What if Mario Odyssey had MORE Custom Pipes?

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today we find out what happens when new custom pipes that take Mario to completely new areas are added into Mario Odyssey so here the pipes are engaged we've got some insanely cool looking ones today like the rainbow pie the Donkey Kong battle pipe the Spider-Man pipe and the cloud pipe speaking of clouds let's go talk to this Thundercloud guys see if he has anything to say beat all of the custom pipes to unlock a secret custom pipe oh that's gonna be cool go into the Pokeball pipe first or else wait that was a bit Sinister at the end wasn't it oh my goodness anyway I think we should go into this Pokeball pipe just so we don't upset the Thundercloud guy let's go down it let's see what's inside oh wait is that a Pokeball in front of me it's got an arrow pointing at it so we might be able to pick it up like that oh my goodness this is too cool we've also got a new objective collect all seven enemies maybe we can collect enemies with Pokeballs that's gonna be so cool wait there's our first enemy looks like a weird Goomba toad hybrid what the heck oh you see me wait I think I captured him inside my Pokeball the pokeball's now glowing and he's turned into a moon what did I just what that's so strange oh the Thundercloud guys followed me here as well huge pokeballs to collect all seven enemies oh that's literally what the objective said this guy's so useless anyway let's see if we can capture this Spike as well what hey oh I love how it glows afterwards that's so cool oh this fire bro he's being pesky we need to use this Pokeball and then what we've only got four more enemies to capture let's get this Hammer bro he should be easy he's not even moving I want to get this I think this is a quick ball I want to bring this quick ball with me to capture anything else I find might be able to snipe him without him noticing me go on I completely missed that's embarrassing I think oh okay there's an acribull for him anyway pick that up and then Bonk oh there's also a bully I want to use this ball I think this is oh oh I'm On One HP I need to be careful oh my goodness I need to be really careful with it oh oh we got him in one hit oh my gosh I need to get rid of this Pokeball with a bully head I don't want the bully messing with me again get out of here Goomba toad man you're going down getting my balls hey oh I heard a moon spawn as well and we've also completed that the objective okay this is epic this Pokeball thing's been so epic get out of here Hammer bro look how many master balls there are we might be able to do an epic chain reaction with all of these if I throw one of them into it they'll all go flying like the video and I'll throw it oh that wasn't as epic as I thought it was still pretty epic that was still pretty cool but anyway I think this is the exit Pike oh that pipe was so cool I can't wait for these later pipes I gotta keep on getting cooler and cooler oh okay okay that was the exit pipe nice and it looks like when we beat pipes they shrink down like look at this tiny little cute Pokemon pipe he's so smooth anyway let's talk to this cloud guys see if anything's changed nice one we have some really epic pokes coming up I'd go into the unrealistic pipe next ah which one's the unrealistic pipe of a guess probably the one that's the most blocky it doesn't even look like a pipe it just looks like a green box it doesn't even look like like a Minecraft Piper elephant I better entering animation is really funny on it let's see wait what is [Music] what what has happened here Mario's literally been transformed into a cube I'm literally just a Red Cube this doesn't even look like Mario Odyssey anymore this just looks like a really bad Minecraft Ripper wait is that the is that the cloud guy hello Cloud man an unrealistic boss has taken over the kingdom defeat him to return this place to normal all right thank you Mr Cloud man you look so weird without his Thunderbolt well everything looks so weird doesn't it because it's ever been just been transformed into cubes look at that T-Rex oh my goodness oh I think that's the boss but before I fight him I'm gonna go say hi to the T-Rex hello Mr team hex this T-Rex has definitely seen better days he almost seems like an origami T-Rex the chain jumps as well oh man okay okay let's go fight that boss this this whole place is too funny hello Mr Boss Mr unrealistic boss he's just with an orange hat oh is this place oh I guess I can just jump on them oh I think this is mango and it still behave the same look at the coins they look more like gems and coins it looks like I'm being chased around by a giant Bridge come on Mr fridge man I'm gonna defeat yeah oh I missed the fridge no he's like a fridge with a big block of cheese sticking out the top but if this is mango he's only got one more hit left and he's defeated I can just oh the Big Chain Chomps got stuck I don't think I can defeat him with the chain jump okay one more hit one more hit and he should go down let's get this unrealistic boss out here and we'll turn the kingdom to normal oh oh he's both wait this multi Moon isn't looking unrealistic all right let's collect it and hopefully this will return the kingdom to normal cabbie's looking normal but Mario's lit height so cursed what what does that even say that's not English this whole Kingdom's just a rare moment hey it looks like collecting that multi-moon has turned everything back to normal which is very epic the square pipe is shrunk as well look at it it's so cute when it's tidy anyway what's this guy said hello you are back to normal go into the rainbow pipe next there's someone special waiting for you there look at that special person be what this rainbow pipe does look super epic with like his rainbow swirl around it oh almost looks like it's glowing a bit anyway anyway let's go down it let's see who's waiting there oh wait I see Luigi's name and it's also saying that we should beat Luigi in a race is he just hanging off the side there he is Hello Luigi yo yo ah but I guess we're gonna have to beat Luigi on this Rainbow Road drag this laptop this track is epic this track looks so cool Luigi are you ready because we're gonna go once I get in my car I need to get my car first all right Luigi three two one go he's just floating along oh but rainbow road is one of my favorite tracks of any Mario Kart game Rainbow Road and Mario Kart Wii that was Peak I remember not being able to beat it at all oh I'm just falling off constantly and I hope we don't fall off today oh it's not let me do the loop-de-loop I don't think there's anti-gravity here oh oh Luigi did that show okay okay the loop the loop doesn't work so I guess we have to just jump jump across like this oh my gosh this is gonna be difficult to catch up he did it so fast though what what the heck well I can't even see him he's he's sad oh he's there he's on that could catch up to catch up with Luigi oh I almost fell off that oh he's trying to do the loop-de-loop little does he know oh you can't do the loop-de-loop I I have to ditch my car my car just fell off am I gonna be able to beat him without the car oh no this is gonna be so close wait wait wait wait maybe if I do a massive shortcut like this and then crust to the Finish Line I sort of cheated a bit there but I think I still won the objective Got Talented so I'm I'm guessing that worked ah in your face Luigi I'm better than you I can now leave and move on to the next pipe bye bye Luigi you're trapped here forever now all right we're back in the main area now and the rainbow pipe shrunk down ah why did it have an arrow why does it have an arrow next to it what and what why is there a random Cappy spot the heck that's so odd anyway anyway let's go talk to the cloud guys see if he has anything else to say wow that was a close race no it wasn't I beat Luigi by ages he's just straight up lying you should shout out subscribers yeah I should huge shout out to anybody subscribed from the last video subscribe if you want a shout out in the next video it's completely free and you can always change your mind now follow me down the dry bones pipe oh we're gonna go into the dry bones mouth oh oh this looks so good I'm being eaten alive oh what's this oh this looks so cool it's like a brand new desert world oh my goodness what's this cat man saying hello welcome to Bon guns Mountain collect five power moves and make your way to the exit pipe in a bag guitar oh yeah we do have a new objective collect five power moons there's a two eyebones he looks like he's seen better days not gonna lie where could there be power Moon so I guess we're gonna have to keep our eyes peeled maybe there's one up on this clock tower at the very tippy top come on oh yeah how can you put a tower and only have a coin at the top that's cringe I escaped I might have escaped the map do I get anything from being here wait there's a little platform am I meant to be here or have I broken the level I think I've broken the level now I can see underneath oh my gosh if there's a moon I'd be probably hiding on a train so I could get out of here get out of the desert oh actually I can see a shine nice we found one we need to find four more Moon Transport oh did you see those cogs there's probably one on top of the cogs oh there's a little water area wait is that a pipe oh what what is this what what what what does it mean here did I just find a broken pipe was that a new custom pipe I don't know I don't even know what that was another pipe burst so we fell down here that's pretty epic hopefully this pipe will take us back up oh yeah it takes us back up back up to the water area and now we can go climb these cogs and we only need three more moons but behind the waterfall there's the secret area okay that one's moving pretty slowly so we can just park over our way up to the top and inside the chest there's another one I'm too good at this game behind the waterfall now that I only need two more I think I do want to climb all the way to the top I reckon the tops there I can see another Moon all the way at the top anyway so we just need to find one on the way to the top there's so many dry bones and enemies around oh we need to climb up quick oh cool okay that was pretty cool wait what's that okay there's a hidden block here so another one yeah there is it's like the start of a Mario Maker level when someone just hides a Dev exit and they can't beat it themselves they add like a power of invisible blocks at the start that leads straight to the goal and there we go there's a moon maybe this was a developer one that they've added in to make the levelies yeah whoa look at that Bowser skull oh there's probably one on top of the Bowser skull as well oh but this level is really fun I want to collect some more Funk yeah there's one in the Bowser skull that's pretty epic and who's ahead oh there's also a music note oh my gosh there's so many I've got them all but I want to get this music note before we get to the top I think it's called a treble clef not a music note these bony boys are very scary hopefully I'll get them all oh too easy too easy this moon will be good for healing anyway because I took damage to join that thank you so much good sir oh but it looks like we can make our way up using these sky islands is floating Sky Islands I guess I just want to make my way to the very tippy top bouncing up these sky islands that won't give me so much momentum I guess because it was going up as well oh we're almost at the top where is the exit pipe hello Peach what are you doing here oh you're doing nothing here you're saying nothing oh wait I think I see the exit pipe down there we can do a big long jump to all these swamps oh all the forms have been taken out rest in peace swamp we can collect this Moon climbing expert toad hello Captain Toad but I think this is the exit pipe we collected way more moons than we needed but that was a pretty fun level oh wait shout out he's super wide Cloud guy oh that's pretty that's pretty what did you have to say though oh I saw the Mario movie the other day I really enjoyed it oh so it's the DK pipe probably like a DK scene because Donkey Kong's in the Mario movie I really enjoyed the Mario movie I thought it was very very good let's go down it I'm looking forward to this what scene is this gonna be though go complete your task okay we have a new task to defeat Donkey Kong it looks like we're in an arena oh wow oh this is just like when he's fighting Donkey Kong in the Coliseum to win all the monkeys oh this is like a very epic moment from the Mario movie I can see Peach and Toad in the audience as well oh we've got a defeat Donkey Kong now oh it looks like we've made our way to the top to a 2d out here I like how those all snow Kingdom people cheer it on in the background come on parkour skills yeah like we got into the pipe and now we're in the 2D area oh my gosh Donkey Kong's strongest battles down at me is there anything in here just the life of part I didn't need a life of heart and the coins say DK DK you're going down I don't care what anyone says I really want to do a video that's like the whole of the Mario movie recreated in Mario Odyssey so let me know if you want to see that I feel like that'd be super cool but here he is here's DK Monk Bonk Bonk you've got one more two you're defeated any last words DK or shall you just perish I guess you're just gonna perish he fell into the ocean all right where's this pipe gonna take me oh it's taking me out it's taking me out into the arena with Peach and Captain Toad do you have anything to say guys what he's just dancing what that was so stupid Peach Captain Toad enjoy yourself I'm leaving let me know if you want to see a full Mario movie in Mario Odyssey leave a comment or leave a like on the video if the video gets ten thousand likes I'll do a full version of the Mario movie what what else happened to the oh this Cloud man he's getting out of control he's just becoming stretched up now what's he saying at least I really want to unlock the secret pipe that would be super cool wait go into the cloud pipe next to it or get even taller I think it'd be funny to disobey him and not go into the cloud pipe so he gets even taller I'm gonna go into the Spider-Man pipe what's the worst that could happen yo is transforming into Spider-Man oh that is epic oh look how cool he is with the Spider-Man bike behind him that is really cool hello Mr villager oh he doesn't even say anything he's a Spider-Man villager but he didn't even say anything you can use a web slinging ability though get rid of this wall I can eat the Wool with my webs I should probably eat this bug as well let's do a big long jump and let's see if we can get to the end of this level because it's the only objective we have at the moment is to find an exit which should be pretty easy I can also do some web slinging around through the city area rip this is so cool I get to go Whip and just sling onto the edge oh no oh no don't you be ha ha this is actually quite stressful but this is super super cool planet Spider-Man oh can I make this jump yes I can okay I I use my web Slinger I cheated a bit oh and I can actually just climb up the walls so if I failed it doesn't really matter wait it's not even a Spider-Man exit pipe it's just a regular Moon bite but look at that goofy fella in the wall is this a moon oh I think the moons have been replaced with Spider-Man heads what do you mean winning play the flower Road there were no flowers nah this game's weird let's get out of here I'm guessing this is the exit oh okay that was the exit pipe and we've oh we've lost our Spiderman ability bit cringe look at the light I forgot about this but he said if I dissipated with Grove and taller if I didn't go in the cloud pipe and now it is way too low he's way more stretched up he's just saying why oh that's funny that's funny I guess I should go in the cloud pipe now just so he shrinks back down to normal size because I don't want him being that tall forever he might be taller than me oh oh this looks amazing this reminds me of the Jack and the Beanstalk story maybe this is the thunder guy's home how did he follow me so quickly he's like flown up I don't know I don't know let's talk to him okay isn't that from The Lego Movie oh no is this gonna be a bit of a challenge I can climb up using these Vines oh the vines are quite slippery though I never fell off a Vine that never oh my gosh she's not actually do not slip off the vine okay okay I made it past the vine that's probably the biggest obstacle here because these Cloud platforms they're easy you just throw copy at them and then they burst out into a cloud such a giant question mark block I wonder if it has anything inside no it doesn't oh where could I get a moon though it looks like there's a Bowser ship that we want to make our way to maybe using one of those flying have a Goombas we can hello Mr powergumber I've acquired your assistance why does he look like that he has a purple mustache oh I can collect these Moon shards let's go easy I want to see what this Cloud guy has to say I need to get rid of the Goomba this reminder [Music] I smell I can't remember what he said actually but it does remind me of Jack and the Beanstalk it's a pretty cool level backflip oh oh there's a big octopus guy maybe I can get a moonbow defeating him I might be able to jump on his head if I do like the right sort of Parkour normally these guys only appear on the moon so it's dead easy with the low gravity to get on their head oh I'm up please give me a moon right it didn't give me a moon maybe there's a moon on that ship I reckon I can capture the Goomba at the end of here and then make my way all the way to the ship it's worth a try at least okay fly over oh I'm so close to the top yeah let's go okay okay is there gonna be a moon for me up on the ship there better be that was quite difficult to get to come on where would one be just a moonshard oh that's cringe maybe for defeating this guy silly octopus no there's not oh my goodness I've been scammed here and my Goombas disappeared so I think I'm stuck ah how do I actually get back uh I could try a jump I'll try a jump you better subscribe oh no oh no oh okay I've made it down a little bit but at least I didn't fall into the boy maybe there's a moon on this platform of these pillars what's the Snowman doing here he's just chilling he's just chilling on Bella jump come on moonshot let's go only need two more and oh I actually need three more moves well the moons probably one in this Castle I see another moonshot at the very tippy top yeah probably one with the Scarecrow if I put my cap on the Scarecrow it will spawn a moon I hope I hear it but it doesn't show me where it is I'm just gonna assume it's right at the top oh it spawns a beanstalk I'm silly I'm silly I'm just gonna reset the challenge what's a blast plan of action for climbing this beans talk I'm not very good at climbing beanstalks because of how slippery they are oh we have to do a jump between a transfer oh oh I somehow did it I need to be quick I feel like it's written it all the time no oh I hear the mood I hear the moon please don't have another oh I have to do another transfer oh all right I think I'm really close now please don't just start flashing oh yes finally oh my gosh that was so difficult oh man hello Cloud guy whoa this is really high oh yeah this is quite high up you know oh that click clock is still in my head in all right there's another moonshot on the top here we only need one more moonshot and one more Moon if I was a moonshard where would I hide maybe in this area down here you've nearly made it you've got a great altitude for completing this objective boom boom Ah that's funny oh here's the exit pipe and there's a Moon by it in the ground but where is this last moonshard oh ain't no way that's it okay it's all under the Beanstalk it's down here my breath I can't believe I didn't spot that well that's in quite an obscure place to be fair oh does it spawn the moon right down at the bottom oh my gosh it does at least you've got all three now now we just have to make our way back to the exit pipe here we are at the pipe and now we can exit and move on to the next one has the car I've gone back to normal though he should have yeah he has okay nice he's no longer super tall what'd you have to say man especially okay I want it looks super cool with all the pipes slow now we've only got the king and like this vibrating Smokey pipe look I can push away the smoke that's so cool whip okay let's go down the king blue pipe I think I prefer the King Boo Piper on the way it looks [Music] oh no that pipe just killed me the ghost pipe just killed me am I gonna turn into a ghost now no no I'm not gonna turn into a ghost I just need to do it oh my gosh no oh okay okay I'm about to just save myself oh that was stressful oh but we're in a very spooky looking Kingdom with a massive mansion and we've also got a new objective kept to the top of the house which might be quite difficult first I just need to do some like long jumps across the bones pretty simple pretty simple stuff there we go oh this guy's terrified do you have nothing to say this place is scary I'll get over here quickly Mario get to the top okay okay I need to get to the top get to the very tippy top well there might be something in the forest for us so I need to keep my eyes peeled I don't think the moons are very useful because I just want to get to the top I did not get here am I dead no you look pretty uh actually he's like a skeleton he might be dead but this way to get up to the top would be using the trees or the first way I could think of it's so difficult the trees are slippery like the vines from before maybe there's something in the house I don't want to really go in the house because it's very spooky in here oh there's a Goomba but there's so much stuff around me oh this is terrifying I think there's a pipe at the top of the Mansion but it's really hard to get to maybe find a power up that's that's not a bad idea finding a power up where would I find a power up oh my god oh oh oh oh oh I see a power up actually there's a boo power up this is like a spooky skate park oh it's like a half five I love skate parks it's so cool oh if I turn into a bill I can fly up to the stop okay okay let's collect the blue Power let's go yo we've turned into a spooky ghost this is gonna help out a ton because with this we can actually fly and phase through walls this is gonna help so much getting up to the top I don't want to do it yeah I want to do everything legit to start with if it's difficult I'll just enable my fly and Rule abilities with the boo okay ready to the second floor I'm a spooky ghost yes I am Mr Speaker ghost that guys no he's tripping he's thinking he's a spooky ghost you know what I'm just gonna enable the Booth's flying abilities and he can also phase three rules like this oh there's literally nothing Behind the Walls let's go into the library what what I don't know what just happened there this is so Boogie okay we've made up it's already more NPCs with funny things to say yeah it should be pretty easy just to oh get to the top like this oh my goodness that's the exit Piper thing as well what's this fella saying ah oh wait it's you Mario you look horrible well done I'm getting to the top oh that's so mean said I look horrible just because I'm a spooky ghost but I'm getting out of here that guy was so mean oh it's taking away my booability that's cringe what's this guy saying one more pipe left this is gonna be epic yes it is gonna be epic all right all right let's go into the Smoky shaky pipe look at this I can play with all the smoke it's pretty fun okay let's go down it let's see what's down here what wait it's just taking me inside of the Odyssey ah Mr dog how are you doing okay I think they can move free so I can look I can look behind the Odyssey normally you can't do this in game what I can just see the void the void stares back at me might as well change my costume now that I'm here what costume should I put on Mario I'm looking very fancy let's get out of here let's see what this puts me oh what oh it put me out like the back door what's gonna happen when I come out oh okay I think that's an invisible Odyssey here oh this pipe's on the Odyssey normally okay that's that's epic that's epic that's what it's shaking and it's got It's the exhaust pipe ah but what is this secret pipe we've unlocked subscribe what will happen when I go in it yeah subscribe if you enjoyed this video and if you enjoyed this video you might also enjoy Mario Odyssey baby to Old when Mario goes from being a little baby to being really old and it has this whole stage of evolution it's really really cool you should check it out click on screen to watch it I really appreciate you watching the end and I'll see you over in this next video bye
Channel: Manx Ninja Pig
Views: 1,642,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario odyssey, super mario, mario odyssey, Mario, challenges, super mario odyssey 2, super mario bros, funny mario videos, funny, mario mod, mod, modded, mario odyssey mod, mario odyssey challenge, manx, manx ninja pig, SMO, custom, custom mario, mario, modded mario, new mario, super mario challenge, mario modded, mods, funny mario, mario power up, power ups, minecraft, Pipe, Mario Pipe, Custom Pipes, ninja, pig, pokeball, mario movie, spiderman, king boo, pokemon, dry bones, new
Id: RB5w03XLuq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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