Does Fat Camp Actually Work? | I Know What You Weighed Last Summer | Only Human

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[Music] us Brits are among the fattest in the world it's a national crisis and for some it's a matter of life or death there is no vault there is no Hotpoint if she carries on she will die young welcome to a super-sized summer camp that claims to have the answers to tackling the obesity epidemic diets and boot camps don't work because the forcing something on summed it up they may not be ready for but its methods a controversial the kids dine out on fast food and pizza are on the menu my first impressions are succeed I would like more obviously I think that's why I'm here and the staff are barely older than the campers themselves for some campers it'll be the longest five weeks of their lives but for others it's life-changing does this radical approach work and is this really the answer to teenage obesity our talent gets resolved it's week one and Europe's only residential weight-loss camp for young people the 86 campers should all be in exercise sessions thirteen-year-old Stephen is refusing to take part I just wanted to I just want it's pop magazine go on [Music] [Music] [Applause] right give us two minutes sit on it it can't be difficult for these kids someone's never been away from home never reading from the parents and then they're doing things that we've never done as well so it's it's all very intimidating it's a new environment which is intimidating alone it just takes a bit of time stop saying just just thank you Steven lives with his mum and dad in Scarborough and weighs nearly 14 stoned I know me spend my money on that loves of food by burgers chips it makes me feel quite sad when at school in the colony stuff I just have to cope with it all of Stephens family are trying to help him lose weight including his nan what Javon Steve you've cut down haven't ya yeah - I thought you only had one no all enough think I think one will be enough I tried with him you know to cut him down and that but he'll still sneak and get something steven is a key member of his local cadets his ambition is to join the army the army I think it's teaching and respect and discipline and I want to keep him on the straight and narrow I want him to go down paths that are gonna open doors for him that's it beautiful that is one of my motivations yeah you've got to be quite fit to get in the army to like run around in the battlefield and that but why I need to do first is just stop it you know like fatty foods and start eating healthy Steven you like pet pork don't you yes please once it's got that weight off him and he's got more confidence in himself I think that off you know be the making of him the staff had persuaded Stephen to stay but a few days later and he's still struggling to cope with the thing I've been doing is just I click in there is a lot of binding people up it's funny ours yes see where you come sit on these red chairs please respect whose need a little chat buddy Stephen has been summoned to see camp leader Tay I've heard that in staff member as a shear to go into isolation on the table you downright refused and I just want you to know that that kind of stuff doesn't fly he listens to every member of staff I don't care who it is we're all trying to help we're not trying to single you out I'm not trying to get you in trouble because we want what's best for you we want you to develop from here in every way possible okay so what we're gonna do is you're gonna go into isolation all right all right okay all right good man it's not laughing again all right cheers buddy hopefully you took it on board and listened and okay from that hopefully this is the end of it Stephen will have to stay an isolation until staff decide that he has learned his lesson my behaviors been a little bit I've been a little bit silly throughout the days but it's my son just like I'm missing home and I just wanna go on the camp was founded 16 years ago by leading childhood obesity expert Professor Paul Gately to help kids like Stephen it's not a boot camp we don't force anyone to do anything but we do work with them and encourage them and support that because one in three children have a weight related problem that will both shorten their life and reduce the quality of their lives over five weeks the campers have put through an intensive course of workshops and exercise sessions led by a staff of volunteers with a background in sports science nutrition and education we found as we've worked through different staff mixes that actually a younger workforce relates much better to the young people oncam fourteen-year-old Sebastian is already standing out because of his positive attitude I describe Sebastian as very polite he's won skiing hard-working he does everything's tall and very organized I skip his room clean the campers are responsible for cleaning their own dorms I've cleaned the dorms in a last Tina coffee follow seven times I think I am very culture that everything Norman has to be clean is you really enjoyed cleaning I can't understand how people live in dirt so even the smallest things really really annoy me I enjoy it in a way if there's something there relax me sir if it is just fun for in my eyes and this has been bothering me for ages [Music] so as I think that's the life satellites you are absolutely kidding me right doesn't bothering me the whole time I was in this room Sebastian is over six foot tall and weighs 19 stone when I look at myself I normally degrade myself because I am definitely overweight I might even surprise have I'll be classed as obese I never sure what people think of me because people will judge you on how you live before they even know you and I've had a very very often Sebastian was born in the UK but moved to Switzerland with his family when he was just four years old his size has always been a problem and in the past led to bullying at school the children started commenting and making fun of my weight and then I became incredibly unhappy incredibly scared and they would call him nasty names and they would say that he's fat and he's not somebody that can stand up for himself in that very moment so he would quite often cry in front of those children which then sort of triggered their will to carry on with the video as a result of the bullying Sebastian finds it hard to make friends with boys his own age and spends most of his time with his sister eat together we laugh together we wake up and go to school every morning although the problems at school were dealt with Sebastian still finds it hard to eat in front of people there are days where I hardly eat anything at school so when I get home I just raid the fridge soon as he steps foot into the house he's in his element he's got control over the fridge and the cupboards but he never turns to a carrot it's always the crystal I'm hungry I don't know what I fancy selling everything that I can I fit in front of the TV and I just eat now his parents have paid for him to go to Canberra hoping he can deal with some of his issues and perhaps find new friends so today we're gonna be talking about self-identity and think good feel good is it just this morning Sebastian is in a workshop which focuses on building confidence self-esteem is how happy we are about ourselves on the inside who we are as a person and body confidence is how we feel about ourselves on the outside the way that we look physically and particularly today we will be talking about some things are quite personal in all the conversations I've had with kids that are overweight and obese many of them talk in a way that it's almost like daily torture is what they go through someone's people are picking on and people are judging them people are calling them names and it just isn't a nice place to be and it certainly isn't a nice place to be for a teenager there's anyone here I've been bullied for anything quite a few people putting their hands up now so a lot of these things that were found with bullies a lot of time bullies will pick on you just because they want to pick on you was something they could see from a distance they've thought they won't bother to come to you get to take the time to get to know you it's a lot of time visual things Sebastian in the group have been asked to write a list of what they think is good and bad about themselves shut down how you would like people to describe you or how you feel people would describe you and good at maths writing the bad things down it wasn't really easy it was hard because again it brought back all the memories and there it it just had really made me sad I just got bit motioned and I went outside because I was scared I felt cry in front of the other boys they would laugh I'm always scared that list is gonna be at about in the back of my head names that wrinkled one can't stop thinking about them sometimes and whenever one wants to do something one thinks about that list and it a kind of degrades you in a way mmm it's what got you upset was it just thinking about these things on the past what's our things yeah although other people may think these is a negative thing are they always so they might sometimes it might be personal opinions but also things like being safe being controlling it's not bad thing I know I know that sometimes people might say to you or my do you like to control let me knew that and see that do you know like we said like that video when someone says like a girl should it be an insult it shouldn't be such things like that so I put these ones so these are all really good things about you and you know what there's some of these on here that I've not really seen for you know high genic that's a really good joint it's really good things having you laugh [Music] do you want to rip it up from it yes you can throw everyone Sebastian might have thrown away his worries but he's too neat and tidy to drop litter it's lunchtime children who grow up obese are likely to die 10 years younger than kids who are a healthy weight [Music] but mealtimes on camp offer some surprising options there's not bad foods there's only bad diets so therefore it's about helping them understand I can have chips and I can have a pizza but I need to mix that with pasta dishes and salad dishes it's about trying to get it right 80% of the time and the weight will take care of itself if they're sticking to the sort of principles and the rules that we've given them it's much easier to manage their weight for the future 15 year old twins Amy and Beth are finding it hard to settle in how it's like rock-hard are roughly half of the campers are paid for privately the others like Amy and Beth are sent by the NHS or their local authority because I've got hypertension that's high blood pressure it could like result in strokes and heart attacks twin sister Beth is at risk of developing the same conditions the same size were going through the same things if it doesn't like start what I've probably got it as well obesity is recognized of the modern-day plague eighty five percent of kids who are over we're in a beach during childhood will be overweight and obese adults so it will cost our society lots of money but it the impact on those lives will be significant so therefore addressing it early is absolutely a must the girls each weigh sixteen stone I don't think we really have a relationship with food doing I think it's just an excuse and I would just use it as comfort like when we're not not got anything else to do bard upset I choose the wrong types of foods sir laissez if I went out with friends I'd rather go get a McDonald's then like a salad it's not only the twins who have a dangerous relationship with food their mom louise has battled with various eating disorders for decades started off with bulimia which is eating and vomiting and unfortunately I've turned the other way now where I just eat very very little I'm away it stops and it's just I'd rather starve than be sick and that's not a message I want to get to the children I think it's really strange living with a parent who's on the opposite spectrum of in eating disorder it's a bit strange having a parent who's Andre in as where every in the girls have been sent to camp by their doctor to try and address their own food issues but a few days in and Beth is finding it hard to cope being away from her mom that's not really happy with staying here at the can so we like haven't making a decision whether till I go back Oh Amy calls their mum to discuss the situation she's just not interested in like she's not getting involved with anyone else she just is used to Scott mind set on coming home no she's got one person she's talking to and she's not interested in anyone else she won't get involved for playing like activities and stuff so what does she expect I think it's just really isn't for Beth but I think she's great on comfortable here she just wants to be with family and friends it's the next day and Beth has decided she wants to go home I think they'll kind of miss each other book and I think it's a good chance for them each to have individual time you know where people get that this is just a Mian and that gets a bit of time at home with with me and her friends is just Beth I think they'll do all right without each other there fingers crossed for the first time in their lives twins Beth and Amy will be apart it's not random they used to be more like weird it's just gonna be like Germany weird not like that being there Beth left me a letter who says Amy I wish you could stay longer with you but I'm so proud and I know you will do amazing remember I love you infinite amounts I am and I will be thinking of you every minute love you lots better good I don't like being on my own in the room it's like really boring and like it's really uncomfortable and I but I'm I I'm so depressing how depressing am i people are gonna start crying [Music] phone calls home are restricted to three times a week and all mobile devices are taken off the kids in the hope they will focus on the camp and socialize but being away from family and friends can be very difficult if I can deal with my homesickness the way that I want to deal with my weight and that's I want to do with my weight very extremely then I that would be just better for all of us outside is getting to be bit missing everyone I'm my friends about missing parties that came to me I'm missing a couple of things while I'm at Camp like my mum and dad I'm a dog I'm a flair station ten days into the course and Steven has made a decision still missing home and unable to cope with life at camp he's practice bags and wants to leave a really good example showy friends I'm sure your family right potentially potentially show the world how good you can be Steven was very much one thing or the other it seemed it was a lot of times he might be crying that he wants to stay or crying he wants to leave and it must be a difficult is it a difficult age got the kind of early adolescence or he's not sure not sure what he wants to be not sure what he wants to do oh yeah Stevens been allowed to phone his parents can you come pick me up please no I packed my bags and everything I want to leave no no come on I don't like I'm not used to wearing them words off my dad it made me a little bit emotional Stephens granddad died four years ago my granddad it meant a lot to me I always used to spend the days with him and just relevant a lot to me they loved his granddad it was just a nice book he's just down-to-earth blog he told you black was black and white was white yeah it was a nice guy with my daddy once I had a gun was never mentioned I was like I've gotta carry on other All American mops that are I'm proud of me Stephen decides to give the camp one more go [Music] every day the campers are required to complete at least three hours of physical exercise I guess it's hard like some things like swimming and stuff I like and there's other things like running and stuff they make you do that I don't really like I really don't like football and stuff I really I hate this and I can't be just the goalkeeper and I still just standing it'll do nothing I really hate it so much [Music] this morning the girls are in the gym playing dodgeball but without her twin sister amy is struggling to find her place in the group fat coming through here dodgeball is so bad and I can't play dodgeball so I thought that's not fine no one goes by the rules either you get hit by the ball and they pretend that the oven even though about half the people that I've seen there what the heck you jerking let me get hit by the bottom sterling me not so they're not gonna play by the rules I'm not she caught it you're out please you're out you ginger amy is one of the heaviest girls at camp and seems to have lost her motivation going nowhere so the staff are worried about her attitude and its potential impact on her progress Amy is quite difficult in changing her mind so if she's set on not doing something she won't do it I think Amy does need to focus a bit more to kind of engage a bit more so obviously the more she's engaging and focusing the more she's going to learn so we can kind of help I think about the long term plan every week campers take part in a two mile challenge running a cross country route around the campus the challenge is not about the time it takes to complete the course but the attitude the campus show towards it the two-mile challenge on Camp is a really useful indication of both the campus fitness and also their motivation to lose weight it's really good to see which of our campers are really going to push themselves and which ones we might need to push to turn around Amy doesn't seem keen I'm walking in it it's been raining really badly on there but it's actually getting bad now it's really slippery so I might fall never good walk it [Music] Ami's attitude seems to be rubbing off on others her new friend 14 year old ran at from Israel is also refusing to run I hate so much yes it's really not stood up when I was walking this weather while the rest of the campers push on through the rain ami and Renata found a shortcut but their rebellion doesn't last long [Laughter] [Music] ami is still a long way from six Indian camp it's halfway through the course and ami has been told to pack an overnight bag for this week's off-site excursion today everyone's going camping going camping at all here I go I start crying in a minute literally horrendous I'm off not going after Thalia I'm not going abstaining I'm not going camping why I'm not going I'm not going the staff wouldn't take no for an answer everyone including Amy is on board whilst teaching in that physical activity skills are important it's also really important that they're having fun if you see them enjoying it that's maybe making a positive association with the healthy lifestyle some holidays are supposed to be like are going on holiday sunbathing having ice cream not sleeping in a cold 10:00 with bugs and rain how long we walking fast where to go we went they have a tree and this Wednesday we went camp how you did as part of the fun the camp leaders also want the campers to build their own tents you know I mean not very good in woodlands it's really trees it's not what 14 year olds were in that is used to I thought it went to be like really something that like a vacation from the camp this is awful it was like a punishment at home in Israel Ranaut usually gets her own way I say something people do it she's funny she's loud she's self minded enough Rinat has taken over every available wardrobe in the house I'm like the only one in my family that have like a three closes I have here a lot of Fay my shoes in my bags I have like it's opening and I have like some weeks I'm going like everyday for shopping and I can buy like everyday five things six things Ronettes parents employ a full-time housekeeper mimei just I asked her something she will make me is like start to make me cake for school to make me anything just do it she lives with her mom dad and younger brother but when it comes to her weight she takes after her father my mom is skinny and my brother is skinnies like my mom and my father is fatten I am like round despite weighing over 12 stone Rin that just can't motivate herself to lose any weight I really hate exercise it's like so hard you can't really like it because it's hurt you must do make your body move and like be tired and working hard so no it's a absolutely disgusting I think so this summer Ranaut was sent to camp by her parents who decided not to tell her exactly what she was in for I thought this like a sports camp that's what my dad told me like I didn't thought it's like a overweight sound like fat camp dad convinced she was going to like it additional English camp which she'd gone to before and now you know where they learn English I get to go shopping in Oxford Street she rocks up to Bradford with her ten pound punch in a week awful I'm like where I supposed to sleep no see look there was like a display okay we noticed in the first few weeks particularly with Ranaut that she likes to get her own way and when she doesn't get her own way she will let the staff know about it I can't hold it because they might let my hands will be dirty we come for vacation we don't come to work this is a vacation because this is the summer vacation and we pay much money so please tell them to do it because we do it like sorry come on what is wrong with this thing I give up renounce not the only one dreading a night under canvas I may be the interested of building a tent or even been here thanks to as losers disgusting hot steep outsider feel like a homeless person really bad I think I was gonna be this bad they say I'm not liking it this is our tent the floor is so dirty like everything is sand and this is like disgusting other than this is how I was supposed to sleep here everyone sleep on the grass with the box and everything this is not possible I mean we're all like having quite a bad time I think Rinna - she's so no it's such a punishment like I don't want to be here I know but why we're sir Dean's I don't understand yeah her sardines I look like a sardine I'm acting like a sardine so we can be Saudis okay no we're going to sleep next to all the stinky legs no hey these guys move a little bit more down this is horrible Rina really wasn't impressed by their sleeping arrangements she didn't want to stay in a tan but I was encouraging her to stay and stay outside get involved with all the other girls cuz quite funnily none of them really wanted to stay in the tent come on there let's get funny room you know every stop right you know if you want something do everything you can to get it because then you get it in it that's what you don't need to just say fine I will sleep in the tent no you need to fight what you want and then you will get me oh my god is going to be like the best night going to the party I was thinking to have a slumber party Renaud could definitely have stayed outside but sometimes yeah just to keep the pace that is just easier to let go inside the camp staff have planned an unusual evening of entertainment kicking off with a raw onion eating competition trial night for me is a bit like our version of ARMA celebrity we know that those things are what draw stronger relationships between our stuff and our children I thought the staff trials from hilarious I don't really know why they do the staff trials and suffer that I just said what I didn't get involved it wants it involved the entertainment culminates in a challenge to drink four litres of milk I can see how people might look at elements of the staff trial night and say well that's not appropriate they're not looking at the whole context of CAM and we've been doing this for 20 odd years with very successful results [Applause] [Music] having spent most of the summer together the kids are forming strong friendships [Music] fourteen-year-old Sebastian has always found it hard to make friends with boys his age but here surrounded by boys who have also struggled with their weight he's finding it easier any chocolate I really I can let you eat any chocolate I've got on actually with a lot of boys more than expected I don't really have anybody who had don't like I get along with everybody so at the moment everything is good and I hope it stays like that Sebastian has become good friends with 17 year old Jordan Sebastian's really nice he's like from Sweden Essex boy Jordan weighs 18 stone and is the youngest of four brothers quite big I was like quite skinny all skinny or what free brothers are all in the football so was acting always out on a Sunday Saturday John always at home I think food was his comfort Jordan knows he shouldn't weigh so much but he just can't help himself I've tried to encourage him to lose my thank you very much thank you every night come over nicely always cook for it boys and but when he goes out take why isn't it a lot quicker spare at a moment just takeaways and stuff Jordan's weight problems began when he turned 13 and was able to go out on his own I started putting on weight fighting junk food like just takeaways from like a Chinese shop or Indian shop me tell him he earns all in that stop eating that look if you are it's like you don't listen Jordan knows he needs to learn the self-discipline to help him lose weight [Music] today it's parents day the first time that the campers would have seen their moms and dads since the start of the course it's important to talk to them about what they've learned what those experiences have been to go wave as a family and try and put some of those things into practice and I say try because it is always work in progress Jordans mum and brother have travelled 200 miles from Essex to surprise him wait to see Jordan [Music] very motion I think I'm over the moon that live actually traveled for hours just to come see me I'm really what shocked and I'm just like it's not just a chance to see his family anyway taking you out to eat again you know it's like we're right there and Jordan hasn't forgotten his new mate Sebastian I said to my mom that specialist parents ain't gotta come because they live abroad and I said to my mom let's take specially opposite of restaurant this is the first meal since the boys arrived at Camp where they can eat what they want it's also a chance to reflect on what they've learnt so they you leave here what would you gain down home what would you take on hang on wait what like skills are experiencing you take hungry and tell your family I'll just know how to at least cook yeah the main thing you're coming for Jen's coming just to lose weight or oh yes actually as their confidence of the problem like in school I can't eat in front of people I'm just scared everyone's looking either as well exactly based on school days like I either are there to find a place where nobody's standing or sitting to eat or I don't eat anything during today if I feel like someone's looking at me I go into my phone kind of isolate my sound situations over yeah I'm just really scared that they're laughing like I can't walk through school by myself and every morning I feel so uncomfortable and certain secure and to act and until I'm the kind of reached a classroom where my friends are sitting I just think is slowly kicking and how insecure I am [Music] it's three weeks into the course but 13-year old Stephen is still not settled and Stephens dad has been asked to come to the camp the reason we've had sport camp contract together is because Stephens been wandering around light out sessions quite a bit it's been a few slightly violent outbursts would you say it's and that's that's not behaviors absolutely as you could imagine unacceptable yeah I know it's getting to associate if he's going to break this contract it will lose the privilege of being at this program as soon as you come on the uniforms don't know I'll take you straight our cadets yeah and you will be grounded for the rest of the summer holidays it's not gonna work from there don't start getting upset well my dad said he's on about getting me to quit cadets I was like I was starting to get upset because I really wanted to stay in cadets to get into the real army you will not get away with baby like this will be join the army don't just make been there done that got the t-shirt you need to stop you stupid childish behavior and it needs to stop now yeah this opportunity is the chance of a lifetime dog blowing you're gonna do this you're gonna complete it and you're gonna come out with change person yeah so he stopped stood in there yeah yeah right yeah the staff want Steven to sign a behavior contract if he breaks it he will be asked to leave do not attempt to harm any member of staff or other campers do not swear it any time guess would you understand all those yeah yeah yeah please thank you very much good luck I think if Steven improves his behavior you'll be more embraced by the group you'll be more embraced by staff as well and we always try and help him but you know it is difficult at times um but if he was to go with this and improve his behavior he will reap the benefits of that in you'll get the most out of this process but also you'll take the things I just learned into he's deer is there life when he goes home [Music] young people are supposed to do 60 minutes of exercise everyday but nowadays only a quarter of kids actually manage this our attitude to physical activity sport or exercises doing something you enjoy doing it with your friends and doing it in a way that makes you happy and feel confident about yourself in the UK one in three kids are classified as obese at camp the idea is that being surrounded by others with similar weight issues means that fear and embarrassment won't stop them taking part in sport and exercise the good thing is one doesn't feel scared because everybody around you came here for the same reason it's to change to life and everyone doesn't feel nervous that somebody could be making fun of you and it's a pleasant environment to be in people here like the same size a bit bigger they like I feel like a bit more comfortable with them that's what we're all here for a reason and we just need to like get it done the boys are taking part in a swimming lesson when I go swimming here I'll be more confident because over people like the same size as me but less than 24 hours after signing his behavior contract Stephens back in trouble Stephens had a couple issues this morning in the pool they got into a bitter scuffle one of over lads asked him to get out and then swore at me that's not my decision whether you'll be leaving camp I'll speak to management but for now he's on cam and we'll go from there following an emergency staff meeting camp leaders Tay and Josh seek out Stephen so you sit there please mate right so remember yesterday when we when we filled this out and sign this up yeah we went for it and you've signed it okay this morning swimming you broke no less than four of the conditions on there you have now made a decision to break this contract your father is gonna be coming to pick you up later today you understand please I'm sorry but it's decisions been made Stephen did get really upset and in my opinion it was genuine but we need all of the kids to get on board with with the program and Arief us as quickly as possible just without having to enforce it on them please you've had your final chance you've had numerous chances and we've been explaining to you over and over again how important it is and this is I'm afraid the only way this is gonna sink in all right I didn't think they'd follow through and kick me out well obviously they did I think our fart was on our mr. Stevens time at camp he's over Steven definitely showed positive signs the fact that he wanted to join the army was a great incentive for him to keep keep going with this and we were trying to build on that it's just a shame that I was caught so short it's just this minute clicked I do need to learn a lesson instead of messing around all my life just behaving but it's obviously too late now [Music] I was very disappointed in many who I was disappointed in him I would I woulda liked him to complete what's out to do the hardest part some of the kids we couldn't get through do I always get disappointed with it but at the same time I always know what's coming you cannot see if all you just try your best that's all you can I'll see us about every child that comes here they will benefit some way shape or form [Music] when she arrived fourteen-year-old Ranaut hated the camp especially all the compulsory exercise but as the weeks have passed he's finally started to engage my attitudes to fold this change and like I see that I'm always always want to go to the gym are always asking to go to this you know what's wrong with me one wanted to go to the gym and it's like I'm really happy that it happened because like if so would I go to the gym and it's all good not to think about food like I was thinking about food so really happy this change happened today it's the last two mile challenge previously when that refused to run the course and was disqualified for taking a shortcut now she's determined to complete the challenge I will try but I just want to finish it I will try to run but I will do the best I can I really hope right and it has a really really bad and running so I'll just write it on my bed but what the 2-mile challenge does is because it's up to them to challenge themselves they can win or they can't lose all they can do is better their resolve and every week that they see progress they then take ownership of that a challenge itself and push themselves harder and harder and harder that is demonstrating success not failure oh my god my face is burning Renata pushes herself harder than she has ever done before [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know how much time I did 29 I did less than 30 it's a personal best for Annette I'm happy because I run I don't really care about that I'm just happy around really proud of myself the five week course is coming to an end and today it's the final weigh-in when her twin sister left two weeks into the course 15 year old Amy struggled but stuck with it she arrived weighing 16 stone and was a serious risk of a heart attack or stroke amy has lost more weight than any other girl on camp over one stone in total I do think my biggest achievement is the way I've lost because I never fought good like I came here expecting to lose about like two kilograms something like that so yeah I think I've really like push myself and done better than a flier good despite her newfound love of exercise foreign at her results are surprising yeah every day you wait for professor Paul Gately it's not the amount of weight that's lost but the change in the campers attitude that's most important it's not that they learn how many calories in an apple it's actually that they learn how to overcome the many barriers and challenges that they face this could be the first step towards a healthy future for inert I want to lose like 20 25 years to get there and I really hope I can do it in home with the help of everyone and I did already here little bit but I hope I can continue they changed at home and I hope I really can do it because if I can do it so I would be like I would be like so happy it will be like the best thing in my life I think if I really can [Music] it's the last night at camp and staff have organized a graduation ceremony to celebrate the campus achievements when I get home I just need to make sure that no one pushes me that I push myself that I'm the person who shows the will to progress to lose weight a live healthier [Applause] [Music] I've lost over a stone at camp and I'm very very happy ourselves I'm I'm very confident I feel much better in myself and I feel like I'd seen much more in the future [Music] [Applause] so much and it's been like the biggest like opportunity have hadn't like it so far and they're just being a circle I've really enjoyed it between them the campers have lost over 50 stunts I either told has changed to food and to sports now I just want to just like sports as much as I can and just like I just I just asked away copy six six six six and a half and I wanted to go to the gym it's like my asses dude is like seriously change since camp Ranaut goes to the gym three times a week after school and has cut down on both sweets and portion sizes Stephen has lost a further two stone and is still a keen cadet he has also started anger management classes at school Sebastian has maintained the weight he lost and taken up hiking he has overcome his fear of eating in public and is making new friends Jordan has lost another two stone and every day after college he does a two-mile run Amy and Beth have lost a total of 73 pounds Amy's been discharged from hospital and is no longer at risk from high blood pressure click on screen for more videos of extraordinary humans you
Channel: Only Human
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Keywords: Only Human, Only Human channel, Is This the Best Way to Solve Childhood Obesity?, what is the best way to solve childhood obesity, would you send your kid to fat camp, how do i make my child lose weight, sending children to fitness camp, what is the best way to lose weight, how to deal with childhood obesity, kids summer camp to lose weight, I Know What You Weighed Last Summer, i know what you weighed last summer tv show
Id: gxP7qtWyIRM
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Length: 56min 48sec (3408 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 03 2019
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