they tease me about my name what is backwards the victor and spatter and Calder hangs you wish you just wish more fake aids you know then made up a rhyme she's big she's back she bounces on the ground at fauna sometimes I just walked away but then they all stop chanting it and it gets louder and louder every year she got older she put us down on so like when she were too short to stir when she were three she were three stone and so on and so on and then it just bloomed outta control we did all sorts of things to try and you know elf blues way and extreme of padlock in the kitchen she's actually raw sausage dried pasta once I saw a faint like tinder combi it looked like she'd just been like getting at the meat with just the fingers that's that's not normal behavior it's the start of week two and there is a way in to measure campers progress their kids that come to camp will all lose weight which is due to the calorie controlled diet and the amount of exercise we do each day but they have to still really push themselves to get the most out the program it is really important for them to see their progress and also it shows that the hard work they're putting in their sessions is paying off but Lana has only lost one pound we're really concerned with Lana's weight loss this week we did expect her to lose quite a bit more than what she did at the moment we're not entirely sure the reasons why I shouldn't lose as much but it could be down to her not pushing herself enough during the physical activity sessions for many of our parents they have weight problems themselves and what they're trying to do is not let their child go down the journey that they've been on at home Lana and her sister Alicia have a lot of responsibilities as young Kara um we cook clean help my mom in the shower help her out help clean up and do the washing up [Music] I'm very blessed about girls like me cook you but wants to learn how to cook when she wasn't really young she was outgoing she'll blame you know then it's that turning she shut herself off from everything because of Lana's disappointing weight loss staff member Pippa intervenes would you like to set some goals together so maybe you know the MC I think but you know what your best score is so I never asked you never asked I think it's around the forty minutes we could try and do around thirty I could try and aim for the continuous weight loss maybe at least 3 pounds because what did you set your goal weight as we can like set like real goals in that and then you know then you can see if you do accomplish them and then that will really build up your confidence yeah very good yeah a target or a goal is only worthwhile if you feel you can achieve it given her weight she'll have been set many goals and targets before that she'll have only ever viewed as she's failed on it'll be fun it's a new experience you're challenging yourself here on camping it's another challenge yeah over in the boys dorm the way in his revealed dramatic results for 15 year-old Adam he came to camp weighing 20 stone and in just one week he's lost over half a stone he may be the biggest loser among the boys but he's not happy I've told them over 10 times I've wanted to go but this past week but every time I bring it all they just say well management's getting on to it he's so determined to go that he's already packed his bags hello is that Adams mum he's lost quite a bit of wear this morning from monitoring so what's your sort of thinking behind him staying on going okay so y'all happy for us to just try and keep him on site and just encourage him to get involved in sessions Yeah right cheers but I'm hoping today the fact that he's found out I was lost some way it will it all give him that motivation to continue and steer here I don't think Adam enjoys this he house just being homesick he needs to get as much out of this as he can we're trying to also get across that he needs the right mentality for life we do think that if he did see the process through his life will change hopefully by a great deal but even slight changes is a very big step for these guys I understand this hard frame but nobody's gonna solve your problems but you it doesn't know how to mix in society and I think that's a lot of his problems I like wake up it I ate a clock at night and then so I awake all night where he wakes me up between 3:00 and 4:00 every morning through screaming at his PlayStation in fact I don't see him it comes up his bedroom maybe once a day to collect his teeth career and that's about it I was about 10 when I started going on way I eat just because I get bored or just sitting doing nothing when he was 2 years old if I want a baby sweets he used to grab her by the hair and drag me down on the floor and kick hell out at me Adams life revolves around pizza takeaways every day I'm coke he drinks gallons of the stuff up to six liters a day oh when it does I don't know I'll deal with it but yeah he's gonna die through obesity a few days later and Adam is missing on our bridge we will get two maybe three campers running away each year your child where would you go most of the time they don't actually leave the campsite so they're usually just wandering around the fields or they've gone back to the dorms I just want to say to start off I don't want you to be alarmed or worried but we've just entered an account with the campus and Adam isn't currently in session it would only be missing 20 minutes so we can't have got too far as his mother do you think he's the sort person that would have gone okay then so we do think that there is a potential he may have left the site it really does kind of bring it home that you are really doing a serious job and you're working with kids and vulnerable kids and you are responsible for them about I don't think they were we're on our way back to camp now after an hour of searching atom is located back at home so I pull up in ataxia now my first reaction was relief that he was safe but then obviously I did what mommies do and gave him what for for for walk it out it's not a pleasant place to be when you getting babied all the time and so that's why I thought of it is by that prison I'd say it's for most of the younger kids and the older kids I'd love him to sort his life out something has to click in his brain it's down to him nobody else he's got all the knowledge he's just not got the motivation to use it I think some of the kids that we've had that we couldn't get through do they're either too far gone or they need a lot more help than we can offer in five weeks and that does frustration Adam decided not to return to camp there's a obesity epidemic in this country these two people talking crap at their kids cuz it's cheap you know the people who watch this will blame the parents what do you say to them well when I look at you know I've done it myself I've looked at either overweight children and thought you know what is that mother doing why is she not doing something about it you know it's easy to judge it's not as though I haven't tried everything and now I know just how difficult it is I wish I could have a magic wand and you know helper but at the end of the day lamb has got to meet me halfway I'm lost where Adams could say am lost don't know what to do life is harder for bigger people end of it's the end of week 2 katie is taking part in a session about body image led by staff member nicola so all the girls together think good feel good these sessions are devised to talk about self-esteem and body confidence two things that everyone growing up everyone has adult struggles with 15 year old obese girls it's not even funny I didn't what I'm laughing think good feel girls about talking it's about sharing is about attitudinal change in order that they then start to think differently and feel differently sometimes when we get bullied bullies will say something to us and we've got our friends saying completely opposite things were saying lovely thing about us do we sometimes actually just going home and thinking about the mean things someone said about us a lot of people came in their identity was I am fact and that was so sad to see they need to change their attitudes believe in themselves and build up their confidence and that is actually much harder than just losing weight at home Katie's parents have tried to help her lose weight that so far nothing has worked they tried like looking away all the food I was I was really angry and they drove me to school so I can't get anything on the way to school took all my money away but I just found ways around it like you're just borrowing money for my friends and stuff it made life at home really really hard obviously she wants the best for me but it's sort of sacrificing our like relationship together Katie's offered a one-to-one session to discuss some of the issues she's had with her mom I don't even understand myself I don't like it if she praises me for doing exercise but then if she doesn't notice then that makes me really upset and then I hate it when she like mentions weight or anything I don't I feel as though I said this so if I lived on my own I'd be able to I don't know what's wrong with me I just don't like topic at all like it sounds so it might actually be so maybe a self-esteem thing because if she's to praise you it means that you know it's big drawing attention to what what you've done and sometimes anything then you feel pressured like all now I feel like me do it more or you've pointed out that I wasn't doing it probably so many things that slowly start to go around a lot of our campus do have really low self-esteem and that's why we need to pay as much attention to it as possible try help them to learn these different ways so that when they go home it could continue those positive thinking skills thank you [Music] at camp all meals are portion controlled and calories allocated according to a campus age height and weight it's not counting calories but it's a way of helping them understand portions understand meals and stone snacking that they're more equipped when they return some of the menu choices may seem surprising our Sunday we have a Sunday Rose is pizza it's Jack potato sandwiches lasagna they give us like pizza why would you like those look good [ __ ] you know I mean as I walk Deena thought god I hope I don't have to eat rabbit food it'd be unrealistic for them to go home and live off salad what we're trying to do is work with those children so they lose weight a very prescribed rate we're not driven by the latest diet trend we're driven by what the evidence gives us best results complex carbohydrates in a range of food are critical we also know that we want to reduce the fat content and we want to maintain a good protein content so that is it halfway through camp and the kids are about to make plans for lunch at a very unexpected venue so you know you go in McDonald's on Wednesday at the trip so today's sessions based on you planning out what you're allowed based in calories anytime I've ever told a friend I go to McDonald's like how do you do that but the point of camp is it's teaching them a realistic healthy lifestyle we can't say never have fast food again that's not realistic they will carry on these behaviors maybe yes guess what guess what there is more sugar Annamayya chicken salad so instead of saying no don't do it we'll teach them about the calories within the food how to have a meal within their calorie allowance that wet better you can pick anything you want within your calorie map suggest possibly not going for fries because they don't fill you up that long drinks wise I'd stick with zero drinks or water as liquid calories are just gonna be wasted so I try and get as much of your calories from food as possible 17 year old Jordan weighs 18 stone and he's allowed eight hundred calories for his lunch the fast food shop and actually get food Brianna a weight loss campus oh yeah it's where it is a weird feeling you know take the moon to an outlet like methyls when it's a health-based camp I got my berry berry burst ice fruit smoothie I've got that and they're large but I change that to a medium and that add less calories in so I swapped that and now I've got enough to get an ice cream so I'm gonna run ask them down I think I should be teaching this in schools because young kids out there don't have a clue of the Ian no does anyone not want McDonald's and once the plat loans that we provide anyway so it's just you and the ones or someone okay out of the boys only aaron has opted to have a packed lunch instead I think so right I have a treat known there Cavett as a photographer Aaron is from Selby North Yorkshire he's 16 and weighs 20 stone I was overeaten for years and breaking that cycle is about about four years uh I was just stuffing food in and not absolutely just eating for the sake of eating when I wasn't even hungry you know when his volunteers making a cup of tea it's gonna see what you can get out the fridge because he'll said you're a cup of tea mom it will even take like a packet of ham back at calm beef NEP packed meats that are in the fridge thank you my comedy sticks together another reason why I came here was because of a dislike last year I've gone for to bed bases a wouldn't want an a metal one birth birth because of the drought because of my way weight has always been a major issue for Aaron's family at 16 his sister weighed 34 stone and underwent gastric bypass surgery she was so poorly at the time it's out to consider turning off life spark after I've been in and out of intensive care for a few months he saw his sister there all these ways and tubes and everything and it just totally messed him all she survived but the radical procedure didn't solve her eating disorder what most scared about is if I think Amir is that I'd turn out like my older sister she went from our Beach too skinny to anorexic and shut down this summer camp is the last option if he carries on eating my gears but probably eventually kill him camp could be Erin's last chance to avoid surgery but he's low in confidence when I was at school whenever playing basketball somewhere I won't be pastor because of my way I used to feel quite can we catch faced with the daily physical demands of camp Erin is taking every opportunity he can to sit things out on out and pass out but I think you can give it a go even even just walking seemed a bit better for you a little jog it's ten times better than just sitting down I win it and everyone along ever want to help you out in there in the activity all right good man Erin would sit out of a lot of sessions and you and you were never sure 100% if he's injured or if he's faking it or what's going on or if you just can't be bothered I feel with our and it was a little bit of tough love you can give him that time where you can sit of him 1 2 1 and speak of it but he needs to know that that's not gonna fly every session every day it's not just the physical side of camp that Aaron is finding difficult Ahrens very much the law and they're very much a hermit spends all this time in his bedroom it's not self esteem or self-confidence people like give me disgusted looks when I do actually go out most of time if someone's comin toph which they cross the street put in my headphones put my whole doughnut across and I'll just walk down the street on the opposite side I think when they first come here they're very shy people it takes the time for them to come out the shells of it the most of them don't think they're good enough almost really hate themselves want to change I do what I do want to change staff member Adam has been given the task of trying to refocus and motivate Aaron there's quite a lot of stuff you can do in a bench isn't sitting that's one good one I like hourlies um he's a cheeky kid yeah he's definitely a sense of humor let's go I can't go from here anything just say all along and go for all time keep the change stead but when you try this and we'll see long ago for he's walking anywhere he just doesn't like any form of exercise whatsoever and if we can get out of doing it all the better as far as he's concerned I see you can go backwards I can barely walk straight I can't well give it a go I knees high knees high knees I mean I can't fall backwards huh there's got a walk backwards this is what I'm talking about mate it's so frustrating I know you can do it I reckon he's motivated he wants to change and he wants the hell yeah reckon you ought maybe if it's you negative about what you can and can't do he puts himself down a lot which is really frustrating cuz you know you can do all this stuff and you see him doing it and then five minutes later saying that I can't we know you can do all this stuff so why did you keep telling yourself you can't do it I don't know you think so why don't you just do it I guess the main thing we're trying to change with them is get you into think I can't do this I've already done this I know I can do it let's go do it I know yeah I have got to work hard it's just I know but think of how you'll be when you finish when you lose weight and you become healthier and you you know you feel more confident you go outside and with your mates and it you'll be so happy when you get there I'm gonna take on part of what Adam was saying to me [Music] today the campers are on their trip to Manchester's Trafford Centre it's a deliberate test for the kids the environment we live in now is setting a spot to be unhealthy there's gonna be triggers everywhere oh so nice I don't have to walk there are so many shops within walking distance so many food outlets the world outside is trying to say to you like right let's see if you can fail the lunch has been paid for by McDonald's people say you're sleeping with the enemy by taking it to McDonald's you know what would you say to them camp will only be successful if we can give kids the skills and strategies to deal with the outside world the outside world is there are fast-food restaurants there are sugar sweetened beverages and if we don't prepare our kids for that environment we're going to fail them unlike the other campers Aaron chose to have a packed lunch instead of the fast food [Music] right after you just feel bad I feel bad it's a good choice me as I'm just nicer every Wednesday trip day is sort of a chance for us to put into practice what we've learned in the lifestyle sessions so that's the kind of test of self-control it's not a happy meal for Jordan got my Wawa got no sprite got no salad I think he felt like he was missing a food item but I cross-checked my Excel spreadsheet cross-checked the food or a McDonald's and he had it in front of him have you got any more milk mighty want more sugar yeah no one more milk there's no TV blasters to admit Baxley please why because you've got to have milk in your tea no just being dramatic now it's being greedy too angry those two-bit some that wouldn't like that would you drink that team so no that's it that's up to my face a ridiculous that don't have a clue telling apparently flew toward the one said mom milk in his tea also wanted more sugar than his teaser which obviously take him above 800 calories that we've allowed him to have for his lunch she's so rude after she called me greedy if she's really rude reflected a lot on that situation and perhaps maybe how I could have dealt with a better but I still stand very strongly mind with my decision and and some people may think it's pathetic that he all he wants it was an exercise show you of milk but for me it was really important that you know he learns to have discipline and self-control open the gold of chips and a burger certain amount of calories and like they obviously do this every year and because I have such an addictive personality I think after here I'm gonna have to try and like completely avoid all the like bad foods because I think I can easily like fool back into like my usual routine it's gonna be difficult the fact that they've had all this control have had all of us encouraging them to do the right thing the now need you do laughter themselves after lunch the campus can spend ten pounds of their own pocket money it's another deliberate temptation sometimes we have a binge day cookies rolls but I'm sharing them with someone else so I don't know yeah I feel as though like because I haven't had like one of those days in a while and it's like about having one of those days and then like getting back on track because I don't think you can completely avoid bite those foods at all like cuz they're there I just feel really guilty now I feel like and freak guilty to return it but I don't think you can't return food I don't have a receipt I'm gonna go ask the security man me Katie decides to return everything I've never really felt like that before it usually understand why but I felt so guilty then with Katie's ten pounds that she was allowed to spend she made some poor few choices after doing that she had it all the chance to self-reflect and the healthy decision was the one she made tonight as a disco a chance for the girls and the boys to socialize with each other I don't know any other time you've really like been able to talk to them properly right yeah [Laughter] we're a family there's not gonna be any good looking boy well that's what we'd be judgment though I mean you said that we're big - so well back home I know a few boys did like me but I didn't really take interest in it because I didn't believe it boys don't look at fat girls they're just weak nothing you don't they if you're really really big I wouldn't go nowhere near I think getting a boyfriend is a lot harder when you're heavier because everyone is so judgmental of each other if you're gonna have a boyfriend you want one that's gonna like you no matter what if it's based on looks the friendship then there's no point like I'm not really bothered because I've got like GCC's coming off and things like but it would be nice to like I dunno be liked [Music] for the staff the disco means being extra vigilant we have something called snog watch so we do actually the staff are very much on top of you know seeing what's going on we're on smog alert tonight holding hands absolutely fine a hug absolutely fine but you know when it started to progress that's where you start to thing hang on what it's got to keep an extra eye on you there we do know if you guys have a few crushes on some of the boys but we're not too sure who that is they say she's quite funny particularly the younger ones in a relationship for about two days and it's over in at that that's like I'm like I was in such a long-term relationship we were together all week [Music] so the Disco's rubbish they were so boring we talked to like a covered the boys but as friends but right yeah it was quite boring I liked it wasn't like a usual partying today why I would say why yeah why any disco without it's the start of week four and Lana is beginning to take the exercise sessions more seriously but socially she's still feeling isolated and she's fallen out with her roommate sometimes room pairings don't work it is all potluck and sometimes there is a clash of personalities at the moment Lana isn't getting on with salon so we're gonna move another camper destiny into the room right first pressure of Justin is that she's a complete opposite of me she's a girly girl blows makeup like you looked at my sites like oh there's nothing there you look as it's just like oh when I first out of packing I just put my shoes in and then I thought I've got like five fairy was already but it's fine I need lots of stuff and I've brought enough for about three year there's still much I shouldn't have brought all I brought I didn't need it but oh well it's done destiny from Swinton in South Yorkshire is 14 and weighs 13 stone this will be her third time at camp he used to eat a lot a junk he wasn't educated on food you know it's quite she'll be there I want ya why that's being nice in year 7 I got bullied ridiculously I've been called all sorts I'm gonna be some a pig I'm disgusting I'm file and I just use to go home and cry and everyone would ask what we're wrong when I would just I'd said no it don't matter yeah but you've come a long way since then dust the reason I'm going back for a third time is I think I could do with a boost well there get along with journey and I need to come to end now I think previous camps have helped her lose to stone and boosted her confidence and self-worth when I went to camp o 12 and I were 14 or 15 stone and I were big I wear a size 18 and 12 years old I don't think that's appropriate at all two years ago sure after the person she is she didn't have any confidence she was to stay in a room she'll quite depressed for a young girl a school work weren't fantastic this time she's worn English star of the year this year so that's all down to a confidence as well I think it says diva destiny because obviously I were a diva I'm allowed in in your face pretty much if you don't want to be friends on there you have no choice you rap ducks and destiny [Music] I've got a new roommate someone called destiny yeah 15 sometimes the right room pairing can have more of a positive impact than we can hopefully having Lara in a room with destiny destiny can really help Lana come out of her shell it's karaoke night so just got to pick Smits we're now last year from dressed up and while skirts and stuff I was going but then I was right now Oh sing another thing I didn't know the lyrics to the song I was gonna sing like I knew a bit of hip not all of it and if I got like the songs wrong I black and I was scared what other people are thinking hey don't honestly never ever worry about what other people have to think about you just think about them because I end it there what does it matter what people think it's you you should be trying to please not anyone else while who's put self down so quickly I should make a good thing a bad thing no one's gonna judge yeah except for I'm not saying it's like me I wear what I want white literally why don't see why it's not like this a few months ago yeah I probably met no boy anything like that why because I got stretch marks it come no one cares honestly no one cares everyone here is like the same we're all family yes it's like when I'm trying to talk to her about change no she is she thought it was so hard and she couldn't get into it that you can change she just thought she was stuck like that forever you didn't believe in yourself you know you need that bit like confidence and motivation [Music] it's the final week and the last two mile challenge over the five weeks they've been here Katie and Lana have struggled with the demands of the weekly run term see think I wanna keep going don't you dare walk on me katie is off to a determined start but she will have to work hard to beat her best time of 36 minutes touchwood I think I beat my time hope it is hard when you have weight problems when you're young because all my friends are like really thin no nobody in my year is like the way I am they think I'd be a lot happier and a lot like healthier I lost weight Katie smashed her best time by six minutes just runs me Pippa set Lana the goal of running rather than walking the two-mile challenge you're doing so well so now you're gonna thrash it this right purpose encouragement help is urgency the last one I don't think I would have run it without a help come on Anna do you think of what an amazing achievement it's gonna be so proud of you or downhill now yeah let the gravity take you [Music] [Applause] [Music] although I was pushing her really hard I knew she could accomplish it if she really pushed herself this is my choice I'm trying to make a difference with myself I've been charged by a willpower [Applause] as camp draws to a close it's not just Lara and Katie who have found new motivation instead of sitting out Aaron is taking part too [Applause] I've only got several days rest imaginary worth it [Applause] and yeah he didn't give it once and he squat right through it so you know he is seeing himself on my chef in such a short time I came here I didn't know anyone to know mostly I think irony likes his own solitude sometimes and I don't think is anything wrong with him spending his time to himself sometimes because he does come out he don't speak to the others when he won't when he when he feels like my hair Iren doesn't need this he needs his knowledge and he needs to you know make the change now but he understands that which is great half a bottle when I came in I didn't feel like my own person do these last two weeks have been important they put up my self-confidence and at least I'm trying to change five weeks completed and camp is coming to an end [Music] for all the kids there's a final weigh-in Katy managed to beat the target she set for herself across the stone and a pound which is really good like I was aiming for over us then so I achieved my goal which is very nice Lana had never set any goals for herself until Pippa set her a target of losing three pounds each week in the last week alone Lana has lost five pounds just under a stone in total before I did go out the house but they're publicly aftercare except I think I've got mark off today you should be really happy with that that's really good in five weeks of Canada so well done Aaron is worried that unless he loses weight he could end up needing bypass surgery like his sister there is one to five point one in the last two weeks Aaron has lost six pounds and he's lost three kilograms in two weeks that's about Isis that's about six or seven pounds yeah she could punch six to be exactly exactly hold on yeah so that's healthy weight loss so it's good you don't wanna be losing much more than that way sure confusion gunned down as well not that much he certainly has come out of his shell a bit he's you know there's a big difference between the way he was with other kids when he got here and the way he is now the camp's talent show is a final test of the kids confidence when we positioned talent shows is thought through because we know that it takes about that amount of time before they start to reach that point where they're gonna get on stage we know that they're starting to be feel more confident expressive and that gives an opportunity to do it when I did my makeup in the morning should buy it look at me into art you look so pretty no my makeups not everything and it didn't make it look pretty it's just an extra bit no I wondered outdoors and then I thought about in the thought where if I do it tonight a very healthy air of confidence booster I said right if you sitting I'll do a makeup I feel like our dressing do I not so I'm not doing it and let you are don't put a bit that on your lip something you don't even the more confident campers struggle with being center stage [ __ ] she's [ __ ] myself my mum's all about me singing in front of an audience like Katy yeah you've got to do all these things saying saying if I could sing I would stand up and sing to everyone I'm like no you would as no I just don't they think I'm not good I feel really nervous then when I'm performing I feel like really confident I guess I learned I can be strong [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one of my favorite things about camp is actually seeing the difference in their confidence for me it's seeing them when you know they feel better about themselves them actually get up on stage at the talent show and singing in front of all the campers which we would have never done before [Applause] [Music] waiting on a song I thought she was very brave of herself because she's something like what she can do she don't care P before about I'm very busy I'm hoping when I'm older I wanna audition for it [Music] [Applause] [Music] and did it and I'm like she's actually doing it and I'm so proud of her knowing that she's like that were fear and she'd done it tough to think about carrier case I wasn't hiding behind people that was an amazing achievement she shot she did so well and we're all so proud of her okay prior to myself gonna there you go I'm happy that I like got off on a stage Sam and they don't want to puke so camps a relatively short period of time and we'll see massive change in that way but we see massive change in how they think and how they feel and how confident they are it's got the ball rolling and definitely I'm gonna continue when I get home for sure since Camp Aaron started college and made more friends but his weight remains a problem Lana has maintained the weight she lost at camp and she's feeling more confident at school too katie has lost a total of 30 pounds and this summer she plans to trek around Vietnam with her school next time Amy's full of attitude coming through you ginger [ __ ] and Stephens in big trouble click on-screen for more videos of extraordinary humans you
Channel: Only Human
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Rating: 4.9066639 out of 5
Keywords: Only Human, Only Human channel, Would You Send Your Kids to Camp to Lose Weight?, would you send your children to fat camp, I Know What You Weighed Last Summer, i know what you weighed last summer tv show, how to get your children to lose weight, how to tackle child obesity, ways of getting your children to lose weight, should i send my kid to fat camp, best way to get your child to lose weight, my child is obese, tackling weigh issues with children, obesity documentary only human
Id: UmQh7Bhd3so
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 26sec (3386 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 27 2019
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