Going for the WORST Score in Mario Party Superstars

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Gamers welcome to my Boulders first things first playing as Luigi in Mario Party you probably want to win the game today I want to try to lose every single minigame or as many mini games as possible starting with mushroom mix up I had to be able to lose pretty spectacularly here literally run off of this look at Luigi hey you know what Louie just got a pretty clean backstroke do you see that not bad next is bombs away jump into the water we did it Luigi's doing his backstroke again that's good I don't know okay he takes a while to get pulled away don't think I'll have any issues with this one just pick the opposite look at that let's freaking go dude hell yeah oh boy crazy Cutters this one ought to be interesting I want to pick you know what let's go with just the boo we'll see how badly I can lose this one I want to try to go for zero points if possible let's see let's just do this just go all the way around big circle hey hey you know we're gonna give him like a oh dude we could do art we're gonna do art okay so I'm drawing he has like a balloon okay he has like a balloon on his head that's not bad is that zero points zero zero zero zero one point oh what the heck I can't avoid the one point what's up with that so I think one point is probably the worst score you can get in that game I literally just shot up and that was it I don't know oh I have an idea actually okay we're gonna play again but we're going to do literally nothing this time I didn't okay that has to be zero right yeah let's freaking go zero points that's what I'm talking about so this one is gonna be interesting Tipsy tourney okay so no matter what we do we're gonna get some of these squares okay here's the thing I wonder if we can like hold it in one spot I mean we can do like this we can bounce off of it okay I have an idea I wonder what's the least amount of tiles we can do oh okay I didn't even know you could do this okay hold on hold on I got a really good idea let's just go for the one tile and that's it yes okay we just got a frame perfect jump this for the next 24 seconds oh God okay here we go come on Rosalina hurry up that's not bad you know what that's literally as good as you can get it I'll take that now dizzy dancing this one's pretty self-explanatory we're just gonna you know not participate basically I guess we can just kind of jam Jam around here also if anyone's ever wondering how to actually win this game literally take your controller and just flip it and then from there you'll be able to move completely normally you know just flip your controller upside down there you go fun fact of the day this will not be pretty easy just don't let anyone touch you just fall into the lava now here's my question can you touch the top of the Rope when you jump I doubt it no but you can do that but can you do that no you can't okay so for the hot jump rope just don't move that's it now tread carefully this will be an interesting one I guess I'm gonna have to like I'm gonna just have to get in the way and just stand there yeah this ought to be pretty easy to lose first just don't shoot that's it lost within four seconds not bad so for this one I think I'm just gonna have to stick my booty out as soon as possible yeah let's freaking go last place baby here's the thing with sneak and snore I already lose this game so easily I'm like I don't even have to try to get last place in this one this will be easy no questions asked so Mecha Marathon I don't think I've ever seen anyone not score any points in this game whether in the original game or in this one I have no idea how this is going to work am I just gonna not fly at all I guess let's find out it's immediate baseball into the ground oh my God now here's what's interesting about this one I'm gonna get knocked off the course okay check it out boom just got freaking launched so I love I mean it makes sense because this is slot cars it's just really funny watching the animation now we've actually gotten to a mini game where I might have to try it more than once I have to get blown up first before anyone else and I'm going last here so I gotta hope everyone here is playing well their Master CPUs so I feel like I feel like I'm just gonna lose no matter what so as long as Birdo gets this right we got a 50 chance of losing here okay this is actually great I'm gonna go with green green is my bad luck color come on come on get out of here baby really [Music] I'm just going white every time screw this screw you oh actually yes yes finally give me the boom roll call this ought to be fairly simple let's not do toads let's do something a little bit more difficult we're gonna do um Bob ohms now here's something I've never actually tried before I'm gonna mash the button as fast as possible and see how many matches I can get before the time runs out it's the test of my mashing skills oh it stops at 99. oh my God why do they even let it go to that that doesn't even make any sense honeycomb Havoc I want to actually eat the honeycomb now I have to lose first this could actually be a little bit difficult in terms of me actually getting the honey first I'm gonna have to really plan this one out so if I want to lose and everyone else survives everyone needs to pick I need to pick one one one one one I okay actually I think Bruno's gonna lose yeah birdo's Birdo is gonna no wait no birdo's not gonna lose okay I'm gonna lose that's right okay I'm learning how to do math today this is my math class honeycomb havoc no Rosalina what the heck was that all about Rosalina just jipped me [Music] great good very good so snowball summit we're just gonna fall off so the thing should fall it's gonna fall here no wait no you get over here okay good this will be pretty easy too we're just gonna jump right off and goodbye Storm Chasers ought to be really really interesting because you know I don't think I've ever attempted to actively avoid the clouds so if I touch the cloud at all that's really bad oh my God this feels so weird look how tiny my plan is oh it's chasing me oh God go away Bruno's doing horrible actually to be fair all of our plants are pretty small but like mine is um mine's probably not going to grow very much there just wasn't a lot of water mine's so petite mush pit ought to be pretty straightforward just run into the mega mushroom perfect wow like damn Daisy cheap cheap Chase pretty self-explanatory we're just gonna chill here get sucked up and then the cheap Jeeps just gonna eat spikes somehow and be fine now I'm kind of excited for this one Chip Shot challenge oh who's gonna go first though oh yeah I actually go first great good oh man um how bad can I make this oh I could do like this here we go oh yeah Rockin Raceway is pretty self-explanatory just don't move just don't move at all just don't do it messy memory the goal is to mess up literally all of them I'm gonna try I'm not I'm not paying zero attention I have to literally get all of them wrong except I guess those three okay here's what I remember I remember this thing was on the bottom so we're gonna put at the top the egg was also on the bottom and put that in the top the Mario hat was on the top let's go on the bottom this was on the left side put that on the right this was kind of over here I think and then I don't remember anything else okay let's do let's just do this I'm hoping I got all them wrong four points baby I think that's the lowest you can get I don't know I mean maybe like less items could be on the Shelf but otherwise that's as bad as it gets now for Trace race I'm very very curious if I'm gonna get forced to move here or if the screen's gonna push me the screen does push me so I'm gonna actually redo this but I do want to see what score you get are not moving at all okay let's see what the score is because here's the thing I could probably get worse than whatever it is one suit yeah dude I can get 18 are you freaking kidding me I can do way worse than that okay let's just actively avoid as much line as possible if not all of it as long as we don't hit the loop don't dare don't touch it okay we did not touch the loop oh we barely avoided it oh my god let's freaking go whoa zero percent oh yeah let's go that's what I'm talking about I'm a little sad I gotta do this for my favorite mini game but um yeah I literally I have to take the squish I took it before anyone else did Pat's Apparel can I I cannot fall off that okay but I can do that oh oh you know I'm just gonna go this way screw you well I don't think I'm gonna win this one nope for Dinger Derby I don't need to show the whole thing I'm just not gonna swing and I will automatically get a zero and then for leaf leaf we're just not gonna move we're just gonna hang out okay we can do a couple jumps you know that's it now I know the game's called pushy Penguins but what about Luigi push himself off no Penguins Luigi's on a diet he doesn't want any ice cream so we're just not gonna get any no ice cream for us not even if even if we are on Coney Island you know what I'll go ahead and step on this ice cream but that's it I'm just gonna step on it build blasters definitely gonna be a little random you know I can just not fire but I still have to somehow lose first I can't control that the computers just have to get me yes well that's actually gonna okay I just got a big idea brain plan here if I keep firing and letting myself stay vulnerable that might actually help I'll stay vulnerable okay yes there we go there's actual strategy to losing in that one now really there's two different ways we could lose this mini game really there's two things I can either pull out the flashlight as soon as possible and then we get 29.4 yards does that worse or is getting hit by the chain chomp worse I feel like since he's farther away I guess that makes it worse I don't know it looks worse than this 1.5 1.7 yards so I just learned something fascinating about this mini game it is impossible to go backwards you literally cannot go backwards at all I'm turning like I can only turn in this direction even if I were to do like this like I'm still forced to go forward so I guess the the way that I can lose in the worst way possible is to just not move and then also I need to hopefully avoid everyone I want to stay on the finish line so everyone can just avoid me Birdo you freaking idiot this one's pretty self-explanatory as well just don't get the letters I'm not giving shy guy his mail you pick it up yourself pal trappy's artist is gonna be kind of hard actually trying to not get a single Goomba I gotta time it oh my God this is not good this is horrible RNG zero right I'm gonna have to double check I can't tell for I'm pretty sure that was a zero yeah let's go somewhere to Leaf leap with what goes up we're just gonna stay down here I'm Gonna Keep bopping into this Koopa this is also one of my favorite mini games it's gonna be so sad going off this jump look how many I got in 5 000 returns before I have to get zero this time so sad I can't get any points there for Monty's Revenge again just stay in the hole we don't want to get any seconds out and Boop oops uh oh Luigi and I just gonna be vibing here can these guys beat my actual PB of 5.28 seconds that's the real question and honestly I don't know how anyone can beat that score like I've seen people get like three to four seconds which is just nuts they didn't beat it they are not as good of button Mashers but there you have it this is another one where I'm just gonna kind of vibe up here I'm just gonna you know check out the sights see how everyone's looking you know check out these blue flames this is another one where I'm gonna be mashing the a button just to see how high up it gets now there is no counter this time so I have no idea if it's gonna max out at 99 or not I'm really hoping it keeps going I want to see how you know how many matches I can get here I love how it just looks like I've got like a sun around my a button oh Max done at 99 again I'm not sure if you knew this but Luigi is actually very camera shy he does not like being on film so he's just gonna be in this corner for forever hopefully get zero points okay good Berto dude Roberto slayed in that mini game holy crap this would be pretty interesting how badly can we possibly lose here hit every urchin don't gain any speed oh boy how is this gonna go we're just just gonna stay in the lane I guess oh god oh I don't even have to finish okay now for facelift I'm gonna keep everything just as it is I don't know if this will be zero points I might get some points for it that's the thing so if I do get some points I'll have to redo and uh you know basically just make the face worse 49 points that's unacceptable that's unacceptably too many points we're gonna get worse than that so will this be worse because I honestly don't know if I could get worse than that that's pretty bad 25 you know what I'll take that that's pretty respectable dark and crispy I absolutely want to get the crisp Perfect come on Pit Boss bam hella I'll be pretty simple don't move plant eats me that's it we're playing with Master CPUs I'm gonna get thrown into the plant within like what yeah within two seconds as the Archer you know what I gotta do I gotta hit the [ __ ] purple okay I just gotta hit the Boo this is what you're supposed to do right you hit the the bad guys right just like that this ought to be interesting I have to actually keep everyone in play here maybe just don't move okay good okay excellent one more one more no one gets knocked out and we are good to go the worst possible score I mean I still lost but come on all right whatever I still lost that's a pretty bad score losing ooh title toss okay I think I know how to lose this one just not gonna touch the controller you guys can just go for a swim you'll come up to my boat you can hop in if you want I got some Boulders in the back any of you guys I don't know if Luigi has Boulders but if I was on that boat I would definitely bring some you know you never know you need your emergency Boulders speaking of Boulders Boulder ball now look you expect me to waste a boulder I no that's not gonna happen I'm gonna let them get on top because I want to keep them for my own sake for my own sanity okay how quickly can I get hit that's the question that's how quickly now you know so I'm gonna go towards the light yes I'll take it we're gonna run another experiment here and see what happens when you just don't pick a switch maybe I'm just I'll probably like automatically pick something okay I don't know just give me the stupid bush okay that's a problem that is that is a huge problem this time I'm just not gonna touch the controller because what I noticed was that Luigi kind of locked on to the switch once I touched it this time I'm not doing anything oh so you can get a zero so fun fact I'm restarting this just to kind of tell you that if you want to lose this mini game literally don't pick it just like straight up the game doesn't force you to pick that's actually weird the game like you would think that the game would automatically like have you pick a button but look here I'm just not gonna touch the controller and we can see where everyone was and it's just like okay they're all fine that is just I don't know that's just weird to me now this ought to be fun avoid literally all the soccer balls okay I think I can do that yes okay okay no touchy no touchy come on three more three more and you guys got this I believe in you one two oh what was that Daisy what kind of shot was that all right well this ought to be fun perfect now look you really think I wanna you know squish these people their fun vacation time right now absolutely not no no no no no I'm just back here for moral support I'm not gonna squish them I'm gonna let them enjoy their tube ride as long as everyone isn't stupid here for the next 30 seconds I think you know we'll be fine everyone's just chilling we're all just hanging out no one's moving never played football day in my life uh hello yeah I was like running towards them so like they would tackle they just didn't that was so weird there's really not much to say about skewer scurries when I'm just not going to do anything I'm just gonna let them win enjoy that on to our first 2v2 mini game oh boy now you think I'm gonna help Rosalina here absolutely not I'm not doing any pushing whatsoever however I will make sure that we fall off as soon as humanly possible and scrape the ice okay well let's go ahead and lose more spectacularly I mean what's considered the worst score not making a distance at all or falling off I mean that's kind of up to interpretation but we're just gonna do this so I've fallen off in this mini game so many times this time I'm just gonna break I'm holding our break we're not making any distance screw you Rosalina after all these wins we're not going anywhere and if you thought I was going to move at all in any capacity you're crazy I'll go left instead oh crap oh no darn it ah wow hit the wrong button again oh no oof ah this actually ought to be kind of interesting let's just stay here I'm gonna let Rosalina do the work hopefully um you know they we don't score on them good start yes let's go okay this chilling down here is good we like this a lot oh come on no we scored a point I'll still take it we still lost okay Rosalina you got this you do that pumping she's not strong enough to out speed Daisy Umberto it's just not how it's gonna be okay Cake Factory you go and set down your cake I'm going to do nothing here we go let's go we're going in hard oh yeah whoo we're just we're trying to we're doing something here I missed the balloons that's sad but I'm gonna hit this perfect I'll take that that's not bad now I'm gonna do my own drawing here here's a little guy I'm gonna make uh let me see what what okay hold on what is this let's make a person okay so Circle head uh body my my drawing is somehow disappearing behind my eyes doesn't even make sense okay okay I got these cherries here we go oh no oh crap ah darn it oh no this one's very sad I can't do anything I'm just gonna go around the plate I guess and just not eat anything now dunge oh God no not to do those oh no okay we're going back in or not I guess we're not I don't know Rosalina I don't really feel like playing I'm just gonna hide behind the characters now how many bombs can actually oh if I trap yes if I trap Rosalina here we get Hella bombish oh damn it no it's okay I'm gonna trap her again wow that was rough now for burn style you're supposed to jump over this thing but honestly that's too much effort I'm just gonna do that instead if you expect me to help you Rosalina you're crazy instead I'm gonna block you that's right hold on I can come can we hold on can we get to the point where we just don't leave this part wouldn't that be holy oh my god oh Rosalina is pissed ow just punched me I guess I kind of deserved it for uh for this play here okay oh oh no damn we actually got through the well we kind of got through the first one I guess I almost forget can you get hit by the paint come on Rosalina you got this you can get hit by the paint okay that's good to know actually you know that's pretty respectable for one person to get three of them Tick Tock top how to be pretty quick I love that we can like run what are we even running on what's the point just let us jump you know after all this time I think it's okay to let Rosalina actually win these mini games because I was kind of treating her like crap for a lot for pretty much all the 2v2s I was making her do all the work I'm just gonna stay here instead so you go ahead you enjoy your Victory so we gotta avoid every single boost and we gotta hit every electric thing that ought to be interesting okay good that didn't really slow me down at all but hey you know what I'll take it that's still good nice okay yeah so I guess it only slows you down if you're actually going faster I never knew that can we go backwards yes we can go backwards and we can run into the boulders let's freaking go this game has so many Bowlers in it what a great game honestly oh we like this look at all that time of just us spinning around gravity not making sense but it doesn't matter look at this this is fantastic well I think we lost pretty spectacularly that's the definitely the worst you could do now for spin doctor I mean I just stay here that's it and on the hammer drop another one where you just jump into the water and that's it Castaways don't get the money this other actually be kind of hard can we play all of Paracel plummet and avoid every coin I honestly have no idea it's gonna be a little difficult not gonna lie um oh my god oh if I just stay low I think that's kind of the Strat here yes hit the Hammers Hammer's good we like hammers oh I almost got a coin there no coin no no no no wow it is honestly it's harder to not get coins than to get coins in that game now x-ray payday I mean just don't push buttons frankly I don't think this one is gonna be possible if I'm just Luigi even if I don't move I'm gonna get coins no matter what now what I could I guess do is try to lure coins the other players that doesn't help at all I'm just giving myself coins let's try one more time but just don't move because honestly I don't know what else we can really do here like the characters that have to be really really I think they have to be human players and they would all have to be really close to me I'm actually doing pretty damn well just not moving yay okay this look at all these coins I'm getting were you idiots doing I'm doing amazing doing nothing look at all these dude I have I never even get this many coins trying to play okay well that one is just that one's a failure although do coin mini games even count is like score games I don't even know anyway we're doing River Rapids how slow can I go we're just gonna hit every log and I remember when I used to live near the logs you guys remember that Saga not a good time logs suck I hate logs oh you know what bad play to hit that log because of the money bag right there I'll take just one coin that's not bad that's not bad at all now I am not sure if uh me just tumbling over and over again is going to prevent me from getting coins the whole time I guess I could try I think it's actually gonna work so that's just what I'm gonna do I'm Gonna Keep Falling oh God I almost touched that coin I get to make my teammates mad at me again sorry Rosalina but we're just gonna swim this way I don't really feel like getting coins you know coins kind of overrated now unfortunately I'm gonna get some coins here but I guess I'll just you know what I'll take that and then I'll see how badly Rosalina does hopefully she does awful she's really not doing that good I'll just stay on the left there's not much else we can do beyond that I think it's actually impossible to get zero coins in this one alrighty let's you know we gotta get eaten by the piranha plant that's kind of like the big play here right being by the plant hit the spikes this is what we're doing eat me daddy that sounds kind of weird when you put like that I think I touched a coin I definitely deserve to get eaten yes no I touched on the coin damn it well we lost at least what if you played volleyball but didn't hit the ball oh the game automatically forces me to hit it okay well I'm gonna do this ah oh no he didn't get a point there darn it oh man okay here we go I'm just gonna Chill on this green star because I'm green and you know the color green kind of cool here go ahead you have you have space go ahead score yes we lost in the last second let's go so this is another one where I think I need to get my hands on the ball and just hold it or let them score that's fine too now I'm already awful at this game I don't if I can get zero points I'm gonna be so happy first off we'll go as slow as humanly possible make sure it's nearly impossible to get matches as well I don't want to get a single match this entire game we actually like KO I want a KO is that possible no matches we don't want to get a match that's actually kind of hard to not get a match no damn it I got a match you know I'll take two points that's fine it was a lower score hey you know what two is worse than six we like that three more blocks in the opponents I don't think I'm going to I think I'm gonna do nothing last but not least is stick and spin now I'm thinking the best thing I can do here is just Spam like this nailed it [Music]
Channel: Bathaniel Nandy
Views: 6,423,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mario Party Superstars, Mario Party, Mario Party all minigames, mario party superstars all minigames, super mario, luigi, mario party 10, mario party 9, super mario party, mario minigames, funny mario, bathaniel nandy
Id: dhmxPAbJQ8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 02 2022
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