What if Mario Odyssey had NEW Custom POWER UPS?

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Mario Odyssey has no power-ups so I decided to add a bunch of new custom power ups and give Mario new ability to the game so here they are the new custom power-ups we have some very very epic looking ones today like the Superman power up the super pickaxe and the Builder power but it looks like this time all of the crates have locks on so I can't access the power-up straight away but there is a key sitting here which I think we should go collect oh nice it's unlocked this cage I'm kind of curious about what this power-up does I don't recognize it from any other Mario games so let's jump up and collect it oh oh that's a very cool color the light blue but I wonder what he does maybe this villager will be able to tell me you collected the force for your power up activate your force field with r does that mean that red makes you attack and blue makes you defend so press r on my controller like this oh is this like a force field oh and then I get the blue form as well oh that looks really cool but first let's check out what this Toad's saying as well collect the keys to unlock more power ups all right that's good to know which where could a key be maybe there's a key on this p-switch oh no that's just Goombas oh I've activated my blue shield and it's just pushing them all away maybe I can push them into the lava you'll be in a dimble Goomba let's see what the red version of it does as well what does a red version do oh it just kills them that's exactly what I expected it's also a pipe that spawned maybe down this pipe you can find a key for another Power I'm really wanting to check out the propeller power because that looks really cool okay there's another power up on the floor there's a chain jump and there's more Goombas get out here Goombas I'll push you off again oh I'll just use my attack Shield might kill a chain jump over I can push the chain chomp away oh he goes around it and I can just one shot him where could the key be I'm assuming there's a key hiding somewhere here oh there's a load of mummies and I can just one shot all of them oh this looks so cool this is such a cool power-up maybe there's a key in here no that's just a moon oh I see the key it's through this cage isn't that normally a lever for this cage where could this lever be maybe up this way oh that looks really cool destroying all the bricks whoa whoa this is so satisfying it's like one of those ASMR videos we found the switch let's throw Cappy on it and it should unlock that cage with the key oh very nice I'm hoping this unlocks a propeller power up there we go I can hear it opening Something I'm assuming that's going to be another cage let's kill this money Bank whilst I'm here get out of here give me your money get robbed I can also kill all these bullet bills anyway I'm assuming this is the exit pipe so we can go back here and see what power-up we've unlocked next all right we're back on the platform and what have we unlocked next oh this blue mushroom with the Superman okay we've unlocked the Superman power thing that's not even hesitate let's just collect it I'll put my shield oh no I missed I missed because I was messing around with the shields anyway let's just collect it wait a second am I flying oh superhero Mario can fly he's also got like a red cape and blue costume but oh my gosh that's epic this is so epic wee oh can I collect this Moon can I yes I can nice anyway let's talk to this villager see if it has any other abilities hello villager Superman you can fly around and shoot lasers out your eye wait how do I shoot lasers okay that's so epic all right let's press this button and spawn a pipe Goomba is a spawned let's kill them with my lasers that's epic that's so epic oh I can kill the granddaughter as well or the rock I can kill the rock this is so fun just to fly around I love these controls anyway I think a pipe spawned let's go down that pipe bro the Goombas are back get out of here anyway let's see if we can go down this pipe lie down come on there we go very nice oh new objective beat the Cooper Free Running Oh that's gonna be a piece of cake with this flying power pew pew pew pew anyway let's talk to him get this race on the way I'm gonna beat you so bad I'm probably gonna get a world record right now so we have to beat all the other races to the top of this building which will be a piece of cake with our flying ability oh I can start flying already before the timer even goes down I'm clipping into objects as well that's well weird alright anyway wait why am I ground pounding bro let me fly my flying stopped working come on there we go my flying's working again we can fly all the way to the top oh my gosh oh my gosh please don't fail please don't fail all right there we go I think we run yes we did oh my gosh that was such a pain 30 seconds I reckon I could have got like eight seconds there oh he said I was Blazing fast anyway I must have been blazing fast and it looks like a blue pipes unlocked here we haven't found a key yet so maybe we can find the key down this blue pipe here oh it's taking us out on the Dark Side of the Moon bruh let's see if we can destroy all these Goombas Goombas do you know where the key is please just tell me where the key is I don't think any of these Goombas know where the key is maybe this uproot knows where the key is hey Mr Oprah do you know where the key is no well we can do this the easy way or the hard way I guess you want to do it the hard way Pew where's the key then oh why can't I find the key do you know where the key is well you've got a grand heart for me anyway that's nice oh oh how did I take damage that bro how is Superman taking damage maybe these flood wait why are there purple Goombas these look dead bugs I don't think these are meant to be in the game I can kill them anyway with my laser eyes hmm where could the key be oh is that nice all right let's collect this key and I'm assuming this is the exit pipe this power-up's super super cool though I love Superman Mario it's so fun to play with bro those laser eyes are a little bit bugged anyway let's go down this pipe and see what power up we've unlocked next oh we kind of decided we lose this flying ability because it's so useful it's so overpowered but it looks like we've unlocked the super pickaxe next which is actually a power up from the captain Toad Series so with that logic I'm assuming it's going to turn me into Captain Toad here we go oh my theory was right we do actually turn into Captain Toad that's a cool looking Captain Toad Mario it's got the little lamp on his head as well nice what's the village you have to say about this Captain Toad wait oh can I not jump Captain Toad can't jump what happens if I try to jump oh absolutely nothing I don't get any height I do like the little jumping animation and I hear the sound but he can't jump anyway let's press this p-switch to unlock the pipe oh no these Goombas are actually going to be kind of challenging now that I can't jump get out of here Goombas stop chasing me I just want to break open this rock for a life apart okay wait how am I gonna get into this pipe maybe a cap jump will that work yes it will nice we can go down this pipe and find another key why can't Captain Toad jump like what's preventing him and jumping is he really dense or something is he really really heavy I can't even long jump what the heck it just kills almost beat if I try long jump hello fella what are you doing up there can I fling this sheep up oh I killed the Sheep rest in peace sheep I might be able to get myself up though by doing a cap jump like that very nice very nice the Sheep just fell through that hole again I don't know if you saw that wait what was happening with that sheep what am I meant to do here though there's a p-switch up there which we probably can get with another cap jump will that work okay that works very nice we can press this p-switch there's a key up there I see that key what does the p-switch do though oh the p-switch spawns More Level and there's a mutant Minecraft zombie how do I get to that part of the level though oh maybe through this cave maybe if we make our way through this cave we can make it to like this muddy cave I don't know what it's called what is this place called it looks like a captain Toad level though there are 8-bit mushrooms in the ceiling I can't collect them though I can't cure my ability not to jump I'm stuck I can't make it up the steps I can't jump up the steps bruh I'll have to do a caption maybe like this there we go there we go we're out of here finally nice bro we can't make it up these steps even we have to do another well-placed cap jump with normal Mario this would be so easy with Superman Mario this would be even easier we've had such a downgrade compared to Superman Mario there we go we're up now nice what's through here oh oh anyway we might be able to make our way up to that other part of the ring if we do a well-timed cap jump let's give that a try oh oh no oh okay you have no idea how long that jump took you can probably tell by my coin counter by how much it's gone down get out of here sheep get out of here the keys here but we've got a boss guarding it oh no oh no I've only made it mad I've only made him mad maybe I can oh no oh okay he just jumped off he jumped off okay that's all I needed that's all I need he's just partying down there he's just waving his arms and legs what the heck okay anyway let's grab the key I think all I need to do is line up a jump like this there we go okay we've got the key to unlock the next power up as well and I see the pipe down there which we can just jump into oh not really jump because Captain Toad can't jump just fall into I guess all right it looks like we've unlocked the YouTube power up next I think that's the YouTube power up it's got their YouTube logo and I want to change out this Captain Toad suit as soon as possible is that a Minecraft that's a Minecraft creeper we've also got a black cloud flower and like a little overgrown Cherry anyway let's collect this YouTube power up [Music] it stand me into a giant subscribe button a giant walking subscribe button oh my gosh I love the way it moves does it have any abilities subscribe thank you Mr villager yeah you should subscribe it's in the game you should do it but what does it do what abilities does the Subscribe button have I can't tell maybe it's slightly better maybe you become slightly better when you subscribe maybe there's something slightly better in this pipe oh Bruh Bruh it just killed me immediately it said please sub and then kill me immediately oh okay there we go but seriously though subscribing does help out a lot Waluigi Peter Griffin why are you guys here anyway let's collect this key and let's move on to the next power up I can hear the next key opening so please true true you should stop now let's go back and collect the next power up oh anyway we've unlocked this weird looking double Cherry next it's like one of the cherries hasn't properly grown yet and it's like oh yellow and shriveled up anyway I wonder what this will do but first subscribe do what it says you see it says subscribe you should do it anyway anyway let's collect it oh well okay okay is clone me I've got a Mini Me Now oh wow don't talk to me or my son ever again it's just like a kid Mario it's like the double Cherry from 3D world but one of them's small and I believe the way clones work in Mario Odyssey is they both share the same damage points so I can take two damage at once like that I'll just get my other guy my big guy to protect my little guy and then we can get both of them in the pipe at the same time get the big guy in and then get the minute no the mini guy got left behind wait wait wait no never mind my mini guy is here my mini guy is safe all right we want to line these up as much as possible so they don't get burned by this lava that's a giant queen bee and a giant waluigia from the background that's very wholesome all right anyway we want to make our jumps very very carefully to this Moon and that will heal us up to full HP which will be useful oh no oh no they're slightly desynced all right all right okay okay I made it nice there we go we're nice and lined up now there's another double Cherry there and get it I don't want to clone him again though I don't want to collect it and get another mini clone would it make four clones or would it make another smaller one interesting question all right anyway let's make our way along these platform I want to be very careful on these platforms no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no anyway I think we want to be a little bit quicker so we don't get a VP of that fire flower incident they're slightly desynced there we go okay I think we made it I think we made it but where's the key where's the key is that oh okay that's it we can just hang off this ledge there we go nice one he's looking oh no no no no no no no okay let's just get out of here before I die oh my gosh one of them just turned white oh wait where did my little guy go my little guys just disappeared this is so sad can we get a rip in the comments for little guy I don't know where he's gone he's just left me anyway it looks like we've unlocked the propeller from new Super Mario Bros Wii this was one of my favorite power-ups actually from this game because it made it way easier because you could just fly over all the levels be a big Noob let's collect it let's see if we can fly over all of these levels foreign does it work exactly like how I assume yeah yeah it does nice it works like just how it does in Super Mario Bros Wii gives me a big boost upwards let's see if I can take out some Goombas with it Goombas get out of here yo the Goomba has a propeller hat as well I don't think that Goomba can fly though this is so sad sad moment nice now let's go into the orange pipe see what the challenge is for this I love mushroom [Music] oh okay we're fooling down I don't know why we're falling down there's another propeller mushroom but it's quite dark in here I think we just want to make our way to the top but this this suit does make me look a lot like vector you know Vector from Despicable Me Get vectored on wait did I lose my Morty heart what the heck that's not bad but anyway I should be able to zoom up on top of these pillars using my flying ability nice I hit the block oh oh I almost got crushed I almost got oh this parkour is difficult this park was very difficult let's see if I can fly up to the top of this pillar and there's a few coins waiting for me very nice let's try and make it to this Cactus next and then oh no oh no I've somehow managed to make that that was quite close that was quite close can I see the key anywhere I've got my eyes peeled for the key I can't see it yet I don't know if I'm being dumb keep your eyes open as well for the key I can't see it but you guys might be able to wait is that what Luigi's hand down there nice I'm On One HP so I need to be quite careful there's a moon up there which will heal me which will be very Epic come on moon and then fly up kill me oh the key's down there is that on waluigi's head let's see yeah it is get out of here hopefully this unlocks a Minecraft creeper mushroom that's another Waluigi over there let's see if I can make it over to it it doesn't look like this has a limit on how many times I can go up with the propeller mushroom which is quite nice which means I can make these extremely large distances all right all right I think I made it nice I'm on waluigi's head in the middle of nowhere he's on some random icicle pillar anyway let's make our way back this is really fun to control though it works a lot like the version from Mario Maker except I get infinite jumps anyway let's go into this orange pipe and let's see if I've unlocked the Minecraft creeper power up bruh the creeper Power UP doesn't unlock that's cringe I want the creeper Pharaoh please give me the creeper power up not this cringe Hammer actually the hammer might be quite cool because the hammer power-up's actually from Super Mario Maker 2 and it turns you into Builder Mario and then you're able to place crates I wonder if it'll be similar in Mario Odyssey anyway let's go and collect it off the top ropes I need to fly up to collect it first I missed brilliant there we go wait a second isn't this costume in the game anyway I think it is hopefully I'm able to place bricks like in Mario Maker otherwise it'd just be a costume what's the point press the d-pad to spawn blocks of different sizes wait a sec oh you can spawn blocks you can spawn blocks like in Mario Maker too that's so cool I'll try a different site oh you can spawn some pretty big blocks as well do they stack can you like climb on them oh oh oh this is so cool that one's floating you could build like a staircase to heaven with this oh that's too cool that's too cool it's not like a max amount oh it looks like they disappear after you have a few oh no oh no what was that what was that it just sent me flying what the heck I guess I'm stuck on this island and I have to make it back to the circle all right let's see if I can make my way back I just want to Stack the bricks like this and then I should be able to do a big epic jump like this yes and there we go hit the p-switch get the Goombas out wait it's then the Goomba's flying and then I ended up oh no they're coming out of the Vlog oh okay I don't want to die I don't want to die kick open the rock there we go there we go we've got the grand part we peeled up a bit well I might have to squeeze a bit to get into the pipe because it's being blocked a bit off the bit by the big block oh there's a giant Spidey up there what the heck and there's another Hammer suit it also looks like there's a glowing crate that we might be able to get to maybe we can jump down to this Gap here oh no oh no oh no I made it never mind nice and then we can use these bigger bricks to make our way along this should be quite easy actually and then we can break it and hopefully there's a moon inside because it's glowing very nice okay that's a good enough path good enough path for me look at that hey now how am I gonna make it back probably just a long jump yeah just like that very simple very simple there we go in the pipe and then I think we're going to stack bricks to the top of here like this I can just place them by throwing out Cappy and they appear actually on the end of Cappy when I make this I might be able to make this jump just like this yes I can easily easily but are too easy this is fun though placing the bricks and then you can jump on the bricks maybe I can use this brick to get rid of the spiny it just kind of teleports me up sometimes it's a bit buggy it's a little bit buggy but that's fine Spidey you're so annoying get out of here get out of here this is actually the perfect place to place a brick brick oh not that size brick a different type that that one that one that big one this is really fun stacking them all up very creative very creative parallel maybe there's something in these crates if I break all of them oh that one at the end is glowing what could be in wait wait that's the key nice we found the key which means we've unlocked the next power up which I hope is the creeper oh man how are you meant to do this without the Builder power up it's like you need to build a power up to do this all right we've made our way up we made our way up I guess I can just stack all of these to the top now and then pray that I've unlocked the creeper power up because I want to play as the creeper but imagine how useful this power up would be in speedruns like you could just build bricks you could crank 90s or imagine if you had this in real life you could just build a house out of nowhere it would be so epic it'd be so helpful but anyway it looks like we've made it to the top and that's the exit pipe let's spam my load of bricks before I go broke happy around and spam a load of bricks very nice very nice anyway let's get out of here bro still not the creepy one I guess I have to get the creeper one last doesn't matter though because we've got the Dark Cloud is it a dark cloud it's like the cloud Mario from Mario Galaxy but it's dark collect it hey it's just turned me into like a dark version of the cloud Mario from Mario Galaxy I think yeah I've also got red eyes some of the evil red eyes I guess it's evil evil Cloud Mario and I spawn clouds like in the original game yes I can that's epic I can spawn like black thunder clouds that's gonna be so useful that's gonna be so useful I think I can spawn three of them at a time and then I don't know I don't know what would happen if I spawn more than three anyway let's go down this black pipe see what it takes me see if I can find the key for the creeper power up oh wait why is this so laggy why is it lagging my game so much okay never mind it wasn't lagging my game what the heck okay normally in this area there's gushings but I think it wants us to use our Cloud power up like this to make it across and I think we can use three of them at a time before touching the ground yeah I can teleport The Cloud of it oh what I can teleport the tank around with it oh no just get out here bruh anyway we can make jumps between here like this and this is the cloud to save me to clutch up I might be able to knock this knock knock him off knock him off there we go I've knocked him off I want to make my way up here through these coin rings see if the keys around I need to keep my eyes peeled for the key oh all of these power-ups have been really really cool today giving Mario like unique abilities there's a queen bee up there that's nice oh no oh no oh no I almost fell but luckily my cloud my cloud is here to clutch me oh we have to make our way through this poison tunnel this is gonna be dangerous there's another queen bee hello Queen B how are you doing what what are you doing in this poison tunnel surely you can find a nicer area to stay there's another queen bee over there what's the deal with all the oh no oh no oh no I almost fell but I clutched myself as well with another cloud and it looks like there's a big queen bee if we drop down here there's also some normal Cloud flowers what the heck and here's the key here's the key the key is actually on the big Queen Bee thank you Queen B thanks so much Mrs Queen B for giving me the key to the creeper power-up this yes I'll finally be able to play as a creeper the Minecraft creeper but I'm really excited to play as this creeper I wonder what it will do hopefully I do like big explosions that can kill everything oh there it is the creeper power up at last let's not hesitate let's just collect it so I really want to see what this will look like it'd be epic if it was like the Minecraft Steve power from my last video Let's collect it yeah oh my gosh I love this this looks funny very funny it looks goofy it looks goofy that's a word let's press this button I think I know what the ability is going to be oh oh so if I flash and then I blow up just like that and then I can blow off everything I can blow up Hearts I can blow up Goombas I can blow up everything it's pretty cool maybe I can blow up those beans over there if I do an epic jump over I can get a closer look at the animation as well okay that being went flying bruh and then it sends me into like a Winning State a fire State oh this is so cool let's go down this pipe see what there is for me wait maybe there's a secret power up at the end oh okay there's a spare creeper power up here but I think we might be able to blow up this wall let's give that a try all right I'm about to blow up oh okay I blew up some of it I need to get a bit closer I guess nice nice this animation's so cool where he blows up though oh my goodness there's a Minecraft creeper there waiting for us maybe we can blow up the block that he's standing on top of that would be cool oh oh no don't you ran into the poison anyway oh he's so dumb isn't he that Creeper's door oh can I make this bridge fall down by blowing down the blocks let's give that a try this would be cool if it could yeah I can oh this creeper probe so useful I wish it was in the normal game oh oh oh I almost missed I almost missed okay I want to blow up all the blocks because there might be something hiding you know it might be something being a bit sneaky wait it looks like I can blow up these blocks as well yeah there's a load of hidden blocks that I can explode there's also a heart there oh no hello big Minecraft mutant get out of here I want to explode you LOL I should be able to explode these blocks as well to get the bridge falling down and there's some creepers up there's some creepers up here maybe there's some like hidden area at the end it's cool seeing what I can explode and what I can't explode can I explore this tank of course I can of course I can I can probably explode this creeper nice made a big Chain Reaction how many Goombas can I explode at once all the Goombas have gone mushed up let's see how many are killed only two bruh that's not much I exploded them all at once I could probably use this explosion as a double jump actually if I time it correctly so activate explosion yes I can okay no let's see if I can use it as a double jump though yeah I can okay that's quite useful that's quite useful what's in here oh there's a big gust of wind there's a gust of wind being stuck in here and let's see if I can time so I get a double jump yes this is quite useful as a double jump though I exploded oh oh okay okay oh what's in here is there a moon that better be a moon it's a glowing brick which I can just destroy using another explosion these explosions are too op I think that's the first actual Moon I've seen today I think all the other moons have already been collected so I'm playing on 100 save file let's collect this one nice one it's just a load of dashes this is so sad there's a Minecraft wither here let's capture him why is Peter in the snow what the heck oh I guess we can fly over here using the Minecraft wither to get to all of these bricks there's another power up in case I lost it somehow let's see what it can explode let's see if it can explode all of these oh it exploded the bricks it exploded the crates wait why did it only let me explode it from that angle that's so weird there's the key here but I thought I've collected all of them that doesn't make any sense maybe there's a hidden power up or not thank you so much to everyone who made this video possible everyone's names are on screen now and if you enjoyed this video you might also enjoy Bowser's Fury but every shine makes Mario faster click on screen to watch it now it's a really fun video I think you'd enjoy it anyway I'll see you in there
Channel: Manx Ninja Pig
Views: 3,838,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario odyssey, super mario, mario odyssey, Mario, challenges, super mario odyssey 2, super mario bros, funny mario videos, funny, mario mod, mod, modded, mario odyssey mod, mario odyssey challenge, manx, manx ninja pig, SMO, custom, custom mario, super mario 3d world, mario, modded mario, new mario, super mario challenge, mario modded, mods, funny mario, power up, mario power up, power ups, new power ups, mushroom, mario mushroom, minecraft, super man
Id: VDjTS3Ue1zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 2sec (1622 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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