What if You ALWAYS Use a Gold Pipe in Mario Party Superstars? (EVERY TURN Gold Pipe All Characters)

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today we play mario party superstars but all characters always have gold pipes you can imagine how many stars will be in this game it is crazy we will see which difficulty cpus will make the smartest decisions and the worst decisions and i hope you enjoy this video this is kind of sad you guys have got lots of gold pipes so i might not see you much mushroom heads gonna share a few words i'm measuring you might be wondering where i got my name nobody has ever guessed do you think it's because my head looks like a mushroom wow i can't believe you got it right first we'll decide the dirt order here are some extra coins to help with using your gold pipes everyone gets plus 10 coins kidding the stars should be easy and over here we've got toadette and today it says please don't rush to the star i like coins wow i just realized there's a mushroom on my head how did that get there well go along with your gold pipes all right here we go let's get started i wonder are the cpus going to use the gold pipes right away let's see how smart they are yeah and what bro why in the world why would you use the mushroom that is so silly oh my goodness yeah so he pays one coin to go across over here that's so silly oh my goodness you could have used the gold pipe and gaunted the star but instead he uses a mushroom at least he's almost at this star i guess that's the good news for him but we actually have infinite gold pipes even if you use a gold pipe you still have three more gold pipes after that okay so we are of course going to use a gold pipe to start the game let's use this gold pipe over here and you know what if we roll a big enough number to be able to pass by the boo in this turn that would also be great so what number do we need getting at least the six would be the perfect way to start the game let's see if we can get at least a six yes okay okay great start to the game okay turn one we are buying a star already very nice oh and everyone's also starting with five stars so very nice very nice weight i can't afford to steal a star unfortunately because we don't start with 70 coins so we can't buy and steal a star we can only steal coins and you know what wario might be able to buy and steal a star so let's steal from our it would be hilarious if wario used the gold pipe next turn because right now he's three away from codette it would be so funny if he used his gold pipe now okay how many do we get from him 11 okay okay okay this is all right all right we're up to 60 coins we can buy three more stars now which is very nice i wonder how many stars we're gonna have at the end of this because this is a ten turn game okay yoshi's pretty smart over here yoshi is using the gold pipe over here wario chose to use the mushroom let's see what peach is going to do i'm really curious about her okay let's see yoshi rolls a 10 my goodness okay so he is probably going to be stealing coins from us because we are in first place wait is why are you actually very smart by not getting to start this turn because now everyone's going to be stealing coins from each other as they pass by the boo except for uh wario no one's going to be stealing from wario because wario's in last place so yeah yeah she's of course stealing from me over here so let's be careful over here yeah she steals only eight so it's not that big of a deal not that big of a deal and yoshi continues on oh event space oh no that's so sad for wario and also for princess peach because now if i if peach uses the gold pipe she doesn't get to pass by the boot is she going to use it yeah pg's is the gold pipe everyone used the gold pipe except for wario i wonder if the cpus are also going to use their items when they can't afford the star because there might be a bonus star for most items used so you probably do want to use a gold pipe every turn even if you can't afford this star so let's see peach does get a star okay pretty good start to the game so far this is the oh and the versus space amazing amazing amazing we could win this that would be amazing this is a great start to this game okay everyone has six stars except for wario wario has five so there are a lot of stars in here ah only five coins that's so sad that it wasn't more coins paid in okay 20 coins are at stake over here what mini game do we have we've got dinger derby okay gotta really focus over here all right all right all right let's go let's go let's go let's go [Applause] let's go i'm ready let's go nice nice nice ah too slow okay let's go nice go i thought it'd be a fastball instead of a curveball let's go ah too early i really want to check the scores of the others i want to see how the others are doing but i have to focus on mine well missed another one okay so we missed three so far ah four now let's go nice i thought i could have gotten that one oh no i missed a lot now okay but yeah it looks like we are doing pretty well over here wait peach has the same score as wario and they're not the same difficulty it's like even if we give peach a bonus of being a more difficult cpu than wario she still wants to come in last place there's this theme on this channel where basically no matter what we do ph comes in last place alright so that's nice that's nice we've got some more coins now we're up to 64 coins over here not bad not bad but we've kind of gotta look out for the others because oh honeycomb havoc very nice very nice okay start let's see let's see how many fruits are there okay one one two three four five six seven eight you know what if i get a one then no matter what we won't get out this round even if everyone gets two if everyone gets two there'll still be one fruit left for me but if i got two and if everyone else gets two then i'm out okay okay this is fine this fine okay so it looks like we are surviving this round which is nice peach gets a one now then wait is wario the easiest difficulty you know what i'm going to keep wario then let's keep wario here wario i'll let you survive okay nice nice okay peach is going to be in last place again in this mini game oh no princess peach is out all right okay how many fruits are there one two three four five six seven eight okay there's eight um let's roll a one then let's see hopefully this helps us because you want there to be seven or six when there are three people let's see let's see this is getting a little scary here it's getting very very scary okay a two would probably be better okay let's see you know i'm gonna go for a two note i'm gonna go for a two and we are keeping the easy cpu with us just get a one wire don't get a two get a one good job warrior okay so yoshi's the hardest cpu if i remember correctly right okay so yoshi's up that's great if you know how many threes one or three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven okay and we want them to have nine and we win so this should let us win right let's see one two three four five six seven eight nine yeah this should mean we win right okay so we have seven or eight so that means we win okay celestia one two three four five six seven eight so we want them to have six very nice now we will have four or five that means it's a guaranteed win and we want them to have three and then we win okay let's see so there are four left right yeah one two three four okay so we'll get a one over here there are now three for wario that means that we win well no matter what he gets we can win okay no i just have to be careful to get a two don't get a one don't get a one get a two very nice all right all right we won honeycomb havoc over here very nice very nice we played that nicely we played that well we got lucky there i really wanted to get the hard cpu out and leave just the easy cpu because i thought that if we had to rely on the cpus to make a bad choice it would be better to face up against the easy cpu than the hard cpu so this is a fantastic start to the game all right turn number two what's why are you gonna do is he why are you using the mushroom again instead of the gold bite bro what are you doing okay but he is going to be passing by the boo so he's probably going to be stealing coins okay he can't afford to steal a star because he has to pay 19 coins to bowser for this so it's good that he can't afford to steal a star wario is doing some very very surprising things and very poor choices also again he's stealing from me right yes of course he is stealing for me because i'm in first place of course he's stealing for me that makes sense and when it's my turn what i'm going to do is i'm of course going to use the gold pipe and i'm going to buy another star okay and we lost only seven coins that's not that big of a deal we can still afford three more stars i oh nice nice edit versus space okay hopefully it's a lot of coins because it would be pretty cool if we could buy a star every single turn of the game all right and okay just seven points okay so it's not a humongous amount of coins but it's more than the five coins that the last versus duel was so let's see let's see what's the mini game trace race okay we've gotta focus here we've gotta focus here where are we i'm mario right i'm pretty sure i'm mario okay okay let's go let's go let's go let's focus here oh no oh no i already made a humongous mistake let's see let's see let's be careful here let's be careful here let's go around like this let's stop for a moment oh no oh no i did that so poorly oh no oh no oh no oh no i don't know if we're even going to come in first though because of all the humongous mistakes that i've made i've made several big mistakes here let's see let's see let's just finish off the end nicely there you go okay at least the end is good let's see how we did compared okay wario's being pretty bad so we're probably not in last but i don't know if we're gonna be in first oh man oh man oh man this is not good let's see let's see what's our score we get 90 how did we get 91 oh my goodness i did so poorly but we still somehow got 91 there and we won that okay all right so that means 19 coins for us very nice oh and plus one nice we have 80 coins exactly okay so we can afford four more stars if nothing changes but hopefully we can still win the upcoming mini games and then good things will keep happening for us okay so let's do this let's do this oh oh and if we roll a big enough number then we might pass by the koopa troopa and get a bonus 10 coins that'd be pretty cool if we could do that so let's see what do we roll give me a big number five i don't know if we reach let's see so first of all we are buying the star okay so we get another star this is nice we are maintaining our first place lead over here seven ah one spot short one spot short that is so sad if we got one more we're gonna pass by the koopa troopa okay yoshi is also using the mushroom instead of the gold pipe very very surprising the cpu has three gold pipes and he chooses to use a mushroom instead of a gold pipe when he can afford this star and wait a minute yoshi's the hard cpu isn't he and he doesn't even reach the start like it would have been possible for him to reach the start probably i don't think that he was more than 15 away okay peach very smart move over here that means that peach is going to be taking second place over here peach takes the gold pipe to the start that is right behind her wait she gets a pipe i think that means she also doesn't reach the koopa troopa right okay but she does get a star so peach now has seven stars so peach and i have seven stars yo she has six wario in last place with five stars he has three gold pipes but he has only five stars he hasn't gotten a single star yet all right so you've got a four player mini game let's see what it is going to be parasol plummet would be great because then we can get lots of coins okay book squirm this will be all right this will be all right i was playing mario party the top 100 and i had the most ridiculous thing ever happened in this mini game oh my goodness like i thought for sure that one of the cpus would be squished and then they just popped into one of the holes at the very last second and you can see that the character actually did look like they were partially squished it was so weird okay so let's see how are we doing here oh my goodness everyone survived okay well whoa we cannot fit in here peach are you okay okay peach is all right i've gotta focus on where we have to go not on where the others are okay let's see let's see let's just not get pushed out don't get pushed out let's go down here this is a safe space okay let's go up here this should be a good one okay then let's go down here this should be a good one where are you guys going okay two of them are gone now it's just yoshi and i it's down to the two of us okay let's go here let's go here where's next let's go over here okay then over here should be good all right now here's fine yoshi oh you're still good oh we gotta go here gotta go here uh where's that oh that's at the top uh where's the hole oh no oh no i didn't make it in tight okay but we both got squished at the end it's funny that says mario and yoshi win even though we both got squished neither of us are there okay so yoshi's getting some coins that's all right that's all right and you know what if everyone plays this smartly then it's basically who can win the most coins wins because well i guess you could also steal stars and stuff from the booze but almost everyone can get a star every single turn it's so weird playing the game this way it's like the gold pike is normally supposed to be a pretty rare item and you can't have a gold pipe every single turn of the game normally but everyone just has infinite gold pipes now so you can just teleport to the star all you want and wario finally does purchase his first star of the game and he gets an extra 10 coins for passing by the koopa troopa here and even though everyone has all these gold pipes oh no matter what item he gets over here he's not going to be able to keep it yeah he gets a warp block if he was able to keep that wait let's see what is he going to throw away he throws away the mushroom yeah but the mushroom is going to come back okay so what we are going to do we are of course using the gold pipe again over here and that brings us over here wow and it's only turn three of the game okay we're probably going to be seeing a lot of stars in this game okay wait no and we roll up five that means that we are again one spot short of the koopa troopa this is not good this is not good at all let's see because again we land on the exact same spot here i landed there then peach landed there then i landed there again oh my goodness yoshi's three away and he doesn't reach that's so sad ah it's almost like yoshi doesn't know that he has infinite gold pipes what about peach peach is playing the smartest right now look at that she's using another gold pipe she is getting an eighth star right now so peach and i are the only ones with eight stars right now and yoshi and wario both have six stars each wait what number did peach roll i didn't see what number peach rolled cause let's see i can still buy two more stars almost a third star peach can't buy another star right now she can't afford another star right now yoshi can afford three more stars wario i think he could afford two more i didn't see how many coins he had let's see what's our mini game two first two and it is etching cash oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy okay where are we where are we we are all right okay it's peach tonight let's go princess peach go out i'm sorry about all the times that you lost but hopefully we can come back okay let's see where we're going down here now down here now let's go let's go let's go let's go around let's go around go around go around and we got them all right where's the next one next one's up here okay we are one point ahead of them let's go let's go let's go let's go and that should get him there we go very nice oh we are so far ahead of them oh my goodness mario's playing very poorly yeah so this mini game it's either first to five or who has the most points when the timer runs out and there we go even though there were still five or six seconds on the clock the game was over because we got to five points very nice all right peach can afford another star now i wonder if she's going to use her gold pipe again this turn and get a ninth star and you guys might be wondering how many stars can you have in this game like is nine the maximum or can you go higher than nine stars and you actually can go higher than nine stars the maximum amount of stars in this game is 99 and i have a video where i gave all characters maximum coins and maximum stars so we tested out some fun stuff with that okay so wario does use the gold pipe he does get a star number seven he rolls just a one and he can still afford one more star because he still has 20 coins left plus he's landing on the blue now because he rolled a one so he has 23 coins now so he can oh my goodness what if he gets a star from the hidden block that'd be ridiculous but okay it's just coins just coins but 15 coins that's a big deal he could already almost afford another star on top of that okay so i've just got to be careful to not accidentally roll normally instead of using an item and it's kind of funny that this star is staying over on this half okay well i finally get more than a five okay guys we got it we got okay that means that we are passing by the koopa troopa is very nice uh in a way that's very nice that means that this star is going to the right half of the island so if someone uses the gold pipe and they roll a big number then they'll be able to pass by the boot because yeah we are landing on the event space here and we get an extra 10 coins from this koopa troopa which is very nice okay so if we can purchase one star every single turn and we start with five stars and by the end of the game we should have 15 stars and that's assuming we don't get any bonus stars at all also so this uh yoshi what in the world are you doing why would you use the mushroom this turn why wouldn't he have used the mushroom the previous turn and is this yoshi the hardest difficulty cpu i think this guy's supposed to be the hardest difficulty why is he playing like this peach is making the best moves for sure when it comes to using her gold pipes and yoshi is playing incredibly poorly yoshi's in last place and he's the hardest cpu what's this yoshi doing is he trying to be smart is he trying to be in last place when we get to the last five turns so that he gets a bonus item does he think he'll get an extra gold pipe or something for being in last place it's like bro you've got all these gold pipes what are you gonna do with them okay what about peach are you gonna do something smart again peach rolls normally instead of using the gold pipe oh my goodness maybe the worst move that she's made but maybe she just really wanted those ten coins from the koopa troopa wait okay thank goodness she's paying coins to go across instead of going up because if she went up then the star would have went back to the left island but right now the start is on the right island there also might be a bonus star for who lands on the most red spaces but i'm using my gold pipe next turn and maybe we're going to be passing by the boo if we roll a big number puddle paddle let's go let's go let's go let's go okay let's go let's go where are the coins at where the coins at oh i want that i want that money back well that money bag let's go come on come on bro come on bro where are we going where are we going can i get that one before it disappears no it's too far away too far away so sad so sad hey where are we going next where are we going next point over here get out of the way i want the money back you guys can have that coin fine i'm taking the money bag let's go okay give me that coin too bad this isn't a uh too bad this isn't a bonus mini game if it was a bonus mini game then we could double the amount of coins let's go one two ah we can get the third one so set okay so we get 18. so that is better than a regular minigame for winning a regular minigame you only get 10 coins right now we want that so we get 18 coins each and it's funny how often i'm getting paired with princess peach like look at that peach and wario they have the same amount of coins but he's just exactly one star ahead of wario so aria are you gonna play smarter no let's see let's see and wario is playing smart not only is he using the gold pipe and heading towards the star over here but he might also be passing by the boo and if he passes by the boot let's see okay just a three so he's not reaching the booth this turn okay and that doesn't bring him to a bowser space it's just a regular blue space man i remember back when i made and this is kind of recently i made an evil version of this board of yoshi's tropical island and right after the star i put a bunch of bowser spaces so you have to be careful to not lose this star after buying this star that'd be so sad if that happens okay so we're using a gold pipe over here of course and if we roll a big enough number we could actually afford to steal a star which would be crazy but i wouldn't do that right now okay we don't just okay we get the same number as wario okay so we are of course buying a star over here if yeah yeah i guess next turn we're using the gold pipe again it's not worth risking it and going to the zoo when you can guarantee that you could just use the gold pipe and buy another star okay so we're just lighting over here but yeah let's see what's yoshi going to do is he gonna use this gold pipe finally he's finally using his gold pipe yeah i am a little scared of the others possibly stealing a star from me but if yoshi buys a star he wouldn't be able to afford stealing a star wario can't afford to steal his star so let's see you are buying the star right okay good good good okay so yo she can't afford to steal a star so he's probably going to steal some coins from me i'd love to pass by the boot because then i could steal some coins from others because not only do i get more coins that way but okay and of course he's stealing from me not only do i get not only do i get more coins and they have fewer coins and that makes it so that they're not able to steal a star but it's like whenever the cpus pass by the booth they're always gonna steal for me because i'm in first place look at me i've got 10 stars and we're not even halfway through the game yet we're on turn 5 of 10 right now we're almost halfway through the game okay and yoshi gets what it's accustomed to ice block too bad you can't keep that and yeah he wants to throw away his mushroom but he can't get rid of it peach are you using the gold pipe 10 away from the star using the mushroom instead of the gold pipe kind of interesting but she luckily does roll a big enough number to reach the start wait and she lands on an event space right so that means the stars going back to the left island ah that's not great hopefully we can roll a big enough number to pass by the koopa troopa and we can keep getting lots of coins if we win the mini game and we pass by the koopa troopa then that means that you get 20 coins each turn every turn that you get both of those just like you can keep buying stars every single turn if that happens oh but this is a bonus mini game so that's even more important because the winner of this gets doubled the regular amount of coins so let's see what's the mini game pushy penguins this is one that we have to be careful we don't want to get pushed down by these penguins here by these little pingus that go i vaguely remember in the show pingu there's a penguin that made that sound okay let's see let's see let's be careful here and pingu had some really strange episodes if i remember correctly okay wario the easy cpu has already fallen okay so let's just be careful here staying uh kind of close to the front normally i don't want to stay this close to the front move move oh my goodness somehow i snuck through them oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no yoshi's doing amazing and he fell up for yoshi i was almost trapped there at the end too there was a moment earlier i have no idea how i escaped that that earlier one but somehow we managed to escape that and here we go 20 coins for us so we are good for at least three more stars hopefully no one steals coins from us hopefully this goes okay and you know what this is actually going to be a crazy competition that we've got over here look at this 10 stars 9 stars 8 stars and 7 stars you'd think that this is the last 5 turns of a 30 turn game even though this is only a 10 turn game okay victory for you she is a shirt okay so yoshi okay he gets the blue bell but unfortunately he can't keep that and you know what we've actually uh got to be careful about yoshi he's got 60 coins if he buys the star that brings him down to 40 coins but he might still be able to afford stealing a star soon right now you need at least 70 coins to buy and steal a star okay wario really wants to pass by the boo it looks like and he's most likely stealing from me at least he can't afford to steal a star that's the plus side here but of course he's stealing from me man it is rough being in first place like this when you're in first everyone wants to bring you down everyone takes shots at you when you're up at the top like this in mario party so yeah wario gets a few of my coins over here we're down to 59. so wait let's see where is he going okay he's not going to the bowser space oh someone lands on a bowser space and they get bowser coin revolution that would also not be good because then all the coins would be distributed evenly i wonder if i'll be able to afford a star every single turn if we can that'd be pretty cool and if we also get bonus stars that'd be pretty cool it'd be like most stars that you could get in a 10 turn game well i guess you can't normally play this game with infinite gold pipes so that's a bit unfair but still it is really cool to see this way like i've played through this game with uh rolling a 10 every single turn using custom dice blocks and what if everyone wait oh you're all just someone that's so sad okay just sliding out of blue all right and we've also played through uh we've played through this game with everyone having a custom dice block every single turn and i have to roll a 10 every single turn we've also played everyone having a triple dice blog every single turn that was another really fun one and you know what else i'll have to do i'll have to do custom dice blocks but i have to roll up one every single turn that would actually be an incredibly difficult challenge because i don't know if you can even reach the star in a lot of boards if you have to roll at one every single turn okay yoshi rolls just a three so he is not passing by the koopa troopa and collecting 10 coins so i guess that's the one nice thing about this but yoshi is now not in last place anymore he's up to 46 coins after landing on that blue he has eight stars he's tied with wario in terms of stars peach why why peach why wouldn't you use your gold pipe you're being so smart peach she really wants to pass by the boo over here though okay and she wants to steal coins for me man everyone's just really trying to bring me down they're like no mario you're not going to buy a star every single turn this is too much and mario's like i want the lots of the stars why is everybody stealing the coins from me okay in 12 points that's kind of a big deal that's a lot of coins over there all right but we've still got 33 we're still all right for buying a star next turn if we win the mini game for the turn after that also but things might start to get difficult after that if we could have some duels that would be very nice it'd be really nice if i could duel someone for a lot of coins okay and peach gets 12 more coins she can almost afford to steal a star that's not good but she would probably buy a star before she has the opportunity to steal a star so she'd have to give away a few coins okay unless you watch our mini game you got slot card derby let's go okay i'm expecting that yoshi and peach are probably gonna play pretty well and that wario's gonna play pretty poorly oh and i'm in the second slot that's actually really great okay let's see [Music] okay i'm not going to play super aggressively i just want to i just want to try to win i'm not going to play super super aggressively let's go let's go let's go let's go let's just be careful we'll play carefully play carefully just don't don't spin out don't spin out bro just play carefully just play carefully play carefully here we go ah we sput out we spun out we spot out this is not good yo she's getting close [Music] this is not good this is not good this is not good let's go let's go let's go slow down here nice okay one oh i was gonna say one more lap to go that was the final lap i didn't realize that was the final lap i thought there's still one more okay all right okay our time probably wasn't very good but we did win this one which is very nice so we got another 10 coins over here which makes me feel a little bit secure we can still purchase two stars right now in our current state just hoping that the others don't pass by the boots and warrior what about you what are you doing are you gonna play smarter now okay he's using the gold pipe wario's playing pretty smart over here and let's see what is he gonna roll that brings him up to nine stars he's catching up to peach over here because peach also has nice hearts and he's getting an extra ten points for passing by the koopa troopa over here toadette is giving out a ridiculous amount of stars on this board she should probably start charging more for stars because look at all the demand for these stars everyone is just buying stars like mad because of all the gold pipes here oh uh but he can't keep the dueling glove because i activated infinite gold pipes i would have loved if wario dueled me okay and the stars right behind me so this is like the perfect opportunity to use the gold pipe it's like when the stars literally right behind you because otherwise you'd have to go like all the way around the board to make it back here but it starts right behind you you can just do this okay give me six or greater please ah we don't pass by the koopa troopa that's not good what kind of spot are we landing on are we landing on a blue space or an item space or what item space would be the most useless lucky space might be the best versus space would be amazing i don't think there are any more though okay a lucky space if we get coins that's great if we get an item that's useless okay let's see 12 coins would be perfect come on 10 coins okay that's not bad i'm also very happy with 10 points okay very good very good very good rep 33 coins is pretty good now what about you yoshi also using the gold pie very smart move over here now after this everyone except for me is going to have nine stars oh and you know she rolls just a one one away from the star rolls at one what about peach though is she going to use her gold pipe that is the question let's see everyone else is at nine stars peach are you gonna let them catch up to you or what are you going to do item mushroom odo can she reach she needs a four or more she gets a three that's so sad and that's an event space so that means that the star goes over to the right island so that means that people might be passing by the boom now if i could steal coins from others that's amazing if others steal coins from me that is very sad all right a four player mini game quite important that we win this one especially considering that wario might steal coins from me if he passes by the boo on the next turn after using his gold pipe so let's go let's go let's go see where these uh shadows at okay let's get this one here okay and let's get this one here very nice there's one over here ah but there's some there let's see let's see peach you're not getting this one look i'm standing here first okay get this one yes i should have gone for that one over there wait was there one here could have sworn i saw one here okay good good there was one here i am a little tiny bit ahead of yoshi but not much okay nice ah go mario go mario go oh no i'm too slow get this one though and please please fall there we go okay we are ahead of yoshi which is very nice that was kind of close yoshi was kind of close there were we one or two ahead of them wario looked so distraught that he lost here okay so another ten coins that's amazing up to 43 and we are at 12 stars currently this is amazing we're able to buy star every single turn so far this is going amazingly those bonus coins that everyone had at the start was very useful wario uses a mushroom instead of the golden pipe so that's quite nice for us he's not reaching the start hopefully he doesn't send the star away hopefully he's not landing on an event space is he landing on an event space it's not that big of a deal if he does but hopefully he doesn't oh he just makes it past it okay very nice very nice oh and he gets another hidden block and he gets a star from a hidden block my goodness because everyone having infinite gold pipes isn't giving us enough stars in the game he also gets a star from a hidden block oh boy that's he's actually very lucky that he didn't use the gold pipe then because he got a star for free that turn instead of spending 20 coins for well not for free he had to pay a few coins to go by the swamp okay if we get a big number that'd be great give me like an eight or nine or ten ah so sad okay but you know what that's actually good that it's a two because we landed on an event space there might be a bonus surfer who lands on the most event spaces and this star goes back to the left island so that means that if someone uses the gold pipe now then they won't be reaching the boo right away so they will be able to steal coins from me wario is the only one who's still on this island so he might be heading towards the boo but hopefully he just plays smart and uses his gold pipe what about yoshi yeah yoshi is using the gold pipe that's smart that's smart man it's like yoshi was trying to be in last place for the first half of the game but now he's coming back i remember doing something like that in track and field as a kid where we had a race where it was like a few laps i don't remember exactly how many hundred meters it was but it was a few hundred meters we had a few laps and i was purposefully staying in last place and then when it got close to the end of the race i just ran as fast as i could and i passed everybody that's what yoshi's trying to do over here all right let's see let's see 15 coins from the lucky space that's very lucky that's good that he got up well it's good for him that he got those coins peaches right in front of the star hey okay she's using a mushroom like are you gonna use the gold bike when you're one away from the star that would be funny okay but she does get to uh pass by the koopa troop and get 10 coins for doing that so peach is gonna have quite a few coins still everyone except for me has 10 stars now it's an incredibly close game wait a minute yoshi's in second place oh wait no but now peach is going to be in second after those 10 coins but wow wow i'm surprised oh my goodness and another hidden block how many hidden blocks are we going to have in this game i'm actually very surprised at how many hidden blocks we've come across so far okay and it's everyone versus me in this mini game what's the mini game going to be it is jupiter losing oh no i don't know if i could win this one this is a tough one okay who's the hardest difficulty i think yoshi is okay so i should go for yoshi and peach first gotta really focus on these two i'll pretend that i'm going after wario and then i'm gonna go for these guys oh i i i guess my pretending was too good okay let's go got that one now what about you yoshi what about you bro what about you bro oh you're too fast bro you're too fast bro where you going bro where are you going bro where are you going bro where are you going bro where are you going bro where are you going bro bam we got him let's go let's go all right ah nice try everybody gg bros all right mario wins that's such an exciting mini game okay and we're getting close to the end of the game okay we've got only 33 coins we've got to be careful oh we only two turns left all right let's see if wario makes a smart move okay items good that he is using the gold pipe instead of running up to the boo that is very good that he is doing that very smart move very kind move also kane what does he roll a 10. he gets a nice big number as a reward for doing something nice wait hold on i think nobody has purchased a single item on this board yet so if there's a bonus star for who purchased the most items nobody would get that okay and mario gets a few coins for passing by this koopa troopa very nice for him wait and what does he land on oh if he gets some coins here or if he does okay in the upcoming mini game then he might be able to afford one more star he gets 10 coins wario can afford one more star after this still in the upcoming uh in the upcoming final turn okay we are of course going to use our gold pipe over here and if we can get a nice big number here that would be perfect give me something humongous oh no oh no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait but things might still go okay there's still a chance that we still will be able to get another star in the final turn okay because right now we have 13 coins and our star count goes up to 14 right now okay we are one coin away from being able to afford a star so as long as nobody steals from us okay yoshi for some reason is using a mushroom instead of a gold pipe she's kind of surprising he gets some coins for passing by here now where is he landing where is he going okay he heads up here it's almost like he's trying to go to the shop or something that's so weird okay and what about peach are you using your gold pipe you're also using your mushroom but why why are you doing this why okay so she can move 13 spaces now will she go across her up she's heading up wait are you buying an item no she doesn't buy anything okay because she has three gold pipes if i was her and i went that way it would have been silly to go that way instead of using the gold pipe but if i was her and i went that way i would have just bought a mushroom just to pay three coins because there's a possibility that maybe there's a bonus star for most items purchased and it's worth paying three coins to possibly get that star i think okay let's play carefully now let's see very important that we win this mini game or that we get at least one coin oh man he almost psyched me out oh my goodness could you imagine if he switched that to the right flag oh my goodness i would have been out right there like two turns ago i would have been less i would have had only 19 points for the final turn oh my goodness oh my goodness that's unbelievable wait and that's so weird a peach got out before wario even though wario's the easiest cpu that's so weird okay what's up now what's up now come on what's up what's up bro let's go um there's yoshi okay we did win okay all we had to do was come in second i think even if we came in third we still would have gotten at least one coin but we came in first so we do have enough coins which is fantastic all right 29 coins that means we have over 20 that means that we can buy another star as long as like wario doesn't make us lose a lot of coins during this turn somehow but what's he doing he uses the gold pipe yeah i don't think he can make us lose a lot of coins right unless he lands no even if he buys his star and he lands on me and he duels me for nine points and even if i lose the duel to an easy cpu then i would still have just enough coins for a star so that's great so we don't have much to worry about here but look at this wait wario's the easy cpu he's in second place he has the most stars out oh wait and and wait he's landing on an event space right right yeah okay so the star is moving over to the island on the right so if i get a very big number then i can also pass by the boon i'll be able to steal some coins from somebody oh man okay so we want to be careful to not accidentally roll we're using the gold pike we have used 10 gold pipes in this game and every single time that we've used a gold pipe we have purchased a star so that's pretty unbelievable let's see what we get a two would be okay i don't know if we could get the bonus star for that we get a four all right i'm not sure where that spring is probably just a blue space or maybe a bowser space hopefully not a bowser's face it'd be so sad if we uh lost this star to the bowser space after getting it but let's see where are we going it is a bowser space okay losing a star would be sad it'd be so sad if we lost the star here if we lost the star here then wario might come back and win depending on the bonus stars let's see and come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on give 10 coins to master perfect i don't mind giving you my nine coins that's fine that's fine as long as i'm not losing a star i'm happy that's fine 15 stars zero coins in a 10 turn game where you have infinite gold pipes okay yoshi's using a gold pipe so it looks like he is getting star number 11. oh wait and he might be uh he might be passing by the boot he rolls a nine he could actually say no to this star here and then steal a start but instead he chooses to buy a star who's he going to steal coins from probably wario actually because wario's in second place he can't steal coins from me i'm in first because i have zero coins so that's why he can't steal from me so let's see what's he doing probably stealing from wario right yeah stealing from wario oh man steals 14 coins that's a lot actually all right now what is peach gonna do is she gonna play it smart and use a gold pipe okay let's see oh she lands on a regular blue here 52 coins that's a lot of coins peach use your gold plate be smart be smart good job pete you're a smart princess peach but man what is the ranking going to be like in terms of the easy medium and hard cpus because it's so close it's so funny that the easy cpu is the highest ranked cpu but it might not be that way after the bonus starts we don't know what the bonus stars are going to be let's see right now it's i'm in first then it's easy cpu and then hard cp wait we can't duel because i have no coins wait oh but this is a bowser space let's see let's see what's gonna happen on the bowser space over here it's funny princess peach no matter what her rank she's in last place peach is in last place and the easy sea fuse in second place wait oh bowser uh gave peach ten coins for all the times that he kidnapped her no it's actually because she's in last place so bowser felt bad okay now what are we doing everyone versus yoshi in this mini game so let's see let's see tackle takedown would be so fun look away oh no oh no oh no this is so scary let's see oh man okay all right he got the easy cpu out first mario look very angrily over to the left at wario [Music] okay nice nice he didn't get anybody again oh boy i have to sneeze i just need i have a sneeze that is coming up [Music] no he got me he got me he got me oh no oh no it's all up to princess peach now she has the last two rounds without being caught [Music] and come on peach oh yo she got us we didn't even make it to the final round so sad yo she did great congratulations yoshi you did a good job there all right now let's see who's going to be the winner because it all comes down to the bonus stars let's see what is the first bonus sightseer bonus who traveled the most spaces probably not me because i got a lot of really low rolls let's see who it's going to go to who gets this one wario oh my goodness the easy cpu is absolutely crushing this game so i think that guarantees that he gets second second place okay eventful bonus i don't know who gets this one probably not me again who does it go to oh me and peach okay wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute i think that means that the hardest difficulty cpu aka yoshi is actually going to be in last place i think yoshi's in last and then peach is third yeah and then wario's gonna get eaten and mario wins yeah there we go mario wins mario is the superstar but that's so funny that the easy cpu was the best cpu and not only was the easy cpu the best cpu but the hardest cpu came in last place that's so funny how that worked out wario and i we both would have shared the bonus start for most items used because we were the only ones that used an item every single turn i would have gotten the bonus star for at least faces traveled yoshi and peace were both the only ones that landed on a red and when it comes to bowser spaces peach and i were the only ones that landed on bowser spaces and look at that graph my light is just a straight slope once the game started i really recommend my video where everyone has 999 coins in mario party superstars thank you so much for watching i hope you have an amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody [Music]
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 1,141,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party superstars, all minigames, mario party superstars all characters, mario party, mario party minigames, mario, super mario, mario minigames, all characters, mario vs luigi, luigi, yoshi, mario party all characters, yoshi's tropical island, mario party superstars minigames, master cpus, hardest cpu, mario party master cpus, 999 coins, 99 stars, mario party max stars, mario party 999 coins, mario party 99 stars, gold pipe, mario party gold pipe, gold pipes, zxmany
Id: W2ixYccusfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 23sec (2603 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 04 2022
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