What if Bowser's Fury had Custom POWER UPS?!

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today we find out what happens with new custom power-ups are added to Bowser's Fury that when collected give Mario brand new abilities so here they are the new custom power-ups we've got some really exciting looking ones today like the blue super Crown the double mini mushroom and the fury Bowser power anyway it looks like this giant glowing Kitty has something to say hello hey Mario look at all these new power-ups but it looks like you only have the magnet mushroom unlocked at the moment yeah that's true it looks like all the other power-ups are grayed out but I guess we can use up Bowser Junior pointer to collect the power up for us there we go let's collect it and see what it does what oh it's giving me magnet hands oh look at my magnet okay let's talk to the kitty cat find out what this does look at you with your magnet hand Express all to activate them well okay also collect free orange power-up shots to unlock the next parallel you can find them down this pipe oh he must be talking about this pipe but I want to activate my magnet hands before I go down this pipe I'm going to press R now to activate it they're on they're on it's lagging a bit What's it gonna do Oh What It teleported the Giant so every time times oh it looks like it's teleporting that giant kitty cat get out of here oh my gosh what oh okay apparently I teleported the Giga cat valve off its Podium ah Fury Bowser spawning all right we need to make our way back to the pipe or we can probably make our way up by using these there we go okay okay make it to the pipe and go down let's see if we can collect all three shards all right okay this pipe's taken me to what looks to be like a Mario 3D World level what what it's just teleporting stuff oh my gosh I'm too magnetic wow oh there's our first mushroom Shard but I see it I see it we just need to make our way up to it come on oh there we go okay we made it up and we've collected our first mushroom Shard we only need two more of them to unlock our next power up oh my gosh it's just teleporting this baseball constantly he's bonking me oh there might be more for us down this pipe I want to take my baseball with me this is my lucky baseball no no my baseball got left but wait okay never mind it came with me it teleported with me this is my special lucky magnetic baseball oh whoa those are all teleporting about oh wait what's down this pipe then oh so we reactivate all these notes there we go let's go that's our second power-up Shard collected we only need one more now we've also got a lucky baseball back maybe there's something down here oh there is nice that's now all three power-up shards collected we just need to find an exit now I want to change my magnets to the stronger magnet see what happens this might break the game wait what that pipe just teleported okay okay it looks like this pipe is oh no this pipe's being teleported around by me okay okay okay the game's now corrupt in a bit we need to get out of here hopefully this is the exit oh yeah it is okay we're back oh wait a sec oh no it's removed my magnet gloves it also looks like we've unlocked the fury Bowser power or the Fury Battles of shell power up isn't that looks so cool okay okay Bowser Jr please collect it for me I'm looking forward to what this does oh I can also see the Silhouettes of the upcoming power-ups down at the bottom corner we can see like the magnet power up and some of the stuff anyway let's collect it see what it looks like oh oh wait that's made me I can see Mario's eyes poking out it's like he's wearing a fury Bowser mask oh wait this looks so cool I can shoot Fireballs it looks like I'm running faster oh no Fury Battles this morning maybe having this power will work like a Goomba mask where he won't attack me or anything all right anyway let's talk to this kitty cat I swear that's moved kitty cat what'd you have to say oh sorry Mario I bought you a Bowser every enemy you know attack will drop a Fury Battles of shell wait a sec I wonder what that does that sounds really cool oh no fury Bowser okay okay let's go over here and collect a catch on just to get rid of him oh my gosh oh I'm very spinny as Fury Bowser that should get rid of Fury Bowser for now okay everything's back to being peaceful now we can go down this golden pipe to collect the three power-up shards to unlock the next power up oh okay it's taking us out another 3D World level wait what's Luigi doing down there do you see that crouch on Luigi wait anyway anyway I think I saw our first Fury Bowser show oh I didn't manage to pick it up I just managed to throw it back at him we'll see some more later we'll see some more later definitely oh my head is glowing so much that looks so cool I want to take your shell I can pick up his shell can I go into it oh this is just like Fury battle though he goes into his shell and moves around oh oh I move so fast as well oh my goodness no it got rid of it this is so sad but anyway here's our first power up Shard which we can collect thank you very much this speed is so helpful though it's probably another power up shard in this purple box should be okay get out of here get out of here oh oh I can send the shells kicking around okay oh no oh I got hit never mind there's another power up for us here there we go we're back as Fury Bowser we can intimidate everyone now and we should only need one more power-up Shard to unlock the next power up and it's right here is right here oh my gosh get out of here Goombas you cringe there we go we've collected all of them that means we've unlocked the next power up oh I hope it's the whole power the Hulk power-up looks so cool but anyway where the flagpole normally is as a pipe which should take me back I hope it takes me back anyway oh okay we're back and it looks like this time we've actually kept the power we've kept the battles of Fury Power up that's epic but it looks like there's cat things moved again and what have we unlocked now oh okay we've unlocked this like winged power up this winged yellow power up we'll check that out in a second but first I want to open up this red block next to the kitty cat go on Bowser Junior go get it oh what is this it's got like the YouTube button on okay let's collect it see what it does oh I agree with this power up you should subscribe go click the button what does this cat have to say about it one person watching this video isn't subscribed oh my gosh check if that's you and if that's you change it because unsubscribe people are cringe also huge shout out to all these people for subscribing if you want a shout out in the next video press subscribe anyway anyway let's see what this like bird looking power up this wing power up does Bowser Junior open this up for me about I bet Bowser Junior subscribe he's cool okay let's collect it let's see what it does um what okay it's turned me into like a seagull bird and I've got wings as well oh wait I can throw a feather this oh my gosh this is so cursed what on Earth can I use it to you I can use it to Bonk the next power okay oh this is so funny let's talk to the cat let's get more information about this epic looking like bird Mario hello cat oh it's you Mario you can now fly by holding a wait what okay let's give this a try hold a okay I'm just floating in the air I guess I can just move around in the air like this oh my goodness whoa oh this is fast oh oh this is like one of those flight simulator games where you play as like an airplane how far can I go how far out can I go into like the black ink how do I oh oh no I'm ground pounding oh my gosh my wings look so funny can I land up on this island here and I guess I wanna if I want to stop I stop holding a why are there so maybe seagulls this is where all my brethren live get out here I'm the biggest seagull this is my area now can I fly through Fury Bowser what what are these why are there so many birds like just floating in the air what the heck they just flew oh he's meant to be here it's like they're just stuck oh what this doesn't hurt you apparently this doesn't have a hurt box okay anyway let's go back to the top of the island and see what's down this pipe because I want to unlock the next power I wonder what it will be we've got some cool ones coming up like the crown the carrot and Hulk Hulk's my favorite looking one okay let's go down the golden pipe and see what's down there oh okay it looks like it's taken us our like an awesome looking level a full looking level and we don't need these platforms we can just use our flying ability to fly across wee ah this is so fun okay okay there should be some more power-ups in these blocks yeah there's so many get out of here b b well what's what's apparently I lost it okay I need to collect more of these I should never run out of them now we've got like five or six of them we still need to find the power-up shards though I don't yeah I think there's one in this pipe stop Flying and then we can just go down it all right it's just gonna be a long fall down from here there should be one there we go that's oh oh I missed it I missed it doesn't matter I can fly back up to it and let's go we only need two more now I'm not quite sure where the other ones are I reckon there's one behind the waterfall here eat my feathers oh no no no no I I mean okay I managed to make them all eat my feathers let's go probably one let's see I just need to be very careful I see it it's behind the waterfall we just have to be very careful and there we go we've got it we've got the second one we only need one more now oh I see it I see it it's just here oh my gosh this is too easy why can't you fly in every level there we go that's all three of them the pipe is probably where the flagpole normally is which is here there we go that was so easy this bird power up so op I love that one let's see what power up we've unlocked next though have we unlocked anything new wait what is this block missing what the heck does there aren't any new ones I guess maybe we should hit this black block instead bows Junior go get it for me thank you oh what is this that looks so cool for like floating down it's like glowing and stuff let's see what this does I'm looking forward to this one so much oh oh this has made me shiny you know and fast very fast looking oh okay [Music] okay okay I am so fast right now I just zipped to the other side of the map in like a second this must be like a speed power up oh my goodness this is quite difficult to control actually let's see if we can make our way back up from here oh man we can okay this is too cool this power-up's too cool kitty cat do you have anything to say before we go into the gold pipe that sounds like a really fast meow I wonder what that hook mushroom does I wonder too that Hulk mushroom does look really cool okay anyway let's go down this gold pipe see where it takes me oh oh is this like the cooling Savannah State this is one of my favorite ones from 3D world it's a really big stage show probably fit the speed power up nicely you'll be able to run around dead fast it's also got these Black Blocks I reckon they have more in yeah they do I love the way these ones fall and they've even got it in like the little hot bar area I need more of them I need to give them to all my friends it looks like I can run so fast I just destroy enemies as well that's cool that's cool I also saw the like the first Power of mushroom down here which we need to Glide down to you see down there I just need to run into this wall there we go we've got the first one we only need two more I hope I unlock that super Crown it'd be funny if it turned like Mario into a woman again or the blue super Crown as the different super Crown this time oh okay I'm too fast I'm too fast Let's see we can just run down right what oh I just ran to the desert I didn't even take the pipe oh my gosh the camera can't even keep up with me I'm too fast oh I think there's gonna be a power-up shot in that rabbit oh there we go we've got the power-up Shard let's go why could the last one be not in there all right let's see how fast we can put across this area I'm so fast oh my gosh we don't have to worry about timing because we can just destroy the fuzzies with that fast where will the last thing be oh we should just be able to collect this green star ring because I think that the power-up shards go over the green stars come on oh oh okay I collected them so quickly okay just need one more ah okay oh yes let's go we got it and yeah it does look like the power-up shards go over the green stars and I think that's the pipe to leave we've collected everything all right let's see what's next all right we're back and it looks like this time we've actually unlocked another power up we've unlocked the carrot power up go get it Bowser Junior go collect the carrot parrot for me thank you oh it's floating down it's very static looking that actually looks really cool let's collect it see what it looks like oh it's turned me into like a carrot bunny rabbit it's giving me bunny rabbit ears and it's giving me like carrot colors has anything changed my speed doesn't change okay all right okay I've giant jumps now what let's see if I can do a big jump over here to the top of the tower wee and then I've also got like the Tanuki Leaf flutter all right let's see what this kitty cat has to say for it Hello Kitty Cat what what does that even mean oh my gosh this guy I can't listen to him anyway let's go down the pipe to unlock the next power up oh oh it's taking us out on this level this is gonna be so cool with my giant jumps it's gonna be so much easier because I can just go Q I went flying all right there's probably a load of carrots in all these blocks I want to collect them then I'll be able to see better because that's how it works carrots give you good eyesight nom nom nom very good eat vegetables vegetables are good for you yeah wait I think yeah there's our first power-up Shard there we go very nice we only need two more now I can skip over a lot of this area though normally after you do these like swing platforming around but I can just cheat because I'm too good wait can I eat the mega mushroom I'm pretty sure that's gonna be it there's no mega mushroom that's just a carrot okay never mind let's see what's down this pipe okay I'm gonna have to press this button and collect some coins I don't know how this jump will help me here oh okay this is quite stressful I just need to run into all of them and collect them before the time is up oh my gosh there's so many here oh I don't know if my speed has been increased it feels a bit faster than normal oh let's go too easy too easy that's the second one we only need one more I feel like big chungus right now the bunny oh my goodness hello oh you've given me a block let's see what power up I get oh the fuel I don't need that one I don't need that one that's gonna actually I'm gonna make me worse at the game because these big jumps are so useful all right let's collect these green shards and then this will unlock another power-up piece there we go very nice so that's all of them now we just need to make it to the exit pipe we might be able to do a big jump down I'm too good okay let's get out of here let's see what we've unlocked what what's happened here oh my gosh I can pick her up apparently all right it looks like we've unlocked a question mark mushroom next what's this gonna be a question mark mushroom could be anything I like that animation of it falling down I wonder what it could be let's collect it boing oh I missed boing uh what What's happened to Barrio I wait what why is he running like this why can't I run let's talk to the cat cat please help I look like the cat now I've sort of been stretched out a bit his face is a bit messed up what does that even mean cat I now dive backwards what oh what what what what oh no I fell off oh finally okay I'm back up let's go down this pipe I want to get this over with this one's painful all right all right at least the level that we have to beat is really really quick oh wait I think there's one actually behind the stage in power-up Shard yeah there is what my movement is just so messed up I should be able to do a backwards long anyway as I was saying this should be pretty easy oh rabbit how am I gonna catch this rabbit no way come here bunny okay oh let's go oh my gosh that took like three or four attempts okay okay we've got 40 seconds to get the next one we should be able to get a bit of time though oh my gosh how did I not fall in that pit go into this Cloud please oh please give me something good start oh oh backwards long jump backwards long jump I just did like the biggest backwards long jump ever oh my gosh okay that was too cool anyway the pipes right there we can get out here and get rid of this cursed mushroom I hate this one this one's been the worst by far oh yes we got rid of the glitch power up I hated that one this guy's looking glitch though he's getting taller and taller it looks like we've unlocked the Mini double Cherry Bowser Jr do your thing wait what Luigi came out but apparel didn't kitty cat please tell me why did the power up not come out the Mini double Cherry will only work down the pipe oh all right okay that makes sense well it doesn't make sense but why all right there it is all right let's collect this Mini double Cherry see what it does hey we've got two Mario's wait one slightly smaller than me that doesn't make any sense these guys are so challenging now now that I'm only tiny I'm only a little boy now I don't want to collect that that's going to make it way harder okay there might be someone yeah there's more inside these blocks can I get an army of mini Mario's oh we're building an army of mini Mario's and there we go that's the first power-up Shard so we can unlock the next one I think we've only got the hook power up and the blue super crown left let's go down this pipe get all of them in we've got a full-blown Army of them wait what what have they grown up now are they aging oh what he's shrunk down they're changing size this doesn't make any sense can I put them on the buttons maybe this will spawn something there we go there's our second power-up shard oh okay I've got them all in the correct pipe first try let's go oh there's another one okay we're gonna have to Ambush them we're gonna have to be very sneaky oh I missed I missed Ambush Ambush oh no don't die don't die don't die ah how did none of them die there okay we've got quite a few small boys now oh okay can we get five oh my gosh you have so many oh I don't want to get hit by this Fireball just stomping him oh I didn't even mean to stomp on him go down they should follow me they should follow me if one of them goes down yeah there we go they get teleported into the pipe why have some of them shrunk why have some of them not okay we've got four Mario's I think we've got five actually which gives us the last power up Shard let's go and there we go that's the exit pipe that was so easy that one was so cool that's been one of the coolest so far what is this kitty cat doing it's just because we're taller and taller oh my goodness but it looks like now we have all of them unlocked except from the Hulk so the last one that we have to collect is the cat bell not the cat bell that's not a cat bell that's a super Crown a blue super Crown oh I can get him to collect it and then I can drop it on the floor oh that's cool oh no why is Mario wearing a dress he's got a very flashy crown on though he just look kind of Swag what's this change though it looks like it's just giving him a dress a Blue Dress he looks very fabulous kitty cat tool kitty cat help hahaha You look so silly but you should be more floaty for like three more power-up shards to unlock Hulk oh I want to unlock cool but what does he mean by flowy as some of my oh that's what he means by floaty oh so some of my jumps have been turned more flowy what sort what sort side flip as well maybe long jump yeah and my long jump okay okay this is cool this is cool this is gonna be useful oh no Fury Battles are spawning we might be able to fight Fury Bowser's Hawk but I'm just gonna get out of here I'm gonna leave everyone to it oh okay oh I think this is like a vertical level so it's gonna be really useful having this ability oh my gosh I'm so slow I need to do a ground pound oh bruh at least I can get more crowns these crowns seem very useful to come by oh I can't pick them up right okay yeah they're everywhere they're in everything they're literally all everywhere they're taking over the crowns have taken over I need to fly away oh this is so fun though like with the floaty gravity I can just fidget spin my way everywhere Wing straight away I didn't even know there was one hook here oh we probably could just do a long jump all the way over to this next area normally that's way too far of a gap let's see oh oh the camera stopped am I gonna be able to make it yeah yes I am I'm too good at the game apparently I'm way too good there's more of these I don't want them though I don't want the cat's yards they're not even cat shots why am I calling them cat shards the super belt they're not even super Bells so super crowns my brains tried I've been playing too many custom power-ups but there we go we got another one just by doing another spinny jump these are way too useful where's the last one I just need to find one more and then I can unlock Hulk and then I'll be able to Hulk smash everyone it's been oh I almost got hit there where is it where's the last what's the last thing oh it's here yeah let's go we got it too easy and that's exit pipe oh my gosh this is so fun I'm like a little helicopter anyway let's check out this whole power up hopefully we'll be able to defeat Bowser with it here is the hawk block Hello Kitty Cat I'm gonna hold the kitty cat whilst I unlock the hook block hopefully it's cool go on Bowser Junior oh it's like a green mega mushroom oh wait what's happening why am I flickering between the trees we've turned into a Hulk oh my gosh we turned into Hulk return fully Green Let's collect three more cat shards and then let's fight Yuri Bowser shortly Hulk will be able to defeat him one more and then we can fight him there we go we will open lock the Giga cat bell and I wonder if the Giga cat battle can combine with Hulk Mario he's spawning there we go we look massive here oh my gosh you are going down Fury Bowser 100. oh yeah I have I've been turned into hope for this fight okay let's see if we can still beat him as Hulk oh no he's gonna ground pound on me but little does he know is hawk Is Dead powerful funk aha there we go hawk is too powerful Big L battles there anyway if you enjoyed this video you might also enjoy Mario Odyssey but there's new custom power-ups it's a really really good video we have some epic power-ups like the Minecraft creeper power up the Superman power up the hello mushroom Captain Toad the force field power up and the black cloud power up click on screen to watch it now I highly recommend it and I'll see you over there
Channel: Manx Ninja Pig
Views: 2,783,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario odyssey, super mario, mario odyssey, Mario, challenges, super mario odyssey 2, super mario bros, funny mario videos, funny, mario mod, mod, modded, mario odyssey mod, mario odyssey challenge, manx, manx ninja pig, SMO, custom, custom mario, super mario 3d world, mario, modded mario, new mario, super mario challenge, mario modded, mods, funny mario, power up, mario power up, power ups, new power ups, mushroom, mario mushroom, minecraft, mario power, mario fat, bowser, fury
Id: 3vIJG9lwOF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2022
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