What if BULMA Was a Z-Fighter? (Full Story)

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what's up everyone welcome back to a brand new video after all this time making videos and after seeing comments from you guys too I've come to realize Bulma has never really been too important in my videos like of course she does the usual stuff with the time machine and that's kind of it the whole reason the series started is because of her and considering how important she is to the cast I think it's about time I made a scenario surrounding her but of course with what ifs that would have to involve her being a z fighter people have suggested a ton of different ideas of how I can implement this but I think I found a pretty good way to do it that makes sense and is also relatively unique and most importantly in character so that's what we're going to start covering today in this brand new series what if Bowman was a z Fighter the most important part of the scenario is the fact that we need a motivation for Bulma and the perfect motivation is King Piccolo or rather something he does Bulma finds it pretty interesting that Piccolo did all of this to gain his youth again but that's not really that important to her the thing that gets her is the fact that one day she's going to be old and wrinkly like King Piccolo she doesn't like that idea Bulma is pretty vain when it comes to her looks so maybe this would weigh on her of course she doesn't have to worry about it for a while but she starts thinking of potential Solutions so she could use the Dragon Ball preserve her youth but that might be going too far especially now while she still has her Youth and also it's too unatural we see this verbatim and superhero and Broly she doesn't like to go too far with her wishes because she wants it to look natural but she gets an idea maybe being more active will help her but even better she wonders what the Cosmetic effects of key are she asked roshi first and honestly he has no clue but he does mention he's over 300 years old granted his old age is for a different reason but Bulma doesn't even ask about that she thinks for being as old as he is he looks pretty good honestly she doesn't care about living long she just cares about having those good looks for long and she wonders if he'll train her just to get the basic principles of keyed down first of all he tells her that's very Advanced Training training with him is a good stepping stone but isn't the only thing she'll need and also a true martial artist won't just train to look good they have other reasons to train but Bulma doesn't like that answer she's just going to have to find out herself she could ask Goku but he's already with Kami so she has no way of getting to him but thankfully there's a few other people around her specifically ten shinhan Yamcha and Krillin Krillin surprised to hear that she wants a train to learn key but just like Roi told her she's going to need a lot more than that you can't just jump into that you need to have an understanding of martial arts too ten says he'll be glad to show her the ropes he is a pretty great martial artist and of the three humans here he is the strongest right now and this actually interests her that sounds great she'll just train with 10 but Yamcha gets wi to this and doesn't like it one bit that scoundrel 10 is trying to steal Bulma from him really he's just trying to help her but Yamcha thinks otherwise this is right after King Piccolo happens and Krillin actually thinks the same thing they still don't really know what Ten's like but he was a pretty bad up until like a few days ago but he nudges Y and tells him this is a perfect opportunity think about it this way he gets to grow stronger while training but also strengthen his relationship with his girlfriend it tells Yamcha too if he trains more and grows stronger he's going to really impress her Yamcha doesn't know why he's taking advice from this kid but yeah krillin's right it's time for Yamcha to take initiative so he steps up to the plate and decides he's going to start training Bulma although ten does have to help out because he has a better understanding of martial arts than Yamcha does but now Yamcha gets to at least be involved and can try to impress Bulma along the way and now begins her journey of learning to use key and she does stick with it Krillin isn't too surprised once she gets challenged to do something she's going to see it through but she is starting from square one so she has a long way to go roshi eventually decides to have her join the turtle school this is a few months in and she starts doing the training Goku and Krillin did so it's probably getting pretty serious by this point so there's two things I want to address first one bulma's design I could just slap a turtle School ghee on her but no I want something more unique for her so I was kind of debating what to do here I did want her to have a new look every Arc but cuz that's what she always does anyways but full transparency that's not going to work for my videos because then I'd have to commission a bunch of different arts for pretty much every part of the series which would take a lot of time and cost a lot unless I drew it myself which would take even longer so I kind of had to settle in just one design and I really like this one right here obviously it's a fitting design for Bulma because it's an official design that was used and there are a few others that I almost chose from which I'll show on screen here but this is what I'm going to use for her design it's fitting for Bulma it can be practical for battle too at least if she takes the code off and and most importantly I like how it looks and another thing to address is her motivation here this is more of a side note and not really anything too important but her original motivation is the fact that she wants to maintain her Youth and it's actually an addition I'm going to make to key here in this story obviously she won't know for a while if this works but there's two reasons I'm doing this one with the more energy he ate Mo actually was able to restore his youth granted it's a very different scenario but still worth mentioning and on top of that yes this is a JoJo reference mainly referencing hone and how it can keep its users looking young completely different series completely different power system but it was worth me in here because it did inspire me and it also lets me put Joseph joar right on the screen right here I love you Joseph anyways back to the story we eventually arrive at the 23rd World tournament and bulma's actually going to enter here it'll be the first true test of her abilities and that test comes before the tournament even starts she's in the preliminaries and one of the people she has to fight is cyborg to this guy kind of freaks her out besides the cyborg stuff he's an assassin but she might be the perfect opponent for him he actually does overpower in terms of raw strength and also raw abilities but bulma's able to do something against him that most other people wouldn't be able to do bul is a genius when it comes to Tech after all and this battle is tough for her at first but then she finds a flaw in his design and with this small flaw she's able to exploit it causing his cybernetics to basically completely fall apart putting him at a huge disadvantage and allowing Bulma to knock him out of the ring letting her go onto the actual tournament itself of course Goku's watching the entire time he already heard that she was training and now this is the first example of it when they said she was going to fight he didn't think they were serious he thought she was just here to spectate but no she actually is fighting she initially started training to keep herself fit and look good but honestly she kind of likes this now it's a lot of fun and again once she puts her mind to something she's not going to stop doing that and also fighting TOA makes her think she would probably never modify herself to look stronger again she wants it all natural doing whatever ta did that would look terrible Plus on top of that she's wary of using Tech to gain her power especially after seeing what happened with him one small exploit and everything falls apart no matter what machine she makes for combat it could have a fault so she doesn't want to risk that that's something the other Z Fighters brought up to her during her training and that's why she's not using any sort of tech here to fight also because she's not training to be the strongest person ever so for those three reasons don't expect her to be making an Iron Man suit or anything like that in the scenario anytime soon she is actually going to be a z fighter and use her own raw strength which I feel is a pretty fun route to go down still especially with the type of fighter she's going to be when she's trained more now the actual Tournament begins and bulma's probably not going to make it too far the fact she's in the tournament itself is great she made it past the preliminaries with Bulma defeating TAA that means bulma's going to be the one to fight 10 and there's no question that he's going to win here but he's still impressed with her strength and her abilities considering how she's only been training for a few years she has grown considerably in that amount of time also small side note T's never going to get his chest scar here it might show up in some of the Arts on this video because I'll just forget but yeah without him fighting to that's not going to happen but we should just keep it I think it's a cool little addition to his design and it means I don't have to scribble out the scar in all his Arts so yeah let's let's keep it for now let's let it slide the rest of the tournament goes relatively normal there is another thing to note and is the fact that Chi-Chi might actually be jealous of Bulma hoping that Goku is not interested in her she saw this in the preliminaries first of all Goku didn't even recognize her and second of all Goku seemed pretty pretty friendly with that girl not to mention he was impressed by her martial arts prowess too granted Chi-Chi knows that she's the better fighter and she'd love to beat Bulma in a fight to prove that although thankfully things still do work out for her she completely misread the situation and she and goood do get engaged but it does stick in the back of her mind and I think this is a nice little plot point to include just like yam is jealous of 10 training Bulma giving him more motivation to train the same thing's going to happen with Chi-Chi she knows that Goku is impressed by her martial arts talent and maybe it makes chii think hey I want to start training more too this way y and chii are both going to be more involved in the story both for oddly simple and similar reasons obviously both of these motivations won't last for a while they're just kind of things that these two are thinking in the moment but as they get closer with their partners and start training more with them too it kind of just sticks in the background and once again Goku's gone for a bit leaving with Chi-Chi and his friends don't see him for a while although over this time they're all still interacting Krill and 10 yam and Bulma still hang around together mainly because a lot of the things they do involve training Bulma is still far behind everybody else so she's catching up but she thinks she's found a way to train more efficiently now she doesn't want to use tech for her strength but she could still use it as a catalyst to gain more strength as in maybe she could build some things to help her train more efficiently first it starts with robots that she could fight with but then she builds full-on training facilities bringing along the other humans to train and once she's got a better hanging of everything she might try and build a room that increases her weight some sort of gravity chamber maybe all her friends use weights from their training so why not artificially increase that weight but also during this time she develops her own sort of fighting style yeah she gets to hang of martial arts but she's more interested in the key aspect of it and as she gets a better control on key she tries to figure out new ways to utilize it this is still very Advanced not just for her but everybody else but she theorizes that maybe she figures out how to Focus key into one place she could change her attacks completely like maybe she can create some sort of construct out of key but first she starts very simple she's able to coat her arm and key and basically create a blade from it it takes a lot of focus and power right now but it's pretty cool and she knows that she definitely wants to work towards doing more like this so a big focus of her training is well Focus trying to focus that key trying to figure out how to harness it and materialize it into different things this is definitely going to come into play later and it's going to be a big part of her fighting style although besides just training at her own facilities and KEH house she eventually does go to Kami as well basically having her drag Yamcha along he still does want to keep up the good looks for her so he's still going to keep training just to impress her but that push from her is just what he needed her own motivation rubs off on him and things are looking up for Yamcha he might end up being the strongest Human After All eventually we get to a reunion at kame house the crowd there this time has a few more people obviously roshi Krillin and Bulma are there but also yam a 10 and shsu are there too both Goku and Chi-Chi are invited and they eventually show up surprisingly enough with a kid everything's fun so far but far away they don't even realize that an alien just landed on the planet well another alien because he's not the first radit meets with Piccolo just like normal and then eventually finds KEH house he has a pretty intimidating introduction and he does underestimate everybody here but little does he realize collectively they all overpower him at first he humiliates some of them krillin's the first one to step up and he gets tail whipped then ten tries to approach him but he's flung out into the water by rits but then Gohan catches his eye both Goku and Chi-Chi stand in front of Gohan protecting him from rits but radit simply walks up to both of them and with each fist he punches them both aside well if kross's not going to join him he'll just kidnap Gohan for himself with rat is quickly than flying off obviously everyone's going to chase him down B pulls out a capsule and then it is a ship that could fit everybody they all board on and follow rits and as the ship takes off Piccolo lands at kame house he was going to offer to team up with them but it looks like rat has already came here he might be a little bit too late and while we have the opportunity let's cover everyone's power levels Goku's power is 500 which is stronger than normal this is because with his training he's had a training partner that being Chi-Chi although behind him is Yamcha the strongest human who's at 460 but the others aren't too far behind 10's at 450 and krillin's at 440 then there's a little bit of a gap with Bulma at 350 she did start later than everyone else but 350 is a pretty high power level especially considering that clearly she's made a lot of progress behind that is Chi-Chi at 250 and also chiau at 250 the reason Goku and Chichi aren't higher is because well Gohan there had to be periods where both of them didn't train especially Chi-Chi Goku at least could have done some more things himself but it's not like he had a training partner that entire time and chii was out of commission for quite a while otherwise both of them would have been a lot stronger now back to the story Rus gets back to his ship placing Gohan inside of it but then an aircraft lands nearby he holds up an arm to shoot it down but then quickly jumps back as his arm is almost skewered Bulma was the first to jump out of the ship throwing Spears of key down at it not spares Spears she's gotten a better control in creating weapons with key the downside is right now it takes a lot of focus still and it takes up a lot of her energy but these attacks are powerful and had that spear actually hit rits it probably would have gone right through his hand and his arm Yamcha and ten then fly out of the ship fighting in unison as Krillin and chiau join in too Goku and Chichi rush over to save Gohan and right after they're sure he's safe Chi's key then flares up furious at the fact that Gohan was stolen obviously Goku's angry too but we know how anger Chi can get she then rushes in getting a temporary power boost from this anger too Goku's actually never seen her this mat mad and it does help her fight he just hopes it doesn't cause her to lose focus and mess up here rtis is being significantly overwhelmed he has all these people fighting him at once and not only is he outnumbered but he is overpowered and to make things worse Bulma then focuses once more this time creating a ring out of key basically a protogalactic d r with around rits and with all her Focus she's able to squeeze it together but this basically puts her out of the fight because she has to put all her focus and energy into this and it does restrain rtis for a bit as the rest of them beat on him radit struggles to break free from it but at the very last second his eyes widen as he see something in the distance quickly he launches two key blasts from his feet rocketing to the air Breaking Free from the restraints as something then grazes his leg a powerful beam of energy flies across the battlefield everyone jumps out of the way not even expecting it and off of the distance they can see Piccolo there with radish just a surprise it's that nean from before they don't know why Piccolo's here too or what he's doing but he says that restraint was a good idea they should try doing that again that'll allow him to get the kill shot but little did he know they were actually already fine they didn't need Piccolo to intervene and they've basically backed rtis into a corner and they look back at the sky and see he's actually gone oh yeah they should have realized that would have provided him a good Escape they look over at a spaceship and rtis is actually retreating quickly the ship rockets off but Rus sees something out the window that concerns him there's a ball of key flying towards him he tries to maneuver the ship out of the way but nothing works the ball keeps following him and then it hits the ship the back of the ship is completely blown off with the engine being damaged as it crash lands to the ground Yamcha launch a spirit ball that follow the ship with him successfully shooting it down they all go over to where radit is and reluctantly he gets back up to fight but he's clearly nervous he's in over his head he thought he'd be able to handle this but he fights back although he doesn't fight back for long with all the energy he uses and all the injuries he sustains Rus eventually is defeated no longer able to fight he does have one last resort though he Taps on a scouter trying to communicate with Vegeta he tells them no matter what they do the saans are going to come to avenge him although they don't really plan on killing rits anyways which comes as a surprise to him and Vegeta well if they're not going to kill him then ratus tells Vegeta to come here and get him he needs some way to get off this planet Vegeta just laughs at this he lost the fight and they're not even going to kill him why doesn't radish just eliminate them himself did that weakling actually lose the fight now maybe if he died the saans would come there but they have no other reason to come to this planet anyways they don't hear of the dragon balls and rtis is still alive he can make it off there on his own they have no reason to go it doesn't seem like krot is worth retrieving anymore especially if he's too soft to even kill radit radit keeps trying to ask Vegeta to get him to help but nothing works and Vegeta just ends up basically ghosting him he could care less there's nothing on that planet that's worth anything the people there seem weak kakarot's weak and weak-minded and radit is weak and weak-minded maybe they're better off without radit anyways no one really has any idea of what to do with radit and radit honestly doesn't know what to do either obviously the first thought that comes to rit's mind is to just kill them all but that didn't work out the first time and a couple of them want to kill radus too mainly 10 Piccolo and surprisingly enough Chichi's also fine with them doing whatever they want he did kidnap Gohan after all B might actually side T and Piccolo because logically this would be the best thing to do he did threaten to destroy everyone here after all almost killed them also Al she nearly killed Goku over destroying her car when he was a kid so rits she probably would have no problem killing Goku takes the opportunity to ask him more about these saans so if there are others out there are they at risk radit tries to make it seem like the saans are going to come one day but they won't Goku thought they needed him to take over some planet or something so now they're going to do it without radit seems like they didn't really value him much in the first place honestly Goku's not too concerned about it it doesn't sound like they're going to show up and if radit does cause any more issues they beat him once and they can beat him again and Rus never did try to trick Goku here at least not yet Goku originally was going to let him go and give him a second chance so maybe he'd give him a second chance here too they're not going to help him get off the planet either Goku calls nimus and gets ready to fly off a chii and Gohan he tells R to come and fight him when he's gain some sense back it was pretty fun battling him and Goku would like to fight him again obviously in better conditions though the others just look on confused as Goku leaves well it is his call after all it's weird for Piccolo because he thinks they should kill rits but it's the same thing that happened with him after the World Tournament with Goku sparing him despite having every reason to kill him so then Piccolo flies off too reminding Rus that if he does cause any issues Piccolo won't hesitate to kill him after all it is his world to take over and just in case Bulma snatches his scouter they don't want him contacting anyone after all and Bulma can try and study this figuring out how it works and seeing if she could reverse engineer it somehow mainly for the communication purposes there has to be a ton of data on this thing eventually everyone leaves reluctantly right now rtis is too beat up to fight anyways he was defeated not only is his pride shattered but pretty much everything in his body is shattered too and he was abandoned by the other sayans he can't leave either because his ship is broken thanks to Yamcha no one cares enough to kill him no one cares enough to save him and it seems like he's stuck here leaving a weird mix of emotions mostly anger though although he might have one shot off this planet that woman the one who was piloting that ship the one who took that scou from him maybe she could fix a ship besides her taking the scou and saying that she was going to reverse engineer it her shirt had the same logo that the ship had so maybe she built that ship too she has to have some understanding of how to fix this so what does ratus do now he's too hurt to fight them right now and maybe out of spite he could go destroy a city or something but that's just going to look pathetic and lead to his death any anyways looks like his only option is to find krot but he doesn't know how he's supposed to find KAC rot he doesn't have a scouter anymore all he saw was the direction he flew off in so he just tries doing that flying off in the same direction that kakr one it takes him a bit of time because he has to fly slowly and look for anything nearby eventually he's over a large body of water and on there there's a small island with a house on it and he sees that same ship from before this is the island that he was just at they probably just all returned here so he lands nearby and he does see Goku again yelling out at him Goku clearly looks ready to fight but Rus isn't here for that he has kakar what he's planning and Goku says he's not planning anything and he grabs his brother by the shirt he's planning to kill RIT or something right Goku says no RIT saw Goku before he's not a ruthless Saiyan like radit that's not something he would do and he doesn't really have a reason to do so although a few other people probably want to kill him right now but he assures RIT that that's not what he's planning he repeats to Rus what he said before he could stay here but he's not going to help him get home and if he does cause any issues Goku will intervene again Rus tells Goku he's crazy if he thinks he's staying on this planet he just needs a ship repair and he'll be out of here well Goku says he can't do anything but Well's probably the only person who could so he goes up to her and before he can even say anything she turns it down she has no reason to help ratus especially because he's probably just going to come back here and kill them and that's if his friends even end up joining him it seems like they don't even care that he was stranded here she can't be serious wouldn't it be better for them if he was just off this planet shouldn't theyd be scared that he's around here doing whatever he wants honestly Bulma says she's not that concerned they beat him once plus thanks to the scouter she's got a lot more data on the saans and for next time they also know about his tail being a weak point frustrated not knowing what to do RIS contemplates just blowing up with his entire Island but instead he just launches up into the air flying off into a random Direction kin asks if they think he's going to do anything bad but Bulma says they shouldn't be worried he's just a big Manchild and he knows he's lost Goku watches his ratus flies off too with Chi wondering if it was the right choice to let him go but Goku says they'll be fine besides he says the two of them fighting together will be able to take him down maybe even Gohan one day although he thinks ratus will act smart and not do anything there's a little bit of a Time skip here about a year Vegeta and Napa actually don't come to Earth they're honestly unconcerned about RIT obviously Frieza wouldn't care either of course Vegeta and Nappa won't mention that he got stranded on a mission trying to find a Saiyan but they just say he got stranded on a mission and that's good for Frieza one less Saiyan to worry about especially because he was kind of expendable anyways how fun the Saiyan got rid of himself and he didn't even need to lift a finger it's not like Vegeta and Nappa could even blame him for it and Nappa wonders if they really should get radit he tells Vegeta maybe they'll need another saian but Vegeta says it doesn't matter radit was weak anyways and if he was defeated by those earthlings they don't need him plus it didn't seem like kakarat was that strong either what use of those two have if they're just going to be dead weight them combin doesn't even add up to half of nappa's strength thinking about it that way Nappa laughs it off so yeah at least for now there's not going to be any involvement from the Sans and there's no ties to Frieza either and without knowing about the Dragon Balls they're not going to be coming to Earth for that either over this past year though what's everyone been up to there haven't been too many interesting developments from our protagonists really everything that happened just involves rits of course he's trying to fix his ship and trying to get off the planet but he has no clue how to fix it even if he didn't know he doesn't think this planet is Advanced enough for that but he's been trying everything in his power to to fix it he curses everything though he should just kill everyone on the stupid Planet it wouldn't be tough he' just have to kill the strong Fighters individually and then take out the rest besides after healing up he did get a little bit of an increase in strength too but it's not like he's been training or anything he has kept going back to CS Corp trying to beg for Bulma to fix the ship up basically and Bulma is kind of tempted because the idea to make a ship with Interstellar travel but she's not going to help him and she's now getting annoyed with him showing up so much especially because at points it seems like he's hitting on her which yam doesn't like either it looks like she's really not going to help here but one day thinks he's finally done it the damage to the ship wasn't too bad it's mainly the back part that was hit and he just needed to patch up the engine the issue is the speed that he needs he needs to reach escape velocity and then the engine should be powerful enough to speed up within space the resistance here on Earth is what's keeping him down now there are a couple ways around this he could try and launch himself in the air and then try and climb into the ship and it wouldn't be hard because launching a key blast would have enough power to launch him out into space but the issue is him climbing into the ship he probably wouldn't be able to do it quick enough to actually survive it so he has to fix the engine and he thinks he has something something although if this doesn't work he's probably going to die out in space and at this point it's whatever to him he'd rather die trying than doing nothing he launches the ship and at first it seems like it worked he can't believe it he actually fixed it he just has a little bit more to go until he exits the atmosphere but then everything starts shaking a lot and the ni of time rice is able to jump out of the ship thinking it's going to explode or continuously go into space and then break apart either way both aren't ideal outcomes but the ship surprisingly stays intact it just starts falling crashing nearby in the land below Rus is in a pretty strange part of Earth it's very cold over here everything's frozen over he looks around for the ship and eventually does find it surprisingly enough even though only a few minutes have passed the entire ship has frozen over already this damn Planet everything's pissing him off out of frustration radish just melts everything in the area with a key blast he should just raise this entire part of Earth melting everything here but he keeps his cool no pun intended causing a climate disaster won't be good for him either at least not until he leaves this planet a good chunk of this region is melted by him though he picks up his ship and then flies back off to where he he came from Roshi's chilling out at Kami house one day there's a big wave that comes towards the house as something is dropped in the water and he hears someone yelling outside he opens the door to see rice there towering over him asking where that woman is he needs to speak to her again roshi says she isn't here he'll have better luck just going to caps courp besides him the only other people here are Krillin ten and chsu usually she does train here but today she's just with Yamcha alone back at capsule courp fine he'll just head back there hopefully this time she does something he has to think of what to say though obviously he can't threaten to kill her because then he won't have a way out the Planet but he needs to convince her somehow to fix a ship he steps out of KEH house and picks up a ship but as he's about to take off he sees something in the distance it almost looks like a tsunami this kind of makes him Panic a bit because he didn't think he melted that much water he thinks it's from that but then he sees as it's getting closer there's something that's causing the wave at first he thinks it's some sort of ship but no it's some giant mechanic structure coming towards them quickly Rus throws up a blast evaporating all the water but doing nothing to the mechanical thing behind it the thing just flies through rat's blast knocking him far away the others all feel a massive power show up and they see rit's rocket back across the water what the hell is this thing in front of kame house there's a giant robot standing there unbeknownst to rits the area he melted actually contained a lab and closed in ice of course he had no way of knowing this and no one else knew it was going on either but standing in front of them in KEH house is the now thought out Dr Willow a scientist who was long ago Frozen in the ice now inadvertently freed by rits he proclaims that this fight should be a fun test of his powers and better yet he might be able to find a body that he could use that person he just attacked the one who freed him from the ice he does seem pretty powerful judging by his key maybe he'll take R's body as his own they have no clue what this guy's talking about or more importantly who he is or what he is for that matter but the fact that he says he wants to take rus' body yeah that's clearly a threat roshi yells at them to move this fight away from KEH house at the very least but before he can even finish his sentence Rus launches a powerful blast at Dr Willow sending him flying across the water but not really doing any damage he flies after the mechanical monster and the three others follow him with roshi staying behind he he would help if only he could fly there Dr Wheeler was launched across the entire ocean Landing in an empty beach at the other side he purposely took that hit wanting to see how powerful RADS could be he knew it wouldn't really do too much damage especially because he was on guard when it happened and this just confirms what he thought this guy's body that's the body he's going to steal the fight breaks out far away at Goku's house he senses all this going on immediately wanting to leave to find out what's happening some giant key showed up and it feels malicious and despite Dr wheo actually being mostly the mechanical his key can be sensed but then they get a phone call it's from Yamcha they were just contacted by Master roshi actually who told them everything that just happened they're heading over right away and Goku's going to go too it sounds like his friends are in trouble Gohan stays home with Ox King not coming along for the fight despite him actually having done some training they don't want to bring him along for this it's way too dangerous but chii actually does decide to go along basically having to chase after Goku as he runs out of the house and then flies away since we're at a point where we still have power levels let's actually cover the power of our group by now because some things have changed radit isn't necessarily part of the group but we'll count him still because he is the strongest person on Earth right now the multiple zenai he's gained really did help him and after this year has passed he's at around 4,000 in terms of his power not far behind is Goku at a power of about 3,000 next is Piccolo at about 2500 and behind that is Yamcha and Bulma both at around 2,000 and not too far behind there is Krillin ten and Chichi all at around 1500 with chatu at about a, and even though he's not involved in this fight for Gohan we'll put him at 200 but they haven't seen his full strength yet as for Dr Willow himself he's never been in one of my videos and I'm sure some of you haven't even seen his movie which I don't really blame you it's not like important in the grand scheme of things but I thought it would be fun to include him for once but in terms of his strength we will have to adjust him especially because if we use his movie scaling he'd be way too strong for this point as with most movie characters so it put him at around 10,000 but of course as he fights he gathers data on all the fighters around him and it can even absorb their taxs to an extent he adapts quickly during battle he might be taking a little bit of a hit in terms of power when he steals rit's body but it's definitely going to be worth it in the end having an actual humanoid body will be great although something is strange about that guy he doesn't even seem human almost alien-like he is relatively new on this planet after all he is dressed differently from the others and looks very different too but Willow is not fighting everyone just yet he doesn't want to destroy their bodies after all first he'll test them with the brutal Warriors he effortlessly holds everyone off as he summons his brutal Warriors who are there to basically test all of willo's opponents this kindy of pisses Rus off what does he think they're not good enough for the main event they fight these Warriors off with relative ease with Willow watching as everything goes down learning more of their moves and abilities and his mind is set on it he definitely wants to take rat's body but then he feels something approaching there's a ship up above in the sky Willow aims one of his arms up ready to shoot it down but as he opens the claw to shoot a blast something goes into it it's a key blast that almost HED in on him Yamcha and bomo jumped out of the ship of course they weren't going to show up without defenses Yamcha surrounded the ship with a couple spear balls as they then explode inside of Dr willo's claw he says that was pretty impressive these two Warriors came prepared Willow's henchman then yell out to him asking if he wants them to take out Bulma and Yamcha and Bulma kind of recognized the name Dr Willow she's heard of that before of course when they said they were fighting a giant mechanical monster she wouldn't have known but she's read about that in a journal before she remembers hearing that name he was apparently some really brilliant and almost insane scientist and he's from a while ago too decades ago he disappeared Without a Trace and no one knew what happened to him it's strange too because she feels like she's heard about another doctor like that someone who delve into madness over machines and then just disappeared off the face of the Earth one day but that Name Escapes her and that isn't important right now not long after Goku and Chi-Chi land nearby too and the brutal Warriors are defeated but that doesn't mean Dr relo is going to fight just yet again he doesn't want to damage that body that he's going to steal and he does want to analyze their abilities a little bit more before before he fights them the more data the better plus there's a few things here that make him want to change his plans Dr coachin did tell him about that scientist Bulma there sure enough that is her he's surprised to see that she's fighting too he's not sure how strong she is as a warrior but he knows her smarts are valuable so maybe he could try to utilize that from her what a lucky day for him he gets freed from the ice he finds the perfect body to steal and he can probably even extract bulma's brain to get some data out of that too plus he has a little fun idea in mind he has one more Warrior they still haven't fought and maybe he could have a few of them join his side the reason his other biowar warriors were gone for so long was because well they were trying to get another Ally to join them mind controlling someone that they were familiar with and it seems he's fully mind controlled at this point and luckily for Willow he showed up at just the right time the sense of familiar energy enter the battlefield it's Piccolo looking a little bit different from normal having been brainwashed by Dr Willow maybe he could brainwash a few of the others even though he's not going to steal their bodies he does have fun experimenting so having a few more Warriors under his control could be pretty beneficial wheo then opens one of his claws swiping rits up he has to thank him for all this they spotted him at just the right time he was the one who melted the ice Dr coachin was just going to use the Dragon Balls to unfreeze the ice but this was much easier what the hell are the Dragon Balls this is the first time that rtis is hearing of them not that it matters Dr wheo launches off bringing radis back to his lab of course everyone tries to chase him and Piccolo is about to stop them from going but ten Krillin and chiau then attack him together they say they'll hold Piccolo off he's clearly brainwashed right now and not in the right state of mind but they should be able to take him on pretty easily they tell the others to go after weow with Bulma then throwing a capsu down spawn another ship as she Yamcha Goku and chii get aborted ready to chase down the doctor of course Willow notices that he's being followed by them he does need some space right now especially if he's going to try and take rat's body but he will fight some more it's going to be easy to fend everyone off and then he can finally get rid of them able to replace his body with the rites and even better he could extract bulma's brain as well so maybe her chasing him down is a better thing it's an upside not a downside the group arrives and oddly enough Bolan PS out a scout her yam wonders what she's doing with it they could sense Dr and she knows how to sense key pretty well by now but she says it's not that she's modified this it's a pretty useful advice and she's made some upgrades to it too this was actually inspired by Tao Willow is almost fully mechanical which means there's probably some mechanical things she could exploit maybe there's a flaw in his design or something maybe there's some sort of weak point there that he didn't even realize was there obviously she doesn't know for sure and he probably wouldn't even know either but that's what this device is going to do it's going to try and analyze every little bit of drct Willow and see if it can gather any data but it's going to take some time so they're going to need to fight him for a bit it can't analyze everything instantly Dr wheo definitely overpowers them but maybe with this they could find a way to get ahead it'll help them easily strategize a win too it's pretty funny to her because this is just built to help her with developing different items basically beta testing any of the attch she makes but in this battle it's actually going to be very useful due to his size Dr wheelo is also kind of weird to fight he's not really too concerned he's got enough data from all these Fighters and there's only four of them here too even the whole group wasn't enough to face him but these four alone that's going to be even easier but he notices some weird laser pointers aiming at him it's from Bulma scouter they basically pinpoint weak points in Willow's body pinpointing all the flaws in his construction he doesn't even realize what's going on first but then they start attacking him even with the weak points pointed out they can't really do too much damage with it there still is a huge gap in power but this helps to make their attack somewhat effective at least to them it's basically going to be a death by a, Cuts they're going to have to slowly wear him down Yamcha Bulma and Chichi do most of the work Chichi focuses on fighting Point Blank using only melee attacks while Bulma and Yamcha keep their distance they even do some more combo attacks together by now Bulma has an easier time creating things out of key so she creates a few Pro projectiles giving them to Yamcha for him to attach a spear ball too basically being Aimbot for her Goku tries to save rits this works twofold because for one he gets to make sure that Willow doesn't get to steal his body two Willow is really focused on protecting rits right now so with Goku going after him that's a good distraction and of course Goku's not just going to let him die there and Willow actually starts feeling some effects from these attacks it's actually working he doesn't know how they did it but they're finding weak points in his construction he blames Bulma it's probably whatever device she has on her face Goku gets in close but willo knocks him away taking away his attention as Chichi and Bulma attack together simultaneously launching a kamam hot one of his weak points Yamcha then quickly throws a spirit ball right under Goku's feet which he uses his footing jumping back up once more and grabbing on to radit while also launching a FLIR of keyi blast down at Willow mainly just to Blind him and he's barely able to do it pulling RIT out of his Claw radis is mad at accepting his help though he says none of this would happen if they let him leave this planet how does wheo relate to that though and then radis explains what he was trying to do first of all Goku's surprised that he did even try to leave he didn't even realize that the ship was fixed enough for that but more importantly he says this is kind of on rtis he didn't need to get mad and just melt everything over there but maybe if they didn't let RIS go off on his own this wouldn't have happened either it doesn't seem to matter though willo says he would have awakened regardless and no matter what tricks they use they're not going to win RZ can't fight right now due to his injuries but thankfully a few other people fly over 10 Krillin and chsu with chu teleconnected carrying an unconscious Piccolo and willo sees his plans falling apart of course he didn't really plan anything either this all happened on a win maybe he was too arrogant too confident in his own strength and why wouldn't he be he's so much more powerful than everyone else so much smarter than them too he is impressed with their abilities not only their strength but their strategy their teamwork and probably most interesting to him the smarts that Bulma utilized and she's a strange case he's impressed that she's even fighting in general her brain combined with her fighting expertise she makes for a pretty powerful Warrior and this just fuels him even more he needs to get a better body he needs to preserve rits for himself and same for Bulma he wants to analyze her extract any info from her brain that he could use he'll be the smartest and strongest thing in existence he already is now but he'll be even better than before imagine that a powerful alien body with the potential for growth he still doesn't know much about Sans but it seems like they're very powerful compared to humans that strong say embodied with the knowledge of the smartest scientists on Earth he'll be unstoppable he just needs to make it through this and he has one last resort he does need to be careful about this though it's a powerful attack but it might destroy the people that he's trying to use for himself willo then suddenly stops fighting and launches high up into the atmosphere and they try to follow after him wondering where he's going is he retreating back to his lab that's not going to work they know where it is they just need to land a few more powerful attacks on those weak points and he'll probably be dismantled Bulma Scout has been pointing out even more weak spots they're exposing new Flaws by exploiting the old ones they almost have Victory and they can't let them get away it's far too dangerous they start getting really high in the atmosphere and they're almost in space they can't go too much further but willo continues going upwards and they sense his key spiking they can't even see him he's out of range right now but tenan he focuses in and he picks up something kind of terrifying it looks like he's charging an attack aimed directly downwards and is no normal key blast it looks far stronger than any of the others his entire body's glowing and whatever this is his aim right towards them it's not like they can go up and fight him either because they'll die in space and they could use longrange key attacks but at this distance it might be kind of hard there's only one way they can go back down they have to go back down to the surface defending against whatever this is willo continues charging his attack his ultimate move the planet geyser as everyone makes it back down to the surface Rus asked them what's going on and they say he's launching some sort of attack back down here and they need to defend against it he calls them crazy that's not going to work they saw how powerful he was but Goku says it's their only option and then another voice butts in it's Piccolo still injured from his previous fight but he says he's going to have to agree with Goku here their only other option is standing there and let it happen if this really will lead to their death they might as well go out trying to defend themselves there's a small flare of light in the sky and it starts growing larger and larger as it comes down as the planet geyser is fully charged being launched directly down this will probably kill everyone down there but hopefully it keeps their bodies intact that way he can still use rat as and Bulma Goku and chii start off with their own Kamehameha with Yamcha and Bulma then joining in followed by Krillin and surprisingly ten well if that's the attack that everyone else is doing he might as well keep it the Synergy it's pretty easy to copy too and shiau joins in as well the group launches a powerful Collective Kamehameha with all their beam swirling together meeting the planet guys are midair a weekly from the ground nearby rtis lifts a hand up launching his own blast as he props himself up with Piccolo even joining in to every attack merges into one point entering a beam struggle with the planet gu but willo's attack is so massive it's hard to hold back against it's not a normal beam hell the planet geyser isn't even a special move it's an actual weapon that he has as the planet Geer gets closer and closer to the ground it spreads outwards but Yamcha has an idea everyone needs to stay down here to defend against the attack but he can leave he ask Bulma for her Scout her and asking her to make a couple of those Spears again she wonders what he's planning but he doesn't even say he launches upwards into the air holding a couple Spears that Bulma gave him and as he's flying upwards he attaches some spirit balls to the back of them once more and it's just like he thought Willow is still up there but he's coming closer to the planet coming down to the surface to try and push the beam back and now he's in sight Yami uses the scouter to locate any weak points on him and then he throws all the spears out willo sees them coming towards him he still has to focus on his current attack but if these hit they might kill him he knows they're targeting his weak points by now and reluctantly he stops launching the planet geyser quickly moving out of the way and launching towards Yamcha dodging all the spears that were thrown at him but just as he's about to grab onto Yamcha Yamcha controls all the spear balls circling them back around he didn't need to aim for weak points on the front of wheo actually the opposite before Willow can grab onto him the spears penetrate through his back skewering him and knocking him downwards wamer quickly launching a blast to knock himself backwards weo tries to recuperate but it's already too late he plummets down directly into the combined beam From Below how is this possible has he actually been defeated there's no way out of this he accepts his fate acknowledges that he's been bested by his opponents well done he would have really benefited from taking everything from them the spears that skewed him then exploded with the beam then colliding with Willow completely breaking him apart as his weak points get exploited with pieces of him raining down from above including his giant brain which is kind of disgusting but that just confirms that everything's been dealt with Yamcha lands back down with Bulma cheering him on and thanking him for that but he thanks everyone else down here it was their beam that did him in after all he just acted as a catalyst to kill him and Bulma finds it very weird that that guy used technology to grow stronger like look at her she was able to do it all naturally plus she gets to keep her good looks while she's at it that dude was ugly as hell and giant and not human looking and he still lost he gave up everything and it wasn't worth it in the end it reminds her of to in away although much more extreme making her even more wary of using Tech to become stronger she gained strength through hard work but using the scouter in this battle did help her while she doesn't want to use Tech as a crutch to grow stronger she could use it in tandem with her strength she doesn't need to install herself with different robot parts to make herself stronger but Tech can help her grow being used as a tool for her training or even for battle following the encounter with Dr Willow there's a bit of a peace period on Earth Piccolo slowly assimilates more with the group the same does kind of happen with radit but it's a lot more gradual it's more so everyone just learning to tolerate him and a couple rivalries emerged from this period of Peace of course there's Goku's rivalry with Piccolo with Bulma and Chichi still being Rivals here too but there's two other surprising ones that emerge one is a rivalry between ten Krill and a chsu this one isn't really too weird since they were always together anyways but this is mainly because they've been outpaced by Goku and while Yamcha kind of is close to their level he has a different rival that he's focusing on surpassing and the Rivalry isn't really too friendly and that's radit Yamcha still doesn't really like radit too much much especially because at one point he was trying to steal Bulma from him a while ago for Yamcha he thought that ten might try and steal Bulma but that never happened and it's not even something that he'd do but rits Yamcha is actually kind of annoyed by him it's not like anything he does will work anyways but Yamcha just wants to be able to beat him up just in case he needs to also because radit still kind of might be a threat to them even though he's kind of calmed down a bit and despite Goku being the target of radit in the first place he's actually the most welcoming of radit which doesn't really surprise everyone else too much most of them were Goku's enemies at some point so it isn't too strange Bulma also developed something pretty interesting from all the parts of Willow that fell from the sky she gathered them up mainly because she wanted to make sure that he's really dead and that he wouldn't be put back together but also she did want to study him see what kind of tech he was working with and she's repurposed the different parts of him basically building different copies of wheo they're a lot weaker and they're fully robotic they're only going to be used for training here basically robots that they could fight she's mainly only using the parts for him because well the build that he had was pretty interesting the materials he used seem pretty durable and despite some of the flaws the construction was pretty good too so she saw an opportunity and now she has a few drones to train with Goku finds this kind of funny because it reminds him of Vader these things aren't really Androids like him but it doesn't bring him back down memory lane speaking of Goku he does want to reach a new level of power and doesn't really know where to go next but Kami points him to King Kai getting him pass to that planet and Goku just abruptly leaves one day with Rus wondering where his brother even went he'll train for kro to turn and will beat him no matter where he is and Piccolo also kind of has the same mindset he still hasn't fully beaten Goku and you know maybe him and Rus have something in common why not work together interesting does this nean want to take over the planet too no it's not that oh does he want to track down Frieza and kill him no it's not that Piccolo doesn't even really know who that guy is then what are they teaming up for Piccolo says that he just wants to beat Goku the two of them are powerful enough to train together and it's better to train together than training alone and this is kind of lame to radit but sure he does still want to be gak Rod but the other two options sounded better to him they could even use that new Gravity training that Bulma just made or those different drones that she made too but rtis doesn't really know about that he's not really allowed around Capal court and Piccolo probably isn't either because everyone's terrified of him he can't just Walt in in public oh yeah that is true by now about a year has passed rtis and Piccolo have been training together at this point rtis has learned to sense key as well learning how to control his key better mainly thanks to Piccolo the two are learning a lot from each other with Piccolo also learning a little bit more about his people Rus doesn't really know much about them but Piccolo now has a little bit of a better idea on his origin he also learns about Frieza 2 and the saans with RIT wondering if Vegeta will ever show up he's not going to nor is Frieza but maybe someday they'll take him off this planet despite him being more complacent now he still does really want to leave this place at one day they each sense strange Powers approaching the powers get closer to them they're being stalked Piccolo and Rus act casual and then once the powers get close enough they get ready to attack the keys are malicious they know they're out to get them so they immediately launch their attacks raising the entire area around them and they did catch their opponents off guard injuring them a little bit too Piccolo doesn't know who these people are and Rice's eyes widen they're alien and their AR armor it looks weirdly like the Frieza force armor but it's not the Frieza force armor at first he thought maybe there was someone in here to get him but that's not the clothes the Frieza Force wears it's a group introducing himself as the armored Squadron and they look pretty surprised to see a sa in here unfortunately for them these two aren't going to hesitate to attack with Pico and rit's working together to fight off this threat not even giving them a chance to do anything and it is a pretty tough battle the two of them are almost beaten especially because they're outnumbered 3 to2 but for some reason the armored Squadron randomly Retreats not seeing the end of the battle through it really could have have gone either way radit and Piccolo of course try to chase them down unfortunately the armored Squadron does lose NES being held back by Piccolo and rits although also being an distraction for the other two to escape Piccolo asked what the hell that was and rtis doesn't really know either but he does have an idea those might have been spies he doesn't know who for but definitely someone like Frieza maybe another faction out there like the Frieza Force Piccolo and rits fly over to Goku's house trying to give him the news but Goku's still not there Chichi is there though and she's ready to fight them off with Gohan even squaring up against them but Piccolo tells her to calm down they're not here to fight they explain what's going on and she reluctantly gives them both senzus still not happy about rtis being around but clearly something bad's going on rtis actually does get a nice boost and power from this too but right now that's not important to him he tells her they're being spied on but by who why he doesn't know either and they call Bulma up who alerts everyone else radit would have gone directly to her but yeah he's not allowed at Capital corpse still a few weeks later out in Space the armored Squadron return to their base they tell their leader what happened they've been scouting out different planets for a while and this one caught their eye mainly because their scouters was picked up some pretty high powers and at one point a pretty weird glob from the planet coming from Dr relo but what they found is way weirder than whatever they expected and their leader thanks them for this news they definitely will be returning soon as cooler wonders what he should do next after hearing that they're being spied on Bulma immediately decides to look into it she does have her scouter still and maybe this could help out here RIT wonders why she's still using that thing she's using R's scouter and he's learned to live without it and he knows that they could all sense key the people they're fighting are long gone so it's not like they could find them with or without a scouter and that might have helped against Dr Willow but it's not going to help here but she tells Rus that he should know how smart she is by now this scou is basically a multi-tool for her originally it was used to just help her build things but after using against Dr Willow she realized that it has actual combat purpose too besides just tracking people's Powers she's using it for Recon actually and they scan the area where the armored Squadron attacked trying to find any weird Clues there she finds a few pieces of n's armor but most importantly she finds a piece of his scouter one that was blown off when he was killed buried away underneath some dirt and rtis and Piccolo wouldn't even have noticed it this is basically their only clue of where these people came from and she goes back to the lab with radit Piccolo and Chi-Chi saying she'll be able to find out where this came from she lifts it up telepathically telling no one to touch it and after about an hour or so in the lab she tells him this worked perfectly using the armor alone would have been tough but this piece of the scouter well it lets her basically reverse engineer the scouter that n was using she says it was a bit tough to do which makes no sense to Rus because it only took her an hour but she was able to completely re-engineer his scouter and track him down the scouter was apparently communicating with some guy named cooler far away she even has the planet that he was on at the location where the armor Squadron is naturally Piccolo and Chichi ask who this cooler guy is but Rus turns completely pale did she say cooler that actually makes a lot of sense seeing that the armor was so similar to the Frieza Force how could he not have realized it's Cooler's armored Squadron he's known about cooler but he's never seen anything about him or his Squadron he didn't even realize that that's who we came in contact with that Squadron was Cooler's henchman at least that means Frieza is not after them but this could be even worse they know nothing about cooler with Frieza at least Rus would know something about his army something about who he is and he'd actually have some people that might team up with him that being Vegeta and Napa although he doubts it by this point but with cooler he has no clue how many people he has working with him he has no clue how powerful cooler is he might even be stronger than Frieza and they don't even know the full extent of frieza's power the worst part is this could have all been avoided maybe if they didn't even fight the armored Squadron they would have been fine but now Rus is worried they killed one of the members of the Squadron they don't know why that group was here in the first place maybe they were just scouting out this planet to see what it was like and of course they probably could have just destroyed it regardless but there's also the chance there that nothing would happen if they didn't intervene and now that they directly fought them that means cooler is probably going to come back and IND them Rus hates to have to do this but he's going to work alongside the group now after telling them all this he realized that it's their only option they don't know when cooler is going to show up either or if he'll show up this is a huge cause of concern because they know nothing well just in case it looks like they're going to have to prepare regardless luckily for them nothing really happens right away about half a year passes over this time Bulma and Yamcha actually do briefly join Goku on King Kai's planet and he comes back to Earth as well surprisingly enough there's no sign of cooler yet but Goku says maybe everyone should just train with King Kai and King Kai says his Planet isn't just open for everyone but Bulma tells him to chill out it's just her and Yamcha and since the threat of cooler is there K Kai decides to just let them stay and besides the training aspect of it Bulma thought it might be cool to see some more alien gods or whatever and Yamcha nervously tells her to be more respectful she's talking way too casually to King Kai but it's nothing King Kai is not used to because he just had Goku here for a while now that he's back on Earth Goku finally gets to show off Kaioken to his friends and after hearing that they're going to be dealing with cooler he's confident that this will help out this gives him a nice power boost and no matter how strong cooler is he feels like he can beat him or at least he's going to remain confident that he can King Kai also did confirm who the arban Squadron is so that's an extra Shad of confirmation that cooler might be after them and King Kai will alert them if he does make any moves although King Kai doesn't really know where he is right now so he won't know until he's very close to Earth but it's fine they still should have more time here well hopefully they do out in space cooler actually has some other missions that he went on Earth is kind of on the back burner for him from what he saw the people there weren't too strong and even though they did Kill n and give the armored Squadron some trouble they also were almost defeated by the armored Squadron too it was a pretty even battle there's a Sayan there but he's a low class Saiyan all he knows about is radit and from what he knows about rits too he was part of the Frieza Force cooler thinks it might not be worth meddling in right now at first he assumes that radit would have alerted the Frieza Force about this but nothing's happened so far Cooler's actually been awaiting frieza's arrival thinking that Frieza would try to retaliate against him but now coolers realized rtis probably isn't part of the Frieza Force anymore they never see rtis leave Earth either and they don't see any other Frieza Force members there he could actually go to Earth it seemed like a waste of time before maybe he accidentally declared war in the Frieza Force so he thought that going to Earth would have been kind of useless especially because there's only one person there but now he sees there's no connection to the Frieza force on Earth Frieza and his army probably don't even know that anything happened meaning he doesn't have to worry about protecting his assets and maybe he can actually go after this planet for himself also this does bring up some weird mysteries for Cooler why did radit end up on Earth for what reason is there a Saiyan and a mechan on that planet and seemingly no connection to the Frieza Force either maybe this is worth checking out he's going to stand by a little bit longer protecting his main assets just in case Frieza does retaliate he doesn't care about waiting too long because he's not worried that the Saiyan will grow any stronger stronger he'd rather be extra sure that Frieza is not going to attack him so once a little more time passes he'll return to Earth take it over for himself and he'll be sure to kill that Sayan a few more months do go by Bulma and Yamcha train with King Kai as well with Chi-Chi training with Goku on Earth too of course Krillin and tend join in from time to time even Piccolo and rtis are there but it's mostly just Goku Chi-Chi and even Gohan at some points Chi-Chi's at a nice Advantage because she gets to learn Kaioken directly from Goku plus having the strongest training partner on the planet right now really does help and it's not like they're missing out on King Kai's 10 times gravity they have a gravity chamber right here on Earth so everything's going pretty well for them also we're at a point in the story where there's not going to be any more power levels but at the very least we can cover how strong everyone's going to be in terms of just regular power scaling Goku is the strongest of the group right now and he maxes out at kaio-ken * 10 behind him are three people who are pretty much on the same footing there's Yamcha and Bulma who are both around the same in terms of their base strength and they also have the same level of kaio-ken that being Kaioken Time 4 although Chi-Chi is actually stronger in base than both of them the thing is though her Kaio Ken's weaker which only maxes out at times three because it was Goku that taught her not King Kai her training here on Earth was better for getting raw strength because she wasn't really focused on the different techniques that King Kai had to teach while Yamcha and Bulma are more focused on the different techniques and while they grew a lot more in power they more so benefited from the technique side of it although everything balances out so they're on pretty much equal footing once they're all in kaio-ken but Chichi is stronger in base then there's radit who's kind of a weird case in terms of his base strength he actually is stronger than all the three humans that I just listed weaker than Goku but stronger than those three but the thing is he doesn't have any technique or transformation to bring him any higher so that's why I'm playing placing him a bit lower if we go just by base strength it's radit then Chi-Chi then Yamcha and Bulma who are equal but if we're going by the peak of their power Yamcha Bulma and Chichi are all around the same with radit behind them not too far behind radit is Piccolo below that we have Krillin and ten who are pretty much equal followed by chiau the weakest of the group is a relatively new fighter and it's Gohan he's actually started training a bit more mostly because his parents are doing it a lot and he joins them especially because Chi-Chi and Goku think it's good that he has the ability to defend himself so that's where we stand just under a year has passed since the last part and and King Kai alerts everyone that cooler is heading towards Earth at least that's who he assumes is heading there he sendes a really strong power and can't tell who it is because he's never felt what Cooler's strength is like before but does notice a ship approaching and there's three powers on it one of which is significantly stronger than the other two it's cooler in the remains of his armored Squadron by now it definitely seems like Frieza is not going to retaliate so he can do whatever he wants with this planet and it doesn't look like he has to worry about protecting his own territory in the meantime this will only take a few moments anyways and from it he'll get another planet as well as getting rid of a Saiyan BMA and Yamcha return to Earth and Everyone Gets Ready To Face cool but they have no clue of where to expect him for now cooler ship touches down and immediately he sees something pretty interesting the armored Squadron only fought an aian and a Saiyan and there's more people here than that but the strangest part to cooler is that it seems like there's more Sans he has no clue who Goku is but he could tell that he looks like one and as for Gohan the Tail's a dead giveaway since Gohan's tail never did get removed he just tells a squadron to Wrangle up the Sans for now they have grown in strength too wanting to make sure they claim victory this time and get revenge for n's death they try and restrain Goku and Gohan zza is able to steal Gohan as for do he's not so lucky with Goku easily fending him off and Sala scouter picks up Goku's power he seems pretty strong but then he's caught off guard's Chi-Chi rushes and trying to take Gohan back single-handedly fighting off salza Cooler's eyes then lock onto the two other people he was interested in rtis and Piccolo and while those two fight Goku and Chi-Chi he goes up to RIT his armor is an obvious sign that he was part of the Frieza force and he wants to know why is this saying here why did the Frieza force not try and retaliate R says he's no longer part of the Frieza Force at least he assumes so they abandoned him here and as much as he did want to get off this planet it does seem like it's his new home whether he likes it or not besides he's grown quite powerful here too and after Frieza and the rest of his Squad didn't bother to come get him Raj thinks it's better that he's not part of that Army but then he presses Cooler why is he so concerned about Frieza what was he worried that frieza's Army would have defeated him actually no cooler was worried that maybe Frieza would steal some of his planets in the process and Cooler's Squadron is pretty small so they probably would have killed them but he's not worried about frieza's Army in the slightest he could eliminate all of them with ease including the ginu force too as for his brother well Frieza is really the only only concern but again cooler doesn't really care too much about that he could easily take down his little brother even when he's using his full power in his final form which comes with a shock to RIT because he wasn't even aware that Frieza had those Transformations and cooler talks about it so casually too that makes him even more intimidating the remains of cooler Squadron are defeated in the meantime and as cooler surveys the group he finds it pretty interesting you know maybe if they combine all their powers they could defeat Frieza at least judging by their bases right now although he doubts they can make it past his third form but then they all power up and get ready to fight cooler simultaneously interesting looks like they can lower and increase their power at will but again they probably couldn't even defeat Frieza so they have no hope at defeating him he fends them all off with pretty much no effort he does find it interesting to see how strong these earthlings are but he's also impressed to see an aian fighting that well from what he knows they're mostly pacifist but Piccolo says he shouldn't be underestimating him he is The Reincarnation of the great Demon King Piccolo after all and besides he's not even the strongest one here those two low class Warriors are actually pretty powerful cooler didn't realize that Saints could grow that strong and one of them can increase his power during battle too with Goku utilizing kaio-ken and cooler actually does start to have a little bit of trouble now he has all these people fighting together and a few of them are able to increase their power with Kaio Ken plus the two saans and that nean are pretty strong just in their base alone maybe he did underestimate them he could continue fighting like this but it would be a lot easier if he just transforms he's been holding back this entire time cooler drops down on the ground as chunks of the earth start flying up lava explodes out of the ground around him as cooler begins bulking up then fully transforming into his final form his power is unfathomable they can't believe who they're fighting right now honestly Rus thinks All Is Lost with that kind of strength how are they supposed to defeat him but at the same time it looks like they have no other choice but to fight even if they might lose here it's not like they have a way of escaping he'd rather fight than just stand there and die and everyone else is pretty much in agreement too as for Bulma she's not too sure what to do here in terms of strategy she does think of using the spear bomb that K Kai taught her but she doesn't think that'll work maybe it can gather enough energy to defeat him the issue is she doesn't think she can do it in time no matter who does it she doesn't think that anyone can her Goku and Yamcha could all perform it but cooler would obviously be able to tell that something's going on and attack them ratus then yell out to his brother who's fighting alongside Chi-Chi can't they increase their power any further well Goku does try to buff up kaena time 20 but that's really his limit and Chi-Chi can't really go beyond times three times 5 is really pushing it for her and it seems like Bulma and Yamcha can't go any further either maybe up to time six or eight but that's not going to work they're going to have to figure out something else rtis is just pissed off at this whole situation this could have all been avoided the fact that Cooler's here that could have been avoided why does he have to fight cooler too why him this all wouldn't have happened if he wasn't stuck here on this planet same with Dr wheela and now he's going to die just because Bulma wouldn't let him leave and he's not going to have it he's not going to die here because of something out of his hands cooler slowly starts taking out different members of the group 10 and Chu are the first to go down with cooler launching a blast at them to try and kill them but Yamcha and kin defend against it although it does deal a lot of damage to those two and Yamcha notices that bulma's drawing back from the battle too realizing that she's going to try and perform a spear bom he tells her to not do it it's way too risky she's going to draw attention to her but she does it anyways trying to charge a spear Pond and at first cool is too preoccupied to notice he's fighting Piccolo rits Goku and chii right now with Gohan also trying to help the best he can but then he realized one of the other Fighters is gone and he never defeated her looking around trying to find where Bulma is Cooler's able to get RIS and Piccolo gone next with him of course trying to attack Gohan too although Chi-Chi and Goku defend together but they can't really do too much bomo just needs a little bit more time to charge the spear bomb and kolu is looking around for her she's hidden away between some rocks but he can see the glow from the bomb glad to have finally found her he rushes over flying clean through the Rocks the spe bomb's not even near completion yet but bomo could sense cooler coming towards her so out of desperation she decides to throw it at him and it seems like it's tooo late for cooler to dodge it but he simply launches right through the bomb it actually does do some damage to him even though it's not completed it slows him down a bit but much to bulma's surprise he still goes right after her Landing a powerful punch at Bulma knocking her into the cliffs side not far away taking her at of commission too well that was a pretty fun fight especially since they pushed him to this level and who knows maybe if Bulma charge had attack a little longer it would have done some more damage to him maybe it would have even killed him he did want to take over this planet for himself but it's best to just get rid of it it doesn't seem like there's any anything of value here anyways and he tells them to consider this payback for killing his Squadron and messing with his bottom line cooler floats up in the air and charges a supernova the area glows with an ominous orange light rits props himself up barely able to stand he's not dying here why does he have to die at a place that he doesn't want to be at it's not his fault either him being stuck here wasn't his choice only a few feet away from him Goku also tries to stand up too with chii and Gohan unconscious by his side surrounded by his friends who are all laying on the ground injured this isn't where it ends he won't let cooler destroy Earth cooler throws the supern down and he prepares to leave Earth but he then turns around and sees that the Supernova is not going any deeper into the core of the planet it seems like it's actually just stuck there on the surface not moving at all but he hears two powerful screams and the Supernova just suddenly explodes with all the energy flying back towards him and he looks in awe as he sees what's left behind by it those two saans are standing there on the ground both heavily injured but looking different from before they've changed somehow they're surrounded by a brilliant Golden Glow rice is standing at the Forefront with his stronger younger brother Goku behind him both have Golden Hair both have become the things that cooler was actually fearing a little bit they've turned Super Saiyan they don't even realize in the moment until they look at each other seeing that they've each changed somehow but that's not important right now they just need to kill cooler that's all that matters almost at an instinct the two launched up together wasting no time as they simultaneously land a punch on cooler and each quickly charged their own blast using all their power to launch the injured cooler out into space and as cooler Ascent King towards the sun he realized who that other Saiyan was he saw his space pod leaving Planet Vegeta but he did nothing about it and he's angered at his own failure had he intervened earlier this would have been avoided they wouldn't have been strong enough to defeat him or had he not intervened at all this would have been avoided just what rtis was thinking when he first encountered the armored Squadron cooler sent flying directly into the Sun and is killed as radit and Goku fall to the ground together with RIT immediately transforming out a Super Saiyan a losing Consciousness but Goku stays awake for a bit longer then smiling weakly they won and that power that they got what actually was that following the encounter with cooler well at least after everyone heals up that is immediately Goku and Rus were trying to use super saiyan again and they are actually able to transform into it again knowing the same feeling that caused him to transform in the first place Bulma thinks it's awesome that Goku can transform like yeah he's an alien and all but this is even cooler probably too soon for her to say that word but she kind of wants to study the process behind it and Rit says it simply the Super Saiyan form they've become Legends although he didn't even realize until now that it is a form and that there could be two of them you know the more he thinks about it the more he realizes he knew nothing about what the Super Saiyan actually was but he's apparently some sort of Legend now so let sit right with him the reason she wants to study the form is because a it sounds pretty cool to study and B it could help them out too Goku was actually thinking about that too besides being stunned at how great it is obviously the next thing Goku wants to do is get a control in it and see if he can improve it in any way and sure as a martial artist he could probably figure out some good ways to actually work around it but maybe with the help of Bulma with her help they could use science to actually further the power of Super Saiyan although Rus doesn't really care about any of that he has other ideas no matter what kind of earth science she uses just good old sayian nature is going to be what's going to get him more power also just his fighting expertise in general and yeah Goku does want to work on on his own but he does wonder if maybe she could find any ways to help make it more efficient she thinks she could try and study the process behind how it works she's not too into biology but just for this she does want to help it's an awesome opportunity and even better maybe she could try and study that to see if humans have the same sort of thing humans and SS are already pretty similar enough so she wonders if maybe there's some sort of way for humans to do a transformation as well that remains to be seen it's just a theory of hers for now and at the very least they still do have kaio-ken so that's pretty good following the death of cooler we move out into space for a bit Frieza actually never gets worried of what happened to his brother not that he would even care much anyways but for the longest time now they haven't even talked Cooler's an enemy anyways and he has no clue what Cooler's up to and as far as Frieza knows Cooler's not stepping on his toes so he's not going to cause a fight where there isn't one besides he has bigger things to focus on than a sibling rivalry but within the Frieza Force Vegeta and Napa are still just doing their thing completely unaffected by everything that's happened so far although by this point they're probably wondering whatever became of rits maybe he's still alive maybe he's dead maybe he got off that planet and defected from the Frieza Force there are a lot of possibilities and they're just kind of curious mainly because now they kind of regret not bringing radit back they still think he's probably going to be weaker than them and he won't be too valuable of an asset but the more sayian sticking together the better it's not like they're getting anything done in the Frieza Force worthwhile and while they have grown stronger there's not really much they could do to defeat Frieza RIT probably wouldn't help either but hey it wouldn't hurt to have an extra person but also the other reason they're curious is because maybe rtis is planning some sort of Counterattack he's stuck on that planet but who knows what he's been up to especially since there's another saan on there and every occur to them that maybe those two are going to start some sort of rebellion against them it's probably pretty unlikely but it is a possibility and maybe if they go and check up on rits and come up with some sort of excuse as to why they couldn't come it could quell any sort of tension that would have been there maybe Vegeta and Nappa got too ahead of themselves and thought that they could have done this on their own but seems like they can't but there's also one more weird thing that they're concerned about ever since Rus came to Earth his scouter has shown some weird signals Bulma did fix the scouter and make it work for herself but it's not like she fully knew the technology that she was working with and Vegeta and Napa have gotten some weird Transmissions they're clearly unintentional and it's something very buggy but they get occasional weird voice clips mostly the voice of some woman but more interesting is the different power levels are getting shown it seems like Rice's scouter might just be acting up because it probably got broken at some point although it is worth checking out to see what's going on a few months after the encounter with cooler two people show up on Earth nobody recognized the key but it definitely seems a little malicious not even Rus recognized it because he never sensed key before although he's getting a weird feeling that this key signature is oddly familiar he and Piccolo are the ones to go check it out they worked well together as a team before so they're going to do that again and as Rus gets closer to the power he sees two spaceships landing and he immediately recognized what those spaceships are with Piccolo surpris as radit gets angry immediately transforming into Super Saiyan and flying over and it wasn't him transforming to get more power it was him just transforming on accident out of anger whatever those two ships are it really pissed radit off and pickle can kind of infer what those two ships are carrying on them Vegeta and Napa land stepping off to see radit standing there fuming and trying to hold a Super Saiyan form back he's gotten better control in it but when he gets angry of course it's going to come out easily V and Napa notice a very weird expression on his face it's a mix of anger and a mix of Cockiness a smirk with rage behind it and just out of curiosity they pull out their scatter just to read some power levels Vegeta the prince of saans is definitely the strongest person on this planet right now at a whopping power of 50,000 it's unbelievable no one's going to be able to contend with his strength same for Napa too who's at a great 20,000 if ratus had a scou right now he'd definitely be quaking in fear they read his power level and it's only at aasly 4,000 stronger than he was before but not by a lot they then read Piccolo's power but it seems unre able probably too low for them to even pick up but then rus' power explodes and their scouters explode too this plan is outgrown power levels whatever numbers they were just reading are useless cuz RIT yells at them and his power Soares dramatically asking them what the hell they're doing here just the sheer force of him powering up shakes the ground around them making the two saans incredibly confused what happened to their scouters well whatever Vegeta comes up with a fake excuse they say they would have come earlier but they could it would have looked too suspicious for Frieza and the reason they were ghosting Rus this entire time their scouters just simply didn't work that far but they tell rtis now it's the time to leave and they've even brought some materials to repair his ship but rtis knows what game they're playing and he tells them to get the hell off his Planet what he doesn't want to come with them and did he just call this his planet now i' like to think about it why does he have an aan with him why is an achan even here in the first place it's weird they thought radit would have want to come with them well maybe they're going to have to whip him into shape and bring him back forcefully Napa slowly walks up to radit and tries to grab onto him he grabs R's arm but RIS easily frees himself then grabbing nappa's arm tightening his grip as Nappa falls to the ground screaming an he Liv up another arm to try and punch radit but radit simply grabs it holding both on Napa's arms and then slamming him down into the ground he says they have one last chance leave now Napa gets back up sweating then running towards radis while charging a blast in his hand he his arm back and is about to hit radit point blank with it but radis moves his arm so fast that the other two can't see him punching Nappa in the gut as he just falls to the ground you see they probably shouldn't have abandoned him little do they know he's far stronger than they ever could have imagined he might be a low class Warrior to them but he's a Super Saiyan Vegeta simply laughs as off what he defeated Nappa it could have just been a fluke and even if it weren't who cares that he's stronger than Nappa he's not stronger than the prince ratus welcomes Vegeta to test that out a fight begins between the two of them while Piccolo watches on the sidelines Vegeta even laughs at Piccolo he seems pretty unfazed by all this but if he's going to continue being cocky like that Vegeta will give Piccolo his dose next and the fight ends as quickly as it begins ratus either Dodges Vegeta's attacks or just takes them and is completely unfazed by them and he said this is getting annoying with a single flick he knocks Vegeta away he says he expected more of them and the funniest part is this isn't even near his full strength just to shatter their pride a little bit more Rus then Powers up to show them a taste of his true strength Nappa regains Consciousness and the first sight that he has is radit glowing Vegeta obviously can't believe it either and radus gives them one last chance to leave a few minutes later Goku flies over having sensed everything why did ratus go Super Saiyan he also sent him fighting two people who weren't too strong but did seem malicious so it's worth checking out and by the time he gets there he sees radit standing with two other saans Piccolo tells Goku he didn't miss any fun fight well there was a fight but it was over the second it started and it's been over by now Napa and Vegeta have realized that they're not going to beat rits but they've tried to appeal to him in another way asking if he could help kill Frieza they know now that he's killed cooler they've learned about everything that's happened so far whoa Goku thinks he got here just in time he skipped all their Exposition how convenient arus is then glad to see Goku there he tells kakarat to meet Vegeta and Napa The Prince and another one of his fellow soldiers and you know what he actually likes the idea of what Vegeta brought up Rus is going to go with them because he sees an opportunity he's going to kill Frieza and he's going to Le these two saans since they now fear and respect him Frieza won't be an issue with their combined power that killed cooler ratus has grown stronger since then too but he asked if Kakarot would like to join them as well just for a brief detour he'll come back here eventually well Goku kind of has no clue what's going on but tells radit he prefers staying here besides it doesn't seem like Frieza is going to be too fun of a fight anyways but he tells RIT he can go knock himself out and go fight him he'll probably win this also is weird for Vegeta and Napa to see Rus actually seems to somewhat have respect for kakarrot he says he's grown to respect his brother as a warrior it wasn't so bad being here and the two of them have grown quite powerful together it's a good thing Kakarot never came with them in the first place and probably a good thing that Bulma prevented him from leaving otherwise he wouldn't have become this strong he wouldn't be the Super Saiyan or rather one of the two Super Saiyans telling Vegeta and NAA they'd be surprised to hear that his little brother's stronger and while he would like to surpass goo he does have a sense of Pride for him too they're low class saans and they're from the same family if kakarot's succeeding somewhere that means radit probably is too and could reach that same level and it's a good thing that Goku came over here because it makes it easier for radit he had to let someone else know what's going on because basically on a whim he decides he's going to leave with these two after all this time he finally got what he wanted his ship is finally fixed he can get off this planet but it's not going to become permanent he's actually grown to somewhat like Earth Bulma is cold over too and with all the parts they get Rice's ship is fixed they also meet the other two says Vegeta and Nappa Yamcha thinks the two of them are creepy and Bulma kind of thinks the same although that Vegeta guy might be her type but maybe in another life Rus wishes them all well as he unexpectedly departs Earth with Vegeta and Napa following him instead at least temporarily until they can become Super Saiyans too from here a few years pass Gohan finally starts fighting more having trained with Goku and Chi-Chi a lot more often especially after Goku figured out how to transform Gohan kind of wants to see if he could do that himself chii also gets pregnant with Goten at some point she can't train in the mean time but Gohan has a ton of time to spend with Goku at least this does also mean that goten's born a little bit earlier on in the story even without radit though Goku is at least glad that he has some other Rivals here and he's mainly focused on Piccolo Piccolo's kind of curious about how Goku's power works and wants to see more of it besides without Rus here too it seems like they're both in need of a good training partner Krillin and ten are mostly off on the own at kame house chii can't fight right now and Bulma has Yamcha although everyone occasionally does train together from time to time but also Goku does get some rematches with Piccolo which they've both wanted for a while also over this time Goku learns to get a better control on Super Saiyan and thanks to some help from Bulma they're able to figure out more of the processes behind it allowing Goku to make it a lot more efficient too soon enough this leads to Goku actually mastering Super Saiyan and not too long after Gohan's able to finally access the power for the first time although he still has a long way to go before he gets to Goku's level well at least in terms of skill in terms of power Gohan's actually growing pretty quickly which surprises Goku like yeah he knows satans grow quick but he didn't expect Gohan to grow this quickly especially at that age it's so weird because when Goku was that old he was powerful but not like this he had his fair share of struggles and a Gohan's power he would beat them all easily and he's proud to see this but it makes him wonder what Rus is up to around the same time out in space RIS sneezes someone must be talking about him maybe it's Vegeta and Napa talking behind his back no it couldn't be he already put them in their place especially because now he's already even improved Super Saiyan had he gotten help from Goku and Bulma he could have used the respective knowledge of key and martial arts as well as bulma's own scientific methods and that could have made a master Super Saiyan by this point but he has improved it at least going up to Super Saiyan grade two he simply calls the super ratus an evolution of Super Saiyan that makes him buffer and a lot stronger but not really much else changes with him Vegeta and Napa still haven't unlocked the form but they're definitely on the cusp of it by now ratus did want to get a little bit more strength rank just to ensure his victory especially because he was also going to be fighting King cold as well by the time he departed Earth he had a better grasp on Super Saiyan and was definitely stronger than when he fought cooler but he realized he was probably a bit too hasty because he didn't defeat cooler alone it was with Goku too but just to save face he tells Vegeta and Napa they're going to lay low for a while but really he's just using his time to train and grow stronger with Super Saiyan to ensure Victory and now he finally feels ready for it arriving at one of the headquarters of the free of force Vegeta and Napa make easy work of every Soldier there even the higher ups like zarban and toor although before they die they're able to call the ginu force in just in case and that won't be too hard for Vegeta and Nappa as long as they work quick and be wary of their abilities that should be fine their training has been much more fruitful than whatever they had before ever since Rus left they've just been doing normal missions and yeah they did grow stronger from it but it was never anything too intense and that's why their powers were so low in comparison now with rtis there and doing more intense training they've seen some great gains they're going to hold down the fort as rtis goes in to fight the main targets if the guineu force arrives Vegeta and Napa will take pleasure in killing them Raz flies around the base to destroying everything trying to draw out Frieza in cold and as he's blowing up things randomly a laser flies back at him bouncing off his armor and doing no damage looking down to see the two of them together naturally Frieza is fuming and King Cold's going to let him take care of it he knew the SS are trying to betray him one day but did they think this was going to work yeah they could have killed some of his soldiers but they're not going to do anything against him or King cold they know that right actually they know that they're going to win here rtis is pretty confident in it and then he looks over to King cold asking if he's heard from cooler recently no they haven't it's not like it's anything out of the ordinary they haven't talked to him in decades well RIT says they probably won't be hearing from him anytime soon because he's dead he's not going to be doing much more talking at all a golden key starts surrounding him and he ask if the two want to know who actually killed cool well they could probably guess that by now as radit starts bulking up and his eyes and hair change color leaving Freez in cold stunned and fear as a Super Saiyan stands before them he holds up a hand and launches a single blast at King cold eradicating him completely he then turns his hand to Frieza but says he'll wait telling him to power up cooler spilled the beans about his other forms besides if he wants a chance at fighting here he's going to have to transform and he actually does sit back as Frieza transforms he can't believe he's being mocked like this but that Cockiness will be the end of the sa frieza's final form will be more than enough to kill him Super Saiyan or not and as soon as Frieza finishes transforming R is ask if that really is his full power making Frieza look a little bit more fearful too as he then goes to 100% with rattis waiting the entire time is he done now good Frieza tells rat he's going to regret this but no he just wanted to shatter frieza's pride of killing him he could have killed Frieza in his first form but that would have been no fun he simply dashes towards Frieza grabbing him by the head and then slamming him to the ground he then picks him up by the tail swinging him into the ground and then flinging him far away this is impossible he's out his full power is he actually being embarrassed like this by radit he tries to stop himself midair but rtis is the one to stop him instead flying behind Frieza and catching him he then turns him around and looks him dead in the eye with Frieza clearly terrified and rtis is pretty happy he expected Frieza to be stronger but hey even if the fight wasn't too fun killing him is both of his hands start glowing as he holds frieza's head in between them he then kicks Frieza and in front of him inating him with a blast with the last Vision that Frieza had being rat as his face close up grinning with the light with the eyes of a Super Saiyan vet and NAA look on from far away having just defeated the guinea Force without much effort well looks like RIT finished what they came here for and while they're happy frz is dead they're a little bit pissed off that rat is above them still but they'll reach that level soon enough as you'd probably expect this is going to be one of the scenarios where Bulma and Yamcha end up together with how everything's gone their relationship has strengthened and they never break up by this time I'd say they're even married speaking speaking of relationships there's also Goten in the picture now like we saw last time it's a relatively peaceful period on Earth Chi-Chi still does want her kids to study and such but now that she's found a great balance for Gohan's training and studying they all have one which includes Goten so he's going to have a pretty different upbringing and Goku well he's Goku he's going to continue getting stronger and stronger by the day and chii doesn't give up on it either everything that's gone different in this scenario has led up to her being the same way its business is usual for everyone else Piccolo Krillin ten everybody and especially Bulma one day she's in her lab like she usually is trying to build different things and mess with them to do this she does have her scouter on it's been really helpful when it comes to fixing and Building Things it's honestly one of the greatest idea she's ever had even though it originally wasn't hers while working on whatever Gadget she's working on she drops a small part to the ground turning around to pick it up but then she looks out the window because her scouter picks up on something out there something that she wouldn't have seen with the naked eye it detects a small power source right in front of her the scouter Zooms in and it sees what looks like a bug but it clearly isn't a bug it's some sort of robot quickly she stretches a hand out immobilizing with telekinesis now that she has it in hand the first thing she notices is the fact that it has a red webbon Army symbol on it which really does concern her first of all what is this and why is it here and second of all does that mean that the red Reon Army is still around it can't be are they being spied on well if they are thankfully this will lead her right to them this little device is cool but it's pretty easy for her to take apart and basically reverse engineer also figuring out where it's programmed to go back to and who to report to and even better these things are being passively operated not remotely controlled by some person but a computer's controlling them and that's what it's reporting to so whoever created this they won't know that she found out that she's being spied on she even discovers that it's connected to a whole network there's dozens of other drones and they seem to be tracking all of her friends of course she immediately informs them too and says It's all under control all they need to do is simply go to the lab that these came from and then their problem will be solved she doesn't know who it's reporting to but just where it's reporting to a small group of Fighters shows up at D's lab including Goku Dro can't believe he's been found and even worse Goku's here too he's not nearly ready to fight him D's in the middle of turning himself into an Android that's not done yet and Android 17 and 18 aren't ready either he is working on them but they're not complete he still needs to control them just the physical upgrades of them are done jro is pretty easily defeated and they look around the lab to see what else is there there's a bunch of failed Android projects too Bulma looks around collecting all the data she can because some of this is pretty interesting she does remember hearing about jro that was the name that escaped her mind before but she didn't know he was up to this they even find his plans for cell which really does interest trust Bulma but they deactivate cell and make sure none of the other Androids are are reactivated although she does feel pretty bad for Android 17 18 because they're the only two that are made from humans the other ones are just robots essentially thankfully it seems like they're not activated yet and she doesn't want to mess with them too much because that seems unethical to her but what she can do is remove the programming that jro put in them she doesn't want to go in and fix the upgrades that jro put in luckily it seems like they're all working so she doesn't need to mess with that although this is kind of a delicate thing too she is able to fix the programming that jro added to them but they are still Androids she reactivates them and basically just has to tell them what happened and surprisingly enough the two have no reaction at all they jump up out of their pods and leave saying absolutely nothing but as the two of them dart out of there 17 turns back around looking at Bulma and just giving a silent nod it was a really bad situation so at least she fixed some of it even though jro's already done irreversible damage to them they'll find their way home and hopefully live normal lives now even though they're more than human Piccolo tells Bulma that was a great catch they're especially interested in that cell thing the other Androids all seem like failures but cell is different she deactivated the computer that's controlling cell but that's also another weird case 17 and 18 were humans that were kidnapped and forcibly turned to Androids everyone else was purely mechanical as for cell though this is a completely new creature that Dr is creating and since he's being made for Pure Evil they have no calms about destroying it but Bulma sees potential in it she doesn't want all this work to go to waste maybe she could use it for something else what if she were to program cell to be something good it could take a while but it'll be a fun side project for her it's so strange how D is basically playing God and creating his own life although Bulma can't help of being interested in this he clearly did have a brilliant mind even if he was pretty insane but this does leave some other questions are there any other Red Ribbon people out there if jro was able to make it out maybe others have too luckily Bulma has the perfect way to find them in jro's lab she did find out a little bit more about him including some of his extended family she doesn't know if these people are alive but she also has a way to actually research this spying on them with J's own drones there may be remains of the red Ron Army out there somewhere and as she starts looking into it she figures out that they were pretty much in plain sight recently a new company appeared red Pharmaceuticals and like come on how could she have not realized this company did just start though and they don't really have a basis to attack just yet it seems like the guy running it might even be related to Red himself but in terms of Jose's relatives she can't find anyone interesting except for one person at the moment it doesn't seem like there's any other threats that they could act on but Bulma finds out about someone else jro's grandson hedo not Dr HTO he's not a doctor yet although surprisingly enough Bulma figures out that he's younger than Gohan and somehow he's even in college at this point well it looks like the Smart's run of the family and he seems even more intelligent than Dr jro and this goes outside of battle Espionage now she's just looking into it out of curiosity heto definitely doesn't seem evil he seems completely separate from a jro too and obviously he's a kid just in school and while she doesn't see anybody as a threat maybe there's a way she could help out here and also prevent him from ever turning to a threat plus even though jro and hedo were estranged they did just kill his grandpa so with those things in mind and the fact that Bulma owns a giant tech company she does something pretty unexpected she grants a huge scholarship to the kid oh and by the way he's going to look the same in the video in his renders because I mean heto already looks kind of like a kid anyways makes my life easier but just a nice side note but B might as well as her parents get to know hedo even offering him an internship here at capsule Court he seems to be knowledgeable in every area of science bulma's better on the tech side but H's good with that he's good with Pharmaceuticals he's good with Biology so many different things he's a really great Prospect for an employee although as a kid can't really work there yet but she could at least help him out along the way and when she does start to get to know hedo she even does casually bring up his grandfather and ask what he knows about him learning that his parents just kept him away from Dro she only brings this up because she heard that he was a great doctor not mentioning the fact fact that he was turning himself into an Android kidnapping other people and turning them into Androids too then spying on Bulma and trying to kill her with Bulma and friends then killing him yeah that stuff she doesn't mention this kid is crazy smart though besides Bulma and Dr brief he's the smartest person around and once he's older he might even be smarter than Bulma plus there's the fact that he's good with Cosmetics which could help her maintain her youth she doesn't want to go the natural route and since this guy seems like a master in that kind of stuff imagine what great things he could do with Cosmetics so on top of all her training to stay fit this also plays into her goal although there's another big side effect from this it's one that's completely unexpected but a good side effect at some point later on Goku falls out to the heart virus as we saw before there was no time traveler the Androids were defeated but that also does mean that Goku is going to fall into the heart virus and not have a cure for it at least not right away things do seem dire but luckily HTO is actually able to figure it out somehow working on an easy cure pretty quickly with Goku fully recovering from the heart virus the company can even commercialize this medicine too since it might not be something that Goku just suffers from and this is insane to her a kid did that she definitely made the right Choice bringing him aboard chii ends up learning of him too and thinks Gohan should become friends with him he seems like a really good influence definitely a much better influence than his dead beat Uncle out in space radit sneezes he knows as his sister-in-law talking about him again she never did seem to like him but hey after all he did try to kill them all more than once but now he's beyond that he's also Beyond Super Saiyan and assumes that his brother has accomplished the same thing R's life is going pretty well now Vegeta and Napa have just unlocked Super Saiyan for themselves and rits well he's mastered it by now still above both them in terms of power and in terms of the level of the form that he's using Vegeta still hates this because he's the prince he should be the one at top but nope it's rits and luckily there's nothing to worry about for rits no more Frieza no more King cold no more cooler for that matter too life is good for him and let's actually go back to Earth just like Rus theorized Goku already did figure out how to master Super Saiyan way before RIS did not just that but Gohan's on the path of doing the same Goku is just naturally better at that and they did have help from the scientific side too thanks to Bulma and it makes Piccolo wonder if he could ever get a trans like that too he does keep up his training somewhat isolated from everyone which does backfire at some point because out of nowhere Piccolo encounters someone strange it's a foe that he instantly recognizes although he has a new coat of paint it looks to be cooler but for some reason he seems to be made out of metal now he thinks he's seeing things but no this is actually cooler here with Piccolo being Piccolo he tries to get more info out of him maybe he's some sort of creation by Dr jro and that's what he assumes asking if he's some fake Recreation of cooler made by jro Cooler says he has no clue who jro is he simply says that the big Getty star allowed him to cheat death bringing him back to where he is now and with this new body they're not going to be able to defeat him again well Piccolo doesn't think it'll be that hard he quickly Powers up and is able to defeat metal cooler destroying him completely although the little parts of him that scatter about they start vibrating and start to reform into into cooler again he fully regenerates thanking Piccolo he's going to grow stronger from that Piccolo does this again and it's a bit harder to Fe cooler this time but he still wins and this time he's sure to destroy every little bit this one doesn't reform but in the distance Piccolo sees another metal cooler coming towards him launching in at Piccolo fighting evenly with him he told Piccolo with every injury he takes he's going to grow stronger sensing the spike in power some other people come to help Piccolo with Goku Gohan and chii being the first to arrive terrified to see that coolers back but Piccolo tells him to not fight him every time he injures this guy he grows stronger and he regenerates from it too they need to just hold him off for now and figure out what to do next they need to wait for Bulma to show up if anyone can help it's going to be her but cooler can see right through her plan he knows they're probably just waiting for her to appear and thinks that she's going to save the day but he says they're wrong he knows that he has to watch out for her and not just that if she does show up and figures out a way to defeat him he has a lot of measures in place to prevent that from happening he didn't come back here unprepared again he was able to cheat death and he's not going to waste that opportunity he was given more metal coolers appear one for each fighter they're basically treading water at this point they can't really do anything against the coolers because like Piccolo said if they defeat him he's going to grow stronger so this isn't too tough especially for Goku and Gohan who basically just sparring with the metal coolers Piccolo and chishi join forces too which allows them to all overpower the metal coolers but they come to learn it's not just injuries that'll cause metal cooler to grow just from the fights he's learning he knows all their moves he's learning to fight better against them he's continuously growing they start losing ground quickly and luckily enough a lot of the other Fighters show up Krillin 10 Yamcha and Bulma all appear sensing this battle going on with Piccolo trying to quickly fill them in it seems whatever this big Gettys SAR is it's the source of this they need to find where these metal clu are coming from or or where they're being controlled from for that matter but what the hell is the big Getty star this definitely came from space and calling it The Big Getty star makes it sound like it's some giant structure but they don't see it anywhere Gohan notes that he sees the metal coolers coming from the distance pointing out the direction they came from which does seem helpful at first but then some approach from the other side too and from all angles next the longer they fight the more metal coolers show up they just keep on multiplying somehow no matter what they do no matter how many they destroy they just keep coming back but Bulma thinks of one way to try and defeat this threat her to immobilize one of the coolers but instead of defeating or destroying him she simply starts to take the metal cooler apart this technology is so foreign to her but she finds some sort of controller in this Cooler's head quickly pulling out her scouter figuring out other ways to take it apart she tells them all to buy her some time as the rest start fighting to protect her in Yamcha as she analyzes it she figures out a way to track down where they're coming from she reaches into her pocket pulling out one of jro's drones then hooking it up to the cooler basically making it act as a drone for the coolers it's going to fly to the source of the metal coolers leading them right to the big Getty star she tells them all to stop fighting they need to find the source fighting this Army is useless especially with them growing stronger too they need to make sure that doesn't happen anymore the Drone flies up in the air and then darts off in the distance as Bulma begins following it with everyone following behind her Goku and Gohan go ahead of the group plowing through the entire army with the others all fighting through them there's thousands of the coolers now the whole landscape is being taken over by them they fly Miles and Miles Away only being able to go as fast as the Drone can go but at some point Bulma jumps up in the air grabbing onto the Drone because they could clearly see it now there's a giant structure in the distance attached to Earth and it seems like it's growing too had this been any Clos to them they would have definitely seen it easily but with every passing second it looks like more and more is being built on top of it is he planning to take all the materials from the planet to create more coolers that definitely seems like what's about to happen here they have no choice they have to go right for the core itself luckily this isn't too hard for them they're able to fight through the rest of the metal coolers making into the core with Bulma figuring out more about how this works and at the very center of the core they see a giant cooler made out of wires this is where they need to be the rest of them focus on fighting cooler but Cooler's focus on stopping Bulma because he knows she has some sort of plan in mind it almost seems like he was walking into his Doom why did the big Getty star lead him here if they knew this would happen B was able to figure out a way to deconstruct him completely destroying and shutting down the core too with all the metal coolers in the field collapsing as the structure itself breaks apart cooler is absolutely stunned how is he defeated again but the big Getty star let him here for a reason saving Cooler's Consciousness onto it as the structure therein collapses the big gy star attaches itself to Bulma being under protected to basically just attaching to her clothes grabbing some materials from around it to blend it embedding itself into her jacket even finding the scouter in her jacket wiring itself to the scouter so it won't be detected it seems the metal cooler Army has been defeated but the big Getty star it's still lurking about and no one even realizes it they find it strange that cooler came here in the first place especially if he knew that Bulma would have been able to defeat him maybe he was just being Hasty all that matters is that they defeated him once again at least it seems they did now we enter a Time skip into the buaka and let's discuss what happens over this time that chip from the big Getty star which holds Cooler's Consciousness it remains dormant for the time being it's eventually able to slip out unnoticed and attach itself to one of bulma's computers back at caps Corp trying to extract all the info it can from it what's even better is the fact that it finds cell bulman's been working on this project for a while and he still has a long way to go but this little computer chip sees an opportunity here with the big Getty star in Cooler's Consciousness working in tandem this chip decides to connect itself to the chamber that sells being held in making sure not to corrupt it so Bulma won't notice and instead just waiting until cell's ready to be hatched from all the info gotten once cell awakens it's going to try to take over him cooler is interested by this he doesn't like the fact that his Consciousness is stored on this chip right now but hopefully he'll get an actual body again soon the big Getty star initially had different plans for him but now it's this he just hopes he doesn't have to wait too long also over this period of time by pure chance Krillin ends up meeting Android 18 and since it's by pure chance he doesn't even realize until later on that she's the same Android they saved before he knew she looked familiar but didn't know why the two Androids are thriving and are obviously not bad people plus Krillin and 18 get their happy ending and get to beat together which surprisingly is kind of rare in my scenarios it's a small thing to know but worth mentioning speaking of other things that change from the cell Saga being different Mr Satan also isn't as famous as normal but still he's pretty famous he is the world champ after all he's just not a huge hero that saved Earth Satan City isn't going to be named after him but he still is a big name there a celebrity known everywhere it seemed like he was before he even fought cell so even here he's still going to be pretty well known and loved which also means Videl might still become a hero and be just as well known but while she's out being a vigilante she notices something strange at some point four different Heroes appear in the city one goes by the name great SE man but the other three look completely different from him one looks to be just a kid dressed in purple and he doesn't really fight much he acts more like a sidekick while the other two they don't even look human they look like pretty oldfashioned superheroes actually it's really weird at first but the city ends up accepting these four people Gohan did end up becoming the great SE man but also over this time period he became closer with Dr het's friends CHT really likes this because he was a great influence on Gohan and the two both think superheroes are awesome so Gohan ends up becoming a Super superhero and heto wants to join he's already hard in his skin so he's immune to bullets and stuff but there's more beyond that that he does at some point he ends up creating two Androids of his own inspired by oldfashioned superheroes and named Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 at first these two were basically just meant to train Gohan to be a superhero but instead they realized wait they could all be superheroes all four of them it's great for Gohan it's a fun way to protect his identity and still protect the city from threats plus the gamma get to do more than just being training partners and basically security guards for Capac Corp and let's heto get involved too although he's not really that strong just invulnerable he's just glad to be a part of it though this is all really weird for everyone like the great s man alone would have been weird enough but then those other three show up and with the other three being there that's good for Gohan because he doesn't always have to go out as great SEI man this lets him protect his identity for a little bit longer but eventually videll does find out because he flies too close to the Sun but as for the other three she has no clue of who they are she wouldn't know who HTO is anyways and the other two they are just Gamma 1 gamma 2 they don't have another identity and heto continues to improve the two gamas he built hachim Mario way earlier on and had him spying on the fight with the metal Co coolers he always knew that weird stuff was going on on Earth and had it follow Bulma one day realizing that she's incredibly powerful and friends with aliens and also they're fighting other aliens who have merged with robots or something of course he finds this awesome seeing the metal coolers kind of convinces him that he wants to make an Android now too granted it's a completely different thing than what metal cooler is but imagine how awesome that would be if he had the funing to finally make an Android he could do this and he can make them superheroes too and unlike what he originally did he doesn't have to Rob graveyards he makes robots which is way more ethical and way better and yes by now he's Dr heto even though he's still a teen more of a reason why Chi-Chi likes Gohan hanging around with him and you know she doesn't mind if they all train together Gohan gets head's good influence he gets to grow stronger and remember Chi-Chi also is still a fighter here so she's a little bit more lenient with all that but now that leads us to the tournament in The Bu Saga and of course the roster here is going to be very different Gamma One and Two don't join because they don't feel right for robots to be part of that and hedo doesn't want them joining either but we do get some extra people there that weren't there before obviously Bulma is going to be one of the people to join with Chi-Chi also being part of it too with Bulma being in the tournament Yamcha also ends up joining because obviously he's way more active here ten and chadu are more active in the scenario as well and they end up joining too although something really strange happens in the first round of the tournament spopovich and yamu end up appearing but they end up fighting people way stronger than them and they can't get any energy and once the two kais try to intervene it's already too late they try and retreat but Piccolo's already figured out who these two kais are and has spoken with them about what's going on so now knowing about what they're here to do Piccolo tells the two kis that he's just going to handle it let the rest of the tournament go on normally and it's really good that it didn't go according to their plan cuz otherwise they would have gotten energy from one of the fighters here but instead they're just retreating trying to do a different strategy Piccolo fills everyone else in and he ends up leaving with the kais alone they're going to chase down spopovich and yamu and they should just be able to stop Bob alone some of the others do want to go along and stop Bob but Bulma advises them to stay here she thinks it would be smarter this way especially if they're looking to steal energy why would they bring all these strong Fighters right to them if anything they should have one person go there or at least try to draw Bob out here maybe it's best to have everything go normal and if they could have some great fights here maybe that will draw Bob out of where he is so instead of having to track down Bob it leads Bob right to them so that's that's what they decide on Piccolo is going to go with the kais and if they find Bob there great but if not Bob will probably just show up at the tournament himself and that'll make it even easier for them so the tournament continues but it's lost a few of the members Fidel and Chao are eliminated on their own and shin cabido and Piccolo just end up leaving so then we get to the quarterfinals the first battle there is one that's been a long time coming Chi-Chi versus Bulma now Chichi has been keeping up on her training a lot in terms of skills she actually is better than Bulma but Bulma does have an advantage in terms of raw power and that's not to say that Bulma isn't a skillful fighter because she definitely is especially when it comes to using key in unique ways she's very creative and a great strategist when it comes to battle but even though she does have an advantage in terms of power this helps even the playing field for the two of them and chii knows how strange it is too to be back at the tournament it's been a while since she's been at one and she even lets Bulma know that the whole reason she started fighting again in the first place was because of her in retrospect it is kind of silly but despite all that she's glad that it went this way and even if she doesn't win here she doesn't really care too much because she knows goten's going to win the junior division there's no one to contest him there Bulma does end up winning this fight but it's a pretty close battle too next we have Yamcha versus 10 with Yamcha taking the win glad to have this rematch and glad to win it ten knows that Yamcha has grown a lot especially with Bulma and everyone else around him but it's so strange to think back to their first fight before and seeing how much yam has improved he's proud of his friend the next battle is even crazier though and probably the craziest one of the tournament because it's Goku versus Gohan or rather Goku versus the great Sean because his identity isn't exposed but Goku doesn't want to hold back here this is their chance at a great battle especially because if they fight at full power it might even draw Bob out here and help everyone else and worst case if does nothing in that regard then at least they get to have an allout battle for once but Gohan doesn't want to protect his identity so he's careful about it he immediately transforms going Beyond Super Saiyan by now they have Super Saiyan 2 so that's what he goes into and he keeps his glasses on this way people realize that the sa man is The Golden Warrior but they don't realize that both of those people are also Gohan the gamas are in the crowd watching as well gamma to thinks it's awesome to see The Golden Warrior return honestly he liked that look for Gohan although gamma too much prefers his SE man get up this is a nice mix though H's also in the crowd and his jaw just dropped to the ground this is awesome especially because Goku also goes Super Saiyan 2o and he's been looking forward to this battle of course he and Gohan have sparred a lot and trained a lot together but now everything's different with how powerful Gohan is he's proud to see that Gohan's reached this level and of course he's known about it for a while but still he always thought that Gohan would surpass him one day but he doesn't know if that's happened yet and this battle will be a perfect way to decide that he wonders how that training with the gamas has gone and Gohan promises to give Goku a great battle the fight is really hard to keep up with for everyone else of course all of Goku and Gohan's friends can keep up with it h can't really see what's going on but the gamma tell him what's happening and hajimaru also gives him a video feed so despite being at normal human levels he still gets data on what's Happening and gets some pretty cool replays they're fighting at such amazing speeds and everyone in the crowd is entertained at first the battle seems like it's pretty even but as it goes on little by little Gohan is showing more and more power and Goku notes it too it's kind of like bul versus Chi-Chi the two are at similar levels in terms of strength although Gohan has the edge in terms of power and is growing during the battle and as for Goku he has a huge Edge in terms of skill but that power difference is making this battle even but slowly the Gap becomes wider and wider Gohan shows even more strength and it's a tough fought battle but Gohan ends up winning here Goku's obviously not bummed out with the lost because this is his son that won no one in the crowd understands why Goku is so sentimental with the great SE man and it's weird because some of Gohan's classmates know that that's Gohan's father he's almost treating the same man like his son strange but Dragon Ball Fain are apparently really stupid and don't notice that that's Gohan the following match in the quarterfinals is Krillin versus 18 Krillin is stronger in the scenario than he is normally but I feel like 18 would still win here because she's just naturally Advantage being an Android so next is the semi-finals the first battle is Bulma versus Yamcha again another really close match at this point in the story the gap between them is really small Bulma has grown to be an exceptional Warrior but they're both doing pretty much the exact same training Yamcha does have more experience than her in the long run but by now they're pretty much as close to even as anyone can get and they know everything about each other too I mean they're married they both have the same Powers the same abilities they're both humans they have the same training pretty similar fighting styles everything is pretty much the same this fight is dead even but I'll say that Bulma secures a very close Victory solely due to strategy and how uniquely she uses her key here the battle simply comes down to that because they're even in every other regard the next one after that is 18 versus Gohan and obviously Gohan wins with the final battle being Gohan versus Bulma which is a fun fight but of course Gohan's going to win there so the great SE man takes it all although he ends up fighting Mr Satan but takes the fall there so he doesn't make him mad that is his potential girlfriend's father and Chichi's happy too because both of her sons earned some money from this now Gohan didn't extort Mr Satan from money but he did pay him out here and as for Goten he wins the junior division with noort at all not even needing to transform which he can do by now so the tournament goes peacefully but what happened in the meantime well there's a reason Bobby didn't show up picko and the two kais chase down spopovich and yamu getting to where Bob is at first it's a bit tough dbor ambushes them and they have to fight him off but by the time the fight with dbor starts Shin teleports away mid battle and then comes back with Goku this is right after his battle with Gohan is finished kabito is able to quickly heal him up and Piccolo's surprised that Goku's here but Goku actually told Shin about this before they all left he assumed that he was going to lose against go Goan but if Gohan ended up losing there then Gohan was going to go with them but since he lost against Gohan he doesn't need to be at the tournament now because he knows that Gohan's just going to win the whole thing it's a shame that he missed out in some other matches like Bulma versus Yamcha but he'd rather help out here Piccolo Goku and the two Kai's fight against dorah killing him pretty quickly and Bob starts panicking because they enter his ship getting rid of the rest of his soldiers and you might think well maybe Piccolo's going to go Majin here because he's had a different backstory but no that's not going to happen Piccolo has been brainwashed before and he's not going to let that happen again and he also doesn't really have a reason to give into that so Boby barely gets any energy the most he gets is from the fight with dbor but he's eventually killed and The Bu Saga is stopped before it even happens that didn't go according to plan but it went a lot smoother than the kais expected they safely take away boo egg and end up leaving Earth thanking Goku and Piccolo and all the others for their help and thankfully for Goku he and Piccolo make it back to the tournament in time for goten's final match Goku is a little bit Bumm that he missed the matches but he knew that it would be pretty easy for Goten anyways but strangely enough a few weeks later there's another visitor that comes to Earth a very familiar person who hasn't been there in a while radit reappears this time with Vegeta and Napa out in space he sent Goku and Gohan's energy wondering what was happening thinking that there was a big battle but apparently there wasn't it was just a normal tournament well there was the stuff with Boby but that was all avoided oh he thought he was missing out on something which is why he came here but hey he's still here for a reason he wants to test out his power against Kakarot it's about time for a rematch and also Vegeta and Napa kind of wanted to see kakarot's Power too by now both of them have super saiyan and are pretty okay with it and rtis just recently unlocked something pretty cool showcasing his own version of Super Saiyan 2o and he's not too surprised to see that Goku has the exact same thing the two of them briefly do have a battle but Goku ends up being the Victor although he comments on how strong rtis is grown he didn't realize he got that powerful or the fact that he got Super Saiyan 2 in general and he actually does tell rits he's not the strongest here that would actually be rit's nephew Gohan actually just fought Goku and he ended up winning there which not only amazes radit but it really amazes Vegeta and Napa because Gohan's not even an adult yet and he's already surpassed krot who's a low class saian to begin with and he surpassed them a while ago that's just insane and r also explains what's went on in space too the Frieza force is now fully gone because they got rid of all the scraps the saans have stuck together and just done whatever basically only focusing on training because they just want to test out their different powers and they also learn of cooler coming back which freaks Rus out because apparently he came back as a robot well at least he's gone now RIS and the SS end up leaving again but they say they'll be back pretty soon they need to catch up with this planet more it seems and since things are still going pretty fast right now we have one more short time skip going into Battle of Gods beerus does end up Awakening having a dream prophesizing the Super Saiyan God and we can kind of Breeze through Battle of Gods because it's pretty short in general and nothing really happens in this version of it either they get the other saans to come there to help for the ritual they actually do have enough sayings Goku Gohan Vegeta Napa rits and Goten they don't even need pan in the ritual although this doesn't really work because two of the says that they have aren't necessarily fitting for the ritual it's not like Vegeta and Napa are terrible people still but they're definitely not righteous enough for this ritual to work hell maybe even rtis might not be enough so beerus is about to leave the planet a little bit disappointed but not angry because there's also no boo incident but there there is something that calms him down Goku actually offers the idea of going to train with beerus and whis yes that ritual does exist and that seems like it is the way to unlock Super Saiyan God but maybe Goku can find some other way to unlock it he knows that through hard work he can unlock something maybe it's Super Saiyan God maybe it's another Super Saiyan form like something Beyond Super Saiyan 2 a hypothetical Super Saiyan 3 maybe he knows that if he trains with them that's how he's going to break his limits they're the best option for that and for all he knows he can become a Super Saiyan God that beerus wants so he ends up going with them ready to train to become a Super Saiyan God and doesn't seem like any crazy threats will show up on Earth soon anyways but there is one dormant that's lying around we have a brief time skip from the last part cooler is getting very impatient it's kind of a bad situation for him he still does exist and is conscious on the big Getty star's chip you know he's kind of reconsidering merging with the big Getty star like it's been years that he's been stuck as this this is getting annoying and he doesn't even know if it'll be worth it he should have just taken over bulma's body or even Goku's when he had the chance but the big GTI star guided him to this he doesn't even know if it's fair to call it the bigti star anymore because it's just a single CPU although both of them are monitoring cell's growth day by day he's getting more data and getting closer to perfection Dr HTO even helps with the project but it's mainly Bulma so he doesn't touch it as much but he definitely does help a little bit she even got some DNA from Bob as well because the drones followed Piccolo during the boo Saga although I guess we can't really call it the bu Saga because he never came to be but you know what I'm referring to and Dr heto does know about that beus guy too wonder why Bulma didn't get his DNA honestly she was pretty terrified not just the fact that he might have seen one of her drones and gotten mad but also imagine if the cell project goes wrong and he has the power of beerus that could be really bad but luckily it's not going to go wrong her and hedo have checked it daily and nothing is wrong with his development they don't notice the stay computer chip hiding underneath his pod with the big Getty star once again grabbing materials from around itself to conceal it and everything that cell learns it learns it could have just used this data a while ago and made a new body but instead this might be a better option just taking cell's body that's going to give it so much more power and finally after all this time Bulma finally has a breakthrough cell is complete and she's still not too sure if she wants to awaken him she kind of did this as a side project just to see if she could and this project would be really helpful for all the other Fighters imagine the perfect Warrior that they could all spar with all can learn from without an ounce of evil in him too he's going to be a purely good being he basically has the mind of Goku although a lot smarter than Goku more like Gohan with bulma's intelligence if anything and also with all her great resources cell's not going to be born imperfect once he's awoken he's going to be perfect from the GetGo and at least looking like what Dr D en visioned a perfect Android to look like she's not creating a weapon like d was just seeing what she's capable of of building artificial humans and also seeing if she's able to help restore others there's also the fact that cell's able to regenerate the research that went into creating him it could help heal so many people not just her and her friends but everyone in the world with cell they get to see the properties of nean regeneration on someone who isn't nean it's incredible and this is much better than those wheelo drones that she built they are kind of outdated now especially in comparison to the two gamas this is the most advanced thing that she's ever done and heto thinks it's the most advanced thing he's done too but he doesn't say that in front of the gamas gamma 2 still believes he's the timate Android after all and he thinks this could to be fun imagine having cell as a hero alongside them gma1 likes that idea too but he's a little bit more cautious about it they have to wait to see how this guy acts although two tells him to relax nothing can really go wrong here I mean look who's building him they know bulma's good with this and Dr hedo are they doubting his work G1 isn't doubting him he just doesn't want to be too optimistic without being cautious even better Bulma thinks that studying cell might help her push the limits of what humans are capable of at least when it comes to Transformations because cell is part human too it's going to be a lot easier for to transform that a normal human obviously but she can study how cell does this and see on a biological level how Transformations affect him and try to apply that to herself or Yamcha or any of her friends she has kept up with her training and she's tried everything to transform but doesn't know if it's really possible besides that buff full power form that roshi has and as for Kaio Ken there's no potential for her to turn that into a form and also she doesn't really like that form that much she only uses it out of necessity because it does tear her body apart and probably will make her age a little bit more but thankfully training with key has made her more youthful and Dr heto has helped too but now it's finally time to see where all this research led her a few days later cell begins Awakening Yamcha hedo and the gamers are there to watch too he steps out of his pot looking a little bit confused he was just born after all but he smiles Bulma also pulls out her scou to read his vitals and that's when she notices something terrifying right as cell steps out of his chamber a little piece of the Machin is in detaches itself which wouldn't be too big of a concern but it's moving on its own the big Getty star noticed at at time and started making its move and before they could do anything a bunch of wires shoot out of that small chip implanting itself directly into cell's head strapping the chip of the big Getty star onto him before cell can even say anything his eyes widen he lets out of massive amount of key and the room explodes thankfully everyone's fine the two gamas protect hedo and he is bulletproof too Yamcha asked what's going on but they don't know they don't know what that little piece of tech was that attached itself but Bulma goes pale as she realized what that could be is that no it can't be it can't be the big Getty star coming back they destroyed the metal cooler core and all the big Getty star things alongside it she would have SE seen this she made sure to analyze the area and made sure nothing was there unless unless a piece of it broke off and snuck itself into the lab somehow the easiest way to avoid the scouter was well to attach itself to Bulma or the scou itself a silhouette walks out of the debris it's cell but he has a much different expression on his face right now he rotates his arms and cracks his neck trying to get used to this new body Yamcha senses his key and senses no maliciousness within it but that's kind of useless because all the maliciousness it's within that chip cell's mind and body are still cell but they're being controlled by something else cell begins talking and they don't know what his voice would have sounded like but they immediately recognize who the voice sounds like he has the same exact voice as cooler what are they surprised to see him they almost did have him defeated all those years ago but they underestimated the power of the big Getty Star as well as Cooler's resilience he cheated death once so cheating it again that's not too big of an issue and he thanks Bulma for synthesizing this body for him it's incredible way greater than he could have ever imagined he still has all the powers of the big Getty star and so much more beyond that now truly he's glad glad it went this way instead of him just winning back then he couldn't have fathom of achieving a power like this the gamma tell Dr heto to retreat Bulma and Yamcha get ready for battle with the two gamma standing alongside them gamma 2 is a bit bummed as well he was hoping this would work out without any issues although gamma 1's not happy that he was right about being cautious and depending on how strong this guy is they might need another superhero to help them the 4v1 ensues with Gamma One also contacting one of his friends then immediately joining in the fight himself and as they all attack cell he just effortlessly Dodges all of their attacks he knows all their moves after all he has Bulma and yamcha's DNA as well he can use all of their techniques as for Gamma 1 and 2 of course he doesn't have DNA from them because they're artificial but he has all of their data plus they are retrofitted with Infinite Energy he also has the same thing and cooler has access to all of this he even notice that this body has data on himself and he's actually flattered to see that they thought his DNA was that valuable that they put it in here well they definitely have the right idea cell or rather cooler then starts his Counterattack with no effort at all he fends them all off but cooler senses two Powers approaching and based on cell's own data he could tell who the two powers are so they called for the strongest backup they could think of two blasts ascend from the sky spiraling into each other and hitting cell directly they do no damage but as the Smoke Clears he sees the two gamma striking a pose next to the two seen cooler is not sure why Gohan's wearing an outfit but he's too happy to even question that Gamma One called the Seaman over here because he knew they would be able to help although they didn't expect the threat to be sell of all people but once Bulma explains what went wrong they realize how dire the situation is of course theel doesn't even really know that much about cooler but this worries Gohan too the power of cell controlled by Cooler of all people he doesn't even know if he could fight that he's kept up with his training and he knows that he's a lot stronger than before he Powers up into Super Saiyan 2 going to his full strength but even with all six Fighters together he doesn't know if it'll be enough but he puts on a confident face cooler should know that Sans are always growing stronger and he's no exception with his great potential he'll find the strength to defeat cooler whether it be through his determination or rage he's going to win it's his duty to protect everyone as the same man after all he immediately jumps into the battle as the main Powerhouse here but the other five are all really helpful too you might even think that Videl might not be that strong here but no she is Gohan's not the only one that's training with the gamas and since Bulma already knows a lot about how to have humans grow as Fighters Fidel's gotten a bit stronger on her own too granted she's not training constantly like Goku for example but as superheroes her and Gohan need to remain strong after all but unfortunately for them cell has so much power in store this does push him to use a little bit more power getting a bit more serious despite only being in Super Saiyan to it's Gohan with him continuously training even with just this form he's performing well and it's just enough to continue to hold off so mainly because they have one last trump card that Bulma called it a large pillar of light appears and cooler instantly recognizes who it is that's Sayan Goku he's arrived here with beerus and whis next to him watching not too far away Bulma contacted them to make sure that Goku could help and Goku already gets the gist of what's Happening honestly he's kind of excited to fight cell even if this is cooler piloting him at the moment but just like everyone else was saying they've defeated cooler twice before so they could do it again especially because cell probably doesn't have data on what Goku just got actually something he's had for a few months and is continuously trained with Goku walks towards cooler with a fiery Ora flaring up at his feet creeping up around his body and with no change in demeer at all he calmly transforms his hair turns red he looks youthful and his power can't be sensed by any of The Mortals there he tells cooler that he can call this the Super Saiyan God it's going to make all their previous forms look like nothing in comparison and Gohan tells Goku about what Bulma noticed there's apparently a small attach to cell if they destroy that they'll destroy Cooler's Consciousness and they don't even need a kill cell either actually it's not like they need to be worried about that anyways he can regenerate after all plus Bulma has been using her scouter to monitor him it seems like something is fighting back against cooler cell is pure good after all with influence from Gohan and Goku from what Bulma can tell it's like a computer's antii is fighting some sort of attacker that's exactly what's going on here but at the same time they don't need to hold anything back if they do need to destroy every little bit of cell then so be it the fight restarts now with Goku at the Forefront Bulma Yamcha and Videl are at their limits though GMA 1 and 2 aren't able to do too much damage thankfully they can continue fighting because of the infant energy but they can't regenerate either so any damage they take that stays there even Gohan's kind of slowing down a bit and Cooler's glad that Goku's here he could draw out the full power of this body now this will be a perfect test run of what he's capable of cooler showcases his full strength as Goku has his first true fight in Super Saiyan God it seems he's keeping up at first especially with the help from Gohan alongside him but slowly a gap appears in between their power not only does cooler have Infinite Energy with cell's body but the more he fights the more he learns how to utilize it the more he grows and gets data from Goku's new form it is still basically the big Getty star after all every time Cooler's attacked every time he uses an attack that's more data to grow from he's constantly learning and growing before Goku and Gohan slightly outmatched him but now cooler slightly outmatched them they're going to need a whole lot more than just to evenly match him and Goku can't believe it this form was so powerful how is cooler already on this level with cell's body but he remembers everything that he does it becomes part of the big Getty star cooler starts manhandling Goku but also being sure to keep the others away they do try to help the best they can but it doesn't go well Fus is also nearby a little bit disappointed the Super Saiyan God isn't on his level but if Goku can't handle this battle he shouldn't be on his Planet that's not going to be his rival and Goku knows all of this too how is this power not enough he's worked so hard to achieve this and the form is great but he's being outclassed by this he's not going to have it coolers threatened their existence twice already and now he's back for a third time it almost angers Goku he wants cooler to be gone for good thankfully he can maintain Super Saiyan God pretty well he already has perfect control over it too but there was only a small window where that could have been used to defeat cooler now with cooler growing stronger that can't happen Goku and Gohan continue to furiously fight back with Gohan feeling the same sort of emotions too he's trained all this time grown so strong and he can't even defend everyone here he can't defeat someone that's already been defeated twice by them what kind of hero is he his friends are nearby and in danger and just as important important or even more important his family's in danger the whole earth is in danger his father is right there his wife is nearby if they lose this fight they're the first to go Gohan doesn't even want to imagine that but he knows it's a possibility and Goku feels a strange sensation for the first time in a while he's feeling true anger at himself for not being able to defeat this guy but also the fact that Cooler's here threatening them and while Gohan can't sense anything that Goku is doing he notices something strange change with him the red Aura around him flear up once more gaining a bluish Hue too cooler is a bit intrigued to notice this but brushes it off it's probably nothing but that blue hue grows fiercer and fiercer eventually his Aura is entirely blue Goku's hair then stands up as if he's transforming to a Super Saiyan because he is instinctively without even realizing it while in Super Saiyan God he begins transforming to a Super Saiyan as beerus and Weis watch nearby they notice something that looks familiar that blue aura they've seen it flare up around Goku before during his training but this is different beerus is excited he could be on the cusp of something brand new a new level Beyond Super Saiyan God and without even realizing I izing it Goku continues fighting having turned into a completely different thing he has the muscul of a Super Saiyan and the hair of a Super Saiyan except it's blue but he's not the only one who's gained new power Gohan continuously gets back up trying to fight cooler not even acknowledging the transformation from Goku because he's being overcome by his own rage he gets a second win a huge burst of power a rage boost that he hasn't had in a while the two begin pushing cooler back and he can't tell what's happening he's not going to have it again he's not going to be defeated a third time these Sans Will Die Here and Now quickly he launches in the air this body still should be able to survive in space he cups both of his hands together taking Goku's own attack launching a Kamehameha towards the ground but Goku and Gohan then stand together with Goku telling Gohan to not hold anything back but it's not like Gohan needed to be told that anyways simultaneously they launch a Kamehameha their beam swirl together a Father's son Kamehameha Goku's Godly blue aura flares up and as for Gohan he's still in Super Saiyan 2 but his AA has some slight changes the Sparks of electricity around him they turn red and for a second his eyes even flash a red color it's almost like he's on the verge of some other transformation but he's not quite there yet it's just a second wind of power a rage boost that fuels him they put more power into the blast it makes contact with Cooler's attack and completely overwhelms it and it's not even a contest bulma's watching your behinder scout or too zooming into where cooler is she watches as he slowly disintegrates from the blast screaming out he could cheat death again he could do it a third time that's no issue after he waited all this time to steal cell's body it's not going to come to this but he's just coping with the inevitable cell's body is completely destroyed and she verifies that the big Getty star's chip goes along with it too and judging by his reaction there's nothing else that they should be concerned about that was the only remain of him although bul was a bit bummed cell didn't come back all that work for nothing at least they're safe now but still she can't help but feel bummed but then her scou beeps and notices something that she didn't even realize was there miraculously there's a single particle Left Behind from cell and it starts vibrating rapidly generating more particles around it there's a brilliant glow of light in the sky and it descends down to the ground reforming fully into cell everyone's on guard but he stands there with the same warm smile on his face he had before but his face turned into an expression of worry and fear he's glad he's back to normal but he didn't realize that all happened he apologizes profusely for it he bows and introduces himself formally his name is cell and he's glad to finally be here and with a great Display of Power like that of course out in Space the saans note that too what was that power that they felt it felt like Kakarot and Gohan kakarot's power disappeared briefly but Gohan's power was incredible and they're fighting an equally in opponent you know Rus thinks it's time to check on his younger brother again following the Battle with cell the saans decideed to go back to Earth they want to know what kind of opponent they were fighting there and what happened with kakarot's energy why did it just randomly disappear at one point and then come back it could just mean he died but also it could mean he got some brand new type of power and once they get back there and learn what happened Rus decides they might as well stay on this planet now Vegeta and Napa actually don't really like the idea but Rus has grown fine of the planet even before he left he got to a point where he realized Earth wasn't so bad besides they've basically just been training to get stronger in space and nothing's really happened there so maybe this is the best course of action and funny enough he's basically their leader right now because he's the strongest so they just all stay here for the time being of course not too long after we also have the universe 6 tournament which is kind of a wash there's not really a point in covering it because well cell's going to be in the tournament and he's going to beat everyone relatively easily but one important thing to note is the fact that he picks up some interesting data on hit he has extra abilities inspired by the big Getty star Bulma thought it would be useful to implement this into him the ability to just copy attacks after seeing them it's not necessarily a novel concept to her either she's seen Goku do that to some extent so she wondered what it would be like if Cell was able to but I like what Goku does copying them perfectly the first time basically redoing the attack one for one and not just simple attacks cell tries to copy hit's time skin at first when he's fighting Hit cell does have an advantage in terms of power but hit has the advantage with time skip but once cell sees it he's able to use time skip for himself and then battles Hit within the time skip easily defeating him and thinking of the Assassin for the trick he says he'd love to fight hit once again hopefully they'll cross paths again sometime soon but this tournament was a good test of cell strength with an opponent like hit no one knows how they would have been able to defeat him even Goku because he probably wouldn't have gone into the time chamber and trained for the 3 years beforehand and it's also too early for him to get blue kaien at this point although he is working on trying to utilize it but here he wouldn't have been able to use it but now with cell as an ally Goku has some ideas and immediately after this Arc they decide to test out cell's power they kind of did test it out against cooler but that was different cooler couldn't fully use cell's body right away and now Goku has a new form with Gohan having also tapped into a little bit more power himself too this time they can have a fight with cell and there's not the threat of anybody dying Goku shows off Super Saiyan blue while Gohan shows off Super Saiyan 2 when they fought cooler in cell's body he felt some deep reserve of power come up due to the immense rage he was feeling he doesn't know for sure what it was but he feels like it's the next step in his Evolution cell does actually end up beating them in this battle because he has full control over his body plus he has new abilities to utilize but this is going to be great because they have an opponent that they can't really beat right now and he's going to grow just as strong as them the more they fight with him the stronger he grows too and Goku notes he send his Godly key within cell how is that even possible well Bulma actually did that during his training with beerus there was a point where Goku did come back to earth briefly and cell did get some of his DNA she just wanted to correct him to make sure he was purely good but this actually gave him some access to Godly key because Goku was training towards it at that point he doesn't have a full control in it yet but once he gets it perfectly that's going to make her a really interesting increase in power she really has outdone herself she's proud and studying cell helps her learn more about the others too it seems that human cells don't have much of an effect on his power and how he transforms cell isn't necessarily transforming but they see that when he fights certain cells in his body are excited growing a lot more powerful and being stimulated by key and the effects of them are very similar to what she sees within the Saiyan cells that she studied for Goku it seems that a sayyan DNA is doing most of the work with a little bit of Piccolo in there too but sayyan cells mixing with others also does help a ton because look at what happened with Gohan and that does remind her too so she hasn't really made any progress on finding human Transformations which is fine she just mainly did that for her friends because she wasn't really going to use a transformation for herself her initial goal of training was trying to maintain her good looks anyways and while that's not her main goal right now that is a little bit in there somewhere so even if she could transform she doesn't know if she would want to ruin her looks her and zarbon would have gotten along but right now since she basically accomplished that goal her main thing is just to see how strong humans can grow not just to help her but to help her friends too she wants to push the limits of humans and she doesn't see how she's able to do that here except through Gohan he is Half Human After All and she actually calls him into caps Corp one day Gohan's intrigued by the scientific side of cell with Bulma showing him all the info that she has on him Gohan has kept up with his training but he's had a lot less time to train because of his family obligations and the fact that he's working now but he obviously still does want to grow stronger mainly because Goku encourages him and Bulma says she could help also she's kind of encouraging him too she says they should take a trip to beerus' Planet him and cell just briefly just to see what they could try and unlock there well Gohan's not really too sure but yeah he guesses he can go there for a week or two maybe a little bit longer but he's going to have to take a sabatical from work she tells him not to worry consider it an all expenses paid trip this is for the sake of research so she'll findun it like research she then calls off beerus and whis telling him she has some good food for them as well as an offer they kind of regret giving Bulma the ability to contact because it seems like she just calls when she needs help but she yells at them to get over here because it's important kind of terrifying them and they get there and see that Bulma just wants two people to train on beerus's planet Goku's also come along too and he thinks this is a great idea having sell and Gohan go along would be awesome he wanted Gohan to go in the first place but especially with cell there that could be awesome and you know beus is kind of intrigued not just because he's being bribed with food but because of the power that he noticed from these two it seems that Gohan has some sort of hidden power locked way and as for cell well they don't know what his limits are like and it seems there's only one way to find out months and months pass from this point go and cell go to beerus's Planet training on and off again now Gohan does have to go back and forth occasionally which does annoy beerus a bit but he gets bried with food so hey whatever plus he does get to see a bit of his power and when Gohan's back on Earth he does work with bont Earth trying to find a scientific way for him to evolve she says they're also used to regular training that they haven't even considered the scientific side to it she can make their Transformations a lot easier this worked with Super Saiyan as well she was able to help Goku get a better control in it just because she was able to study it and hey even if she can't find a form for herself or ramcha or anybody she at least wants to try her for Goku and Gohan of course a RIT and crew eventually get wind of this wondering what the hell they're trying to do there they want to go to beerus's planet and train because they want to get whatever godly power that is but now it seems like Gohan's working for something different and it makes RIT feel all high and mighty telling the other two satans that's his nephew ever since he became the strongest Satan he's been getting kind of an ego trip as strongest Sayan I mean strongest of the three he's still weak in comparison to Goku and Gohan but hey still pretty strong in his own right although they wonder if Gohan could really Ascend Super Saiyan 2 that seems like their limit besides going into Godly forms is there truly something beyond that soon enough the tournament of power begins because Zeno does get bored at some point and after watching the universe 6 tournament he wants to do this one and they're not short on people this time they actually have way too many people here I imagine the team would be Goku cell Gohan Bulma Yamcha Chi-Chi Krillin piccolo Gamma 1 gamma 2 now Universe 3 isn't the only one with robots on their team but they're not using Gamma 1 and two because they're shorten Fighters they're using them because they're powerful they have way more people they could ask to help Bell Chu tenan roshi hell even Vegeta and Napa could have joined same for RIS obviously and they don't know Android 17 well but he could have joed joined here Plus android 18 but she wasn't really too interested despite Krillin going besides after what went different with the Androids those two aren't much of Fighters anyways here even with their Amazing Power the satans want to actually join too but there's no spots left although rtis tries to sneak in on his own kind of like Yamcha did in the original story although he's a lot more persuasive here he almost resorts to death threats they realize he could do a more level-headed approach he actually tries to reason with Krillin and Krillin lets Rus take a spot and it's not because krillin's weak or anything he's probably stronger than normal in the scenario actually but it's because Krillin thinks that rus' power will be more helpful here he is stronger than Krillin but Vegeta and Napa are a bit annoy that they can't join either they try and have Chi-Chi switch spots with them but she won't and as for Bulma and Yamcha those two are actually above the Sans right now thanks to their amazing training and resources besides it's not like they would have switched anyways once again RIT gets an ego trip he gets to join the team while they don't and in a fit of anger Vegeta and Nappa decide to leave Earth for a bit they have another idea in the meantime so they go out into space for now although the last few members don't matter too much anyways because Universe 7's team is already busted Ed Gohan has unlocked a brand new power thanks to bulmer researching how to stimulate his cells like a transformation they've experimented with this together he found it fascinating and it's not like he didn't work for this he did work for it but he worked for it in a much different way than normal instead of normal training as such this was his scholarly side coming into play although there was some physical training involved too and Bulma takes a lot of pride in it again she might have not found a new form for herself but this is still nice because she did find a new form and she's glad because this tournament will be a great test for that telling Goku it's kind of funny Goku helped Gohan discover Super Saiyan but she helped go discover something even greater Goku says she doesn't need to rub it in but yeah he is pretty happy about this too besides Goku's got something of his own locked away too thanks to having a great training partner with cell he also has his own brand new power something that he's working towards the Tournament begins and everyone decides to show off what they've learned it's funny for Bulma and Yamcha first because they see some other people using key weapons but the two find it kind of funny since most of them are basic things like swords they decide to show up some real key weapons by now Bulma has such a perfect control over key as well as Yamcha that both of them can basically create anything that they can imagine from Key but just as important we got to show off the skills that everyone else has learned in the meantime Goku and cell's training was very effective especially with cell now getting a full access to Godly key he's strong as is in anything Goku does he's able to copy pretty quickly although cell knows that he's overpowered so he lets Goku have his fun here deciding that he can go with the strong opponents Goku has gotten something that whis really wanted him to get he doesn't have complete access to it but he can sort of tap into it at will Goku decides to go fight jir at first he shows off his normal Powers the ones that people have seen including a relatively new one blue kaio-ken but he does have one more in store a strange Ora surrounds him all the gods look on with amazement and Terror his demeanor completely changes and it looks like he starts just moving automatically his physical appearance hasn't changed much but Goku is utilizing a new form Ultra Instinct doen he's briefly seen the complete version of UI but at least for the time being he has access to this way earlier on mainly thanks to having the perfect training partner there s s could also utilize the same thing here but again he's going to let Goku have his fun also if there is an issue with Goku Gohan might just want to jump in too because he's also testing out his new power but it might have been better if Gohan fought jiren because this is a little too much the other fighters in Universe 7 watch on as Gohan transforms a little bit shocked to see this new change especially Chi-Chi she didn't think he would look like that when he transformed as much as she hated the delinquent hair this is even worse his hair's grown far longer it's completely white his eyes have turned red he looks scary this is what Bulma helped him unlock this is Gohan's own new unique form Beast Gohan the culmination of all his training a display of his inner rage and the product of scientific research between him and Bulma truly a testament to who Gohan is as a warrior which is also great because as you can probably guess by now the tournament isn't exactly too hard you have Goku who already has Ultra Instinct early on although this might make it a bit too easy for him and he won't have a catalyst to push him to ultra Instinct right away so he'll be an omen for the entire tournament I will say though that the scenario's Goku is stronger and more skillful in base than the main stories Goku at this point and then of course Gohan and cell are there and the rest of the team's pretty great in their own right too especially with the addition of Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 on the team on the surface it may not entirely look like it but so much of this team was affected by Bulma so was made by her Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 if she didn't find hedo they wouldn't have been made right now Beast Gohan was accessed through science and training then of course Bulma herself grew like that and everyone else on the team especially Yamcha benefited from her scientific input that even does include Goku although he more so likes finding out how to improve himself on his own but with that the tournament is complete universe7 takes the win and I feel like they would wish the universes back for an MVP it would probably be someone like Gohan who would be the leader here but I feel like pretty much anyone on this team would wish for that radis is the only one I'd be concerned about but he's not going to be MVP but speaking of radit once they get back to Earth after the tourn the other two saans are gone where did they go what did they abandon him again like they did so many years ago whatever he's used to it at this point besides it's better being on Earth he doesn't know where they went off to but he doesn't care they're probably just jealous of his strength and the fact that he got into the tournament following this would be the mor Arc but nothing's really going to happen here first of all if Morrow did get freed cell would be able to fight him pretty easily he has Instant Transmission time control Ultra Instinct and if he studied Morrow for a bit he could just copy his abilities and counter it that way but Morrow probably wouldn't even be freed here Buu wasn't destroyed Shan and kabito did get Boo's egg and actually just contained it on their Planet they didn't destroy it so without Buu being destroyed the seal on Morrow doesn't get destroyed either meaning he's not going to be able to escape or regain some of his magic but even in the off chance that he does it's not really going to be a big deal and that's not even considering the fact that cell already has access to Magic too I mean he has some of Bob's DNA he's the perfect counter and he'd be able to do that really easily plus he even has the mafuba because he has the data from all the fighters around him he has so many ways to defeat Moro that it wouldn't be an issue but he's not freed in the first place and then as for granola that's not really going to happen either it's probably going to be business as usual for him and the heaters because without Frieza there there's not really anything to push that even further and plus without the morar they don't have 73 in all his data small note but worth mentioning as for superhero that's obviously not going to happen the gam is already made and red Pharmaceuticals isn't going to get H on their team maybe they'll be able to make some sort of Androids but they're not going to be nearly as good as whatever heto can make so that Arc doesn't happen although there is one Arc after the tournament of power that I just skipped here but don't worry I didn't forget about it about a year after the tournament Vegeta and Nappa do return to Earth but strangely enough they didn't come back alone they have three new people with them yes Vegeta and NAA have been training out in space but more so they wanted to see if they could find any other saans out there because maybe that's the key to strength if they find other Sans and look at how they grow it could benefit them although that didn't really happen but they did find one that was really interesting one of the Sans they found is tarble Vegeta's brother who's the weakest by far but then there's two others that are pretty interesting paragus who's an older Saiyan and his son Broly they've noticed some pretty interesting things about Broly and thankfully they're able to avoid being killed by him Nappa was the one to actually find the two and then once they got to Vegeta they realized that this is their best bet of getting off of vampa plus they met him in space and if they killed him there their ship would have been destroyed and everyone would have died it did take a while and paragus is still really reluctant to be with them but at least those two get a happy ending and they get off vampa plus taro's actually there with his wife too but he'll probably return to his home planet sometime he was curious about seeing this new planet though but they're going to still continue to look for Sans because there might be others out there especially with all these other survivors there has to be someone else now they don't know for sure but this is the best way to combine their saan power and grow even stronger and Rus actually likes this idea maybe this way they could also pass kakro and his sons so this might be a next best step for them now we jump back forward to the present around the time where a superhero would have happened I guess Bulma actually is on beerus' planet one day because she goes there from time to time to observe how it is there she does feel pretty content with where she is now she achieved all her goals and has helped her friends grow a lot her goal never was to become the strongest originally it was just to maintain her good looks but that goal has completely changed she saw how great it was to be a warrior like this to learn martial arts to fight like that and she's glad that happened plus her original goal was somewhat maintained it's just strange for her to think that this started off something so simple and Petty but she found a whole new world that she wasn't even aware of figuratively and literally seeing how great this all is all her friends benefited alongside it too and she gets to see the product of what she helped with the reason she's here is because she's watching a battle between her friends beerus is pretty pleased with the rivals that he has on this planet to the point where even he starts training again Goku has full access to ultra Instinct and is really good with it now Gohan's been utilizing his Beast form more and of course he split between training and his home life but he has a great balance here and then of course there's cell the perfect Warrior who hasn't insane growth and all three of these Warriors they've benefited from bulma's help sure we might have not focused on them too much in the series we didn't even really get to see cell do too much but this isn't their story this is bulma's although even when you look at it like that consider the fact that they're all in a much better place where they would have been without her being a z fighter and not just them all the other people back on Earth there's also the people that would have been dead but are alive and thriving RIT and Napa who would have died originally cell who would have been evil and would have died and sure while she's not the strongest she's glad that her friends are watching a 1 V1 V1 between Goku Gohan and cell a battle so amazing that it terrifies beerus these mortals have surpassed the gods and it's all thanks to Bulma and this is where our story ends what' you guys think about the story as a whole I wanted to try to take a different route with Bulma and personally I like the route that I took here but let me know what you guys think as usual be sure to drop a like And subscribe if you haven't already and now that you finished this series I'll link a similar story on screen that you guys might like anyways thank you all for watching thanks for supporting the story all the way through and I'll see you all in my next video
Channel: Salad Saiyan
Views: 64,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dbs, dbz, dbz what if, discussion, dragon ball, dragon ball super, dragon ball z, explain, explained, meme, q&a, question, saiyan, salad, salad saiyan, scenario, theory, what if, what-if, super, arc, saga, bulma, trained, yamcha, krillin, goku, chi-chi, tien, piccolo, tournament, raditz, vegeta, nappa, kame, kami, chiaotzu, capsule, corp, doctor, cooler, armored, squadron, final, ssj, spirit, kaioken, cold, frieza, freeza, freezer, king, gohan, hedo, metal, gete, big, star, gamma, cell, max, buu, majin, kai, beerus, whis, god, ssg, ssb, blue, ki
Id: L2w8UNA8Zdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 42sec (7782 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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