Michael Jordan and Stephen Curry Talk Ryder Cup, Golf, Basketball

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Steph so handsome bro

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/CS-YouGetIt 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

Just two goats chillin'

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/squirtzmcintosh 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

Steph seemed nervous in the beginning lol

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/bbj123 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

I would love it if these two had an interview where they talked basketball.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Mr-Toy 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/GlueGuy00 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
mike appreciate you uh sitting down with me uh this is really an honor one because of who you are but more than that we're obviously here on a golf course and it's a pretty uh special bond in terms of the basketball players who love golf um that group is growing by the years a lot more people picking up the game but you've been in it from for a long time i'm fascinated just to know you know how that love for golf in general just started um and how you balanced uh you know golf and basketball while you were playing because i'm in that boat right now and i feel like sometimes i'm playing too much golf but sometimes i feel like i'm not playing enough well that's the easiest that's the easiest point i mean that's the easiest question i can answer is that you know when i was playing it was snow on the ground in chicago it was the golf courses there was nothing if it was things would have been a little bit different but i i kind of got into golf uh mainly because from a competitive standpoint to me it is the hardest game to play absolutely i can always respond to an opponent a defensive guy offensive guy whatever but in golf it's like playing in a mirror and you're battling yourself consistently to try to get perfection every swing every putt [Applause] for a competitive person like me this is what keeps me sane you know because when i walk away from the game of basketball you know that was enough to keep my competitive juices working absolutely now when i'm i don't have that game this game and it even drives me crazy then now i go fishing in between my golf because i got to show patience and fishing that's going to be related to god good morning and welcome to the first day of the 43rd ryder cup [Applause] we're here at the ryder cup we're here at whistling straits i'm i'm fascinated by this event because this is my first time here when you get here and you see the atmosphere you see you know the chance and the noise and i'm wondering what do you think from a team perspective you know when guys are individuals throughout the whole year how does that permeate in golf because with us we get rah-rah in the locker room how's that accountability you think work in that locker room when well it's tough it's tough you know i mean i i've had countless conversations with some of the players and if i can put it in the most simplest terms is that you know you have to give up bits and pieces of who you are for the benefit of the team and that can be you know something so simple as either you know response you know support spending time having lunch dinner either way i learned that later in my years because initially in basketball i was so focused in my craft that that was matter that's what matters the most but to win you have to give parts of yourself to other people and and look at people in a different manner and you come to accept them ryder cup is very similar in the same sense i mean yeah you got tiger woods on your team okay tiger woods can only win one point you know and he may not even win it depend on if you're playing alternate shot so it's things that you have to you know factor in our best asset is on singles you know but we always seem to struggle in alternate shot two and best ball now i think it's been something that the european team has always been able to capitalize on and for us we should learn from that well a fixture at ryder cups through the years i first remember seeing michael jordan at his first ryder cup in valderrama spain in 1997. these guys could go to any event they won in the world and they never miss the ryder cups i know you've traveled to europe and been on the road venues you've been in home venues if you were on the ryder cup team yeah would you rather be playing on the on the road you know somewhere in europe playing against that road crowd being able to shut them up or would you rather be on home turf you know hyping feeling the energy here with the uh with the homeowner you know the answer to that i know i just want to hear it i'd rather be on the road i'd rather be on the road you know i love playing on the road and it seems as though your concentration level is much much better you know that you're not expected to win so that you could have the opportunity to prove the unknown uh and a lot of times when you play at home you let your hair down you get relaxed you see more friends you see more family you gotta worry about tickets you gotta worry about so many other different things so we i always love playing on the road so it minimizes my thought process and i can focus on my craft and i would imagine if i was playing on the ryder cup that's exactly i would much rather play in europe than to play home [Applause] [Music] and there's another one for dustin johnson that's michael jordan on board we've got a lot of different characters on the usa team do you see yourself in any of uh you know the team usa members who do you see yourself in the most in terms of their demeanor on the course or wow that's something about them you could say nobody because they ain't on your level yet you know i think you know i like to say that you know competitive nature is is you can see it on a lot of guys and it comes in a lot of different ways you know i could see a little bit of myself in jt i can see a little bit of myself in books i can see a little bit of my calmness and confident in dj so i mean i can see a lot of those qualities that take to be successful basketball especially in in the way that you play the game you could impact the game on both ends of the floor and you always i'm sure you always felt like there was time for you to flip a switch and get things back under control and golf you can't really control what the other person is doing how do you think that mentality is is mastered in golf um i think when i talk to all of my buddies and you know when they're playing the big matches and i see that they're leading you know the first thing i i type to them or text them is keep it simple because now you're not trying to overdo overthink you know just keep it simple simple fairways and greens you know blah blah blah you can't get it all back in one hole you got to take it shot at the time to me those are simple conversations that's a simple way to stop what you're thinking i know it's a writer cup i know there's a bunch of people watching i'm down five and after five let's just keep it simple let's hit fairways and greens now that's all you can do you know you can't just turn a switch and say you know what erase the five let's start all over again no you got to challenge your thoughts to start basically working way back to getting more confident confident about your swing scoring or either match now it may not happen that way but i think that's a good start and sometimes it does i've been to a couple pga events i've been to one major this is my first ryder cup this is the first time that i've been on a course watching and haven't gotten the itch to go play and i say that because the competition is so ripe usually when i go to a tournament i'm like dang like the shots are inspiring me to i want to go to the range right now and work on this and that uh you feel like a similar vibe is that competitive nature is still like i stay in my lane these guys are all good yeah they're great and to watch them under the pressures yeah of being able to hit shot after shot at the shot knowing that you got so many thousands of people against you and you have so many thousands of people supporting you you don't want to let them down being able to represent that fan base you know usa or europe and for me i don't have the skill set to put myself in that environment now if you tell me i got a basketball in my hand now that's a different story but if i if i had a golf club in my hand there's no way i can get comfortable to hit a 50-yard shot or 100 yard shot not with all these people all these people he's got president bush michael jordan over his right shoulder he's got a big moment here to try to turn this thing around who on the european team would you be most scared to play against and i hate using that word with you i'm not scared i mean but uh you know i used to go and watch him all the time if i'm in any of his matches or walking down he finds me after he makes a good putt and it's like man i didn't do anything i like you i i stay away from him when he's when he's walking when i'm walking i won't go watch him you sparked the miracle of madonna right you don't know i don't know i had my own thoughts about it [Applause] and we went from definitely winning the medina to crying driving home that we just got our bus kicked and that is that's ian poultry there's always that debate on uh whether you you hate losing more than you love winning right and i feel like for me losing just is the worst feeling in in life at anything whether it's cars golf basketball whatever it is um you know how do you feel about that and also like how you think that translates in terms of a team competition and golf that these guys are going through i hate losing i mean it's not even a question but i mean i have to respect losing because losing is a part of winning yeah you know you never just you know win you got to lose to win and i think the one thing about you know the ryder cup situation is that we got to want it bad enough we were dominant early on and now that they are does it mean as much to us as it does to them absolutely and if that's the case then losing is going to hurt absolutely you know to a point where you would look at how can i do things different how can i change how can i make this team better and that's that's the thing about a team and you know this too is that before you can look at someone else you got to look at yourself in the mirror because that's how things get started and you got to be willing to change and you got to have a sense of pride about yourself it's not about the money it's not about anything it's more about the pride and you know the best players whoever's playing the best is going to win what's the most amount of holes you played in one day oh what 63 damn i was rolling 63. i was younger i'm gonna try to i'm trying to beat that one that's big yeah good luck to me out of all the players here this week on team usa or europe whose game would you want to have the most giant quick swing doesn't waste time that's that's that's the truth and he's playing really good right now that's a keep the simple swing right there who's the most fun basketball player you play with on the course or one that you like to beat the most danny ainge he's my new favorite i like that too yeah my favorite talks a lot of trash don't yeah i imagine him on the basketball court i had to deal with him there too yeah i'll just stick with him out here and last thing what's your favorite thing just about the ryder cup once again the camaraderie the patriotism you know you're representing your country the chills i feel and know that everybody's vying to try to win that cup it's not about the money it's not about anything it's more about the pride and you know the best players whoever's playing the best is going to win you know i hate that we've been playing bad that they won but i got a good feeling this year that's got a good feeling let's do it i appreciate you sitting down i know how much golf means to both of us and it's nice to connect on that level um anytime and uh yeah i'm gonna bring my wallet next time we play come on down in the grove i got some treatments for you absolutely
Channel: Stephen Curry
Views: 1,914,553
Rating: 4.9704843 out of 5
Keywords: ryder cup, stephen curry, michael jordan, steph curry, golf, basketball
Id: ylqVudWf3fQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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