Mario Party 9 - All Bosses (All Boss Minigames)

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today we face all bosses in mario party 9 including the bonus boss minigames these are some great boss fights for mario and his friends thank you so much for watching and i hope you enjoyed this video alright so here's the first boss fight of the game lackadoo who's actually the cameraman in super mario 64. but this like dude is throwing spideys on the field over here so we want to be the one that deals the most damage onto him and the way that you deal damage onto this guy is you have to hit these when they turn into threes and you want to be careful that the spideys uh don't touch you yeah so whoa i got a spidey let's see one two three there we go okay we got the three move oh boy i don't know if i got that or if it was a three even but let's see go yeah we got a three there very nice okay yeah you want to hit the blocks when it is a three and you want to be careful because you don't want the others to get it before you oh yoshi got a spidey there oh boy let's go let's go oh oh okay i was about to jump but it looks like we got the balls under half health wow we're doing much better than the others over here okay and let's see how we're doing over here there are now some big spideys being thrown he threw this spidey right at me and i spawned a spiny over here that's not good let's be careful oh boy i want to get over there i want to get over there let's go no i wanted that one wait i don't know if i even got that one okay let's see go oh no that wasn't a three oh peach got that one before me this is crazy let's go okay yeah because sometimes it's like you're heading towards a block and you're like i want to hit it because now is a good time to hit it but it's like someone can choose to get a two or a one before oh cool and we even got final attack so we get an extra plus three that's amazing what a great victory here i think we kind of blew these guys out of the water in this boss fight over here so i think that we have a very clear victory over here poor luigi in last place all right for this one i don't know how luck based this one is because it's like you either choose to turn or not turn we're going to be facing off against this boss over here we're up against a womp over here he looks very angry he doesn't have a lot of teeth does he yeah so we can either choose to go left or right do we pull the lever or no ah let's go i'm gonna go for it let's do it who pulls the lever everyone pulls the lever okay so it looks like princess beach is going to be getting attacked as we rotate four times two three four so it squishes princess peach over here okay and well do you just mash a to uh jump in ground pound i think that's the way that it works hey how come yoshi got to go so fast okay let's go let's go oh no i didn't get to get that last one over there i was hoping that i would okay now then do we rotate or no let's see uh you know what yoshi's really thinking about it you know i'm gonna go let's go for it let's see yeah we got three okay wait wait wait wait wait one two does that mean we're squishing luigi we're not squishing me if i didn't pull the lever we would have been squishing me this turn which is crazy okay so luigi gets squished so he loses one now let's go two three and can you get a fourth oh i got the fourth that time that time i ground pounded him four times that's well okay and he's getting angry now he's getting very very angry over here now then i think oh oh i guess that one means that we're gonna do one rotation no matter what anyways uh do i want to rotate though [Music] i'm gonna say you know let's rotate every single time i'm rotating wait three uh one two does that mean they're squishing me this turn oh no oh no oh no mario is getting squished this time there's nothing i can do i lose one point how does yoshi have so many points what in the world how is yoshi doing so well yoshi might be the one that wins this boss fight over here oh my goodness this is what we need yoshi to get squished okay let's see it's a one you know what i'm going for i'm going for every single time i'm pulling the lever let's see hopefully two people go yes wait wait wait wait wait one two three that means we're squishing yoshi right i think that might mean we win very good very good i'm so lucky that yoshi got squishy okay now i just need at least two ground pounds let's see let's go and come on give me last hit who got last hit yeah i get final attack bonus all right very nice wait yoshi's still in second place despite all that that happened there that's wild oh my goodness what a crazy battle we had over here wait and uh the ranking is the same as the first boss fight mario first then yoshi peach luigi all right time for the dry bones boss fight if i remember correctly okay first of all this dry bones is gonna be animated and come to life over here if i remember correctly this is a memory mini game i think start like we have to uh memorize where he's gonna go okay watch the cards okay so you have to memorize where the cards are okay green and red okay red green red green let's see he's on red there we go i picked it first all right let's see how did we do i don't know if the order matters or just if you get the right card okay it looks like the order doesn't matter all that matters is that you get the right card okay what's next now there are going to be three okay let's see red green and blue okay let's see uh red green and blue okay red was this one green i can't remember this one was green or that one was green uh oh let's see yeah okay that was great okay thank goodness oh boy all right i like how the shapes are different not just the colors oh and pretty soon the colors are sorry pretty soon the cards are probably also going to be shuffled randomly but let's see we have to not only keep track of the cards but they might get shuffled let's see okay uh green yellow red blue green yellow red blue oh boy green yellow red blue does that mean this one's blue because it looks like the two and two got changed okay yeah green yellow red blue okay my order was right and we picked the right card which is also a nice plus okay his hp is getting a little low let's see let's see what do we choose next okay uh red blue green red blue green red red is here blue green oh yellow's here i think i think this one's yellow this one didn't change i was keeping my eye on that one in the corner i'm like it's not going to be this one but it was that one and oh he's still not defeated one more round oh no am i going to get it oh now you get damaged if you get it wrong oh so we really have to be careful okay let's see let's follow this row here yellow red green and then blue there yellow red green green is here yellow red i think this one's green it looked like the card moved up to there the cards were moving but i still got it right let's go let's go what a nice victory we have over here perfect game oh it's so nice when you get a perfect game in this one there we go beautiful victory over here oh my goodness and now luigi's up to second place peach is in last place which means order is restored to the universe wait a minute i just realized this mini game with the cheap cheap i just realized this the mini game is called cheap cheap shot and i think that might be a pun i think it might be making a reference to the expression cheap shot oh oh you actually uh tilt the wiimote to move i thought it was uh i thought it was a you know what i thought it was uh the d-pad i'm like why is my character not moving oh oh let's be careful not get hit by the cheap cheap get up yeah there we go okay so you want to collect the shells and you want to uh throw the shells at the cheap cheap when you can and you want to not get hit by the cheap shape give me a shell yeah there we go okay let's see are you gonna charge us go yeah oh he's getting angry he's halfway defeated okay we are actually barely ahead over here and i think that might be partially because uh we had some trouble earlier on well at the very beginning of the minigame i don't think we messed up that badly though give me some shells please please give me some shells that was so close i was so scared get this now very nice now get him now move okay i need a shell i should have gone for that other one maybe are you coming here bro oh oh oh oh let's go and get this one and go yeah that was final hit oh boy i didn't think that we get final hit i wasn't paying attention to the hp wow we really came back there it was almost tied for the first half of the game but then we really came back oh and the ranking is the same as the previous minigame mario luigi yoshi peach this has to be the most difficult boss fight in this game we are facing up against spike who just dropped down over here he's gonna be throwing these spiky balls at us and we have to not only aim very well at which we are going to choose we have to react very quickly also so let's see give me that give me that yes yes we got the gold hammer okay so the gold hammer is the best choice you want to choose the hammer as quickly as possible not the sticks and the gold hammer is the best case scenario so let's see what do we need now get that get that get that oh he got that okay give me this thing give me i'm pressing a on it i was pressing a on it why did i not get it ah that sometimes happens in this mini game i swear this mini game is the most broken one okay okay i was up here i was pressing a on the gold one but for some reason it gave me the regular one like yeah yoshi got it before me i'll admit that but that's so weird that it gave me the regular one okay so far yoshi's winning this one i don't know if we can win this mini game this mini game boss bike is ridiculous okay the lava is coming up so we're all moving up now let's see how we're going to do here okay and now we have less reaction time because we are up higher uh give me that one okay how about this one then okay sure just give me the regular hammer that's fine i'm all right with just the regular hammer luigi is winning right now princess peach in last place with zero let's see uh give me this okay nice nice okay we got at least something that's all right wait did i get last hit no yo she also got a device yo she wins this one but you know what that's all right i'm fine with yoshi winning one that's okay yoshi worked very hard in that one all right this is a really interesting boss fight okay so we're all facing off against bowser jr over here he points over at us all right let's go mr bowser jr he's going into this very large clown car contraption over here wait a minute it's like those dolls where you have like one clown car and a bigger clown car and a bigger clown car alright so let's see what the order is going to be who's up first okay yoshi's up first over here that means that i'm going to be the next one let's see what is he rolling he gets a two over here wait does he deal any damage i think he doesn't deal any damage then right okay nothing happens so we're happy about that now i get to roll and give me a big number a six wait wait wait do i deal some damage because i passed the three and the six or no oh i think it's whoever lands on one of those stars gets to deal damage so if luigi gets one or four he got a four weight does that mean luigi deals 12 damage right now i think that means he deals 12 damage right oh my goodness luigi is indestructible now he is unstoppable nobody can stop master luigi right now okay what about peach he gets just a one that's so funny she gets the lowest possible number four princess peach okay what about yoshi get a six get a six get a six bro why are you all getting ones now what if luigi's the only one that deals damage to the boss that'd be so funny okay what do we get a two okay so we're also not dealing any damage if luigi gets a two or a five then he'll deal some more damage a six okay okay we're really bringing it up over here okay oh things are getting a little risky now because what happens if we land on that bowser junior spot there okay what does peach get of one all peach can roll is now wads that's all she's rolling if yoshi rolls the one he gets to deal 12 damage now please get a two get a two lisa two ah he got a one oh my goodness these guys are so lucky they're dealing so much damage like we're only dealing 12 so far that's kind of unbelievable [Music] hey bowser jr is getting very angry over here piece and i have both done nothing we haven't dealt any damage at all oh it looks like a bowser jr bomb is spit out over here oh and some more of those appeared okay so let's go let's shake up the dice let me get a six or something hey okay that's nice thank you i get to finally deal some damage that's very nice we got some nice music playing in the background too okay it looks like bowser jr is almost defeated here actually luigi gets a three wait does that defeat him i think that might be it does that defeat him let's see i think luigi might be the winner here oh he's not defeated yet and princess peach gets a one piece why can't you only roll once what is happening oh man i don't know if it's possible for me to come back unless okay yoshi also gets a one i think the only way that we can come back is if it goes if it gets like filled up almost all the way up but even then i don't know if i'd get all the points so let's see what happens a five okay so that'll bring us up wait we landed on the bowser junior rod does that mean i lose points [Music] let's see three what does that do wait do i get whacked three times oh no he is hammering me like a madman i lost three of my points okay i'm almost out of points and what about luigi he gets a four wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh okay oh really filling it up over here okay uh peach get a two please or three two would be best four wait wait wait this peach come back and win now because that's a 15 or does she only get to do one hit she gets to do all of the hits that's unbelievable who would have expected princess peach to come back and win this mini game over here princess peach who is always in last place she was in last place at this mini game the only person who didn't have any points at all rolling once for the entire game but then she comes back and wins and she is now in first place ahead of luigi who almost had a guaranteed victory here i'm actually in last place in this mini game all right here is the ditty cog mini game let's do this one nice boss fight over here this is the boss right from the final board of the game what you want to do is collect as many bananas as possible and you launch yourselves out of these barrels oh doing pretty good over there now just let me up there good now just let me go there oh no oh no i need you to move i need you to move give me that right there i wanted that five i wanted that five yeah that's nice we got ten right there okay and doing pretty good over here yes if you bunk into each other then you can get into some trouble but we did a great job they're 39 bananas not bad very nice first place over here okay wiggler bounce is one of my favorite mini games in this game i absolutely love this one okay so there's a wiggler that's walking around you want to ground pound on it and the different parts of its body give a different amount of points when you ground pound on them based on uh what color it is like this one here oh no bro there we go that one gives three points when you ground pound on that red one but if you grab on on the other ones you can still get a single point which is nice and you also want to watch out for the piranha planes if they hit you and they damage you then uh you lose some uh you lose some points let's see i wanted the three there wait wait i didn't see what way i bounced off okay there we go there you go okay it's half defeated now it's starting to get angry we're very far ahead which is great news wait let's see where are you going oh i want to get a point okay very nice hoping to get a three there actually and you're coming from here now let's see where are we at over here give me the three yeah we got a three there and can i get one more okay i think we got one more there because it was a blue plus one we've got blue behind us yeah that was the final hit very nice i didn't see how much hp it even had i'm just like let's go for a three poor wiggler goodbye ah that was a nice victory there very nice victory force how did the others do peach is in last place yoshi is so sad for yo she's so sad all right we've got a king one and this is a really interesting boss fight okay so here comes mr king bob we are going to be selecting buttons over here and each of these buttons correspond with a certain bomb that we'll be able to pick up and you'll see that the bombs show up now okay so the bigger bombs do the most damage so you know what let's press one i'm going for one if two people go for the same bomb then you bump into each other okay yeah like that then you bump into each other and nobody gets to pick it up so that's kind of funny oh and there are actually four of us so this is kind of crazy it's four people but uh four bombs that's kind of crazy i'm going for the biggest one hopefully no one else does yeah all right that's amazing okay so the bigger bombs they deal more damage but there might be like multiple people going for it so it might not necessarily be the best you know what uh i'll go for the biggest one again let's see no peach oh man i was gonna go for one but yeah those guys they went for one and two so they got to deal more damage actually okay i'm going for one again because it seems like when i go for one i'm pretty lucky no one else goes for one let's see if the same thing happens no peach and luigi oh my goodness okay uh yoshi's in the lead now actually okay and the boss is half defeated oh but now what happens is if you bump into each other and you don't throw a ball then king bo bomb throws a bomb back at you you can actually lose some points i'm going for a now luigi luigi no now bomb he's gonna throw a bomb at us because we're both dizzy so we lose a point there okay that's all right you know what very often when i've played this mini game i'm pressing two very often when i played this mini game i've only played it against one other person instead of four cpus great yoshi oh my goodness you lose some points now luigi gets a lot of points i'm in dead last place right now i have to go for the big ones okay let's go for the d-pad over here what are you guys choosing please be nice yes thank you okay oh no but wait that's bad because they'll get points wait who gets last hit louisiana gets last hit luigi wins wait are we all tied in second place other than luigi that's actually gonna be so funny i wonder if we'll roll the dice block to decide who's in like second third and fourth because look at this we're all tied right yeah we're all in second but wait but we all look so sad about that do we roll the dice block or no i guess we don't all right we have now got the king boo mini game and you know i think the king boo mini game in mario party 10 is also a really fantastic one okay so this is kind of a puzzle one what you want to do is uh match these all together you wanna oh man oh man oh man oh man do i get all that okay let's go like this let's go like this okay uh let's go like that very nice looks like we're dealing some damage over here hey hey guys guys this is my side you guys aren't allowed to come here okay you guys gotta you gotta get out of here folks okay how are we doing 38 okay we're destroying them i didn't know that we were doing so badly but yeah we're doing uh pretty well over here let's see oh wait there's a there's a little uh guys guys stop this you know what you know what you guys want to mess you guys want to mess i'll do this then how you like this then huh i'll put the three lightning bolts together let's see how you guys like that huh let's see how you guys like that i don't think you'll like that will ya i don't think you'll like that i don't think you'll like that very much i think you might slightly like it might be something new or novel maybe you'll like it a little bit but i don't think you'll like that very much who gets last hit i get finally plus 10. very nice and we have 69 points that is fantastic okay now looks like we did a fantastic job in this minigame over here very nice victory with 79 points because we got the bonus 10. and yoshi's in last again so sad for you she's so sad alright so next up we're all on a ship over here i don't know if it's a pirate ship but we do have cannons some little islands in the background over there and what we want to do is shoot out this blooper and these boss fights and mini games where you oh get them yeah nice we gotta hit on them over there okay let's see let's focus coming out over there yeah very nice hit on him again okay let's come over there yeah come here come here let's go come here my bro oh no i missed him okay let's see come here there we go nice hit on him oh oh i didn't realize that he was there already oh boy i keep wanting to check this score but like when you check the score it's like uh you're not really focusing on where the bloopers are i guess i gotta shoot that or else that'll hit me okay very nice oh he's coming out again he's coming out again okay [Music] oh boy i don't know if i finished this stuff but something that i was saying earlier was uh these mini games where you're uh using the wiimote to aim and shoot these are some of the most difficult ones this blooper is difficult to deal with oh no he shot me he shot me okay let's see are scores looking all right so far let's go for that one now good oh it's like you want to go for him and then when he goes under water that's a good time to shoot the ones that are coming towards you oh but i didn't even realize that one was coming towards me there let's get that one oh it's all inky over here i can't see the screen who got last shot luigi wait he gets plus three do we still win because we have 17 because that should bring him up to 14 and that means we should still win right well that water actually looks really realistic and hurray so often now he's tied in third with peach so sad all right time for one of the coolest mini games in the game oh boy this has to be probably my favorite boss fight i like this one a lot okay so let's see we just want to follow one along you want to follow the rails you want to choose one i'm going to choose a cart that lets you uh you want to choose a cart that lets you go up to a cannon not the one that brings you to the chain shop and pretty soon they're also gonna be golden cannons that deal even more damage oh everyone gets the deal damage now that's very interesting okay so we all get a hit on the chain jump over here really cool boss fight i like this one a lot all right there's a gold one okay let's follow the gold one okay let's see where's the gold one go hey the middle one what's the middle one button one one's there yeah we were first okay yeah if you don't choose the button first then someone else might get to take the path that you want and if someone else chooses the path that you want it then you have to choose a different one and if you're only paying attention to where one cannon is then you might not know what other paths are good if someone took the path that you wanted okay but there we go he's half defeated we're in the lead let's watch the rails over here okay let's see where's the one on the far left going a second one where's the second one a button uh b whoa i didn't know that you could press b in this mini game i thought it was only d-pad a1 and 2. okay but we should be in the right one yeah we're going to the far left so that's okay we got a shot over here look at luigi he's going to the chain jump very scared over here and he gets hit over there and his cart is destroyed also but we all get a hit out over here which is very nice and let's see okay gold one on the far left pay attention where's it going to go okay second one what's the second one uh two yeah okay we are nice and fast over there okay i'm getting pretty fast at being able to uh press the right button okay so that's very nice we're going there now peach and luigi are both getting attacked by the chain jump so sad for both of them looks like yoshi and i are doing pretty well over here and next round might be the round where we get final hit on the chain jump case i'm gonna go for far right over here let's see oh boy i think it's the middle one i wasn't paying attention very closely but uh let's try that i think that's the right one let's see because i don't know if everyone's going to end up at a cannon also but let's see okay everyone's had a can of poor luigi luigi's doing so poorly in this one oh my goodness wait we're on the far right do we get final hit yeah oh man i played that so strategically trying to go to the far right over there oh goodbye change up that was the perfect time to go to the far right because we got to get final hit there and we got some more points ed we had an even better victory here now luigi's in last place again so sad okay so before we do the final boss fight of the game let's do the donkey kong boss mini game this one is under the boss mini games what we want to do over here is collect as many bananas as possible wait let's see come over here now yes now launch me up ed yeah we got that giant one and we got an extra five so you know what let's come up here and launch me up get me that okay got an extra five that's not bad i think i wait wait wait oh that one's so far away wait launch me again and oh i didn't get any of the ones up there but 27 so that is nice we are in first place over here and it looks like luigi isn't last so sad for luigi and it is time for the final boss fight of the game now time to face off against bowser over here bowser's got a very big roar over here hopefully we can do all right against him let's see so he's got all these dice over here he's gonna throw them down and we want as many faces of ourselves as possible let's see okay we don't want luigi faces we don't want yo she faces we don't want princess peach faces don't want yoshi faces don't want i wanted to pick up one more wait there are only two mario faces that's not for yoshi's i tried to get rid of as many yoshis as possible oh my goodness yeah so we do only two damage over here princess peach does only one damage but wait there's a bowser block that means that bowser gets to attack right let's see he swallows up the block spits out some fire oh that's it okay now it's the next round okay let's see let's get ready okay don't want peach don't want luigi don't want peach don't want peach why are there so many peaches and other characters there's only one block of mario oh my goodness peach gets bored now okay it looks like the others have had some pretty good luck over here so far oh my goodness okay so we're at only three damage over here hide with luigi in last place yoshi's in first peach is also doing well those are swallows and blocks spits out some fire nice that they got hit because that means that they lose some points and what's next hey let's get some of these uh luigi's over here let's see don't want the yoshis don't want the yoshis don't want the luigi's don't want the luigi's end ah that one became a bowser so sad but wait for mario's very nice that's what we like to see oh oh and he's half defeated wait does that mean that cancels out everyone else's attacks or the rest of this round i hope it does because now we're in first place bowser grows even bigger now no their attacks still continue that is so sad so sad they get to keep attacking bowser's looking giant over here reminds me of the ending of uh paper right of the origami king actually i have to revisit that game sometime okay bowser swallows the block spits out some more fire yo she got hit which is good for us wait what's he rolling now he is rolling the boss cube it's a bowser block what does that mean what's gonna happen what's he going to do whoop avoid the fire whoop avoid the fire oh no i didn't avoid all the fire i got hit whoa okay i only got hit once so that's okay we're tied with peach in first place let's try and get rid of all of the peach blocks we can oh peach blocks don't want peach blocks get rid of the peach plugs don't want luigi blocks so many luigi blocks how are there so many luigi blocks and ah man wait i have no blocks this turn there are no mario blocks how [Music] how how am i so unlucky here everyone's dealing so much damage [Music] again bowser swallows a bunch of bowser blocks putting up fire over here okay at least i'm avoiding the fire that's all right now we're gonna need a lot a lot of mario blocks if we want to win this one okay there's a king bob what's gonna happen is king ball i'm gonna come down there he is what are you gonna do king bo bomb oh it looks like it's raining down bum-bums everywhere whoop okay let's stay away from the bombs don't let the ball bombs explode you very nice okay peach took some more damage each and yoshi are the ones that i'm most scared of so get rid of all the peach blocks get rid of all the peach blocks get rid of all the peach blocks yoshi blocks too you know what get rid of luigi blocks also uh get rid of this one please be another mario how many mario's we have five marios this might be the final hit please be final hit please no no okay but luigi should finish him off right okay luigi finishes him off that's fine that's fine if peach finished off bowser then maybe we would have lost but that's pretty good that means that we should be winning this one oh man what a battle we had over here and we are first it's mario luigi oh luigi and peach were both tied in second and yoshi so sad is in last i really recommend you watch my video where we play all dream events in mario and sonic at the winter olympics it's a super fun game with great mini games thank you so much for watching it is so nice to be able to make these videos i hope you have an amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody [Music]
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 1,058,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party superstars, all minigames, mario party, mario party minigames, mario, super mario, mario minigames, all characters, luigi, peach, yoshi, mario party all characters, mario party hardest difficulty, boss fight, mario bosses, final boss, rainbow, rainbow maze, mario maze, full game, story mode, mario game, mario party 9, mario party 9 story mode, all bosses, mario all bosses, all boss fights, every boss, mario party all bosses, mario party 9 all bosses, zxmany
Id: tLypUPrDPP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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