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hey what's going on guys logged in here you've joined us just in time we're about to locate the fabled Trident of King Triton himself so we can control the Seas and and I can finally win my boat competition see look I've got this book here and according to this book there's a trident in the really far away village trust me I'm a book well I did trust you didn't have to tell me that and it looks like we've arrived just in time so all we got to do is find the place they keep the trident Oh Oh perfect that is easier than I thought okay let's see I press this for the Trident and nothing else ooh this should be good Oh where's my Trident hello where's my Trident it's somewhere around here right huh you should probably run oh wow I probably should run and we argue here is huge it's a tsunami how'd that spot in good absolutely true but my I press probably anyways we're not gonna worry about that right now Oh oh wow it's getting really close and I'm starting to cover to me oh wow we got to get out of here oh no oh no the pigs got the pigs Wow and it's covering the whole area too everything is getting shrouded and dark right now oh how did we do this well if you're wondering allow me to explain once I finished running away from the tsunami or maybe it's just a little too late well that would explain anyway welcome to the amendment uh yeah that was a bad yeah as I was saying this is a function back for your minecraft 1.12 worlds that adds various ocean and sea related things such as the trident that you saw on that little flashback the guy that owns it King Triton as well as tsunamis the dangerous ocean like things ocean like that of ice will destroy everything in your world as well as a slew of other items that we will get to in soon time my friends to stick around because this function pack is good stuff made by xavier hudson you can tell you this channel link in video and if you want to see more amazing functions bow your Minecraft world you can let me know by dropping a light right on that video right now very good stuff we're getting have legs I'll make sure to release it on my website which we will be having real soon we can get it as a free download oh yeah thanks for subscribing so you want a tsunami huh yeah that's kind of why we're here you should know the drill by now it's not simple during it well let's find it exactly what we need to do it starts with number a new block that is add let's read more in this book originally to collect new block called upwards typically a river rock but average generally found in extreme Hills biome is when you do this in Minecraft we're right next to one there's a limitation that you must obtain it using a silk touch pickaxe only which we have right here we're going to take this with us as well so that you get a better idea this is the Umbra block look at this guy gross it looks just like muddy I I don't like you get away from me anyways I guess I'm going to go digging good until we can find some of this Wow I took for everybody blocks have in my inventory all just try to find this one little piece of umber come on now I cannot stress you enough you need to use a silk touch pickaxe for this thing otherwise we try and break it you won't get the umber so mined it away and as you can see you've picked it up right here just to show you what happens we try mine with the regular pickaxe disappears yeah look at this look how far down we had to go for this one little I mean really we've got a few pieces of umber okay what exactly are we trying to do with it we're gonna come back to umber soon Xavier you're always talking on a whole goose chase uh we got some new items here nether essence and the quartz sword craft a quartz pickaxe by throwing one stick two quarts and then three blaze rods into a filled cauldron one stick two quarts three blaze rods I'll do it Oh boom boom boom boom boom and it will start to mix up and you can see right in here check it out we got ourselves a quartz sword oh you see the star right here he meant to put sword rah rah rah Xavier we good baby I did it okay so check this thing out this thing is nice but it's not enough we got ahead of ananza kill some with us Kelly may give me their special item Oh a second now somewhere around here there needs to come up stronghold oh where we go how do we get over the power of a creative mode yeah hey there buddy you got something I need uh-uh he will drop exactly what it was we were looking for which is the nether essence yeah that's good stuff but we're gonna need to grab a few of them if we want to make anything with it you can't just get one that'll work man you're right create a boat I forgot we can just do this yeah it's time to combine everything sounds good to me we got a book here we got to read first reading is important read very Evanescence other Ness nice Evanescence my favorite band subscribe there are eight ned their essence into the cold room to make it boil the cauldron will boil for up to 5 minutes while it's boiling throw in for umber 4 prismarine crystals and then three blaze rods in the colton in order to get Troodon what is Troodon well I guess we'll find out in a second I'm gonna go ahead and drop an 8 into here yes that's good and it's begun to boil look at that it's so pretty but it doesn't end there we need to add the rest of our tools here so let's go ahead and give a young stupid for these for these three of these put in the blaze rods last just in case we're wondering got one two three four one two three four one two three step back and witness as it stops boiling because it hopefully did something good for us it did we've got the Troodon Troodon is very special material it's used to transform amphibious creatures into more majestic one namely into King Triton himself but as you can see here something is off about this Troodon it's only two percent pure we need 100% pure Troodon in order to summon in King Triton in order to purify it we're going to need some special blocks namely all the ones you see right here water redstone blocks as well as or courts and snow if it's dry throw it into water and wait up to five seconds we're going to throw this guy in see right there add a little bit of a sizzle ooh that's hot stuff well now it's not it's cold stuff please we just put it in water but you'll see here that the percentage went up it's now six percent pure once it's in a static form you need to figure out if you either needs redstone block redstone or or quartz blocks in order to further down this purification process so you're going to have to place this crouton on each of these blocks individually until it updates in this case it was correct we had the redstone block to make it work now you'll see here it's dry so in order to dry it we need to go it well let's try you guys put it back in water yeah that oops good good good there we go beautiful but now it's hot so what we do in its hot is you go ahead and place it on the snow it does its thing continues to get down to the purification process see the percentage slowly slowly rising it's said we're going to take this 100 percent pure troodon that's already gone through the whole process and use it for our next area which is right over here with the shaman now the shamon here is an optional step you don't technically need the shamon in order to kill King Triton but he will make the process a lot easier if you're wondering how to get yourself a shaman all you need is a single villager as well as 12c lanterns so go ahead and drop 12c ladders under a villager you will turn into your shamon you won't even lose the sea lanterns and he will allow us to trade with him so six umber as well as 12 nether essence will get us a very special item known as the water totem this is a weapon but what a deal they say and Brigid deal pretty much traded them dirt and dust for a special totem uh-huh I'll take it they'll also offer to sell you some special fins which will allow you to move very quickly in the water all you need is leather boots and five nether essence in order to get these fins so you've got your special fins which allow you to move very quickly in water you would jump right in here removing real normal speed nothing too special put these guys on and you've now been equipped with special depth Strider like boots now what is the water totem do you ask well if you can see here we are not losing any water bubbles at all not only is this being give you infinite water breathing it also acts as a sword you can use this as a sword to any underwater mob you can even use take on a regular old mobs good stuff from here it's quite simple we need to find ourselves in ocean monument so we're here on the ocean I'll be back when I find a monument ocean monument located check it out it's hanging out right underneath the water you see that bottom left corner that's good what we're going to want to do is take out so there's right just so we're on the same page there are three elder Guardians per ocean monument and see there is now we're going to want to take out two of these and leave one for the final battle so we're going to go and do that I can take on the skill McHenry whoa this looks while this mine shaft right where the monument is wow it's great it's actually didn't baby part of it and this water is crazy-looking long story short we took out the first two elder Guardians there's only one to go and now that there's only one to go what you're going to want to do is take your I lifted we forgot the Troodon throw the Troodon on your last elder Guardian and witness what happens the Troodon begins to release all of its purification and he will form Raphael very eye by he I mean King Triton who just floated through the ceiling all right then so one of King Triton's abilities is to cause huge pillars of water to appear from wherever he's standing and and then he swims in it and he has a grand old time why don't we take this to the ground huh this probably works a little better huh eat it yeah now you could somebody to see exactly what it was I was talking about get your objects ready because Triton he does not hold back in fact you can see he rides on top of 100 well it was good while it lasted King Triton will then come at you bro and start attacking you with this special Triton and he can do some serious damage you're not doing much because I got this great armor on but the idea here is that without your flippers you're gonna have trouble reaching this guy because he's going to be constantly in the water in fact he forms water wherever it is he walks Lisi that he formed in another water it's good stuff and everyone so long he will spawn in additional Gardens who will begin to attack you and kill you and overall just be an unpleasant experience top me yikes and he likes to give you lots of experience I think an experience just stop sweating all over man ah God I don't really look like King Triton either is kind of kind of got a familiar face too I did you just drag me through the water looks like he like teleported me down and wow you seriously climbing you got some room on them and hopefully the Guardian is going oh boy they did I'm in pain this isn't fun eat my Apple yeah stay awake freak I'm killing King Triton you will be rewarded with the Trident what is the try to do until your segments relax go here once you have to try and find I did it Xavier tell me about the book Rui Rui Rui the trying to be used turn you into a water pole what that's good basically moving the direction you're looking and any entity you touch will be wet bird you can use this mechanic to cross giant gaps like this one furthermore you could also go through walls with this but there's something SuperDuper important about the trident which will get to PS you control the tried while it's active ie leave me on a cliffhanger there Xavier well let me show you what the Trident does like it was just explained use it to travel over gaps look at this we're riding water over to that new area you'll love that not only that you can continue to right-click it I'm just holding right click down and we're just traveling like ain't nobody bidness just traveling traveling traveling kind of ope but you can like I said you can actually control it slightly whilst moving around a little bit difficult to do but you can switch your camera angle to go whatever direction it is you're trying to get to we all make it right on back to our showcase area so we can show you that you can also use it to deal serious damage I and you can use it to go through walls as demonstrated right there but clearly the best way to use it is for its melee offensive capabilities we're gonna spawn in the hunt you can see here the moment we go right by him he gets damaged with that weather effect he's still bleeding over there I go back unfortunately you can't use the Triton to go upwards but you can use it to cause yourself to go through endless amounts of blogs and that is a three suite yes look at him he's chasing the Porsche Amman what the shamon do to you uh-huh you monster now he's hungry as well here's a better demonstration huh right on through baby now you'll still get hit a little bit with the husk effects but as you can see they all got with it like it ain't nothing look at that and with enough weather effects they will actually end up dying so you can use it to get all of your opponent's super weak all at once that's good but again that is not where it ends we all know why you're here is for the tsunamis out of summon a tsunami please an armor stand on a cross of five beacons not four like the book says a five and whatever direction you place it is that they're opposite directions of the armor standard spacing so if I were to place it right here the armor stand is technically facing this way if I were to face it right here the armor stand is now facing this way this is very important this will help you determine the direction of your tsunami so once you've placed your tsunami in the direction you want to go in this case I want to go into this mountain oh yeah you'll go ahead and right click with your Trident nearby and witness the transformation begin see this right over here guys all of King Triton's lovely green sweat begins to take shape until it disappears and in its place a tsunami begins to form look at this wave look at it and it starts to travel through anything and everything getting it added there no it went right through the tsunami will go for ages and ages blocks and blocks look it is still going it is traveling and underneath it the water begins to fall and it will engulf anything cut underneath it's treacherous way look at this it is still going it even has a nice looking what you can see the village from before this is the village from before it's beautiful now the tsunami does have a limited range it will not continue to travel forever looks like it made it pretty steady far though look at this victims just floating hanging out nice now I think we owe it to the rest of this village to make sure that it gets covered as well like the rest of the homes here so watch as the stig take shape and forms a giant tsunami wave through clouds yeah I ain't kidding and it kind of looks real sweet doing it looks like a tsunami wave coming at you slowly filling everything in around it now what is the actual practical use for these tsunamis you ask oh you mean you didn't just want to use it to cover your entire world in a hilarious and dangerous way well perfect it actually does something as well after tsunami look at the caves below you'll notice the amount of gold quartz and coal has increased a lot for an after disaster mining trip so wherever this tsunami goes the ores go as well we're going to let it finish its day you do your thing baby man so sweet to look at honestly like a little laggy but sweet now that it's finished ruining this poor Minecraft world we're to go to spectator mode and check out the underneath of the tsunami with any luck we should respond in a whole mess ores somewhere huh whoa what is this about it wasn't joking it just turned a hole in fact with a night vision nice quartz ores gold all over the place we got endless gold redstone all over where's the done oh right it doesn't do diamonds well there's a whole bunch of gold quartz and coal so pretty useful for gathering those three but it's a diamond Wow though look at what havoc this tsunami has wreaked on this world you actually need like buh-bye before guys literally flowers feather seeds all over the ground and if we were to go ahead and check out what it looks like in here - our night-vision check this out looks a little bit meek indeed super scary-looking in fact without this thing acting like a torch it would pretty much be pitch-black mad to try to navigate through a forest what - tsunami is hit it Gary Stubb and that's where we're going to go ahead and leave things off my friend tsunami king triton and his amazing trident foil minecraft worlds all available via a function pack that you can add to Minecraft 1.12 and if you want me to release it for the public use you got to smash those versions baby big thank so much I'm Xavier hodge and for making this amazing function pack go check his channel link in description this video you'll find amazing Minecraft content on his page covering a lot of stuff you see in these videos as well so we get out make sure subscribe to me you can see more minecraft content ratchets comes out of post every single day baby and it's always awesome and unique stuff like this it'd be much appreciate you do that let me know what you think of this function on Twitter at logs if on Twitter and I post amazing photos on Instagram as well so now that I've said my piece we will go ahead and leave you there my friends have a good one and we see you Nate
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 7,418,904
Rating: 4.769393 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tsunami destroys city, tsunami, minecraft tsunami, minecraft tsunami mod, minecraft disaster mod, minecraft mod, disaster mod minecraft, challenge minecraft, minecraft challenge, mod showcase, mods minecraft, mod minecraft, natural disaster, minecraft natural disaster, disaster, mods, mod, new, minecraft mods, challenges, new items, items, new mobs, mobs, function, command, commands, functions, gaming, challenge, funny, funny moments, logdotzip, minecraft logdotzip, no swearing
Id: hhigqZxZV6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2017
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