All Boards (Master Difficulty) Mario Party Superstars!

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today we play every single board in mario party superstars on master difficulty and this challenge on the hardest difficulty level is a tough journey with a lot of very good luck and a lot of very bad luck you will want to see if we can complete this challenge on every board with mario vs luigi vs peach vs yoshi thank you so much for watching and i hope you enjoy this video first we'll decide to turn off let's see how do we start off a six okay i like that the six and nine were together then two on one okay so luigi is first hopefully luigi does not win by doing something yes so we all start off with 10 coins over here all right now where's the star uh how should i play this you know what i think i might stay on the left island first i'm gonna pass by the shop and then i'm gonna try and pass by the right island after that so that we'll maybe be able to pass by the boo i think that'll be a good strategy i'll probably stay mostly on the left first and then i'll move to the right later in the game okay luigi rules just a three not a humongous number that's fine lanes on a blue okay good i was worried that you'd get a hidden block right away right at the start of the game okay we roll a nine nice big number to start i'm very happy with that but instead of going that way we are going to continue on up because i'd like to pass by the shop buy some items because there might be a bonus star for most items used or most items purchased so i'm going to head up that's what i'm going to do all right go ahead and roll yoshi peach didn't have a very eventful turn neither did yo she's just rolling a six over here they're just both landing on the same blue tile so that's fine everyone's behind me i have the most spaces traveled so far so if there was uh most spaces traveled start then i would win oh no oh no can i beat master difficulty in this let's go oh no big mistakes let's go in a circle now let's see how are we doing here hopefully that's close enough for it to count [Music] okay now down this way like this go up down this way up a bit and man how did we do against them i don't know i don't know luigi's line looks so solid let's see how he did compared to the others i don't know about this one let's see who wins this one i won i beat luigi by one percent all right let's go that's amazing all right oh man that was nicely played okay okay great start so far turn number two go ahead and roll luigi where are you going to go get a small number if everyone ah it's kind of hoping that everyone would just keep getting small numbers oh is he actually going to go across okay he's actually going across okay it'd be kind of funny if he passed by this star and he couldn't afford it oh but you know what maybe i want to get back to the left island because there might be gold pipes near the end of the game so that might be an even better idea than stealing stars oh and luigi can already afford this star okay let's see let's see what is going to happen let's roll a 4k we probably passed by the shop right yeah we just reached the shopkins what do we want from the shop i think a custom dice block might come in handy i think i'm gonna go for the custom dice block i'm very tempted to take the double dice block because that might let me go up to 20 but a double dice block could give you a two at the lowest possible roll so i'm gonna go with a custom dice block here so go ahead and roll peach peach trolls the seven does she also go to the right island let's see oh peach also chooses to go up okay so peach is on the same spot as me now so that means that peach and i have traveled the same amount of spaces okay she also buys a custom dice block oh i can't afford the star right now uh oh hey yoshi where are you gonna go yoshi let's see he rolls just the two oh does he go on the event panel let's see oh no he chooses to go over to the island on the right also okay so two of them have decided to go to the island on the right and oh and yoshi lanes on a red and there might be a bonus starter who lanes on the most red so yoshi has landed on a red so far let's see everyone versus yoshi in this mini game can we win what is the mini game hide and sneak okay so it is a luck based video game well kind of luck based let's see where should we hide let's see where do we want to hide let's see where are we gonna hide where are we gonna hide let's see if yoshi could find us we're behind the rock don't look behind the rock don't okay good he didn't look behind the rock ah he got one person out already it's kind of sad that luigi isn't an actual person and i can't speak with luigi about uh where we should go because if we both make let's see if we both make no okay let's see i don't think i'm there right okay no one's there okay this is amazing luigi and i both survived as long as we both pick a different spot then we will be okay i just really hope we don't both pick the same spot i'm behind the bushes let's see oh i thought he was gonna pick the rock please don't both be here no luigi how could you do this luigi why would you go to the same spot as me luigi that's so sad yeah if luigi was an actual person then i could have said to him hey you go to this island and i'll go to this island in that way we couldn't both get caught but unfortunately luigi is just a cpu oh and now they can both afford this star okay but he doesn't reach the star yet lane's on a lucky space though so might get some more coins or even some great items oh actually the items here aren't that great okay get seven more points luigi's got a lot of coins a little worried about him right now hey what about us what do we do you know what i think i'll just roll normally over here let's just roll normally we get a six where does that bring us anything interesting oh i thought we were gonna land on a red space okay but we land on a lucky space can we get anything nice item bag would be perfect oh another custom nice box that's fine that's fine i would have loved item bag even more because then we would have gotten two more items because it would have filled up all of our items maybe we could have gotten something nice petrol's a five wait does that bring her to a red yeah because she's one behind me so she's on a red but there might be a bonus star for most reds so far yoshi and peach have landed on one red each oh i love that that rhymes i didn't even think i didn't even try to make that rhyme but it ended up rhyming so that's nice okay is everyone versus peach now yeah i think it's everyone versus peach but you know what luigi and yoshi have a lot of coins look away oh man oh man okay let's not get caught oh man she switches at like the very very very very very last second [Music] okay i didn't do anything but i didn't get cocky that's pretty good okay two rounds only luigi's out so far [Music] oh we both look to the right that's so scary that's so scary okay let's see we both look to the right again yoshi we can both keep looking the same way because peach might get us both out okay peach doesn't get us both out we win oh i'm so lucky that yoshi didn't also look to the right oh my goodness of you she also looked to the right then peach would have gotten both of us out and she would have won but since yoshio is looking to the left we win everyone gets 10 coins except for peach oh man oh man oh wait luigi's probably reaching the star isn't he unless he rolls a one or two i kind of hope you're also one or two let's see what does he get an eight uh oh so he's probably also passing by the boo so he might steal coins from yoshi that would be quite sneaky if he did that let's see if that's what he does let's see he could almost support a second star already too because i'm thinking of using my oh yeah he is passing by the bouquet don't steal from me okay good he's stealing from yoshi that's good steals 10 coins from yoshi yoshi's one onecoin behind me man luigi's got a lot of coins over there and he lands on the lucky space what does he get here what does he get here warp block i am actually scared to use my custom dice block to land on the event panel now because i am really considering i was really considering using the event panel to land right there so then the star would be in front of me instead of bowser but if luigi uses his warp block and he swaps spots with me then that would not be good so we want to pour let's get a four over here and i'm gonna try because there might be a bonus star for most event spaces so i'm gonna try it i'm gonna try it let's have soda get eaten by that cheap chomp and then bowser's on the right island and toadette's on the left island now hopefully we get lucky here oh peach passes by that would be amazing wait wait what are you gonna roll don't roll a five i will hate you if you roll a five okay good good good thank you thank you okay oh it looks like peach really wants to land on the red spaces really trying to get the bonus star for most red spaces yoshi rolls a three wait oh man there's actually a chance that the star comes back to him before it's his turn there is a chance okay everyone versus luigi that's good because i don't want luigi getting more points luigi has enough coins and we are playing archer rival i don't know if we could avoid luigi's arrows goodbye peach okay one arrow missed i'm trapped between them rocky oshibrad it's up to you yoshi it's all up to you yoshi can you survive for 15 more seconds oh man can you do it yoshi i have faith in you here she's just 10 seconds to go oh my goodness yoshi no oh man just a few seconds just a few more yes yoshi yes yes yes yes yes yes we did it well by we i mean yoshi yoshida i've got to give yoshi the credit over here good job yoshi oh my goodness oh my goodness 10 coins to each of us that is quite nice turn number five don't switch with me don't switch with me don't switch with me don't switch with mario don't switch with peach either switch with yoshi okay yeah sure oh but you know what i actually don't want him to pass by the boo again because now he's going to steal coins from me at night yeah he's stealing coins for me isn't he's gonna steal coins from me wait 18 coins oh my goodness that was quite the hit for luigi over there but he gets a cursed ice block in return for that so that's lucky for him but now he's going to pass by the boo and he's gonna steal coins and it's almost definitely going to be for me yeah stealing coins from me okay so let's not get a lot of coins stolen hopefully we can still afford this star let's see minus nine okay that's not bad that's not bad okay luigi has 20 so he can already afford a star again and where does he end up oh versus space uh oh if i lose this mini game that would actually be very bad let's see how many coins are we betting for the mini game let's see how many coins are we wagering seven okay so if i lose if i come in dead last place then i actually probably won't be able to afford the starks i don't think i'll get at least two coins for coming in last place storm chasers no oh man this is such a tough one to play especially against master cpus okay let's go let's go let's go let's go you guys give me that one oh yes yes give me that water give me that water give me that what are the cpus doing they're supposed to be master difficulty maybe they were very confused by the monty moles oh man oh man oh man oh man they got pretty lucky there though oh come on come on come come on give me that water give me that water yes i like that rain come on come here come here come here yes go move bro move bros let me have that rain i wanted one more rain let's see how we do how do we do here if i'm in first i'll be so happy oh yes i was so scared i was watching so closely as those piranha plants were growing and it's amazing that we won that one i'm so glad that we won that ah yes how many coins do we get each gets five i get 19. uh how lovely is that okay so that just becomes a regular blue panel now now where oh where do we want to go i could use the custom dice block to get a 10 and land on a lucky space then i can decide if i want to keep going up or going to the boo you know what i might actually do that even though there's probably better times that i could use my custom dice block i'm gonna do it right now because i want to keep getting big rolls i'd love to pass by the shop luigi might use his cursed dice block on me but this is okay oh i'm even uh tied in first with luigi right now oh i'm actually probably going to land on a blue space or wait depending on what i get from the lucky space and depending on how i do in the mini game oh wait no i get 10 coins for passing by here so yeah i'm in first place now okay okay okay we're finally in first place five turns are done and we're in first place i'd love to get something amazing here give me something amazing uh there aren't too many amazing things let's see what can we get 10 coins okay yeah sure another 10 points not that big of a deal but still kind of nice let's see what does peach do oh she also rolls a 10. okay peach is getting so big oh she can't afford this star though that's actually very sad then okay but she gets 10 points for passing by here wait is she she has one spot behind me but she rolled oh she wrote the same number not one more i got a 10 i was thinking i got a nine for some reason i was thinking that she would get the item i was thinking that she'd get the item bag it was so close to the item bag it was too off okay but you got the warp block okay yoshi what are you doing oh what if someone lands on cham's time imagine if someone lands on chance time that would be crazy does he go across okay looks like yo she is paying coins to go across over here so he is heading towards the star now does he land on a lucky space yeah he lands on a lucky space over here so let's see what does he get please don't be item bag okay not item bag just 10 coins not bad not bad not bad still a lot of coins oh and this is a bonus mini game so it's quite important that we win or do very well in this one mush pit oh my goodness i am absolutely horrible at this one especially against master difficulty uh you know what you know what you know what okay okay okay okay okay okay bro you can't get me you can't get me bro okay just the two of us now let's see where's it gonna be yes i got it i got it i got it now i just gotta crush him come on bro where are you going where are you going bro where are you going bro where are you going oh no did he fool me he fooled me though i couldn't get him let's see yes i got it bro get out of there let's go let's go oh man i'm so focused there we got him all right oh man we get 20 coins for that that's very nice we can afford to steal a star or should i try and pass by the shop and buy a gold pipe what's the better option oh this is so tough those are the last five turns let's take a look at the current standings first place mario second luigi third yoshi and fourth beach wow there's real competitors on this board who will win let's hear your prediction one of our board correspondents let's take a listen to the wisdom of the waves it's delivered by chief jeep don't give someone a gold pipe okay peach what do they give peach where are you going to give her last place 22 coins oh they give her another 20 points okay not bad that's quite a few coins that puts her up into third place now that we're in the home stretch two slaves will give you six red will make you lose six and if two players land on the same space the tool will begin sell anyone's game keep trying your best don't give up okay luigi what are you going to do now luigi cursed nice luck on me right oh on yoshi okay that's actually quite convenient for me because yoshi's heading towards the start we don't want him heading towards the star and it's even better that that cursed ice block isn't used on me oh i guess just a two that's so sad so sad for luigi it almost seems like whenever someone uses a cursed ice block on someone else their own role is also decreased okay now what do we get i'd love a huge number four now we are faced with a tough choice do we head up this way towards the shop or do we head towards the right towards the boo i think i'll go for the risk i'll start to head towards the shop i'm gonna take the risk let's go up this way peach where are you going to go well assuming she rolls that high wart block it'd be hilarious if she swaps with me but that would be so oh man he did swap with me that's so silly now i just have more steps to reach the shop maybe after a few turns though maybe when it's my turn again maybe i'll decide to actually go to the island on the right i guess we'll see let's see yoshi where are you going nine to the star rolls at two because the cursed ice ball can't roll any big numbers so sad for yoshi that's so sad hey what mini game will we have everyone's on blue so it is a four player mini game i'd love to win another mini game what do we got goomba spotting okay okay okay let's count some goombas i just played this mini game earlier today and i did very well so hopefully we can count perfectly here too let's see one two three one one one one two three four one one two three four one one two three one two three one one one one two three four one one one one two three four one two any more that's it okay i'm surprised because usually when there's that big stack like that oh yo she's the only one that didn't get it well assuming yo she's the only one that didn't get it i think he's the only one that got a different number from us but yeah it looks like the rest of us win everyone except yoshi wins but yeah usually when there's a stack of goombas like that sometimes there's a stack of goombas then a bunch of little goombas run by quickly and it can get quite tricky because you're trying to count how many are in the stack then you realize that some little ones on the bottom are running by two and it can be difficult okay we are nice and far ahead over here i like how this is going okay luigi go ahead and roll rolls is six he's going to cross his knee yeah he's 11 away from the start that means that he's going to be five away from the star soon [Music] okay lane's on a lucky space what does he get here don't be item bag is there any bad k item bag isn't even an option thumbs tallest half yes okay that one is hilarious because thumbs toilet normally doesn't go that high so let's see you know what number i would love to get i would love to get a one two three four i'd love to get a four then i'd land on the event space give me a four oh nine okay sure you know what a big number is also great because i can choose to go up here and i want to pass by the shop that's what i care about so let's see updated inventory so now i can buy gold pipes i'm gonna buy a gold pipe of course do i want a gold pipe yeah i'll buy a gold pipe over here and hopefully the star switches over to the island on the right soon then i'll use my gold pipe to buy a star on the island on the right and if i could buy a star and steal a star that would just be amazing i'd be so happy if that's how that worked out okay peach gets a five she's also passing by does she get a gold pipe also let's see also purchases a gold pipe okay i wonder when she is going to use her gold pipe i wonder if she has the same idea as me or if she's going to save her gold pipe for later maybe let's see item back maybe not item bag just 10 coins okay okay peach is getting some coins everyone's got quite a few coins actually the coins are actually pretty well balanced okay yoshi rolls up four that takes him to just over there oh man is it gonna be a star or coins oh my goodness yo she's so lucky gets a hidden block with this star gg yoshi good job yoshi oh and he's about to pass by the star soon i'm kind of hoping that luigi lands on the event panel right before my turn pushy penguins okay okay so this is one that everyone can actually survive okay let's see where am i i'm the third one from the right second one from the left i remember playing this mini game with all characters being bowser jr and a big the biggest problem in that minigame the hardest thing about that mini game was wait why are the cpus falling off what's going on yeah the hardest thing about this mini game when all characters are bowser jr is you have to try and figure out who you are oh no oh man i actually almost got pushed off there well i'm surprised that i'm the only person who survived i was expecting at least three of us to survive or maybe two in worst case scenario okay but sure i'll take ten points and the others don't get as many coins that's nice hey three turns are left go ahead luigi land on the event panel get a four oh man oh man that luck is unreal this might actually be the luckiest this might actually be the luckiest yoshi's tropical eyelid that i've ever had that's hilarious okay because now i am going to use my gold pipe obviously so go over to the island on the right get a start and i'll be able to pass by the boo so that's hilarious i love where this is going oh as long as i don't get a two don't get a two okay five wait do i pass by the boo i kind of don't want to pass by the boo yet because i can't afford to steal a star i would love if i'd be able to steal a star next turn or something but let's see what do we get how far away is the boo i don't know if the boot is like five ways six away four away let's see okay landed on a red oh but even if i win the next mini game i'm gonna be one coin short that's not good hold on peach uses the gold type peach roll of five duel me and lose that would make me so happy if she else will roll the five dueled me and lost i would be incredibly happy a nine oh she's past she's passing by the boot does that mean that she's gonna steal coins from me oh my plan isn't going to work as intended anymore um this is not good let's see she's probably stealing coins from me right yeah definitely stealing coins from me because i'm in first place you don't want the person in first place to have a lot of coins how many coins did you get 11. that's a lot of coins that's a lot of coins peaches got a lot of coins right now eight peach what are you doing with those 36 coins over there i'm so glad you didn't land on the event panel that's amazing yoshi get up three get a three or more a five okay good so he passes by and he doesn't get to buy a star wait wait wait does he land on an event panel tell me he's not landing on an event panel 17 man he paid a lot of coins yoshi's spending a few coins over here where does he land where does he land where are you landing is she let's see a versus space okay that's actually amazing if it's a huge amount of coins and i win i might actually be able to steal a star and that would just be perfect ah just ted that's so sad okay i don't think that i'll get enough coins even if i come in first place yeah because 40 coins are at stake yeah oh rock and raceway this is a really fun one i just got to be careful to not you know what just gotta be careful to not burn through all of my carrots and not accidentally go into the poisonous grapes let's see going at a decent speed here don't want to burn through the carrots too quickly he's going like this going at an okay raid over here come on bro bro that's so sad oh man we were too fast we went into the purple ones i don't think we have a chance at winning now i don't think there's any way that we could win this one now unless like they all get poisoned or something [Music] don't go into it i've gotta do another poison one okay i'm in the last place no matter what there's no way i'm catching up to them yeah nothing i can do oh that's so sad sad times today oh man who wins that who wins that let's see who wins i've won this mini game oh wow yoshi's first i think yeah yoshi's first oh man that's so sad these guys are getting all my coins sad times today sad day but yeah i won this mini game with my feet before i think that's actually i think i actually have my record playing this mini game with my feet instead of my hands but i guess you can't win them all you can't win them all that was very lucky at the start but let's see how this turn ends up now let's see two first two okay luigi and i versus peach and yoshi what are we playing what are we playing skype great another video game where it's like oh boy it's so hard to win okay at least luigi's paddling i'm the one that's steering so hopefully we can do okay here see i want to go into there and i want to get boosted i don't want to get hit by the cannons it's important to not get hit by the cannons give me the double boost yeah double boost let's go you know where's the cannon going don't shoot me that was close don't shoot me okay hey matt them come on bro why are you aiming at me you aiming at me because i'm prayers come on what is this what is this mario kart what are you a blue shell or something is that why you're aiming at me oh no let's not get hit by the balloons don't get hit by the balloons don't get hit by the balloons don't get hit by the balloons see those balloons don't get hit by them let's see where are we going where are we going where are we going bros where are we going bros give me the double boost double boost yeah double boost let's go shoot them shoot them not me don't shoot me don't shoot me we would take that peach and yoshi mario and luigi win mario luigi okay that puts everyone except for me has one star and almost everyone can afford to steal stars this is quite terrifying and horrifying very scary times over here oh but the game's almost over so that's actually very good it's actually very very very very good okay luigi pays 11 coins over here what does he get curse dice block okay it's not really too important what we roll we're right in front of the boost we're going to be passing by the boom no matter what [Music] and i think it doesn't really yeah it doesn't really matter too much what we get like let's see we could get a three get an item get a five get an event space i don't want a seven i don't want a ten let's just roll let's see a five hey where does that bring me does that bring me to something nice well let's just steal point who do we steal coins from yoshi has the most so you know what i've probably got to steal from yoshi then let's steal from yoshi yeah he does have the most coins he also got a hidden block with a bonus start well not a bonus are just a hidden block with the star earlier in the game so that's quite lucky for him okay let's see we get 14 points not bad that brings up our total coins to 42. oh we have the most total coins right now where are we landing oh cool we do oh oh oh oh no that's actually kind of good because now the star is going to be on the left island and i don't think that anyone is really close to that i actually don't think anyone will be oh wait maybe peach can reach it how far is she 13 away she gets a seven peach might reach the star next turn there is a chance that peach will reach the next star and then each of the people being mario and peach will have two stars okay yoshi where are you going where are you going bro where are you going bro cursed ice look on peach yes oh that's so good i am so happy with how this is going ah yoshi yoshi you little devil you you little fiendish devil yoshi wait wait you're not landing on an event panel are you tell me you're landing on the item space i didn't see okay thank goodness thank goodness yoshi okay and what item are you getting now you got an item oh custom dice walk okay sure go ahead and take the custom baseball you know i'm so happy that we landed on an event panel too because there might be a bonus star for who lands on the most event panels so this is actually fantastic okay let's see spotlight swim wait i didn't see what the team was who's on one team oh it's all of us versus peach okay let's get peach then oh so close to getting here where is she where she down here down here guys down here guys you can see the bubbles where's she going where's she going where's she's going over here over here guys just follow the bubbles guys come on come on all the bubbles guys you gotta follow the bubbles guys come on guys there we go we got it let's go with 15 seconds left peach is in the cage we got it it's funny that mario's using the reddest spotlight and luigi it's funny that mario's using the green spotlight and luigi's using the red one it's like the opposite of what they're wearing okay so we get 10 coins each very very exciting we're in a nice first place lead over here i do not want to go to chance time so i'm very scared luigi go ahead and roll where are you going bro where are you going bro oh he's not even using his item where are you not even using your item and oh he's gonna get to dual yoshi though he lies on the same spot as yoshi let's see let's see two or more players are dueling here how many coins do you wager 37 that's a pretty big bet over here luigi let's see who's going to win this one and begin yo she wins luigi picks the fight with yoshi but yoshi ends up winning it yoshi's got coins that is so many wait uh it's the last turn yeah so the item space doesn't matter okay our turn to roll what do we want is there anything nice that we can get let's see i don't want to go to the bowser space really don't want to go to chance time i don't really mind landing on another event space but i think we're already guaranteed the bonus star for most event spaces i wouldn't mind getting an eight and landing on a red spot let's see eight or six oh eight six or ten lets me land on a red okay so let's see give me an eight six or ten because i don't mind landing on a red a six okay so let's see yeah so if we go across this way we land on a red if we go there we land on an event panel we're already guaranteed the star for the event panel i think so i'm gonna go this way just to be safe because yeah sure we look we pay two coins to go by here and we lose six coins for landing on the wait do i do a peach is peach on a red peaches on a end should i dual peach oh man oh man oh my god oh my god i'm actually so scared you know what i actually don't want oh no peach isn't able to reach this star because she has a cursed ice block active owner so i'm just gonna do it for one coin just one coin that's fine that's fine i'm all right with dueling for just one point because if i win a bunch of peaches coins it doesn't make a big difference for me but if i lose then i'm potentially losing the game to peach because i have more coins than peach right now and i want to keep it that way oh cool i snuck in peach also snuck in let's see let's go this way oh i can only go up right now now let's see do we go this way this goes that way oh i should have gone up i didn't realize that goes that way let me end bro bro come on bro come on bro let's see let me in this is going to be so close this is going to be like who is one millimeter closer oh it's unbelievable how close this is how close is it going to be libya i can make it in i can make it in now it's all going to come down to this i wanted to tap just a little bit so that i would be right on the edge oh so you know what i'm actually so glad that i lost that because i only dueled one coin so that's fantastic that was definitely the smart move to bet only one coin as long as peach doesn't get a crazy amount of coins she is landing on a lucky space possibly yeah so she might be more coins ahead of me actually so let's see what does she get oh she's guaranteed at least 10 coins okay so she has one coin more than me right now i really hope that my team whatever the team is i really hope that my team wins this upcoming mini game because that way i'll have more coins in peach oh yoshi also wants to land on an event space okay go ahead and land on an event space on the final turn i don't know if yoshi's landed on one or two event spaces i've landed on i think two so i wonder if we'll actually both get that bonus star let's see what are the teams everyone versus me is very very very very very very important that i win this one boulder ball i don't know if i can win this one i don't know if i can win this one this is such a tough one to win against the master cpus because the master cpus are actually very good okay let's see stop dashing my wrongs stop it go away yoshi there we go oh and i double squish them okay yoshi okay no yoshi yoshi bad yoshi bad these guys have more coins than me it's all going to come down to the bonus stars luckily i still am in first place but if anyone gets more bonus stars than me then maybe we'll have a problem even if someone only gets one more bonus star than me all turns offended great job everyone it's time to announce final results who win it all first let's go over the bonuses first bonuses please be mini game bonus shopping bonus that might be me this even player versus the most items and the bonus goes too so i bought i think two or three items i don't know if it's shared i hope it's me mario and peach okay this is fine this is fine i'm still one star ahead of peach she has more coins than me but i'm one star head so as long as this star doesn't go to peach anyone but peach i win the second bonuses bowser space bonus wait i don't think anyone landed on a bowser space bonus hopefully this goes to nobody no one landed on bowser did they nobody yes yes ah that's so good okay so the winner of course is going to be mario uh right peach is in second place right there we go mario wins that might have been one of my favorite playthroughs of the yoshi's tropical island ever this was absolutely amazing i loved that game and the fact that it was master cpus that was fantastic they played very well let's take a look at this yeah if peach got this second bonus star she would have won i am so glad with how that went so i would have gotten the bonus star most items bought most items used most spaces traveled ah peach still would have had one more space than me for most red spaces okay but yeah i would have gotten event panel spaces also yoshi only landed on one here we are boards number two the first board went fantastically i was super happy about that so let's see how space slime goes there's not a lot of turns so hopefully we don't get hit with the bowser laser yeah so if you get hit with the bowser laser you lose all of your coins i was playing with some friends the other day and somebody lost 81 coins after getting hit by the bowser laser that was very sad that's a lot of coins okay turn order three oh even though we got a three we weren't last luigi got even lower he got a 2k peach is first yoshi is second we are third and luigi is fourth not very good that we are so far back over here but uh i don't know i i don't know i guess we'll see it really depends like if peach goes first and then if yoshi immediately lands on an event panel maybe that would be okay because then i would kind of be in the lead and then i would probably be closest to the star the star's just right over there so the start isn't super far away yeah it's only 19 spaces away and peach gets a nine if she gets a 10 next turn she reaches the star and she lands on an item space nice good job peach what item do you get a double dice block yeah so she can quite likely reach the star next turn but you're gonna have to pay some coins as you pass by the as you pass by the bank over there yo she rolls an eight he's also on an item space over here because i was one behind peach so what does yoshi get over here a cursed ice block so he could slow down someone if they are close to the star now let's see what do we want i would kind of also like a nine or eight a two okay great i'm like hey i'd also like a big number like you guys we roll a two oh boy not a great start so far luigi what are you doing okay at least uh my brother's back here with me luigi my brother we both roll a two small numbers all right and it is a four player mini game over here what are we gonna have book squirm oh man oh man this is gonna be so tough against master difficulty because not only oh boy everyone wants to squeeze into here come on guys come on guys we can't all fit in here well i guess we technically can but let's see okay where's the next spot going to be i'll go down here and the thing is it's like you not only have to find the hole to go to but you want to be careful that the other people don't push you out so let's see okay then let's go here peach don't push me don't push me peach let's go over here i'm fine being here okay then over here next not everybody i don't want everybody going into this star okay i don't want everyone going into the circle uh let's go up here stop corner uh let's go down here together with peach okay oh man i'm like wait where are they even oh man that's a lot of people there that's a lot of people for that luigi's gone okay goodbye luigi oh now up here now down here now up here now we're down there okay what a wind and what a win oh my goodness that's unbelievable that i made that oh man all right that is a very nice turn one over there and we can afford the star now but wait wait wait wait wait wait uh you pay three coins for passing by the bank so i would be able to afford this star peach go ahead and roll you rolled a big number last time rolled in nine okay now she rolls up five getting kind of close to the star over here wait is she landing on a lucky space because i kind of don't want her to get a lot of coins let's see okay just landing on a blue spot that's fine that's fine i don't mind you just landing wait don't be a star don't be a star okay uh man now she can afford this star that's not good i kind of want yoshi oh oh he's using it on peach okay i kind of want yoshi to land on an event panel i wonder if he'll roll a small number because very often when someone uses a cursed ice block they end up rolling a small number yeah like look at that i wonder if that's actually a glitch in the game i don't know if i've ever seen anyone use a cursed ice block on someone else and then roll a big number i wonder if that's something i wonder if that's a non-intended consequence in the game okay what do we roll an eight okay nice big number that's quite nice oh we landed on the same spot as yoshi that's too bad i was thinking that we'd maybe get like an item or even the bank would be okay i guess okay luigi also rolls innate wait all three of us are on this spot everyone except for peach is on this spot oh man and yo she gets to go before me okay four player mini game oh man oh man oh man it's a race for this star here shy guy says this is going to be so intense with master difficulty let's see gotta really keep our eyes focused here [Music] okay all right doing fine here okay left right sometimes he might switch like that [Music] okay okay come on bro i can't okay i was gonna say i can't take it all right all right [Music] all right all right i'm so focused okay okay all right [Music] come on come on bro [Music] come on bro all right [Music] oh man that was so fast i almost blinked and missed it [Music] wait are all three of them cut out at once oh my goodness that is such a nice win against master difficulty all three of them are just cut away like that oh man i thought that would be going for much longer i didn't expect all three of them to suddenly get fooled like that that was crazy wow that was a nice win all right turn number three go ahead and roll princess peach and she doesn't use her double dice block which is really quite silly if she used her double dice block she would have been almost guaranteed to reach the star just don't roll it too yoshi oh thank goodness thank goodness even though he's landing on a lucky space and he might get a nice item or a bunch of coins that's better than him landing on the event panel and getting pushed back very far item bag oh man that's not good because now he's gonna get three items what three items will he get plunder chest cursed ice block and triple dice block man that's gonna be so useful to have all those with you what are we going to do he could steal an item if someone gets like if someone gets a gold pipe he could steal the gold pipe he could use a cursed ice block to slow someone down he could use a triple dice block to roll very far and he might be getting the bonus star for who travels the most spaces so man if we roll a nine or ten that would be amazing but uh there's such a small chance of getting that so peach is probably getting the start nine or ten would be perfect three yeah okay okay yeah well that means that we also land on uh lucky space right yoshi got a really awesome prize from the lucky space how about us there isn't really anything that's particularly amazing like let's see a mushroom yeah i guess we could be guaranteed to reach the star next turn but peach has 20 coins so there's almost there's almost no way yeah like i think the only way that peach wouldn't have been able to afford the star is if luigi landed on the versus panel up there and peach lost the mini game that would have been the only thing that we could do i love how grouped together mario luigi and yoshi are for this whole game and peach is just a little bit ahead of us pogo a go-go okay so we should be able to survive this one it's pretty easy for the team of three to win this one all right so let's go let's see just going around this way and whenever they start going that way then you just go the other way and it's oh man oh my god oh man oh man that was actually one of the scariest things that's ever happened in this game hey let's see where are you going peach okay 10-ish seconds left hey let's just go around like this wait someone got eliminated two of them got eliminated wow so it's down to me okay let's see how can we do oh man okay okay that was actually uh slightly scary i'm surprised that it came down to me to win that mini game uh it's too bad that peach has 20 coins if only that hidden block had one coin less than it did one point less one point fewer if only it had one coin if she had only 19 coins instead of 20 coins she wouldn't wait she might still oh i was gonna say she might still roll of one but she's actually using her double dice now okay gets a ten and a two okay so twelve ah that's so sad oh man peach gets the first star she goes from fourth place to first place just like that because she gets the star over here congratulations on your star princess peach congratulations on first place okay where's the next star going where's the star going to oh right up there that's not super far at all i might actually be able to reach that yoshi might be able to reach that with this triple dice there's a good chance that yoshi reaches that with this triple dice a very good chance that yoshi reaches that peach passes by the star but she can't afford it that's pretty funny okay oh passes by the shop can't buy anything which is good wait another lucky space man what are you gonna get here what are you gonna get here let's see seven coins okay peach is starting to get some money back can't afford another star yet you sure you're gonna use your triple dice block bro are you gonna are you gonna yeah of course are you gonna reach the start 11 away oh man three eight ah that's 11 already oh man yo she's getting the star he stole the star from not right underneath my nose but if i rolled at least a six then i would have gotten it with the mushroom ah man where's the star gonna go to next let's see i would have loved to get that star because if you get that star then you pass by the shop and there might be a bonus star for who purchases the most items from the shop so that might be nice to do oh oh okay the next one is right up there and you know what and the boo is that way so you know what when i pass by the center i might start going that way oh there might be a bonus there for who lands on the most red spaces so let's see 24 away you know i'll roll normally give me a humongous number please i've been getting so many small numbers give me something big okay okay i will take that i am fine with that we are going to go we are going to go this way this is the way that we are going to go and you know what i've gotta start heading up because then we'll go up and around towards this star and we might be able to pass by the blue and we might have enough coins to buy and steal a star when we reach there that would be absolutely phenomenal you know yoshi might use this oh yoshi might not only use his uh his cursed dice block on me that's something that i was scared of i was scared of him using his cursed ice block on me but he might use this plunder chest on me that would be evil ah too bad that's only five coins i would have liked that to be more coins actually i guess it's not that big of a deal because peach and yoshi don't have many coins at all hey what is it trace race oh man oh man and look how zig zaggy it is and wait why am i not at the top this is so weird okay let's see how can we do here gotta focus here gotta focus here up that way down here like that and come up here go like this this is all right make a circle oh oh that cost me the game didn't it that cost me the game didn't it i think that cost me the game that mistake right there i don't think there's any way i could win even if the rest of it is perfect oh that's just the nail in the coffin right there oh man i'm finished i'm finished i'm probably in last place now man two huge mistakes i did okay otherwise but then two huge mistakes 93. how am i in third there i don't know how i did okay i get plus one they get plus eight each oh i actually get plus two so you know what that mini game honestly didn't change much i went down three coins luigi lost some coins and yoshi and peach ended up getting some coins so this mini game that's coming up here is a lot more important oh but i guess if i win then peach gets some money oh man arch arrival oh man oh man oh man i really hope we could win this one goodbye oh oh okay okay okay okay this is all right okay okay okay just wear down his time we're down this time okay time's running low run peach oh that was so close peach no no no no no no no no no no bro what do i do what do i do what am i doing i was hoping i'd be able to pass i was hoping i'd be able to go past it because i couldn't go to the right because the goomba would have stopped me ah bad ah man yeah she got us there oh yoshi's in first place now okay and he could almost afford the next star just don't use your plunder chest on me bro i know that using the plunder chest on me would be the smart move to do but don't do it yoshi don't do it whatever you do do not use the plunder chest on miyoshi and peach gets another lucky space what's with all these lucky spaces what are you gonna get now double dice or something skeleton key okay i don't want her to steal coins or anything good thing that she got that right after she passed by the gate don't use your plunder chest on me bro don't don't don't don't oh oh oh oh he used it on a peach okay i'm very glad that he didn't steal my mushroom but now i'm scared of him going to the booth because what will happen if yoshi gets to the boo right now he can only afford to steal coins so i guess that's all right man rolls at 10. now he's 12 away from the star wait what does he buy custom dice block okay he only has six coins though so oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait is he going to go to the boo right now oh looks like he's going to the boot right now and i think he could actually reach it this turn let's see the gate opens is he going to steal from me or peach let's see stealing for me of course because i have the most coins so of course he would steal from me that makes sense that does make the most sense man yoshi is using a lot of items over here minus 11. oh that's pretty big you know she's up to 17 now in first place pretty solid first place over there and gets another three coins here he can afford the star now oh man i'm 15 away if i roll a 10 i can get it you know what i might just use it this turn let's just use it this turn if we get a 10 that would be amazing an eight okay how close does that take us because that's actually pretty good but there's still a chance this is sad but there's still oh wait wait wait we're gonna be landing on an item space i was gonna say there's still a chance that we don't reach it next turn but depending on this item that we get maybe it will be guaranteed no it's this minigame the last time i played this i actually missed all of the balloons okay so let's see okay good good good good good i was hoping for the mushroom because the mushroom will give us will give us plus five so we'll be guaranteed to reach the star next turn and we could also be guaranteed to reach the boo but man we won't be able to buy and steal a star which is kind of sad hey what's luigi doing 19 away rolls in eight so he's going to be 11 away from the star which is kind of good oh oh that's down to one that's down to one right there wait am i in the path of the bowser oh i'm just to the side of it oh bonus minigame x2 this is very important it's very important that we win this one if we win this one we'll have 50. oh no i don't know if i could beat master difficulty especially on this minigame [Music] let's see [Music] let's see oh man the joystick is slipping from my hand actually that was a bad corridor there i can't see where we want to go let's see let's see let's see how is this going let's turn here i did okay i don't know if we won let's see what's our score please please no third how did yoshi do so bad oh man oh but i guess if we won the mini game it wouldn't make too much of a difference because we're going to be in like third or fourth now let's see are we in third or fourth wow let's see we are going to now be in fourth oh we are in uh dead last actually [Applause] down to the last five turns let's take a look at the current standings my plan though this is my plan my plan is to get a gold pipe from this bonus here first place yoshi second beach third luigi fourth place mario i hate the competition sunny ones game two will win that's your prediction one of our board correspondents let's see who is it who is it going to be it is the womp please pick mario mario okay give me a gold pipe bro please gold pipe please give me a gold pipe come on gold pipe gold pipe 10 coins 10 coins are you kidding me that isn't good i was hoping for a gold pipe over here i was hoping for a gold pipe petrol's an eight where does that bring her spends a few coins to go by over here ah this is not good at all oh she lands on an event space okay well i guess you guys are getting pushed back so you guys are less of a threat now oh wait just peach got pushed back okay yoshi how far away are you 18 away cursed ice block on me you know what that's actually good i want the cursed ice block used on me i don't mind that's fine go ahead and use the cursed dice block just roll a small number nine uh i'm very nervous now wait rolls uh passes by here now who does the bowser beam hit does the bowser beam hit anybody because i'm to the side so i'm luckily not getting hit by that because if this hits anyone they lose literally all of their coins so let's see i think nobody's in that path right yeah nobody's in that path that's too bad well i guess it's good that we are not there wait wait wait wait wait wait wait how far away is yoshi going to be now because he went around and then up now he's landing on a lucky space how far away is he going to be from the start let's see receive seven coins that's not bad okay let's see yoshi is 14 away and he's got a custom ice block you know what if i roll a one and i don't get the star this turn i won't be too mad three would honestly probably be the worst because we'd pass by the boo and we won't be able to afford stealing a star but at least we'd land on a red space and there might be a bonus star for most red spaces so whatever we get will be not bad one or two would be the best okay nice thanks nice okay i'm okay with this this is fine this is actually good i'm fine with that we've got 50 wait how far away is luigi luigi's 11 away oh wait duh that means that he can't reach that means i'm going to get it before him okay oh too bad the bowser beam doesn't go off now because luigi's right there and i get to go before luigi which is good so that means i'm gonna get to get the star before because i'm one away from the star now i don't think anyone can move the star ice rink rinse oh man oh man this one multiple people can win actually so let's see let's see where these guys going they're all grouped together over there where's the next uh shell gonna come from oh i thought that would make me get them whoa right over there okay let's see let's see let's see where these shells going okay one is out bro oh the third one came down and it got me and it got me into third ah man i wasn't expecting a third one to come down man usually i see that game end much sooner so i wasn't on the lookout for a third one oh man what do i even do now what do i even do man because luigi's probably going to steal a star from me actually oh man this is tough this is tough yoshi rolls a nine where does that bring him where are you going yoshi okay yoshi lanes on a lucky space what do you get here yoshi you get a double dice okay lucky you getting a double dice and how about us oh man i kind of want to roll just a one i kind of want to roll just to one because i don't want to pass by the boo yet i would love to pass by the boot after i can afford to steal a start and buy a star let's see oh okay okay okay double luck two turns in a row okay so now then spend 20 coins here we're down to 34 coins uh i don't want luigi to steal coins from me though but he probably will but you know what look at this we're we're going to land on a blue space right now and then we're going to have 40 wait did yoshi just pass by there or is he about to pass by that he just peach is about to reach that uh uh but she's also about to pass by the bank okay so if i win the next mini-game then i can afford stealing a start louise you get like a one a six that makes a pass by the boot doesn't it are you gonna steal a star from me wait steal coins okay steal coins instead of steel stars so i guess it's not too important if we win the next mini game now i guess how many coins is that 13 coins okay so i'm gonna pass by the boon i'm probably going to steal coins from luigi now oh luigi lane's on a bowser space you know what bowser's coin revolution might actually be beneficial to us right now let's see luigi's on the bowser space what's it gonna be what's it gonna be receive 1 000 coins don't mention it to anybody literally and then he runs away all right luigi oh and there might be a bonus start for who lines on the most bowser spaces and luigi's landed on a bowser space this isn't looking good the bonus stars are not looking like they are in my favor oh quicksand cash okay everybody versus luigi right now so hopefully we can get a few coins let me get that one nice wait wait actually we probably don't want too many coins because then peach will be able to peach will be able to you know what peach will be able to afford the star but yeah we already got so many coins wait wait wait wait wait i'll be able to afford stealing a star if we get enough of these get that get that get that yes yes yes okay get that yoshi get that oh i actually forgot that um yes good job peach good job peach amazing job peach 31 points i think this means that we can afford stealing a start out oh my goodness this is going so much better than i planned i actually forgot to account for that that's amazing this is amazing oh my goodness we can afford stealing this start out unless unless yoshi passes by the boo before me and steals coins okay peach roll's a four that's kind of sad she doesn't reach the star oh you know what i'll probably steal a star from peach then oh never mind never mind wait wait they both get pushed back now okay and yoshi has a double dice block is he gonna use his double dice 11 away from the star probably using the double dice now hopefully he doesn't reach the boo let's see nine and five okay so he's reaching the star not reaching the boo he could almost afford stealing a star too which is crazy to think okay pays five coins there that's all right quite a few coins are in the bank now 27 coins in the bank now let's see is he gonna land on an item space or what okay so yoshi's got two stars now man i wasn't ready for yoshi to get a second star already i like how luigi still has zero stars man that was crazy that he actually didn't choose to steal a star in that earlier part of the game where's the next star down there oh i'm heading that way so is luigi luigi's actually almost there ah luigi's very very close [Music] i can do oh wait wait wait wait wait wait ten away i can't afford to buy and steal i can't afford oh wait wait wait wait here's what i can do then i'll use the mushroom if i don't get at least a five then i steal a star otherwise i just steal coins because i would love to steal or you know what or should i try to bring yoshi down i don't know what would be better let's just see do we get at least a five we got a 10 okay so you know what i am going to steal for free then because i'm gonna steal and then i'm just gonna go buy the next star so do i steal from luigi or yoshi that's such a tough choice you know what yoshi has two stars so if we have the same number of stars at the end of the game then it's going to come down to coins so i kind of want to make sure that yoshi doesn't have too many coins so i'm going to steal from yoshi actually that's what i'm going to do okay how many coins do we get from yoshi you stole 13 from us from yoshi we get 16 okay so we stole more coins in the amount of coins that were stolen from us that's quite nice 74 coins now that's very nice so let's just go down this way yeah if we go down wait wait wait i think i'm going to be landing on the bank also so we're going to get a crazy amount of coins okay so let's do let's do let him go or maybe i should have done chase ah no but that's fine no actually maybe let maybe chase him would have been a better idea but you know what yes if i did chase him then maybe i would have been able to pass by the boo one more time huh because let's see we've got two stars that puts us up into first place and we've got 54 coins now let's see where's the next star going to i don't think i'll be able to reach the shop wait that's right by peach oh my goodness peach is so lucky that is right by princess peach she is three away so she's almost guaranteed to get that we're going this way we get these 27 coins that's quite nice it's nice that we have all these coins but man what are we gonna do with all these coins gotta make sure to stay away from the bowser beam hey luigi you must be mad now i stole the star from right under your nose 22 away okay rose is six let's see oh he heads up this okay that's why he's only 22 away because if you go up that way i wonder where the next star is going to be hopefully it goes to the same position as where it was at the beginning of the game okay what's up what goes up oh man i don't think i could beat master cpus at this one this is gonna be a very tough one let's see let's see i'll try my best let's see let's see let's go around like that okay this is going fine oh man i thought i fell let's see doing all right here oh no huge fall huge fall humongous fall bro that was so sad i felt i fell again oh bro oh boy i'm probably in last place for this mini game [Music] let's see let's see let's see yeah i am so far behind there i had two humongous balls there peach wins that's not good peach might be getting close to the boo too i don't know if she could reach the boot before the game ends but man she can't afford to steal a star so i guess it's not a humongous deal luigi can he go around and steal a star i don't know if he can maybe just 308 rolls of five it would have been funny if she actually didn't reach okay so of course she's gonna buy the star over here peaches up to two stars also man this is gonna be very intense i don't know who is going to win this one it's almost anybody's game i think it's anybody's game wait can luigi possibly win he would get the bonus star for bowser if oh oh i'm going that way i'm going that way i'm going over there that's the direction that i'm going i'm not super far from that i might be able to reach that that would actually be amazing oh it lands on the koopa bank i'm sorry peace i just stole all the coins from the bank in the previous or well i didn't steal them i guess i guess it wasn't a steal now yoshi are you going to pass by the boo but he wants a custom dice block where does he want to go he wants a nine pretty big number okay so he's passing by the boo is he gonna steal coins oh well he has to steal coins from me yeah of course stealing coins from me because i'm some pretty big competition for him right now so i stole how many i stole 16 from yoshi how many does yoshi steal back just ten okay so i've had 13 stolen from me for from luigi luigi stole 13 from me no yoshi stole 10. so let's see where does he land oh just a regular blue spot is it a hidden block okay not a hidden block now how far away are we nine away oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man as long as it's not a one it's still possible that we get another star before the game ends six would be very nice i honestly wouldn't even mind seven as long as it's not like lose a star give me like six or seven or more no oh man now we're seven away from the star one how far away are the others wait what do we get from here give me uh ah double dice would have been great i would have loved double dice so much hold on how far away is luigi 18 away wait wait wait rolls is seven so he's eleven wait hold on can i check how far away the others are um i don't know if anyone else can reach this star before me i don't think that anyone can reach this star before me yeah like if i don't reach the star luigi might be able to reach it with this double dice but where's peach peach is way up there yoshi is on the right side uh so yeah let's just see what the mini game is i guess paths of peril okay we've got to focus and we've got to play perfectly we need intense focus over here uh oh okay i'm ready i'm ready let's go left let's see go up here oh don't fall go like that down that i fell i thought i felt like i like him okay uh looks like everyone else is also falling though so maybe this will be okay let's go left now okay someone fell again i let go for a second someone fell again let's go like this what how did they make it to the end already how did they make it to the end already i swear they fell more than once oh man i guess maybe some packs are longer and some paths are shorter because i had some pretty long paths over there uh oh all right it is the final turn good luck princess peach whenever you roll doesn't really matter okay petrol's in nine where is she going chooses to go there to the regular blue spot and no hidden block yoshi whatever you roll doesn't really matter he gets an eight okay so he's passing wait wait wait he's not landing on an event panel is he thank goodness thank goodness he's not landing on an event panel because i think that would push all of us back okay now i've gotta roll at least a seven because i'm seven away from this star [Music] well maybe there'll be a hidden block here with the star wouldn't that be nice that would be nice wouldn't it wouldn't it if we got a ah that's too bad okay oh uh luigi might actually reach the star let's see because he's 11 away so let's see eight and three he exactly got the number that he needed oh my goodness imagine if uh luigi actually ends up winning this game luigi actually has a chance at coming back now because hold on wait wait 73 how many coins well yeah because the lucky space is only going to give coins now because it's the final turn so the options are probably 10 15 or 20. so he's going to have a similar amount of coins to me so let's see everyone has two stars except for luigi well wherever the star goes right now doesn't matter because this is the final turn so let's see oh peach would have been able to get that if there's one more turn in the game so it's nice that the game is going to be ending now how many coins does luigi get 20 so luigi actually has the most coins right now so if luigi gets one more if luigi gets one more bonus star than me then he can actually win okay what's our final tackle take down i love this one okay okay okay time to kick it to yoshi let's see let's see gotta be very careful here gotta be very careful here it's master difficulty they're sneaky these are some sneaky guys over here where's this yoshi going where are you going bro where are you going bro huh where are you going bam let's go let's go take you down that yoshi he didn't even use any of his dashes maybe he was scared to use his dashes because he didn't want to waste them but man we played very very defensively there that was quite nice it's all going to come down to this now oh there's great job everyone time to announce the final results who win it all all right let's see it all comes down to the bonuses i don't think i can let anyone get more bonuses than me i have to get at least one bonus start and i can't let anyone else get at least two let's see rich bonus that might be me because wait oh that might actually be luigi wait but i landed on the bank bro i landed on the bank i got 27 coins from the bank so maybe that'll be me let's see and the bonus goes to please be mario okay okay okay okay okay okay okay i don't know if this is a guaranteed win now is this a guaranteed win let's see because i have three stars now luigi has only one peach and yoshi have two i think i have more coins than peach and yoshi now eventful bonus i think that goes to either peach or yoshi or both of them let's see [Music] peach okay it goes to peach so peach has three stars but i think her coins are in the 30s so i think luigi's in fourth then it's yoshi then peach then mario i think that's the ranking so i win i think so so luigi's out first okay now next it's gonna be yoshi because he has only two stars very nice oh and i didn't even uh need to get that seven and get that start on the final turn that's quite nice okay now let's see is peach out goodbye peach mario wins all right mario's the superstar [Music] oh man that's such a huge relief i was very very worried when we didn't get a seven over there to reach that star over there but man i think there were a lot of possibilities with the bonus stars that could have made it so that we didn't win we have a lot more coins than peach over here but look at this yoshi would have gotten most items bought star most items used star most spaces traveled star oh i could have gotten leaf spaces traveled star and red spaces would have gone to yoshi and peach and bowser spaces would have gone to luigi so yoshi could have gotten a lot of bonuses i'm actually surprised that he didn't get any but man that was uh quite the close game very happy that we won that one all right time for board number three this is a super fun one peach's birthday cake even though peach is here hopefully she doesn't win this board yeah we do not want princess peach to win this one even though it is her birthday cake first we'll decide to turn order give peach a small number yes okay okay we gotta die so that's amazing okay it is great being first in this board because if we keep getting big numbers we might get to the piranha planes first we can steal coins from the other people plant piranha plants get this star man this is just fantastic i'm loving how this is going here's a star make sure to collect coins as you make way over here all right so on this board this star is always in the exact same place so what's really important is just rolling very big numbers basically okay so we just got a big roll for deciding the turn order so i'd love another big roll let's see a five wait that takes me just past the event panels ah i don't know about that i kind of would have liked to plant some strawberries let's see what's luigi going to roll a three wait does that let him reach here okay so luigi can plant some strawberries here he's probably going to right let's see yeah he pays five points to plant a strawberry there but at least he's a bit well he's only two spaces farther back so that's not a big deal let's see how about yoshi what are you gonna do are you gonna give some coins to luigi or are you going somewhere else where is he gonna go a five okay same spot as me that's fine that's fine i don't mind that if peach also rolls a five that would be okay or a one or two i think let's see peach what are you gonna roll a two okay okay is that just a regular blue spot don't be a hidden block don't be a hidden block okay great start to the game so far amazing start to the game so far very happy with this okay and everybody versus luigi in this mini game can we win can we win what is it look away oh no oh no oh no i'm so scared master cpus are phenomenal at this game [Music] okay good good good he didn't get any of us in the first round that's very nice okay round two at least one of us have to survive all five rounds [Music] oh you got yoshi this isn't good this isn't good mario looks so angry at yoshi [Music] okay good we all looked to the right oh man this is scary [Music] oh and beach is looking the same way no man i tried to look away also i wanted to do it at the very last second but i was too late i couldn't do it that's so sad oh man okay luigi gets some oh that puts luigi into first place i like that everyone else has 13 coins very close games so far oh wait but luigi's the only one that has landed on an event panel so far alright so let's go ahead and roll a three oh okay we are landing over here so you know what i am going to plant some strawberries here let's do it i really hope people land here because everyone is behind me right now so there is a chance that they do land here so i would love if that happened i'd love if these guys landed here luigi get a one two three four or five ah he just passes by me that's so sad lands on the lucky space game what do you get on the lucky space let's see ten points okay so luigi can afford this star securing his first place position right now you should get a two or three please two or three ah man that's not great he loses some coins but it doesn't really matter there might also be a bonus star for most red spaces okay please land on mine wait do you land on mine please do hooray princess beach lands here so i get a few coins from her now how many please give me a lot how many is that seven yeah not bad wait oh okay i thought that my piranha plant was gone is it still there i don't know if my piranha plant is still there hey what's the mini game okay yoshi and i versus luigi and peach what are we gonna play now eat the pizza okay let's eat some pizza over here and we're playing against master cpu so they might be good i really hope that yoshi plays well yo so you better play well yoshi let's see man they're burning through that pizza like crazy let's see let's see let's see let's see kind of close but i think we got this one i think this one is ours there we go there we go okay with five seconds left it's great playing along with the master cpu and we get ten for that okay so we are tied with luigi in first now which is fantastic and we can afford this star which is even more amazing [Music] all right now where are we going it would be so funny if we got a four or five oh or even an eight or nine and then luigi landed on those spots okay so let's roll a five okay okay okay okay so you know what i am in fact going to plant a strawberry here we are making a strawberry monopoly over here all right so if anyone lands here then i'll get a few coins from them i kind of hope luigi gets there get uh two or three please ah six that's so sad wait can he go find his strawberries now yeah luigi can plant some more strawberries now it's very sad sad times today oh wait i think that means luigi has landed on two event panels i think i've also landed on two so if there's a bonus star for most event spaces then luigi and i would be tied hey go ahead and roll yoshi a one wait a minute wait a minute that one is empty so is he going to plant some strawberries there okay yoshi playing some strawberries there so it looks like this entire path down here is all filled with piranha plants now hey princess peach i kind of hope she lands on my spot again get a four or five that would be hilarious a three ah that's so sad if she gets a one or two next turn then she does pay me even more coins which would be funny though okay let's see four player mini game what will it be what will it be it is trace race this is a very very tough one okay and it looks very squiggly over here so let's see how we can do just focus just focus just focus just focus just focus circle go up a little mistake there okay just go like this down up down okay my ending was a little sloppy especially that uh i don't know i don't know if we win this one or how did we do i don't know i didn't i don't feel like i did great 95. oh tied in first okay okay that's not bad there were a few little mistakes there i'm surprised that we still got a 95 i'm actually very surprised that we still did that well okay so peach gets up into third place i'm in first place with 30 coins now which is quite nice okay so give me a good roll 10 away from the start if we just roll a 10 that might be pretty great i also wouldn't mind a six or seven six seven or ten would be the best okay nice seven okay sure i'll happily take that okay so we land on a lucky space now which is very nice now what are the options i don't know if double dice or mushroom would be better i'd probably like double dice or mushroom the most okay double dice very nice very nice all right hopefully that double dice gives us a good roll when we use it hey go ahead luigi's seven away rolls is six oh that's so sad lion's legit blue hopefully no hidden blood don't be a hidden block no don't be a star don't be a star anything but a star okay good good good good okay and only six coins so that's very good oh man oh man hey yoshi what do you roll and eight where does that bring you does that take him past these oh just past it okay he's just in between the peach get a one or two yo she's just in between the piranha plants three that's so sad she just passes by i would have loved some coins from princess peach okay what's our mini game now four player mini game again man the four player mini games against master cpus are so hard trapeze artist oh man this one is kind of luck based we have to drop at the right moment to get as many goombas as possible let's see man there's like no goombas going into my going into my spot come on i got only four i think there might have been a moment with five but man that's super unlucky it's like all of the goombas were like a magnet for peach they were like all heading towards princess peach oh man okay third place uh i wait a minute i saw all the gold goombas heading towards princess peach at the start how did she only get two points i guess she didn't catch any of the gold goombas man i wish there's a way to lure the goombas toward you okay so peach is in last now luigi's in first i'm in second oh man yoshi's in third here turn number five [Music] now then do i want to use the item what i kind of don't want to do i don't want to land on the event space i really want to pass by the shop i would kind of love to pass by the shop so you know what i think i'll actually ah do i use the double dice or roll normally that is the question i'll roll normally two okay wait a minute that's actually maybe good cause now luigi is going to be guaranteed a star yeah so he's going to buy the star right now so this is all right luigi buys to start wait wait he's probably going to be able to buy another star soon because this is turn five so after this turn someone is going to be selected as uh the possible winner so they're going to be given some kind of prize and if you're in first place they're guaranteed to not select you so if someone else gets a star then maybe it's possible that they'll select me because right now i'm not in first kind of hoping someone else reaches the star eight away rose is seven that's so sad on the same spot as me all right princess peach what about you here we go what are you going to roll get a nine and eight why do we all keep ending up on the same spot what is going on okay bonus mini game double coins this one is very important for us to win oh everybody versus luigi and you know what luigi's in first right now see what is it hide and sneak pure luck based one pure luck based oh my goodness it's like we hide and at least one person has to survive all the rounds you know what let's go behind the bushes i think the bushes are a good place to go let's see don't pick the bushes bro oh i thought he was gonna go to the bushes oh man oh he actually found nobody all right two more rounds to go but you know what in the final round it might be that all three of us go to the same place and then he might just catch all of us all at once okay so i'm behind the bushes again don't go to the bushes don't go okay good rock is anyone at the rock just princess peach okay now it's just yoshi and i okay the last time i was in a situation like this where i picked the same spot twice in a row the cpu did pick the same spot that i was hiding in both times so this time i'm actually gonna go behind the tree bro oh thank goodness okay so at least i survived okay yoshi's there thank goodness i didn't go to the bushes the third time if i went to the bushes the third time we would have lost okay but we do win this one so we get an extra 20 coins which is quite nice quite nice and we are in second place over here so it is possible that we are selected as the winner here five turns are left so let's see toad down to the last five church let's take a look at the current standings and who is going to be selected as the winner from the board prediction let's see it'd be hilarious if they pick me but they normally pick yeah they normally pick someone in fourth sometimes someone in third a warp block that could be extremely trolly sometimes now that we're in the home stretch no space will give you six right will make you lose six if two players land on the same face the door won't be good sell anyone's game just keep trying your best don't give up all right we probably want to use the double dice block here and i would love to get at least an eight we definitely don't want a six and i'd love to pass by the flower lottery 19 would be nice 18 would be nice 17 would be nice [Music] let's see what we get 19 18 or 17 would be great if we get the bowser path nine and then okay okay we actually got the 19 one of the biggest rolls that we could get well one less than the biggest role that that we can get with a double dice so if we get the bowser path when we go to the flower lottery over here then we'll be extremely lucky let's see if things work out perfectly let's see how this goes okay oh wait they say we've updated our inventory wait do they not have gold pipes i thought that they'd have gold pipes they said we updated our inventory now then triple dice or custom dice block that's the question you know i'm gonna go for a triple dice because that can roll up to 30 and you know what that might just really really come in clutch when we really need it so we're gonna take that and hopefully the flower lottery lets us go across to the right oh yeah we pay ten points wait and we're probably gonna have to pay some coins as we pass by bowser so you know what i'm gonna take the default seed let's go please let me take the bowser path i want the bowser path i want the bowser path ah that's so sad not the bowser path well at least we get some coins for passing by this way it's funny that mario's happy when he goes by like that oh oh that's just a blue spot okay so someone lands on the event panel that's up at the top then they'll basically go to the same spot as me wait why would you use a custom dice block here because you don't know if you're going the bowser path or the other path so it's kind of weird that he used a custom dice block right now unless maybe both options are good for him if he goes to either way let's see he gets the flower path so that means that he goes down so that means luigi's pretty far back from me oh versus face on he has zero coins that's actually so lucky for him because even if he loses oh wait he actually gets three coins but yeah even if luigi loses there's like a very small loss for him he only loses three coins everyone else is paying in 10 coins so let's see how this goes what do we have snowball summit please bowser's big blast oh my goodness luck based video game gear look oh my goodness okay we are third so hopefully someone can get up before us hopefully someone gets out before us and we survive if luigi gets out right away that would be perfect okay luigi please get out one in four chance that luigi gets out what do you choose luigi picks the default one and yes luigi is out okay okay okay because now we have better odds of surviving because if luigi didn't get out then it would be a one in three chance that we get out but right now it's a one in four chance that we get out you know i'm gonna go for this one it's not gonna be the same one twice in a row is it come on [Music] no that's so sad that's so sad oh man [Applause] okay so it looks like peach and yoshi are getting some more toys oh man that's so sad okay yeah she picks the purple one are you out or no just let him get out okay good he's out i just want to get out of this video game we lost already okay so it looks like princess peach gets the most coins out of this yoshi gets some i don't know if luigi and i get any coins at all let's see oh cool i got three coins peach gets 23. man that's a lot for peach okay i still can't afford this star yet you know what i'm kind of tempted to use the triple dice block next turn actually because if i get some humongous rolls i'll actually get close to the start yoshi's one away from the star rolls a one okay so he spends his 20 coins he is also joining the one star club wait that puts uh yoshi into first place actually but as soon as peach buys her star she's going to be in first place and peace has got a warp block oh man she's definitely not using it now that would be so silly but wait are you a fool are you a fool please be me are you a full princess speech you let me get us i have to win the minigame actually if i don't win the upcoming mini game then i can't buy this star and that will be incredibly sad because peach basically gave me a star if i can win this mini game i hope so much that i can win this mini game be a coin mini game be a coin bonus mini game please because that would be incredible castaways okay i need six coins i need just six i am horrible at this minigame all i need is six coins okay i'm on the far right so i should be able to grab something just give me one of those okay went too early that's fine that's fine that's fine that's fine all i need go go oh no that's not what i wanted to do that's not what i wanted to do oh my goodness all i need is six coins just six let's see let's grab a chest you know what i'm going for the money bag okay that's way too early that's way too early oh boy oh boy oh boy i just need six coins that's all i need just six just six if we can get six coins please no no no please if i could get one chest i'm getting a star that's all that matters okay let's see let's see let's see how about now please please please please please yes yes yes i don't care how many coins we get as long as i get these ten points here okay we get the start we get the star peach thank you wait why did it release so slowly that was so weird i've never seen something like that before i've only ever gone for the back shelf let's see let's try again i don't know if we'll get it okay can i reel it in in time come on come on come on bro i could have really did oh my goodness oh my goodness that's so sad i could have gotten 20. everyone got a ridiculous amount of coins here i only got 10 but that's okay because all that i need is ted i am so happy with those 10 coins there i'm so happy it wasn't a four player mini game that i lost oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man this is unbelievable okay four turns left my goodness one away from the start thank you so much for using the warp block peach when you have one spot away from the star and i guess i'll roll normally a one oh and that means i get to duel yoshi too okay all right so i'm finding the start i'm only gonna have four coins left you know what i might as well duel yoshi for all of my coins it doesn't matter too much but at least we'll get a few more points if we win okay so let's do it wait do i get the six coins now oh i don't think i get the six coins until after okay so you know what i'm gonna duel i'm gonna wager all four coins that i have let's go yoshi mario looks like he is just ready to duel yo she's a little cautious over here all right what's our duel master difficulty please be the swinging ropes one oh man i don't know if i can win this one i actually don't know if i can win this one okay oh man i'm hit let's see where are we going next oh just don't get hit just don't get hit don't get hit okay let's see let's see let's see go down there go up here there and go like this to avoid those go like that go over here go here don't get hit don't get hit oh miss all the bonuses good job good job uh miss literally all of the speed boosts miss just i'm i'm avoiding the speed boost why am i doing that wait who won who won the winner oh my goodness that was so close i was actually so unbelievably close i didn't realize that i was so close to yoshi man okay well it's only eight coins it's not that big of a deal it's literally all of my coins but it's not that big of a deal i am just so lucky that princess peach used that wart block there and it was me that was the that had to have been the most f weighed a minute chance time uh oh wait if i get another start this will be the best game of peach's birthday cake ever this will just be absolutely amazing 30 coins okay ah to yoshi who gives 30 points to yoshi bro i already gave the yoshi like all my coins in the duel why are you making me give him even more coins bro he's got enough he's got 79 coins bro all right yoshi what are you gonna do now are you gonna pass by the shop oh rolls just a two what okay just a regular blue tile don't be a hidden block okay good peach land on one of my flowers wait is that one of mine who owns that one ah that's yoshi's why do we keep giving coins to yoshi does yoshi not have enough coins already does he or she not have enough she's got 95 points man i have to win this game based on stars all right everyone versus peach in this mini game at least i have other master cpus on my team what do we have piranha pursuit oh my goodness this is one where it's like whoever's on this skateboard they almost have a guaranteed win even if they make mistakes i've never seen i don't think i've ever seen the team of three be the master cpu i i don't know what you're supposed to i know that you ground pound here and then you want the water to get onto pd kirana but i don't know if you're supposed to go insane i don't know if you're supposed to go in sync so that the rain is always coming down or if you want the rain to specifically go on pd piranha to give him a speed boost but yeah it just doesn't seem like we can do a good job at oh ah what we actually won oh man the whole game i'm talking about how there's no way that we could win but we actually won how did we catch a master cpu on a skateboard how did we do that well hey either way i'm glad to have these 10 points because that means when i pass by a shop now i can buy another item and that's just lovely do i use the triple dice block now wait i'm 25 away from the star which is crazy it means with the triple dice i could actually reach the start this turn depending on what way we go but i wouldn't be able to afford it so you know what here's what i want i want [Music] uh nine or ten would be great but at least a seven let's see nine or ten would be great but give me at least a seven four okay yeah wait okay i was worried that it would be the vent panel give me a hidden block ah that's so sad don't land on the bowser space okay good wait do you land on one of my piranha plants maybe it would be great if you landed on one of my piranha plants that would make me quite happy whose is that oh it's just an empty one okay so luigi can plant some more here oh he chooses to plant a small one instead of a large one understandable because he doesn't have a huge amount of coins yes now let's see let's see yoshi go ahead and roll oh land on me please do me i want some coins back ah that's so sad it's just the lucky space here and what do you get give him seven coins ten coins okay yeah like look at all these coins that yoshi has he's probably getting the rich star if that's one of the bonus stars peach is 15 away rolls of six wait who owns these i thought that she would give me some coins i wanted her to give me coins so much that's so sad okay i'm probably going to pass by the shop again maybe i'll buy a warp block if i pass by this shop i could get quite lucky with that okay roll call let's do some counting okay one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 okay i see 21 let's put up 21 and let's recount okay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty one twenty two wait a count of twenty three now what in the world one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty one twenty two yeah i see twenty two now okay one or three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty one twenty two yeah i've got twenty two right now okay i'm gonna stay at 22 then i guess i must have missed a few for the first count because i wait neither of them have none of them have 22 they've got 21 and 23 am i the sole winner or am i off by one or two okay i have the soul winner everyone else has died in second that's great that was actually the best turnout possible for this mini game well i guess maybe if they weren't all tied in second maybe if there's someone in third or fourth and they wouldn't have gotten some coins but that's pretty good i'm happy with this i'm very happy with how this is going two turns left all right let's use our triple dice block let's see where this takes us let's see three five and four okay not a huge number just a 12 that's fine okay now what do we buy that is the question hmm because that isn't a humongous roll that we got there we could take the triple dice block you know what i think the triple dice block is the best choice because if we get the bowser path then bowser is going to take some points from us and we won't be able to afford the start but if we get this path then we can if we get the flower path then we can actually get a few more coins and maybe we'll possibly be able to afford this star let's take the second seed this time let's see do we get some luck do we get to have the happy flower path the time that i want the happy flower path okay cool this time we get the happy flower path instead of the bowser path all right so oh wait where do we land though oh okay okay we landed on a red k we've lost all of our coins oh it's possible that i get a one and i land on shan's time that would be quite funny and where does luigi left wait wait wait yes yes yes yes please be more than ten coins please be more than ten ten or more please ten okay so if i win the next mini game then i have twenty oh wait but we get 10 points for passing by the koopa troopa anyways wait i'm pretty sure there's a koopa trooper that pays you coins right okay and yes she passes by his shop what is he buying spends 10 coins on also a triple dice ball it's possible that yoshi can reach the star next turn oh man that's not good that's not good that is in fact very bad it's very bad yoshi might be able to get another star peach rolls is seven okay so she doesn't reach the star yet oh if a peach has zero stars how did that happen how did she not get his oh yeah because she used the warp block that was kind of funny okay what is the match up here okay yoshi and i versus luigi and peach yoshi let's go speed hockey oh man oh oh it's this one i was thinking it's a different one okay this one might be extremely difficult on master difficulty i'm actually terrified oh man that was such an easy point for them okay sorry yoshi i think we're losing this one i'm so sorry i'll try my best but i don't know how well i can do here oh man okay okay one one it's close it's close [Music] oh how are you master cpus bro okay come on yoshi come on yoshi let's go bro let's go let's go bro let's go let's go let's go come on come on come on give him that give him that give him that give him that no no it all comes down to this it's not win by two this is the final point whoever scores no that was so anti-climactic is such a slow point getting in there okay that's fine that's fine this is all right this is all right this is going to go fine let's see we're still in first place oh man it's gonna come down to the bonus stars final turn so 26 to the star we might not be able to reach it we might be able to reach it if we get three humongous rolls then we can reach it six i think i need yeah i need two tens now which there's a very slim chance of that happening at three so i can't reach that's such a small number i rolled a ten okay where does that take okay well at least i got ten points for passing by here why do i pay some coins to someone else now what's going to happen uh i pay some points to luigi but you know what i actually don't mind too much because it's like i landed on another event panel there might be a bonus server who lands on the most event panels so that's all right i'm okay with that luigi's also landed on a lot of event panels he's 11 away from the start good thing that he doesn't roll a good thing that he does i was worried that he would get a hidden block there i was so scared good thing that he didn't get a one okay what about yoshi yo she might actually uh reach another start nine four and six he can reach the star can't he let's see where is he going where are you going bro okay there's only one seat wait does that mean that he's guaranteed to get the bowser path because i don't think anyone got the bowser path yet with this batch yeah so i think that means yoshi's getting another star so yoshi's going to be in first place going into the final mini game which is absolutely terrifying the bonus stars are going to be very very important yeah yoshi pays 20 coins for nothing gets hit in the head with that rock cake there but that doesn't really matter he doesn't really care because he spends 20 coins and he gets another star right now oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man [Applause] [Music] yo she's in first place he has a lot more coins than i have so i have to get more bonus stars than yoshi if i want to win oh peach is too away girl's just the one that's actually so sad for peach but that's actually uh great for us because that's one more character that we don't have to worry about as much okay four player mini game what is it gonna be it's all gonna come down to the bonus stars mario's puzzle party okay okay okay okay let's go let's go let's go i'm going to use a crazy strategy hopefully it works okay though let's see what do we have green okay that's fine let's put that one down there put that one down there ah no i didn't mean to do that okay let's put one down here let's put one down here one down here one down here let's see i'd love to oh no i want to start to get some combos bro bro bros you gotta give me some compost boys come on bros where are the combos at where the composite shrink that any combos come on bros where are the combos at where the combos at give me some combos come on oh wait two players are already eliminated that's actually kind of funny okay let's go here any combos let's see come on all i care about is just getting combos i gotta get a bunch of combos where are the combos at let's go like that that'll be a few combos it's nice that right now we're kind of only playing against one person ah he got a hundred okay we're in seconds eh i guess it doesn't really matter too much it would have been nice if we came in first but oh well that's fine alternatively great job everyone it's time to announce find a result now who win it all first let's go over the bonuses the first bonuses if we get this one that's amazing if yoshi gets any then we're basically done for sightseer bonus this month for the tripping player traveled to most spaces that might be yoshi because he got a humongous role in the last turn please don't be yoshi please be mario if it's mario that's amazing yes okay okay okay now if the second bonus star doesn't go to yoshi then we win as long as it doesn't go to yoshi i'm so happy what's the second bonus bowser face bonus wait a minute i think nobody landed on bowser spaces so i think that means we win is that right no one got the bonus let's go let's go that brings us to our final announcement and the winner is okay so who's in last is it peach i think peach is in last okay now luigi no yoshi gets eaten right and then mario wins let's see come on eat yoshi eat yoshi eat yoshi there we go my goodness what an incredible game so many ups and downs and this game is honestly all thanks to princess peach using that warp block at the silliest possible time she was right in front of the star and she used the warp bluff how silly was that how lucky were we there oh my goodness wow three stars two stars one star zero star from first place to fourth place so yeah we would have gotten the bonus star for most items bought most items used oh we had 69 spaces moved so we did get that one yoshi could have gotten the bonus start for most red spaces which is scary oh luigi would have gotten bonus star for most event spaces and thankfully no one got the bonus start for most bowser spaces um what luck we had there next up is woody woods this is an absolutely fantastic level this has to be one of my favorite boards yoshi's tropical island is a beautiful one and this is a great level also and there can be quite a lot of luck when it comes to this board because the star can go to so many different places all right let's see let's get a big roll no we are the only one that got a small role okay well hopefully that means that we'll be able to get big roles for the rest of the game that would be nice because in this level this is the level where big roles are often pretty important wait okay so toadette's over there okay so we are going to want to head over to the left so if we get a big roll this turn and a big roll next turn then that'll be fantastic and if no one lands on the event panel all right so luigi is starting off let's see where does he go he gets ah just the one you full wait that's an item space that's not good that's actually not good i don't want him having items oh he he didn't get an item that's great okay all right it's like i spoke too soon lucky start so far okay peach if you also don't get an item that would just be too funny let's see what do you get peach gets a skeleton key that is actually terrifying and horrifying in this board because you could use that to go up to the boo possibly yoshi gets a nice big number passing by the shop of course and landing on the lucky space spending five coins on a double dice block yoshi could not have gotten a better role than that and let's see what does he get here don't be item bag 15 coins oh my goodness and he can afford this star yoshi might actually be getting the star next turn oh my goodness that luck is unreal also give me an eight oh my goodness okay okay all right we also get you know let's do the same thing as yoshi let's do the exact same thing we'll also take a double dice block we're gonna be landing on the lucky space and if we can get to this star before yoshi somehow that'd be crazy like well first of all we need some coins here we need some coins give me 15 coins 15 coins please no i don't want this skeleton key i want 15 coins that's so sad so sad oh man so it's very likely that yoshi's reaching that start before we do and what's our first mini game snowball summit okay okay okay let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go do you mash a or match b oh you match b to make a snowball oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no let's play defensively that's not defensively okay someone's already out let's see let's see bam let's see let's see let's see oh peach don't come to me don't come to me peach don't go for me bro don't go for me bro don't go for me peach don't go for me beach peach peach peach why are you doing this let's go who are we going for bro i'm a bit scared of that large ball that you've got okay you did great yoshi i'm so proud of you now then can we get out yoshi like this can we stun lock him out of here can we get him out like this will he have any defense against this strategy over here yoshi i don't want you to get that star so i've got to get you out like this i'm sorry bro sorry to do you like this yoshi but i gotta get you out of there yoshi i gotta be the one to get the stars mario's gotta win these boards here how lovely is that ten points we still can't afford this star yoshi's the only one that can afford this star and he's got a double dice block and the arrow's going to be pointing the right way ah man this is very very scary i kind of hope one of these guys land on the event panel wait an eight no that's right before the event panel i think spends ten coins on a triple dice block luigi's making a big investment right now yeah it's too bad that he didn't get a nine if peach gets a nine that might actually be good will you get a nine ah just a six i wanted a nine not a six oh and she chooses wait wait wait wait wait there's chance time up here isn't there is she landing on chance time or is chance time one more in front of her oh just a lucky space okay but she does use her item there uses her skeleton key and she gets don't be item bag custom dice block all right hey that might be handy that might be handy at least her skeleton key is going i guess that's kind of good yo she go ahead and roll you're using your double dice block on you are you getting the 14 please don't please don't five and six eleven he doesn't reach he doesn't reach but he lands on another lucky space but he's gonna have to get a small roll if we want him to not reach the star okay how far away am i 14 away i'm not gonna risk using the double dice block i've got to get at least a three i need at least a three give me at least a three a nine okay okay pretty big number and if i go this way i get to get an item so you know what i've got to go here and we've got to start using our items you know this is actually good that we're getting all these items well well first of all we actually have to make sure that we do in fact get an item i might actually get nothing from this mini game so i'm pretty sure you want to press a right when the light is over the item that you want and there we go we did get it we did get the custom dice block very nice that's what i was aiming for i was hoping for either that one or the mushroom because if you aim for the mushroom and you're off by one then the things on either side of the mushroom are good but i just went for the custom dice block i wouldn't have wanted to get another key that would not have been good all right now what color am i okay everyone is blue so we've got a four player minigame what is it what is it what is it what is it what is it bumper balloon cars this is so intense okay where am i i'm on the bottom right i'm in the yellow car let's go let's go let's go who do we go for first don't come for me don't come for me don't come for me bro okay oh it's me and yoshi it's me and yoshi the ultimate showdown never turn your back on an opponent yoshi do not dare turning your back on an opponent yoshi don't you dare oh oh oh he's turning his back on the phone and never turn your back on a devoted yoshi man yoshi is just being so difficult in this board over here it is unreal oh my goodness he wants to be such a challenger he's so close to this start and both times he was in second place in the mini games trying to get first place over here all right there's a very good chance of yoshi getting this star this turn he needs to roll more than a one or a two but peach is also one away from chancellor yeah like that look luigi roll the two yoshi why don't you also roll a two just like that pete's roll of one roll of one i kind of hope you get a one a five okay so she lands on a red space there might be a bonus star for most reds yoshi please get a one or two please get a one or two okay okay okay that's nice that's very very nice okay and he chooses to buy a mushroom ah too bad he didn't have that much in the turn before this one ah yoshi oh no no don't be a star okay just coins just coins this is all right wait yo she might be able to afford to steal a star that wouldn't be good okay you know what i'm five away i could use the double dice block but i'm actually i think i'm gonna use the custom dice buck and you know what this is so tough i could choose to roll a five or six if i want to land on a lucky space i can choose to roll an 8 if i want to land on an event space because there might be a bonus star for most event spaces or i could choose to roll a 10 and land on a red because there might be a bonus star for most reds and there also might be a bonus there for most spaces traveled so getting a 10 right now might actually help but we don't know where this star is going to go so maybe i don't want to land on this event space over here maybe i want to stay back a bit so you know what let's do this let's do this let's roll a six that way we pass this star we oh oh and we could buy something wait how many coins do we have oh i'm definitely not buying a plunder chest or a chump i buy chum call i can't afford this star wait but i'm landing on a lucky space so i don't know you know what i will get the mushroom it's only three coins it's not that big of a deal we can still afford this star and if i get a better item i can just throw away an item that isn't as good so let's do this we are going to get this star stealing it from right under yoshi's nose yoshi's one spot away from the star poor yoshi okay toadette where are you going to next let's see oh all the way up there okay so it's actually very good that i have a skeleton key [Music] and it's very good that i didn't roll an eight or a ten because we're going to want to continue to the left okay let's see what item do we want what item do we want don't want chomp call 10 coins would probably be the best let's see okay all right look at this luck my goodness okay so next turn i might use the mushroom i really hope we could win this mini game one verse three mini game we could win this we get some more coins that's amazing skewer scurry oh man oh man okay at least one of us have to survive and i have to remember this is a master cpu man i don't like the layout of these blocks at all okay let's see where are you going peach okay all right oh poor yoshi okay peach is only going one way okay never mind now where oh and i think we win yeah let's go everyone except for yoshi survived you she does still get the coins because he's on our team okay this game is going amazingly i'm starting to get excited i'm starting to get hopeful of how this will go oh my goodness i'm at 22 coins i can afford the next star already oh my goodness oh my goodness i started off with such bad luck being the person to go forth and you know what in some boards like in yoshi's tropical island it doesn't really matter if you're first or second or third or fourth when you roll oh my goodness leaves you 57 away such bad luck okay but he lands on the lucky space but he does have a triple dice that can make him go pretty far and he gets another 10 points okay so luigi can afford a star now there we go and i've still got to worry about yoshi yoshi might be able to reach the start before me okay he's just passing by the bank right maybe he's just passing by the bank over here i've got to be careful to not lose a bunch of coins in a versus minigame or something like it might be like bowser's big blast or something that you have no control over because it's a pure luck minigame you never know oh my goodness peach gets an item back so she gets two more items now because she's already holding one so her three items fill up she gets a mushroom is that a double star card you know what i'm actually okay with her getting a double star card right now because she has only six coins so i'm really hoping that she isn't able to use that card if she can use that card she can really turn around the game okay yoshi where are you going don't land on the event space in front of me no matter what don't land on the event space wait does he land on the event space does he like thank goodness he makes it just past oh my goodness i'm not even upset that he landed on a red you know what i'm gonna use the double dice this turn and then i'll probably use the mushroom next turn because for me it doesn't matter too much what way the arrows are pointing up ahead wait wait wait but i unless i get double ones if i get double ones i'm in huge trouble okay good i didn't get double ones nine and two okay nice so eleven over here you have to go kind of far and we just land on a normal blue here that's fine that's fine and then the arrow is going to be switching over to the right so i might just roll normally next turn everyone versus yoshi here i hope we could win this one because she's got a lot of coins i don't want him getting more coins okay so we've all got a shiny light on yoshi let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go oh i'm the slowest one too yoshi where you going where are you going where are you going down here down here everybody it's down here oh where's he going where is he going where he's going over here over here over here ah how are you so good at diving yoshi let's see let's see come on luigi where are you going yoshi up here up here guys up here guys come on luigi oh oh he actually pulled me and no how could he pop out there yoshi might actually win this one my goodness my goodness yoshi actually won well you know what in a way i guess it's all right that peach isn't getting coins because we want to make sure that peach isn't getting very many coins because she has the double star card but man that yo she's starting to become a force to be afraid of i was gonna say a force to be reckoned with because that's what people often say when they say someone is a force all right turn number five we are almost half done the game and we're in a pretty good place right now we're in a pretty good place luigi's deciding to use his triple dice block wants to get in some big rolls maybe he rolls in 18. heading past the bank over here paying in three coins luigi can is still afford to start oh he lands on the lucky space and he's gonna be passing by the shop and starting next turn they're going to have gold pipes okay and luigi gets 10 coins over here so he can buy a gold pipe for 25 coins but then he'd only have 10 coins left what about peach where are you going peach rolls is seven she lands with just a normal blue space don't be a hidden block good hey yoshi where are you going where are you going get like a one seven huh where is he brought oh he chooses to go to the lucky space instead of the bowser space that's good and he gets his skeleton key which is scary i don't want him heading up to the boo and he's gonna be passing by the shopkin now what do i do that is the question if i get a 10 if i roll a 10 then i can get this star this turn so you know what i don't want to start this turn actually i actually don't want to start this turn i'm just going to roll normally whatever we get is fine a nine oh my goodness oh my goodness i'm like i don't want a ten i don't want to get this star this turn okay so let's unlock this yes we're gonna head up here so we are almost guaranteed to get the star next turn unless like luigi is given a gold pipe or something or yoshi's given a gold pipe okay let's go up here then and let's see a hidden block would be great no hidden ball okay but bonus mini games would be very nice to win this yeah i didn't want to get this started this turn because if i got it this turn then they would move somewhere else and then someone else might be able to get it to oh my goodness okay we really have to pay attention here really have to see what way we go there is some luck involved in this one so let's see let's see try the first door is anyone going down yo she went down okay okay i think yoshi went through this door right is that the one yes okay that is the one let's see where next okay okay nice nice nice i made it down all right all right i'm on the bottom floor first okay do i win no no no no no no no no no yeah let's go let's go first oh bad yo she had a close second over there man you know that's the thing sometimes you can get lucky and be the first person to get to the second last row and then getting out of the exit you might try you might have time to try like two or three doors but then someone else comes down and then they get the first door on the first try but luckily we got that we get 20 points yoshi's still getting a lot of coins he just needs one more coin to have a very nice number of coins over here but man it's time for toad to give some bonuses now because wait that's the game's half done right yeah five turns [Applause] down to the last left thirds i say look at the current standings all right we're a nice solid first over here this one's actually going great just don't give yoshi and luigi a gold pipe and i'm happy who do you choose as the winner let's see peach okay what do you give peach don't give her lots of coins too 20 coins oh no oh no she might be able to use her double star card that's actually very very bad that that happened hopefully we can do something to make peach lose a lot of coins hey luigi where are you going luigi gets a nine are you going to buy a gold pipe that is my question let's see spends 25 points luigi's going for the risk luigi's like gotta go big or go home going for the gold pipe here and i really don't like that peach has the double star card and so many coins i hope she spends a lot of coins on something wait she's using custom dice blockade what do you want to roll a six okay are you going to the left or up okay all right what are you gonna buy oh my goodness spends 25 coins on a gold pipe so now if she gets up to 40 coins then we're in big trouble okay 10 more coins i was really worried that it would land on the 20 there she's at 18 points now man i'm scared i'm scared wait what if yoshi buys a plunder chest whatever yo she buys a plunder chest i kind of hope he does ah why wouldn't you get a blunder chest bro why would you go for a chump go why would you do this bro wait i can uh steal coins from somebody if i want because i'm gonna be passing by the boo in a moment if i get at least a five then we pass by the boo and we're gonna be passing by the shop soon too so you know what i think i'll just roll normally this turn hopefully we don't pass by the boo this turn i'd love to pass by the boot next turn ideally okay it's like i'm getting everything i want in this game this is unbelievable okay so next turn oh wait but peach might just use her gold pipe uh next turn if she gets at least two coins from the mini game okay let's see where's toe dip going to though that is my question where's toadette going to wow like right behind me right where i was okay okay so yoshi's kind of near there yoshi luigi and peach are all near there but the arrow's going to be changing for peach so she might not be able to head that way first okay let's see oh archdragon wait wait i didn't even see what the team matchup was okay everyone versus yoshi nice try bro no i couldn't move the koopa got me okay let's see peach where are you going oh you got peach now it's all up to luigi can luigi avoid him for 15 seconds there's no way right okay luigi you're doing pretty good can you can you win though luigi can you win for us oh my goodness just a few more seconds oh my goodness just five seconds can you do it oh my goodness oh my goodness luigi you won forest the last arrow hit him at zero so luigi won fourth i thought yoshi had that one in the bag but man luigi carried us over here oh oh wait but now peach and luigi can both afford this star and they both have gold pipes and yoshi's got a tremendous amount of coins four turns are left wait i can't afford to steal a star that's so sad i don't know if i would want to steal a star though because oh man unless peach has a star wait wait wait okay luigi gets a seven now where's the star going to go to next that is the question oh man and is peach going to use her gold pipe or is she going to save it until she has 40 coins so that she could buy two stars together that is the big question and is yoshi gonna use his chomp call yo she might just use his chomp call if this star gets close to someone else okay i don't think anyone's near there i might actually be one of the closest people to that but yo she might use this chomp call peach might use her gold pipe we don't know what's gonna happen here anything can happen here oh and luigi's also uh kind of close to it compared to me like luigi and i are the closest ones to it hey peach are you using your gold pipe or no let's see item oh she's using the gold pipe oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no let's see so she's gonna be down to eight coins and she's still going to have her double star card but will she be able to get 32 more coins and purchase two stars by the end of the game i don't know if she would be able to do that and i'm pretty confident with how the bonus stars are going right now like i'm a good contender for several bonus stars right now oh my goodness and the stars back over there you know yoshi's heading over there this is getting scary and yo she has a skeleton key oh man oh man you know she might be able to get that start this turn actually is this where the game turns around for the master cpus right now yoshi's eight away rolls and eight my goodness every cpu gotta start this turn everyone gotta start this turn except for me well it's still going to be my turn next let's see what's gonna happen because this game is getting absolutely wild i don't know okay i'm probably gonna be passing by the boot i don't know if i would want to steal coins from peach or yoshi this is a very tough choice over here okay and the stars down there oh man man who do i want to steal coins from because i'm gonna be passing by the boo in a moment okay i don't think luigi's too much of a threat don't be a hidden block don't be a star don't be a star don't be a star don't be a star okay okay okay yoshi's got 52 coins that's a lot of coins and you know 16 from the star so even if i use my mushroom we can't reach if i roll a five we're guaranteed to pass by the boo so i'll be able to steal coins from someone and i'd need at least a five to pass by the item shop then i can get a gold pipe so you know i'm using the mushroom so if we get a 10 at nine or eight that would be the best like ten nine or eight in addition to the mushroom but ten or nine would be the best but i would love at least a five so that we could pass by this shot but ten or nine would be perfect oh my goodness guys i'm getting everything i want and ever dreamed of oh my goodness this is unbelievable wait yoshi does have the chunk although i really hope he doesn't use it now then who am i more afraid of peach or yoshi because after this there are three turns left and we don't want peach to use the double star card to purchase two stars at once but yoshi he's got so many coins he's got a chomp call he's got a skeleton key so he might head up here to the booth so you know what it's too bad that i can't afford stealing a star but i'm gonna have to steal coins from yoshi right now that's what i'm gonna have to do not super worried about luigi luigi doesn't have any items right now he has very few coins i'm just really hoping yoshi doesn't use the chunk only 10 coins that's kind of sad we didn't get very many coins from him there but we do have enough points wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait if i buy this i will have 24 coins left but i have to pay five coins i think for passing by the bank so i'll have 19 coins so i won't be able to afford this star but if i win the mini game you know this is super risky if i want to play super safe i can just get like a triple dice block or a custom dice block but you know what we're gonna play risky we either need to win the upcoming mini game or we need to get some coins from the lucky space because look we are passing by here now yes we are at 19 coins right now so we can't afford this star that's two in front of us but if we get coins here then we can i'd even be happy with seven coins please please please please oh my goodness and we got seven coins guys i am now a fortune teller i know everything that is going to happen in this game my clairvoyance my sixth sense is active trend carefully and i'm so happy that we have this minigame i love this video game so much one of my favorite mini games ever okay let's go let's go let's go give her a shot like that okay okay who's over here who's over here so whoa yoshi how could you sneak a shot on me like that yoshi let's see anyone does anyone want to shoot at me what no no i actually can't believe it there's no way i hit the pipe there there's no way i hit the pipe there there's no way i hit the pipe there i can't believe it i can't believe it i miscalculated i made two humongous mistakes there and it's funny we did get two coins there either way so we would have gotten enough coins but oh my goodness i can't believe that all right so all that matters discern is that you she doesn't use the chomp call but he probably will okay luigi doesn't pay coins to the monty mole oh i thought he'd be passing by this shot but he just lands on a red over here okay peach you go ahead where are you gonna go you roll a five now where does that take do you go left or up okay peach is passing by the shop she buys great that she is spending more money okay she gets a triple dice block it's amazing that she's down to just four coins right now that's fantastic or up to 10 coins i guess now because she's lying on a blue the only way this could go better is if yoshi didn't use his chomp call but he does of course use his chomp call he's getting revenge because earlier in the game toadette was one spot in front of him he was about to get this star but then i got the star before him and that was so sad for yoshi so now of course when i'm two spots away from toadette he's of course gonna use the chomp call forcing me kind of forcing me to use my gold pipe over here or i could save my gold pipe for later you know what okay i knew she gets a 5. i don't want him to reach the boo because he'll be able to steal a star he gets a skeleton okay well it doesn't matter cuz he's already up here so i guess the skeleton key doesn't really matter but now what do we want to do that is the question it's not too important what we roll as long as we don't lose a star from bowser otherwise it doesn't really matter what we roll i think i might save my gold pipe for one more turn because i don't want this star to go somewhere where yoshi might be able to buy it or someone else might be able to buy it for example i'll just roll normally okay we get a five we're not landing on bowser we land on a red okay good that's actually good that we lined on a red because there might be a bonus star for most reds and i don't know how many red spaces the others have landed on wow that's a lot of red everyone versus peach and our mini game is tackle takedown let's go this is a fun one and it should be over quickly i don't know if it'll be over quickly because we win or lose though let's see where are you going peach oh no get her get her let's see where you going whoa she tried to psych me out huh bam there we go let's go oh man that might have been the longest game of tackle takedown that i have ever had or ever seen my goodness oh man oh man and it's funny that it lasted so long and i said this should be over quickly and it's like it's because of that that the game lasted longer two turns are left we're getting so close to the end of the game okay luigi what are you gonna do here are you gonna buy something are you gonna spend some coins here because they're only two turns left he spends 12 coins on a custom dice block i don't know how much good that's going to do him wait does he land on me now he doesn't land on me does he does he land on the bowser space oh he's right before the bowser space okay hidden block maybe no hidden block for him peach you go ahead he just rolls normally she's got so many items but just rolls normally lands on a red down to four coins i'm glad oh oh yoshi please get a small number please get like a one or two six ah that's not good that's not good he might be able to reach the boo next turn i don't like this i don't like this i could save my gold pipe for the final turn but i think i'm all right with using it now i'll use it now i don't know if we'd be able to possibly get another star like if i would have thought that i could get another start then that would be a good reason to do this but i don't know if we will be able to get another at least we're landing on a lucky space so we might actually get some coins and possibly be able to afford another star i don't think that toadette is going to go back down to the bottom right though she goes back down to the bottom right then there's actually a pretty good chance of us getting another side i don't think she's gonna go down right though no she's going down left that's so sad so sad okay and after this that's right in front of peach but it's so good that peach can't afford that i was actually looking at the map at where the possible spots are i'm like you might land right in front of peach but man we're quite lucky okay so what do we get what do we get now double dikes cool we get to use one more item that's actually good i'm i'm fine with that yeah because if we got more coins we wouldn't have been able to afford this we wouldn't have been able to reach the start anyways maybe we'd be able to afford it if we won the mini game oh don't be rip oh no oh no oh no oh no peach gets a lot of coins she might actually be able to afford this star she might actually be able to afford two stars even oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man hey nice we hit that yoshi get that get that bro get that bro good job yoshi bro good job my yoshi bro uh do we want to go for that money bag or is that too far that might be too far oh and she missed it she missed it she got 16 points wait did peach have four coins before i think that means peach is actually getting the star oh no peach is getting another star but wait that might mean that the star moves back to the bottom right if she gets it and then maybe i'd be able to get a star oh man peach has exactly enough for one star for one more star that is oh man this is so intense and yoshi might be stealing a star this turn i hope he gets a four or less all right it is the final turn a lot can happen here a lot can turn around this is gonna be a very very intense final turn luigi uses his custom dice spot to get a seven and that brings him to a lucky space it probably doesn't matter too much he gets 15 queens but he has only one star so it shouldn't be that big of a deal i hope peach is very lucky that she got the exact number of coins that she needed from the previous mini game to be able to afford a star here and of course she passes by toadette because she uses her mushroom very luckily she doesn't have enough coins to afford two stars because then she'd be able to use her double star card we got very lucky there well look how blurry the toad is in the background that's kind of cool how stuff in the background's blurry like that okay now where's toadette moving to toadette heads down there to the bottom left so i don't think anyone can reach that yeah i don't think oh i the path is open for me but i don't think that i'm close enough maybe if i had a triple dice block maybe we'd be able to reach it if i was super lucky yeah she please get less than a five please don't pass by the boo bro wow wow wow wow oh my goodness that luck is actually unbelievable wow i i didn't think that he would get it i didn't think that he would get it oh my goodness i'm 27 from the start i'm not even that upset about this oh my goodness okay let's just roll because there might be a bonus star for most items used or most spaces traveled so this helps us with making progress towards both of those goals now then do i want to land on a blue or a red that is the question because if i go up here i can land on a red and there might be a bonus star for most reds i don't know who landed on the most reds so you know what i am going to have to go that way just because we have so many stars we are a bit ahead of the other so i'm not super worried about losing a few coins on the final turn like that and now it is yoshi and i together in reversabong i absolutely love this video wow it's so weird that i'm not on the top i'm on the bottom here let's see how are we doing here okay how are we doing here doing all right oh no i missed i missed i missed i missed i missed i missed i missed i missed get back get back oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no no no thank you for the help yoshi bro yoshi you're being a bro yoshi what a good bro yoshi how are we doing how are we doing i actually made some mistakes here i made some big mistakes here let's go like this if that one get that one how are we doing we almost defeated them we almost completely defeated them but we did win even though i made some big mistakes yoshi was a real bro in this mini game yo she helped out so much okay but we still don't have a guaranteed win it all does come down to the bone stars if i get one bonus star i'd be so so happy if we get this first one that's amazing let's see what is it item bonus i think that might be us because we use the it might be peach also because we use that yes yes yes yes yes oh man we're just constantly getting and using items here second bonus bowser space bonus did anyone land on a bowser space [Music] ah right no one got the bonus oh man we've got a pretty nice clean win here so i think luigi's in last that i'm guessing it's peach oh yo oh she only had one star that's right he had lots of coins but he had only one star so now peach is out she has two stars and i win because i have four stars let's go [Music] mario is the superstar this one was crazy i'm so happy with how this board went there were a lot of crazy things that happened here four stars in first place two stars in second place that's a nice solid win over there and look at this yoshi and i were actually tied for coins collected so we both would have gotten rich bonus items bought would have been a tie for everyone except for peach luigi traveled 69 steps nice yoshi still would have gotten bonus star for most reds no one landed on an event space in the whole game that's kind of surprising no one landed on bowser spaces also horrorland is the final board and this is such an underrated board it has one of my favorite themes in the whole game once you get into the level and the music starts like it is so catchy it's such an easy one to just like when you're walking around during the day throughout the day you just start whistling the theme it's such an easy one to get caught in your head all right so last time we were fourth in the last board that we just did okay now we are third we are back to the curse of always being third okay peach is first wow isn't that a surprise peach is normally in fourth place but now she gets to go first huh [Music] well let's see where the star is is it close by wait a minute where is that even is that close by where is that i think it's not super far is it no that's actually uh surprisingly close it's probably very important that we win the first mini game [Music] and we will pass by the shop to get there so oh man oh man what are we going to do what are we going to do okay he trolls it too starting off on a red losing some coins but you might be a bonus star for most red spaces so maybe that's a good time to get that oh my goodness yo she gets a one everyone's getting such low rolls i'm talking about how important it is to get big rolls and everyone's getting low rolls am i gonna okay okay yo she gets a skeleton here i was gonna say am i gonna have to be scared of everyone again am i gonna be up to am i gonna have to be scared of yoshi again getting lots of coits like in the previous game okay give me a big number everyone else got small numbers give me like an eight nine or ten five yeah i guess that's bigger than everyone else so far and a lucky space okay i wouldn't mind some coins you know what mushroom or custom dice block might be better though okay seven coins that's okay that's okay we can almost afford this star how about luigi where you gonna get also a small number okay okay i am the farthest ahead which is kind of funny i rolled a five and that's the biggest number it's funny that they wrote one two and three so they're all just lined up together on it's everyone versus peach wait rip raiders maybe oh pogo go go so you know what it's not too big of a deal whether we win or lose here if we lose we won't be able to afford the star right now but then we also prevent luigi and yoshi from getting some coins so i wouldn't mind either way let's see let's see let's see let's see i don't want to get close to them because if you get in each other's way then things can get scary it's gonna get very very scary whoa man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man this is the most scared i've ever been in this game peach what are you doing to me what are you doing to me just a few seconds to go oh my goodness someone fell i think yoshi fell i saw someone green fall in the corner of my eye okay yeah yeah she fell luigi survived so that means that we all win we get 10 coins each very nice okay so everyone except for peach can afford this star so this is a little bit scary i don't know if the others can reach the star from here can they oh i'll be able to buy an item and still afford the start petrol is just a two continuing with the low rolls peach has only rolled two so far it would be hilarious if she only rolled twos for the entire game yoshi gets a two he can't reach the star next turn even if he wants to that's pretty sad for him okay and i go before luigi i am in a great position here you know i wouldn't even mind if i get like an eight or something like that a ten okay looks like we're getting this star sorry everybody looks like we have got a solid start over here so you know what i oh no matter what i buy i'll still be able to afford this star now the question is mushroom or double dice bug or cursed ice block you know what let's play let's play a little bit risky let's take a double dice because a mushroom it'll guarantee us at least five but a double dice we can go up to 20 with that so let's head up here and oh and we land on a lucky space if we go here too okay sure so let's get our star happily taking the first star of the game in turn number two a fantastic start to the game so far very happy with this but i've got to be on the lookout for yoshi and luigi they can still afford this star it's great how far back everyone is though it's actually very funny how far back there ah no they'll be able to get that one they'll definitely be able to get that one yeah all they have to do is go to the right there all three of them are so close to that okay wait can i go by here can i ask this guy to move i don't know if he'll move for only one coin but you know i'll try it i don't know if he'll let me ah five coins ah that's so sad i couldn't go there even if i wanted to but let's see what we get we get a mushroom okay okay well good thing that i didn't buy the mushroom earlier because now we have a mushroom now if i need at least a six then i'll be able to use the mushroom but if i want to risk it for a bigger roll then i could use the double dice game luigi gets a big enough number two uh oh wait yeah of course he's saying no thanks here it's a big enough number to reach this star so luigi's also buying this star this turn man it's turn two and two stars have already been purchased wait a minute and that puts luigi up into first place because he has one more coin than me man my first place was very short-lived over there now where's toadette going top left maybe wait am i going this way am i going this way is that right in front of me i think that's a few in front of me oh my goodness that's two in front of me oh man even if i win the next mini game i won't have enough coins for it unless it's like a coin mini game if it's a coin mini game that would be great oh but i will get to pass by another shop which is kind of cool if i roll a one and i land on the lucky space i get 20 coins that would be perfect ah man there isn't even an option for it okay ice rink rinse i don't know if i could even win this one against master cpus i've got to avoid these spiny shells over here where's the next one going to land you've got to be careful because one might just like land down right on you where you are let's eat right over there okay all right goodbye luigi one down oh man okay let's see let's see is there gonna be a third one there's the third one no no no no no i was up high so i couldn't tell where i was depth-wise i was bouncing on yoshi that's so sad so sad such sad times today [Music] okay yoshi might actually be able to reach and purchase this star before oh wow i'm ahead of luigi now nice it is now night time here we go peach go ahead and roll i like how she still can't afford this star gets at four so next turn if she rolls a 10 she'll be able to reach oh seven coins wait is that a chomp call man i don't like these people having chomp calls in fact i'm a bit startled of them having chump calls yoshi how far are you 15 away oh and he gets just a four he chooses to go up to the lucky space over here and he gets skeleton key okay oh and he already has a skeleton key that's funny he has two skeleton keys okay so i'm not super worried about that you could use that to like get to a boot i think you could use that one to get off the king boo why don't you try using an item you just got i'd rather not if i get a big roll this turn i might still be able to reach this start after i can afford it okay so if i roll more than a one right now i pass the start and i can't afford it but the spot right behind me is 23 away so if i get a big roll this turn and i use the double dice next turn then maybe i could actually reach the star next turn but i'll just roll normally this turn for now a nine oh man oh man okay so it's sad that we passed by the start without being able to afford it and we have to pass by the bank and pay three coins hopefully i can get a bunch of coins does this take us to a lucky space maybe on do i want to buy something i have only two coins i can't afford anything that's so sad okay we are on a lucky space which is great now then ah ten coins is the highest i was hoping that we'd have a higher option let's see seven coins okay oh man if we win the mini game we'll only have 19 and we need 20 for this star luigi gets a five so he can't reach the start oh he can't afford this star the only person who could afford this star is yosh literally the only person who could afford the star right now is yoshi so if i do well in this mini game that's amazing no leaflet i am probably coming in last place because the master cpus are way way too good at this mini game let's see let's see nope already made a mistake okay let's see oh three because when you have the same leaf three times in a row you know that you can swap to the other side right away how high did we go i don't know how he did i don't know how he did let's see how he did that wasn't great i had a few mistakes in there how did everyone else do winner i wasn't too far behind they did especially luigi luigi did surprisingly poor there but man it's not great that these master cpus are doing so well i need to win another mini game peach can almost afford this star i am pretty terrified of her right now and she gets to go first oh no that's not good she's 10 away rolls of four this is not good and she lands on the lucky space peach might be able to get the star before me okay but she gets another chop call that's kind of funny okay peach with the two chomp calls right now it's funny peach has two chomp calls yoshi has two skeleton keys okay issue what are you gonna do you're not gonna teleport with the eye are you that is not what you're gonna do is it yeah he says no thanks i think it's only three coins to warp at night and it is six coins to warp during the day i think that's the way it works with the ik 17 away hey no matter what we roll it's not that big of a deal but winning the next mini game would be amazing oh man now then do i go here for a lucky space and give up on the star or do i go this way and hopefully try and get the star before peach i'll do this it's pretty important that we win the next mini game though oh good thing i went this way i was also gonna bet you that there might be a hidden block but i'm like no there's no way there's gonna be a hidden block here let's see ah just coins just coins but now we don't have to win the next mini game now we can already afford the next star so as long as peach doesn't reach the star i am super happy okay luigi says no over there he's just going in a circle over here lane's on a lucky space smart move smart move and he gets cursed dice block okay even if he uses it on me not that big of a deal because i have these move boosting items so winning this minigame isn't super important but peach rolling a small number next turn is important because i could steal the star from right under her nose what goes up wait a minute this is so similar to the video game that we just had okay i hope i can play well because when you make a mistake here it is very sad if i see okay doing all right here doing all right here doing all right here just get up to these clouds over here get up over there go around them yes bro that's how we do it get up there go around that one uh get around get around get up yes okay i don't know if i can beat master cpus here but hopefully we can play okay i haven't made oh man there we go i was gonna say i haven't made any humongous mistakes yet ah so close to feeding yoshi we were in last place oh my goodness peach wins again this board should be called peaches revenge because peach is getting a lot of revenge here oh man now then wait wait wait did she have enough coins to afford this star before that mini game here we go she didn't have enough coins before it please don't reach yes oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait does that make that guy move oh no it just turns into night time okay okay i was worried that that guy would move okay yoshi you can't reach this star so i'm not worried about you seven are you what are you buying spend seven coins one on a chomp call okay if we get a big enough roll with a double dice then we can steal the star from right under peach's nose which would be amazing okay 11 away okay i think we have a slightly higher chance with the double dice because the double dice go from one to ten so i think we have a slightly higher chance of rolling at least an eleven with double dice compared to using the mushroom for plus five all right please give me at least an 11 please 10 okay so it's guaranteed even if we roll up one we reach and seven okay let's go okay now what item should i buy should i get maybe another double dice because that double dice was so lucky for me that's five coins we'll have one coin left over after buying this star let's do that oh man what a relief what a relief i'm so glad that i was able to get that start before peach could get it oh man that's pretty great because now we are able to head over to this oh and we land on an event space which will be nice oh yeah i'm actually going to have zero points left over because i'm passing by the bank but that's okay that's okay we did get our item and we do get a second star over here and that's turn five wow that's already turned five i'm surprised that the game's already almost halfway done this game is going by so quickly okay the next star is all the way up there and everyone's kind of grouped together near the beginning we're all just going in circles at this uh early area over here see how we pair one coin over here we're not really exploring the border on i can't buy anything because i have no points man i passed by the shop several times but i can't buy very many items because i keep running out of points every time that i pass by that shop okay luigi gets a 5. 22 away from the star we might be the first to reach the next star oh my goodness oh my goodness and it's a bonus mini game okay everyone versus speech if we could win this that'd be great i would love 20 coins but river raiders would be nice too tackle takedown oh my goodness we've had this before tackle takedown against master difficulty princess peach last time we won she played very very well last time though bam there we go let's go i was so focused there i'm like i'm not letting her psych me out this time we did win last time because i tackled beach and this time i tackled peach again so i'm very happy with how this is going all right 20 coins for us so we can buy another star we probably can't reach that star yet but maybe in two turns we can reach if we use the double dice block but that's the last five turns let's take a look at the current standards we are nicely in first place here yoshi's got a lot of coins again i love how peach is at last place that's kind of funny okay who do they choose kamek who do you choose yoshi okay what do they give him don't give him a gold pipe they gave him a gold pipe why would you guys do this why would you give yoshi a gold pipe okay peach let's see what are you gonna do now that the star was stolen from right under your nose she chooses to go down this way paying a few coins to the bank over here the bank doesn't have a lot of coins oh updated inventory but she can't afford gold pipes yet wow you know what i might be able to afford a gold pipe in a turn or two actually that's something that i didn't consider i might be passing by the shop next turn and that might be when i use my gold pipe man my coins are so much lower than i would like them to be when you're playing against easier difficulties so much easier to get a lot of coins because you basically have guaranteed wins against the cpu okay yoshi is using the gold pipe right now oh man oh man oh man yoshi is becoming a force a force that is in fact one to be reckoned with rolls just one he's going to chance time though he's going to chance time it would be hilarious if this start that he just bought if he now has to give it away when he lands on chad's time that would be perfect if that's what happened okay but first let's see where toadette is going show us where toadette is going i want to see what happens oh my goodness right up there yoshi's heading up that way too he's so close that and he can afford it oh my goodness yoshi's very likely getting the next star then what happens that chance time here let's see let's see hopefully yoshi gives me a star that would be perfect i'd love a star 30 coins luigi gives 30 coins to yoshi oh as if uh as if yoshi isn't doing well enough already he's the closest to the next star he's got 67 coins trying to take out the competition okay we're 30 away as long as we get seven or less that's okay seven would be perfect three ah all right that's fine that's okay land on a blue we get six coins now we can afford a gold pipe so i might use a mushroom next turn and then buy a gold pipe oh thank you luigi that's actually a good idea using the cursed ice block on yoshi there to slow him down yeah because we don't want him to reach that star and that might actually make it so that i steal the star from right under yoshi's nose that would be nice and luigi doesn't have enough coins to buy an item that's actually good for us because there might be a bonus that for most items purchased so it's good that luigi can't afford an item as he passes by and the mini game is honeycomb havoc start let's go everybody all right so how many fruits are there let's see let's see let's see let's see there are one two three four five six seven fruits luigi wants just a one okay there are now one two three four five six oh man if i do two then there are four if i do one then there are five they can work together to get me out either way i wanted to i wanted a two actually but i took too long to decide oh that's so sad hopefully they don't get me out okay nice a one okay okay as long as you don't both get twos okay as long as luigi doesn't get a two that's okay luigi don't get me out come on be a bro yeah thank you so much luigi thank you luigi i will remember this luigi's like mario we have to get out yoshi he just stole lots of the coins from me oh that's so good so glad we got that guy out okay now then how many fruits are there one two three four five six seven eight he gets a two so they're now six right one two three four five six okay let's roll up one then there we go now let's see how this goes let's see how this goes who is it gonna come down to what are you gonna do oh luigi you want just the one i'm so sorry to do this to you bro but i'm gonna have to get a two here because i don't know if peach is gonna work together with me or if she'd want to get me up at luigi my bro we have to get you out i'm so sorry to do this to you bro okay and how many fruits are going to be here one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven there are eleven we want them to have nine right one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven okay and if we give them nine i think that means that we win because then we have seven or eight then we win so let's see peach gets a two so that means [Music] uh one two three four five six seven seven right one two three four five six seven okay let's get a one then get her down to six and now whether it's four or five yeah okay this so if we get two she can get us out of course so let's just get a one over here ah princess peach you got unlucky that i got to go first well then i got to go first in that round i was very lucky that there were 11 fruits and i got to get a two that's how he had a guaranteed win that was very nice ah what a relief what a relief how lovely that is to win that one wait this isn't a bonus minigame is it no because we're already past turn five so this is just a regular mini game so just 10 points unfortunately but hey you might be able to go buy a gold pipe now that would be nice wait a minute wait a minute but if i buy a gold pipe i won't be able to afford this star until a little bit later uh you know having a skeleton key might actually be kind of useful right now all right peach go ahead wait it's turned seven i didn't realize we were so close to the end of the game already hey peach what are you buying wait she buys nothing i guess she really wants those chomp calls custom dice block i kind of hope that if yoshi gets close to the star before i'm able to use my gold pipe to afford it i hope that peach uses her chomp call okay yoshi's 808 rolls just a one because of the cursed ice blocks so sad for him look at those pink eyes in the background too that we saw there yo she gets a custom dice block wait wait wait wait how far away was he at the beginning of this turn can he guaranteed reach this star next turn yoshi's seven to the star so he can guaranteed reach it next turn wait a minute wait a minute i can use mr eye to warp i can use mr eye to warp across the board yeah because he brings you across like that so hold on how far away is that that's five away six seven eight nine i think i need a nine or a ten you know what i think this is a better strategy than going for a gold pipe because it's cheaper and we have a pretty good shot at getting it i think we have a better shot of getting at least a nine with double dice and if we use the mushroom so let's try this please give me at least a nine i don't know if we need a nine or ten i'm guessing a nine eight okay so again no matter what we roll next it's guaranteed at least to nine eight and eight oh cool and we get ten more coins because we got the we got the same number twice that's pretty cool so you know what i'm actually not going that way i'm actually wait wait wait yeah i'm actually gonna go up this way like we could pass by this shop and buy a gold pipe but i'm going to go this way and we are going to have mr i teleport us across yes pay three coins to warp and we should be passing by the star let's go oh it also moves yoshi up i didn't realize that it also moves yoshi because he was in the same path wait you knocked but the sound is drowned out by wicked laughter emanating from within that sounds quite frightening and we get to get our third star let's go and we can still afford one more star it would be hilarious if the star moved forward like just a few spots and we were able to purchase another star this turn let's see where are you going to next toadette i'm so glad i got that one before yoshi wait ah it's quite a bit farther we might still i don't know if we could reach it this turn but we might still be the closest to it wait wait wait oh no but i paid five coins i have to pay five coins here oh no so i wouldn't be able to afford it hopefully i don't reach the star then let's see okay okay okay we are almost at the start i hope no one uses a job call just give me the 12 points or the seven just let me reach it no i don't want to jump girl maybe if someone's close to the star i could use the chomp call i guess luigi where are you going 33 away rolls in eight oh wait luigi does have a star peach is the only one without a star man i stole that star nut stole but i took this star not not stole but i bought this star before peach could reach it and she hasn't been able to recover since then right at the beginning of the game i think that was turn two in the game all right what mini game do we have bumper balloon cars a classic okay i'm in the green car in the bottom left let's go who do i go for first oh whoop let's go get yoshi get yoshi get the ocean don't get me don't get me let's go peach i'm going to get you i'm going to get you never turn your back on it absolutely i bounced off of the wall and she popped me man princess peach is really showing her rage in this game just like peach's fury which was an absolutely fantastic rom hack oh my goodness you guys have got to see that video if you haven't seen it yet it was a super fun playthrough case did an amazing job on that mod all right peach go ahead uh of course she's using the chub call because it's right in front of me i'm basically guaranteed to get that if she doesn't use the chomp call [Music] that's so sad i would have loved to get one more start where does it move to no now yoshi can get it that's so sad that's so sad oh man is yoshi going to bite though that is the question well is he going to reach it this turn is the question i guess if peach gets just a two where are you going are you gonna get a hidden block with a star maybe finally get some luck i guess not yoshi's nine away using the custom dice block of course is he gonna roll a nine or ten ah what bro excuse me bro a bro bro bro uh yoshi you're a master cpu what are you doing [Music] and bowser revolution i think yo she actually has the most coins too he has 69 coins right yes 69 points i'm only 21. luigi had only 10. yeah look at that minus 69 for yoshi i think i actually end up benefiting right yeah i get 30 i have 33 coins now i guess yoshi really wants the bonus star for most bowser spaces and you know what you know what i can do you know what would be evil it's one two three away it's three away from him so you know what ah but there could also be a star that appears here right in front of luigi that would be not good for me but you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna do it i'm gonna take the risk i am going to use the chomp call please don't go right in front of luigi would it be better if luigi got a star than yoshi i guess it doesn't really matter since they have the same amount of stars and coins right now so i guess this doesn't really matter too much let's see where's it going ah is that right in front of luigi that's right in front of luigi isn't it luigi's two away yeah i'm basically giving this star to luigi that's kind of sad that's actually very sad all right well i guess i got unlucky there we'll keep playing let's see wait do i land on the bank cool i landed on the bank all right 14 coins not that big of a deal if i can pass by the shop next turn and buy a gold pipe then that would be amazing oh luigi's two away he's like gotta use the double dice gotta be sure because look he would have rolled up one well maybe he would have rolled the one he rolled the one out of six would have been funny he's two away from the star rolls a one and then peach uses the chomp call in the next turn but it looks like luigi does get his second star over here congratulations to luigi good job luigi oh that's the wrong emote there we go congrats congrats sometimes if you press a button it just like plays a certain emote no that's where i just was oh my goodness now yoshi might be able to pass by there this is not good how far away from the shop am i hmm okay so luigi pays five coins here oh wait there's a shop right here does this shop also sell gold pipes if this shop also sells gold pipes then i will be very very happy i will be very happy if this shop also sells gold pipes that would be perfect for me okay custom dice book for luigi i'm so lucky that that uh not bowser that yoshi used the custom dykes blocked to land on the bowser space that i got bowser coin revolution and now yoshi's on my team you know she wants to be even more of a bro now casual would be nice dungeon dash okay i hope you can work together with me yoshi let's work together bro do we go right first yes oh i had a slow start slow start let's be careful left right left right left right left right oh we're a bit ahead of them do we try and squeeze under it let's go let's go let's go get me under there give me under there give me under there okay we're squished but wait wait wait wait wait wait does that even help us oh no because you're dizzy for a second after i didn't know that you'd be dizzy for a second after oh no i think they might win this one i don't think we can come back come on come on luigi won that one oh man i was thinking that if you get squished by it then it actually pushes you forward past the swamp i can't remember if that happens in the original mario or well in mario party 2 i haven't played the original yeah okay two turns are left it is daytime now i'm hopefully passing by the shop peach not too concerned about peach wants to use a custom dice block for some reason go ahead land wherever you want you want a 10 get a 10. i give you a 10 all day take all the tens you want keep rolling tens for the rest of the game if you want peach i ain't going to stop you she heads up this oh will you buy gold pipe wait 12 coins what you want another custom dice block peach might be getting the bonus start for most items purchased she's buying and using a lot of items and she's one spot away from a chance time so she can make things very scary yoshi's nine from the star rolls up one oh that's so sad but he lands on the bank so he does get 10 more coins now then if only someone had a cursed dice block that would be great because i'm a little scared of yoshi i don't want him getting a second start luigi already has two stars that's scary enough now then it's turn nine out of ten so it is worth using the mushroom right now so that we could pass by the shop hopefully this shop wait wait let's take a look around so this shop is only two away [Music] but this shop is 13 away so if we roll at least an eight i know for sure that this shop will have gold pipes but i don't know if this shop will so hopefully we roll if we roll an eight that's nice if we don't then i guess we'll be stuck with this shop a four okay so we have to buy something from this shop well we don't have to buy something but hopefully they have gold pipes this shop doesn't have gold pipes man what do i even do wart block maybe if you she doesn't reach the star i could use a warp block i could i could play epic troll or this star might move somewhere else and then i could use a triple dice block you know what and there might also be a bonus star for most spaces traveled i'm gonna do this i'm not gonna play the epic troll style today today i'm gonna play it a bit safe in this specific turn let's see where we land on a blue give me another hidden block he already gave me one ah so sad so sad okay luigi what about you you're on a custom place look what do you want to duel me you want to land on me and duel me is that what you're gonna do wants a six that takes him two ah he wants to land on a lucky space and he gets a chomp call because there aren't enough chomp calls right now every cpu has at least one job call right now luigi has two of them and it is all of us versus yoshi in this one versus three mini game what will it be two-bit or losing this is a kind of difficult one to play let's see how we can do let's see how we can do hopefully we can avoid getting popped we need at least one person to not get popped don't pop me bro don't pop me bro i'm just gonna stay back here oh no i'm gonna speed up i'm gonna speed up you aren't catching me spread out spit out gang spread out gang okay yo she's back there let's go oh goodbye goodbye luigi okay at least one of us has to survive let's go like this oh slow down move no peach you have to win yes thank you peach thank you peace i got pumped by yoshi right near the end oh my goodness i acted as baked over there mario was the bait for the dinosaur yoshi so that peach could successfully cross the finish line and win for us all right we are in first i like how the stars are three two one zero that's also nice final turn of the game peach don't get a one i don't want chance time right now i don't want chance time okay you're using your custom dice oh wait you have zero stars you probably okay if i had zero stars in the final turn of the game and i was right in front of uh chance time i would definitely land a one and go to the chance time just like hope that i can get something wait is peach able to reach the star before you she no she isn't so what is she even doing why would you do that peach peach is like i want to be in last place okay wait someone else landed on an event space i think it was peach i think i landed on one now yoshi landed on one so i think we might all get the bonus stuff ah 32 away that's so sad even if i use the triple dice block i won't be able to reach it even if we get 10 10 10. okay so let's roll we get four five and what six ten okay i gotta be four five six okay so we roll in 19 wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait how did i not realize this i'm pretty sure if we go up and we teleport i think we might be able to reach that star right is that right i'm pretty sure that's right i'm just gonna pay three coins i'm pretty sure that's right right right how did i not consider this before i forgot about the eye let's see because that's the second time that i'm using the eye here okay we knock here pay five coins to pass by here and i'm pretty sure do we reach the start i think we might reach the start because we pass by these guys they're heading towards the star yes and we also land on the koopa bank so we get back the five points that we put in man this is actually going amazingly do we have a guaranteed win going into the final mini game i think if it isn't a coin minigame we might actually have a guaranteed win going into the final oh wait it does depend on luigi though it does depend on luigi though you have luigi if luigi does really well wait wait because ah no it still depends on what happens this turn we don't have a guaranteed win yet we almost have a guaranteed win but it's not a guaranteed win we have a very very very high chance of winning wait luigi's six from the start okay nevermind throw out everything that i just said about a guaranteed win luigi's one star behind us now but we do have a lot more coins than him so as long as we get at least one bonus star then we win as long as luigi doesn't get both bonus stars i think we win yeah as long as luigi doesn't get both bonus stars and i get zero then we win yeah and if the star was in an inconvenient location right before luigi went then luigi could have used the chomp call and then maybe the star could have landed in front of him there oh and he's even using his skeleton key wait oh he wanted to go that way then he said nah don't don't lock i want to keep it the key i might use it for the next turn uh but luigi it's the final turn of the game why didn't you tell me it's the last turn okay so you've got a four player mini game here what's it gonna be what's it gonna be crazy cutters oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness that is the blooper one this is such a tough one okay all right let's go it's not super important how well we play so let's just play however we'll just try oh great big mistake already let's see just focus on these fins over here they're not fins are they what are they called oh man i can't see i can't see oh how was that how's that okay okay a little rough around the top there oh man look how pointy my things look uh what did we score are we in last 86 i peach got 97 that's a high score that's a pretty pretty it's a lot of points over there but it's kind of funny that yoshi and luigi got such a low score that i actually beat them with 86 they had 85 and 84. you know what and this is like my theory when a cpu is ranked lower they perform better in mini games it's a good example of that but might just be a coincidence okay so what's the first bonus as long as both bonuses don't go to luigi we should be all right if one goes to us that's amazing but as long as both don't go to luigi that's amazing the first bonus is mini game bonus that might actually be peach usually i win the mini game bonus but this time it might not actually be me it might not go to me i didn't win very many mini games here at all yeah it was actually peach peach performed beautifully here she did so well in the mini games okay now what's the next bonus eventful bonus i don't know if that goes to everyone except for luigi because i landed on one peach landed on one i think and i think yoshi landed on one let's see peach yoshi and mario everyone except for luigi okay so all that we needed to win was make sure that luigi doesn't get both bonus stars and luigi actually got zero bonus stars now i don't know at all what the ranking is even like i have no idea like who's in fourth third or second but i'm pretty sure we are first let's see who's out first oh yoshi's in fourth okay then peach and then luigi even though he got zero bonus stars yeah it's gonna go for luigi right go for luigi there you go thank you thank you for going for luigi [Music] that was a great game oh my goodness guys mario party superstars is such a fantastic mario party game and it's so fun playing on master difficulty because it provides such a nice challenge some mini games are seriously seriously seriously difficult and some mini games you might be confident that you can win them very regularly but you don't have a guaranteed win because it's master cpus they might just sometimes play really well you might make a little mistake you know we're human we make little mistakes when we play mini games and the cpus they might take advantage of that and win but luckily for us we were able to win every single board on master difficulty how great is that they put up a good fight we had some very great boards over here this was such a fun video oh my goodness look at how few steps yoshi took compared to me i took almost three times as many steps as yoshi that's kind of sad wait a minute it was actually impossible for luigi to win that because he couldn't have gotten any of the bonus stars there's no bonus there that luigi could have gotten and thank you so much for watching this far into the video i'd love if you guys could leave a comment letting me know how long it took you to finish this video whether you watched it all in one sitting or whether you watched it over a few days i love hearing from you guys and i'm curious about that and if you enjoyed this video you might like my first time ever playing super mario odyssey that was a super fun video that a lot of people like i hope you have an amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody [Music]
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 1,342,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party superstars, all minigames, all minigames mario party superstars, mario party superstars all minigames, mario party superstars all characters, mario party, mario party minigames, mario, super mario, mario minigames, all characters, mario vs luigi, yoshi, mario party all characters, mario party hardest difficulty, mario party all characters minigames, all boards, every board, yoshi's tropical island, space land, peach's birthday cake, horror land, woody woods
Id: JdeE7GQrtQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 57sec (10677 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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