What If The Z-FIGHTERS Became SAIYANS? Full Story

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this video is sponsored by Crimson Manifesto Knuckles ox and gelpy hello I am Plus or as you most likely know me plus Ultraman during my first year of YouTube I was lucky enough to make a fairly massive jump all the way up to 15 000 subscribers upon which I made my first ever Milestone special video as I began my series what if human Z Fighters became Sans the story is meant to be pretty off the walls and crazy considering it coincided with that wildly massive jump when I first started off that said this is more so the compilation of season one or what you can consider the main story covering this timeline's beginning to just about all of what has been adapted by the anime as for a lot of supers currently manga only content though I'm currently working on a sequel series that will be involving some of the characters you'll meet throughout this original series and that's going to cover that content plus a little mini Arc that'll be kind of custom so keep an eye out for that by making sure you go ahead and do all the other YouTube stuff like liking commenting and subscribing so you get updates when I make new videos since when that season 2 is it where it's finished I plan to marry this full story and that four story up with a few tweaks and edits like a remaster on part one for example my goal for that eventual truthful story is to be the ultimate experience of this timeline so without further Ado since we have a lot of story to get through please enjoy the show [Music] [Music] hey what's up fam it is me plus Ultraman and I am very proud to announce that at the time of me recording this video we have hit 15 000 subscribers on my channel can't thank you guys enough and I thought it'd be cool to give you guys a gift for the love and support you've shown me I usually try to keep my weddings more grounded and logical but this is a special occasion so it deserves a special exception also I've had this wonderful suggestion by a few different people so I didn't want to give credit to any one single person now when considering the scenario I decided the two most logical points the humans could become Sans where either the five year time skip before the Saiyan Saga or the three years of preparation for the Androids with the latter being the most logical and you'll see why in a bit so let's see exactly how this happens we open up right after trucks had left after giving his warning Goku was debriefing the other Z Fighters about what trunks had told them and telling of the three years of training they must now undergo Krillin the brainy worry he was has a much different reaction than in Canon he died he died in the future he died everyone died if Goku wasn't strong enough then what could he do yeah he had preparation time but it's not like that helped him in preparation for the Saiyans last time wait the Saiyans every major battle so far had been won by the power of the Sands it just made sense they were a powerful race with an amazing ability to grow from battle but that wasn't the point Trump's future was a testament to the dangers of counting on Goku to win the day for them this wasn't some stupid manga there weren't main characters and supporting characters it wasn't just Goku's responsibility to protect everyone he was getting an idea but he would need to learn about Tien and the others first but with Vegeta there Krillin refused to ask this question and so waited until Goku had finished his story and the group began to disperse just Tien chatsu and yantra prepare to fly away he tells them to hang back leaving only the four of them there he begins to run through his thought process and his blunt we should become Saiyans but this is met with jiren and laughter more than shock and yamch and Tian are laughing at all but when they realize a small fighter is serious Tien gets a bit angry he didn't want to admit it but the Sanford leaping past them constantly and he hated it but just becoming one of them but like surrender he wants to surpass them with his own power like a true warrior ask for yancha yeah he was scared too part of him understood krillin's logic but the other half mirrored TM he was the middleman in the situation Krillin then fire his back with the idea that they could just use the Dragon Balls to make the change and when the Angels were defeated change back not doing so could be the difference between Victory and defeat in Tien would be hard-pressed to argue this he'd have to put his pride before the safety of his Planet which seems a bit out of chance character Tien can see that this was true but they need to approach Kami first this may not even be possible and hearing this clone deflates a bit finally chaotic pipes up and explains that he didn't want to be a Saiyan if you are being honest he didn't want to fight anymore either he wanted 10 to be safe but he was just not as much of a fighter as he or the others and was really Weighing on him but shocking chopsy 10 only smiles and hugs a little psychic showing some of his father ASAP and telling him that that was fine he didn't ever want ciao to feel the need to sacrifice himself again after the touching moment was over however the group decided to head out to the lookout to seek council with common after hearing Chris's proposal the guardian of Earth couldn't deny that his logic was sound the problem was that Dragon Balls couldn't change their current bodies into that of Saiyans and again Chrome deflates and Tina's fine with this and prepares to leave a lookout but Kami stops him he said current bodies what the group is currently asking for was literal Rebirth of three people with their bodies were destroyed and they weren't allowed to keep them in other world then their souls will be separated and their bodies could be constructed that said Kami dotted very seriously that shinron could do this in his current state but with some training perhaps he could manage this so yes this was very much a possibility but the cops will be dying for a while hearing this Tien hesitantly asked if they could turn back to normal at some point and Kami simply explains that they would just need to repeat the process but the proposal set in a way to get out of it everyone is so they were going to become Sans Tommy then tells them to give him one of their three years Trump Mr Popo and try to power up Shenron he'd most likely have to grow stronger than the namekian Dragon for this task he'd also speak to King yema so they could die with their bodies with that said the humans agree and are determined they fly off and Tien actually heads towards Mount palzu one to speak to Goku about something so let's fast forward One Year everyone has been doing their training but Kami finally caused his three students to the lookout telling them today is the day now through very brutal train with Mr Popo I think we can actually bump Kami up to a five to seven thousand power level he explains that now shamron can actually Grant three wishes and thankfully King yema had signed off on their idea apparently this would be less paperwork than most of humanity dying so Mr Popo shows his statistics side and completely disintegrates all three humans and shinron to summon on the lookout allowing Kami to make three wishes number one rebuild the bodies of the humans as Saiyans number two revive the newly made Saints and number three cut off their tails and make them never grow back 10 of the others then appear back on the lookout looking just as they did before for the most part though mentally they could definitely feel the change the idea of the upcoming battle in two years no longer scared them it excited them a while later Goku Gohan and Piccolo land on the lookout heavy knows the sky change and asked what's going on they are then informed of what had happened and Goku gets extremely excited Piccolo and Gohan can't really believe what's going on but Goku is just happy that his friends will be able to better keep up with him in strength now and understands why 10 had approached him a year ago other than asking for a few spars here and there I don't see Goku trained with these new Saiyans too much during the next two years though I will say the new Saiyans likely get about twice as strong as they did in Canon though some may argue that they would I would say that Tien and the others are unsuccessful in achieving the Super Saiyan transformation in these two years I say this because they're just now becoming Sans so I don't think they're completely used to their bodies yet to achieve it look how hard it was for Vegeta and go on to reach it and they've been saying it's their entire lives and though I don't think I should have to I will mention that the Saiyans aren't getting Kai from past battles that wouldn't make any sense as these are brand new bodies I just know somebody will argue that in the comments we can now jump to where the Z Fighters are looking for the Androids when yantra runs into them and gets into a fight with Android 19 and 20. he is still grabbed by Jerome but you got your only smirks and takes the old Android's hand off by summoning all the power he could into his hand and chopping down on it he then kicks the mad scientist through a few buildings along the other Z Fighters yeah yantra is fine in this timeline and that severely damaged Android 20. Goku the other Z fighter to show up and like in Canon get the Androids to follow them out of the city where Goku takes over by taking on 19. while I can Canon the heart virus rears up and Goku goes down Dr Jerome begins to celebrate thinking he has won The Battle Before three things happen simultaneously number one Vegeta returns number two Yamcha and Krillin fly over and Blind Side Android 19. get him over to Jerome and making the two fall over each other in a heap and number three Tien yells out Kaio Ken times 10 and appears high in the air above the battlefield with his hands in a very dangerous formation a single Neo try being shot is enough to completely obliterate the space the Androids had occupied leaving only a deep Square shaped hole in the ground and three grinning Warriors Vegeta grounds being denied a battle and Tien lands very pleasing himself but collapses soon after the tri-beam is already a taxing technique but the cow can on top of that really poops the guy out yes he wasn't saying now but he wasn't going to allow what happened to trunks his timeline dabbing in his meanwhile Vegeta goes off he is yelling and cursing about everything and finally Krillin has enough he was the only one of the new Saiyans to not really get a chance to show off and was a bit Surly himself so he simply tells the prince to shut up hearing this Vegeta charges into debt Krillin but the smaller Saiyan just catches the punch with a very small bit of strain shocking Vegeta Krillin grants but decides not to mention the changes he went through in the last three years and simply counter-attacks getting the two into a battle because of this Vegeta was under the impression that he was fighting a lowly human and refuses to turn to a super and so Krillin is actually able to keep up with him but after a while trunk shows up and puts a stop to the battle and asks what happened with the Androids where Gohan informs him and I think at some point he accidentally listen slip that Tien and the others had gotten a lot stronger due to their wish and Vegeta asked what he meant Now put on the spot Krillin takes over for Gohan it reveals what had really happened over the next three years and then it's cheap shot it by a very anger Vegeta Vegeta goes on a whole tire rate about the humans being false Sands and actually charges the blast to kill Krillin but Piccolo immediately puts a stop to this after this Vegeta only growls and flies off to see if Goku is better yet and Trunks in the oven is grabbed Tien and follow after him on the way trunks informs everyone that his timeline hadn't changed so he wanted to do some training in this time so that he could defeat the Androids in his own time Goku is still recovering so Vegeta having nothing to do tells trunks that he'll train him this would also give him something else to think about other than those fake sayings the next few days go out without incident as Goku recovers and begins to try and train as well possibly trying to help Tien and the others achieve Super Saiyan that said this brings the question up to equivalent and the others are they going to turn back and I don't think they would just yet the chemistry of their minds had completely changed they now craved battle if you keep up with Goku as their rival I don't think any one of them will be willing to give that power up just yet at least not this soon after riding the high of Victory but then something jarring happens a massive evil key flares to life and need to satisfy their curiosity the entire group of Z Fighters fly to the location the power was coming from and find a mountain lab out of it walks a tall green bug-like creature who smirks at them all and introduces himself as perfect cell their future murderer he then tells them of his backstory and Trunks curses realizing he never saw the bodies of the Androids Tien killed and didn't think to look for Jerome's lab cell looks at everybody and laughs hard realizing no one had a chance of beating him in their current state so propose a challenge from what he understood training up the fighter grow stronger so he'd allowed them 10 days to grow as powerful as possible before he killed them all that's all they get he then flies away that said you can argue that cell wouldn't think of this since he didn't fight Super Vegeta in this timeline but let's just roll with it Goku thinks on his feet and having everyone in one place tells everyone that he has a plan and directs them all to the lookout there Goku reintroduces the Roman spirit in time and I think here of his properties Vegeta demands that he and Trunks be the first to make use of it during the first day Piccolo now needing a major power boost makes the suggestion to Kami that they fuse and I think Kami agrees much faster since perfect sales is already there he can sense his energy he does however warn that they'll need another namekian to be Guardian that way they don't lose their dragon balls but because of the major power difference Kami the sacks are trained dende in the room of spirit in time after Vegeta and Trunks leave it Vegeta emerged with both grades 2 and 3 of Super Saiyan but is able to gauge that the form still wouldn't be enough to take down perfect cell and demands to be allowed back in this room spending time but Goku says he would only be allowed back in after everyone has had their turn the next day Tommy and dende emerged from the Roman spirit in time and Tien and Yamcha decide to go in over the past two days Goku has done his best to explain how to achieve the form of Super Saiyan to the former humans and and go on and this at the very least has given them a guideline Tommy and Piccolo then decide to fuse and I think with the combination of Kami having already been stronger than Canon Piccolo being a bit stronger as well and Kami having just been a year in the hype bog Time Chamber and probably haven't gotten stronger again the fusion is extremely strong in this timeline and brings Piccolo to a little over the power of Super Saiyan grade 2 trunks in Canon while in the room of Spirit In Time 10 amps are able to achieve the Super Saiyan transformation but just barely and have a hard time doing so quilling a piccolo go next and with Piccolo's help Clinton also reaches the state Cleveland as a Super Saiyan is about evil with Super Saiyan Vegeta actually now with their turn finally up Goku and Gohan enter the time camera as well with Goku having seen three other chains achieve Super Saiyan he already has a plan of trying to match the state but also go beyond it and push even higher Gohan is also able to become a Super Saiyan much earlier than in Canon since after Krillin and the others had achieved the Super Saiyan State they can rephrase Goku's advice and possibly give him a better understanding of Dan and candle so I think within the first few weeks of their training Gohan reach to the form and this leaves a lot of time for real hardcore training between Super Saiyans after emerging from the time chipper the two are much stronger than a Canon with Goku not being so sure that Gohan has to be the one to take down himself as his own power is pretty close by itself and Gohan is much more aware of his own hidden power Vegeta and Trunks are the only ones to go back into the Time Chamber as Vegeta wants to further himself from the fake Sans and as in Canon the last few days are spent resting before the sell games the group arrive on the Day of Reckoning and self-scans everyone deciding to make an actual term out of this since the group had powered up pretty well he makes a cell Junior for each fighter there except Goku claiming he wanted him all to himself and I think these fights go very heavily towards to sell Juniors since they wouldn't be any weaker than Canon the only people to win their fights are Gohan Piccolo Krillin Vegeta in trunks Gohan is stronger and more confident than Canon and so struggle with his opponent a bit but does win at the end Piccolo having worked on a lot of his strategic fighting with Krillin employs a strategy similar to the one he used against Frost but I think in this timeline it does work walk Krillin realize he has a great combo move and Powers up the Super Saiyan using his newly dubbed super solar flare in conjunction with a super canzon cleaning his opponent in half every other match ends in ring out on the part of the Z5 to stay alive or by knockout but thankfully no one dies we finally reach our main event but Goku vs Cell goes pretty much the same as in Canon Goku gives a much better fight but knows that he can't win he then splits a sense of being that he's given and throws a hat to both Cell and Gohan before announcing that Gohan was going to be the real final battle but again this goes pretty so much when Canon though Gohan is a lot stronger and tries to fight cell one-on-one before trying to grasp the power he knew he had but like in Canon he just can't more so juniors are made and sick from the Z Fighters but in this timeline cell is much more Angry as he's wasted so much time so these cell units are a bit more aggressive and actually kill Piccolo right in front of Gohan's eyes so yes Gohan does achieve it but this time it's much more narratively appropriate here like in Canon is able to force them to throw up 18 and she is saved by Krillin who knows that she's pretty cute cell then tries to blow himself up and Goku sacrifices himself but still returns soon afterwards and attacks trunks but Gohan is still on edge he knows that the attack and gets trunks out of the way let's chop this up to him being a bit more powerful and a lot more on edge since he's lost two of his father figures in the span of a few minutes though the attack does not do heavy damage to his arm it's limp and useless at the moment now here we'll go off the rails of Cannon Krillin yells out there with only one arm they all need to pour their key into Gohan everyone does so knowing him to be their only help Vegeta being the last to comply this means that five Pure Heart Saiyans pour their key into a sixth and a red light appears when the light dissipates Gohan is left looking almost normal with his hair not in the Super Saiyan 2 State anymore but red he'd also lost some muscle was this Kyle kin and where was his power cell was completely tired of the games and this kid transforming he tries to Simply swipe Gohan away but the angry boy simply takes the attack and pushes back cell small and flies into the air saying this time he'd really destroy the Earth and charges up a massive Kamehameha before he could even release it Gohan lifts his hands and fires one so large it dwarves the planet as it flew toward itself completely disintegrating him leaving absolutely nothing left Gohan then passes out on the spot now before we get back to the story I just want to deal with three of the biggest concerns I noticed on part one and make a super tiny retcon the first concern I noticed was people were very curious was Vegeta really pure hearted in part one in that exact moment after he had almost lost his only child's perfect self only to have the son of his greatest Rivals save trunks I think Vegeta in a state of gratitude and respect that leaves his heart where you can be just good enough to be considered pure remember Vegeta and Cannon got seriously mad itself for killing Trunks and it's the first time we see him do something for another person that's not for his own game another concern I noticed was why didn't Gohan absorb Super Saiyan God into his base well remember Gohan uses the form for a very small small amount of time infinitesimal compared to what Goku did and Canon so I don't think he's able to absorb all that guy Keen to his base it's not enough to become a god at least again without the ritual Vegeta could have also played a part in this with his heart not being completely pure which is pure enough to be considered okay enough the third concern I noticed was how would people assume Gohan used the Kyle kin if he doesn't know it well remember that was just a theory that the characters would put forth to explain why this happened in the store and Gohan not knowing it could actually lend some Credence to this idea the form was red in color and it could have been that Gohan tried using the Kaioken which would have failed and been why no one felt his power yet it was still there and super potent this could also be the reason he passed out since he'd be exhausted after using the technique the wrong way and our retcon is cell does announce the Cell games on television because of this her kill Satan would have been at the tournament but Jason's perfect cell made a cell Junior for all the Z fighters to fight in part one one is made for the world champions will unable to back down from the battle on global television Hercules steps up to fight his little blue opponent sadly for the champion the cell Juniors show a tendency to be sadistic and torture loving Fighters so unlike his father this CJ toy is a Hercule knocking him around the ring coolly as the champ freezes with memories of his master's death at the hands of a superior opponent after a few minutes of this cell finally orders his child to end it so they can move on with something more fun and the CJ prepares his final strike but Jimmy firecracker the reporter from the Cell Games gives the champ his final words of encouragement and says that his fans are rooting for him and Mr Satan slowly stands up he lashes out with a final Dynamite punch that hits home the cell Junior looks smug as he isn't damaged by it and moves on to finish her kill but then at the last moment Yamcha and surprisingly Tien are shrouded in yellow energy and yellow in unison just for the evil creature to complete his task out of nowhere it explodes leaving the two Warriors pretty tired but satisfied they had done the right thing Yamcha taking pity on the champ remembering his fight with the Cybermen he wished somebody was there to save him from his own overconfidence so he wouldn't let it happen to someone else as long as he can help him and he convinced Tian to help out as well afterwards Mr Satan though beaten up cheers and explains his new move at work he then smartly decides to sit out the rest of the games because the opponents weren't strong enough for him and indicates to the Z Fighters saying that these were his students and then they will finish the fight for him as a test of their own power still ignores the interference as long as the game is move on but that's the entire retcon nothing else really changes Hercules don't introduce and probably a lot more popular as a hero because he's seen as this one punch Man level of overpowered and he'd also be responsible in the action of public lease for training those that did defeat cell after that the rest of the Cell Games go par for the course of part one of the series and with that we can finally jump back into the story we're So Gone the Z fighter scoop up the tired Gohan and go racing off towards the lookout to which Goku Piccolo and everyone else that was killed by cell back to life the dragon balls are gathered hastily and the Dragon created by dende is brought forth The Witcher revive everyone killed by cell is mate strangely Goku and Piccolo's key do not return to the earth when asked why this happens Goku gives the same answer as in Cannon while pickle on the other hand I'd like to stay with sun and train all of you have become Saiyans and knowing them you'll continue to grow stronger and surpass me I'd rather go stronger here than stay on Earth wasting my time besides we haven't had a rematch yet so everyone respects their decisions but there are still two wishes to be made for shin-rock and go away with no one else having anything to wish for the long wait decision for Tien Yamcha and Krillin finally comes turn back into humans or not after a while a contemplation Krillin finally decides to speak up and he says that he'll be staying as a sand with Goku dead the world would need strong protectors Yamcha admits that he'll also be staying as he didn't feel extremely different from his normal human self plus he now had a sense of purpose that he's never really [ __ ] in his life that he really enjoyed after this 10 sides and admissive he likes to stay the same as well but doesn't give a reason as to why which is kind of confusing everyone but nobody prys into his situation during this Android 18 finally wakes up still in krillin's arms and she chews him out about that he explains the situation and she's super surprised at how generally kind he was not to mention she might be a bit more attracted to this version of Krillin since he's got a bit more confidence from being a Saiyan so with no one else having a wish to make 18 exercises to make her own wishes she asked the dragon to bring her twin brother at 17 back to life which is something that Krillin takes notice of and to remove the bombs are in the chest with that done she decides to leave the lookout with her usual bravado still in place but she tells Krillin to call her sometime before going off to find 17. after that the Z Fighters start to split up Vegeta in particular being extremely upset that Kakarot wouldn't be returning to life meaning that he was the only true Saiyan so alive just for a TN left he tells Krillin Yamcha and Gohan to keep up the training as he's going to want to fight them later down the line to see how well his training is going now instead of a straight cut two seven years later I'm actually going to run through the most important events that take place here in this timeline first off Goku and Piccolo begin training hard in the other world Krillin in 18 axing me back up at some point and I think they connect a lot faster and a lot more passionately Krillin has a tiny bit more backbone than driving this timeline so 18 finds him a lot more cool as for Vegeta he's training much harder these days as he doesn't want to be surpassed by what he views as fake Sans and he takes a much more active role in trunks parenting than he does in Canon but more on that later a year later a stronger Goten than in Canon is born now how about Gohan well I think his naturally curious nature is going to lead him to do a lot more training than what he didn't Cannon to try and maybe discover that same power that he used against cell in the Cell Games beyond that he'll be getting encouragement for more than just Vegeta to not get soft so Gohan won't lose any of the strength he had to sell games but he won't be growing by an amazing amount he still has to study and help his mom with Goten so he has some priorities over training speaking of Goten if Gohan is training it likely means that Goten would join him sometimes meaning that Goten receives training from more than just chi chi over with yancha he like Krillin and Tien has decided to continue his training during peace times but for obvious reasons he is kicked out of capsicore while in the city he runs into someone who to a surprise is actually looking for him Mr Satan the champ explains that he'd been looking for the fighters as he was very grateful for their help it couldn't have been a coincidence that he and his friend glowed with the cell Junior was destroyed so he offers Yamcha a job basically the same job he gave Majin Buu and Canon of helping her kill to remain champion and I hear you this doesn't sound the type of deal a sand would take that said Yamcha still has a lot of his human mindset remember Yamcha was a thief he's always done what it takes to get by sure he could just become the new world champion himself but it wasn't like that would give him any real challenge so he might as well take the steady work in income so I think Yamcha accepts his deal for Mr Tate meanwhile Tien takes up his residence in the mountains with child suit to train for his first meeting with the other new Sans this was to test his progress so around a year after the initial split up over Z Fighters the three former human Warriors meet up in a secluded area and have a spa tuition grin Tien wins without contest angry he demands to know why his friends were slacking off young to laugh nervously he didn't have an excuse but Krillin did he even helping 18 with a baby shark the others interrogate him on what he meant he reveals that he was married and a dad now even pointing out that 18 actually watched the battle now here I'm gonna do with kind of a controversial idea it's just one of the things I've kind of noticed within Dragon Ball So if you disagree with me that's perfectly fine from here Tien and Yamcha both feel a new competitive drive with their friend and fellas saying they both want to have children as well see this is by no means confirmed in Canon but I've kind of always felt like Sans could have some natural instinct to procreate excluding Broly and based on a lot of fan art this may change pretty soon but virtually every kanako saying we've seen that it's had a chance too has had a child meaning it could be instant to continue your bloodline Arrow makes sense from a logical standpoint as a Warrior Race your lifespan isn't said to be extremely long the entire hidden potential of Saiyans is the ability to grow stronger from surviving near-death experiences well if you didn't survive those you need a child to carry on after you die this could also be why Vegeta Goku and Broly never show any ignition to revive the other Sans they have successes so their race will not die out so whether you agree with this concept or not I will be using it to explain the next plot point in the story but remember my take on this timeline isn't the end-all be-all and disagreements are bound to happen there's no wrong with that and I truly hope you guys enjoyed the story no matter what but moving on he doesn't make it a priority but with this new ambition to make a child Tian does remember launch and her feelings for him she's one of the only women he's ever gotten along with in that sense and long story short I think if he and said our relationship with launched now it could actually work out very well he'd be much more mature now than he was say 10 years ago as for Yamcha well remember he's now working with Mr Satan meaning he's actually going to be around a lot of groupies but beyond that he will also constantly be around a very beautiful woman in the form of Miss Pisa there is some info to suggest that she and Mr Satan might have had a thing here or there but it's mostly just a throwaway line here and there that implies a small Affair she's working for Mr Satan in super steel and she's driving him around so I doubt if they were married or dating that she'd be working directly under him so again I'm going to say that she actually ends up falling for Yankton in this timeline we're never exposed to her long enough to really get a full sense of her personality I mean you can largely to interpretation plus I think yamch really deserves a win in this timeline a few more years down the line Trunks and Goten form their iconic friendship which Vegeta is perfectly all right with he isn't hell or okay with trunks being friends with the children of Tien and the other fake Saiyans yes quillin still has Marin but we now have two non-canon children of Yamcha and Tien and I've decided to make them both girls I have another series on my channel where Tien has a summit launch and y'all just seems like he'd spoil a baby girl and be a super protective dad since he knew what kind of kid he was when he was young actually that's a very cool character Dynamic to kind of put Yamcha in later on in the series and speaking of tien's son's name in that series the name suggested for him by one of the fans was bori it'll be given to his daughter as well because number one is unisex and it sticks with the nomenclature that Toriyama set forth as for yacha's daughter well his name means to drink T and pisa's name is literally just the word Pizza there's very little link between these two objects so I decided to go with the idea of dairy products you put cream and tea sometimes and cheese on pizza so cream cheese I then decided on the Japanese word for the food cream cheese and I decided to slice it into kurizu surprisingly and showing a lot more maturity than you were originally begging for Goten is actually good friends with all the girls Marin Buri and kurizu and like all kids he wants all his friends to play together but trunks is sadly unable to Bulma isn't against the idea of the kids playing together at all but Vegeta is very adamant against this the son of the prince of all Saiyans cannot associate with fake sand and that's about the gist of the important stuff that happens in The Seven Year time scale from here a lot of stuff goes the same from the creation of the great Sandman Persona by Gohan after being told 18 and queen decided to enter the tournament and actually Marin a child who hasn't really tried fighting out yet is that she wants to also try it 18 forces her brother to enter it as well having never met 16 in this timeline he unfortunately never develops a love for nature so right now he's just bumming around common house Tien and his daughter Buri also decide to enter the contest since launch had actually foreseen to move into the city he also wouldn't mind if he won and earned them some money and it'd be great publicity for the dojo he wanted to start producing and of course Yamcha being an employee of Mr Satan would also be joining in but his daughter isn't much of a fighter I also want to say that the Dell's training goes a bit differently in this timeline she's a little more open to the idea of key as a concept and shows a talent for it in Canon so I think she'd be a lot more insistent or learn to weaponize it as well as fly I could even see Gohan maybe taking the Dell to corin's Tower to have her climate and turn the cat Master taking her to master oh she wouldn't be a good idea for obvious reasons but as the day of determined approaches the contenders work hard to finish the training finally everyone meets up officially for the first time in a long time and pickle and Goku make their grand entrance the only real difference is all the kids and the addition of 17. the youth division doesn't go wrong with the kids but surprisingly she isn't too happy about it either he really wanted Buri to compete with adults and get some real experience in her training unable to hold back Vegeta makes a smug comment it isn't like your half-breed brass could have won against trunks what did you say the two then got to one of their usual squabbles as the others finished the signups the punch machine also goes pretty far for course just with the addition of Tien yamchin 17. the youth division will be saved for a part 1.5 because I really want to give the kids some more characterization and focus in on these battles and to say who the winner of this contest is Mr Satan still makes the mistake of Faking the laws and almost has his head knocked off on the morning of the tournament two young Saiyan hybrids are awoken to the crack of dawn for light sparring and practice with their fathers these two children are Trunks and bori and their fathers Tien and Vegeta Tien had always stretched proper technique and control during Paris training so she is usually trying to maintain a common metric state of being but bury is still a little girl and quite often her energy causes her to break through that facade this is partly due to beings though young and partly due to her mother's fiery octane personality tian's focus on technique was due to the Myriad of abilities that buri's third eye allowed her tien's full power had been lost due to his time as an assassin clotting his heart in darkness but with bori still being pure hearted this entire time it has allowed her to discover more than he ever could and he is very very proud of her that said this has caused him to push her a little harder than he really should but I think Buri really appreciates it nonetheless because she does want to be strong the two finish their light morning sparring match and 10 calmly says he is very proud of boy's progress which caused it's here tin chides her and she apologizes but he Chuckles lightly and rubs her head before the two go to eat breakfast before the tournament bury just couldn't control her excitement she was just way too ready to get into fighting because once she went defeat out of anybody was trunks she was always very offended at his father's views of her her friends and her family so today was the day that she proved that they were all equals she wants to come out on top and prove to Vegeta that it doesn't matter if you had always been a Saiyan or just become one a saying is a Saiyan and they're all powerful over at capsicorp Vegeta was making sure that trunks's raw power and battle instincts were as sharp as ever trunks's natural laziness usually made this a hassle for the prince but today both of them were highly motivated Vegeta's hope for today was to see trunks trunks all his opponents including what he deemed as the fake Saiyans and their offspring then Vegeta wanted to chill Kakarot who the true top dog was since he was returned to Earth today and finally he went to defeat trunks in the finals to keep him hungry for more power and to maintain a strong drive for his training remember they do not know about the junior division right now trunks really just wants to defeat Goten while going all out and maybe show off for kurizu unable to sift through his feelings trunks doesn't realize this is actually a crush but knows not to bring it up to his dad at the very least hours later over at Kami house Krillin and 18 are going over a few more basic moves he had a fight for their daughter as they do this 17 makes night remarks and tries to teach his niece more flashy and crazy combat moves this usually gets him chewed out by his sister but 17 only laughs at it Marin was extremely new to fighting and with the small amount of time her parents had to teach her the girls techniques were severely lacking not to mention when 17 made his assessions she would actually listen to him as if she'd been learning from him for a long time as much as 18 and Krillin didn't want to admit it they didn't think Marin would go too far fighting against any of their friends though where someone had reason 17 just kept laughing at them and at home somewhere in Satan City Cruiser woke up and did her usual morning routine she wasn't a fighter but her parents love training in their bedroom in the morning this routine strangely enough included checking on the junior division Fighters that she become the manager of for a cut of their winnings you see kurizu really like nice things her father made good money as one of Mr Satan's employees and quite honestly he spoiled her and her mother but the more money she had for herself the more she explored herself as well once she had heard that Goten and the others will be competing this time her usual greed had cost her to seek out the usual betting pools for the tournaments she decided to bet everything that she had earned on Goten being the winner when she held with him Puri and Marin Brewery would usually try to spar with him where Goten would usually win by just using a bunch of crazy techniques Goten in her very narrow view was probably the strongest of the Next Generation and she also had a very small crush on him there was something about how simple and innocent he really was that caught her eye she had also had a few conversations with Chichi who really enjoyed the little girl this says mostly because Chichi can tell that Crews lose a very shrewd businesswoman which means that Goten would always be fine in the monetary department and it was that very shrewness that made her the intelligent business woman she was and so she had bet on all her friends except for Mary she just wasn't expecting her to win but if we were to win or maybe trunks then she could still get a very large amount of money over on Mount palzu Goten overslept and missed out on morning's bars with Gohan today was a super important day since he'd finally meet his dad and finally get to fight his friends all out but he was just so forgetful sometimes later on the entire group of Z Fighters meet up and everyone but kurizu who had already known learn about the junior Division and Brewery and Trunks are kind of embarrassed that their dads are arguing so openly in front of everybody skipping ahead in the first round Goten trunks mayor and Brewery fight random opponents and win really easily in the second round it came down to Goten vs Marin in trunks vs bori the exact fight that bori had wanted this entire time in their battle goten's usual wild and erratic fighting style was directly counted by Marans employing her own strange and eccentric moves Krillin had to admit to his brother-in-law that his ideas were a good counter to goten's fighting style but the sly uncle just Snickers at this growing sick of the back and forth Goten charges at mayor who announces that this special move that her uncle had taught her would be the final move of the match she begins to spin and twirl while using 17's super electric strike this surrounds her in bright green energy Goten is amazed and stops with stars in his eyes yelling at that that was so cool he begins to try and imitate her by spinning himself but as he does this a Sinister glint appears in Marin's eye she stops on a dime and while doing so a super powerful Green energy wave blew towards go 10 and then flung him out of the ring and onto the ground just about everyone is shocked in kuruzu while proud of her friend is nearly having a tantrum that she had lost all that money on Goten and that her Crush had been defeated at all meanwhile Marion goes back to her usual cheerful self trunks is also pretty angry since he couldn't battle Goten while Vegeta is mocking Kakarot that his son got defeated by a novice and you can hear all this over the crowd Goku takes the mocking in stride and with a big proud smile nods to Goten hopefully this loss would keep Goten motivated to train meanwhile the kid rubbed his head and ran back into the ring to hug and gradually his friend he was proud of her and he went to learn that move the next match is trunk versus bori and when he faces off against her he isn't Dumb and knows even though his dad looks down on bory and the others they are not weak by any means the battle starts off and Trunks rushes Buri who remains in her controlled and technique-driven state it was clear that as a martial artist Buri is definitely more skilled but trunks was way stronger to an extent where it almost did not matter Buri begins to expertly dodge and weave around trunks his punches and kicks but the smug boy laughs that he's been holding back his entire time and that he stopped now his speed almost doubles and bori is forced to start blocking his blobs finally trunks catches the counterpunch from bori and then another she is completely disarmed and Trunks is about to push her out of the rain but her three-eyed Powers take effect the three witches technique is activated though the creepy thing about it is that the two extra arms that she grew literally belong to a huge man not a little girl bury then grabs trunks by the head with her extra arms and flips over him before throwing him with all her might trunks writes himself before he even Falls at the ring and rushes back at her where booria treats her arms and use her father's solar flare technique caught off guard trunks is now unable to see and bury activates telekinesis that our uncle chatsu had showed her and she tries to put trunks down onto the ground and out of the ring but the boy flashed into Super Saiyan and is able to break the hold and jump back onto the stage while panting but retired him that they weren't supposed to go into Super Saiyan and Trunks blushes and tries to make an excuse in the stands Goku marks at how well Brewery had been trained she wasn't really lacking into raw strength just favor control over it 10 confirms that theory and mentions that her mother and Buri shared a very similar Affliction and once again Regina makes a sniper mark causing the two tiger dads to once again argue for the umpteenth time trunks Huffs empowers down the base form and bori Giggles that he's cute when he's angry caught off guard and not wanting his dad to get mad at him for this trunks yells at her that he doesn't want to hear that from a three-ad freak with her feelings genuinely hurt bory goes stuck still and finally Wars item rage as she becomes a Super Saiyan now her personal Ali was totally flipped all that energy she usually kept bottled up was out trunks Powers right back up Suzanne himself now it was clear that bory Hill had all her technique fly out the window but her rage had given her a big boost the two Clash again and trunked blocks of Fleury of attacks and finally grabs onto her he rolls with her force and finally flings her out of the ring she was just about to try and stop her fall and fly back in but trunks anticipates this and appears above her he chops her in the back of the neck and she falls out of Super Saiyan and more importantly onto the ground as the match is called Buri tries her hardest not to cry but the tears and sniffles escaped little by little and Trunks can't help but feel really bad about this but he didn't want to disappoint his dad 10 sides that she'd had to get that under control while Vegeta laughs triumphantly it was time for the final match for Trunks and Marin to face off at this point everyone is preparing for wear to lose easily even trunk is very disappointed with how things have gone and he's also still feeling very bad about his natural Brewery that is until the match actually starts mirror and speed is much higher than anyone had really realized and so she was in front of trunks and easy slipped his legs off from under him he tries to back up and flip back to his feet but Marin is behind him and lands a kick to his back in the stance Vegeta is flabbergasted how is this low-class fake Saiyan spawn outpacing his Prodigy 17 that snarks and explains that Marin used to chase him around Comet house when he babysit her because he could never get tired he could do this in sleep while she didn't have Infinite Energy Marin did have her mother's Spirit meaning she didn't like to lose from a very young age Mary had always had extreme levels of endurance and speed mayor's current demeanor reminded everyone so much of how calm and cool 18 could usually be it was a far cry from how Marin usually acted using her immense speed and the after image of all things definitely taught by her dad Marin confuses chunks before appearing behind him once again using one of her uncle's techniques she forms a green energy field around trunks trapping him switching right back to our usual Happy lucky self she says bye bye to Trunks and push the field far out of the Arena even outside the city limits trunks does hit the ground at some point and the junior division champ is named Tien is very happy even though Buri didn't win he turns to Vegeta and explains that trunks is a very powerful and talented kid will Vegeta keeping him cooped up his mind is narrow he fights with raw power and that's about it but with Marin and Buri both seem to have some things that they were especially good at and train with Goten had done wonders for bori maybe Vegeta had stopped looking down on everyone these matches may have turned out way differently surprisingly Bulma chirps up that she agrees to Tien causing Vegeta to fume he says they're all fools and Broods in the stands Mary would go on to defeat Miss Satan in a very comical and similar way to how trunks does and Trunks after the embarrassing defeat was way more angry at his father than anything else he had sort of guessed what Tian had already explained to Vegeta not to mention he felt really bad for what he had said and did to worry and was going to stand up to his dad when the tournament was over and tell him that he was going to be friends with the girls our 16 competitors and their matchups were also not chained but let's change out Killa with Yamcha Mighty Master 17 and Jewel is replaced with Tien and the meeting with Shina kabito also doesn't change too much in match one Krillin literally breathes on pentar and wins as for match 2 it is completely possible to change it because Piccolo has been training in other world with Goku so it's not exaggeration to say he is much much much much more powerful than his Canon counterpart that said Shannon surprised at how powerful Piccolo is he even considers asking him to go all out to lure out yamun's bubble [ __ ] but Piccolo forfeits as he can somewhat sense who his opponent is and gets very nervous about it even with all his strength and Canon vadel actually has the power to do a lot of damage to smoke a [ __ ] she just doesn't have the stamina to deal with his insane durability but Videl here has been chasing corn and trying to learn to shoot key she takes damage like in Cannon but not as much and finally after a volume of attack that puts both [ __ ] almost to the edge of the Ring Bedell pushed with all her might summoning all the keys she can and she's actually able to push the Brew out of the ring she's won match three this is a little consequence though because Popovich does not go far in match 4 kabito still urges Gohan to go all out but he's even more surprised than Canon because Gohan is so much stronger for scaling wise whereas in Canon Gohan's energy put boo almost to half what they needed this going home put booze something around 60 64 once tracking them down to Bobby's ship things go very similar though Krillin is the only one caught by the board's Stone spit because of this Goku Gohan Tien Vegeta Piccolo and shin flying to the ship while yantra stays outside to guard his friend's Stone body and make sure no harm came to him Vegeta still wins rock paper scissors and murder sleep week easier than he can not even allowing Bobby to change the scenery to planets Tien actually takes on Yacon and has a bit more trouble than what Goku had using akikoho he's able to overload the Beats like Goku didn't Cannon meanwhile back in the tournament 18 fights Hercule and her brother and in an upset she is actually able to defeat 17 by ring out for making the same div with Mr Satan during this match the children led by trunks decide to go and see what the adults had left over though Buri informed the group it was a bad idea she still tags long nonetheless and once again going back to the ship Goku and Gohan play Rock Paper Scissors for who will fight Deborah and actually Goku wins though he is much much stronger than his Canon counterbar because he would have had a training partner in other world Goku plays with a demon ruler a bit kind of how he did with Yacon and Canon this takes Vegeta off which in turn causes Tien to argue with the other sand once again but with the two already number one being angry at each other and just being very very irritated with the situation they actually come to blows over this argument and this distracts Goku Deborah Escapes in that Split Second and tis Bobby off to the evil in their hearts and The Wizard casts his evil spell transporting the group back to the world terminal Arena Vegeta reveals himself to still be in control but when he blasts the people in the stands to get Goku's attention Tian actually appears in the front of the attack and uses the Kia to dispel it he was also in full control of himself he orders Goku to deal with Vegeta while he goes after his true Target Krillin Goku and Vegeta's fight will go pretty much the same as Canon with being transported and stuff Tien heads back towards Bobby's ship and soon runs into Yamcha and Krillin who are currently coming from it toting the kids back to the tournament Arena while Krillin chewed them out especially Marin for being so reckless young to Greece's friend but it's confused as to why he seems so angry what was the mark on his forehead and why was he so much stronger now TN completely ignores him Krillin I'm going to kill you Yamcha Simpson the aggression tries to get everyone to calm down and tells him to explain himself at this point everyone was very uneasy Yamcha made the mistake of trying to hold back the three-eyed Majin to make him calm down but he was paid by being getting the job hard enough to break his neck and drop him to the ground limply dead Krillin was frozen he couldn't believe what was happening right in front of him but then Tien said Barry you and the kids leave now especially you Marin if I have to kill you to fight your father I will hearing this Corlin lost it and RAM shoulder first intent starting their battle off it was clear that Tian held a major power Advantage but krillin's tricky fighting and stature allowing him to fight in such a close range that tien's height Advantage was made to his greatest weakness that said the power moves from Bobby made it solely clear to Krillin that his attacks were completely meaningless and this was punctuated when one of tien's punches finally lands on his head almost like in Krillin completely out what the hell is wrong with you you killed Yamcha you threatened my child I thought you had changed I did change but I had to change again remember into a Saiyan because of your fear you're insane we've had ample opportunity to change back into humans but we all decided to stay this way damn it I know I'm ashamed of myself you idiot being a Saiyan it's so natural for me the drive to fight and grow stronger but I'm a human at heart I wanted to surpass the Saiyans as a human but I just joined them damn it Krillin I can't even look at my daughter because half of her something I'm not the two then since the Colossal key power up in the distance and Tien came to a realization that's boo it's my fault he's out sorry Krillin the three-eyed Warrior then easily knocked out his old friend and flew towards Boo's power Gohan does a tiny bit better than he didn't Cannon but it still doesn't work and he's knocked out as well trunks along with all the other Z Fighters begin to converge on the fight Tiana Vegeta arrive at the same time and without even speaking to each other begin to take on boo together doing much much better than what Vegeta did by himself in Canon where one lacked the other made up for it was safe to say that if boo didn't regenerate the two could have definitely done a lot of damage to him the kids and the other Z Fighters like Piccolo arrived just in time see Boo's angry explosion and CTN and Vegeta captured by his gum trunks is enraged seeing this and rushes them with the help of the other kids to save the two Warriors but the same conclusion is arrived at by both Vegeta and Tien they make their goodbye to their children and enact their plan Piccolo get the kids out of here we finally figured out how to deal with you you fat pink freak Tian flew to the other side of boot and powered up as Vegeta did the same we'll clean up our Mess by taking you down here and now after saying goodbye to their families and those they loved the two looked at each other maybe you aren't a fake saying three I Tien and maybe you do have a heart Prince Vegeta the two Saiyans in tandem then release an extremely powerful explosion of golden light that is actually able to obliterate every single Speck of Boop ending his threat to the world right so moving on to the actual Story the timeline obviously needs to diverge back in the Boost Saga at the very latest if we want to set up anything like that of GT so a central change needs to be Majin Buu's Ultimate Survival and eventual reincarnation to this end I believe the easiest way would be to Simply tour with whom falls under the wizard Bobby's control in the main timeline these victims will be ten shinhan and Prince Vegeta due to both holding on to a massive negative emotions torso on Goku and Krillin but even more so towards themselves with the duo going on to ultimately atone for their laps and character by wiping out Bobby's prize margin with a twin final explosion however what would have happened had Buu simply persisted and regenerated from even the smallest Speck of himself or even more intriguing if Krillin and Yamcha had also been taken by Bobby due to sharing similar feelings of imposter syndrome as TN since while TN is certainly the most prideful in Earnest as a martial artist it's not to say that Krillin and Yamcha are not and that they don't take any pride in themselves as earthlings with the letter even being brought up and basically handed the keys of Mr Satan's Fame and Fortune should he ever wanted making it more than possible that yamchuka still have some inner turmoil himself about what all he's accomplished and so fueled by these negative emotions our story truly begins as the human turns Saiyans brawl it out far more fiercely than they would in the mainline events more than likely leading to a very quick emergence of Majin Buu and then his concentrated evil and from there an even more powerful super form capable of absorbing others while Goku is forced to reveal the fruits of his and Piccolo's training in the other world though here he really just needs to use Super Saiyan 3 to buy some time leaving Piccolo to use the remainder of his 24-hour pass to do what he does best in repair the Next Generation as with all their fathers having either Fallen been absorbed or been knocked out of commission Goten trunks booty kurizu and Marin are asked to step up and undergo special training to learn the Fusion Dance AS Gohan as well as defeat and seemingly killed by Majin Buu while Yamcha Falls in defense of his friends and family on the lookout since in this verse is also more than likely that Gohan would have never tapped into his Godly abilities to defeat cell regardless with the birth of Fighters like Gotenks and buron Super Buu is pushed to the limits while Goku watches from the other world and even reunites with both Krillin whom would have likely Fallen to tian's Grudge in this timeline and Gohan as the young Prodigy hybrid undergoes some more drastic experiences to get back in the fight as back on Earth even with a serious Bull Run covering for gotenks's antics the kids are never defeated and even forced to fuse in new pairs creating trury and creatin only to see themselves absorbed and used as fuel against this new ultimate Gohan things appear to be lost until being given chance to redeem themselves by King yema haloed versions of Tien and Vegeta appear to help hold off the terrifying boo buying enough time for their kids to escape with Piccolo and for two friends to both be revived thanks to the old kind kabito training with their lives and began to put our earrings to confront Buu with as a brand new fuse fighter is formed gorilla and thanks to their notable individual strength and extra power they are granted from the two halves of the fusion being lifelong best friends Super Buu even with the likes of their friends powers used against them cannot stand up against the fusion seeing him ultimately relieved of his hostages thanks to the batara bear also having the Wits of Krillin garulin thinks hard to access the parts of his shared experience with Goku and remembers a certain technique the yard dragons tried to show him a long time ago as they then use the spirit Destructo disc to separate Boo's Pure Evil and chaotic soul from his own good saving their children and friends in the process the earrings hanging on just long enough for them to obliterate kid boo with the super Kamehameha as they make our hearts feel wish to see this crazed gen return as a good guy someday with wishes being granted to restore all the damage done and erase the drum from people's hearts this wish also seems to be fulfilled as well about 10 years later as the world has entered a truly unprecedented era of peace with all our heroes eventually being revised and reunited and even seeing all of our wish-made scenes remaining as such with tian's Epiphany and lack of comfort gaining power as a Saiyan never really affecting him all that much in this timeline he just kind of stays content also during this time as they grow most of the grudges between Vegeta Tien Buri and trunk settle up with bygones being allowed to be bygones as mutual respect has at the very least been built which after an experience like the blue Slug it kinda has to though in the process borey and Trunks never really developed their questions on one another out of the puppy love stages eventually just agreeing to be friends as the umbrees boy becomes busy as he's prepared to take control of capsicorp while Brewery is likewise gifted with the role of Master of her father's Dojo as he decides to begin traveling a train with a child suit and even launch again both young hybrids eventually finding Sauls and possibly finding significant others from their career someday at the same time kurizu actually gets what she's always wanted as puberty seems to awaken Goten to his true Casanova spirit and before the two know it they have followed the footsteps of chichi and Goku and Vidal and Gohan as they go on to quickly tie the knot and form a passionate Union meanwhile the Z Fighters finally set up to gather again in a Martial Arts Tournament only for Goku could have dropped the bombshell of booze reincarnation even going so far as to snub his friends by getting good Buddha rig the brackets to give him a shot at the guy though this isn't too easy for him as he does find himself very impressed with the likes of Vegeta Tien and Krillin all revealed they too have broken the barrier to Super Saiyan 3. even if it did take him a long time with living bodies winning a match attests the power of this scoop Goku subsequently decides to go off on another adventure this time with the goal to crank up this boy however with lots of his friends being both fellow Saiyans whom also have human sensibilities they don't accept this often butting their way into the training and even helping to teach UV and sparring with he and Goku from time to time with this becoming so routine that by the time another five or so years have passed and Goku conducts his final exam with Ube it isn't very surprisingly Krillin has joined them with the monk being eager to use this chance to see if after all this time he is surpassed the power he displayed as a part of gorilla this Ruckus however leaves an opening for three familiar and long relevant narrative Wells to make a move on a secret set of black star dragon balls almost succeeding in a more Sinister wish if not for clone and Goku's Interruption which seems to poorly would reveal can activate the massive red Shenron of the sky to turn the two men back into very young children with the duo still being more than enough to easily dry them off only to be informed that they now only have a year to retrieve the ball scattered Across the Universe or planet Earth will explode and so oscone begins to form a team of adventurers to accompany the now young Goku and krillings of the Stars however options doodle down fast as great options like Boo are too unreliable while Ube is eager to get back home and spend time with family relaxed after so much training Piccolo desires to stay and keep an eye on things here just in case while the likes of Gohan it's busy with work in his own family as it's more than likely that this version of pan could already have a younger sibling one that can even keep most of her attention off interfering with the space mission kurizer revealed that her and Goten are expecting shuts them both down as options as well though as they are now true brothers-in-law and feeling the size of seeing his little buddy like this jump to decides to fill in their Spot while bury is surprisedly willing to go but is actually asked to stay by her dad for the sake of her students taking it upon himself to join the crew and round it out with these two good options to back them up Vegeta actually doesn't feel himself all too necessary nor does he decide to force either trunks or Bullen to help him deciding instead to take Piccolo's lead and hang back for the sake of watching over Earth just in case so yes like in the original GT almost all the hybrid Saiyans have seemingly lost all interest in fighting training or even their own strength while enjoying peace talk but it's really not too big an issue because this group they are literally old school and even with the hiccup of Goku and krillin's age regression they all still work pretty perfectly together seeing them Coast Across The Grand Tour of relative ease through most challenges like the Hitman Legend easily defeating and tracking down the boss of the Parr Brothers defeating muchimuchi Lord lewd and finding their way to Planet M2 where they easily take down the sigma Force discovering an eerly familiar and weirdly blue evil Sciences from the process who activates the parasitic life form by the name of baby whom sneakily hitches a ride with our heroes as they retrieve the final Black Star Dragon Ball and then return home only for this new evil to make its move by taking over Tien and spreading from Vader even going on to abuse his hive mind to for more power through attending a Wild Fusion of luzaru and Super Saiyan at the same time this threat is still taken down as we are most familiar with Goku as the Pioneer he is discovering a brand new Super Saiyan without the Kai's going on to save Cien and the rest of his friends his baby is obliterated Dr Muse evil is not done Hub that's upon his destruction and meeting his kindred spirit Dr jerrow and Hell the duo come up with another scheme they are shared hatred and cunning somehow allowing Super 17 to endure and make an appearance in this alternate take on GT despite my dislike of him however here I do think his story can work a bit better as the concept of Duality fits this version of 17. since remember he never really got a chance to run wild before he was forced into the straight narrow so it just kind of makes a little more sense plus he never really made a totally satisfying life for himself as a sister to so I commit so hard to going good completely I mean if Tien and Yamcha and Vegeta and the others are going to do it all the time but why not him this culminates in the good 17 in Hell fighter 17 eventually fused him to form Super 17 taking on his friends and family and even tricking Goku still a Super Saiyan 4 power and beef himself up truly claiming the title of Ultimate Fighter and life form but in response to this as well as 18 and Marin's tears Krillin attains his own Super Saiyan 4 state but even this is not enough to defeat super 17. with Queen revealing his true goal always having been to Simply force all the hatred 17 had pent up released on him as they Clash of final time reminding him of their status as brothers even if by just marriage and what it meant to him for before the monk can get through to the good and 17th the hell fighter takes over giving a stark signs of the evil in him needs to be driven out as Maryland and 18 join up with their father and husband to help him in one last all-out fight with super 17. seeing them as a family able to separate the two halves once again or Piccolo and surprisingly Master roshi are able to come in clutch by seeing what the evil have for double mafuba allowing 17 to eventually apologize for his own last judgment but upon trying to use the Dragon Balls to fix the damage this has caused a starting Discovery is made as shinron takes on a new dark form caused by all the native emotion poured into him over all the years from selfish wishes and overuse scattering a league of evil Shadow dragons to the wind whom all must be defeated this once again sets Our Heroes in motion for this being a terrestrial threat and they're absolutely insane and stacked numbers finding and defeating the individual dragons is fairly easy especially when both Vegeta and Tian reveal they too have unlocked the secrets of Super Saiyan 4. leaving Yom to contemplate how to do so himself as he's already been able to regrow his tail thanks to pizza and his son and against the reason there might be some kind of missile block there but the scarred sand must cope without long to draw on this topic however as the final Dragon reveals itself and absorbs the others forming the worst and most dangerous that they've dealt with thus far and the negative energy spewing Omega Shin even with all their power and numbers the evil dragon is too much forcing Our Heroes to rely on gimmicks like Fusion again as even Tien of Vegeta in a while Twist of Fates all their prize and decide to form a fighter known as tangita while Goku and kulin are more than happy to bring about the return of gorillin they'll form through the Fusion Dance this fighter instead refers kroku this proves to be the right move with the power of both Super Saiyan 4 the Futures overwhelming omega as Yamcha AIDS by leaving the rest of their forces in to coordinate the salt but in turn the fuse Fighters only burned themselves out rather quickly which leaves them all very open to the massive negative energy Supernova made by Omega which threads to swallow up and destroy the now tired and defuse Saiyans however Yamcha as he is always is willing to take one for the team intercepting this technique and seemingly being consumed by it as Omega then gleefully tells them all to say goodbye while preparing a final assault to reunite on their fallen friend but the Yamcha is not gone revealing himself by bursting from the ground beneath omega's feet and trapping him in a negative energy wolf hurricane as bathing in the negative power of the evil dragon LED officing to awaken yamcha's own form of Super Saiyan one which seems to thrive off the energy of anti-key and evil and so with this power all his own it allows him to take on and more importantly hold down Omega rather effectively with the option from there taking charge in ordering everyone to Rally around him while they gamble on the Spirit Bomb as their last resort this final desperate play just being enough to purify and exercise Omega to eliminate his threats and return peace finally thanks to Yamcha in the end to having greater love and mercy than wrath as his kindness and selflessness season granted safe passage from the pure good of the spirit flying with it simply crashing down around him harmlessly only taking the evil dragon and negative energy away with it and leaving to reveal the scars saying hero just fine allowing him to Revel with his comrades in the end with the most happy twist here being that due to all their numbers of power it's more than likely shinron could be given the power he needs to leave the Mortal realm and regain his strength temporarily with no one needing to actually accompany him meaning all our heroes as we know them will be able to grow old and die together in peace while their children and descendants go on to shape the untold future of the Dragon World some even going off into the emptiness of space for final battle to cap off their rivalries resulting in clashes that will light up and shine through the universe for all eternity in this alternate timeline where the human Zephyrs became Saints as the dust of the amazingly powerful fine explosion from Tien and Vegeta settled Piccolo Goku and some of the other Z Fighters were returned to see the damage of the blast the radius was expansive and the island itself had been scorched and leveled to the point of being a few inches underwater now and the area was still steaming from all the evaporated water and moisture there are absolutely no trace of the Majin Buu left Goku whistles at the damage that had been done but seeing as the danger was avoided now he decided it was best to go out and gather Dragon Balls to revive Tien Vegeta and Yamcha and anyone else who could have been hurt during all this hearing his plan Krillin is a bit hesitant about Reviving The Two formerly possessed Fighters but in a rare showing of serious from Goku he explains the two hats save the day in countless lives to their sacrifice they made a mistake yes but they had to be given a second chance especially after this he was willing to bet they were sent to Otherworld and not hell in fact though if you're being honest with himself that probably was untrue Krillin accepts his argument reluctantly and holds his tongue as the dragon balls are gathered Vegeta Tien and yancha are revived after a bid and some explanation to everyone who had been left at the Turman Arena had to be given about what had actually happened once this is done 10 bows and pushes his face onto the ground as he begs Yamcha and the others for their forgiveness especially the children almost everyone doesn't really know how to react to this but yamcha's size as his easy-going attitude caused him to forgive his friend almost instantly he understands feeling inadequate and as such he isn't that mad at him and he knows that that can really bother and eat away at you then seeing how Vegeta is just blushing and Crossing his arms while looking illegally Tian punches him in the side and tells him to apologize as well Vegeta growls before unfolding his arms and bowing his head at the very least and he also gives a very great apology as well it seemed like the two of them had talked about apologizing while in other world Goku Chuckles at the annex and everyone else seeing that Vegeta of all people is apologizing are a bit more keen to forgive the man it'll be about as fast as they did in Canon at the very least but they will be forgiving him Goku for one is very happy to see that Tien and Vegeta have made amends and that Yamcha and Summit Krillin have forgiven each other it seems like everything's gonna be okay now so with that he challenges them all to a fight the tournament had been ruined for them by Bobby's plot but right now he wanted to test them all each one of them Gohan 2. he was really only locked out after challenging Majin Buu and kabito had easily been able to fix them all up and maybe get him a zenkai boost as well actually Goku was so excited he even went to take on the kids this makes Goten very excited to fight his dad as well as exciting the young martial artist boori Goku Powers up Super Saiyan and tells them all to come at him the adult Z Fighters wouldn't waste any time and rush in for the battle with the children zooming in soon after them the battle raged on for a while with Goku training this more as training for the others and just enjoying the fight as a whole as their power is ramped up to try and match what he was at so did his until he was ready to unveil a brand new form of Super Saiyan That Shook the world when fully transformed Goku is definitely stronger than Majin Buu and those fighting him and felt their own abilities and strength grow and multiply from the fierce battle when all was said and done Vegeta and go on we're really the only ones with enough energy to stand on their own two feet but even they were drained of keep Goku knows that he couldn't think of a better way to use up the rest of the energy he had for his 24 hours on Earth as the energy begins to dissipate and he feels himself being pulled back to the other world he says his goodbyes to everyone and Biz them farewell and so the status quo returns but over time there will be some major changes the most jarring of which is the fact that Tien makes the decision to become human again whereas Yamcha and Krillin felt their same biology had served to make them better men by making them more driven and confident Tien felt it had greatly Amplified his more negative qualities like his jealousy anger and battle lust even Vegeta hadn't gained complete control over his darker impulses and he's been a saying his entire life remember that after renouncing the crane school and the life of an assassin Tien spends a lot of the King Piccolo Arc in a state of remorse and wanting to redeem himself but in that Arc he never killed one of his best friends or Worse threatened his other best friend's child so turn the dial of that Arc up to about a 13 and then you'll see where Tian saiki is in terms of remorse aside from this just about all the Z Fighters begin to take their training much more seriously mostly Yamcha and Krillin do this they realize they are wasting their potential as Sans by not keeping their training up to a more intense degree and they begin to do so way more in the past seven years their families and children had eaten up a ton of their time both the children now being older and some are independent that draw was significantly lessened and for Krillin he always had 17 and 18 around for a spar or even to take care of Marin if need be but they're not too gung-ho about that all the time as for Yamcha he actually had a few options but he could honestly pay Videl to babysit kuruzu she's a high schooler but with her dad being so rich this means she didn't really have to do this for money but more to spend time with the younger girl I could really see the two of them having a sisterly Bond Vegeta was always going to keep up his training but now it appears that he and Tien have formed a bond that has persisted even after Tien becomes human again this actually means that they regularly begin to train together they get about as close to friends as Vegeta can really get with someone and their rivalry had only gotten stronger yet more positive Tien Being Human would slow his growth as opposed to Vegeta's but his skill and technique usually made up for this and as time passed on with these changes tin feels a lot more at peace with himself Gohan would also continue his training and he'd actually repping up a lot after his loss to Majin Buu and Videl who he had actually started to full-on date at this time was very happy to help him do that and his and her superhero careers are much more ramped up in this timeline because of this trunks is finally able to begin hanging out with Goten and the girls and all the kids do keep up their training to a pretty decent degree this is mostly due to brewery where Trunks and Goten would usually begin to lose a bit of interest in fighting at this time Brewery still holds a lot of love for the martial arts as is how her family bonds and what she in starting his dojo with a very helpful endorsement from Mr Satan as of everyday Yamcha and his family she had become a teaching assistant in that Dojo so she was definitely not gonna fall out of love with fighting anytime soon bury also develops a more heated rivalry with trunks which she isn't really aware of that is actually a crush while launch and Bulma find it really funny as that's how launch used to act with 10 years ago the other kids just pretty much enjoy life as kids about three years down the line from here and Gohan finally proposed to Videl in reaction to this Chichi had already felt that Goku should have returned to life and now she's very very gung-ho about him coming back to life she gets in contact with King Kai and begins to nag the entire afterlife about Goku coming back to life to see his son get married it finally gets so annoying that Goku and Piccolo are basically evicted from King Kai's planet and forced to return to life and from there he does start his farming business and it isn't too rare to see him sneak off to King Kai's for a quick workout sometimes so all in all life was good but it was also a bit boring one year later and on the day of Boom birthday party something actually does happen on a Mysterious World an alarm of some sorts goes off and Rouses an eccentric yet powerful creature from a slumber after going through his morning routine he sits down to have a meal with his attention and tells him about a premonition he's had he struggles to find a term that he knows he knows what he's trying to say a super super Sai before his attendant Cuts him off and says Super Saiyan God the needy cheers at this and claims that that is exactly what he's trying to say in response to his God the angel uses his staff to show him the fight between Gohan and cell and explains that a Super Saiyan God awoke 11 years ago by accident and the supposed deity never exhibited the power again hearing that beerus freaks out and begins to yell and berate whis for not waking him up earlier and pouts as he's missed the Super Saiyan God whis rolls his eyes as waking him would have just resulted in a cranky God that he would have to clean up after and he never saw the Saiyans as interesting enough to go and investigate them that said he tells bears that the saying God resides on Earth and beerus instantly said to set course for the planet and whis goes off to make a lunch for the trip on the world of the Kai's kabito and shin realized that beerus has woken up and that he's on the move towards the Earth they relay this information to King Kai who is currently hosting Goku during one of his workout sessions in turn he decides to warm Prince Vegeta hoping he'll be the least likely person to piss the God of destruction off he's also going to try and keep Goku here on his planet to keep him away from beerus but that'll be kind of difficult luckily for him if and when Goku hears him beerus won't be showing up on King Kai's Planet so he can probably make up a lie and appease Goku's curiosity at some point when King Kai finishes his message to Vegeta he is actually shocked at the name beerus and accidentally stops in the middle of his sparring match with Tien the three-eyed human lands an open shot to the solar plexus and doubles Vegeta over once getting his breath back legit explains the situation to Tien and the two Warriors got to try and find the god to make sure that nothing too bad happens this would however go a lot like in Canon with Vegeta realizing who beerus is and Bulma arriving to invite the God to the festivities as soon as whis and beard see Gohan they make a beeline to him and express interest and ask him about the Super Saiyan God transformation and how he did it which just confuses him that is until they get a whiff of the food and this distracts them so they begin to eat while also trying to do their investigation but their priorities are about 95 food and five percent Super Saiyan God beyond that a lot of their questions are inaudible because their mouths are full Tien and Vegeta try to keep everyone in line around beers and weeks and TN actually has a very good idea and asks for the help of Buri and kurizu to keep Goten Trunks and Marin from getting too rowdy during the party nothing in this timeline has changed for the pilaf gang so I do feel like they would be around but thankfully kurizu is also there which means they have to get chased off or she keeps them in line really easily I could even see kurizu asking Chichi for help and making sure everyone is behaving so the party goers are pretty well behaved thanks to this team keeping them in line fine that said Gohan's interest is peaked when he hears about a new type of Super Saiyan transformation and he actually adds Piccolo if he knows anything about this which is pretty much squat nothing Piccolo thinks back to the Cell Games and how he and Goku have been really curious as well as to what Gohan had used to defeat cell and so he tells faculty contacts Goku reminding him about self's defeat and the little investigation into what Gohan had become thankfully for King Kai Piccolo doesn't mention beerus as he didn't seem too relevant in the situation he and Gohan were just brainiacs and they were generally curious about what Super Saiyan God might have been Goku remembers that he did do some asking around but nobody had much to tell him about the power Gohan used one Warrior has suggested speaking to other Sans and Otherworld but those will be in extremely short supply he had asked King gimma about this but the ogre explains it may take a while of looking back through his pages to see what might have happened it's been 11 years now so he maybe found something or he may forgot at and with that the Saiyan put two fingers to his forehead and disappeared from the world of King Kai and in front of King yema asking his question once again and holding up the line your messiah's at the hero and explains that he had an intern look into the matter and there were only a few pure-hearted Saiyans to end up in other world but most did not keep their bodies only six had ever done so before Goku himself he then has one of his interns take Goku to meet these Sans back at the party things couldn't be going smoother because Yamcha and Krillin were both Saiyans in this timeline and had the appetites of Saiyans this meant that Bulma had to account for this when she was hiring the catering for the party so there was literally tons of food to go around this means that beerus and whis were really really busy eating and barely got to talk to Gohan too much but when they finally get around to trying every dish at the party beer samples the sweet dessert pudding and nearly cries and happiness from it with that done his expeditional flavor is finished and with a full and Bloated belly he tell those we used to pack about the gold plate and he Reveals His real reason for being here as he challenges Gohan to a fight though Gohan had kept up his training he still isn't all fight fight fight like his dad and so he actually declines this and explains that he really doesn't know about all this God stuff and he isn't interested in fighting anyone right now Vegeta and Tien get visibly nervous hearing this and begin trying to convince Gohan to spar a couple rounds with the cap beer simply size and Kama explains that in that case he'd have to destroy the planet Gohan grows a bit more agitated at hearing this and reiterates that he has no idea what beerus is talking about and he doesn't want to fight at being refused once again the God of destruction is growing angrier and angrier making Tien and Vegeta even more anxious but there is nothing they can really do about this trying to break the tension or genuinely wanted to fight the cat the drunken World Champ Hercule decides if the cat wants a fight then he'll give him one he'll never forget he then gets into to his stance before throwing his patented Dynamite kick directly into beerus's face the God is not amused he simply Taps Hercule with a claw and the man turns into lifeless dust the entire party freezes but Dell lets out a horrified gas and covers her mouth as tears begin to flow freely she then Roars and rushes at beers for Revenge only to be slapped out of the way and knocked unconscious hitting the ground hard the boat then begins to shake as Gohan feels a greater rage than he has ever felt at any point in time before to kill his father-in-law in front of him and hurt his wife was unforgivable Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan 2 are achieved in an instant but his anger continued to make his power Skyrocket two heights even the extremely powerful Goku hadn't yet reached even with his Super Saiyan 3 transformation and Otherworld training through pure unadulterated rage Gohan had become the most powerful Warrior the Earth had ever seen other than the gods standing across from him he Rams into beerus and the two fly off of the ship and begin making shock waves as they battle above the water with Gohan doing much better than Vegeta would do in this same fight in Canon before he too is beaten down and slams to the ship seeing Gohan's courage Vegeta and tiens say the hell with it and the rest of the partygoers capable of fighting Rush the cat God and are taken out with less effort than Reese's taking to lift his Fork Piccolo is many many leagues Beyond his Canon version at this point as are some of the others but beerus's league is that of a God and he demonstrates this to devastating Effectiveness with everyone defeated so easily bury asks if the kid should try the fusion technique that goten's father had shown him as going at showing the others as a cool technique but Piccolo tells her to not bother with it this guy was something else and this power was like nothing they'd ever seen before he then gets in telepathic contact with Goku and tells him to get it back to Earth right now Goku is about to tell him that he found out about the Super Saiyan God but Piccolo tells him to hurry to Earth and cuts him off after having the spit knocked out his mouth Gohan is still mad but he's thinking a bit more clearly and as Bulma if he can use the Dragon Balls to summon shinron and ask him about a Super Saiyan God she is going to give him the go-ahead but Goku appears by Assad and explains that there's no need for that he's learned the way to create a Super Saiyan God from an old saying by the name of the emoshi Goku then convinced his beerus to give him a second as he explains to everyone how the Super Saiyan God ritual works and then everyone realizes how Gohan actually defeated Cell but now with Goku having returned Gohan thinks he should be one to fight beerus as he'd have the best chance of defeating him but both Goku and beerus turned down the idea Goku because after hearing about Super Saiyan God he is interested in a power he has to borrow from others and beerus explains that he is much more interested in fighting the hybrid Saiyan than his father especially after that showing of great rage but beerus doesn't verbally State this but to get the best challenge possible he plans to push the boy's anger to an even greater height than he just did luckily in this timeline there are many many more pure-hearted Saiyans than just five so whatever the combination it doesn't really matter the ritual is achieved and Gohan is able to become a Super Saiyan God once again though this time because the ritual was done the right way and with everyone knowing what they were doing it's a much more stable transformation I also want to state that I know that some people think the god ritual wouldn't work on hybrid Sans I want to counter that stem by saying number one there's no canonical evidence or statement to support that idea and number two if the hybrid Sands can achieve Super Saiyan God through the ritual then they likely wouldn't be able to be counted in the five Saiyans needed to complete the ritual either also I won't be using traditional Parallels for these characters Beyond this point instead I will use a similar scaling method tutoriyamas Goku is a six beerus is a 10 and whis is a 15 statement and since earlier this timeline has changed beerus he remains as a 10 while Gohan hasn't gotten to the same level of strength as the Canon version of Goku had at this point so without his rage his base God power is a four and if you'd like that quote cited I will leave a link to the consensual article with the translations in the description below now beerus starts off the battle a lot like he did with Goku in their Cannon battle trying to train and kind of Coach Gohan on how to use this new and extreme power but he is much more taunting about the situation than he was in Canon he is trying to coax as much power out of Gohan through anger as he possibly can and it is working to an extent as the hybrid Saiyan hauls off and punches him hard enough that even the Kai's are scared that the Universe might tear himself apart the others try to follow the battle but it's very hard to keep up with and Goku is now regretting not trying to fight beerus beforehand just see what the cat was capable of but it was an emergency beerus reiterates that he'd be destroying this planet if he won and in response Gohan is enraged and how stupid this fight with his rage I actually placed Gohan at a six and he actually lands some decent hits on the God of destruction but this doesn't last too long and soon as Goku does in Canon Gohan falls out of the god transformation as soon as this happens he takes a hard hit from beerus and transforms into a Super Saiyan 2. meanwhile Krillin tells Yamcha they should help as this was for the safety of Earth and so they gather the kids and surprisingly Pisa who reveals she's pregnant with her and yamcha's next child the ritual is completed one after another and two new Saiyan Gods arrived to get the now mere Super Saiyan 2 Gohan their aid I will place Yamcha and Krillin at a three but their martial arts Mastery different techniques and great teamwork allows them to really entertain beerus Yamcha destroys his multiple cataclysmic orbs with his spirit ball making them detonate on top of beerus Krillin tries to Blind him but beerus is actually able to fight with his eyes closed not perfectly but decently enough to where he's not being hit too much and he's delivering some pretty good attacks initially Pierce was annoyed by the interference but this was actually fun and gave beers an idea there were more Saiyans down there and so he orders the other two adult Saiyans to complete the ritual as well and come and fight him while this happens beerus adds to the tension by forming a huge blast over his head that Gohan Krillin and Yamcha know for a facts they won't be able to stop but they're going to try and do so anyway Goku and Vegeta scramble to complete the ritual putting their pride away for a second while watching this 10 for a second regrets becoming human once again as he feels extremely useless right now beerus acts as a ticking bomb by making the huge orb grow every second he waits as Vegeta finishes ritual and flies up to attack the God he then smirks and throws the massive Spear of destructive energy towards the Earth Gohan Krillin Yamcha and Vegeta struggle to push back the massive orb of Destruction but this seems nearly impossible everyone calls out to their saviors as Goku completes his ritual and flies up to help as well with Videl calling to Gohan that he can't let their child die before it's even born Gohan's eyes shoot open and he's instantly re-energized his godhood reactivates and he yells out to his father and friends that they had to make one good push as a team the five Gods all agree to this even Vegeta who typically would not do something like this the five Gods then begin to charge up their individual attacks for Goku Yamcha and Krillin it was their first ever golly Kamehameha for Vegeta a golly Final Flash and for Gohan it was a massive anger and love fueled God masenko these five attacks combined and were actually able to push back beerus's orb back onto the cat himself this caused the garbage truck to be pushed back with enough Force to go Karina into the sky upper atmosphere and out of sight and then it got quiet everyone Waits with baited breath as yancha and Krillin can't maintain their God forms any longer and the seconds to take by but beerus still wasn't back whis flies up and explains that beer seem to have fallen asleep during their attack as he must be pretty tired he carries his and beers his Bento boxes and bits everyone farewell as he goes to retrieve the God and return to their home this was definitely a fight that would satisfy the God of destruction using his staff he Taps on the ground and is able to reverse beerus's killing of her kill bringing him back to life he and beerus then disappear and everyone's size and relief that is until Goku starts up another fight with everyone while he still has his God Powers battling against Goku is easier than beerus but the God he seems to awaken something in all of them and they end up being able to call him the power of God at will back on beerus's planet the cat stops feigning being asleep and Chows down on his Bento Box while he and whis talk about how smart it was to send her kill away and make it seem as if he killed him to make Gohan mad he decides he'll take a quick nap for about a year and return to the Earth these Sands were a real hoot and their food was incredible it had been only a few weeks since beerus and whis had made their initial visit and thanks for the Z Fighters had majorly changed first the fighting Vigor or the pure blood Saiyans had been seriously boasted to a level it hadn't been in a long time but sparring matches that forced the cars to beg you to stop shaking the cosmos with your punches we'll do that though Goku and Vegeta had always been the sword to continuously trained no matter what but now with new prospects of power seen through beerus the two want to seek higher and higher levels even though he had received the same power as Goku but he decided to go on a small train and Scourge away from home after achieving his new form and even Krillin and Yamcha were doing more training as well while of course Tien had only further intensified his training resume and the Regiment of his students as well but it was already pretty clear to the once again human that he was falling behind without Vegeta as a training partner or his same biology with this we will touch on later Krillin had taken a possession with the West City police force like in Canon but being stronger and more confident as a Saiyan his arrest record had made him much more than so a meter made here when dangerous criminals ran amok there was one cop that the forest counted on above all other this allows Krillin to gain a pretty decent amount of pool around West City and so I think it would very soon be promoted to detective and the time between cases could be long so he was definitely training more as for yancha he was still looking for slash with Mr Sadie with no large tournaments coming up he also had some downtime the man hadn't seen any action other than some aliens who sought to battle Mr Satan so with more motivation and nearly the same amount of free time as in Canon young truly has no choice but to train right now with things getting more and more lively for the Z Fighters and their family we move into the next phase of this timeline we see Tien on the day that Vegeta has returned to a city the two were currently one of their sparring matches in the gravity chamber having gotten stronger the saying of the duo sent to gravity in the chamber to a much higher setting than 10 was used to but according to Vegeta he was already having to use his base form to spar just to make it remotely possible for Tien to keep up so lowering the gravity will make this a little more than a game of tag to him unknown to Vegeta the harshness of his words and teens growing anger jealousy and regret a little fire in the three-hour Warriors heart where usually this bars are more measured and technique based this one's much more akin to Tian being punching bag finally Vegeta scoffs at half pitiful the training session was and turns his back to go and turn the gravity off seeing red in all three eyes teen activates a technique he hadn't made use of in over a decade the Kyle Ken technique something kid went out of his way to learn from King Kai as his last attempt to not become a Saiyan in preparation for the Androids 11 years ago Vegeta's eyes widened as he feels cn's key erupt from behind him and he turns around just in time for tea and sluggling across the jaw hard enough to knock him on his ass Vegeta White's blood from his mouth and glares Tien expected the prince of all Saiyans to stand and contain The Spar no the fight this had become but instead he did not instead of standing and viewing him as an opponent worthy of godly power like 10 so desperately wanted or even just becoming a basic Super Saiyan Vegeta stood and turned his back on him turn the gravity machine off as soon as the pressure of the gravity was off of him Tien realized he had to push the Kyle kin very far just to cover that small distance in a Vegeta in time he releases the technique and collapsed the one knee as his body aches and he finds himself almost unable to move Vegeta wants to get in scarves and begins walking away telling once again he can tolerate him not being a saint but he does not associate with cowards he made his choice and taking his anger out on him was pitiful he was the one that wanted to be human again and he was the one that wished to prove that humans could surprise Sans he needs to stop whining and throwing tantrums and do it exiting the chamber Vegeta now says he's going to find something to eat when he gets back he expects the fool to be gone the three-eyed humans sat there on the floor contemplated everything that had just happened he was not mad of Vegeta they had been considered friends or somewhere close to that for a while now he understood Vegeta pretty well Vegeta was a hard ass but that being said he wouldn't tolerate or freely spend his time with him for training if the two didn't have some kind of positive relationship so by process of elimination this may be the only person he and could be mad with was himself on this train of thought he thought more about his decision did he regret it or not finally his body felt good enough to move and consequently he could hear the voices of Goten Trunks and bury outside without context he cannot tell why but bori sounded mad Goten sounded scared and Trunks was laughing his head off in the next few seconds he could feel bory's power skyrocketed and saw Goten and Trunks flying away frantically a perfect example of her Mother's Rage Brewery and her angry Super Saiyan form was about to give Chase to the boys when her father called out at her in a chining tone the daughter flinches and Powers down flying over to her father when asked why she was so angry she explains that trunk stuck a piece of candy in her hair and she didn't know why the stupid boy was always bullying her having grown much less phone with his daughter Tien nails and checks around her head going right into dad mode he teases that she wouldn't have this problem if she shaved her head like him in Herkel chat suit or Krillin the girl pouts and refuses to ever shave her head and Uncle Chow too isn't bald the two laugh and Tien tells her he can't find any candy in her hair his best guess is that trunks lie to get a rise out of her as he played right into his hands Bowie blushes and pouts and grumbles that trunks with such a stupid boy tin can finally see what her mother meant about boys and girls who like each other treating each other like they didn't changing the subject he asked her to help him fly home the cow kills still affecting his body and he didn't know if he could make it and so the two to get a slow flight home still dwelling on Vegeta's words 10 asked his daughter if she knows the difference between him when he was a Saiyan and now as a human Brewery thinks for a while and finally comes to the answer of not really he just seemed to train a small amount less and even that was barely noticeable but if she was honest with her father when he made that wish At first she felt kind of bad she felt like being half sand was something she should feel ashamed of but as she thought this way she remembered a long time ago when she had been younger and very self-conscious about her third eye she remembered trunks teasing her about it a lot and ran home crying one day because of it once hearing of their daughter's plight her mother and father held her and told her that she was perfect just the way she was her eyes were beautiful and made her special the way she began to see it her dad had originally been human yes but he had always been her dad and that had not changed as far as she could see to her her dad was perfect because he was her dad and she loved him in a rare show of sentiment for 10 the two can help but stop their flight and share a hug in midair before going home elsewhere Regina returned from his meal to see that tin really had left sign he decides he's Board of training here anyway and just so happens to hear whis Bulma and launch together as they both lived in West City and had been pregnant around the same time and had Sands and spouses the two women had deepened their acquaintance held when they attended the World Martial Arts tournaments together because of this it's very plausible that they would hang out together as adults with the two being together so frequently this means that whis will be accompanied by both of them when making visits to Earth I also think he'd be pretty in dear to launch her blue-haired form is very agreeable and nice to be around while the blonde would be fiery and like entertaining to weeds the switch between the two personalities would also be interesting not to mention Lots will be instrumental in introducing whis to Earth alcohols his favorite of which being whiskey having been away the last few weeks Vegeta had had no idea whis have been visiting like in Canon bone would chew him out for being gone so long while whis and launch laugh at them before whis Reveals His identity as beerus is attentive and his teacher also like in Canon Vegeta will be intrigued in training under weeks and so would try and win wishes favor by taking him to different restaurants which we go like in Canon though in this timeline something changes around the time that Vegeta tries to prepare dish for wheeze himself Krillin and Yamcha having free time at the moment and being able to sense the key of whis since they had both attained God forms as well as Vegeta they decide to come and see what everyone was up to when being filled in on one of Vegeta is cooking the two are also very fired up to try and attain whis as the new master so the two slightly circum argument Vegeta by convincing him to let them cook for whis so they may all go after running through an entire bowl of eggs Vegeta concedes and the three were together to make weed a pretty good omelette to Vegeta's great Chagrin all three are permitted to go and train with the angel and Krillin and Yamcha had the sense to go and inform their wives that they'll be gone for a while and before long they're decked out of new threats and heading off to beerus's Planet also like in Canon nothing really happens for the next six months and no one really outside of the families of Vegeta Krillin and Yamcha know that the three had left on a training trip on top of this with everyone having individual jobs and no huge events the entire group hadn't really had a reason to gather together in a while the biggest thing currently going on was Videl giving birth to a baby girl named pan and even in the case of her birth it wasn't too out of character for Vegeta or 10 10 out of 10 events like this however clone the yamcha's absence is so much strange but with cute baby Pam there neither Pizza nor 18 are really thinking about telling anyone where the knucklehead husbands are and no one really takes the time to ask either Tien hadn't signed up Vegeta for training due to their little spat he considered trying to train with his formerly human friends but he was hesitant he respected yamching Krillin but over the years in terms of peace they didn't take training as seriously as they should have Goku and Gohan are pretty good options but the skull is usually too busy for a decent spot on the other hand Chichi kept Goku Barry didn't work last he'd heard the woman had Enlisted the help of yamcha's daughter kurizu and working part-time as Goku's manager making sure he was out and working and not training but according to bury and the other kids slave driver was a better title for yamcha's money loving Offspring with no more options he decided he is better off going back to his so much Souls training style he'd gotten to really enjoy having a strong training partner and realized his growth was much higher due to it even training with his daughter wasn't a great option now while she still loved martial arts she went to do other things now and blonde life was always good to chill him out about squandering her free time this means that he can train with Brewery just not anytime he wants to hence why she's not a great option so instead I think I begin to try and train with his students more and take celebrate their training as individuals to see if any of them stood out if this would have happened earlier I think it's very possible that one or more of his students would learn how to weaponize and sense key earlier than in Canon even though 10 would still be pretty dissatisfied with the training partner situation at least by doing this he can start cultivating his high-level students who can be better training Partners later on one day though he noticed that all five of the kids have been hanging out around the dojos this includes kuduzu who mentioned that she had taken the day off from Goku Duty so this meant that the same was free to train with an interruption not wanting to pass up this opportunity she didn't ask for a child to hold down the fort make sure the tunes during hard and shoots off towards Mount palzu when he arrives he is shot to find the house deserted and so decides to go and check Gohan's house this place he actually finds quite crowded Chichi Boma launch and medel were there with Gohan and Mr Satan along with baby Pan the story went that Goku had been there earlier that day but he had heard balma mentioned where her husband Krillin and Yom tour and apparently bolted off seeking to joined the trio of Saiyans on beerus's planet this also reveals the 10 where Krillin and Yamcha have been this entire time Chichi had tried to stop Goku but the saying was slippery when he wanted to be and to be fair kudizu had made him much more productive so she thought he deserved a break asking go on if he wants to spar 10 is turned down as the hybrid mentions he's already done his workout for the week and didn't plan on doing much else besides he hasn't I tapping into the God form again in months I wasn't sure if he even could if that was what Tien wanted disheartened tan prepares to leave when Chichi informs him that Piccolo is free to train since pan is being babysit by him with the nude Vigor the former saying darts off once again to find a training partner on this same day that Goku leads to Bears his Planet something in space seems to be happening current commander of the Frieza Force sorbet gets more bad news of more and more losses throughout the Universe groaning in frustration and rubbing the bridge of his boba's nose he checks on the progress of his next desperate gamble getting in touch with those he'd set to the task he hears about the progress with finding the namekians of course it was unfruitful now remember nothing has really changed a ton with how Frieza died in Canon and the current day pilaf game so to save time everything in certainly Freeze's Resurrection will go the exact same nothing would really change until Frieza hears about the x-wings of Goku and the Saiyans in this timeline thinking back to the mysterious Super Saiyan that killed him on Earth after being defeated by Goku and Namek and hearing tale of Vegeta killing Majin Buu alongside some other strange saying had a really unnerved him remember he had been told by King Cole to never challenge and he would likely think that Vegeta is still weaker than Goku meaning he would assume that Goku is much stronger than Majin Buu to the point where the creature would only be a waste of his time and supposedly the number of Saint Offspring had kept going up as intelligent as Frieza is it's more likely that he would take more precautions instead of less so with his own prod on the line and the knowledge that his forces had degraded while Goku and his had apparently greatly sworded strength he would need to grow stronger than he originally thought he would have to because of this Frieza still decided to take on four months of training at least but in this timeline he decided to take on two training Partners instead of one tagoma and sasami with mobias punching bags for the next four months beating them down even harder than he did to talk about and Canon and having them drag themselves back to the Rejuvenation tanks to come back the next day for the exact same punishment with two training partners and more motivation I think that Frieza would get a lot stronger than he does in Canon as with taguma and sasame arriving to Bears Planet Goku is greeted by a happy Yamcha and Krillin and an unhappy Vegeta as he has to get settled thankfully with the four of them the Torres weeks has them do are able to be tackled a lot easier and left more time for training resulting Goku quickly trying to catch her to his friends before coming to train with whis Goku had definitely been the strongest Saiyan known to everyone but in this six-month Gap he'd been far surpassed and between Krillin Yamcha and Vegeta the prince had bear the top dog but criminal is currently living at his heels one day when we saw fit to spar with his students he broke it down to them explaining their biggest issues and even putting his signature on the shirts according to whis Vegeta was too tense this apparently slowed him down in the midst of battle as he thought about every single movement and attack on the other hand Goku and Yamcha apparently had a very similar issue with the exact opposite of a genius they were too Carefree too loose and arrogant they let their guards down at the absolute worst of times Krillin on the other hand was a mix between these philosophies the fighter was intense but focused he wasn't arrogant and cocky but maintained a healthy caution of opponents this had evolved due to his apprehension and fear due to his two deaths and defeats during this timeline remember Krillin in this timeline was initially the one to suggest becoming Sans as he felt paranoid and losing to the Androids once again as they future counterparts did and now they're saying psychology he had boosted his own confidence and this made him the most well-rounded fighter of all the Saiyans two weeks Krillin would soon be the strongest of the fans he still introduces them to the concepts of their body moving independently of their thoughts and He suggests that Krillin will be the first of them to master this technique of course saying this in front of the other three Saiyans would definitely fire the three up to correct those flaws of theirs while also growing stronger and I think with all four of them there the Improvement on that front would be more significant than it was in Canon compared to what we saw but not enough for any major changes to the timeline to take place right now on the other hand their gains and strength will be completely staggering in Dragon Ball having trainer Partners is very advantageous to your training so it would reason that doubling the amount of Godly training Partners would really increase how strong your one gets during this time and the Saiyans would discover the Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan form which is renamed to Super Saiyan blue somewhere during the next four months all of them at Great control of their Super Saiyan forms beforehand The Only Exception being Yamcha who had never fully mastered Super Saiyan because Frieza was revived black patrolman Jaco rise to Earth for the first time in a long while to learn bomb about the threats this time running into the antics of Goten Trunks and Marin while booty and kurizu try to get them to behave to get Jocko's information to Bulma once they made he won't share that Frieza is back and is on his way to Earth with a thousand soldiers oh and he'd be there in an hour while my panic's trying to get in contact with Luis instantly since the majority of their strongest Warriors are our world no good thinking quickly she calls lunch towards Ken and hopefully have him go in warn those who could help freezing his man was still alive like in Canon and would leave a crater where his City had been as a hello not long after the Z Fighters began Gathering first Gohan luckily having catch up his training at least a light amount so he was definitely in shape next was Piccolo who remember had trained with Goku in the other world then was Android 17 who had decided to continue to live with Master roshi when Krillin and 18 decided they wanted their own place and as such the turtle hermit was able to hitch a ride with his tenant though as a precaution the children were not informed of the threat and Android 18 was thinking back to protect them and those who cannot fight the Goshen the Z fighter said always taken in the past had not faded by any means Tien was currently running late the reason being he had to take the time to gather and be sure his students were prepared for this threat remember in this timeline he built his dojo in West City with a friendly endorsement from Mr Satan because of this the tension Ryu Dojo would flourish very quickly this would allow 10 more time to separate the mediocre novice from those in actual martial arts Talent so with those factors in mind these guys are at least more powerful than most of Frieza soldiers most only around as strong as zarbon or the Doria but with their numbers and Aid and the aid of Android 17 and his evidence stamina it would cut the workload of those originally involved physical a bit better than it did in Canon with more frieza's men taken down in the original story before sasami rushes into battle once again he is significantly stronger than his Cannon counterpart with this happening tiger realizes that if he is outdone he will not receive frieza's favor together with Asami they both Rush the Z Fighters and land some pretty heavy and substantial blows that begin incapacitating and even killing someone's hands unprepared students and the weaker Fighters with Master roshi and the remaining students injured and now gunned as well as having limited sensu beans TN s17 to try and get them out of there though he does not like it he is the best option for the transport 17 scoffs and creates a force fit around the injured and the dead to gather them all up and carry them on one trip he then announces to everyone to try not to die as he'll be back soon this now left only three Fighters deal with Frieza and his men Gohan is shocked by how much power taguma and sasami had and he couldn't even begin to Fathom how much power Frieza was hiding desperately he begins trying to tap into the Super Saiyan God form out of pure need to save his friends unfortunately his neglect of trying to use the form made it very difficult to reach now so instead he was only able to attain the Super Saiyan 4. meanwhile Piccolo easily took off his training weights and Tian centered himself remember he has not lost any power in his base form since becoming human again only his same biology and the benefits of it and considering he has been trained this entire time he is stronger than he used to be just not as strong as he could be and right now that was painfully obvious too splitting up Gohan realizes he is the only match for Frieza and rushes him while Piccolo and sasami clash and TM begins trying to deal with taguma sadly at the current states neither of three are doing extremely well here in Canon freeze was able to pretty easily dismantle Gohan and even though Gohan is a bit stronger due to attaining his God form and training a small amount Mori in this timeline he is still no matter Frieza who remember is stronger than his Canon counterpart so right now he's doing his best to hold back as much as possible and not kill Gohan too quickly he really wanted Goku to see his son as he died meanwhile taguma and the difference between their powers weren't the only problems for Tien his lucky body and Chris punches and kicks continue to be a decent Thornton he inside as he couldn't get in and clean hits he immediately had to resort to Kyle kin just to block attacks without having his arms broken with Piccolo he is doing decently against the Sami compared to the others it was very clear now more than ever that is training in the other world had paid off as he was maneuvering around shazami very well this allowing him to land some decently effective pot shots but it's clear overall the red Warrior was much stronger and the small Advantage Piccolo had was made up for by zombies brute strength thinking of a different approach Piccolo adds 10 to switch opponents with him and they do so after a solar flare this time talking about zlinky body is counted by Piccolo's use of his stretchy arms this made it very easy for Piccolo to catch and bind all the other aliens attacks taguma was still stronger than him by a pretty decent amount meaning they don't think he can Piccolo in the fight right now was his technique while on the other hand 10 strange techniques and speed with the cow Ken confused Asami making the big hits easier to land while locked down by Piccolo Takoma sees Asami finally grabbed Tien in a huge bear hug and smirks he struggles over power Piccolo and raised his hand as he does he release a key blast that flies through sami's back and out of tians the two then both fall to the ground on the edge of death with the zombie Carson taguma as a traitor Piccolo struggles to do it but he is able to do takuma for long enough just to get over to 10 and just barely give him a sense of being to get him back into the fight while on the ground The Ginyu bits of this scenario would indeed still happen and with taguman's less repressed power is released along with freezes huge energy from firing at Gohan Buri and the kids are finally able to convince 18 to accommodate them to the battlefield arriving they see the now Hill Tien and Piccolo trying to going to talk about together while Gohan is weirdly trying to dodge around and block freezes with death beams seeing his older brother in Dire Straits Goten rushes in causing trunks to fall right behind him in 18 the curse in order the others to stay back unless they fuse before following them in as well always want to follow orders Marie asked mirin to fuses her but the other girl admits that she can't really remember the steps that well and either the curry Zoo for that matter they Concur and the others watch helplessly Frieza seeing Goten and Trunks would have the exact same reaction to them and was seriously trying to kill them shutting down any attempts at attacking him with a bitch's death being that actually shot through both boys summoning up the last of his willpower Gohan's able to force his ragged body to move and cover the boys taking the brunt of the attacks and saving them from any further damage now this will put a smile on frieza's face Scene Three stay in The Offspring so pitifully weak compared to him and at his Mercy put Frieza in a way better mood and I think he would stop his torture for only a bit to try and get him to gloat and beg for their lives while the growing number of sans had initially unnerved him these three were nothing substantial when in this week it was perfectly fine to play with prey and after all that time in hell he would be damned if he didn't enjoy Snuffy got every member of this race bury seeing her friends in trouble flies into her own rage catching the attention of getting you as she comes to Super Saiyan and nearly being destroyed by a key Blast from him where not for her father who struggled to block the attack with a key eye in his cow Ken State he then orders the kids to go with Bulma and Jocko and Fleet meanwhile 18 and Piccolo who had seen the Dire Straits that Gohan and the kids were in were trying to find a way to get in and get them out of there and away from Frieza without being killed themselves realizing that getting you tagum is still a very big threat he fires into the cow Ken times 10 and plows into getting you as hard as he can for a single second he surpasses guineyu and he's able to throw him towards Frieza who doesn't allow the subordinate to make contact with him and Batman away putting genu down for the moment meanwhile Bulma Marin and kurizu are finally able to get in contact with whis on beerus's planet while 18 and Piccolo used Tan's distraction to get Gohan and the boys away from Frieza Guinea begins to groggly stand up always be met with the angry 3 stare of 10 and Buri as the duo use a full power father-daughter tri-beam to do it man with the attack being point blank with Ginyu being in that tired in a prepared state it is enough to put him down for good Gohan's injuries were definitely the worst his life currently Hanging On by a thread it is hard having stuff while Goten and Trunks would be okay giving proper medical attention Piccolo uses his powers to restart Gohan's heart and give him the sensu bean letting him get a decently sizable zenkai boost as he stands back up to his feet with Piccolo ask him what was happening just before the namekian could fill him in when it happened since he passed out his eyes widened and he shoves Gohan out of the way taking the full brunt of a big death being from Frieza that leaves in sporting a huge hole in his chest as he falls over dead once again thrusted into an intense rage by seeing his mentor die by trying to protect him Gohan is able to search deep within himself and with a decent effort he is finally able to tap back into the long neglected God form thinking that this power should definitely be enough to handle Frieza he orders 18 to get Piccolo's body and the boys out of there and away from here the cyborg does just that as an angry Gohan Rockets forward and plows right in the Frieza he begins to slam him with the floor new attacks that are much too powerful for his first form seeing a saying of Goku's lineage change hair color to overpower him unnerved this version of Frieza by a lot whose paranoia is much greater than the original version struggling to create a bit of distance from the hybrid he is able to paralyze him with his telekinesis instead of flying away as he gets trying to shift into different forms at high speed once again paranoid he tries to reach his final form almost insulin as he was able to do so relatively quickly in the anime version I'll say he's able to do so here as well this was more than enough to reclaim the Power Balance and really shoot it towards frieza's favor as soon as Gohan is able to regain Mobility he rushes back at Frieza but is easily snapped away with his tail almost being knocked out by the inertia of the force Bing jostle back at him still angry he tries to bulldoze Frieza again but he returns the favor of the flurry of attacks Gohan had given earlier and begins to beat down on him until one blows him away Frieza was just about to pursue the hybrid when he heard coyote he looked looked up to see a three-eyed Warrior burning with red energy just has a massively powerful Red Square shaped beam slammed down on top of him threatening to squash him the attack was strong but Frieza is too strong to go down to it especially only being hit by it once but it seemed to have done a decent amount of damage as the emperor was staggering a bit Gohan quickly realizes this and appears behind Frieza latching on him with his arm he holds on for dear life and yells out of this for pan and Videl and tells Tien to keep hammering away with the attack with Gohan holding up still TN kept hammering away at the attack over and over and over again pulling on more and more of his life force to attack Frieza and hopefully destroy him unfortunately as the attack was damaging Frieza it was definitely damaging Gohan all three of them were currently dying and the major problem was they were both dying faster than Frieza was resigned to taking Frieza down with him and Gohan Tia prepares to sacrifice the last of his life to try and kill the emperor he then feels four familiar key suddenly appear and he passes out Vegeta jumps up just in time to catch 10's Lim body before he hits the ground he didn't cause him a fool until the heroics Android 17 would arrive back to the battlefield just in time to see this at the same time Frieza breaks out of Gohan's hold as his body flops to the ground dead the emperor smirks and the Saints scenaro we have a small recap and a quick revision from last time when we last left off Goku and Vegeta along with the witch Saiyans Yamcha and Krillin went to train with whis meanwhile Frieza is revived as a cannon and takes on two training partners for four months instead of one making them much stronger than a Canon after battling those left on Earth he is both defeated Son Gohan and Tien upon the Saiyan's arrival there is also a poll given to decide who would battle Frieza and Cullen had won that poll and just before we get right back to the story I do have one small revision frieza's death is not completely assured here this was partly a bit of deception to keep this part a bit less predictable and partly my neglect to think out the full ramifications of two training Partners instead of one we'll get into this more later but for now we return to this story Frieza currently wore one of the most satisfied and elated smirks on his face that he had ever had as he watched tour and rage cross each of the phases of Goku and his companions though Goku's was easily the most enjoyable so much so that Frieza couldn't help but to further the taunting he lit his tail curl down and around the neck of Gohan's burnt in bloody corpse holding it up for all to see as well as making a snide comment about breaking his fragile little toy out of anger Goku immediately made to move towards frieza's get revenge but to a surprise krillin's arm pushed out in front of him to keep him back the shorter human turn saying cuts his eyes up and back to Goku and gives him a Stern gets somewhat compassionate look it was very obvious that Koon was angry too but he states that he's sure Goku could feel frieza's power and can tell there's a lot more hidden under the surface if he's too careless because he's angry he can make a huge mistake and that could cost everyone something not to mention Gohan had never died while Piccolo had so at the very least Gohan could be wished back while getting Piccolo that could be a bit trickier but Frieza had to be dealt with first hoping to get a smile out of Goku at this line of logic Krillin nudges him and says he was the one to win rock paper scissors for taking Frieza on First and master whis did say that he was a close to completing their training getting serious he reminds everyone of the plan they need to split up one of them need to get the kids home and one of them needed to get their fallen and take them somewhere safe to make their wish while one of them took on Frieza this did little to placate Goku before you respond freezes impatience at being ignored by two people boiled over he fired a small blast towards the two thankfully Yamcha the only person still watching Frieza outside of Vegeta who was still holding the Nearly Dead Tian was the run to react and protect everyone appearing in front of the blast he makes a hammer out of his hands and bats his way towards their left with his left hand all at the cost of a decently sized burn mark left on him shaking it to get the singing to go away while maintaining his glare to shock Frieza he decides he'll handle the kids if either Goku or Vegeta and other dragon balls and getting their dead off the battlefield with little more he flies directly over to Android 18 who announced to aburi who is helping the injured trunks remain in the air with Marin and kurizo to her side the latter which was attempt to the comfort of shaking Goten as he said to his brother's unmoving body a little further back for Bulma and Jaco as they viewed the battle after having gotten the message out to beerus's Planet because of this both beerus and whis would arrive a bit later than Goku in the Saiyan tag and they'd still have virtually the exact same interaction with the nervous Frieza but unlike in Canon both deities are interested in seeing the fruit of the Saints training but are both impressed at Frieza power increase they assured the former emperor that they will not be interfering in the battle and he's able to regain his cool facade yamchin 18 begins chewing everyone away from the now cloudy sky-covered mountain range but Goten broke away declaring he went to stay hearing this Goku who is currently watching as Krillin flew down towards Frieza who seemed unamused by this didn't even turn his head but spoke clearly enough to tell Goten to listen to Yamcha and leave with everyone else blingly ignoring his dad Goten continues to approach but are in a foul Moon Goku turns his head and snaps at him in a commanding tone demanding he get the hell out of here and mind his father but the boy is unlike his brother and was nowhere near as Meek and snapped back that he didn't have to listen to Goku Goku was shocked but now his move is made even worse as Goten stubbornly stays by his side to watch the battle he Sighs and tells 18 at Yamcha that they can leave Goten with him and with that they may think way towards West city with the children in Bulma realizing he would not be getting a shot at Frieza first Vegeta growls and decides to get 10 to the lookout as quickly as possible and also take Gohan's body there as well and get into collecting the Dragon animals that he quickly returned and watched the fight and hopefully participate in it not to mention he did want to say tien's life he burst into the Super Saiyan State and zoomed off in the direction of the lookout the transformation was something that frees a notice but didn't dwell alone as this left Krillin and Frieza alone outside the two remaining song family members during Goten and Goku's little spat freeze it taking the time to ask Krillin what he thought he could do against him he'd actually gotten a bit more angry when the former human smirked and pointed Frieza he declares that he is nothing like the man he'd killed on Namek and he'd get revenge for himself in every life he'd take in a day in a rare showing of uncouthness Frieza snorts and rolls his eye to the cliche statement he responds that he's played with enough trash for the day and the only person he has any interest in fighting would be goke but before he can finish saying Goku the image of Krillin in front of him flickers and his brow raised in confusion before he feels a kick land in his back and sends him sprawling forward on the ground snarling he looks up to see krillin's after images dissipated and looks behind him to see krillin's left foot still extended in a perfect form for the kick he then retracted it back and breathed out evenly declining that that one was for Gohan Forest it second his Coopers on the Cracks as his bounce falsters and nearly Falls onto his butt only to catch himself at the last minute and sweat drop as he puts both feet to the ground Frieza Springs back to his feet and shoots his fist out for a wide and obvious punch which Krillin attempts to dodge once again attempt to move without thought lesson that we've been drilling into him lately but as he is actually thinking about doing it there is still that fraction of a fraction of a second where his body has to catch up to his thoughts because of this he's a second too late to realize that the sloppy punch was a faint only mass and frieza's Jab with his tail under the bald man's chin which was powerful enough to launch him into the air shocking freeze that he didn't just take his head right off then and there and shocking coolant at the underhanded yet pretty brilliant move getting over his shock Frieza makes a graph for krillin's ankle to slam him back into the ground but the shinron made sand clinches his jaw and gets to thinking quick which was always his Ultimate Weapon in this position he finally has a chance to try something he hadn't thought of before seeing Goku do it in the 23rd Martial Arts Tournament charging key in The Souls of his feet he stamps out and flies back and Nails Frieza directly in the chest with two small Ki blasts making him first get back as the extra force allows clone to flip and regain its stance on the ground it's freezing life to the small burn slash scuff marks cooling grounds of hours for Piccolo we slice out a small noise of being impressed and of notation and when asked why by beerus the angel reveals croon's still thinking before moving but he was glad to see that that amazingly tactical mind of his was definitely getting faster now they had trained together partly a joke and partly a jet to motivate his Lord he jokes to beerus that once he matches movement without thought krillin's fighting style would be too unpredictable to be countered by God and Mortal alike Goten stared in all Krillin skill as they watched Krillin flip back to his feet and freeze a stand wiping the dust from his Sleek frame with a vicious snarl he couldn't sense key but based on the music sting every attack from killing carried he was to look God compared to the little piss hands wiping his nose in a haughty fashion he compliments Krillin but states that he still views him as even lower than a stupid monkey he isn't about to waste his time on something so insignificant young to Goku who stood so far behind him his anger is on Full display now as he orders him to face him this actually causes Goten still emotional from the death of his brother to Flinch Goku show no visible emotion though clearly attempted to keep himself calm and not interfere in krillin's battle after all his friend had to do the same for him many times before not hearing a peep out of Goku frieza's anger again begins to build and he reaches out a hand towards the trash that opposed him soon clone would feel sick to his stomach as a terrifyingly similar sensation of floating without the use of his key returned he was lifted up into the air as frieza's scowl became a sadistic Grant and he glowed to Goku that this felt just like old times he squeezed his hand tight and Krillin fearfully screamed as the explosion went off and all that was left was a cloud of ash and soot as silence ruled it was then dethrowned by the sound of key flaring and flowing hot and full of life a familiar yellow glow serotic Krillin but with blue arcs of electricity it seemed like super saiyan but something was much more ferocious about it of course this was the least shocking thing to Frieza as krillin's eyebrows and the dots that adorned his forehead began to shine a bright yellow no notable damage was on his body except for his clothing being burned and tattered leaving his chest adorned in the ruins of his blue shirt under his ghee his fearful screaming turned to boisterous laughter as frieza's jaw dropped as he incredibly asked how couldn't could possibly be a Saiyan the former human reiterates that he is not the same as he once was but kudos to Freed for making him abandon his base form even going all the way up to Super Saiyan 2. luckily his power increased from training so hard to make the form available to him and without it he believed that Frieza would have gotten his way while he hated him the martial arts in him could respect the Improvement Frieza had made Krillin saying biology and the effect it had on his mind as well had made this thought impossible to keep in without another word he rushes forward to gut check the emperor but his punches actually stopped short of hitting his Mark as it stopped by Frieza but the force does cause him to go skidding backwards towards the edge of the Cliff face over the water after being humiliated by Krillin twice now anger and raids filled the former emperor of the universe as his grip began to tighten around Coon's arm with the Krillin had always been a saying and he just didn't know it or if the dragon ball Zero revived him had somehow been involved he did not know and at this point he did not care this also explained how that random was able to deflect one of his blasts he also thinks back to sword Bayes report that an unknown Saiyan had aided Vegeta in destroying Majin Buu and on top of that these Sans have been referencing people as their children meaning the sayings were populating and he had done a terrible job of Exterminating their race the thought that the number of monkeys acting in opposition of him going up made something inside him snap without any Fanfare frieza's power bursts and explodes change his ore from the usual malevolent purple to a deep Royal gold remember in this timeline freeze not only trailer taguma but also with sasami causing his power to grow theoretically twice as much it was in Canon the depths of frieza's potential cannot be understated and with this said I believe that freeze would also attain a much greater ease a Transformer to his Golden State as such with a bright flash Krillin is nearly blinded and he has a realization to Freeze's new appearance as Emperor's grip Titans enough that something in his arm had also snapped Goku and Goten were shaken to the core while beerus and wheeze were intrigued Frieza lifts his free hand and swings it in a chapter take one's head off just before the bloket land though krillin's Ore had also changed and much like Frieza had before him he unveiled the epitome of Super Saiyan by changing to the newly discovered Super Saiyan blue as quickly as possible and also like Frieza with very little Fanfare similarly to Frieza Krillin has been trained with three other gods I believe under these conditions Goku Krillin Vegeta and Yamcha would all find it a lot easier to transform into blue than Goku and Vegeta at this time in Canon another part of the scale that has to be interpreted here is that none of the Saiyans have similar potential as Frieza while yes they did have very strong training Partners they were not constantly trying as Frieza was we know they did a lot of chores for whis they had to sleep they had to eat and do other bodily functions that just take away from overall training time not to mention they're also not just abusing zenkais so the power they're going to gain is going to be very incredible but compared to this version of Frieza that's relative with The Godly blue form assumed the split segment for the attack landed was well spent as frieza's hand would leave a bruise but it was far from taking Colin's head off shockingly quilling could very easily tell that he still had not surpassed Frieza but the Gap had been close enough for him to win if he played smart Krillin rears back and Ramses forward into frieza's chin sending him back staggering eyes wide it clearance change and is still living though he attempted to hide it Frieza was much too angry for more pleasantries instead he and Kim began engaging in much more ferocious combat with their powers shaking much more than just the Earth as the Mountainside crumbled and fell into the water Goku was sweating as he felt the depths of frieza's power he wasn't sure that any of the Saints could take Frieza down alone but there was something peculiar about the increase that he noticed and he held that Krillin had as well goldton on the other hand was much less assured of himself and began to really cheer Krillin on to win this fight and avenge his brother filling the massive Spike and freezes key and a large source of God key Vegeta dumps the duty to find the rest of the dragon balls and Gathering the rest of TN students onto Mr Popo and din day's hands and rushes back to see what the hell was going on and what Frieza had been hiding he arrives and is shot by frieza's transformation as Goku fills him in and his brown pharaohs as he somewhat hopes that Krillin loses it so he gets his chance of Revenge meanwhile Yom decides to be to stay back just in case he became the last line of defense he was able to truly since freeze his power and it scared him but he was more than ready to step up the time came this also gave him a chance to spend a bit more time with his newborn son whom is still to be named outside the story mine remember I theorized after becoming a Saiyan yancho become a real family man and be very protective over his family back in the battle close combat was beginning to weigh heavily on Clinton due to his injured arm Frieza was relentless in his flurries of punches and kicks so blocking with that arm made them extra painful getting an idea he leaves to his left meaning he had only bought with his engine Frieza subsequent Haymaker within missed by a large margin but his tail wasn't proposition to land a clean blow that is until a bright yellow high and CD disc of key materialized overcon's engine arm causing the tip of frieza's tail to go flying off due to his own attack the golden Emperor screams in pain and jumps back haven't forgotten about the technique switching roles Chrome began to be the one much more aggressive in battle using his injured arm in the kinzon hovering over it like a razor sharp Shield that frees that to dodge and weave around instead he jumps straight up to make some distance between him sand and forms his own death sausage techniques above his hands throwing them both down to Krillin the former human's eyes widen as he Shields himself allowing the purple version of his attack to slam into his and actually bounce right off of it expecting this frieza's hands then claps and the Sausages change direction completely coming in for a pencil attack on Krillin like this he can't block from both sides and maintaining such a powerful attack for so long was draining and so clone allowed his shield to dissipate and began focusing on dodging and fleeing from frieza's Attack using the after image once again he avoids being sliced in half and does his best to stay alive as Frieza relentlessly cap up the pursuit actually creating two more death saucers and sending them his way as well the chase will go on for much longer than either Frieza or cruel and desire but what Frieza didn't realize is that his key was now draining even faster than before like on Namek he once again sees his fleeting opponent his attempt to make the remote controlled attack run into his Caster but this time he has a perfect counter forth he himself flashed towards Krillin whose eyes were locked on the death's officers pursuing him shifting his eyes back to his front he sees frieza's foot flying towards his face and both grew a look shock as frieza's foot went right through krillin's head and body with way too Little Resistance revealing this to be an average clone the death's officers continue to make a beeline for their Master but Frieza easily glared at them using his own telekinesis to stop them in midair just then krone's true position to revealed to be right over Frieza as he crashes down on him with both feet driving him hard into the Cliffside this was the first of the Saiyan's attacks to actual significant damage against Frieza and knocked him for a loop as dust spurred up around Frieza and he felt krillin's boot still pinning his skull to the ground worst of all for Frieza his golden form had drained him too quickly and this in tandem with his excessive use of the key heavy death options technique had reverted him back to his base form though Krillin on the other hand panting hard from all his dodging maneuvering was able to maintain his blue form in fact he lifted a hand and created a final cans on to loom menacingly over freeze its head like a dethroned Emperor about to be cut down by his own Guillotine he admonishes that Frieza was far too inefficient with his key usage and that his new form was useless if he couldn't feed it it took him a while to notice it but once he did he knew he could win speaking of which with Frieza being so drained with him having a good amount of gas left in the tank it was now said to revert to his normal State this final blow will be for the innocent people in the city freezer destroyed as well as he and students he has to spare and surprisingly fear settles in the pit of frieza's stomach he thinks quick and screams out the Clone to please wait and allow him to atone for his evil deeds in some way he was trying to buy time to gather strength and prayed that Krillin shared Goku's soft heart a bit surprisingly Krillin actually hesitates but Vegeta calls out that is simply a ployed Frieza has no sense of guilt or remorse he all but orders clone to finish Frieza off now Goku stranger stays quiet on this topic but there was clearly conflict in his gaze as well Frieza counters by claiming it was hypocritical to allow Vegeta such a chance but not he he'd served under him for years infuriated Vegeta yells to clone that if he had any Pride as a sin or has a protector of the Earth then he'd finish Frieza off he'd taken far too many lives today was just another load of corpses on the mountain he'd left in hell for a single moment Krillin would consider Mercy at this point he could actually understand what Goku had felt when he had asked in spirit Vegeta's life the first time the saint had come to Earth it was a waste this was just Instinct even Goku at Spirit Frieza before but that led him to coming right back as a threat he spent all that time in hell and had it changed at all moreover Vegeta had a point while he didn't exactly care about the saying raised he was a part of it now and innately genocide inspires feelings of hate above all that was ran through his head the thought of Frieza destroying the planet where his daughter and wife lived or taking the life of Piccolo and Gohan a young man he literally seen grow up and often acted as a mentor figure too it was all unforgivable krillin's Mind Is Made Up and he colonized for his requests but those precious moments of rest and the single moment with the pressure pinning frees a skull to the ground was lessened were taken full advantage of by Frieza he thrusts both hands to the ground to throw pulling off balance and get into a better stance for his next action he's about to force a huge amount of his remaining key into the Earth to detonate it in this state it could possibly kill him but he had a much better chance of living than any of the Saiyans did of course plant also hands on whis and beeruses in partiality but before he could even surge a minuscule amount of his key Vegeta who had been watching closely silently pointed and utilized his gallic beam or Cyclone shooting technique the thin beam of key Rockets forward impacting frieza's left shoulder and running directly through it Knocking him back from the force meanwhile krillin's hand calls down the cans on at an odd angle after he'd almost regained balance but the three acting in the same instant crossed fate to twist and instead of the emperor being beheaded only his left arm above the elbow and his legs at the hips are severed diagonally Frieza screams in pure anguish and summoning the last tricks of his key fires off two i-beams one hitting Vegeta and the other Krillin both actually are pierced by the attack but his low power makes a shallow blow at most only damaging due to surprise but it was enough to knock them down and put them out for a second knowing retreat was his only way of living this allows for his support absolutely everything he had left into flight away from Earth and into space where he could survive Goten seen the table's turn and being shocked by it and went to avenge Gohan flashes into Super Saiyan and assumes the pose to charge the total destruction wave but he was not done he calls out to his father that they must kill Frieza before he gets away completely Goku is still pretty shocked and for a single instant has a thoughts and somewhat to his shame it slows him if I let him go then he can get even stronger and then I can fight him seeing his father stand still and knowing his power alone is insufficient Goten yells out to his dad to please help for Gohan and that doesn't that instantly forces Goku into a decision and he charges the same blast as quickly as possible at the cost of Summer's power but in perfect Tandem and synchronicity the two let off a father-son Kamehameha the huge blue beam soars towards Frieza who had just reached the stratosphere before it slams into him and began to push him higher or higher until he was out of sight and most likely consumed by it soon his key had indeed disappeared and Goku's sighs from the emotional roller coasters they had been as Goten rushes forward to help Krillin up to his feet and Goku tries to do the same for Vegeta though he rejects this the four Sands float together and looked towards space knowing that they had indeed been won as whis and beers fly over the group including beerus and whis would all gather somewhere where the dragon walls could be used remember Piccolo has been witched back to life using dende's set of dragon balls so shinron cannot revive him but name it could be contacted by King Kai to make a wish or at the most extreme Boma could bribe Reese to bring him back to life this is a skill of his that she knows about but he could mention it in return for food Gohan however will return to life in a much different state than what he had died in his death here is much different than it was a canon in this timeline Gohan technically had everything he needed to destroy Frieza from the beginning if he had been able to assume God form from the start he could have wiped out the entire Frieza for a single-handedly as strong as he was there was no way that first form Frieza could have taken on a Super Saiyan God but he had been complacent and had lost his already someone making control over his God keep remember in this timeline Gohan has now had two moments as a grown man with something to protect where his short sightness had nearly cost them everything he was all but aware that if his father and the others have been a few minutes late Frieza would have likely destroyed the planet and kept moving no more from now on he needs to rely on his own power not solely His fathers not just this but his dad has spent his entire life protecting the planet at some point he would have to take that mantle up and protect his own family and of course Tien had been in a very similar mindset for a long time now but this latest battle had only deepened his convictions and may cause even deeper regret his decision to return to his human body but his Warriors Pride didn't allow him to dwell on that despair for long he had to keep moving forward and work even harder he'd do it with his own power as well as this was the mindset of two of The Warriors involved and frieza's defeat coming the way it did the revivals weren't very joyous so the majority of everyone involved was pretty somber to say for beerus and Luis who took the opportunity to enjoy some of the Earth's food as for TN students they thank him for Reviving them but unless it's another emergency they're never doing this again also a quick note but the wish to revive everyone had to be worded as revived those killed in battle today and not just those killed by frieza's men as Gohan was saintly killed by tien's kaoki koho with everything except back into working order Goku Vegeta yamch and Krillin spent a few days on Earth just because for yancha he'd already been away from his newborn for far too long but I believe Pizza wouldn't March that she could accept his reasons for being gone so long even though she by no means liked them at least she knew her children's father to protect them I'll be known to the couple of their firstborn kurizu had heard this statement and it actually made her feel a bit regret for herself at not doing much training as her father did perhaps she had her Crush Goten would have been so hurt during the battle as well or she could have completed the silly dance that boy wanted to do to help everyone after this short break for family time recuperation the Sans all returned to beerus's Planet to continue their training under whis while back on Earth Gohan takes a step forward he seeks out Tien in his home of the city and asked him if he would like to join he and Piccolo in the room of spirit in time soon while Gohan is now more willing to train than ever you also have to account for all the sayings being gone right now if something else were to happen he would be with them then the Earth would be left even more defenseless beyond that taking one day off from work was much easier than taking a few months or weeks off also since the Mayans had no need for food and only record water they could bypass the two-man food limit beyond that Tien wasn't a sand so his appetite wasn't even a large issue here meaning they'd have more than enough revisions with a chance to train with a God for over a year offered the 3M bark out to look out hoping to conquer their own weaknesses meanwhile in space ever so slowly a body drifts the remains of the Torso of Frieza burnt and beaten had not been fully consumed by Goten and Goku's blast like in the sand Saga Vegeta the beam though more powerful than their victim was not maintained long enough for it to incinerate Frieza but instead push him out into deep space as he had already been heavily injured the blast had been enough to push him to the very brink of death and far out away from Earth whereas now measly key signature could no longer be felt by those on the planet but Frieza was not dead in fact the blast to hit him at inadvertently Carter rides his severed torso stopping his bleeding and giving him time to recover and brood as he drifted in the cold void of space krillin's night remarks had in part the wisdom of key efficiency on him an issue he had even on Namek and now was his downfall once again he'd allowed a lowly saying he'd once easily destroyed to prove himself his Superior and it only filled his deep-seated hatred more and more slowly his torso began to move quicker and quicker until the speed was definitely caused by flight he was sent zooming off deeper into the Galaxy to find the Frieza Force he was now somewhat irritated that he hadn't warned his men to step back or anything before his transformation to wipe them all out it was simply another grain of star in his stinging wounds that would impart the lesson of big picture thinking on him that compares his Planet as in Canon beerus's brother the God of destruction of universe 6 and his attentive vados would arrive for food challenges Earth is discovered in champa's petty jealousy sets in motion across Universal tournament for the planet but this doesn't bear an extreme amount of mentioning as determined here is truly a pretty easily settled aspect of this timeline and unlike what happened with the battle against Frieza between this part and last this will not change think about it Universe 7 currently has four Super Saiyan blues and a Super Saiyan God we're all training there is no shorts or strong Warriors to participate and when they do Universe 6 will not be prepared but the major change here would be the exclusion Monaco I don't think whis would be fond of the idea of tricking the Saiyans remember he had already gotten a great deal of motivation out of them by stating that Krillin was the close to mastering the technique he meant to teach them than any of the four Saints any more inadequacy could lead to Monaca being challenged by one of them and if so he'd be revealed as a fraud calling beerus and Reese's credibility into question police would rather avoid angering their current source of entertainment and Cuisine for something so unnecessary it is of course arguable that beerus could overrule this or that whis wouldn't care but I find both pretty unlikely as such the Saiyan gods are said to participate in the tournament with the demean of the final choice being given to them Vegeta would make a strong argument for Tien but Gohan was definitely stronger especially after training and getting control over his God State he would also be interested in testing himself after all the training he'd done and so he has chosen Tien decides to remain on Earth for the sake of using the Roman spirit in time once again with Piccolo agreeing to stay back and train with him with the fighting order of Gohan Yamcha Goku Krillin and Vegeta Universe 6 is defeated with combat and hit presenting the only real challenges and Gohan decimating his first three opponents with very little theatrics and actually taking out a large amount of pencil aggression on Frost and never giving him a good chance to actually cheat I even imagined him offering to show cop of the Super Saiyan transformation at the tournament meaning he and Kaba formed that Bond of teacher and student instead of Vegeta in Kaaba and I believe Gohan's analytical mind would allow a slight predictive Edge against Hit but I do not believe he has the power to overcome him yet but Yamcha does especially after seeing Gohan fights and using his Super Saiyan blue form the ending of this Saga would also be the same as in Canon with the arrival of Zeno and the idea of the tournament of power being planted in his mind back in space Frieza would have finally found the remainder of his army actually running into Berry Blue and kikuno the crew he has in the new Broly move just extremely early here seeing his body in such bad shape he is instantly rushed into a regeneration chamber but he stops kikuno and orders him to only regenerate his legs when asked why please declares he wants to keep the scar from Vegeta's attack as a reminder to never again be complacent it would serve as a wonderful motivation for his training so his legs and tail regenerated while his arms replaced with mechanical one he keeps his scar and after this he would secluded himself and begin training to once again take revenge at a later date trunks's timeline is still under threat and of a most unlikely foe as in Canon after the explosive battle would sell in which Gohan showcased some strange inexplicable power The hope-seeking Swordsman returned home and defeated the evil Android Menace of his timeline also Exterminating his version of cell and explosive fashion armed with knowledge of Bobbidi and Deborah's impending a rival thanks to the Kai's trunks will go on to amass a great deal of power training with them so much so that when the battle came trunks here is actually much more of a better devorah in terms of pure power though the stone spit trick is still surprised sadly causing the end of the Z sword as it is broken into pieces and because of that power the anger felt by losing the Kai's tragic Relic is actually what pushes trunks into the Super Saiyan 2 form this allows him to take on the boar completely unarmed and in this timeline actually say cavito though he is a bit banged up by the end of it with their victory that day came a fleeting sense of Peace but a disturbing echo of the paths rung out a foe that should not be trunks was able to repel every attack at first with every encounter seemingly making them stronger and with casualties mounting Trunks and Bulma are left with questions primarily is this a distortion they caused by meddling in the past Bulma has spent the last year attending a scrounge up just enough fuel to get to the pass once hopefully detailed instructions could upper pass counterpart make the same discoveries Trump's attempts to convince his mother to come with him but she refuses and says that there has to be someone back here to help the remaining survivors Mai who had risen up as the commander of the resistant Force against their enemy and become a very close friend of trunks would promise to protect Bulma even going along with him and his mother now as they sneak through the streets to a secure location for trunks to make the trip to the past and for a moment to join up with the other survivors unbeknownst to them their foe had stalked them from a distance much like how a predator stalks the unsuspecting prey readying itself to bite down on the neck in a bid to buy time trunks orders his mother and friend to go ahead and he'll catch up before him cheating his sword and engaging his enemy wholeheartedly the fiend monitored black easily stops his wife for his head with two of his fingers but trunks simply reverse the grip of his blade and slam the palm of it into the mysterious Invader scar cheek the small victory trunks felt from feeling something crunched from his blow Fades of the wolfish smile breaks on the dark villain's face then he felt his leg swelled out from under him before black Unleashed a helge ax kick that split the ground and Trunks nearly with it he then stood over and looked down upon trunks of contempt but burst a rabbit gunfire and patching off his scarred face and erupted him though it did very little to stagger him he looked over at the culprit and noticed bomo wielding one of the machine guns she would have been seen with as a teenager with the glare the tool explodes in her hand and sensing a small key above him he casually smacks the upturned rubble beside him and Mai who had been standing atop it came tumbling down in front of him as it splintered he gloats and Maya surprisingly makes an obscene gesture with one of her fingers this is when black would notice that his adorned with metal pins and he looks up to see a loaded grenade bandolier hanging from rebar above his head Maya would then jump onto trunks to cover his eyes as loud bangs and harsh flashing lights erupted overhead by now trunks had struggled to fill his lungs with air again and unleash a shot to the back of Black's knees to relieve the pressure on his stomach rolling out of the crater as black stumbles back a bit and angrily rubs his eyes damning the girl as soon as he felt him get free he began to randomly release key blast in every direction thinking hoping to swap them down trunks would jump on the opportunity and Gopher Broke rushing forward grabbing both Mai and his mother and flying full speed toward the destination then to be safe he dropped them off and made to go even further before cutting his key and running back on foot thankfully avoiding black as he flew overhead tracking his kick signature where he had left off and the small hanger they hit in Bowman Mai had finished fueling the time machine and had just finished the preparation for takeoff when he returned currently in a pinch he does his best to convince them both to accompany him but they assure him that they will be okay and Rush him to go ASAP because the quicker they can refuel and come back the better their chances are reluctantly trunks boards the vehicle and starts to take off sequence the roof of the hangar opens quietly and The Time Machine only Rises a bit to allow trunks a chance to check around and see the area is clear of black sighing in relief he starts to time travel part of the flight sequence and turns away to to his mom and friend at that moment the hangar wall was obliterated and black walks in taking the time to make eye contact with him a sadistic smile stretches across his face tears filled his eyes but before he could let her to cry he's whisked to the past and rendered unconscious due to the stress fear and exhaustion meanwhile in the timeline we're used to Trunks and the children of the pilaf gang who he is tutored alongside are conducting the class and just about to break for the day to allow Goten and the daughters of the other z-flighters to come over on beerus's planet Goku and Vegeta indulge in sparring while the deities relax and snack and back on Earth in what city the rest of the Z Fighters go about their usual daily lives or what counts as usual for them that is until a strange vehicle arrives to capsule Corp not recognizing it trunks would inform his mother who definitely does and like in the anime's Canon she would go on to call into Vegeta and tell him to return with Goku who has trunks power up so he can Instant Transmission all four of them to capsule Corp there Vegeta and Goku helped trunks out of the machine and soon get him a sensu bean for his wounds he awakens in a bed dazed trying to recall the immediate events glimpses of their Trek through the city his fight with black then escaping and finally his mind settles on a grim scene the moment black broke into the hangar and made eye contact with him that image searing itself into his psyche present Bulma then walks in to wake her son and is met with a tearful hug not unlike of a frightened child one more holds her boy quietly knowing that his life is not an easy one and the two just sit there for a long time the Albert said call him trunk somewhat leaving him feeling better and not having to hold back all that anger and sadness now I'm feeling more in the present and grounded trunk stands and Falls his mother out of the room and back to his mission the other z5s would arrive to capsicorp Krillin haven't gotten off of work and a rhyme with the likes of Marin and actually Goten after his fight was Frieza the kid had actually approached him to ask Fulham to become his martial arts teacher a request which had really thrown him for a loop considering whose child this was but this is more of a story for another day Piccolo would also arrive being very surprised to see trunks back and with them present he begins his explanation of the situation you regalism when his battle with the forces of bobbity and explains the new foal arrives and they had no idea how but it was a man that looks just like Yamcha even bearing his scars but he somehow possesses saying traits that only the answer from the present timeline should have beerus and whis now intrigued speculate about how all this could be possible they don't think yanto of all people is capable of such acts but they also tell that this is the danger of messing with time that Sparks the questions of yamchu's current Alibi which is conveniently answered when yamcha's first child kurizu arrives and mentions that Yamcha was with Mr Satan her mother and her little brother chetta however everyone's pondering is interrupted as temporal energy condensed and rippled above them a dark and Powerful key lungs through and open time and there stood yantu black with a sneer no one could believe it he himself was surprised by all the people as everyone is confused Goku racks his brain trying to figure out what's going on mumbling about if getting you had something to do with this Vegeta however was nowhere near as concerned about the logistics trunks's story were true then black was his prey and his alone he quickly beat Goku to the punch and dashed in front of black causing his eye to Twitch as he is once again denied a fight Vegeta my this is a treat your key definitely isn't siances not that I would hold back if it's were him don't die too quickly you've got a lot to pay for elated by the prospect black Rockets forward with the flying knee which slams right into Vegeta's nose but the saying Prince shows no reaction shocking black who upon landing on the ground quickly jumps back creating distance and begins to power up he thinks to himself that Vegeta must be far stronger than he thought and flashes with golden light as his key house he assumes the Super Saiyan form but Vegeta shows that he is not impressed in the slightest back to it black charged his name of the Superman punch which Vegeta ducks countering with an uppercut to the chin black is pushed back going into a flurry of Jabs and crosses and Vegeta Bobs and weeds with each blow taking care of the powerfully counter every other shot he works the body and sends shockwaves with each blow of his crushing fist in pain enraged black gets out of Vegeta's range for a bit and throws a vicious roundhouse but Vegeta moves to his blind spot and lands a devastating cross sending black stumbling back by this point there will be a very important development having finished his business with Mr Satan and since trunks then Goku beerus Vegeta Luis and now something which felt oddly familiar the real yamche had come to see what was happening and the plot thickens hey who stole my face Vegeta pauses to confirm that this really isn't Yamcha he's beating right now while the badly battered black glances the Yamcha and smirks sinisterly before the beat dock continue the force of time begins to pull black back to where he had been when he used the ring tearing him from Vegeta's grasp snarling it being dragged back he tries to ride and fight the force but he is unable to break it he finally eyes a time machine that trunks had escaped in and quickly tries to fire a small key blast directly at it to destroy it much to trunks his [ __ ] only for Krillin and his versatile Destructo disc Shield technique to deflect the blast black dams Krillin and he appears More Shop than anyone right now Yamcha frantically asked for answers whis tells him to calm himself and takes it upon himself to explain the entirety of the situation to him even more perplexed the deities mentioned the iconic earring that black was wearing and his specific color beerus and weeks will hold an investigation into the connection between it and black as right now it was possible this could take place in their timeline as well this is an investigation that Krillin intuned to join and beers decides it'd be useful to bring Yamcha along as well those Four Leaves during the universe 10 and Bulma gets to work on fueling The Time Machine as with their current setup it wouldn't take as long to produce the feels of her future counterpart she orders trunks to rest for the next 24 hours but Vegeta suggests it's on train the family talk it out and Vegeta actually has a bit of a heart to heart with trunks right here now afterwards Vegeta is very pleased with Trump's response but the only tell to that was a smile that he cracked before returning to his usual serious expression it stands now that's I Kakarot and even Krillin oh more than enough to take on black even as insurance policies there is no reason for us to face him by the time Yamcha and the others return for Universe Tim with more questions than answers he is informed of the plan and questions why he has a bigger workload than the others and the Saiyans all give him an answer because if someone were to use my face I'd be damn sure to find out why would you the scoffs and everyone notices the power of Gohan arriving in capsicorp still dressed in the clothes he wore for work the other hybrid isn't too shocked to sense that Gohan is still extremely powerful and his Aura feels more matured yet still somewhat lighthearted the boy that defeated Cell had grown and changed for the best it seemed in celebration of the visit Gohan offers to hosts trunks for dinner since he never had the chance to meet his wife or daughter which trunks is actually very interested in this is still a chance to see the life that Gohan is urged in their timeline and this Gohan who now more than ever reminds him of his own that he just has to see Vegeta kinda senses this and backs off turning on his heels but he does offer the train with him before the departure to the future with Vegeta in one of his moves Goku admits that now he has nothing to do picking up on all this Gohan realized that no one has filled him in on what's going on and decides that he's going to get it out of trunks himself and the two fly towards his home after having pleasantries with Gohan's family members and being surprised that he married into the Satan family this visit is very much the same as the anime adaptation portrayed except Gohan in service of his curiosity would try to convince trunks to have a bit of a Place bar as it was something that baby pan really got a kick out of trunks would insist that he actually did have to go because he really wanted to take his father up when they offered a train but Gohan uses sweet sentiments against him the baby girl babbled at the Warrior from the future and the name got trunks blushing like mad he reluctantly agrees and smiles and Gohan and pan dance around a bit soon he and Gohan face off a good few feet away from Mr Satan who would sit and watch her with his granddaughter and explain to her all the amazing training he'd give her when she got older Gohan then uses his watch made by Bulma and Morrison to the great Sandman with poses and voices included causing pain to cheer trunk sweat drops but when he hears Gohan speak low so only he and trusted here he is actually very caught off guard he's shocked at the changing attitude but he ends up having to block as Gohan and close the gap between them with his fists poised to punch a hole in trunks he apologizes but adds trunks to go all out he then shocks him further by backflipping in a familiar form and firing off a one-handed key blast towards him finally realizing that Gohan isn't playing around and he really is even stronger than he thought trunks Powers up in the Super Saiyan and slices cling to the attack only for a shadow to appear above him and he just barely blocks his Gohan attempts to stomp him into the ground thanks to his reflexes Gohan lands on the Flight of the blade braced by trunks the other arm going is pretty impressed and he Praises trunks but he tells him that he knows he has to have more than that before laying his head down in the next moment his helmet shot off bouncing off of trunks's forehead The Swordsman nurse the new bump on his forehead and asked Gohan what the hell he was doing but he was silenced as he recognized the red glow now Ron Gohan and his spiky red hair he'd only seen this once before but the presence he'd felt and The Disappearance of Gohan's key was still scary to him gone explains that they had finally discovered what this form truly was and reminds trunks to give him everything he has the hero from the future not slowly and he shows Gohan his own version of the Super Saiyan 2 transformation which Gohan had also mastered after assuming it he feels Pride at Gohan's smile of approval and he lost himself in having fun in the spa for the first time in many years meanwhile back at capsicorp and sensing trunks in Gohan's key Vegeta would go and retrieve the kid version of trunks and proceed to order him to call him before taking off towards Gohan's residence they stop high above the air and looked down to see huge yellow and red Keys crashing and blowing a fierce wind around the entire area of the house while Mr Satan held onto a tree for dear life and pan sat cradled in his arms cheering at the chaotic and awesome battle Vegeta speaks to the present version of his son and tells him to look upon his future counterpart he explains the kid trunks the difference between their timelines and more importantly the fact that this is some that trunks is capable of and shouldn't squander by slacking on training he really tries to drive home to trunks there's some limits that being naturally talented won't let you break the young hybrid was in Oz he watched a version of himself taking on the godly power of Gohan and not doing bad at all it was an impressive feat and one he never really felt that he wanted to achieve until now excitedly he looked at Vegeta and asked if they could please start a train together again back in The Spar trunks is realizing that Gohan is still holding back and he pushed them to strive harder and harder truly enjoying this he begins to lose himself in the single-minded attempt to best his friend and Gohan really appreciates this but sadly Gohan's alarm for the 10 minute round goes off he then thanks trunk for The Spar and apologizes for deceiving him this causes trunks to want to tell him everything the two have flown the air for a while longer as Gohan is filled in but then interrupting trunks's story a small attacker barrels into Gohan's chest and releases a barrage of high power punches accommodated by gleeful laughter Gohan unprepared is winded and sent karining into the ground as he Trunks and Mr Satan's eyes bulge out in Surprise seeing Pan's Mighty or flared as she cheers at emulating her father everyone is shocked not having been aware just how powerful pan is after calming her down and saying their goodbyes trunks will return home to capsicle Corp very happy to have taken the chance to meet God's family and test his power against him part of him really wanted to ask him to tag along to the Future tomorrow but he truly did want to try for himself one last time and didn't want to pull Gohan into a dangerous situation even though he has kept up his training Vegeta would be the only one awake once trunks returns home and the two speak on the visit with trunks mentioning wants God form and even pan surprising power Vegeta is interested in this and talks about Gohan's potential will always be a mystery and even informing trunks that pan might be the first child to have inherited God key and He suggests that trunks may have gotten in way more training than he thought he did and suggested he go and get some sleep the next morning Castle Court would be a buzz with most of the Z Fighters initially present but today a new development takes place and whis informs Goku and everyone that granzino was asking to see him remember the term of the story it still took place in this timeline even though only Gohan and truly fought and regardless and his Zeno arrives at all and talks about a cross multiversal tournament I don't see Goku not approaching him beer stays at capsule Corp and orders Goku and whis to go and see wizena once with the Supreme Kai's help they can continue their investigation later this now frees Krillin up and Vegeta asks what his plans are he then suggests that the short Saiyan has nothing to do he should come to tens with him and train with him mentioning that the human had actually gotten much stronger and was wanting sparring partners to help teach his students today Yamcha brought his entire family loan to see him off to the Future and told them that he'll return soon as possible once again Gohan's key is felt approaching the residents but this time when he arrives he is in a combat gee he explains that he had been thinking it over last night and he really wants to be the villain support the trunks to which trunks happily accepts and Yamcha complains about trunks not being this excited when he joined him he laughs nervously and the three float up and squeeze into the cramped vehicle now I'm barely able to wave at everyone the flight sequence starts and they Venture back into trunks's timeline there Yamcha finally lays eyes upon the horror which caused him to make the wish to become a sane in the first place he realized that this is the exact same city they just left but in total ruin Captain The Time Machine trunks are going to check back in on the remaining survivors we even see future yajirobe who is pretty shocked to hear what happened to yacha on the other timeline and like in both cannons as well I would be revealed to be alive and yes the separation and the fear of Almost Never seeing each other again still puts the two to openly display their feelings as virtually nothing in the timeline to reliably change them and as for how she escapes black I'll leave that vague like both cannons do after this the trio of San fans will get a good distance away from the survivors and power up to attract black who wastes absolutely no time in flying to them and perching high above them on destroyed building he Grieves them smugly and seems especially happy to see Yamcha I found you faker hello my contemptible duplicates Black's gonna return as he instantly left out to attack Yamcha but he was stopped short when he had to catch trunks's thrown sword taking a page out of Gohan's book just after his weapon is caught he slams his fist into the flat of it and flew forward as fast as he could pushing black back even more and transforming straight to his master Super Saiyan 2 form to go all out from the start as black is driven back from the inertia trunks will regroup his weapon and execute his shining slash maneuver while not able to cut black the high speed attack overwhelmed him and gave trunks some room to breathe before A sly move of his palm let him land a powerful point-blank key blast that sent black flying into the ruins of a building trunks looks down in his body and feels more power inside of than before Gohan knows that he notices when he and the others sparred against each other their God forms the first time and when they fought beerus and most recently with Tian battling opponents with God keep his amazing training and he honed his God form much farther than anyone else had so far from the rubble black steps out and Scouts while dusting himself off only showing the small burn mark from where the Blasted hit him Vegeta had been much more powerful than I'd ever thought possible the absolutely excruciating pain he put me through the utter humiliation and divine rage I felt in that moment this genius body and the Saiyan ability to power up from near fatal wounds all this came together to show you Saiyans what true divine power is refusing to give in trunks rushes back towards his opponent and desperately unleashes every physical attack he could but every slash punch and kick was Dodge or paired without issue finally black would counter by dodging to the side and leashing a powerful kick that snap trunks his head back before the Imposter allowed his other foot to leave the ground and he spun to deliver a dropkick and floated before hitting the ground just as trunks to sit into the same building he was and the structure comes crashing down on him from the force but he did not move afterwards don't want concern for his friend and knowing that he currently held the sins of beans they came equipped with would rush over and begin to quickly dig through the rubber to find them black scoffs unimpressed and owns back in our Yamcha who is now the only man to face him the genuine article that declares that he'll be the one to truly punish black he then begins to power up and blue lights boats outward as yantra reveals the Pinnacle of his power and confidently gives black a thumbs down he then taunts black but the Imposter is not shaken malevolent pink and dark purple energy flood out of black and he reveals what he calls Super Saiyan Rose the power even caused Gohan to shutter as he finally lifted the largest chunk of Rubble off of trunks and rushed to give him one of the three sensu beans they brought with them Yamcha could also feel that Black's power had grown by a lot fear actually crept into his heart and his confidence Wayne for a split second it was allowed to go further than that because of Black's next words he asked yamchua he mentioned a vision the people of this timeline but never his own family the frown Yamcha War immediate hardened to a harsh glare and he asked black what he just said clarifying black informs that he killed the family of the answer that he took this body from the mere thought of feeling to protect his family which he held so dear causes a deep-seated rage within Yamcha to erupt out and increase the intensity of his flowing blue key the sound of his flaring sounded almost like the call of a wolf as the options and Raised neo-wolfang Fist brought him clashing against the source of such anger who responded by allowing his body to instinctively use the same technique but with a Twist from whoever was controlling the body dense claws of Harden key formed around his hands and it made every Blow by black more devastating and a sheer battle speed had already picked up by a lot as they fought in near perfect mirror of each other at high speed they moved back and forth through whoever's mentum used in the wolfang fist before long the sky was filled with streaks of pink and blue and with every Collision the Saiyan's exchange blows but this was something Yamcha couldn't keep up forever feeling each exchanged more and more he would come to realize one crucial thing although Black's variant was Stronger it had been evident that black was still new to the tank technique leaving himself open right before they'd clash with this knowledge yantu would take charge bursting forward One Last Time bringing both hands together to form the wolf's bike finishing blow but with a Twist as his hands make contact with black and begin to blow him back from the force he immediately charged up a god key field Kamehameha and fired it Point Blank through Black's stomach wounded the fake had fallen back to the Earth sporting a giant hole barely Clinging On To Life Yamcha finally collapses well with its arms covered in gashes and blood he couldn't even maintain blue anymore but he fatally injured black you're not even good enough to be my fake Gohan I'm done for today knock him out of the park so we can go home would you go on WE comply and Order trunks to get yawn to one of the sinsu beans then making his way towards the shuttering and bleeding Black Gohan prepares to say the future he comments how fascinating this experience was and says that it's time to pay their debt but strangely a guy would teleport directly above black and order the mortars to step back as this was a high no one moved to interfere thinking he would finish him off they are devastated when the deity who claimed himself as masu went on to heal black and further increased his power and right about now we'd have the full reveal of how zamasu became Goku black not much has really changed here you still have a zamasu who has sparred against Yamcha and probably seen him on God too so he can still end up really respecting Saiyan power Gohan then damns their situation but tells Yamcha and Trunks that to go on for one more round even though Yamcha is not 100 the two nod and power up and zamasu who had just been revealed to be another zamasu sync up and launch forward obviously yamch is their target and he is forced to dive through them as black and the kai both make a horizontal slash at his chest and his waist but the Slick Dodge is ruined however as blacks improved power allows him to react and catch yamcha's ankle he then slams him back and forces the scar saying to shifts his head just to barely Dodge zamasu slash his face then sinking their own attack Gohan and trunks attempt to overwhelm black together both powering to the strongest States and the three clash in different colors but some my suit would intervene by attacking trunks with its powerful telekinesis darling him long enough to allow zamasu the time to attack and set him Gohan struggling against that unseen Forge trunks does his best to dodge as zamasu slashes and slashes the hybrid and remember this was telekinesis powerful enough to stop Goku for a while meanwhile yantra recovers and though still extremely tired and surely not able to assume his blue form again he squeezed off the last of his power and attempts to help Gohan as a mere Super Saiyan back in his Skirmish trunks finally picks apart the pattern of attack and finally breaks zamasu's telekinetic hole to execute the same flip that Gohan had and quickly runs through the hand movements for the burning attack technique this one coming out much more powerful and kind of like his finished Buster technique being launched right as a masu as he charged at him and detonate them blazing hot technique right into his face on impact now down one opponent the hero of time sinks a bit before attempting to launch off with extra speed and allow the three Heroes to gang up on black and finally win this before he can he fills a familiar sensation of telekinesis and soon a burning pain as the keyblade shoots through his chest and just barely misses his lungs his body have regenerated thanks to the second wish on the Super Dragon Balls zombies would brag and Trunks looks on his Yamcha finally runs out of steam only be slashed across the chest by black and since sprawling onto the ground Breathing heavily as Gohan is forced onto the back foot by a black spirit ball that finally lands and decimates the area around him letting you get a burning hellscape and a Gohan who had just barely survived through flooding his defense with energy but now he was running low on it greeting his teeth in pain trunks refused to go down either and leans forward before ramming his skull as hard as he can into zamasus this makes him lose his grip and slip back and Trunks yells in pain as the blade of key leaves the wound he stumbles but rears a leg back and Donkey kicks zamasu before zooming over to his companions with two sensus left he reads into his pocket and regrettably knows that he'll need a full Sensei to deal with the wound he has now while all three of them especially Yamcha are in desperate need of power chomping down on him back to full he rushed Dion's Aid to try and get him half of the sensu bean however he is nearly knocked out of the air by black black if not for the interference to Gohan attempting to block the blow for his friend the two of them only make it easier for black to send them both tumbling into a heat with Yamcha though thanks to a powerful push kick that hits Gohan and takes out trunks as well zamasu also fully healed returns to Black's side and snarls down at Trunks and the Sands still angry he makes sure that the Saiyans know that they are below them the two then agree that they have worn out their use and to share the deed they rise into the air to charge up their Holy Light grenade technique our heroes are forced to stir up at their doom and that's when trunks notices Mai and yachirobi getting his attention by flashing light from a broken piece of glass he understands that they're here to help and use the solid flare as quickly as possible the area fills up with light and blackened zamasu are caught off guard by it and it blinds them when they regain their Vision they are enraged to see their Quarry gone and they at least a blast they charge to punch the Earth not extremely far away and with all their key dropped as far as possible trunks in the best shape of all splits the last sins between Gohan who afterwards is in decent shape and yamchu who afterwards is nowhere near always want to think things through go on romance if this is going to work and reluctantly says that they need help trunks agrees and decides that he can send both the other Saiyans back to the present but Gohan is not having this he is not leaving trunks alone again taking the reins he decides that yantra will go he's sorry but he's just no good in this situation they need the Cavalry and they need a way to deal with that zamasu guy barely able to talk still Yamcha saying Pride erupts but he can't put up any Real showing of dismay right now he really tries to argue with Gohan and tell him that he's the oldest he should be responsible he's not letting two men he's known since they were boys throw their lives away so he could be a coward again and unfortunately for his ego he was the only one to hear his complaints Ohan and Trunks though the still Angels saying into the time machine and set it to the parts the order yajirobi and Mai to get a head start on the getaway and accompany the time machine up into the air in case black and zamasu appear with the sky clear of enemies yamchi is forced to tuck his tail between his legs and pray that his own failings don't get his friends killed while they're trapped to the Future time and space are left through by trunks's time machine as the answer like the hero from the future is unable to remain conscious for long due to his injuries he's fading in and out over and over and we're playing the fight against black specifically his screw of it he finally passes out fully and is only awoken by The Rush of a sense of being he'd been force fed before being pulled harshly out of a bed inside of capsicor the Rude Awakening came from Vegeta who'd hoist him up by his throat and pin him to the wall almost everyone had squeezed their way into the small room by now Goku and couldn't wear attempted to hold back the prince asita Manor answers as to why yamchua is the only one to come back and in such a sorry State finally getting Vegeta off Yamcha gathers his wits and breath and comes clean he tells about black zenkai and the partnership with zamasu as well as how black came to be and he admits that he'd had black right where he needed him to finish him off if only he had a little more energy but he had to depend on Gohan and trunks just to make it back here having all theories now confirmed beerus and whis decided to take the Supreme Kai who'd recently returned from taking Goku and whis to visit Grand Xeno they would deal with present zamasu and this would of course work the same way the anime show does just without Goku present Yamcha delivering his message feels very low and he hangs his head in shame he'd served as much of a purpose as he could it seemed and inadvertently the others began to strategize on what to do next without him they were focusing on saving Trunks and Gohan right now and not controlling their friend Bulma was of course the first to come up the simplest yet strongest plan due to krillin's intervention they still had two time machines one just in much worse shape than the other they needed to get their Heavy Hitters Back to the Future ASAP and a full tank would take 24 hours to synthesize that 24 hours would pass here and in the future something they really couldn't afford to do right now her reasoning is they can synthesize a one-ways trip worth of fuel for the piercing to get there and then let Boma refuel and Furbish the second time machine after they dealt with the threat even with the power boost that yamche had warned about there was no way black and zamasu could contend with Goku Vegeta and Krillin at the same time plus Gohan and trunks Rebecca this however would do nothing about zamasu's immortality but Tien and Piccolo both present instantly suggests the use of the mafuba in Louisville and Goku opt to go to Master Roshi's and study the technique until it was time to go they had to really hurry for this one it wasn't a terrible plan by any measure and by this point Vegeta who had somehow become the de facto leader of the situation was simply ready to do away with black and zamasu forever whether they had powered up or still too weak to entertain him no longer affected his decision he let black slide instead of obliterate him in the first place so all the blame couldn't be placed on the Yamcha this is when he noticed the backup said man weaving out of the busy strategy meeting I said three eyes also took key notice of this and empathy caused the end's face to Grimace outside young she just wanted to escape to anywhere people didn't count on him of course that was easier said than done now his family awaited a capsu score for his return even more passionately after he'd been the only person to return and injured at that kudizum puar were the first to make it to Yamcha leaving her friend's side to hug him as his wife Pizza holding his son also rushed him happy that he was alright the first thought Yamcha had was that Gohan may not get to have reunion like this because of him trunks may not ever he couldn't hold them or face them at all Yamcha could only apologize and run he flies off kudizu dashes after him but Uncle Tian placed the hand on her head in order to stay with her mom and brother the go get her dad back placing a trust in him Tien both off to track down his old rival Vegeta watches the two fly away and he sighs you've been just about to ask Tina accompany him to the room spirit in time for her last minute bit of training but instead he decides to meditate close to Bulma and The Time Machine he was leaving as soon as he could back up or not and right now they all need to focus on getting to the Future who knew how much longer Trunks and Gohan could hold out drunks and Gohan with the help of future Mai and yajirobi successfully escaped black and zamasu after seeing Yamcha off the hybrid Saiyans dropped their power and rode with them back to the other survivors just before the two evil deities could catch up to them the narrow escape and prior battles that left everyone drained but Mai instantly let back into the role Commander planning out possible Escape Routes from their current position yancha black is known to be a bit more proactive than minutes we're used to in Goku black trunk soon joins her as they'd go on and soon they have their own impromptu strategy with the majority of Mai's men yajirobi and the Saiyans all present most of the civilian survivors step through this though Owen has a student of Piccolo state of the heart truth instantly he and Trunks alone would not be enough to hold off the enemy if they were caught while moving add on to that there can only be so many places to move to at some point black would do away with every structure they could use to hide in trunks Grimace of this this fear was that his father and the others would come to a desolate future that he and Gohan had once again failed to defend or maybe blackism also move on to another timeline in another Earth but then go on spoke up and told everyone there was one thing they could try Fusion everyone at first looks extremely confused as the scholar explains the concept A technique Goku and piccoloid studied in the other world Gohan's father had thought it a fun way to bond with his son and Friends teaching a lot of them as a game mostly but he assured there was incredible potential in this technique from what he had studied of it it wasn't simply the fusion of two Warriors but a magnification on top of that as well he and cross can make one single fighter and take down the threat file zamasu's healing wouldn't surprise them ever again and black could be destroyed if he's overpowered from there zamasu will be simple to handle even after the fusion hearing this trunks is instantly all in especially since he gets to learn something from Gohan again that sounds perfect Gohan please teach me as Gohan slowly went through the steps he'd seen Goten and the kids practice so many times he also stressed all the alignment and synchronicity both parties must maintain as well as the matching of power levels which wouldn't be hard for them both are older and more experienced and key control than kid Trunks and Goten were in Canon and through mastering Super Saiyan 2 State they've even demonstrated high levels of key controls than Canon Goku had around that time hence the second power being pretty simple like his father would be trunks has been embarrassed by the moves but not unwilling to try them for the sake of everyone else his only issue he didn't think himself coordinated enough to do all that Gohan does note that his friend could be quite stiff from time to time and he did fluster pretty easily but it gives him an idea he knows how to help trunks not only his coordination for the Fusion dance but also his embarrassment about it he demonstrates how to train trunks by bringing the hand he wore his watch on and grinning as he transforms into the great Sandman replacing his tattered and ruined ghee before running through his poses and catchphrases the room Falls silent as the soldiers question that this is really what the fate of the world came down to hearing that and seeing trunks Grimace once again Gohan spoke sternly trunks I know it's all silly but I think this is how we win you and I both have to grow up and stop holding our hands out for our dads to pull us along sometimes we'll just look lame and get it done ourselves contemplating his words for a moment the hero from the future places faith and Gohan their plan was Now set and he and Gohan had to get to work on a lot of choreography they only did so for so long into the night just for getting ready to rest themselves when urgently a scout warned that Yamcha black was side to destroying buildings not far from them they were on the Move minutes afterwards nine hours left until the time machine's fueled back in the present yeah I'm just alone in the desert the act in and of itself conveying how he feels Kim would have a little trouble finding him I would call to him from the sky why do you still sit on your behind are you that afraid shut up Tien get out of here would ya I don't think I will the former assassin lands confronts his formerly human friend actually forcing his hand onto his head at one point and like Goku had done to Krill into Dynamic Saga getting the full scope of what his friend had seen and done in the future they had originally been too weak to survive in you and I have a long history we've shared a lot we've even both seen each other at our worst remember the time I broke your leg adiopters Sarah reacting to tien's pep talk so far the three-eyed Warrior elaborated on what he really meant to convey he tells him there's nothing wrong with being afraid Saiyans do feel fear there was no way of becoming one would eliminate that the only thing they can do is just face their fears and get stronger than those Tien then focused key to his hand reminding youngster that he was in fact also a genius of combat and key techniques he replicated Yamcha Black's key claws it perfectly before roaring out with determination I was scared I couldn't get stronger unless I became a Saiyan but that wasn't true so I got stronger than the me that couldn't even have that fear even if we're scared we fight and do our best Yamcha that's all you can do Yamcha hadn't even realized he began crying in front of his rival and quickly went about wiping his eyes to hide the emotion that Tien had already shared processed and accepted damn it all if that wasn't the exact kick in the ass he currently needed he asked his friend of you please show him how to do that Key Club Before Time was up and Tian happily agreed to do so while reaching out to help yachty to his feet they then rise into the air and Tin warns his training will be much harder than what roshi was probably putting Goku and Krillin through right now Turtle wouldn't agree though when Tien proposed training yanchi expected to use his dojo he'd been surprised when he led him up to the lookout and into the room spirit in time while leaving dende with a specific time to a lot of pass before they left even more Sprite ones that Vegeta hadn't claimed a room for himself but this timeline Vegeta doesn't necessarily need to again he and Goku in this timeline have already been incredibly further along than they can encounter Parts where having more training Partners around your level on your heels will just do that to you Tien then proceeded to pound the key clock technique in the Yamcha allowing him to spar with Team whilst he mimicked black initially Yamcha defaulted using his base form but Tien showed him instantly that that was a mistake here he virtually demonstrates the same lesson that we sadly had to tease the Sands he Cannon training in higher forms reduces the total possible progress one can make having been left with only his base form and all the power he gained from his days is saying Tien has tried to train and to see the full knowledge that he won't be able to transform anymore other than the Kyle kin he learned in this timeline what he has is what he has not to mention the training Partners he's had In This Very Room were also very impressive and have added a lot to his age and power level by this point its armor we T10 look for and develop alternative ways of powering up away from the cow can it did the job of a quick and dirty power-up but essentially it makes him a glass Cannon and he's fully aware of it he needs something which won't be a drastic drone in his energy and at first I honestly believe he'd attempt to evolve the max power form slash the Super Saiyan great free form of just bulking up for a boost with the added reduction in speed not only that I believe he'd really easily find a way to balance it kind of how great two did but doing so with only anyone has in base form kind of like socialists and remember this because it will come up again just a bit later all I can say now is even though Tien has a different perspective things Canon counterpart no one has all the answers that's why we have teachers this is all just to say that yamch isn't just coming in here and Molly wopping Tien because he's still insane but with the same blood heat up again yanchi gets really into Spar and like Goten did against trunks he can help a person in Super Saiyan tien's sharp eyes notice this instantly and calling on not only his own experience with the answer but also the habits and tells he noticed through reading his mind he increased the difficulty of his Yamcha black impersonation and surges his body with a bit of keep this makes him gain a tiny bit of bulk and makes his key claws flare up he just barely Dodges yamcha's much faster jab towards his head and the follow-up Sky kick he tried to launch him into the air with allowing Dan to easily shoulder checking with the verse of flight knocking him off balance before he balled his fist up and the key around it before striking his guts The increased power we like to protect him anyway he then feels something wet on his cheek notices a small cut as Yonka smirks and stands back up for more a faint and weak version of the key claws now on his hands now there are both really excited they are now six hours left before the time machine is refueled after moving locations successfully thanks to an early warning Gohan and trunk to decide to try the Fusion Dance for real for the first time though inevitably for the sake of the gag we have to see their failed Fusion forms eating up two more of their hours and causing the two of them to travel away from the survivors just in case I think it'd be very easy for trance to get nostalgic by training on the edge of the city with Gohan and maybe he could even tell Gohan about the last time we'd seen his future counterpart alive or even just more stories of how he was in this timeline Gohan while touched by this can see the failures and decrease in time limit begin to take a toll on trunks he's starting to rightfully get frustrated but their train is interrupted as Maya rides at two surviving children explaining she'd come to get them before the survivors moved again and that these two had literally begged her to tag along the kids had obviously been big fans of trunks and she didn't have the hard to deny it for them they'd actually been watching and very much enjoyed copying and imitating the great Sandman poses and seeing this gets trunks to actually smile and even laugh a little bit and before long Gohan and trunks are riding alongside mine the children on a small capsule bike to keep their kid seeing the children in trunks interact with them had made Gohan think for a while until finally he shared his thoughts of trunks you know after pan was born I think I got a lot stronger not through training just by meeting her it's like I never wanted anything bad to happen to her and then I think of how Videl feels and how my mom used to worry for me I don't want any parent to worry for their children that's why I took a step forward he then decides it'd be best to rest until they need to move again if they overstress trunks wouldn't be able to do the dance smoothly upon trunks becoming worried about this Gohan smiles and laughs like Goku but strangely enough and assures him that he's certain the next time they try it trunks will do the dance perfectly there are now four hours left until the time machine is refueled Goku and Krillin also continue to hammer away learning the mafuba and roshi at this point would like to reflect on the fact that all three of his students have become Saiyans he then reminds his two students that while Yamcha has always been a bit slower in the uptake of the two of them there was a reason the former greatest martial artists on Earth through the desert Bandit on as a student he bet them all the magazines in his trunk that Yamcha would meet them at the time machine and be ready to try again number two would never doubt their master or their friend yamchantino decided to spend a full five months and 29 days in the chamber meaning inevitably Yamcha would quickly outclass his rival even in base form though tianan actually surprised Yamcha by also displaying subtly some more of the concepts he'd been taught by whis when training then again the three-eyed man that trained so much with Vegeta Krillin and even Goku it wasn't surprising that he'd been growing rapidly and picking things up by association meanwhile he'd somewhat taken his attention off his friend as he'd returned to Being Human even as Tien continued striving to push the boundaries of human power even still doing it with the helps of friends and teachers the warrior had kept pushing while he'd grown complacent if Tien could still climb higher even at a slow pace why couldn't he finally after 10 started to grow a beard the two decided yamcha's power and technique have been pushed far enough black wouldn't get lucky twice there is now one hour remaining until the time machine is refueled back in the future the survivors are all woken up by booms overhead zombies who in black and launched an early morning attack adds a Duo transporting into the area they planned on searching instead of black flying there to switch up the strategy and catch The Mortals off guard my and her men leap into action and Rush the survivors up and awake they'd have to start moving quickly or they'd be on top of them go on and Trunks aside they can lure the duo away and then attempt the fusion after a distraction if they were successful and did it right off the bat there's a chance the battle could get someone hurt with as much power as they can throwing around a survivors clear the room Gohan tells Trunks and this is it no matter what happens they make their stand here and now and stop this before their dads get here they do this together the brothers in arms nod and in sync power up to the master Super Saiyan 2 States with that done black and zamasu Beyond them like hounds just a roof caved in as black alone burst through it in his base form and attacked Gohan realized the devil had guessed their plan in some form and tells trunks they have to catch up with everyone else before zamasu gets there but black was on them tight it was tricky to just cover each other and fighting him outside the fears of Gohan are confirmed as zamasu Corners the survivors hailing his own arrivals as the filthy Mortals can't think to do so themselves he senses a key signature from a bit of rubble that's a pretty good sniping vantage point and prepares to fire a key blast in that direction he's Enterprises two explosions rocking From Below he's taking his eyes off mine the civilians one of which included yajiroban who could wield two rocket launchers easily zamasu is actually forced back and the survivors go fleeing as Mai and her man opened fire and try and hold him off as best as possible even yazrobe doing what he can with those rocket launchers but that wouldn't last very long thinking quickly Gohan joined attacks and techniques that he remembered never damaging him too badly but always setting him up for Mr Piccolo to him with something much more Fierce Sean's thought back to the overwhelming Duo that was 17 and 18. synchronicity so deep no communication was ever needed and the ability to cover Cobble off any move the other made he needed to emulate that right now the sons of battle genuses display their own prowess as Gohan throws fainted Jabs easily intercepted by black who tries to break Gohan's hands only for Gohan to manifest sharp eye beams that slam to the fake yamcha's eyes much quicker than he was prepared for and once again forcing his eyes closed temporarily Gohan then opened his mouth firing off a mouth being that forced Black's head to snap back and sinking with Gohan as he never felt closer to him trunks quickly Rush under the other hybrid's guard and into Black's open chest with a shoulder tackle followed by a Flurry of Blows until finally I hope I do this right God inspired by yamcha's earlier successful blow the point blank beam of his father slammed home on black it with much more Force than expected since he'd never seen it coming it easily drives him through the walls of a few buildings at the two make their escape they get outside just in time to simultaneously nag zamasu away as he continued to catch machine gun fire likely preparing to return the shooter's property once they ran out they then ordered mine and her men to leave as well as they attempted to go ahead and do the Fusion dance but a burst of energy single blacks charge bursting into the rose form he was going to Simply Ram it to go on the Trunks and split them in half it actually just as Gohan and trunks had expected and tandem they went for a solar flare only for zamasu to appear in front of black and hug his other self shielding both their eyes from the light the two then spun and easily blasted the two Super Saiyans away remember black had only gotten stronger since Yamcha Gohan and trunks pushing to his limits again being in the Super Saiyan 2 State kept them from serious entry from the blast but they were still knocked out of it 30 minutes left until the time machines refueled back in the present the Z Fighters were preparing to no zamasu and black were waiting no longer it was time to complete their Zero Mortal plan and move move on raising their hands once again to prepare the Holy Light grenade go on and Trunks are far too tired to get themselves out of this but struggle against their exhausted bodies anyway suddenly a rock conks against black Scarface looking to the culprit it is one of the kids from earlier the boy called free go on and Trump should not give up they were the hero they've been waiting for and the heroes never lose the soldiers attempted to Wrangle the boy back reprimand him for putting everyone in danger this wasn't some Shonen manga zamasu is about to burn that harsh reality into them by obliterating them all but then the tired go on and force himself to his feet and then from the blast with only his arms to Shield them his helmet had long ago cracked and fallen off and the green Vesti wore of his suit had been torn to Ribbons by now trunks remember inspired and possessed by the same Insanity that drove Gohan forward The Swordsman without a weapon struggled back to his own feet the two then posed and spoke boldly confusing the executioners they were unmitigated champions of Justice who tolerated no evil the great Saiyan men were at that young man's service yes they basically do a super Sentai roll call and again black and zamasu are confused stopping for a moment they noticed the soldiers running away with the little boy cheering his head off what are they doing my dear counterparts I believe the hybrid Saiyans have evolved to express themselves through interpretive dance as well as fighting how interesting hearing this Gohan gets an idea but surely it can't be that simple then again these guys were really full of himself it's trunks they've learned our secret quick we have to finish the final dance of Sorrow before they strike again go on Mortal we will allow you this Final Act call him Mercy for showing yourself a bit more culture than your father's trunks though confused caught on quick to Gohan's terrible acting the call of fusion ha accompanied the duo performing the dance perfectly for the first time as it's pretty likely that they wouldn't immediately recognize the dance black and zamasu realize something is wrong as an amazing power is born to the world with Trunks and Gohan nowhere in sight someone brand new standing in front of him hmm so this is our Fusion as for what to call us let's just go with gohanks to be quick zamasu and black were completely flabbergasted demand to know how they fuse without batari earrings well gohank simply lays a hand on his sword calmly almost like they were moving in slow motion the fusion walked past them both and slashed only twice letting them both at the chest but sadly not killing either no that's right you broke trunks of Sword so I cut too shallow wait here it's almost too held instantly and went about dealing with the damage on black when you look back up goax had already disappeared meanwhile as mind the survivors continue to move further away she recognizes trunks shattered sword lying in the street still a grim reminder that our friend was currently fighting with everything he had left meaning she had to do her parts so it was nothing they could worry about right a man she'd never seen before yet who carried a strong familiarity appeared over the broken tool making her and the others pause for a single Moment Blue kicked surrounded The Sword and it levitates with all the shattered fragments before being perfectly welded back into place and dropping into the stranger's hands he throws it up and smoothly catches it and she's on his back before smiling to mine and the others and disappearing once again in a streak of light focusing back on their goal black and zamasu are flying after the survivors still very confused by gohanks the black of this timeline as inhibiting yamcha's body does chair as a mannerisms with the original Yamcha when stressed he gets a bit more antsy and cowardly than Goku Blackwood and he details these Fierce Foods other half citing the fact that zamasu is no match for this Fusion so they need to make sure that Batar is safe and that he isn't killed zamasu then noticed a glitch and trusted his other half's words tearing off his own left ear and shoving into the Gill black before pushing him out of the way a streak of white went past him and behind him was annealing gohanks cheating his now reconstructed sword the next thing zamasu knew he'd been dicing the cubes and go on his other hand was used to turn those into dust even his immortality couldn't stand to Total disintegration remember Remember by this point he doesn't have the power the fuse the monster and the anime have needs to say black was angered that he had to be saved by his other half once again though he's incredibly grateful that he heeded his warning stowing away the earring and appeasing himself to regen from but he now has to buy time for zamasu to come back from that enough to heal him and switch their earring to the other ear to fuse all by himself he could simultaneously feel fear and excitement and didn't know if it was his body or himself realizing he is plotting a scheme to stay alive against a mere mortal once again infuriated the false the option even further not only that but to be deceived by morals they thought so low beneath themselves He piled up to his max to unleash his fear into the lying half Sands his confidence had cost him once he would hold nothing back anymore he was again thankful that he'd taken so much pain to grow stronger from but when Gohan's felt even a slight bit of strain against his opponent he instantly pauses and completely stands still before erupting into the Super Saiyan God form and electing a flurry of slashes from Yamcha black and is now massive emblazing key Claws and throwing him back very far channeling his power into his sword until it glowed brightly go wants to lose a barrage of slashes that formed a literal volley of crescent-shaped keyblades in the air which went shooting towards black when bulging up to avoid them to just buy a few more seconds flying through and around destroyed abandoned buildings go Hawks then noticed the direction black had chosen Was the Same Direction survivors ran away in causing him to actually frown deeply I won't allow you to harm anyone else as black looked back at him he noticed Gohan's gaming on him rapidly and all of a sudden zigzagging closer to him too fast to follow until he appeared in front of him allowing black to notice the flicker a blue key mixed in with his red the fusion struck out with a vicious roundhouse that nearly beheaded black but did completely scramble his brains he then transitioned his momentum seamlessly into a dragon uppercut that hit new like his sword did cutting him from chest to head once again how could his power have increased so quickly from one attack to the next being more and more stressed in battle black self-proclaimed genius body began to adapt as he struggled to live even in Addison longer against gohoks he'd actually adapted enough to notice the shifting Gohan's hair in full finally from red and relaxed to Blue and spiky in the instant of contact and back again this Fusion could somehow use super saiyan blue even though neither participate in it had shown that they could but his growth as impressive as it was is all for not black is killed by gohonks and has efficient and quick away as possible only for enough of zamasu to reform in the nick of time he heals his body of the Fatal damage instantly this means Gohan's blast to finish him off is repelled by the OM Shakopee as he has given another massive power boost and now he can contain with the fused Warrior much better but when getting back into the fight he is somehow making less progress than before against historic Fusion the worst thing about this the fact that black senses no anger amounts from this being with both Gohan and trunk their attacks were fueled by it which made them predictable and stupid but this man in front of them held no killing intent and it made it extremely hard to react to him in fact he could feel more intended to protect his surroundings than anything else as if he was so strong that truly going all out would just destroy everything his mere existence was a danger to them though he wasn't even hostile it was simply a case of being strong enough to exist while go Ox did this Fusion views of masu and black as nothing more than a germ basically they just need to be wiped out they aren't worth more thought and emotion that because that's how this huge one likely be we've seen moments of ego from both Trunks and gone before true but they are pretty extremely rare there is also a seriousness that both of them carry so the confidence in themselves Express and not even viewing the villain as a threat finally go on to notice zamasu still here and tired of the games the fusion begins to set up for a finishing Blow by moving his arms at high speed to generate intense heat and finally pull back into his super burning Kamehameha overwhelmed and humiliated once again Yamcha black finally thought of a dastardly way out of this and raised his hand to appropriate the solar flare just before goax releases blast the fusion smartly closes eyes yet still fired but black had just barely dived out of the way only losing a leg for his trouble and nearly striking out with a black spirit ball to the unsuspecting Fusion but all of a sudden something broke through time and space a time machine had appeared and the glass cover when it shattered as Yamcha sprang from it like a carnivore possessed by famine fully powered up to Super Saiyan blue and with Godly key claws flaring in power passing right by gohanks and bum rushing black he skips to a halt on the other side of him breaking the prepared key blast he made and with Black's right arm and his grasp and now in the body of his imposter as gohanks recognize the new arrivals the zamasu and the stolen body seem to finally no despair as he fell forward unable to stand while ignored for a moment as a weekly zamasu could do only one thing he puts his earring on his right ear light erupted around the partners in genocide as he and black were magically pulled together the voice of the Supreme Kai is the universe 7 and 10 screamed out in Despair and the two revealed they moved all the survivors to the world the kais in this timeline they tell gohonks he can finally go all out as Fusion masu makes his appearance and Gohan squares off of them one final time like Gohan has said they weren't quitting just because their dads and there's a God in there and speaking of Goku and the others they would be likely incredibly surprised to see them feel the power of gohanks adult feuding seemed much more potent than that of when the kids tried it but sadly there were zero minutes left until the time machine is refueled meaning gohanks is split back into the heroes that made him up both still fairly worn out well Gohan and trunks are having their planet to buy time they can't Lions say they weren't holding out hope to end this themselves go Gohan trunks good job son I'm proud of you their fathers encouraged them as they walk past them with Krillin to their side seeing their backs this time didn't come with a sting of failure it was hard to describe the joy one can feel when realizing the difference between depending on their parents and being supported and pushed forward by them now of course zamasu starts monologuing he'd recognize yamcha's growth in a short time but without Fusion they were hopeless and they definitely were allowing them to get any patar of their own in fact a boat to lightning tried to strike down the kais but Vegeta got them out of the way extremely quickly he wouldn't fight Kakarot on who went first on this one and as such Goku is zamasu's first opponent and he would even consider him the circumstances thank him for the first real challenge he's had in years with so many Saiyans around it's hard to keep the bad guys alive long enough for everyone to have a go let's give it our all Goku from the jump went Super Saiyan blue and keep in mind the parts who would benefit the most from a timeline like this is unequivocally Goku stronger contemporaries means the level he's willing to sit at or be lazy at has to be risen the chain changed to this timeline have continuously ramped up the power of both villains and heroes alike and Goku has had more and stronger training partners and much more experience with the form of Super Saiyan blue so he engages fusemasu and gives his rebuttal to whis's question of the strongest amongst his students not counting beers it would be him who was the last thing he did and then he'd gone to rematch and defeat Lord beerus as well this timeline had made Goku hungrier with a single blow the Saiyan sails inside zamasu are excited even further losing gohank says his Target barely registered to the deity as he had a much more entertaining mortal one that didn't hide his emotions as well and fired off Adam with full power and Rex abandoned and although Goku fought without a real plan of attack other than attack Cleveland had ensured the mofubo is ready when needed he'd soften zamasu up and helped Krillin seal him off to finish this off cleanly Vegeta and the others watch the fight closely as soon as Goku showed an inch of give they'd pounce and Barge into his battle they all went in this here and the normal rules of one-on-one weren't to appeal even with Saiyan's abilities in mind the first to do so most likely who like Goku would have benefited a lot from the change of his timeline what he showed off against black in the present was nothing compared to his full power so zamasu's power is contended with fairly well though the Sans will definitely tie before the fuse fighter will there would also probably be some sense of beans in the mix here as well in case of any serious injuries on the hero's side and they'd probably get used up pretty quickly at zamasu test more and more of his overwhelming strength this is likely the flow of the fight would follow for a while until eventually we see our four pure Saiyans fighting together for the first time out of necessity with Gohan and trunk still very heavily drained and not able to fuse for the next 30 minutes I also feel like in this situation they'd refuse any Sensei beams though it is definitely possible that trunks discovers his Kai ability to heal and gets Gohan back in the fight we can but I don't think that's necessarily needed at the moment or that they'd really have a chance to take their eyes off a fight to learn so and that's where the sinsu beans save them for the Heavy Hitters now granted the Kai's could very easily offer the two or any of the other Saiyan their Batar for a pretty easy power up but I think this zamasu will keep a keen watch on them to prevent this exact situation another fast of the fight keeping the Saiyans contending against their Superior foe is that he has to be aware of the entire Battlefield and the Saiyans aren't giving him much time to just obliterate the cards like he wants to but finally zamasu's power outlasts Our Heroes Maxim and as time passes the twos and monsters begin to fuse on a much deeper level than initially this is when like in the manga upon fighting back zamasu Gohan and trunks flying under the radar work together to learn a devastating sneak attack trunks impales his sword into the evil deity from behind well Gohan have some split the villain in half with his bare hands at a burst of Rage but the two halves of zamasu refused to break into completely and they stagger as their fused body becomes incredibly unstable Goku and Krillin sees their chance and pop open the gourd they plan to drive zamasu and using their masters technique with clone along for the ride there's no way Goku forgets the container or masteroshi the seal so aiding each other the duel was able to pull the technique off near flawlessly but for one single hitch zamasu again stubbornly clung to life A peculiar transformation takes place as a two half zamasu are forever morphed and changed fuse zamasu is going nowhere in fact he's only increasing in numbers though the batara would no longer provide a massive power boost the damage was done and a new and wholly more powerful and dangerous foot risen From the Ashes once again separating one of the zamatsu's is able to escape the ceiling Whirlwind and regroup as the tired Saiyans attempt to do the same they are now out of sensu beings and has become far too dangerous to bring the Kai's Coast for anything and they'd soon find that any fatal attacks only led to more zamasu is being formed from the division the one sealed originally have been easily Freed at first chance and things began to look even worse the mafuba could work but that did not only catch all of them but make sure they couldn't fight out of it cronetta tends to do just that by switching roles of Goku to attempt a god scatter Kamehameha but again a failure which led to even more zamasans being produced so by this point the huge leading power the Saiyans had endured for so long of this timeline had been the only thing keeping them alive and that Gap had been all but closed the issue is that zamasu has also benefited from that strength vave game and in this state he's only multiplying and getting stronger once again weighed down by fear something looks for Yamcha he's making the stand this time he he asked the kives to go on the trunks back to the present with them the Saiyans are holding off zamasu here that's the best each of them can do all they can do tell beerus and whis to close off this timeline and get rid of future zamasu for us it seems like he won't leave this job unfinished so long as we're alive we can keep him here though shocked to receive orders from yamche of all people obviously the kai has had a little room to argue right now they were both in grave danger and held responsibility for two lives each not to mention as of right now they're more of a burden than anything so this was their real only option but the two weren't leaving the heroes with nothing they removed their own guitar and throw them to the Sands telling them to Fight Fire with Fire finally only for the pack of zamas used to smartly pounce on the jewelry and snipe them to pieces with a salvo attacks from the entire group causing everyone to flee as Yoshi complains and the Kai's get away with Gohan and trunks I think that was our last hope Witcher whining you're the one asking for beerus's help no wait a minute Vegeta we still gotta survive this let's see how many each of us can take down what well obviously I'm in the lead you Saiyans from Earth always surprise me with your stupidity obviously I'll defeat the most alone surrounded the Sands that lose a Battle Cry and engage the army of overwhelmingly powerful foes I shouldn't mention however that Goku does have his Zeno button at this point so based off of Canon the fight could really logically end here with a Zeno summon but light trunks not discovering his Kai ability Goku is much too focused to go looking for a sinsu he knows isn't there different timelines baby they allow for escapes from literal deus ex machina but that doesn't mean this is going to be easy though in the present the Kaiser I would go on and trunk still in very poor shape but alive he always who decides he's going to bring the survivors from The Lord of the kaising trunks's timeline to caps Corp in the present timeline and he could likely do so fairly simply Maya's religious reunite with trumps but he and Gohan are nearly at the end of the Rope now and like Yamcha told the guys to they asked beerus and Luis for their help the God and Angel are surprised by the differences and similarities between Fathers and Sons before they can answer though Tien declared that The Mortals were not out of this yet this causes beer to stare him down coldly only for the three-eyed Warrior to gazeback determined finally beer scoffs and six back down ordering them to do as they like now taking the reins tin declares that Piccolo and he could still handle this but they do need some help teen wanted everyone to share their energy with him everyone so in an emergency Our Heroes pull together to carry out the former assassin strategy Tien is even able to get energy from some of his morally students even Gohan gets an idea and rushes home returning holding much more energy than he's left with trunks actually recognizes the power and a surprise but Gohan confirms that he was able to convince pan to give him our energy she was young so it was very sloppy and a lot had been lost in the transfer but even so the girls seemed to understand the words help Grandpa all the available key the Z Warriors and their friends and family can muster is pumped in TN who begins struggling to contain it all with energy bestowed Gohan trunks Tien and Piccolo holding a rice cooker use shin and gowasu's time ranks with the kais and disappear from the present currently in the future Goku in the Sans are on their absolute last legs reduced to their base forms and unable to move much more zamasu and his army of himself had taken the smallest bit of satisfaction savoring the last Strokes of their Victory and were just preparing to Snuff out their last bit's resistance as well when the unaccountable happened in front of them ten of the others appeared the former Saiyan blazing with power of those that support him thus far whilst his eyes had blanked except for the third one he had to focus his sights and quickly go hunting Trunks from even further squeezing all the key they couldn't attend even fostering in and out of Super Saiyan for a bit as they call for the four Sans to get down and move a call of divine nioki Coho came from Tien as every member of zamasu's army was hit with a powerful key blast even though they aren't all grouped together tian's main Beam at Splinter to pierce and blow apart eat zamasu causing them all to lose form for the previous moments and returning to the GUI form right before multiplying the last step though fell to Piccolo due to TN blowing all the power he was given in just one shot for their opening making arms stretched out and pulled the galapism out into a big mass and a struggle to choose a stable State Piccolo then snapped his arms back and began them a football on his single Target the green blobs trouble didn't actually stabilized before returning to his fused zamasu State increasing his power a massive amount due to the tough battle and recombining this allowed zamasu to struggle against Piccolo as he got closer and closer to the rice cooker but the force of Piccolo's mafuba increased as Krillin and Goku did what they could to magnify it using the technique with him to keep zamasu held down he was dragged closer and closer by what felt like inches and just a second longer and he'd Outlast them but that damn dog Yamcha and the former Prince of sans refused to be Spectators and jumped above them to deliver critical blows Big Bang Attack super spirit ball the attacks carried little Force to actually do any real damage on zamasu but knocking his body close to the rice cooker was a different story overwhelmed by the cooperation of The Mortals he looked down over so long samosu is finally sealed with the evil containment wave once and for all a cheer of a well-earned victory a rubber surround of the still desolate and lifeless Escape Charles collapses to his knees and he laughs while crying tears of joy as everyone celebrates tiredly there was hope again but that plus Soldier fam and so I'll be leaving the timeline off for right now no I'm actually lying the Kai's are so shaken up and tired from all the suspense and the concept back and forth in the battle that they are unable to use the time ranks to go back just yet it would actually be the refill time machine from sales timeline that brings half the Warriors back as shiningawasu escort the survivors back to their time later Tien revealed to technique he'd use actually took a significant chunk of his lifespan away maybe a good 11 or so years not very good considering all the time he put into the room Spirit from time as of lately as such launch Buri and Shout to forbid him for using the technique ever again trunks decides he's going to go and find the new planet namik in his timeline after borrowing the plans for the old capsicle spaceship from his mom he needs to keep getting stronger and he also needs allies if Gohan and the others from the future time like a return from the other world after possibly training it could do some real good plus if they can provide the future Supreme Kai and beerus that'd be even better it could take some time to even be dangerous shockingly president trunks asked a very strange question could I come with you it got the kids buzzing and a debate was started amongst the adults and their children the idea of going into space and doing all the cool stuff nearly everyone else they'd grown up around had done and alongside the cool older brother version of trunks it sounds like a pretty sweet deal to all of them Gohan was also fairly intrigued once he heard how cheats erected to the idea he kept that to himself after a few days of rest Supreme Kai accompanies Goku to Grand Zeno's Pals again there Goku gives the rice cooker contains zamasu to Zeno and the grand priest while explaining a bit of what happened but what Zillow heard was this guy got in Goku's way while he was looking for that fun person he mentioned Goku apologized for disappointing him but he thought of somebody that might cheer the god up hey do you remember that tournament we talked about we resume One beerus's Planet as Supreme Kai and Goku returned from their visit with Lord Zeno having expected them wheeze and beerus are there to greet the duel though when they lay eyes on the kai and Saiyan they are shocked to see the spirit in their expressions while Goku's eyes are alight with excitement and a broad gritness plastered across his face Shin looks like a man being led to the Gallows and as we tentatively asked what happened the pair answer in unison saying something great and terrible has happened respectively still in tandem Goku and shin then explain that the Omni King has greenlit Goku's idea for a multiversal tournament though here Shin continues alone adding that unlike other tournaments the price to defeat is universal razor bears and whis are both flabbergasted by this news though to their surprise so is Goku guess that he didn't hear that part of the deal admitting that he kind of spaced out after this then he said he could fight the strongest guys from other universes at this all eyes fall in the sand with an apoplectic beerus informing him that the only reason he is not being destroyed right now is because his strength will be needed in the tournament while she in the hurries the catch Goku up on the rest of the rules correctly surmising that he missed those too when he is done beerus has thankfully had a bit of time to calm down though he's still gives Goku appears and glare as he informs in the world that since he got them into this mess it'll be up to him to recruit other Fighters with Goku gulping that he's on it placing two fingers on his forehead and zipping back to Earth as fast as he can running through options in his head Goku quickly determined that Vegeta Krillin Yamcha and Gohan are four of the strongest Defenders Earth has making them essential candidates as for the remaining five that's where things get a little harder but maybe his first four picks will have ideas of their own so he can just ask them a short while later the five Fighters stand assembled on the grounds of capsicor with Goku having filled them in on the situation naturally no one is happy with this turn of events though for the sake of the universe everyone puts their focus into coming up with additional candidates so they can get to work on preparing for the tournament power speaking of first yantra suggests Tien reminding that the ax saying is still as strong as ever with Vegeta backing up this guard man and agreeing that triclop should be among the number speaking of numbers Krillin proposes that 17 and 18 also joined them reminding the other Sans of their power and unique abilities something which may be vital with so many of their forces being Sans while Gohan adds that for the final two slots he believes Piccolo and Future Trunks will be the wisest candidates having no objection to any of these choices the group then split up with Vegeta going to fetch trunks Krillin flying off the direction of his home to invite his wife and brother-in-law yantry heading for tien's place and Gohan departing to inform Piccolo this leaves Goku without a job and so he decides to head home as well since it's about lunch time and he's sure Chichi's made something delicious fortunately he is right and as he digs into his mountain of food Goku begins explaining to his what the predicament therein less fortunately Chichi is not the only one listening as from his room Goten hears his dad spilling the beans and feeling this is something the others should know he sends a quick summary in the hybrid kids group chat understandably the threat of universal Erasure comes as a shock to the half Sands though being the savviest among them kurizu points out that this could be the opportunity they've been waiting for from her experience there are dads when these sparring partners prepare for such a big turn so if they play their cards right they can make a deal to help them train in exchange for Bingo out to go on the mission and name Future Trunks was talking about calling the ginger girl a genius the hybrids then confront their respective fathers accusing them of trying to hide the tournament from them and using the leverage this creates to propose their desired to their surprise the kids do not have to push hard for this as the Saiyan and next thing and fathers all agree that having their hybrid product needs to train against would maximize their chances of growing strong enough to win the tournament and so agree provided they all survive thus lighting an even hotter fire under the kids as a result the next few days are spent in grueling training with Brewery and kurizu doing tag team sparring against their dads while Goten and Marin work alongside Goku Gohan Krillin 17-18 and Piccolo even kid trunks fervently gets in on the action training with Vegeta and his future self who add fortuitously decide to stay in the prison a little while longer with Ma so that he could travel powerful Partners now that his timeline was safe enough for such risk the night before they are set to depart a small strategic Gathering is held much less festively than most Gatherings at cops Accord and in this time Master roshi after being consulted by his students once again makes a decision hereby passing over the title of turtle hermit to Krillin and announcing his intentions to end his Solitude and go adventuring once again having bestowed all he has to teach and trusting that his students will carry on and evolve the turtle way even if his initial response to some of their shortcuts to power wasn't all too welcoming you can now plainly say he's grateful they fought to make sure his retirement was peaceful and so he departs and as he goes just as he hoped his second student's rivalry is relent for a moment as the trio ended up deciding to sneak off to make sure Krillin has earned the title thus it is that dinte and popo end up accommodating a last-minute hardcore training session in the time chamber and subsequently end up repairing and replacing Gee's new colors and symbols to reflect everyone's Journeys eventually however the day of Fate arrives so 10 Fighters at Universe 7 depart for the world avoid as their loved ones wish them luck and pray for victory more than they have prayed for anything of their entire lives arriving at the arena the Z Fighters surveyed their Rivals curiously recognizing half of the Universe 16 from the tournament with Champa though they are not the only ones there as 80 fighters of all shapes and sizes now standard attention as the grand priest declares that now that they are all here the terminal power can officially begin due to there being no future Zeno there is no need for an exhibition match meaning the main event kicks off immediately and in the most fitting manner the first fight of the term is between Yamcha and the King fing basil along with his brothers Bergamo and lavender unluckily for the trio de Dodger even together they are no match for the scarred Saiyan with him not even needing to use a Godly form in order to dispatch the dogs and yet doing so anyway as his desire to set the tone the coolest way possible was still ingraining him no matter how much he matured as a man and Warrior and so even his bear Gamo gigantifies and his brother's kick and sling poison at him Yamcha sends them flying with a golly wolf Fang fist meanwhile the other Saiyans have also particularly haired off in search of their own fights leaving Gohan trunks Piccolo 10 of the Andress to stand their ground in the starting area normally this would be all right with strength and numbers working in their favor though thanks to word getting around that the seventh is to blame for the potential destruction of all their universes the other teams have all seemingly decided to eliminate them first as punishment recognizing this Gohan is team captain urges them all to scatter with the rest of his teammates splitting up though not before they all share a promise to back each other up if things get dicey to this end Gohan Piccolo and Trunks all head off in roughly the same direction with it being fortunate that they do as soon they find themselves ambushed by a pair of universe 6 fighters who are not in the last tournament salnell and Paulina then the Warriors using their skillful teamwork the two super namekians box Gohan and Piccolo in though when trunks attempts to save them he's confronted by a Duo of his own botomo riding atop magetta knowing this letter pairs weakness Gohan tells his fellow half Sans and sold the metal man that when trunks tries he finds the Baltimore has blocked me at his ears making him impervious to his fatal flaw and allow him to charge at Full Steam towards the purple-haired man thankfully being a quick-witted young man trunks is able to come up with a backup firing on the senko at the ground right in front of megetta which at his current speeds the metal man cannot Dodge resulting in him tripping on the newly created pothole and accidentally bucking his rider sitting him suing over the edge and out of bounds however the gelatinous bear is not alone long as channeling his father trunks mocks that megetta really is a screw for limiting his own teammate in the middleman burst into tears and runs off the edge as well allowing trunks to even the odds meanwhile the newly minted Master Krillin is making eliminations of his own left right and Center having been targeted by the tricky Fighters Universe 4. unfortunately for them no one on team Universe 7 is better equipped to handle them than the former sneaky Charlotte of the aurum 10 with him using all his Wiles to wipe them out in the truest homage to the turtle hermit way he could imagine resulting in them being the first Universe eliminated completely from the tournament however this comes at a heavy cost to Krillin stamina with him soon finding himself either drained and though his Saiyan instincts urging the Press owner adapt his human pragmatism lends out with him retreating to join his allies as he knows that all he'll accomplish by rushing in the loans to get himself eliminated in contrast Vegeta has very much dedicated himself to the pursuit of individual glory having picked off all but one member of Team universe 10. that being Albany however for reasons unknown Vegeta cannot seem to land a single blow in the fanny Green Fighter with all his attacks missing by wide margins which allows Omni to in turn pomelo thankfully help comes in the form of Tien who recognizing his rival's plight tells him to stop aiming for the Prismatic after images and focus on the main body tessily Vegeta asked what exactly the triclops means as he can't see any after images though oddly enough it is Omni who answers complementing in sight as he's never met an opponent who can see his Shades he then respectfully confirms that the earthing is correct saying that his key control is so cute he can throw off another Fighter's perception of where he is and seeing this for the danger it really is Tien instructs Vegeta to let him handle this fight the wood Galls him Vegeta respects tan enough as a warrior and a rival to Grant him this request stepping back and allowing him to take his place in front of Robin the pair of martial artists then engage in a Flurry of Blows and as they do and it's made clear they are seemingly equals something funny happens tian's sight becomes clearer and clearer as now not only can he see Albany Shades but he can distinctly see the other Fighters around him as well with this field of vision going until he can see the entire Arena as though his vision is no longer restricted to himself but instead like he's become the eye of a god granting him total spatial awareness much deeper than any he sets could Grant as this happens so does a physical change occur with Vegeta and Albany both noticing that teens pupils have faded away being replaced by a white light that shines from his third eye in this new God's eye State Tien is not only able to see everything around him but also draw in the latent Godly key that resides in it growing stronger as he fights until eventually he is able to easily overpower opting knock him out of bounds by copying and perfecting his shade technique with a multi-form finishing off the tip of the volleyball fist a little shocked by an evolution this late in the game Vegeta excitedly asked if this transformation is Luciana bitten all himself pondering if he could be true Enlightenment born of his third eye a power he once thought himself locked away from but what else could it be as he can see and sense all now he then turns to Vegeta though at this point the gesture is more symbolic than necessary informing the saying that he also sees something in him the same destructive power as Lord beerus and the other gods and one other a mother opponents though unfortunately it is still too underdeveloped to be of any use in this tournament then without another word he departs heading in the direction of his next challenge and eager to continue testing this strange power he's reclaim back with Gohan trunks and Piccolo they have now all gone back to back fighting off Salina and Paulina though now that the trio are together they think they might just be able to turn the tie briefly confirmed the three tactical Warriors quickly count with a strategy then on Piccolo's command begin their new combo move which they dubbed the lineage of the demon School Rush starting off the combo is Piccolo as with the roar he launched an explosive demon way with the other tunameckians stunning them and leaving the door open for Gohan to rush in and knock them both High into the air where they are imperf position for trunks to finish them off with a burning attack blasting them both out of the ring touching down the trio then all congratulate each other on pulling off the move Falls though now is harder the time to wrestle their Laurels as they are still many more threats Yet to Come never once to be outdone the turtle School Trio of Goku Yamcha and Krillin are currently engaged in a team attack of their own against the monster prop hailing from Universe 2. previously Goku had been fighting him alone but to his surprise his ability to deflect he had proven quite a hurdle for the impatient Saiyan thankfully when yamchin killing at their kamehamehas to Goku the resultant beam since the brutish Behemoth bursting backwards his bulky body battering several other combatants off the edge with the force of this attack is even enough to draw the attention of the otherwise I'm carrying jiren with him rising from his meditation to see who Unleashed such power with a hint of cocky Swagger yanta steps out from a trio laughing that it was all him naturally though missing the joke entirely jiren instead deems jump to Villar threats and so fires a punch of the Scarface singing with the air pressure alone being enough to send the trio flying off in different directions with no flying rule in place Yamcha lands hard coming to a stop at the feet of hit who bluntly tells him that it looks like he's gotten himself into a real mess this time golfing with a vivid memory of this man's performance in the terminal destroyed he says that hit wouldn't kick a man when he's down would he it was a dangerous smile the Assassin applies another contrary the former desert Bandit is about to be very useful to him since while jiren is focused on Yamcha he's going to take the gray out and from there about the term of Destroyers he knows how good the man should be at this task a few moments later the unlikely Duo of Yamcha and hits bring into action with Yamcha playing the fool as a means to draw jiren's attention while hit begins time skipping his way around the ranch stealthily building up stored time as he sneaks up on a chair then when he's in a position he Springs his trap the time present suddenly jiren finds himself common or for Frozen time as with a yell hit orders Yamcha to help him out definitely the Bandit leads to his allies side then as one they begin pushing their Quarry towards the edge of the Ring naturally Aaron fights back with an overwhelming power the omps quickly forced into his highest form that being super saiyan blue however even this isn't enough with it looking like jiren is going to break free and take them without snarling Like the Wolf for whom he had named his signature attack yancha Marshals all his strength for one last Godly wolf thank Fist and as he does he fills a new Wellspring of power first within him a moment of his own Evolution as he breaks his limits and Taps him to the power of that black saw in him that caused the Fallen Kai to steal his body literally as unbeknownst in any of the Omni King's attendance the rice cooker holding zamas who rattles a bit as some of his key escapes being absorbed back into his originator as a result when Yamcha flares his ore it is not the same Aqua as his hair but instead the malefic purple of Super Saiyan Rose so that when he formed the little spite of the attack it is with the power of a transformation Yamcha dubbed Super Saiyan blase from his prison jiren's eyes white as he sees this recognizing that while the Saiyan may not be able to kill him with that attack he is obviously strong enough to knock him from The Ring being unaccustomed to such vulnerability jiren examus's options quickly finding there is only one which will allow him to survive the attack and that is to take out hit as the week of fighter and free himself from this time press before yamcha's will Fang fist hits springing into action the grave fires off a blast and as love would have it this man just to blow the purple alien out of bam allowing jiren to nearly catch him just fists and save himself meanwhile yantu devastated dropping to his knees and panting he put everything into that hit and it missed bending down jiren lays a hand on the same shoulder almost in a comforting manner as in his rumbling baritone he informs Yamcha that he has won his respect as a fighter and so even when the seventh is gone Yamcha shall live on as an immigrants he then gently shoves the Scarface band forward and as he tumbles into the void below the ring he puts his faith in his friends to finish what he started speaking of eliminations Piccolo has also just been knocked off the battlefield by a fuse fighter made up of the last remnants of Team Universe 3 going by the name of aniraza Now The Amalgamated Android's eyes are set squarely on Gohan in trunks though fortunately they will not have to face this monster on their own as with Matt matching grins Android 17 and 18 leaping a view asking if the boys will like a hand for a very very fleeting moment trunks's Instinct scream at him to refuse as the idea of himself in a version of Gohan fighting alongside their torments from his timeline is too surreal to accept however as he takes a breath the lavender-haired hybrid reminds himself of these Androids are not his Androids any more of his Gohan is his Gohan all three of those Fighters are dead he shall be too unless his team wins this tournament taking the fighting stance trunks prepares to rush in though Lang got hit on his shoulder Gohan asked trunks if he wants to form go Hawks to combat this fellow fuse fighter or the shake of his head drunks replies that he can't keep relying on Fusion like they did in the fight with black and the reason he stayed in the past was to get strong enough to protect his timeline on his own so even if his friend doesn't understand he needs to fight aniroz as he is on the contrary Gohan replies that he completely understands backing trunks up and reading himself to fight as well together the four Universe 7 Fighters prove themselves a capable Strike Force driving on a rosin to a defensive position thanks to the two hybrids entering the fall Super Saiyan Blue State they attained his gohawks however even with this boost they are not able to eliminate the amalgam who ferociously manages to cling on no matter what they throw at him seeing that this is just the kind of dire situation he wanted to prepare himself for trunks tells his compatriots to fall back as he knows what he has to do and though the others are hesitant to leave him the lavender-haired man flashes a confident smirk worthy of his father as he tells him to trust him after all taking out Androids is a specialty then when his allies out of the way and Annie Raza Bears down on him he launches a heat Dome attack finally attaining a true blue form as he pours everything he has into the attack against such might aniroza and subsequently Universe 3 are limited though this comes at a cost as the force of trunks attack also destroys the ring beneath the young man sending him tumbling into the void right after his opponents meanwhile in another part of the Ring another Fusion is engaged in battle that being kefla as after hearing about the so-called fake Sans from vados she is eager to try her hands at fighting one cornering Tien as he seeks out his next opponent the loudmouth amalgam being into talking man jiren then of course she ran into him since not only is he a faker like his two friends but he couldn't even stick with it whipping out and going back to being a weaker however before the triclops can give any type of response another voice speaks for him that of Vegeta as he delivers a painful looking dropkick to the back of kefla's head declaring that ten shinhan is just as much of a Saiyan as he is and far more of one than her he then tells his rival to keep going declaring that this makes them even for Albany and with a nod Tienda Parts leaving Vegeta and kefla alone standing back up kefla watches in awe so the universe 7 Saiyan transforms into a Super Saiyan blue gushing that he's gotta teach her how to do that though with a scowl Vegeta scornfully replies that she's not worthy of the form unlike young Kappa scowling now too kefla asks why the hell not to which the prince responds that she's Brash loud mouth and such an arrogant fool that she thinks she can look down on others because of their species in short she's just like he used to be and for that she disgusts him he then begins blatantly charging up a super Galley gun and though kefla attempts to rebut this point and attack it honestly means less than nothing to a Vegeta who's long since gotten over himself and had also been pushing himself to not only be the strongest Saiyan but best version of himself he could be so as he blows her away and eliminates team Universe 6. by now there are only two universes left the seven and eleven with the seventh having a clear Advantage with seven fighters to be 11-30 unfortunately as our heroes soon learn things can quickly change as with this superhuman speed disc bull is able to eliminate Android 18 while topos might prove Superior to Gohan's as he goes down too thankfully 17 is able to eliminate dyspo before he can do any further damage by trapping the rabbit in one of his barriers and using his speed against him as he repeatedly collides of the Orbitz interior though even this comes at the cost of a double elimination as 17 has to ride the barrier off the edge to ensure dyspo cannot escape and so it is that when the end game begins it is four against two for the fate of the realities first up to fight for the 11th is toppo and sensing this bulky alien's power Goku requests the opportunity to take first crack with his teammates accepted knowing all too well to bring passion of a saying glorious Pride Goku was easily able to back this up forcing toppo into his candidate form very quickly and thus drawing his own blue form mounts but wanting to claim the ultimate Victory Goku decides to rely on his own finishing move the spirit bombs to take both toppo and jiren out at once however as he would soon learn destruction is not a force of evil but rather of nature making it neutral and entirely immune to the spirit of all his effects and to make matters worse when the bomb fails to go off jiren begrudgingly helps toppo in catching you overkeep and hurling it right back at this originate with twice the speed crying out his best friend's name Krillin rushes in without thinking to save him though in his drained States all he can do is shove him out of the way taking the hidden Goku's place and vanish seemingly winding up dead up in the stands the Omni King and Grand priest debate whether they should count as the breach of the no killing Rule and if so whether it should be toppo or Goku is erased as this callous debate is held 18 has to be held back by beerus from doing anything stupid but before a verdict can be reached a new power spikes in the center of the Arena looking up the onlookers witness says Krillin appears as if I'm a rift in space and time his beard now carrying a silvery Sheen while his eyes are the color of liquid mercury relieved Goku and tea and smell that they're glad their friend's okay though in this moment Krillin does not look at either of them instead Vanishing only to appear directly in from a topo worried the Destroyer candidate brings up his arms to block but Krillin is faster his body moving before his mind can and this is what allows him to intercept the canoe stabbing it in his tracks that went on while the other he takes a hold of toko's mustache and begins to swing him around a dragon throw finally sending spiral off the edge as he turns a sickly shade of green while the other Fighters are forced to grip into the battlefield to avoid being dragged into the hurricane that's created still completely silent Krillin next turns those Silver Eyes on jiren though before he can make a move to confront the great his power at last gives out and he drops back to his base form however even if Krillin is now unable to fight during his sins what might very well be the threat he noticed earlier and so does not headsets take it out while it's down knowing that the monk is likely their best shot at beating jiren the gbmt in both launches The Pride Jupiter while staying back Goku begins giving Krillin what's left of his energy confused Krillin asked what's happened though of the chuckle the pier Saiyan answers that once again he's proven himself to be the most reliable guy Goku knows having surpassed him once again just when they needed it thus this energy is Insurance to make sure Goku gets the chance to get even stronger than [ __ ] is now then with no more energy left to give Goku kills over taking himself out of the fight for good this time refusing to let his best friend's gift be in vain Krillin does not rush in instead closing his eyes and clearing his mind that form whatever it was must have been the thing that whis was trying to teach them so now all he's got to do is let go and allow his body do his thing thanks to this humble mindset it does not take Krillin long to re-enter and seemingly mash the ultra Instinct though as his body carries him once more into battle he sees that tnmg to have already taken quite the beating by income time appearing between them Krillin begins to do battle with jiren beating him as an equal and forcing him to use his full power just to stay in the fight seeing this Vegeta and Tien falls back with teams Enlightenment allowing the pair to keep an eye on the fight than to confirm even with his new Strength Krillin does not seem able to be jeering and with the inconsistency of that form it is only a matter of time before he gives out again to this end The Prince and twice transformed Tri club's make a plan with them re-entering The Fray just as colon is beginning to return to normal recognizing that they don't have a moment to spare the two Warriors yelled their friend to move and with complete trust in them Krillin uses his last action of ultra instinct to principally flop onto his back so the duo passes homicy over him allowing them to rush in and slam to jiren where a final contest of strength of games but before the gray can try anything to get them off he finds his limbs bound with dozens of ethereal hands going from the Shadows onto Ian's body a Godly variant of Four Witches technique being used to keep him bound allowing he and the Vegeta to sink up one more time and eliminate the 11th with a final combined push and just like that the tournament of power is over with Universe 7 being declared the winners and Krillin being named the MVP floating down the grand priest asked if the sand has a wish in mind telling him that he can have anything he desires through the look of confidence that would make Goku blush the bald man and is that all he wants is see every destroyed Universe be revived nodding the grand priest summoned super shinron and enacts the wish with each of the erased contestants reappearing in the stands while with matching Smiles their Angels reveal that their universes have also been restored with no further business here the teams then all depart with Team Universe 7 being transported back to capsule Corps where everyone is waiting eager to party like there's no tomorrow now that they know there indeed will be one as a result the celebration is the lavish one with boneless bearing no expense but before it can wrap up there is but one more matter that must be attended to approaching their fathers the young hybrids would Crews who at their head remind them of their promise saying that since their Universe was not a race it's time they keep their end of the bargain suddenly silence Falls then in unison Chichi Bulma 18 pizza and lunch all adds with their knuckle-headed husbands promised their kids and as the Warriors turn to face their wives they feel far more fear than they ever did when facing down jiren or anyone else a day but that my friends Ezra will be leaving this story off for right now also special shout outs to our patrons and channel members for literally just anybody who supports the channel mainly through direct support and remember you can join these guys's ranks and gain Early Access to content a lot of other cool perks Dominique pizza 15x Aaron Winters Normandy 1998 xiaopi coder sv3 Ronan Charizard Daniel Smith Drax Dylan wolf dog 31 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Channel: Plus
Views: 157,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball What if, Dragon Ball Z What If, PlusUltraMan, What If The Humans Became Saiyans, MasakoX, What if, What If Goku, What if Humans Get Zenkais, What if Humans Saiyans, What If Yamcha, What if Krillin was a Saiyan, Dragon Ball Super Chapter 64 review, Geekdom101, Mondo Cool, SmugStick, What If Dragon Ball, What If Tien, What if Piccolo, What if Broly, What If The Human Z-fighters grew like saiyans, DB
Id: s-Gd_pBelus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 22sec (13462 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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