How Much Weight Can a Plus Size Mother Lose? | Obese (Australia) S1 Ep4 | Only Human

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[Music] when it comes to the super obese these people are too big even for the biggest loser i saw a photo of myself out with friends and i realized how big i was and you know how far from normal that i was they are eating themselves to death and that's why we're here each of these australians has joined trainer lee campbell on a life-changing journey for some of them it's also been a lifesaver everything starts as a dream mate you just got to make it a goal and then put into action i think with phenomenal results i did everything to make everyone happy when i was a big person now i do everything to make myself happy my strength is phenomenal now as long as you get to the end of it and go on i've given it all i can you're a winner now the journey continues i want to have babies and get married i know that in the position i'm in that wouldn't happen i was always picked on and tormented at school because of my weight and i ate my way i think out of depression people don't want to be seen with a fat person [Music] tonight we meet helen there's lots of things that i'd like to do that i obviously don't do because of my weight you know like going and playing games with my son in helen's world even the simplest tasks have become achingly difficult she's so big she can't avoid the stares and taunts of complete strangers it doesn't make it any better when you get people that dive past and yell out stuff they don't seem to think they don't care helen finds comfort in fast food the more of it the better can i get a um value dinner box thanks and she puts on more and more weight yeah i like takeo takeaway is pulling my addiction helen blames her food addiction for the painful memories that have haunted her for nearly 14 years in 1997 i had a son um he passed away an hour after birth they were going to operate and remove him by c-section but decided against that due to health issues and you know for myself concerns for my my well-being now she fears the effect her super size is having on her second son who's being bullied at school recently's getting poked with sticks getting called names and having to hear all the you know your mum's a fat boy helen's answer is to avoid being seen with her son i just tell him that i have to work it's easier to give him that excuse than to say to him i'm not going because i don't want you to be teased because mommy's fat but if she keeps eating like she is helen knows she may not be alive to watch him grow up this is it this is it this is do or die in the next hour will put helen through 300 days of incredible physical and mental pain she's in a lot of trouble she's emotionally beat [Music] this is the story of a colossal-sized mother who can't stop eating a woman who is simply too big thirty-eight-year-old helen clark lives with her son rhys and her partner phil do you like one two no one for helen being big runs in the blood her sisters had a stomach stapling operation and as long as she can remember they were a family of tubby babies who turned into chubby kids and fat teens i was aware of my weight as a child more from kids teasing and all that sort of stuff so it made you aware that you were bigger than the average child [Music] but it was the devastating loss of her firstborn at just an hour old that's made helen wonder what she's been doing to herself i came out from surgery to have my partner there with my son in his arms dead [Music] the baby had a serious chromosomal defect but helen believed she was too fat for the doctors to do a proper scan i think about now you know if i wasn't my size would i have had to go through all of that could something else have been done who knows if i was smaller could they pick that up how do you feel about yourself i mean you know when you're honest and sit down and you just want to give up but then i look at my son and i can't give up helen's not only eating her way to an early grave her weight's crippling her relationship with her surviving son we're going to wet n wild which for me will consist of probably just spending some time sitting around reece would love his mum to go on the rides with him but she's now a safety hazard it's a weight restriction because if you're heavier you could go over yeah they're set by all the weights and restrictions set by the manufacturers so yeah they've done all the tests and work for gravity and stuff like that helen's become a heartbroken spectator in her son's life it hurts that i'm not out there doing it with him have fun for him these will be this is the memory time this is things that he'll carry forward to for the rest of his life and if mom's not doing anything with him there's not going to be many memories of mine but this loving mother is desperate to change her life for her and her son in 10 months i'm gonna be on those rides with him i'll be racing him up the hill he'll be able to say mum took me on this and mum took me on that rather than uncle david or phil it'll be mom today is the beginning of the rest of helen's life and first stop is some tough love from this man when i first saw helen i thought my god she's big she's gonna have a long way to go is she strong enough i hope so but we'll see i'm here to save your life and help you get better thank you i'm gonna weigh you first okay step on for me okay helen the scale's ending up to 180 kilos at the moment that means you're over 180 kilos yep okay i forget okay helen was over 180 kilos in fact she's 189 kilos she's a time bomb waiting to happen to your blood pressure and see how you're going there 139 over 93 that's high which isn't good resting heart rate 108 so health wise you are in high high risk of dying soon your heart's under that much load and that much work that you're a time bomb just waiting to go off if you keep it up you're not going to be here to see your son get old rhys is my future i'm living for him to have someone tell you you could die soon you're a time bomb [Music] that makes it emotional over the next nine months lee wants helen to lose 50 kilos and that will mean a mental and physical assault that'll push her to the limit [Music] thirty-eight-year-old helen clark's first weigh-in was an embarrassing shock okay helen the scale's ending up to 180 kilos so at the moment that means you're over 180 kilos yep her actual weight is 189 kilos and the harsh words of trainer lee campbell have been a wake-up call you always think about oh you're a time bomb you know you're just waiting to explode but to have someone tell you it's a little bit harder helen's weight means she's too ashamed to even take her son to school but now the lives of this family are about to be turned upside down starting at home hello helen hello how are you good welcome to new life okay come in here we're going to check out any other cupboard first bad food [Music] chocolate that's my son's school snack school snacks lots of sauces we don't need all these cans i'm gonna start making fresh fruit and vegetable chicken sweets and those sort of things okay cordial sugars everywhere fruit bars full of preservatives full of sugars everything like that [Music] crisp bang okay so even though they're rice that's the other thing let's go to the fridge let's keep moving through this one soft drinks high in sugar even the diet coke even the diet cake we don't want that no soft drinks at all fruit juices have more sugar than coke or as much cheese spreads my son's lunch we're going to change his life too you've got to start making his life as healthy as yours has to be there's any hidden stashes anywhere chocolates cupboards beers alcohols nothing biscuits even though it's your son's lunch would you snack on one of these you wouldn't have one just while having one no not one for mum not one for him no okay there's no reason to lie to me but in all honesty you know she didn't get in the position she's in from being healthy and fit and making the right decisions behind helen's back lee has found the truth hiding in the cupboards were sweet chocolates marshmallow balls so i know she was hiding all of this and i had to go through the cupboards to find it and no big surprise here oh thickened cream to go on the marshmallows figure that one out she's coming to me wanting someone to take control of her life to lead her to the new horizon where the sun comes up and goes down another nice honey place the bin pizza pizza pizza you know the truth is stop being unhealthy stop eating four or five pieces of pizza that you shouldn't eat stop having so much soft drink stop living an unhealthy life [Music] okay helen come outside wow training equipment for you to use at home so there are no more excuses for in your life at all easy it's okay spin the foot around gotcha good have a bit of a pedal keep them going right slow down for me have you been on a bike before yeah i we did the bike and i couldn't do it very for very long so yeah just because the knees and that stuff like that she's trying to play tricks and she's trying to manipulate things by saying that her knees saw her ankles or all these other things are sore but you know she's going to be in discomfort she's going to be upset okay reality is going to be a lot of discomfort just because of the size and we have to work that down she didn't get to this state for no reason so you're going to have to get your head around the fact of okay these are going to be uncomfortable or funny positions and things aren't going to feel right to get through it she has to accept and then get on with it each night you're gonna come home spend 20 minutes 30 minutes on here just sitting down enjoying it yeah remember our commitment yesterday yep yeah yeah did you equipment's there but i've still gotta be able to try and get that time you know i'm a mom i'm a full-time worker i leave home at six o'clock in the morning i get home at six o'clock at night i have to cook dinners i have to prepare lunches for the next day i have to wash the clothes and you know fold the clothes and clean the house and sit down with my son and do homework and everything so it's not a matter of [Music] not being able to do it it's a matter of time and that's not going to change she's in a lot of trouble she's emotionally beaten you know physically you know people can always change physically how they go about things what they need to do it's about how they approach it and what they can you know find themselves to make that change and this is one of the big things she needs to make that change and she's you know already she's finding it very hard to accept where she is and what she wants to do and that's going to be a challenge we're going to get there we're going to get there for her with son reese along for the ride helen's taking her new exercise regime seriously breathe i'm going down and get my heart rate back down lea has challenged helen to lose 20 kilos in the first 40 days a little over 10 of her body weight but two weeks in helens found an excuse to overload her plate with food again while her body battles on in pain i'm a bit down at the moment i put my back out last weekend and i couldn't do any training during the week because of fear of putting it or making it worse i've got this shoulder pain i want to do more but i can't i can only do what i can do helen has to control her addiction and the place to start is in her own kitchen so what we've got here is you've told me about you loved fast food and that was one of your sort of problem areas before it is not i mean we liked it the taste of fast food but it was also the time to prepare it it was quicker to grab take away food sure okay and you've got a son who clearly likes this kind of food too so getting him involved in helping this and what i want to show you is how easy it is to make homemade burgers he's a growing lad so i understand that sort of urgency for i want my food now mom and that's the sort of thing that she's struggling with and i really feel strongly that part of that story is one being prepared but two having the skills to know how can i create a really quick meal and get it on the table fast now you don't want to make them too thick or they take forever to cook in the barbecue and they don't cook in the middle and because we've kind of lost some of those basic cooking skills it makes it really really hard and it's easy to fall into that trap of thinking oh it's much easier just to get takeaway in the way home kangaroo meat i mean you can see the color difference there kangaroo meat is really rich in protein and it's really high in iron and it's incredibly lean i need to probably just get reese involved in the cooking and get him to try the new flavors you know kangaroo meat and stuff like that i don't want to have to cook three different meals and you know without even trying it he says no i don't like it but our nutritionist thinks that not telling reese what he's actually eating may change things is that good that's kangaroo okay that's a good sign you're looking happy i'm very pleased by that you know what you can get a healthy meal on the table in under 15-20 minutes it doesn't have to be complex it doesn't have to be hard it does have to be tasty and nutritious though and you know that will start knocking onto her because the other thing i'm concerned about is her son a month has passed since helen began her do or die quest to lose weight it's a daily battle i think the hardest thing obviously for you helen is your time restraints you know you're a working mum and the biggest thing you want to do is spend time with with reese and with phil yeah that's the most important part of your life and of course you you know do you feel that you sort of get left behind in this a bit because you don't i probably have like i've put myself behind yeah caring about others you know are you doing this for you are you doing it for reese um my main motivation is rhys so that he has me around i mean he's turning 10 in a couple of months and i guess when he was younger i probably thought that i wouldn't see him turn 10. it must make you feel horrible yeah but he's there and i'm still here and i'm going to change that so i'm here for his 21st [Music] it'll happen [Music] it's the day of helen's first weigh-in lee wanted her to lose 20 kilos in her first 40 days but helen knows she hasn't always kept on track so she's made her own goal much lower you know stepping on the scales please at least be the nine kilos that i'm hoping for come on helen it's time to be weighed yeah it's been 40 days how do you feel good good what are you expecting i'm hoping for 9 10 kilos step up 40 days you've had some injuries you've been sick there's been some challenges as well along the way yep okay what are you expecting between 9 and 10 kilos what you're hoped for well [Music] step up the last time super obese mum helen clark tried to weigh in she was too big for the scales 40 days you've had some injuries been sick there's been some challenges as well along the way yep okay what are you expecting between nine and ten kilos that's what you hoped for yeah helen started this journey at 189 kilos and a goal of 50 kilos in nine months 9.6 well done congratulations 40 days 9.6 yeah good you happy with that very happy the weigh-in for helen was disappointing for me i think to be honest with it helen was happy and that wasn't enough for me i would have been more happy with 15 you know but you've had those injuries you've been sick understand that they sort of picked me up but threw me down 9.6 is good but you could have done better sort of thing there's a long way to go our next one you know we really have to go hard we really have to focus on you you have to start getting personal with yourself and understanding yourself and you again yeah for helen it's about self-awareness of the body functionality of the body making it move again making herself understand that she can do things you know once she understands that then we can take the next step forward and recreate you know this uh emotional boundary that we're pushing back against all the time you know her and i uh you know fighting emotionally with each other because one wants something else and the other one wants something else so it's a battle this is the last time helen will see lee for a month after today she's on her own our goal now is to exercise for an hour straight yeah okay pick it up your hands nice and high no no keep your hands punching i love the boxing i guess it gives me a chance to give out some frustration and stuff as well so but it's it's pretty cool up high up higher up higher elbows getting them down nice and tight that's it reach and punch good good good punching she needs to get this baggage this emotional baggage out of a system and take a next step forward and start working hard on herself because her health and her body shape will two change again that's one five six three then breathe out and turn around so how do you think you went very good pretty good i'd say pretty amazing unbelievable from day one to today you should be very proud of yourself that's a great great job well done the intensity now just picks up yeah you know the honeymoon's over this is now where the real start real work starts this is where the real time begins here's the surprising fact helen killed the workout killed it you know she could exercise for another 30 40 minutes and this is the bit about control i had control of the workout i think i do understand her and understand it pretty well you let her control anything it's a failure [Music] you know you finish work at 4 35 o'clock you get home your son has sports so we're off to sport there's the lunches to be made the washing that still needs to be doing there's a housework that still needs to be done there's always time though for the most important person in helen's life we have a son jazzy not only that we've got a sign and a sign there was nights that i would just look at him and think am i going to be here for his 10th birthday so how are you feeling within yourself i'm feeling good um still coughing most parts i'm confident you know that i'm doing the right things um i guess i felt a big change initially like in the first five or so weeks i i felt that i you know lost a bit and you know just in the last few weeks i haven't felt like i've lost a huge amount it just doesn't seem like it's changing yeah but you know i mean i'm sure it is but it's just for me i don't feel like i am helen's been training on her own for 30 days but lee thinks she's still too vulnerable to giving up so he's organized a surprise boot camp i'm packing to go to sydney for a week for some intense helen time so they told me i think i've come to a lull point um more of a you know just pittering along and need to boost it up there has to be an intervention with helen there has to be time spent with it and hopefully we will become closer and become good friends through this whole process [Music] i went to the airport to pick helen up to show her that i was here for the week for it and going to support her from the moment she stepped off the plane to the moment she gets back on the plane seeing me standing there i guess it was like here goes my life is over and lee's wasting no time check in 10 minutes back down for our first workout ready good work we're going to go for a little stroll now yeah get comfortable with the surroundings and settings took hell on the wall because she needs to enjoy me being around her and take the most she can from me learn everything she can take hold of what i'm giving her the tools the information the knowledge the inspiration the one thing i want you to do this week is give me 100 effort in everything and honestly if you're pissed off you're pissed off if you're happy you're happy if you're sad you're sad if you can't do it if it hurt let me know so we can start to get this whole process right yeah i have to take her through this journey so what she's feeling and what she's doing i'm experiencing them too can you do that for me it needs to be more than just a year yeah because a year year doesn't buy it for me anymore i need to know that we're doing it together i do know that that's not his job is to be my friend i know his job is to push me and get whatever he can out of me we're going to be together for the next six months or more so we've got a long road to go to through and being archenemies is not going to make the road any easier i feel as though that you've already built these expectations around what what's going to be fun what isn't going to be fun i'm only communicating with you i just want to know where your head is with it all so i can then start to develop a plan going forward for both of us so i don't have to feel threatened by you why do you feel threatened because i don't think that you think that we are here to help i think you think we're the obstacle in actual fact we're trying not to be obsessed we're trying to be the people to help you it's about changing her life and that's why i care so much about it because here's a woman who has one opportunity left to change her life and it's now and if she doesn't she won't live to see her son reese's 21st birthday she's on a road to nowhere i don't want us to fail when i'm planning on failing if i can't help her i've failed that's why i'm vulnerable because unless she helps me help her we're at a dead end [Music] trainer lee campbell has brought helen to sydney to focus solely on her goal of changing her habits and stopping eating herself to death so helen's going to weigh you in at the start of the week and while you're in at the end of the week to see what changes we've made step on the scales at the last weigh-in helen tipped the scales at 179 kilos what what are you expecting to be if anything 175 174.3 start of the week 174.3 let's get into 170 by the end of the week sounds great to me lee believes helen has to tackle her inner demons before she makes real progress helen's scared of being in the public because of her size she's scared to walk to school with rhys because that may embarrass him getting out there and walking up and down and being part of the community that she so wants to be part of nothing better good good work heart rate breathe for me keep going to the corner we're going to jog through the tree keep going end of that session she runs down the hill to the car good work ella come on she's ready i'm happy with that you got to be happy with that i guess i think that was probably our first sort of bonding bit there you know him helping me up the stairs and making sure i wasn't going to fall and all that sort of stuff so there's your brekkie enjoy great session [Music] it was bloody hard until you know but it was it was worth it it was worth doing it punch me anywhere i think that helen's passed the crime she passed she's passed the failure she now is full of life ready to go helen's lost 15 kgs in just over two months her goal is 50 kgs in nine months she needs to get to a point where her weight no longer endangers her life the pool was a lot of fun and i really enjoy the aqua you know it's a different type of workout things that i can't do out of water i can do in water we did a lot of exercises trying to um build up my lung capacity but um unfortunately i'm a bit buoyancy enough pleased a lot so lee had to keep pushing me down we had a lot of fun in there i think that was probably a big bonding session for us in the pool let's do some more tea bags then we'll do some jump in jump outs you can jump in what do i think it's unfair one has to do it the other has to do i don't need to prove my masculinity my manhood's there just packed away very tightly at the moment how good is it she's changed the whole attitude to everything it's all right i got to see them before he actually got in and they weren't much different she's 150 behind everything we're suggesting and doing so it's just a remarkable turnaround from a miserable downtrodden i'm overweight person too i'm gonna change my whole world it's unbelievable step by step lee is gaining helen's trust and breaking down the walls she's hidden behind for years rain hail or shine helen needs to understand that she can train and there's no excuses she finds it very difficult to find time during the day she's a poor time manager you would say because there's excuses not to exercise um or it's wet outside or i don't want to get my shoes dirty straight into it you're going to jog to catch me yep i probably had to believe in her as well really believe in her i think i had to believe that she could do this i mean you can push anyone to do anything but i had to personally get over the fear or doubt that she was just going to fail and fail miserably and that was making me [ __ ] that's it so we both had to cross that path we both had to get in the journey of letting each other know that we will do this for each other your motivation changed from when we started or is it the same it's still rhys um and but me as well so it's more of like my journey now i mean i'm doing it for reese as well but to be live longer with him but you know he can't make me do it it's me that's got to make myself do it so you know and if i don't do it nobody else is going to do it for me listen i've chosen you for this and what you're doing today proves to me that you want to achieve this and do this so this one as fast you want this is for reese he wouldn't have made me do it if he didn't believe that i could do it so um so it was good you know somebody else believed in me as well believed in everything that i've been doing this is for the future come on and someone's got my back it was a realisation for me that i can do more than i think i can [Music] i guess it was to prove to myself too that i could do it not to prove to anybody else but to myself that i can do this and i can and i will [Music] so helen great week inspiring week you've done an amazing job very proud of you it's been great working with you this week i've got one more challenge for you though you're gonna cook guessing it involves a bbq yes barbecue cook a health meal for six people gotta go to woolies back in one hour cooked and done okay yeah for it a lot let's go let's go i'll have the reduced fat better about um two thirds yeah for me it's i guess making a variance now on the food instead of just having the one portion like the steak for my protein and then the sweet potato for my carb and some veggies let's let's dress it up a bit more now something different from just the steak and three verges it's been a pretty full-on week there's been some really good times but for the most part i guess for me it's been hard hard going i've been pretty stuffed every night look at that chicken's cooked beautifully this week was a turning point i'm determined that i'm going to put extra time in to exercising there you go bon appetit right and the staff come on out i'm going home to buy a bike when i get off that plane we're actually going to a bike shop and i'm going to go and buy a bike and we're going to go bike riding as a family cheers to you hello here's a great week great learning a great change in attitude a lot realization of that to get out what i want to achieve i need to put in [Music] onwards and upwards from here well done thank you great job five days into helen's time in sydney she's about to find out if all her hard work will be reflected on the scales okay helen moment of truth great week training what are you going to be happy with i'll be happy with three but i'd really love to see 4.3 to get into 170. regardless of what you've lost you've had an amazing week you've changed from being threatening to being a mate and are you enjoying what we do together so are you ready okay helen step up [Music] okay start of the week 174.3 today okay helen step up okay start of the week 174.3 today 172.3 but this week's been more about the mindset and the shift in attitude and the whole purpose behind this and you know that i mean here for another week we knock another five off i think it's a great result in five days two kilos fantastic thanks helen's on the road to success we've got challenges to go through we've got a lifestyle we've got to go back to we've got things that are always going to knock on the door to say here here's another reason or excuse but i believe that we've formed a relationship that can get on and move around past that and find results so yes i believe she will achieve this it's been four months since helen last saw lee in sydney she's lost nearly 40 kilos bought that bike and her home life with 10 year old reese and partner phil has never been better but she's frustrated her weight loss has come to a standstill sort of plateaued in the last month or so i was losing and gaining like i was losing 600 grams and gaining 800 grams and then losing a kilo and then gaining 600 grams so it was sort of each week was just up and down which i guess is the normal life if i was wanting to maintain that would be perfect but for me that wants to keep losing it's not perfect lee believes the answer may be more intensive therapy at the new you weight loss clinic immensely i've got helen there but she's still frustrated she needs to know her results straight away how she's doing and what she's doing right or wrong she needs to be around people who can support her the whole time and give her the confidence that she's achieving her goals without the stress of everyday life for once helen can focus on helen it was a nice change to have me time you know it's just been me to think about i haven't had that since reece was born so you know it's been always him and i i give my time to other people um and whether it's a lot of time or not you know i'm still doing things for them or you know somebody asked me to do something it's never too much trouble for me to do it and i guess that sort of puts me into a into the fact that you know that i'm taking less time for me and doing more things for other people whether it be my son or my friends or family or work helen's been at the obesity clinic for almost a month she doesn't know how much weight she's lost but her focus isn't just on the scales my time at new you has been i guess challenging rewarding it reminded me that you know that i'm i'm doing this not only for reese but for myself you know i've met some really nice people and some people that i'm going to keep in contact with and people that i know are also on the journey to lose weight so um you know that will be if anything you know to take away those friendships of people that are doing the same journey and wanting to achieve the same goals um being able to inspire each other will probably be you know a good thing is probably the best thing to have taken away from here [Music] hi helen how are you good how are you well thank you well last and final wayne today here at new you looking forward to it yeah when you came to new you you're at 150.5 kilos did you have a particular goal in mind i look i was hoping to sort of get to the 130s you know 138 probably would but um realistic terms i don't think that that's probably going to be possible um so but i'm sure that i've made good progress to get there we've made excellent progress so we'll jump on the scales and see what the numbers say when helen arrived here a month ago she'd lost 40 kilos can she make her goal of 50 [Music] it's 230 days since helen clark began the quest to save her life you're a time bomb just waiting to go off walking death she started her journey at a super obese 189 kilos and needing to lose 50 kilos just to lessen the risk of dying helen lost weight but only slowly 9.6 i would have been more happy with 15. you could have done better sort of thing and then lost all motivation a year yeah doesn't buy it for me anymore i need to know that we're doing it together here's a woman who has one opportunity left to change her life and it's now but for the sake of her 10 year old son helen wouldn't give up i can do this and i will even when she hit a wall if i was wanting to maintain that would be perfect but for me that wants to keep losing it's not perfect but with strict supervision helen finally began to beat her food addiction now has four weeks at the obesity clinic given helen the boost she so desperately needs okay that's 143.3 kilos so that brings you up to another 7.2 kilos in total in four weeks i'm happy with it excellent well done so proud like i was nearly near 200 kilos so um it's a huge amount of weight to have lost well done awesome excellent i'm proud of myself i'm proud of what i've been able to achieve um you know and you know life can only get better from here in the nine months since helen started she's been on one hell of a journey like i had my own expectations but for me it's been hard hard going she lost 46 kilos even when pushed to breaking point i don't think that you think we are here to help i think you think we're the obstacle i guess the most important thing that i've learnt while doing this for the whole year is that dieting is not a diet it's a lifestyle and achieving small goals and tiny steps to the one big giant leap [Music] if you had any advice for anyone sort of sitting in the same position you've been and you've sort of come away and you've got obviously a way to go what would that advice be just go each day as each day like if you're bad for one day don't like make that bad that day affect the rest of your week you know just get back on the wagon the next day you know and take each day as each day so you know it's a slow process it's not not going to happen overnight are you sort of seeing you know the light at the end of the tunnel perhaps yeah i just sort of know like within myself i'm not going back there i'm not going to go backwards so it's just full steam ahead from here which leaves just one more challenge for the woman who's no longer too big to join her son on a theme park ride the people that love me um i don't think they're proud of me i know they are [Music] this is life from now on and that's how life is meant to be i'm not going to be that sideline mom anymore i'm going to be the one out there doing the stuff with him as well you know once i'm out there i don't think you're going to hold me back you're an absolute inspiration i'm going to tell you it's it's really something to to see [Music] you
Channel: Only Human
Views: 968,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only Human, extreme weight loss, obese mother diet plan, obese mother weight loss, obese person workout routine, obese woman fitness journey, obese woman health journey, obese woman weight loss tips, obesity impact on health, overweight to fit lifestyle, plus size fitness motivation, plus size fitness tips, plus size weight loss tips, plus size woman workout plan, weight loss before and after, weight loss success tips, weight loss tips and tricks, weight loss transformation
Id: kLqjTSbNXzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 19sec (2659 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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