What if everyone gets the SAME SCORE in Mario Party Superstars?

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today we play mini games and mario party superstars with all yoshis and they are all connected to the same controller so everyone should get the exact same score but some surprising things do happen i hope you enjoyed this video alright here we go yoshi's ready to play crazy cutters but little does he know that every yoshi is following him exactly every yoshi is doing exactly what he is doing because all characters are being controlled by the same controller yoshi's just making his way around here let's see if everyone does have the exact same score because sometimes there is like a slight delay for one character and another character okay i messed up the top over there a little bit but let's see how we do oh and everyone finishes at the same time does everyone get the same score let's see 95 everyone gets 95 pretty good so what's going to happen does the boo pop out from all of them wow a boo pops up from alden now is it tight no everyone wins okay that's pretty cool okay we are going to try to create something very very artistic here going to look beautiful okay we did it we did it i can't believe it i can't believe it we made them all pop each other that's amazing oh my goodness hey what if all you she's worked really really hard but they all worked just as hard we could all see them cranking these up perfectly in sync like this and i'm wondering if it'll be any different if we don't touch it okay so let's see let's see it's so weird to see them slightly dropping at different times because it's like hey shouldn't they be bobbing up and down at the same rate because all the yoshis are all turning them together wait a minute oh i thought that one was gonna reach the ground wait wait are they all gonna drop together because it looks like some of them are reaching the ground first what's gonna happen what's gonna happen because they should have all been pressed the same what's gonna happen let's see that's so weird that's so weird that's so weird they did all win oh my goodness i didn't expect that that's actually so weird that's actually so weird because the way that they were bobbing up and down it looked like some of the other ones were going to win it looked like yeah that one for sure is going to reach the ground first that one for sure is gonna reach the ground first and if everyone does nothing this is what happens everyone's like yeah and then they'll get zero and for this it actually ends up being a tie instead of all characters win which is kind of funny all right mushroom mix-up is a little bit of a weird one when you're controlling all four people together because yeah look you can get one person there but if you want to try to get the others up to the same mushroom then that yoshi ends up jumping off so you can either make just a single yoshi win like this or if everyone gets out together then it ends up being a tie i think trace race might be a satisfying one to see everyone going completely in sync like this especially since it is all yoshi's and it's so nice and colorful okay so i made a mistake early on hopefully i can do the rest of this okay that didn't look great but it's all right let's go across like that up like that across oh man i'm getting nervous i'm getting a little nervous here it's all right i think my biggest mistake was at the beginning and let's see yeah i think my biggest mistake was right at the beginning otherwise i did not bad i think let's see what our score is let's see 97 yeah almost a perfect game oh tug of war is one that i am super interested in because if one person is spinning exactly as quickly as the other three then who wins okay it looks like if you're on the team of three you probably have to work harder because this yoshi just absolutely annihilated them if all three people on the right are spinning just as quickly as the person on the left like if you're hooked up to the exact same controller then the person on the left does have the advantage it looks like okay this is going to be an interesting one i don't think i've ever seen a perfect tie on this mini game we had this one in my shadow clones video but let's see let's see because everyone's hooked up to the exact same controller so everyone should be pressing it at exactly the same time will the two balloons burst at exactly the same moment who wins everyone wins everyone can be considered a winner here if no one blows it up in time then it ends up becoming a tie but if you do that then both teams win all right and let's do the chain jump stage i don't know if it's better to do the chain chomp going to the right first or to the left i'm not sure what way would actually be better let's go along like this go up here go along this way the teeth are probably the hardest part here the joystick is about to slip out of my head and let's make some pointy teeth here uh oh oh it's hard to go i think it might actually be better to go the other way because when you go this way it's like you can't see what's ahead of you i think it might be better to go to the left first maybe you'd be able to have a better look at the teeth that way 93 not much worse than the last one not bad and do all the chain chomps pop out for all the yoshi's down yes they do a nice tie again well actually it's not a tie because everyone wins okay tread carefully i have got something very interesting that i want to do here and it's funny how no yoshi's in the same color as their tank okay let's all go to the center here all the tanks are coming to the center right here and let's do this oh look at this there's this stalemate nobody can win this over here everyone is just wait wait wait we can do this we can turn slightly like this it's like hey don't shoot or i'm gonna shoot your friend hey well i'll shoot your friend if you shoot my friend well i'll shoot the friend who's defending you then and what if we hit a does everyone hit each other or and i really need to see what happens here because when you get hit with a bullet you're invulnerable for a moment so what's gonna happen here is everyone going to get hurt yeah everyone gets hurt wait will everyone get out all at once let's see if we shoot again yeah everyone's out all at once oh my goodness and they all win that's kind of funny all right here we go here we go look away with all yoshis [Music] man look at that yoshi at the top he's just way too good no matter what way the other yoshis are looking he just gets them right away slot car derby is one that i was super curious about i was thinking of doing this video for a while and this is one of the videos that was keeping me up at night thinking i have to know what happens in this one what happens if you just constantly hold up on the joystick what if you use no strategy but if you just constantly hold up who would be the winner would it be a tie or do certain tracks have advantages over other tracks when it comes to starting let's see let's see right now dark blues in the lead oh but the others are coming back pretty close pretty close one more lap to go after this and look at this it's pretty close over here but looks like green is in last oh my goodness red one my time for all yoshi's to do tipsy tourney whoa that's something weird over there not all of them start off in the same corner wow that's really weird that's something i never realized about this game okay so let's go like this and does everyone win now let's see looks like everyone wins together right yeah everyone's in first that's so weird how everyone didn't start off in the same spot okay and final stage perhaps the hardest one this time let's go around the other way i'm going counter clockwise this time let's see if we do any better going this way or if it makes us do worse oh man i really messed up that let's just head along this way looking all right okay i think i messed up that oh wait i can't see i can't see i can't see i can't see i can't see i can't see i'm blocking it i'm blocking it up like this that way around okay but not great let's see what our score is man you can see that part on the left that i really messed up this is probably the lowest oh that was actually the highest 96 i thought that would be my lowest of the three attempts but we actually got 96 on this one this is supposed to be the hardest one and i got the highest score 96 very nice okay bumper balls is going to be crazy because if i go a bit up left everyone's going to go up left if i go up right everyone's going to go up right it's like i don't know if there's even a way that i can get everyone to the center i don't know if i can make anyone bump into anyone else without having someone fall off it's like a it's like a very very intense showdown this is almost like a stalemate they're like all right everyone to the left no no no no go to the right no no go left go down go up like these yoshis are all very afraid to approach each other and if we all just stand here and time runs out everyone ends up being in first place it isn't considered a tie in this game it actually counts a win for everyone hot rope jump is one that i am very very curious about and a lot of you in the comments are very curious about when i did this in my previous video and the question is does it actually matter your position in this like is it easier to get hit if you're on the outside and is it harder to get hit if you're on the inside or does the flame actually come down so that it's a fair mini game for everybody this one and tick tock hop i'm wondering about both of those let's try to get like just the people on the outside out is it possible yeah it is it is there we go we got just the people on the outside out there we go so it looks like the flames on the outside might hit you a bit sooner than on the inside confirmed all right here's the fun one all these yoshis fall into the water here now they've got to swim away from the cheap cheaps and at first this might not look too difficult like oh look you just press down but then you can see that some of these spikes now they're not exactly lined up but luckily it looks like all these yoshi's might be able to avoid all them and hopefully we'll be able to win together okay some of those spikes i was worried that at least one yoshi would get hit but it looks like all the yoshi's win together and this is something that we saw in my other video that was similar to this where we played an entire board where all characters were being controlled reverse the bomb is one of my favorite mini games to play i'm really curious what would happen if nobody does anything oh it looks like it'll just be an exact tie because there are three going each way so this just ends up happening and both teams should just get eliminated together yeah both teams have one point each right now and will this be a tie this will probably be a tie right not both teams win winners oh everybody wins apparently okay so everyone would get a lot of coins if this were a board now what if we actually tried to play whoa whoa oh look at this when you press the buttons like this man the left is getting absolutely annihilated right now oh my goodness that minigame was shocking just like all those blue arrows were getting pushed down okay messy memory should be an easy one okay bananas lose mushroom fly to egg peach dk hammer win mario peach hammer oh no peach dk hammer i mean okay so it is the bottom is peach dk hammer win mario then over here were we flying to yoshi or was it yoshi flies i think it was flying kfc so i'm pretty sure that's the order okay pretty cool how every character is just in sync like this oh my goodness and i love this little detail look all of the hands are actually the recolored yoshi hands that's such a cool detail pretty cool to see all the characters just in sync like this alright let's see let's see did we get perfect yeah it looks like we got perfect very nice this is a fun one because it's not super difficult to memorize 10 objects like that in a short period of time like that but you do have to focus to do it and if everyone gets a perfect score then everybody wins even if everybody does nothing then everybody wins because everyone ends up having like three points or so paths of barrel is another one that i'm very curious about because in my video where i was controlling all characters at once in a board game of this we had this mini game come up and even though all characters were being controlled by the same joystick we did have some characters fall off so i was very surprised because it's like i thought everyone should be having the same path so why were some characters falling before maybe there's like a slight slight delay between one character and another no but it looks like everyone's in sync right now kind of funny to see everyone going through the same maze perfectly in sync like this and is it a tie wait winners it wasn't even a tie it wasn't even a tie just red and blue one there let's see this time okay and this time everybody does win that's so weird that last time only two characters won but this time everyone wins that's so strange okay in this one unless there's some kind of big delay between the button press or something everyone should get the same score in fact uh oh i was gonna say i'll focus on the same character every time or sorry on a different character every time like look at green ones then look at red ones then cyan once and then blue oh no blue mist okay red you're up cyan you're up ah cyan miss blue your turn good green nice red good cyan nice blue nice green go red ah red mist cyan oh no oh no i thought it would be a fastball okay let's see wait does everyone have the same score oh i looked at the scores for a second i thought that maybe it was off by one okay i wanted to try to see if i could press a at a slightly off time to try to get one of the yoshis to hit it but not the other ones but yeah it looks like they're pretty in sync in this mini game leaf leap should be a fun one unless there's like a slight delay or something let's see let's see all the yoshi's are just jumping back and forth okay nice three when you have the leaf on the same side three in a row you know that you can jump to the opposite side because in this version you don't have the leaf on the same side more than three times in a row at least i've never had that in all the times that i've played it but this mini game is also in oh no oh no that was a big mistake that was a big mistake i didn't mean to do that but this mini game is also in mario party the top 100 and in that one you can have the same leaf on the same side more than three times in a row and i didn't know that when i was playing that game so i made a mistake there but yeah looks like everyone dies over here i like how the sun is just in the background there okay rocket raceway is one that i'm very curious about because the characters are all on a track and they are spread out a bit like this so it might make you wonder if every character has the exact same inputs would they all cross the finish line at the exact same time and that's what we are going to find out today first of all do we all reach the carrot at the exact same time hopefully we get the carrot and not the not the blue one not the blue not the boom there we go there we go there we go yes okay we got it we got it we got it we got it okay now we can try and go as fast as we possibly can and now the next carrot yeah are we all going to be perfectly lined up okay we're all perfectly lined up let's just be careful here oh no oh no slow down oh no no no no no that's so sad that's so sad i think once i sped up enough to get that on a good cycle and we had a very good record but let's see if everyone finishes together now is it a perfect tie what happens let's see red actually looks behind red actually looks a bit behind who wins green oh my goodness it's actually first second third and fourth but how but how for this race at first i thought that green yoshi would always end up winning if all characters have the same inputs because green won twice in a row but then blue one then red one then blue one again then red one again then green one then green one and then finally cyan one i was thinking that it would be impossible for cyan to win if everyone has the same input but cyan actually won here so i don't know if maybe there's a little bit of variance with the inputs here or what is causing different yoshi's to win here i was thinking that maybe the characters get bumped back a little bit when they run into the grapes instead of the carrot over here so i really don't know what's causing the different wins over here let's see if we can get a perfect tie in this mini game oh the lighting's very funny on this game hey be careful be careful everybody come on how many bubbles is that i didn't expect that many bubbles man almost like you have to anticipate how many bubbles you will blow with his nose hey still got 30 seconds left to make it up so i'll just play it safe i'll just play it safe i don't want every yoshi to be cut together let's go down play super safe almost at the end he'll have good time uh go down one more time go down go down go down thank you guys thank you guys i was worried that you wouldn't make it but there we go all the yoshi's made it to the end winners and accounts that all the yoshi's with so you can just have a perfect tie like that where everyone wins but if everyone gets caught like this like if all the yoshis all get caught at once like this and the trump puts them all down that pipe then everyone ends up being in fourth place instead of everyone being in first place then it says tai instead of every character wins pushy penguins with all characters being controlled by the same person all at once might actually be harder than we'd think oh man trying to make literally everyone win would be very very tough here because look look look how spread out these guys are getting and look there's blue there's blue there's come on come up guys come up guys come up guys come on okay this is actually going great it's actually going great oh no oh no no no no no no no no okay nice look how grouped together we are this is amazing oh no oh no red no red we lost red that's so sad so set oh no there go those guys okay light blue wins he wants to try to blend in with the wait he's actually hiding behind the penguins all right track number two let's see if we try this strategy only holding up no focusing no slowing down just holding up who will win the race on track number two if all you do is hold up looks like green is pretty far in the lead oh but he has his first spin out over here maybe the others will oh and a second spin out oh my goodness blue dark blue over here catching up there neck and neck right now oh green takes the lead over here but spins out oh man light blue catching up over here light blue in the lead spins out dark blue coming up close over here oh man what a close finish we'll have here everyone spins out but green does win red almost catches up from last place over there but green yoshi is the one that wins here all right and what about stage number three same strategy only holding up not letting go at all let's see who is going to win in this wow everyone spins out basically together there hey who spins out next dark blue spins out coming up on the first lap over here who gets the first lap pretty close i think it was light blue that was pretty close between the light blue between light blue red and green looks like dark blues pretty far behind but catching up a bit over here getting a few spin outs over here now green and red in the lead for this next lap over here spinning out the two blue yoshi's also spinning out green very very far in the lead here oh my goodness but spins out the other three spin out green's still in the lead over here the other three group together all spinning out together here comes green green spins out here comes everyone else oh how close will this be oh green spins out everyone spins out who will win who won that who won that a new record blue wins that with a time of 48.28 a nice slow time because of a lot of spin-offs but man that might have been the closest race yet bill blasters is another one that i'm very curious about everyone is hooked up to the same controller oh but everyone's facing a different way so it's like look i can shoot like this and oh oh right and when a character gets hit then they start to spin at a different speed so this is actually yeah so this is a really interesting mini game really interesting the way that they designed this and it's funny it's like when you hit a everyone else also hits a so everyone else pauses so it's like you can get out basically whoever you want okay okay ah everyone's at one but i don't think i can line it up so that everyone gets out each other at the same time that's so sad so sad yeah i don't think these guys can get out each other ah that's so sad that we can't do something like we did in bumper balloon cars okay night light fright is an interesting one because this is one where i don't think that it is completely even if everyone presses the a button at the same time because you can see that all the chops and all the different screens they all move forward at different speeds so look if everyone presses a right now almost everyone has a different score there are two 3.5 but everyone else has a different score so i guess in a way this one is a bit more luck dependent than some other four player mini games where it's like everyone has the same thing happening oh there goes those yeah look at that look at that these two are out already but those two on the right the chain jump was still like 10 yards away from them that is a humongous difference okay later skater let's see what if we just hold the a button oh we just hold the a but then i think that we all just line up like this we will just let the dark blue yoshi wins cyan will be in second red will be in third and green will be in the last everyone just lines up no one's even going any closer everyone's just like yeah this is all right we'll just skate on the outside we don't want to go on the inside that'd be cheating because then you take less distance that way this is the fairway you have to skate on the outside so that you travel more distance oh and i just realized that the penguins on the inner track are also going in a circle i can't believe i never noticed those piglets before and they even try to go around that platform that the shy guy is on all the other yoshis are just staring blankly ahead okay what happens if we actually try to make a yoshi win let's try and make green win i'll just focus on green and i'll try and make green do well and let's see if the others also do well or if my turning messes them up because i'll turn out a good time and my turning might be a bad time for them let's see nice nice okay this oh oh and i've still got to focus on them i forgot about that they still did pretty good over there trapeze artist will be an interesting one let's just match a right away let's see who wins let's see who ends the timer was still at 10. let's see who's the luckiest maybe bottom left let's see let's see let's see oh oh oh oh bottom left does what i was gonna say it's a tie quite the interesting way to play this mini game just everyone mashes the a button right at once it's like everyone's trying to speed run this game what goes up is a super fun right i don't know if there's a bit of delay between some characters and some movements because i think i've played this once before with yeah like look at that look at that two of those guys got hit already even though everyone has the same input there's like a slight difference right now i'm just focusing on green yeah like look at that green and blue tied perfectly because the two middle ones they got hit with that jump for some reason even though everyone has the exact same inputs so in this mini game very often all the characters are in sync and you can get the exact same score but sometimes there's some kind of slight deviation between some of the inputs for one character and another maybe there's a bit of lag between the button press being registered and it's just a couple frames apart and that can make just a few characters be slightly off and it isn't always the same characters every time sometimes you might have green and blue be the same and then cyan and red be different sometimes you might have cyan and blue be different monty's revenge is going to be a very interesting one because look at this you know what let's try this let's see what happens what if everyone just holds the a button the entire time who will win who will be the winner who will have the best luck because the monty moles they're just gonna go around and randomly whack the yoshis on the head over here but the yoshis aren't switching spots because there are only three monty moles so it's not like one monty mole can stay at each for the same amount of time let's see who's going to have the highest score if everyone just uses this same strategy of only holding the a button blue wins green and red did really poorly yellow was close but blue won this one and what if we actually try to use some kind of strategy oh oh but look if the guys all group up together like this if they all group up like this then only one person comes up and when you press the a button yeah like look at this when everyone's all at the same spot only the green guy comes up like this yeah every time look we're all on the same spot but every time only the green guy is coming up now what are the monty moles going to do now only green comes up now man this is such a cheap way for green to win that's very funny that that's another way that this mini game can go if everyone's all hooked up to the same controller in this one if i make one character move then all characters move in the same direction oh i could go like this though like this okay here we go here we go let's go like this let's go like this let's try and make these guys survive oh no okay oh man oh man oh man oh man this is so difficult let's go like this uh let's go here all right whoop oh no it's so hard to make two yoshi's survive together pokey pubble is going to be an interesting one i think let's try this let's try this let's try like not mashing but just tapping i think if we just tap like this then all of our inputs will be registered together and everyone should get the exact same time because in this mini game if you tap too quickly then some of your button inputs aren't registered and it looks like you need to hit each of these five times like after one more hit the mini game ends i think let's see there we go okay nice .69 perfect i was waiting exactly for that okay but if we mash faster let's see how that goes okay i'm actually kind of surprised that all of the button inputs were shared perfectly among everybody okay we saw this video game in my shadow clones video where i added shadow clones to mario party superstars and if you're controlling multiple people here it's uh it's sometimes a little difficult because look the way that they all group together it's like yeah oh we actually made all them go through together okay this is pretty great okay let's all group together like this let's all go through this door all the yoshis will all work together now we are going to try to all win together i don't think it'll let us all win together because you can see that like the people they go through the door in a different order okay there we go there we go all right we're on our way down oh man but even though all the yoshis are working together i still don't think that we will be able to all win together i don't think it's going to be a tie because i don't think you could have multiple yoshis go through the same door at the same time even if you do something like this like look even though it looks like everyone went through at the same time look they're still first second third and fourth that's so sad all the yoshi's all worked together but there is still a winner yellow wins this one rapid river race will be a very interesting one i love how the four yo she's matched up with the four colors of the boats but nobody is on the same color that they are that's kind of funny all right let's see how we can do here does everyone have the same obstacles i'm only going to look at one character let's see if you can go up a speed let's see hopefully we don't hit anything man oh man oh man i thought i got hit before that uh so sad okay everyone gets 22.27 here and everyone is considered the winner here everyone getting the exact same score on facelift might be kind of okay that bowser's really got these cheeks spread out like this i don't know if it's also slightly up let's try that okay let's put down his uh put down this a bit over here how's that look maybe a little wide or should his nose go down hmm his eyebrows probably want to go up a bit maybe like that or something how about his nose did his nose get adjusted at all maybe his nose is up a little bit oh that this should go up a bit oh no i didn't have time to move it oh no does everyone get the same score they should [Music] how did the two on the right get one point more how they're all connected to the same controller and that was player two and player four all right let's try again bowser looks like he's opening wide for the dentist right now i can't tell if his cheeks also go up slightly or not i didn't adjust his cheeks let's see how our score is for this one will everyone get the same score this time maybe no now there are three different scores now it's the top two that win it's so weird how there could be slight variations like that yeah this time we actually had four different scores but look how close everyone's score is 70 71 72 73 okay dark and crispy let's try to make as many yoshis as possible survive oh okay there's goes one yoshi don't breathe fire okay there go two yoshi's oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy okay just one yo she survived it's so hard to make multiple characters survive when you're near the edge and if you make one character move then another character falls off the edge you know what maybe pit boss though will actually be an exception to that maybe pitbulls will actually be easier because look we just make everyone group together like this and this is normally what the master cpus do when they play this game anyways they all group together like this they go oh no oh no and then they step away from okay bowser's about to drop some more balls over here let's avoid bowser's balls oh no bowser is dropping so many balls here who will be the winner oh man okay greedy oh she went those two got out together sorry other yoshis why is she so happy when all the other yoshi friends have been captured okay here's what we are going to do then i am just going to constantly mash the a button and we're going to see who wins oh well that was a fast match one verse three mini games when you control all four people are kind of weird because it's like how do you put up a fight against yourself it's like if you're playing as the one then you know exactly what your strategy is oh actually maybe i'm too good maybe i can't stop myself oh my goodness can i i stopped myself it looks like i'm too good or maybe am i actually not good enough look i'm just gonna aim over here squish those guys oh oh but there comes that one let's get him i gotta stop him gotta stop him here they come uh sorry guys oh they almost made it they almost made it i could have let him win oh it looks like i beat myself with one second left oh my goodness i put up such a good fight though it's too bad that i've won and i had to lose this one hide and sneak is going to be such a silly one is there any point in doing this because whatever button i press all three yoshi's are going to hide there i know exactly where they are going to be so i'm going to go over here behind the bushes and i know that all three of them are going to be there it's so weird playing against yourself like this okay goal is going to be an interesting one oh oh because all players are all going to shoot at the same time oh my goodness look at this if we go like this everyone just shoots it directly at yoshi none of them are going in what if we aim like slightly to the side oh my goodness then all three people score oh but yoshi can still block all them but if they shoot too hard then none of them go in they just hit the crossbar like that looks like yoshi is a pretty good goalie after all okay for henker havoc it should be a tie right we should both get the exact same score is that the way that it should work because whatever i do on one side the other side should also be doing that so we should be perfectly matched right right as long as we don't fall off let's see just lean hard lean hard lean hard okay if you go too fast you can fall off there and then it becomes a tie okay do we have a perfect tie we have a perfect tie now let's see let's see who's the winner everyone dies okay so you can't have both teams win for dungeon dash these two teams should be perfectly tied right can we squeeze under i think maybe you can squeeze under if you go fast enough but this is weird hold on in this cut scene you don't normally see both teams go yeah it looks like we both come out does everyone win then that's so weird zeke all the yoshi's coming out like that you're not supposed to see all four people coming out with this good seed okay who will win in a game of speed hockey if all four characters are connected like this oh wait a minute wait a minute oh i think if you bounce off this shell then you could actually be oh my goodness i i swear i am trying to win with both teams oh my goodness oh my goodness i'm so bad or am i so good i guess it depends from what perspective you look at it okay come on oh man that's going fast oh man the team on the right won very badly there oh man cake factory is actually going to be so difficult because it's like oh that actually worked out so nicely the way that that worked because the strawberries and the cakes they aren't always perfectly aligned let's go like this no no that they put down the cake first i guess i guess the person with the cake always puts down the cake first and then the strawberries on top after that because now we need these guys to grab some strawberries oh no i missed let's go put down the strawberries there we go all right oh we maybe could have gotten one more let's eat we got five not bad five cakes both teams got exactly five cakes so both teams win does toad move the same way on both sides or is it random oh my goodness but i don't know if i could get these guys to work together on hold and i've gotta like group them up in the corner like this and maybe now we'll be able to finally get some points come on come on come on come on i just want some points just give me some points there we go okay yes and they appear together okay okay okay so we might actually be able to get some points yes okay what if what happens if both teams can both teams win what how did the team on the left not get it does it move randomly oh no that's not good that's not what i wanted to happen i wanted both teams to win together okay so if both teams do absolutely nothing and gets zero points this is what happens will it be tie it's a tie okay yeah it just says it's a tie oh thank goodness they got that point okay now wait are both toads in the same spot no the toads move around differently so i gotta make sure that if i get a toad that both teams can get it hey now where's this toad going can both teams get this one please okay no you guys got to get a point oh my goodness they got a point on the last second okay it's three three so what happens okay so as long as you have any points then the game says congratulations you both win picking panic is another one that i'm curious about what i'm curious about is oh no oh no what i'm curious about is does the top team and the bottom team always get the same cherries this is actually one of the weirdest things i've ever done the controls are so weird in this it's so weird it's like you're trying to focus on one person but then you start focusing on the other person it's like you have to press a to grab onto the cherry on the left and hold it then you have to press a for the person on the right to grab it but when you're trying to grab it with the person on the right then you might have actually already grabbed the next cherry or missed the next cherry so it just completely throws off your throw okay in burn style i will try to win as both teams let's see what happens oh man but eventually this is gonna get so fast that the jumping on one side is going to get in the way of the jumping up the other side the left brought the right down this time rocky road this is one that i've never seen what happens if you tie but it shouldn't be super difficult to tie so let's see what happens yeah we can just break those rocks perfectly in sync like that and then we just drive along toes just driving along these yoshi's over here oh no blue had a bit of a head start there okay okay don't worry though don't worry though we're gonna slow down we're not gonna move yet we're not gonna move until everyone's in place we want it to be a perfectly fair game and let's see okay perfect perfect perfect that's the way that we like to see it we want it to be a perfect tie like this especially when we make it to the very last rock this is the second last stop that we have let's see okay perfectly in sync very nice that's what we like to see and now then can we have a perfect time what what will happen if both teams get a perfect tie here let's see is it possible let's see let's see do we both cross the finish line together or what's happening is anyone ahead of the other who wins the team on the left one all right now let's try to play really really really in sync we'll make sure that everyone punches at the same time over here everyone's punching together not doing a lot of super fast inputs so we know that everyone's pressing together there you know what when the cars take off i thought i imagined it last time but it looks like the car on the left just like when they both start moving the one on the left starts moving a fraction of a second before the car on the right so i've played this mini game a few times now with the same controller controlling all four characters and every single time it looks like it's going to be a tie but they make the team on the left always win so even if both teams play perfectly the team of the left wins okay what if we just leave it to be a tie like this what if everyone just works together now we all have three points each now there are a few goombas that aren't painted so what happens it's not like we have a score of zero everyone has the same score right now everyone has a score of three so let's see what's going to happen will it be a tie or will it say that both teams win because normally there's also a cut scene at the end depending on the winner too so let's see what happens here wow it just says that everyone wins that's actually very surprising and let's see what happens if everyone does nothing if everyone does nothing and this score is 0-0 then does it say it's a tie or does it say that everyone wins because in a board if you're playing this mini-game in a board when everyone wins then you actually do get coins everyone gets the full 10 coins or the full 20 coins if it's a bonus mini game but if it's a tie then i think that you normally only get half of that amount of coins for a 2v2 mini game i think it just ends up being five points to each player instead of 10 to each player so let's see it's a tie yeah if nobody does anything then it says it's a tie so it's actually so funny that there's a difference depending on whether you get points or not and this is one just like hot rope jump something that a lot of people have been asking about people have been wondering and i've been wondering too do you have better opportunities if you are on the outside is it more difficult if you're on the inside let's see because depending on how the hitboxes work yeah if you're on the inside it should be more difficult but let's see if that's actually the case let's see if we can do this let's see let's see let's see yep there we go there we go because both characters jump at the same time but we could have green yoshi survive and mathematically it does make sense that the person on the outside does have an advantage yeah and we can get it both ways you can see over there that whether the second hand is coming towards you or whether it's going away from you the inside person can get hit first even if you're both jumping at the exact same time fine with me i'm very very curious about this one wait wait wait i think we have seen have we seen a perfect tie with this one i don't remember if we've seen a perfect tie with this one or not but let's see if we can do it oh no i don't like how that's swinging oh no that's so sad i have to wait so long to catch this one now okay let's go like this we should be good now to get that one and continue on getting close to the end i don't know if i could say almost at the end but we are getting there okay let's go let's oh no [Music] and let's see let's see should be a perfect tie is it a tie wait what in the world happened there that was so weird i wonder if they always make the bottom character win let's see no this time the top character one that's so strange yeah in this mini game you can have a tie i had a video where i was controlling all four characters with the same controller and we played through an entire board and we actually had a duel with this minigame and it ended up being a tie and everyone's coins just went back to everybody now what about mass media or this one over here this one reminds me so much of super paper mario actually they're doing pretty good all right oh no yeah i don't think i've ever seen a perfect tie in this one oh we're getting close to that okay are we perfectly tied up i can't tell if we are perfectly tied up right now let's see who's gonna win this one who wins who wins who is the winner both characters win both yoshis are on the moon this is an illegal cutscene okay in this mini game whether it is real people playing against each other or people playing against cpus you can have some very close games over here let's see if we have a winner here or if someone is slightly in front of the other person whoa the game just lagged like crazy there oh man it almost looked like both characters were going to push through the gate but then yoshi was the one who did it okay and let's see who's going to win this one because they should be in that exact same spot exact same spot now let's run up together and red wins this one it wasn't even close that time let's see does the player on the right win every time if you have the same inputs let's see wow three times in a row both players having the exact same input the player on the right wins so this is kind of surprising in x-ray payday not every character has the same set of boxes every time so let's see what happens if other than the first one the characters just constantly press a let's see who will have the most coins at the end who will be the luckiest if everyone just presses a the entire time who will end up with the most points at the end so far green's doing pretty well and yeah not everyone is going to have the same amount of coins at the end most likely because the order of the bombs and the punches and the coins are all different and the empty ones so let's see it looks like green wins this one with 19 yellow with 16 blue with 14 red with 12. cashapold should be a relatively easy one to get a perfect score with both teams because if i just focus on one side let's go like this nice if i just focus on one side like this [Music] then the other team should also get the same yeah there we go there you go now let's just go like this whoop get that one and there we go okay we already got all the coins the last person doesn't even have to jump both sides already up 20. the last jump is just a free jump like that in case you missed something not bad perfect game for both teams pretty cool to see the yoshi's dancing in sync like that now mario puzzle party is one that i am very interested in seeing what if all four characters played exactly the same way what would happen what would happen what if we all just repeatedly tapped up like this let's see what will happen man everyone's just got the same score so far because everyone is given the same blocks and look at this we're even what's going on what's going on why is it not in sync what's going on what's going on what happened what happened why is it not in sync what's going on over here what's going on what happened how is the person on the far right doing so well he's got 48 above 50 already wow player two's got 94 already almost at 100 player two might be winning this one 96 already oh my goodness player one almost has a full board and player two wins with 102. what happened there they were all perfectly even for a while and then they just weren't let's see what if we just let the blocks fall down what if we don't do anything we just let the blocks fall where they will we're not gonna have any inputs at all from any character will it just end up being a complete tie well everyone gets 100 together what will end up happening i don't know if it's because i was tapping up too quickly earlier as the swamps started appearing i don't know if that's what it was or something else yeah look at this look at this already blue is blue different for blue it's falling at a different rate yeah what's going on there whoa whoa at a certain point it just ends up becoming different for all the characters is every character different no no the three on the left are all the same right just the guy on the right is different just the guy on the far right is a bit different he's like one tile behind everyone else and his stuff's also getting placed differently whoa and all of a sudden there are all these differences here i was looking over at the guy on the right now these three on the left yeah they've got the same score but their boards are starting to become different too what's going on here player two again with the highest score on the player threes close behind no player one's in the lead now who what what determines who wins well i know it's like who gets to 100 points or who's the last person to survive is the winner but is there a certain point at which the colors become random or what happens oh one player has a full board they're eliminated already another player is eliminated now it's 92 points versus 81 who will get to 100 first or who will fill up their board first oh it's so close three points away they're three points apart oh my goodness only one point apart oh my goodness player three is taking the lead squishing but one comes out and wins congratulations greedy ocean thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this you might like my video where we play through an entire board where i control all four people at once or another challenge video where i control three people and we face off against the master cpu i hope the rest of your day is a very great one and take care everybody it's a tie [Music]
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 8,939,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party superstars, all minigames, all minigames mario party superstars, mario party superstars all minigames, mario party superstars all characters, mario party, mario party minigames, mario, super mario, mario minigames, all characters, mario vs luigi, luigi, vs luigi, mario vs, mario party all characters, mario party hardest difficulty, mario party all characters minigames, shadow, shadow mario, evil mario, mario clone, master cpu, lucky, unlucky, good luck, bad luck
Id: ql0u5I77ev4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 0sec (3000 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 17 2022
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