Why Are Moms Starving themselves? | Desperately Hungry Housewives | Only Human

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[Music] today's housewife might seem to have it all the beautiful house a loving husband gorgeous children and the choice to work or stay at home but behind the closed doors of Britain's neat suburban houses there are women waging a secret war with food either anorexic or bulimic I just can't be can't be normal it's not just teenagers suffering from eating disorders anorexia and bulimia are now on the rise amongst older women anorexia doesn't happen to a mother of two in her 30s you know she's got better things to think of or she should do to find out why these women starve binge eat and make themselves sick I spent a month talking to women who let me into their private worlds of food control and guilty secrets Tracy is desperate to stop binging and throwing up Jane know she needs to help keep her weight out of the danger zone so he's in recovery from severe anorexia but still struggles with unhealthy thoughts about food and Georgia is trying to lose her baby weight without spiraling back into full-blown anorexia Oh bless you on the surface 54 year old Jane seems to have it all after selling up the family business four years ago Jane and husband Graham moved to their dream home in the Cotswolds I've got this beautiful house beautiful family everything going for me and yeah I have an eating disorder for 30 years Jane's been secretly battling with anorexia and bulimia a vicious cycle of self starvation binging and vomiting better I go in and out of bouts of being anorexic but it's just I need to get on top of the bulimia I need to control it rather than it control me Jane won't revealed to me what she weighs but her clothes hang off her and she's incredibly thin I asked her to look in the mirror and tell me what she sees when I was thin I didn't look by looking at myself because I knew I was ugly so I didn't like looking at myself in the mirror and now I feel feel large so I don't look at myself not happy with my bottom or my thighs at the moment they're much larger than I would like them to be that's the battle lab that's going on all the time is that I'm feeling large and I have to keep saying I'm not I'm not but I feel it this is the family room where I suppose the children would use the expression everybody chills out but Jane's children are all away at school or college largely because she's been hospitalized so many times for her anorexia the children they're angry with me and because they feel like that it actually makes me worse I feel I need to be punished for being so wicked to them so it doesn't help but I can understand that they're angry with me jain's anorexia has led to her being critically ill only three years ago she was down to a shocking six stone Jane confesses that food is still her enemy the way she deals with food is to categorize it white is good and black is bad bread is black biscuits definitely black pastor is black French means they're white vegetables are white food apart from a carrot that's grains because that swings from being a black to a white because my white foods are my comfort foods safe foods and that after I've eaten white foods I'm happy I don't feel guilty I feel I deserve my white foods and I won't want to be bulimic after I've eaten them black foods are my bulimic foods all this started in Jane's early 20s when just before their wedding Graeme was diagnosed with cancer neither of them knew whether he would make it the stress caused Jane to begin her strange relationship with food 30 years on and the only food she feels completely safe with now is porridge I you always put water I don't I never make my porridge with milk right there it is forming skin not not quite enough skin but very edible yeah she just goes through bowls and bowls and bowls of it which is their only real form of carbohydrate she has at all seems to be her staple diet but there's not a lot of calories in it Jayden's bulimia is she tries to hide it it's secrecy is the big thing they don't particularly want you to be around when they're eating and they certainly don't want you being around when they make him so sick I mean have you ever witnessed that purging the vomiting or no she's very she's always shut the bathroom door and locked him and which is one of the reasons why for years and years I didn't realize what was going on Jane says she's currently binging and vomiting twice a month but I'm told people who suffer from eating disorders often lie about what they're eating or how often they throw up only Jane knows the truth I won't allow myself to binge during the day I only ever do it last thing at night Graham sees the signs because I start getting fidgety towards the end of the evening I start bobbing up and down on going out into the kitchen and getting something to eat and shoveling it in my mouth quickly Jane admits she waits until Graham's gone to bed then she makes herself sick and I always drink lots of liquid as well because obviously oh this is horrid but it comes up much easier if there's fluid around it obviously if it's dry it can get stuck I didn't ask I think I think she made herself sick last night but that may be me doing her an injustice every two months Jane goes to see her doctor so he can weigh her and check she's not spiraling back into the danger zone Jane's next appointment is due soon she tells me that the prospect of a Wayne is making her anxious and so more likely to binge and vomit every time I do it I say to myself afterwards never again never again when it happens again Jane's not unusual to in every hundred women in the UK are bulimic Tracey from Kent is a 36 year old single mom of two she works full-time in a bank and is also studying for a law degree but last night like most nights of the week Tracey gorged herself and then forced herself to throw up it's not intentional while I don't actually have a set pattern I mean most of the time I generally would binge on cereal right for sales so it depends not wait a bit so try and buy ones that I don't like so that don't eat them but it doesn't work I sought on a brand is usually a good one for me it sounds awful Frosty's things like that and I'll probably eat two three bowls of cereal with milk and sugar bread is lethal so I'll keep the bread and the rolls in the freezer take two out in the morning what we know for that day's lunches and a filling and so that's another way of trying to combat it because so far I don't appear to be eating frozen food it's only the stuff that's defrosted and likewise I keep up here all the children's sort of jockey bar things for you know a little mini cookies and things like that and they're fatal because you can quite easily eat four or five of them and not realise that actually how much you have aton and you know one packet becomes another and it's not until perhaps they probably morning that I look in the bin and think God how many wrappers and that's when it's a bit mortifying because it's a bit depressing Daniel I've only given you exactly what you said you wanted so lovely if we have a nice clean plate Mr Man and shoot madam if you want any more lady knesset all right I'm just gonna get with yarn in okay barely eating during the day Tracy waits until children Daniel and Emily have gone to bed then in secret she binges I'm binge on average at the moment about four times a week perhaps five times a week which isn't good I'll think I'm don't you know I'll just have a bowl of cereal and then then I think you shouldn't have eaten that and then I think it was nice of facts you know there but so I'll have another bowl of cereal and then I'll think with that seat you're blowing it now you might just as well eat what the hell you want and get rid of it all and it takes me longer to bring it back up again and then it did tweet in the first place which is you know horrific I might stop eating sort of midnight but I'll still be up to help us to throwing up Daniel Johnny yogurt mate you will have something I won't know later I was surprised to discover that until four years ago Tracy had never had any issues with food but then her mum died closely followed by the collapse of her marriage the breakdown of my marriage was kind of the last straw really but I think the underlying problems were already there from way back I'd been abused as a child he never dealt with that wasn't talked about in those days just ignore it move on my parents had a you know not a very good marriage they spit up at a couple of miscarriages which I never really addressed so I think that's how it started I think that it was it became a warped sense of control it never really had anything to do with how I looked it's entirely to do with how I felt about myself how I still feel about myself feelings of worthlessness and you should have said that you're a bad mom and you made a mistake at work God really your crap employee that's what it is it's the inner emotions and the way they manifest it's not I want to look like posh spice it's nothing like that at all [Music] after four years of binging hell Tracy tells me she's desperate for help but there's little available to her unlike anorexics bulimics aren't in dangerous starving themselves to death she puts on a brave front but underneath I sense Tracy's at breaking point well always will use the downstairs low because then the children don't hear me they won't know and depending on how bad how badly sick I am I clean up afterwards obviously because I'm terrified of the kids coming downstairs the following day and seeing remnants of things so I will always clean the toilet the hall and everything else and then if I need to if then I will wipe down the walls and the floor as well anything that could give me away basically from what goes on behind this door when they're asleep [Music] tell me what you're feeling now Shane terrible terrible shame because I'm a fully grown woman I have two children I have a job I'm studying I'm a sensible person so why do I do this when don't put it around and I'm so terribly ashamed of it so ashamed of it [Music] thirty six-year-old Zoey's eating-disorder developed five years ago [Applause] two years of intensive cognitive behavioral therapy and Zoe's now in recovery but when I visit her at home she tells me how the fear of anorexia can still affect her life when Zoe feels she's losing weight she weighs herself to get back on track 43.9 not very good it's less than seven stone but most of my life I felt happy where's my weights gone down right now I feel quite worried actually I probably need to take it easy more than I have done I I think I've been quite busy this week because I've certainly been eating well I know I've been eating well she keeps a chart of her BMI or body mass index it's a tool she's learnt from therapy to monitor her weight a healthy BMI is anywhere between 20 and 25 anorexia is 17.5 or below I'm presently just below a body mass index of 18 which is underweight and that for me is 7 stone right now I feel way too thin I feel quite self-conscious of where look man definitely in summer clothes as well feel too bony my best clothes are fitting me as well as they did last year so I want to try and gain back that half a stone a continuing downward trend in her weight could develop into full-blown anorexia only four years ago Zoe weighed just over 5 and a half stone I was even more surprised to learn that Zoe's anorexia took hold while pregnant with her second child Barnaby I felt a overwhelming guilt not to be able to eat properly it would be so distressing because I would go to bed hungry and I kept lying there thinking I should get up and eat something but yet not being able to was just something stopping me being able to just put that food inside me Zoe's husband Rob was unaware of the extremes his wife was going to to deprive herself of food anorexia is a deceitful disease there are simple things like sort of hiding the facts that she hadn't eaten the food or saying oh I had something else beforehand I've had enough now I don't want to be this I had a big lunch I had week snack instead instead of getting bigger Zoe didn't gain any weight during her pregnancy this made her terrified of what she might have done to her baby all I kept saying was he's not ready to come out yet we need to just stop the labor he's not ready yet and I remember turning to Robyn just saying I feel so depressed I was absolutely convinced that he was going to be born either dead or terribly deformed in some way baby Barnaby was born healthy but just nine months after the birth Zoe was three-and-a-half stone lighter than when she had conceived him dangerously ill Zoe was referred by her doctor to an NHS course of cognitive behavioural therapy as part of her treatment Zoe was asked to keep a food diary it shows just how extreme this situation was I used to get up at 4 o'clock every day I had for breakfast a glass of skimmed milk a small banana and half a kiwi fruit but 7 o'clock went swimming and I swam 50 lengths got back and had just a mug of hot water one cashew nut was my snack at 8:13 evening I eaten this cashew nut I feel enormous I'm not sure I'll sleep for worrying in the last four years so he's come a long way from those dark days of starvation since Zoey has completed her treatment and is now definitely a recovering almost recovered anorexic I think they looking at her now compared to how she was when she was in the depths of anorexia the changes is enormous through therapy and with Rob's support so he's learnt to eat three meals and three snacks each day despite her anorexic thoughts I'm often struggling with thoughts of fullness equals fatness in my head still quite a lot of before I can reason over it that's my automatic reaction as I feel full therefore I feel fat so I have to use these cognitive behavioral therapy techniques to tell myself all actually I know I'm not fat this is just a feeling of fullness and it will pass now no food is off-limits but Zoe still gets anxious if she has to be spontaneous and eat outside her routine now what I find difficult is if my routine has to change for some reason and I start to feel very sort of wobbly and I haven't got anything to cling on to it's like my scaffolding and awareness taken away we need to measure it first Zoe's been invited to go out for a meal with friends in two weeks time it's something she really wants to do I need to be a normal person I need to just go into a restaurant look at a menu order something and eat it and enjoy the social occasion rather than thinking too much about the food or the effect that that will have on me oh I can see Zoe's really determined I hope she makes it with her children away from home no job to go to and a ladder full of food to tempt her Jayne tries to keep busy I joined the WI art [Music] upholstery flower club meals on wheels or you're not walking club doing all these activities keeps me very very busy and stops me thinking about food tonight it's Jane's turn to host the book club they look cheesy don't they they're not both I've just opened a big packet of crisps I went out and bought great excitement uh shakes I'll never buy big packets and just never leave it's say it's just a good excuse to get together and they're lovely ladies what will you be doing in relation to food I won't be eating any of it but I shall just just offer it round some of the ladies that are coming tonight won't know that I have an eating disorder in fact most of them won't know this evening she's catering for ten people right I don't have a problem with people knowing that I'm a recovering anorexic but I do have problems with the bulimia I'm so embarrassed about it I like to keep quiet about that while Jane likes to keep quiet husband Graham wants to talk he's had to live with Jane's eating disorders all their married life and feels it's a heavy burden to shoulder once a month Graham attends a support group for eating disorder sufferers and their families my name's Graham my wife's had an eating disorder for about thirty years and I find it helpful to come to these meetings and meet other people in a similar position you know the sooner anorexia and bulimia are treated the better the outcome you know because otherwise you get into a situation like your wife and it just goes on forever well she was fine for 14 15 years she had the children unfortunately no father died everybody's arriving at once hi I didn't enjoy it until the end and then with the twist and then I thought oh yes the suffer doesn't realize how they're perceived by other people because you're just so inwardly drawn really well they're very very self-obsessed before I found the support group it was a very lonely existence it's the fact that you realize that you're not the only person in the same situation that's the big thing because you tend to feel so isolated when you're dealing with a person with an eating disorder those homemade that no I noticed that Jane likes to feed others but not herself thank you for handing them round today Jane has her appointment with her GP to check her weight she tells me that if she's dropped to the critical BMI of 17.5 her doctor will confiscate her driving licence for Jane there's a lot at stake I always get terribly nervous and I don't know why but I do I get very worked up when I go to see him I suppose I worry about my weight but if in case my weight is dropped and I can't drive yeah I'm feeling really well thank you yes yes really well it's pretty good anyway that's no moot excellent yeah in concentrations good yes yes we didn't support the situation do stuff yes exercising mmm probably a little bit too bad in a wonder yet what would your normal sort of exercise be soar per week what would you do I normally do about an hour and a half a day walking just walking the dogs that's quite a lot really I don't power walk so I mean I think I think for somebody who was a normal weight I'd be really delighted I think with somebody of your weight I would obviously have to be careful I mean provided you've maintained your weight always always going up then okay well it's good because it's good for your steeper OSIS after three decades of living with eating disorders Jane now has the bone density of a 92 year old osteoporosis or thinning of the bones is one of the most debilitating effects of anorexia wait okay right you'll never look sewers do so good it's excellent isn't it let's gone up that's 2 kilos excellent don't feel happy about that Jane has asked dr. Hani not to reveal to me her actual weight right oh it's interesting I mean actually your BMI is eighteen point seven so you don't feel happy about it but part of you must think that is healthy and I'm enjoying having much more energy yes yes do you feel that size is sort of normal for you or not I haven't been this weight in years was that a shock or did you expect it to be like that it was a shock because I don't I don't weigh myself at home good to see you I'm really pleased I think you're looking great I'm surprised Jane's unhappy about her weight she gets to keep her driving licence but I can see for her it's more complicated than that with lots of patience then the Rex yeah it's really a question of company coming to some sort of compromise and I think there is this sort of mid midway between where where the patient is happy with their weight and where the medical profession is happy of the way and you come to this sort of delicately sort of tuned balance in the middle and I think that's where we are and hopefully we can keep you there but Jane seems really shaken up by the news I need to work on it I need I need to work because my reaction is to restrict my food to lose that weight I panic I panicked I thought oh my goodness I just was really really unhappy about it but I know deep down I know it's it's just bizarre and I must just accept it the desire to lose weight seems to override all common sense with these women it's almost like an addiction in Exeter I visit Georgia who has a history of anorexia seven weeks ago she had her third child already she's obsessed with losing weight she started a rigid diet and is weighing herself every day I know I shouldn't weigh myself every day it's silly because sometimes I don't see a change and then that makes me panic and then it's difficult to like eat for the day then but that's what I do I don't know what expected be really like I say when I get on the scales it's kind of like I expect it to like drop drastically and obviously rationally I know that that's not gonna happen but yeah I still keep wearing myself every morning so it's bit crazy really what's crazy is that for 29 year old Georgia dieting has had horrific consequences at her lowest point when she was 18 years old she weighed a shocking fulstone 10 pounds and was hospitalized under the Mental Health Act in order to get to look like that I at that point was eating basically an apple a day and exercising as much as I could using laxatives and just generally like totally obsessing over light weight and food all the time giorgia told me it all began when her parents split up and her mum moved in with a new partner taking Georgia and her siblings with her I felt like because my mum was making the decisions about where we lived and who we lived with I felt like I didn't have any say in anything and so that's probably why I resorted to this why I chose food I don't know but it was my weight and food with things that I could control they were I could control what I put in my mouth and I could control what happened to my weight when Georgia got back together with childhood sweetheart Kenny she decided she wanted children so she forced herself to eat so her periods which had stopped would come back her first son Bailey was born a healthy 7 pounds but only months later Georgia started to relax instead of losing the weight sensibly I just started to like cut massive parts of my diet out and so before I knew it I was down to like about 7 stone and all my obsessions around food came back obsessions around food exercise and weight seem to be common traits for all women with eating disorders Georgia became fixated with apples at the Apple she used to have to be a certain color and a certain shape and a certain size and I would travel to every supermarket in Exeter trying to find these particular type of apples I used to go to get an apple and I was told no and I felt quite difficult about going to the fridge if I had too many apples to fit in my fridge I would then take all the apples out and line them up in order of the ones which were perfect down to the ones which I bought that were borderline and then the ones that were leftover I would smash them into the ground and then throw them away Kenny's love and support helped Georgia she gained weight and went on to have two more sons Morgan and Kobe but Kenny knows he needs to keep a close eye on his wife now she's dieting again do whatever and my biggest concern is if she gets at Target wait what she wants to be will she not be happy will appeal further and will she end up in hospital it's become increasingly clear to me that for these women eating disorders and nothing to do with skinny celebrities or Size Zero they're all telling me that their bizarre relationships with food are about control trying to control the chaos of their lives or the pain of their past when our next visit Tracy I can tell that things are still difficult well the last sort of two or three weeks have been pretty tough been binging most nights to be honest and I've been I had two exams at university for the my law degree that I'm working on and on top of that as well this is the worst time of year for me because it's the anniversary of my mom's death and I you know still struggle with that even after all these years what sure what is your remit what we got to make Tracy admits she's still binging and vomiting four times a week I wonder how her 14 year old daughter Emily is coping children always have this image of their parents being strong and being able to cope and things like when your parents break up and you see both parents cry all the time and then when you find out something like this you realize actually they're just like us they can't just cope with things because they're older they just because they're still human this eating disorder is a way of her coping fair enough maybe not the most the best way of coping but my aspirations to be as good as mum as she is and I know she doesn't think she's a good mom but she is she's the best mom I could think of so I'd love to be her just take away the disorder Tracy knows how hard it is for her family and she's got herself on a waiting list for a course of counseling sessions for her bulimia in the meantime she's trying desperately hard to help herself positive beliefs are something that you do you have to try to every time you have a negative thought you have to try to replace it with a positive one these are my beliefs that I've done here positive internal and general and they've got to be which is why they're called pique beliefs for example I refused to give in to my problems knowing that wine makes her liable to binge Tracy's also decided to cut back on the booze so I went out to die and I bought some fruit juices and I'm gonna have a glass of this with Modena tonight instead of wine and hopefully that all will help it's a step in the right direction well I decided I would attach a bell to the fridge door so that when I open the fridge it will wings so that hopefully it might just if one time it stops me from having a binge then it's worked it's done its job so yes it has a couple of times but not often not often to be fair but I think that's because we've usually had a couple of glasses wine so do we care about Bell no but now I'm on my tropical fruit juice so then it works so that's the plan anyway but tonight the kids are at their dads and Tracy knows her homegrown strategies won't be enough to hold her back so she's put in an emergency call to her stepsister Debbie sometimes I'm a bit vulnerable being left on my own is you know it leaves me open scepter ball to having a bench so by going to stay with Debbie for the night I'm cutting that possibility out you don't want to be so fitting that's why you won't accept that but what you've had what you've gone through and then go through is not more than a lot of people that's okay to think that way yeah I agree with you too yeah but then I just still think why as why is it that that's that's but other people have the same issues and have the same problems and they don't do our dough I can't begin to imagine what she's going through or the whys aware force but I wasn't gonna just grab hold of a shaker and soda I was a stupid to seed something because obviously it's not as simple as that she's an intelligent person if it was that easy she'd do it that's that's probably the biggest thing about this illness is that of all the people you'd have thought it would happen to why her why is she got such a bad perception of herself though she will get there because she's determined she does get through she does cope so I shall be there for her two weeks into George's campaign to get down to eight and a half stone and I discover she's taken up running again what exercises massively important to me I can't imagine my life without some form of exercise Georgia's amended her diet plan and has now cut out all carbohydrates but she feels she's not seeing results quickly enough I haven't lost anyway which to me just makes no sense because obviously I am really strictly following this diet plan and like candy keeps sends me he's worrying because I you thinks I'm hardly eating anything I'm literally just sticking to my three meals a day not really snacking in between and if I do it just be fruit so I reckon I'm probably eating about 1,500 calories a day I can't quite fathom at what my body's doing at the minute that's a bit of a dangerous place for me to be and I think because it's easy then to go back into old habits these are my new scales and I've got these because they're digital ones and they're really precise and I thought that was important for me to be like weighing myself accurately then the last time I weighed myself I was eight stone nine and three-quarters is eight nine and a quarter so I I've lost half of a pound basically so I would have expected to be lower than that today and that's what what that's kind of what I struggle with really knowing what to do now I can see George is fighting a constant battle in her head she knows she has to be careful not to slip back into anorexia but losing weight is still her goal and with her eldest son's birthday coming up even the thought of doing something as simple as eating cake is causing her distress there's certain things which I don't think I'm ever going to be able to allow myself to do and the experiences that I could have with my children and my family that I'm not going to have because of this thing which is in my head really basically does get me quite upset because I just think you know I I want to do those things with my children and with my family but I just can't sorry [Music] in the Cotswolds Jane's 2 kilo weight gain seems to have sent her into a panic - she knows she needs to resist the urge to starve herself again in desperation she's decided to try hypnotherapy easier more comfortable more relaxed and the important thing to learn is that I see both physically and mentally relax then you're calm it was absolutely wonderful it was really relaxing I felt first of all I felt heavy and I felt warm I could feel warmth from the inside and then as she talked me through it I felt lighter and I felt felt as though I was floating it was lovely jain's hypnotherapist has given her a CD to listen to every evening until her next session if I fall asleep while I'm listening to it all that's good stuff now thank you doke but I'll talk to the children find out what I like the music no need to make any tournaments just it may work if she wants it to but because the bottom line always is that window no matter what has been tried if at the back of her mind she doesn't actually want to get better and get rid of whatever it is that's controlling her it's not going to happen when I next see Zoe she's preparing herself for her night out with friends 46.2 looking at it the overall picture there's definitely an upward trend and that's really good tonight will be the first time that Zoe's gone out for a meal without limiting what she eats beforehand all day today I've made an effort not to restrict my eating at all so I've just had normal breakfast snacks or lunch just as if I wasn't going out which is really important and resisting the urge to do extra exercise as well I don't know what's going to be on the menu so it's gonna be completely spontaneous which is probably a first for me her friends meet regularly for meals out until now Zoe's made excuses for not going it's a big step for her [Music] today I'm walking a part of office Dyke with with the walking group friends in the pouring rain so we must be absolutely stark raving mad in this weather when we finish the walk we're going for a pub meal very apprehensive about it because I don't like going to restaurants that I haven't been to before somehow I feel more secure if I know but from the menu I'm a little apprehensive and I'm know I'm not a little and quite apprehensive but I'm putting it to the back of my mind [Music] [Music] if I don't know the menu but then I do panic okay so I'm it's not going to be fish or something on it that I that I will consider my safe foods this is Jane's first meal out since starting hypnotherapy and they'd have the vegetables with noodles sitting down and choosing the food with friends I do find it find it difficult I feel as though they're watching me I'm sure they're not I'm sure it's my imagination each mouthful she takes is a minor triumph small steps like these are hugely significant for Jane and Zoe meals out at difficult occasions having spent time with these women I now realize how complex and overwhelming anorexia and bulimia are to Zoe Georgia has reached her target weight of eight-and-a-half stone and for now is managing to stay there but some foods are still off-limits one day I'd like to be able to think that I kiss like eat birthday cake and enjoy those sorts of experiences with the boys and with the family and feel normal about it and not get stressed out about it but at the moment I just know that it's not something that I'd be able to allow myself to do and that's just something that I've got to accept for the time being and hope that I can you know those sorts of things as things I can do eventually I hope one day all four of the women I've met will be able to enjoy their food rather than see it as the enemy for the moment Jane believes that hypnotherapy might finally be the answer I'm not actually having any thoughts of bulimia at all saying that ever since I've had the hypnotherapy I really haven't and every day that I get through it and don't have any thoughts I just just just cannot believe it [Music] Tracy also remains determined that she will eventually beat her bulimia I don't want this to be around anymore I want rid of I've had had enough now I want to live a normal life and think in a normal rational way and just have a healthy relationship with food really and after years out of the workplace zoe has started a voluntary job as the battle to reclaim her life from anorexia continues I feel so lucky I just that is my overwhelming feeling really of being so so fortunate firstly of course to have the family I've got and to have my husband who's been so supportive for me but also to have had the treatment that I've had I think with anorexia you can't do it on your own actually you can really want to get better but it's it's impossible to do without help you
Channel: Only Human
Views: 2,461,746
Rating: 4.7414622 out of 5
Keywords: Desperately Hungry Housewives, desperately hungry housewives full documentary, only human anorexia, only human full documentary, eating disorder documentary, can anorexia kill you, anorexia documentary, only human tv show, bulimia and anorexia documentary, documentary movies – topic, mental health documentary
Id: Y_NS6IcTma8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 51sec (2931 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2017
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