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minecraft but there is natural disasters me jelly and Creina are gonna be heading into the wonderful peaceful tranquil world minecraft have sprinkling in some devastation mmm devastation my favorite we've got earthquakes we've got sinkholes we've even got volcanoes how we already knew that she saw thumbnail though but before we get into it right now I'm seeing in a volcano if you guys click like it will erupt that that is it why am I not surprised you did it now it's erupting okay guys someone help nope do you guys see this magical what is magical about it it's do not price just a level ever before we press it we have to say three magical words I'm just gonna press it three two it's forming so you've completely this is the general dis wholesome I think this is it this is the earthquake it just formed this one line right yeah brevital ever did that that's crazy out of the earthquake once you fool guys guys I see something over there I think I see another level it's a magical village no wait no wait another lever wait this go all the way this wait woah yeah this is the entire earthquake oh I didn't realize the other with this fall wait it's not magic it's just a come on alright well I definitely want to check out the next one let's go down there why don't we check out the village maybe there's a leader said solid plan isn't really gonna have a choice to be honest to be honest though unlimited amount of villages I wouldn't even worry about it you just whoa yah-tchi like consumed the floor downwards that's so cool oh my goodness look at this village looks like what's gone we've got an idea you guys stay here hold on a second I might just leave her again I'm falling down okay Josh you was such a jerk oh wow Oh put me down well I'm sorry guys oh I'll turn it off I'm sorry did that work turning off Josh can you stop me that's not cool my god okay I'm on the temptation was too much okay come on stay away okay this is no going well at all is it I don't think so basically kill them all well maybe two houses I'm pretty sure if we go walk off or we might just find another lever with another disaster and we don't right now Josh I have a good feeling about Jenny Kelly and when I tell you about a disaster what do you think of what comes to mind first earthquake we do that race and we sinkhole yeah we have we've done that volcano volcano that's right okay grandpa impostor it's right here Oh guys no no no this one is in phases so this is phase one okay this is house one of the volcano yeah eating grass this is how a volcano forms no different than the sinkhole oh yeah let's go straight besides us no I just read the mod description but look I think it's okay so yeah it's going still good love is going to boil up oh yeah I see the lava so this is stage one right now this is stage one guys oh the ground you're young what just happened god I don't know we're standing inside a dirt that was the tremors god that was the tremors yeah so it's like pushing the ground up slowly I did it today yeah it did good to be the crater the inside oh yeah look it's raised up above the water oh yes Oh your giant Bowl came yet it's gonna be a lot bigger than I actually there's a lot of seed to kill a lot okay guys I guess no I think we should be okay like pushed it up or something yeah I mean it is a volcano I mean hold the trees are flipped or something even wait how far does it go like the village in the back looks mi okay but what oh this is so wide I mean II know what guys yeah it usually takes like millions of years to create is happening right now we're so high up guys look how high up we are my goodness look at the village oh my god that was looking at this this is amazing I guess it's actually really fast what's right guys guys get out blocks your blocks built down for me because oh no oh no you're throwing them off guys we gotta save Josh Josh the love I bring them down don't leave but can you not I'm joining you Josh and I'll help ya that makes way more sense if that lover is coming up quick Craner hey put one down okay so we can jump on it my goodness it is coming up put one down crane on one ready three two one jump come on I'm trying at the same time we can't do this we don't have dude on the side build on the side no no no you're wasting pool I know I don't jump anyway guys it's the quiet what is that crater that is a Josh I'm a little I didn't want to do a spark or jumping puzzle jelly you want stop that would have been me who died that was great wait josh is my dream I'm going helping I click jumps instead of Crouch it was an accident oh that is getting close question guys what what happens when it reaches on all right well I'm sure we're about to find out an offering of stuff there you go [Music] likes it oh it's juicing fireballs this is shoe something out Oh what yeah there was like a big flying smoke ball that just walked out it's literally shooting fireballs I actually saw that one today on this thing I mean completely safe I wonder what this looks like from a distance now oh okay oh good guys oh my god is that where one of them lighted oh my that is literally gonna burn everything that is crazy look at the smoke from here so there's so much yeah I'm gonna run down to the village right now I'll meet you down there I'm so lost okay I'm running down to it I'll meet you there no - okay I'm running I'm running I'm running one of them must have landed over here where do you see one oh wow it looks like a meteorite hit it well it's another one just landed over there I keep seeing them landing around us Oh you can see how high the Moose I just see them like appearing landing in the distance wait the smoke smoke just stopped okay it's quitting the smoke wait that must be a good thing though right yeah it's fun with it it's it's maybe God maybe it's dormant now wait guys guys what there's lava wait what wait there's a week that's a lot of spreading out now okay oh my goodness guys this entire mountain will be covered I was trying to get to the top but I actually can't get greater down okay way worse tonight baby I don't think we're going back to the top again I'm just gonna go straight to the bottom that is deadly Wow the entire mountain remember when this reduces just be flat oh my goodness what did we do well I'm sorry village maybe we should just leave guys questions sorry village okay village if you enjoyed that video click one of the other videos on the screen before a volcano erupts and consume civ yeah that's it I mean you probably wanna click it before the volcano consumes you otherwise once it's consumed you it's gonna be tough to click a video you get it get my logic there so either this one over here or this one enjoy
Channel: Slogo
Views: 4,477,689
Rating: 4.9476552 out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, minecraft, playing minecraft, jelly, crainer, general disasters, natural disasters, volcano, mod
Id: nxsOXQ5edwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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