What if CHI-CHI Became a SAIYAN? (Full Story)

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what's up everyone welcome back to a brand new video to be completely honest this kind of scenario is something that i never really wanted to do at least at first it's kind of a weird concept and i've seen others like it before and they're not really my cup of tea but i have gotten a lot of suggestions for this one and you all know i'm a man of the people and given how much this was suggested not only on my channel but outside of it i decided i may as well take it into my hands and even though i do see the concept as kind of fan fictiony i feel i can get around that in a really simple way one that surprisingly wouldn't make a lot of sense at least as much sense as chichi becoming a saiyan could make since i'm not too sure about continuing this let's set a legal of 3500 likes if we hit that like goal i'll continue with another part of the series anyways let's begin this story so this whole scenario circles around the idea that chichi becomes a saiyan and that's a very important distinction it's not that she starts out as one but she becomes one through a wish specifically this is actually a pretty popular trope that i've seen scenarios where shenron is used to power someone up by chaining them into a saiyan or something else and that's what we'll do here so how does this wish actually start well let's actually discuss the time period first let's say this is during the time skip between the 23rd world tournament and the saiyan saga by this point goku and cheech are married and they've already had gohan so all the gohan fans that are concerned about him becoming a pure say and not staying a hybrid saiyan he's going to stay a hybrid saint but of course over this time skip chichi would begin to know goku a lot better and while we didn't really see this in the manga a lot of filler in the anime actually showed that chichi really wanted to be the perfect wife to goku and we'll be using that in this scenario she feels that maybe she can get to understand goku more if she were more like him but they're not really too sure how to do that goku then jokes about how they can ask shenron maybe he can tell her everything she needs to know about him it's a pretty clear joke but she thinks it's actually a pretty good idea they basically missed everything about each other's lives since they only reconvened back at the 20th world tournament and missed everything before that shenron could actually help them catch up even if it's not the most romantic and genuine way goku says he was just joking but hey if that's what she wants to do he's happy with it too the gathered the dragon balls are summoned shenron and this is where things get messy the two of them are thinking about how to phrase the witch but the two of them aren't really that careful with their words as they're deliberating what to say chichi says that she wishes she were more like goku it would be a lot easier that way to understand him shenron hearses and wants to clarify so you want to be a saiyan goku doesn't understand shenron's question um she's saying she wants to be more like me yes so a saiyan yeah that is what i'm saying i hope you like that really bad pun because that's the basis of this entire scenario shenron understands the wish that chichi wants to be like goku a saiyan they weren't careful with their words and he grants the wish in chichi wonders what just happened they're both confused as shenron disappears and goku says he must have granted the wish she doesn't feel too different but they trust shenron's judgment whatever he did must have helped her understand goku better but then she feels something weird and then goku shouts as he sees she now has a tail they now realize what shenron did goku obviously doesn't know what a saiyan is yet but whatever shenron did it turned her into the same monkey person that goku is it's just like how he had a tail as a kid and how gohan has won but by now it's too late shanron is already gone and even if they wanted to they couldn't really reverse the wish it looks like they're gonna have to wait another year to do that now the two of them are just confused it looks like they will have to do it the old fashioned way after all but now chichi has to deal with having a tail he asked though does she feel any different in any way not really but she doesn't know one thing it's been a while since they sparred it would be pretty fun if they fought you know for old times sake well of course goku is not going to turn down the fight so the two of them decide to spar with gohan and ox king watching it seems more changed than just her tail over this time skip more continues to change gigi's whole demeanor is different she has more of a fighting spirit than she did before thanks to now actually being a saiyan unknowingly and while she does want gohan to grow up as a scholar she also thinks it might be a good idea for him to fight it could teach him a lot of discipline and even get stronger just like them it wouldn't be too hard for him to get a schedule balancing work and life so she's not actually opposed to him fighting which is great because goku thought the exact same thing and because of this gohan's gonna grow up a lot less passive than before he still is more gentle natured at heart but he gets some experience fighting earlier on with him learning the basics of martial arts from his parents the time skip eventually ends though and we get to the reunion at akame house goku suggests that chichi should come along roshi would love to see their growth it would be nice to show his old master how much they've trained together they would bring ox king along too but the nimitz cloud only fits so many people especially with his size that's not really gonna work but he's fine staying back he tells him to say hi to roshi for it as the family of three heads off not only is the group confused to see that goku now has a kid but they're more confused see that chichi now has a tail okay how did that happen well the two of them sheepishly explained what happened they're not really too sure either it was a mishap but shenron but it did help them understand each other better the relationship is already fine regardless but here they just attribute that to shenron gigi now really understands goku's fighting spirit and isn't too sure why but they're going to come to learn that soon raddus eventually does arrive on earth encountering piccolo and eventually going over to kame house he's glad to finally see his younger brother but something catches his eye he's not the only saiyan there it appears goku's confused this gives him deja vu to before when chaturang kept saying that but raddus explains further and goku realizes his mistake that's what shenron was asking accidentally they turned chi-chi into a saiyan but it's probably not the best idea to explain that to rattus now he's just wondering how another saiyan got here sure he knows how the kid got there he doesn't need any of the details of that but as for the woman he wasn't aware of any female sand being sent here maybe it's just a coincidence and the two of them were sent here at the same time but whatever this is actually better raddus doesn't know that shenron granted a wish but he tells vegeta to a napa on a scouter there is another saiyan here plus a child that they assume is a pure saiyan a total of three on this planet that could help them but of course goku is not going to join him nor is chichi or gohan this eventually leads to rata's kidnapping gohan causing them to chase him down let's actually discuss power levels here now because yes there is a bit of a change here significant enough to change this arc goku is actually much stronger than normal he hasn't been slacking off sure he may have not been training as much as before but he's training way more than he did in canon thanks to chichi being there his power right now is 540. with chichi actually pretty close behind at 5 20 piccolo and krillin would remain the same with them around 400 and 200 respectively but as for gohan he's much stronger too the main difference is he actually knows how to fight here having at least some basic knowledge of course he has a kid so his power levels are too high but it's at 50 which is way more than even an average person would be at it seems low in comparison to the others but it's actually pretty massive and since this is still basically the same gohan you bet he's gonna have a rage boost and they're not gonna be pretty considering how strong he is now as raditz flies off with gohan gohan struggles to escape trying to fight but he isn't really strong enough as he squirms in his uncle's arms he eventually gets angry enough to release himself surprising rats rana's checks his scouter and gohan's power really shot up two thousand there's no way gohan starts pummeling the radis hitting him with multiple attacks it actually injures raditz a good bit with raddus flung down into the ground but raddus has a quick counter-attack knocking gohan out of the sky catching him as he falls unconscious he's not too sure what that was but it was pretty scary but this also really helps slow rattus down and he eventually sees goku chichi and krillin catch up to him yes krillin came along this time and surprisingly piccolo's there too because he made an alliance with everyone krillin thinks that since there's three other people going along he may as well help too the bigger the group the better they wonder why raddus looks injured but gigi also sees that gohan's injured and she's not happy at all she's the first one to jump into the fight immediately attacking rattus as he has a tough time dodging he's already a bit beating up after fighting gohan but now there's this goku jumps in two followed by piccolo and krillin they're actually making a lot of progress here combined and with rattus being weakened they give him a pretty tough time almost too tough of a time it makes him desperate in his hands he quickly creates a fake moon throwing it by the sky he knows that the other two with tails might transform but at least help him against the other three kakarot doesn't have a tail and the other two people are a human and a namekian this might give him an advantage he looks up at the moon turning into a great ape all this chaos even causes gohan to wake up and the first thing he sees is a fake moon in the sky chichi even turns around to see what raditz did accidentally causing her to transform too goku piccolo and krillin immediately realized that this is pretty bad raddus just transformed and so did goku's wife and son i mean he's seen his wife angry before but not like this this is terrifying and even with them transforming raddas is still much stronger and the three of them need to come up with a plan thankfully chichi and gohan try and hold raditz off obviously they're not on the right state of mind right now but rattus is the biggest target and it catches their attention even though they're enraged so thankfully they're attacking the right person krillin says that they should cut off everyone's tails that's how they got goku to detransform as a kid so maybe that'll work here it's a bit fuzzy for goku but it makes sense after what roshi just told him at comey house about him turning into a great ape as a kid that explains those times that he woke up without a tail and why kami removed his first they aim for rats krillin's been working on a good technique to cut stuff but it's not really perfected yet it's his on but without much practice it's not too easy to aim and it's not something that he can curve around at will but still it may have enough power to slice rather's tail off he just needs a good shot and attacking with goku and piccolo will really help it takes some time since it's still new but he charges the kian's on throwing it at raditz just as he feared rattus was quick enough to dodge it jumping up into the air but as the kian's on flies away it's suddenly hit by another beam one of goku's bending kamehamehas he uses it to direct the kianzan back towards raditz and by the time raditz sees it it's too late goku covers the kamehameha up towards rats propelling the kianzan right into his tail it's a clean hit rats's tail is sliced off but there's still the issue of chichi and gohan who immediately go to crush rabbits as he stepped on by a great ape gohan that's kind of gruesome but at least they won't have to worry about him anymore still these two are an issue but they're easier to take out they're not as strong as raddus can't really control themselves so hitting them with the kians on won't be hard unlike raddus who has control of his great ape they can't outmaneuver this together they work to slice the tails off piccolo is able to personally go over and grab one of them holding it out so krillin can cut off so that solves that issue but it appears raddus is actually still alive he's pretty badly beaten crushing to the ground but still alive and of course with him being crushed his scouter was crushed too he can't move but he says one thing the saiyans will arrive soon avenging his death he laughs as he fades out of consciousness dying on the ground okay well that was a pretty weird reunion between everyone eventually chichi and gohan wake up and goku explains everything that happened she's pretty mad that her tail is gone and that her clothes were destroyed but after hearing more she realizes what happened well it seems like the tail was a burden so at least it's not an issue anymore maybe there's still a chance that i can grow back like i did for goku gigi and gohan were also pretty injured from this fight but that's actually a good thing after they eventually heal they do get power boosts krillin pulls goku and chichi aside and talks to them it was a pretty dangerous wish who knows what being a saiyan will do to her they have to be really careful with what they wish for and the two of them realize that now they didn't know either and they can always reverse it later on but maybe it's good to keep it for now if she's a saiyan that means she's a lot stronger and it could help them when the saiyans arrive so it's best to actually keep her the way she is right now plus she doesn't really mind it might actually be cool being a saiyan as long as they work around that entire transforming into a great ape thing but now everyone needs to train for the saiyans piccolo's still enemies with everyone but he decides it might be better to join them it is an enemy of my enemy situation so it's best to have allies some of the humans go train with kami while goku gohan and chichi train together with piccolo there to help those three are the strongest right now so it's best that gohan sticks with them he seems to have a lot of potential they all sent something weird when they were trying to chase rabbits his power soared for some reason and they don't know why gohan doesn't really know why either it's a bit fuzzy but he does remember attacking rabbits somehow he overpowered him and the only thing he remembers is shouting the number two thousand does that have to do with that power level thing from before but that wouldn't make sense when raddus was reading everyone's power level there's no way that gohan could be that strong right regardless it's a good idea to train him even if he doesn't have some weird hidden power that they don't know about he definitely does have some potential as a fighter even though he's young he could help roshi even steps in to help too it has been a while since he's fought but he's never stopped training he can help teach gohan some more as well as helping against the saiyans meanwhile out in space vegeta and napa are on their way over there is still a while out but they're wondering what happened first of all raddus getting beat is a pretty big deal he was weak but he shouldn't have been weak enough to be defeated by earthlings but even weirder is what he mentioned about another saiyan not only was there a saiyan child there but there was a saiyan woman there goes all their hopes of having a hybrid saiyan on earth if there were one he probably would have been really strong but it seemed like that child is just a regular pure saiyan of course chakra had to marry the one other saiyan on earth but is that actually the case vegeta begins thinking he doesn't remember any other saiyans being sent to earth he only knows that kakarot was sent there to be safe due to what raditz told him sure there could have been another sand that had their child escape to earth somehow but that doesn't really seem too likely because she seemed pretty normal well normal for earthling standards rather than being a murderous saiyan she was pretty gentle until gohan was attacked but still if she were a regular saiyan wouldn't she go around genociding everyone of course they know kakra had his head and that's what made him turn good but did the same happen to chichi that seems really weird like what are the odds of another saiyan being sent away to the same exact planet to be safe and hitting their head as a kid turning good something doesn't really add up here it is just a theory but raddus did know that there was a nameki in there they know the namekians have some weird magical properties so maybe he has something to do with it could it be something to do with the weird wish orbs that they have nah no way that sounds even weirder no way that they have those on earth but still something about this whole situation doesn't really sit right with vegeta it doesn't matter though they're all gonna die soon enough anyways so they won't need to think about it maybe while they're there though they can just ask them face to face as everyone continues preparing on earth vegeta and napa get closer and closer everyone sees some good progress the humans would probably be around the same strength that they were in canon but as for the saiyans this is going to be very different same goes for piccolo 2. as mentioned last time goku and chichi are trained with gohan as well as piccolo hoping to boost their own strength as well as boosting gohan's strength even though he's young he still has a lot of potential and they want to try and bring that out of him with some effective training they could probably get him to harness that power being able to use it in battle it'll be a really great asset against the saiyans once they eventually arrive one thing that they didn't expect though was that chichi's tail grew back as well as gohan's that's definitely something we're gonna have to watch out for the same happened with goku before as a kid and it completely crossed their mind that something like this could happen so let's actually discuss everyone's powers as i said all the earthlings are the same so i'm not gonna be covering them but now we have some different power levels for everyone else goku is at a level of seven thousand he's gonna be much weaker than normal since he didn't have his king kai training and obviously he doesn't have kaioken either but with great training partners he still does get pretty strong equal to him is chichi also at 7 000 she got a nice boost in power from raditz which helped her catch up to goku i mentioned this injury in the last part and once she healed from it it did help her catch up being a saiyan really did benefit her as for piccolo he's behind chi-chi at 5 000 a little bit stronger than he was in canon and gohan sees a pretty sizable increase he also did get a power boost just like chichi from being injured last time and he's slowly getting better and better at fighting right now he's at about 3000 for his power level so while goku is considerably weaker and doesn't have kyle ken piccolo and gohan are much stronger and chichi's in the fight too when she's equal to goku things are actually looking up for them and hopefully it stays that way but they're not too sure not long after vegeta and napa eventually do arrive on earth and sense how massive their powers are even with their great strength the saiyans definitely will be formidable foes so hopefully all the training was done in preparation was enough they wait in a wasteland ready for the saiyans to arrive vegeta and napa easily track everyone at their scouters heading over quickly they're kind of amused to see a crew like this facing them they're outnumbered but there's no way they're outmatched as an appetizer napa throws on the cybermen the cybermen aren't too hard to dispatch they're taken out by the humans and yamcha actually survives this time not unexpected the cybermen were weak and they were really just the test now napa can actually go in and fight whoever he wants he wonders who wants to face him first asking if there's any takers someone does step up it's chi-chi she hasn't really had a real fight like this of course she's had fights in the past with goku and raditz but in both of them she was heavily outmatched by herself here she could finally have one where she enjoys herself napa's surprised oh so this must be the female saiyan that was here it's a shame that he has to kill another one of his own but whatever her kakarot and that kid are definitely too soft to be saiyans he doesn't mind executing them the two begin powering up ready to fight chichi paces herself using all her martial arts knowledge she's definitely stronger than napa by this point but pacing herself may be a good idea because that other saiyan behind napa seems to be stronger at first she does struggle since he's not powered up fully but she catches napa off guard as she shows off more power utilizing her martial arts abilities not only does she overpower him in terms of brute strength but her fighting abilities are much better with a few swift movements she's able to knock him to the side finishing the fight surprisingly quickly shocked and angered napa gets up going back towards her again with one more punch she knocks him away throwing him into one of the cliffs nearby as he crashes into the rocks napa is still not done he stands up once more and his eyes scan the area he's infuriated now he tries to launch an attack at the humans seeing them as weak targets that he could potentially take out with him in one hand he charges energy flinging it at the humans nearby they assume a battle stance ready to deflect it but before they can piccolo jumps in front of them and with a single quick blast he not only destroys napa's attack but destroys napa himself chichi wasn't aiming to kill him but piccolo realized that he needed to go finishing off the saiyan brute vegeta can't hide it anymore he is somewhat impressed he tells him to not mistake it for concern he's just impressed that's really all he can say he expected the earthlings to be much weaker but it seems like there are enough to take on napa however napa's power doesn't compare to his not on the slightest even with those other saiyans there there's no way to win against vegeta his power and battle experience is simply too much to overcome and he's confident showing no concern for napa's death at all vegeta steps up ready to fight himself now the group knows that they may be actually overpowered here with napa it was different because they had a few people stronger than him but they could sense vegeta's energy and is definitely way off the charts however they know it's not over yet combined they may be able to overpower him so instead of a one-on-one fight like they did with napa they're all gonna fight vegeta together vegeta doesn't care he still feels that he's at an advantage and knows he could win this or at least thinks he can he clearly doesn't realize the extent of everyone's power especially combined immediately the three strongest fighters jump in first goku chichi and piccolo combined their powers are almost enough to match vegeta's but still that's only their combined power and powers aren't everything vegeta knows how to fight three on ones even with strong opponents like this he compliments their strength but tells him it won't be enough the other fighters wait standing ready hoping to jump in and help they can also provide some support from the sidelines but with three people fighting vegeta right now they can't really get in their way as the fight progresses more and more he comes to learn that the humans and the child there are strong which kind of surprises him the saiyans seem pretty strong too same for that namekian he may be in over his head this may be more of a challenge than he expected but still he's not deterred he powers up further showing off his full strength shouting as he lifts his arms out creating a massive explosion around him and knocking everyone away the fighters round him tank the blast and get back up seeing vegeta charging something in his hands goku piccolo and chichi recognized that from before wait that's the same fake moon thing that raddus created they noticed vegeta's power drops significantly as he creates this but he doesn't care he'll transform him to a great ape and defeat them that way as he [ __ ] his hand backwards to throw it up he suddenly sends his energy coming towards him krillin flung hyeons on at him trying to cut vegeta's hand off but vegeta is quick enough to dodge it jumping out of the way he smirks knowing that he saw right through that trick but they expected that really was a distraction as vegeta's hands out with the energy still in it it's then hit by a powerful blast from piccolo not only destroying the artificial moon in the hand but also breaking vegeta's hand completely he screams in pain and now angered he tries to launch a blast with his other hand yamcha attention on krill encounter it as goku flips over the blast getting behind vegeta and grabbing onto his tail vegeta brings goku to his knees by hitting him with his elbow chuckling as he does so did kakarot really think that would work that cheap trick of grabbing someone's tail but she just strained his tail to the point where it doesn't hurt if someone grabs it what a foolish trick but on the ground goku is still holding on to the tail and that's not the reason he grabbed it at four as the tail is held out gohan rushes by slicing it off with vegeta once again shrieking in pain now he's at a disadvantage he's cut his power down by trying to create the artificial moon his hand is broken and now he doesn't have a tail so even if he wanted to transform he couldn't they gave him multiple handicaps and they may actually be able to win this now but slowly he's been getting angry and angry throughout the fight their dirty tricks are pissing him off really they're just good strategies but still naturally they're going to anger him they put him at a disadvantage in every way possible fine if this is how they're gonna do it he'll fight them individually first he goes right for goku aiming to only hurt him this is a much better strategy and he's actually able to deal some great damage towards him easily knocking him aside next he aims for chichi doing the same he slowly goes on the ladder of power injuring piccolo next and then going for the humans thinking gohan is the weakest he saves him for last he's blinded by his rage and not thinking clearly but it seems he's overcoming everyone but just as vegeta is getting angrier gohan's getting angrier too watching all of his friends fall like this especially his parents he wasn't able to access it during the training but he feels that rage from before that same rage he felt against raditz with all the fighters out of his way vegeta decides he's gonna kill them one by one now he'll start with the humans they seem pretty weak so it won't take a lot of energy he charges a single blast in his hand but as he does he's then hit in the back by a powerful attack then more powerful attacks he keeps getting punched and punched and he doesn't know who's doing it he turns around and sees no one there and then gets kicked in the back of the head throwing him into the ground flying across it he gets up and sees someone standing there it's gohan that child from before was that him who attacked there's no way how could a kid be so strong but vegeta remembers he's a hybrid saiyan of course it's just like he theorized a hybrid saiyan must be stronger than a regular one briefly the two of them begin to clash gohan's rage slowly subsides during the fight but he's able to do some good damage to vegeta but ultimately he's not able to win here and now vegeta is really furious but it's not over yet he knows a way to end this and claim victory a simple maneuver called blowing up the planet it's no big deal he'll launch a blast right at earth's core then going back to a ship and escaping leaving everyone else here to die it's a shame because a fight would have been a lot more fun but they're gonna have to die regardless and vegeta doesn't care how they go charging energy into his other hand vegeta jumps up high into the sky he's surrounded by a purple glow as his hand electrifies normally he'd require two hands for this attack but one should be enough he tells everyone to prepare for his signature move the gallic gun although this time a one-handed gallon gun he cocked his hand back charging more energy launching a massive purple blast right towards the surface of earth all the fighters on the surface watch on weekly as this blast comes closer even though they're injured they still got some fight left in them vegeta only temporarily took them out of the fight by now they've recollected themselves and they're ready to defend earth goku is the first to jump in with a kamehameha with chichi then joining it the spousal kamehameha briefly deflects the one-handed gallup gun but vegeta's attack slowly gets stronger and stronger overpowering at the beat but another blast is added that spousal kamehameha turned into a family kamehameha with gohan now joining it sure he doesn't have the same strength from his rage before but his regular power is good enough vegeta's beam is still getting closer to earth but they've slowed it down just enough one of the good things about vegeta's strategy is that he thinks everyone else is knocked out and it's just these three now but really piccolo's been nearby planning an attack he's fake being unconscious but vegeta didn't notice that he placed two fingers on his head beginning to charge a certain attack vegeta's beam slowly gets closer and closer to earth as the family struggles to defend against it but suddenly they see a laser beam fly over their blast one with swirling energy flying around piccolo's been charging this for a while and he knows it probably won't be enough to kill vegeta but it should be enough to injure him the makanko sapo this beam flies right over the kamehameha into the gallic gun swirling around as it hits vegeta's hand head-on damn vegeta succumbed to the same trick once more this direct blast destroyed his other hand now giving him two broken hands and with that his gala gun stops firing and he's hit head on by the family kamehameha vegeta is knocked high up into the sky taking the blast at full force they stop firing as the prince falls down to the ground with his armor partially broken and smoke coming off of him he crashes into a cliff nearby and everyone flies over to go see him it seems that vegeta's finally been defeated and now they're gonna have to finish the job they get over to the area and see him laying on the ground in a crater injured but not unconscious and surprisingly he smirks he begins chuckling actually he never expected this he didn't think that he'd be defeated by such low lifes but he's come to realize that he's been going about this all wrong sure he's angered inside and he has a great hatred for these earthlings and the saiyans and the namekian but after experiencing this power he had a great idea originally they wanted to get kakarot so he could help defeat frieza and vegeta does still want that as much as he loves to defeat these earthlings freezes the real enemy here weekly he stands up ready to use his final bargaining chip he asked him one simple question have they ever heard of frieza well no they don't know anything about aliens well besides the saiyans of course and now the namekians too i guess but no they don't know who this frieza guy is vegeta begins explaining and says the whole reason they came to earth in the first place was to recruit kakarot sure they would have loved another evil saiyan just like them but more importantly they wanted someone to help them defeat frieza he's the real enemy his power's simply too strong and no matter what they do vegeta napa and radis couldn't stop him he tells them more saying that frieza could possibly put their planet at risk too but they asked vegeta how would he even know about earth i mean if earth really were that high of a priority he would have surely come here by now right that is true but vegeta tells them frieza's gonna be wondering where he is if he dies here and doesn't return he'll find out that he died on earth somehow meaning there was some strong fighter there that was able to defeat him and that'll probably put their planet on frieza's radar so if he doesn't return in one piece this planet is probably going to be destroyed they can kill him but he just wants them to know that prepare for frieza's arrival just in case but there is another option they could spare him and join him sure he knows by now that they don't want to join his plans they think vegeta's evil as well as napa and rabbits but he tells them they'd be fighting for a good cause of course their morals don't align they're complete polar opposites but they'd be doing the universe a favor and they'd be taking a precaution to help defend earth he can help them get stronger he can leave them for freeza for a preemptive strike and he'll even join them too of course they have no reason to trust him and he knows this if they want to kill him right now he's fine with that angered sure but if this is where he dies then so be it but he asked them again join him and help defeat frieza after hearing vegeta's tale about frieza the group begins considering they don't really know what they should do here vegeta could just be pulling their leg but he seems really serious about it and i mean think about it too vegeta lost here and he's in a pretty bad state right now if he was lying well they could just defeat him again and kill him that time vegeta knows what spot he's in he wouldn't really have any reason to lie this is his last bargaining chip the only way he could actually survive goku decides for everyone thinking that it might be best to show vegeta some mercy not because he forgives vegeta or anything but because he knows that he's telling the truth he listens to his intuition and tells everyone the same they're not too sure either but they'll go with his word plus everything they discuss before makes them feel more confident if vegeta does lash out somehow they can always win again especially because he'll be alone this time and more injured here's the thing too vegeta lost his tail on that fight meaning he can no longer turn into a great ape if he wants to he thinks it might regenerate if he keeps healing but that's not actually going to happen this time we saw this with a namic arc where it didn't actually grow back so it's gonna be the same here vegeta is also in a pretty bad shape right now i mean he was almost beaten to death so he's not in any condition to fight it's gonna take a lot of time for him to heal but at least he has some good medical technology on earth sure it won't be as fast as his healing pods back on frieza's planet but at least it's something they try and get more info about him and vegeta begins telling more about frieza he tells him training would be good either way if they choose they can go right for frieza and kill him after training or they could just do it as a precaution i mean it's not like they were going to stop training anyways but this serves as better motivation plus vegeta has some better ideas for how they could train earth's gravity is kind of weak in comparison it's only a tenth of what the gravity on planet vegeta was which explains why goku grew up so weak well weak in comparison to vegeta not weak in comparison to everyone else he feels they would benefit from gravity training especially the saiyans obviously they don't really have any way of doing that right now but bulma could help she proposes a room that increases the gravity around everyone while they're training making it so that they're heavier in that room oh yeah that sounds like a great idea they go along with that waiting for bulma to finish this device vegeta is giving them tips and more info about frieza but he's still cautious though he's wondering how did chichi get here clearly there were a handful of saiyans off planet vegeta at the time that it exploded but this is weird two saiyans on the same planet he knows that kakarot was sent here that's what rattus told him but chichi where did she come from he decides to question them even though kakarot may not remember his saiyan past maybe chichi knows something vegeta asks and goku jumps in lying saying they're not sure how she got here he finds out that both of them don't have their memories i mean kakarot has an excuse but chiji doesn't really have one goku continues lying and is eventually able to convince vegeta chichi's wondering why he did this but then realizes it's because they don't want vegeta knowing about the dragon balls at least not yet he doesn't really need to know and if they know that chichi wished to be a saiyan well he might be pretty mad about that they obviously don't know for sure but it's better not to take that risk goku was looking out for her to make sure that this wouldn't happen helping her formulate some sort of lie for vegeta as vegeta continues healing everyone starts their training once the gravity chamber is made it surprisingly didn't take that long for bulma to make it which is good because they can start training right away the humans have a tough time at first but they eventually get acclimated to it as for the saiyans goku chichi and gohan it's a lot easier they're already pretty strong and they grow remarkably fast in there piccolo seems to adjust pretty well to it too he's stronger than the humans after all and he's familiar with harsh training that's kind of his whole thing so what did they decide to do about frieza well what vegeta said convinced them they're training as a precaution they have no idea where his planet is or if he's even there and even if they did they'd have no way to get there and on top of that even if they could get there they don't know how strong this guy is he could be way stronger than vegeta is letting on because vegeta doesn't even know his full power either so not only is it a massive feat right now to overcome but it's pretty risky too there's so many variables that they can't account for and so many unknowns that they don't know yet but hey training as a precaution is good if frieza doesn't come to earth well great they're stronger by default and if he does they'll be prepared although they don't really know what they're preparing for but whatever it's better to get more rigorous training nonetheless so what is frieza doing well he does assume vegeta is dead because he doesn't return of course frieza wouldn't really care either way vegeta is dead great he didn't really like that guy anyways but still if someone was strong enough to kill him well that could be a problem in the future i mean whoever killed vegeta and his two saiyan friends well they did frieza a favor three less sands in the universe but it gets him thinking who could be so strong to do this especially in such a planet that he's never heard of he begins researching trying to figure out where vegeta went and what happened and luckily he has a pretty good source that being queen vegeta's natural rival the two do hate each other a lot so cui does this despite vegeta giving frieza whatever information he wants although he doesn't really know that much himself but it's more than enough to help frieza he begins working trying to find out whatever planet vegeta went to and trying to find out what even is on there obviously he doesn't know about the dragon balls either really he's more interested in the fighters there if there's such strong people on that planet it might be pretty valuable after all with people so strong they might be defending something pretty valuable even better if frieza decides not to kill them he can enslave them more people for his army strong soldiers too either way it could be useful no on earth knows if or when frieza will come as i mentioned before so a few months pass their training continues and eventually vegeta is fully healed now training with everyone he got a nice boost in power from healing although it did take a long time him almost dying actually did help they're eventually able to get him a senzu bean once they trust him enough speeding up that healing process and letting him train with them he gets a pretty nice boost from his saiyan power and you might think goku chichi and gohan would benefit from that too but not really they're not training near death after all they're training pretty rigorously but not that rigorously they are aware of the say and power though but since healing resources are so sparse well they're not gonna really take the risk and abuse it maybe they find a better way to heal but that's further down the line right now they're focused on this training but this boost in power for vegeta lets him jump in right away and let's actually cover some powers after these few months pass goku and chichi are about even i mean they are training at the same rate and with the same partners using the same strategies and all they're both at a power of 1.5 million each vegeta is close behind them his boost in power really did help him plus his training was pretty intense too allowing him to incorporate really good strategies that he's used before for training putting him up at a power of one million right behind him is gohan at around nine hundred thousand as we covered he has much more of fighting spirit this time plus both of his parents are encouraging him to train so he'll be training here his growth as a hybrid saiyan really helps as well piccolo's behind him at eight hundred thousand next we have ten shinhan at five hundred thousand followed by krillin at 450 000 and yamcha 400 000. obviously they didn't benefit from this as much as the saiyans but still gravity training really helped them they're way stronger than they were in the original series and i don't think i have to tell you guys that that's really good the reason we're doing this short time skip though is because frieza eventually finds earth in this time after all his research he found out where vegeta went to and where it's located maybe people aren't really that strong there i mean if they were vegeta probably would have called for help meaning he was probably confident about fighting everyone frieza doesn't really want to bother himself right now so he sends some ships to earth zarbon and adoria should be enough there are fine soldiers and they'll be more than enough to take on any earthlings the two of them are sent to the planet first hui goes along too just to see if vegeta is actually dead imagine if they find him alive somehow that would be pretty funny the three of them go there descending on earth they don't want to make too much noise just yet so they use their scouter searching around and they find one strong power in a wasteland nearby going towards it and realizing that it's vegeta vegeta knew that they were arriving he sent them in outer space and powered up to draw them out now he actually knows how to sense key and control his key pretty useful because he has them alone he turns to queen asking if this was all his doing quee laughs and confirms this as vegeta slowly lifts one of his fingers up launching the beam that kills queen instantly zarbon and dory are surprised sure he wasn't as strong as them but still vegeta killed him in one shot so it's you i see they begin questioning vegeta asking how he's still alive and why he's here but vegeta doesn't answer he tells him he doesn't need to they ask him again saying they'll just kill him if he doesn't say anything and blow up this planet in the process well vegeta accepts playing like that he loads up his hand once again blasting off their scouters and the two of them go into fight with zarbon even transforming as they get closer vegeta chuckles sticking out one hand at each of them and with a single blast charge in each he eradicates both of them just as frieza expected this might be trouble and even more interesting vegeta is still alive and apparently a lot stronger this might require some more special forces frieza sent some forces into earth as well as setting up a temporary base on the moon so he can operate from there if he really feels like it he'll just blow up earth with a single finger but he may as well try this first he sends him the ginyu force next and since vegeta already had his fun the humans decide they want to fight this time vegeta informs him of the guinea forces strategies and they take it into account the ginyu force are a lot louder once they arrive on earth actually attacking a city instead in order to draw any fighters the humans arrive at the city stopping this attack really quickly and right away they make pretty quick work of the ginyu force they know goldo's time stop as a threat so they kill him first then going after jason birder and finally raku but they quickly come to learn of ginyu's body change using his scouter he's able to find out which of them is the strongest that being ten shinhong stealing his body and injuring his previous one in the process they're not too sure what to do right now but yamcha steps in deciding he'll fight he knows all attention on moves and it seems ginyu got pretty weak after switching bodies not being able to use ten's full power he fills krillin on his plan and krillin agrees yom begins fighting being able to keep up with ginyu pretty easily krillin comes in too lending some support and they're able to beat ginyu up pretty badly but not killing him in order to preserve the body the whole point of this is to try and put him in a corner and as you'd expect it does push him into a corner forcing him to swap bodies once again just as they planned as he does this they throw ginyu's old body upwards returning the bodies back to their normal owners and killing ginyu as soon as they have the chance ten's back in his original body and it is injured quite a bit but otherwise he's okay yamcha and krillin lead him away so they can go patch him up and now with the ginyu force defeated there's only one other possible person that can come attack her frieza finally arrives realizing that his forces are outmatched he was watching from that temporary base on the moon and yeah he could have blown up earth really easily but it didn't really seem that fun he hasn't had a chance to fight in a while and it would be pretty fun to personally kill vegeta and all his friends plus he doesn't really want to stay on this moon any longer there was some weird rabbit guy living on here don't worry anyways frieza goes to earth and the group is actually pretty surprised he's a lot smaller than they expected but vegeta obviously knows what he looks like vegeta eggs frieza on ready to fight the group feels pretty confident in his first form frieza's not really that strong in comparison piccolo fights him against the upper hand really quickly forcing frieza to go into his second form vegeta joins in forming an alliance with piccolo they didn't train a bit together and their personalities kind of did mesh in the scenario so they're kind of packs also a vegeta and piccolo team was really cool and we don't really see it that much so i'm taking the chance here i'd be crazy not to anyways they fight frieza together even forcing him into his third form frieza's surprise he knew they were strong but not this strong he should be the one on top this is an insult to him if anything whatever he still has one more form of his sleeve going into his fourth floor his true and final four this is where things got a lot trickier now it can't just be vegeta and piccolo fighting everyone else jumps in two frieza is outnumbered but not at all overpowered the group intervenes right away not spending any time talking to it it's a pretty intense fight as you expect but even with everyone involved frieza is just simply too strong since vegeta is his main target after all and the one person that he hates most in this group he decides to attack vegeta first he launches a beam of vegeta going right through him gravely injuring the prince he weakly props himself up telling the group he'll survive just wanting them to kill frieza and not focus on him yamcha and ten are in the fight because they're still healing from their fight with the ginyu force but krillin's here and he decides to take vegeta away in order to protect him frieza almost launches another beam right at krillin but goku then comes in and punches frieza knocking him right towards chichi who kicks him ah so this is the problem there were two more saiyans on earth and coincidentally male and female and they had a child disgusting he can't let these saiyans live any longer they're procreated the thought of these monkeys doing that sickens him the group's equally weirded out why is frieza so obsessed with sans doing that what a freak is that all he thinks about jokes aside the fight continues and even with their great power-ups with training they're still not enough to defeat frieza piccolo ends up getting injured next leaving just goku chichi and gohan frieza goes for goku first knocking the other two away and purposely beating up goku goku tries to fight back but he can't frieza's simply too strong even though they did train as a precaution it wasn't enough goku actually chuckles a bit vegeta was right but even with vegeta's help they still weren't able to win although he's not going to accept a fury yet he continues trying to fight back even though it's fruitless frieza suddenly hit in the back of the head by a powerful attack from gohan he's angered by watching goku get beat up and in this temporary state of rage with his boost in power gohan attacks frieza frieza fends him off at first but gohan eventually gets some good hits he doesn't know what happened sure this kid's insane and all but how is a kid so strong whatever he seems like a pest anyways frieza decides to just kill him on the spot not holding back at all as gohan continues to punch frieza frieza then grabs him by his hair throwing gohan up in the sky frieza sticks out a single finger hitting gohan on the arm with a deathbeat then another then enough goku and chichi watch on in horror with piccolo they're trying to help as well but they can't do anything anytime they move frieza launches a compressed blast of air that knocks them all away and finally frieza finishes off gohan with a massive blast killing him and completely wiping him off the face of the earth just around this time krillin's flying back in with a bag of senzu beans not only was he sensing what's happening but he actually got to see it close up too but even scarier he senses a weird new power he looks down and sees it's not coming from piccolo no goku and chichi their powers are rising exponentially and although they were just on the ground a moment ago they stand up frieza watches from nearby too seeing that they actually have a bit of fight left in them how cute they think they're going to avenge that brat but frieza's cockiness suddenly wears off the ground begins shaking around everyone with piccolo watching on too back at capsule corp vegeta's sensing everything that's happening this power there's no way the couple then lets out a scream as they're both coated in the same golden aura now massively stronger and with their hair turning gold freeze is absolutely speechless and terrified no it can't be the one thing he feared most he caused it to happen and not just one of them no he brought two into existence in front of him stands his worst nightmares two of the legendary super saiyans frieza looks on an awe he can't believe it the sheer power coming off of these two it's insane there's no doubt in his mind about it the two people standing in front of him right now are super saiyans both goku and chichi are overcome with a rage and sadness but also feeling confusion now having this new state of power they don't necessarily know what just happened but they look at each other and see both have golden hair blue eyes and their hair spiked up although injured vegeta decides to fly over to see what's happening with the rest of the group following suit as well they know that they're not going to be able to fight but they want to see what they're actually sensing right now vegeta is the most shocked of all for the first time ever he's seeing a super saiyan right in front of him and not just one two of them it's incredible the presence itself is just overwhelming and if that's how vegeta reacts you can imagine how frieza would react he'd be terrified and realizes he might be screwed here he looks down at his hand and notices it's trembling the great emperor frieza is shaking in fear he has to calm himself this isn't the end just because there's two super saiyans in front of him doesn't mean he can't win he still hasn't shown off his full power out of desperation he begins bulking up showing off the true extent of the power in his final form these two might have transformed yeah but they won't beat him right away both goku and chichi lunge over towards frieza hitting him simultaneously with frieza trying to block it with both arms the punches cause a massive shock wave and frieza drops his arms down they're both shaking he actually feels pain there's no way this is happening no way he's being overpowered before he can even collect his thoughts the two begin attacking him again naturally they fight with perfect synergy they've trained together for years and both are masters of martial arts and fighting in general there's no way frieza could win here he's outnumbered he's overpowered and he's outmatched in terms of strategy and technique and surprisingly enough even after the loss of gohan the two are keeping their composure they're not going to slip up due to pure anger or whatever they know that they have to keep themselves in control in order to defeat frieza there is no opening for him to exploit so he'll have to create one and he has the perfect idea as the two briefly jump back and charge another attack frieza quickly lifts his arm up charging a massive blast in his hands throwing it right down towards earth if this hits the planet the entire place will explode but that's not his intention here this is a distraction goku's quick enough to jump in and try and stop the attack with a single blast he counters frieza's with chichi then lunging in towards the emperor and this is just what he needed an opening he just needed one of them to go away frieza then charges another massive blast in his hands launching it at chichi using his full power it's a direct hit a giant beam comes out of his hands and he thinks he's killed him but really once the blast estipades she's standing there with her arms up blocking the blast and she's actually fine he can't even take on one of them alone the couple knows that they need to finish this right now before he does anything else desperate but it's already too late frieza decided that if he's gonna go down he's gonna at least take someone else with him and nearby he sees the perfect prey vegeta and piccolo he launches a beam towards them and vegeta prepares to counter it with his own but piccolo jumps in knocking vegeta out of the way and taking the blast head on frieza wasn't able to kill vegeta but he was able to kill piccolo and before he can even do anything else he's hit in the face by goku who jumps back up the two fight him together and are prepared to kill him they have no intention of sparing him at all the two stand side to side drawing their hands back as they charge energy frieza launches one last blast in desperation but it does nothing before it can hit them it's overwhelmed by their combined kamehameha easily destroying frieza's blast and then killing the emperor the two of them won but still at what cost they lost gohan they lost piccolo one of their friends and the worst part is they can't revive either of them it's over with piccolo gone that means kami's gone too three people dead three people that they can't bring back they defended earth and at least defended all the others but they don't know how to feel too powered down still unsure of what that power was but at least thankful that i helped them overcome frieza everyone looks to see the aftermath and they're trying to think of what to do next but krillin comes up with a great idea piccolo's an alien right well wouldn't that mean there's probably dragon balls on whatever planet he came from it's a long shot but maybe it could work goku and chichi are surprised to hear this they didn't even consider that krillin might be right they have a shot at bringing everyone back plus some of frieza's ships are still on earth so they might be able to get to outer space somehow yeah the more they think about it maybe there is hope they begin planning immediately not wanting to waste any time at all bulma's glad to help too and as she's trying to plan she discovers that there's some ships on the moon apparently if you remember i mentioned in the last part frieza set up a temporary base on the moon and bulma sees this and thinks it's awesome she's gonna take this for herself i mean an entire base on the moon that's awesome that'll not only make space travel easier for them but she could probably use it for research somehow not to mention any of the technology there speaking of the tech there there are rejuvenation chambers the kinds that vegeta used to use to heal himself after missions which is great because they're able to use it to heal everyone on earth they don't need senzu beans or anything sure it does take a bit of time but it works everything's lining up in place it might all go well after some brief planning the ships are ready to go dynamic and with how advanced frieza's ships are it would get dynamic pretty quickly it wouldn't be like bulmaship or it takes a few weeks this trip would probably take a couple days at most and the great thing is there's no freezing force in space to worry about right they assume that oh the frieza force is gone i mean they did defeat most of them after all at least the strong ones but really there is one last loose end one that they'll encounter soon enough that being king cold of course he'd be aware of what happened on earth and after finding out about frieza's defeat he decides to follow these people into space all that remains of the frieza force is him and a couple soldiers but it shouldn't be a big deal he alone should be able to take them out he aims for revenge soon enough the ship lands on namek and everything seems pretty peaceful the namekians are surprised to see these new visitors not knowing of who they are or where they come from but they explain everything including the fact that two namekians live on earth or at least they did live there until they died and that's the whole reason they're here they want to revive those namekians as well as gohan who was killed by frieza it seemed that they're in luck but namekians are glad to help them these people seem like they have good intentions they did defeat one of the most evil people in the universe after all and they're only here to revive someone not to mention one of the people that they're trying to revive is a namekian and they'd be glad to help out one of their own unfortunately it's not going to be that easy eventually king cole does track them down having followed them in space and then finding out where they went planet namic he doesn't know why they went there but he doesn't really care either all he knows is this means that he has an opportunity to kill them not long after king kohl's ship descends on the planet and the namekians are curious to see this other visitor he lands near a village that's kind of far away from where goku and his crew are but even though they're miles away goku and chichi can sense what's happening as well as everyone else in their group and vegeta immediately knows who this is he thinks that king cold's here trying to seek revenge for frieza the group drops what they're doing and immediately they head over king gold puts on a scouter trying to see where everyone else is this just seems like a regular namekian village there's no saiyans or earthlings here he asks if they could point him in the right direction and if they don't he'll kill them of course they're not going to give up where those people are they're terrified but they're willing to make a stand against king cold alright looks like he's gonna have to kill them then he lifts up a finger charging a beat he launches a laser at the elder of the village and before he can even react the beam is swatted away and the elder is standing there completely fine king cole doesn't know what just happened but then he sees luckily enough goku and his group were able to make it here in time king called chuckles they did the work for him this is great he tells him not to worry he's going to make this quick the namekians are all terrified not knowing what's going to happen next krillin ten shinhan yamcha and vegeta watch on with vegeta laughs in response king told ziza he's there surprised to see that vegeta is part of the group so it appears the rumors were true vegeta is a turn code but vegeta tells king cole he shouldn't focus on that right now he's in the presence of two super saiyans king cole tells vegeta not to make him laugh he's calling himself a super saiyan and who's the other one but vegeta points over goku and chichi those two will be the ones that defeat king cold just like they're able to defeat frieza he thinks this is a bluff but then they transform immediately going into super saiyan it took a couple days but in their training on the way to namek they were able to figure out how to access super saiyan at will again the form is still in its very early stages but they now have use of it whenever they need and while king cole is distracted by those two krillin then yells out to him cold looks over and immediately he's blinded as krillin performs a solar flare this leaves an easy opening for goku and chichi as vegeta then runs up king king cold square in the chin knocking him away as goku then flies behind him and catches him delivering a kick that knocks him into the air with a sonic boot chichi then jumps up quickly and as king cole's fizzing returns the last thing he sees is chichi right in front of him charging a blast and before he can even get his guard up it's over the blast flies clean across the atmosphere killing king cold without a trace there are some frieza soldiers remaining but luckily vegeta is able to take them out pretty easily he's kind of pissed he couldn't fight king cold or something but still at least this is something and now the frieza force is fully wiped out but the medkins don't really know how to feel i mean they did lead these enemies right to their planet but it wasn't really that big of a deal because they defeated those enemies right away and now they don't have to worry about them anymore if anything it just proves that these people are good so whatever they let it slide everyone's able to get the dragon balls and they summon perunga there is a catch though they have three wishes but they're not going to be able to revive everyone with one wish they would need one separate wish each for gohan and piccolo and then another wish to bring them back to earth but that's not a problem they hear a voice in their head telling them what to do only saying to revive piccolo and gohan right now not worrying about bringing them back to earth they don't know what voice they're hearing but then he introduces himself it's a man named king kai after piccolo and gohan died king yama directed them to this place king kai's planet he's been watching everything that's been going on and after those two died he decided he was going to train them they've been here for a few weeks at this rate and they're making some nice progress but he feels they need some more time right now they can revive them with paranga that's fine but he doesn't want them going to earth just yet he'll send them back once they're ready and with the help of kami that won't take too long oh well they're surprised to hear this but okay that sounds cool they got their own training while they were dead interesting perunga revives both of them with a wish only using up two of his three wishes because piccolo and kami are revived together they all thank the namekians and they leave going back to earth and looking forward to seeing gohan again eventually gohan and piccolo are sent back to earth a few weeks later and they have a really interesting new technique called kaioken it allows them to multiply their power during battle it's pretty strenuous but it's useful especially for someone like piccolo who doesn't have a transformation not to mention alongside that they got some regular training in regardless this planet had ten times the gravity of earth making them a lot stronger not to mention running along snake way although that didn't take nearly as long for them as it did for goku in the original story i mean they could pretty effortlessly fly after all and the gravity wasn't too big of an adjustment either it's not their first time dealing with something like that but regardless all this training was helpful piccolo focused on learning kaioken while gohan did learn it but was more focused on another technique that king kai had something called a spirit bomb but luckily he won't need to use that anytime soon and for now things go back to normal on earth with everyone continuing their training and with bulma enjoying her new space station let's go forward a bit about a year or so goku chichi and gohan are at home goku and gohan are training together while chichi's there taking care of a newborn child goten he was born earlier in the scenario due to all the peace time but that peace may be ending soon they're called over to capsule court bulma says it's urgent and they weren't the only ones called over all the other fighters are called over too and when they get there they see something really weird first off bulma's pregnant oh having a kid with yamcha nope it's actually vegeta's kid that's weird but whatever they're more interested in these two visitors there's two other people there with bull as for one of them they don't know who he is but the other one looks kind of familiar in a way they introduce themselves with everyone shocked to hear their names one of them is named trunks which is weird because bulma was thinking about naming her kid that and now that he mentions it his hair it does kind of look like hers but more importantly the other one the guy that looks pretty familiar his name is goten okay what's going on here well they begin explaining further they're time travelers they're from the future and they came in the past to try and save their timeline and since goten is already born and trunks is going to be born soon they have no need to hide their identities and by the way i want to know something interesting goten is a full saiyan he's the first full saint to be born on earth and since he's not a hybrid i'm going to make him a bit different than normal they began going into their biography in their timeline goku ended up dying of a heart virus and if that wasn't bad enough eventually the red ribbon army sent androids to attack their fighters were pretty strong and they did do some damage with chichi as a super saiyan that was still helpful but even she couldn't defeat the androids piccolo with his kyle ken that didn't work either and all the fighters ended up falling except for gohan gohan grew up eventually being the one to help train goten and trunks he saw potential in these two trunks was the hyper just like him and as for goten well he was a lot less like gohan he's biologically wired to be more like vegeta for example since he's a pure saiyan even with how he's raised he's a lot more ready for battle and gohan was glad to train them he was trying to get them to get super saiyan but nothing was working eventually he ended up falling against the androids in his final battle he actually put up a good fight they didn't have the gravity chamber after all for all the training he got a lot stronger in that time period and after the death of everyone else he was able to get super saiyan for himself against the androids he had one last trump card his spirit bomb but sadly it wasn't enough he was able to charge one up launching it at the androids but there wasn't much energy for him on earth to use after he launched it he powered up into super saiyan trying to push it towards them and the two did take some damage but eventually they were able to overpower it with the spirit bomb exploding and the two androids going to kill gohan they were so close to victory but still so far and that leads them to where they are today goten and trunks have come to the past to warn everyone of the androids as well as giving goku heart virus medicine they hope that by doing so this will prevent everything in the future from happening and hopefully they can restore their timeline they're not too sure though it might not actually work but it's worth a shot at least they're about to leave but before they go goku and chichi asked something specifically asking goten they were about to head back to their timeline but before they do goku and chichi want to test goten's power seeing where he is in terms of strength well no way he's going to turn out a fight but three of them all transform into super saiyan goten feels confident that he can take on both of them alone and right when he transforms they can tell he's a pretty powerful opponent he does have a pretty tough time against the two of them together but the fact that he can manage this at all is impressive enough it seems that both of them combined are actually stronger than him but individually goten is actually stronger and trunks is at a similar level wow seems like they have a lot of training to do especially getting a better grasp on super saiyan but with that brief sparring match out of the way trunks and goten thank everyone heading back to their timeline once more hoping that things are gonna turn out for the best and now we get into the three years of training before the androids arrive what new methods of training can they employ that they haven't done before i mean there's gravity training but they've done that even if they crank it up to higher levels what's the difference they've pretty much exhausted all of their earthly options but that gets bulma thinking gravity training a different place that isn't earth she has the perfect idea the moon wait the moon they're going to train a place with lower gravity than earth well no the great thing is there they won't need to worry about destroying anything well they're going to have to make sure not to destroy the moon or leave any huge marks but bolo will have a lot more space there to build a training facility instead of using the regular ones that they have on earth and they can have some fun sparring matches in space while fighting in zero gravity or at least the low gravity of the moon they won't even need a suit she can set up a temporary atmosphere and she can make a device that manipulates the entire gravity of the moon as a whole rather than just one part of it think of it as a giant gravity room or gravity moon if you will huh this is kind of weird but it's cool i mean training in space that's awesome they'd love to do that thanks to bulma's quick and amazing work on our technology this is able to be accomplished pretty easily i mean she could develop intergalactic space travel with very little resources anywho they begin training on the moon having all the space they need to do whatever they want i mean now that i think about it is this is this ethical is it ethical for bulma to turn the moon into like a giant gym i mean probably not i mean ethics and dragon ball don't really mix like one of the main heroes vegeta he's murdered like millions of people so i don't know i guess it works but we're not here to discuss ethics in dragon ball we're here to discuss chichi becoming a monkey man or monkey woman space monkey woman alien person thing screw the moon they can do whatever they want just because it's cool well with all this happening on the moon jocko actually finds out and wonders why bulma is using the moon for training he needs to keep a close eye on earth i mean these people are just taking their moons and turning them into training places not cool bulma anyways with all this training vegeta eventually does get super saiyan and immediately sees an opportunity he could try improving the form somehow or maybe he could try learning that thing piccolo has kyle ken combining it with super saiyan he's beginning to think of ways to surpass goku and chichi somehow but he doesn't fret about it too much he knows that eventually with his great mind and great strategies he'll come up with something he is the great prince vegeta after all and this also reminds them thinking of how to surpass other saiyans chichi what's her saying name i mean he calls goku kakarot he's never gonna use his earthling name and he only feels it's proper to use chichi's saiyan name he never found out why she's here or how she got here and would rather call her by her saiyan name he completely forgot about that mystery he's gonna look into it some more because something doesn't really add up here i can't believe he almost forgot but he'll find out soon anyways all those years of training eventually pass and they all arrive back on earth ready to fight the androids first up they find android 19 and 20 attacking a city one of the biggest differences here is that goku is actually able to fight he did take his heart virus medicine because chichi was always around him and made sure he did she's a good wife had she not been around well goku would end up like this it's a good thing she was always around during that training and this makes the fight against the androids a lot easier i mean vegeta was able to defeat 19 pretty easily but having goku and chichi there too it makes it even easier this means jared doesn't escape and both the androids actually get defeated but before they do jerome makes sure to activate the androids remotely he made this failsafe because he knew he may be outmatched and in case he were to die here he wanted to be sure that the androids were activated even if it was remote his head is taken off and since he's a weird robot dude his head is still talking his disembodied head laughs at them he prepared the two androids just for this he's been spying on them all along after all ever since chichi wished to be a saiyan he knew he'd have to up the ante he studied saiyans more learned of super saiyan and had this fail-safe activated but before he could babble on any longer he's killed but vegeta is just standing there in shock wait wait a second did jeroe say what he thinks he said no that can't be right chichi wished to be a saiyan like with the dragon balls she was a human before in the midst of all this goes in a trunk show up but before they can even say anything vegeta rockets off he's pissed he feels lied to somehow and actually it's pretty fair for him to feel this way he was lied to and it wasn't just by omission they actually did lie to him saying that she was saying all along you might remember this from a few parts ago but this whole time vegeta was wondering why chichi was here the fact that she wished to be a saiyan isn't inherently harmful i mean it doesn't really sit well with him but why lie about it he's aware about the dragon ball right now anyways and as soon as they just didn't want him finding out beforehand does the group not trust him or something or is it something else some big misunderstanding all in all he's not really too sure how to feel about it he's feeling a mix of anger and confusion and doesn't even know about the problem that really concerns him regardless his opinion on the saiyan couple is soured and now he's off on his way to find the androids himself the group decides it's best to do this anyways so they all go off too trying to look for the androids not knowing where to find them chunks and piccolo chase vegeta down while the rest of the group goes with goku and splits up somehow wondering where to find the androids they know goku is a target so he keeps moving goten and trunks inform them that those androids that they killed aren't actually the ones in their timeline and eventually they get word from piccolo that he vegeta and trunks actually did find the androids and the fight didn't go well at all they got demolished pretty much instantly but thankfully the android's left them alive so they're heading back for now so much for hunting down the androids and defeating them it looks like they've still got a ways to go in terms of power it's surprising that they're actually strong enough to defeat someone like vegeta who now is super saiyan and piccolo who has his own kyle ken same with trunks another super saiyan but goku actually has a pretty good idea of what to do using the room of spirit in time the group heads to the lookout knowing that they also need to keep moving and this is a good spot for goku to hide as well as a good spot for him to train although now he has to think of an order of who to train with well it doesn't seem like vegeta's coming to the lookout anytime soon it seems he needs a few days away from the group to simmer down after finding out this thing about chichi luckily for goku that means he can head in first he goes in with chichi and the two train to perfect super saiyan somehow trying to fix the stamina issues and powering it up in any way they can and this would be pretty simple for both them even easier than it was for goku and cannon see when goku trains with gohan and canon gohan didn't know super saiyan before heading in gigi actually knows super saiyan already which means they don't have to spend time trying to teach her that not to mention with their combined knowledge on martial arts this will help them not only in their training in terms of strength but training in terms of technique in regards to how they improve their super saiyan 4 and as you'd probably expect they do just that with future goten and gohan heading in next this is weird and cool for both of them at the same time i mean they're brothers but not from the same timeline gohan sees an older version of goten while goten sees a young version of gohan the two get along pretty well though and goten feels like he's honoring future gohan training the younger version of gohan is the best way to do that he's basically acting as a messenger between the two gohans gohan gets to learn more about his future self and goten gets to learn about his past self not like it's very interesting though because gohan is still a toddler in this timeline and with their knowledge from goku and chichi they also are able to unlock the same thing a perfected version of super saiyan meanwhile goku and chichi were spending time looking for the androids and they eventually did find one someone that had ki it was a weird green monster and according to trunks that's not one of the androids that attacked his time on it they accidentally stumbled upon cell who then escapes quickly trying to find the androids himself before they can the group now knows to keep an eye out for him zelda is keeping a low profile as he chases the androids and with the group so focused on their training he's actually able to get the entrance before anyone else right when vegeta and trunks head into the time chamber next they all sense a huge burst and key with the group heading over to where they sense it and what they find is actually pretty scary they see three androids not just the two from the future timeline but another one android 16 and on top of that i see another android cell that same one goku and chichi found before but it seems they arrived too late because right when they do cell absorbs android 17 turning into a semi-perfect form 16 is destroyed and he has 18 in his hands and the group watches a cell transforms once more turning into this perfect form luckily cell's a pretty fun guy to be around so he's going to throw a tournament the cell games i'm sure i don't have to explain that to you guys it's pretty self-explanatory and it's good since the group already has a head start on their training but with cell now in his perfect form they're not too sure if their training's enough they'll figure out a plan before the cell games though and piccolo actually gets a good idea he remembers something he learned on king kai's planet while he was there gohan actually learned it too but the two of them never really had any use for it while in otherworld they tried to make the most of their short time there piccolo got cow cannon gohan got the spirit bomb as i mentioned last time but they did learn another technique called fusion and as you could probably tell it's not really something that they could use it does require equal power and equal height after all and piccolo and gohan are pretty much the opposite of that well at least this point on the story but they think they may actually have the perfect candidates to learn fusion piccolo begins thinking what would be the least goku weird effusion with vegeta but vegeta doesn't really want that he's pretty sour at goku and chichi right now so that's out of the picture what about tenshin on yamcha they have similar height and power it would work but they're not too sure how it'll work against cell but then piccolo sees it's right in front of him the perfect candidates for fusion the two future warriors goten and trunks they're not going to spend the rest of their time training they're going to spend their time learning fusion piccolo thinks it's going to be the perfect trump card he can't believe he forgot about this until now and over the next 10 days everyone does their own training with goten and trunks training with piccolo and gohan to learn fusion time passes and we eventually get to the cell games and the first person actually face cellus goku his fight actually goes pretty similar to how it went in the original story he's mainly just trying to size sell up and it becomes pretty clear that he can't get too far so the next person to fight cell is chi chi even though cell is so stronger than her he's a little bit worn out from his fight with goku he did have to regenerate a bit and use a bit of a stamina sadly unlike the other androids he doesn't have infinite stamina and they try to utilize this weakness if they wear him out enough they might actually be able to defeat him pretty easily chichi also loses with gohan being the next to fight it and this fight goes differently from normal gohan's also there to try and wear him out they know gohan has power within him but they don't want to push him and try and draw that out especially because piccolo has a really good plan with that fusion thing he mentioned cell watches on wondering who the next warrior is is it goten trunks vegeta piccolo it seems like goten is gonna go up but then trunks walks up alongside him he reminds them it's just a one-on-one no cheating he's being fair and they tell cell not to worry he is gonna fight one person the two then perform at the fusion dance executing it perfectly as a new figure is born the fusion of goten and trunks gotenks this is the first time everyone's actually seeing gotex besides piccolo and gohan they think it's awesome not to mention his power is higher than any of theirs just in his base form alone cell's a bit concerned and confused he's never seen something like this before and to make things worse the fusion of the half saiyan and the saiyan turned super safe i am never going to say saiyan that many times in a sentence ever again while gotenks would want to have a good fight he knows he has to make quick work of cell so after a little bit of fighting he goes in for the kill he lifts a finger up in the air and swirls it around creating a galactic donut as he throws it at settler constraining the android and with cell tied up they begin charging an attack firing a massive beam that seemingly erases all of cell and just like that cell seems to be defeated and the group's pretty elated with go tanks even defusing eventually the group is about to head back but before they do the wind suddenly picks up around the area and they sensed that same key from before no it can't be they look back at the crater where cell was eliminated and from a single cell he regenerates stronger than before even and he's angered he wastes no time immediately he launches the attack at trunks but before it hits trunks vegeta then jumps in front of it blocking it knocking it away and then going to fight cell he tries to buy the group some time so gotcha and trunks confuse once more but then they say that they can't fuse they have a bit of a cooldown period they gotta wait another 30 minutes or so they can't do fusion over and over again oh crap this might be an issue vegeta is then defeated by sept tossed to the side and injured and since goku is his main target cell jumps right towards him next with goku and chichi taking on the android as goten and trunks joined and trying to help but after taking all that damage from gotenks cell did get stronger thanks to his saiyan power and even with all these people fighting him at once it's still tough angered gohan then jumps in he remembers his fight against frieza he was helpless before and died while his parents tried to defeat frieza now he's gonna reverse the roles he'll be the one to claim victory here he's not gonna be that weak fighter that he was before he punches cell right in the face and sells the price to see the child fighting once again but gohan shouts as he powers up with a red aura surrounding him wait what's this cell didn't see this power before but piccolo immediately recognized what it is gohan's using kyle can on top of super saiyan how did he manage this this is a culmination of his training with kyle ken and super saiyan as well as some pure determination on gohan's part this is very draining but very powerful it's a risky maneuver with a high payoff his power is insane he's even stronger than anyone else there the fight would have been way easier with gotenks here but with gohan and super kaio-ken they may be able to win this gohan doesn't hesitate with how draining this power is he wants to end it quick his attacks overwhelm cell doing some immense damage he fires a massive attack that battery injures cell leaving the android to regenerate gohan then powers down and lifts his hands up in the air asking everyone to grant him energy no one knows what this is but they decide to do it anyway cell tries regenerating and as he does he sees a giant blue sphere of energy appear above gohan's head and it's growing by the second just as soon as he finishes regenerating the attack is then launched at him gohan just created the spirit bomb thanks to help from all his friends and his family he used two things they learned from king kai kyle ken and the spirit bomb they should erase every single bit of a cell leaving nothing left cell tries to push the spirit bomb back but as he does gohan jumps into super kaioken once more launching a massive blast that not only pushes the spirit bomb towards cell the helps to injure the android and with this every little bit of cell is erased finally eliminating him for good he powers down exhausted but victorious glad to have taken the victory the time travelers should now return to their timeline thanking everyone for their help and hoping everything goes okay here it was especially nice for them to see gohan again as well as all the other people that died that they didn't know too well and now they could finally save their timeline with a pretty simple trump card gotenks fights the two androids they're not sure where this fighter is and they don't have any time to learn because gotenks kills them right off the bat to be honest if they fought individually they still would have defeated the androids even if it was one of them alone fighting them i mean trunks was able to do this in the main story but they did want to try gotenks just for fun and they do the same against future cell following the cell saga gohan realizes the power of kyle kent he's dabbled with it a bit before but this is different his experience fighting cell with it it was a really different one it gives him a brand new perspective on the form that he didn't even realize super kaoken is pretty draining but if he tries to practice with him more he could potentially create a really strong technique for himself one that's really only exclusive to him well at least at the moment vegeta also is trying to use kyle ken after seeing gohan use it vegeta consults with piccolo and gohan to see if they could teach him some more about it they are the two with the best grasp on it after all and maybe if he learns it for himself he could be the strongest saiyan here he'll have his own super kyle kit yes that's perfect speaking of piccolo he also starts training with kyle ken more and more he's had it for a while but hasn't really touched it too much but when you think about it kaioken works really well for him kaioken will literally tear your body apart if you use it too much but you know who that won't be a problem for a namekian someone that can easily regenerate piglet will be able to use this to his advantage and with his namekian physiology he'll actually be able to counter the negative downsides of kyle kent sure it's not like he could use it infinitely but still it's better than what gohan or even vegeta would have when they try to use it this actually allows piccolo to keep up with the group instead of falling behind like most of the other fighters are doing dragon ball kaioken will keep pickle relevant in this scenario especially going forward as he practices more and more with it getting it to higher and higher levels that no one even knew was possible especially king kai he and gohan continue this training with kyle ken with vegeta trying to attack a long time time to learn it more for himself eventually this leaves a vegeta getting super cow can over the seven year time skip and he quickly learns that it was kind of a mistake well not entirely it is really powerful but when he uses it he instantly feels drained he's gonna have to practice with it a lot more it's not like surprising super saiyan like goku and chichi are trying to do after the cell saga they realize that it might be best to try and surpass super saiyan if they can there's probably a level beyond what they have now a way to get even stronger with the same form a potential super saiyan 2 maybe they're not entirely sure but they're going to train forward worst case scenario where they get stronger and don't get a new form which is still a plus but if their theory is right they could potentially get a lot stronger than before and while we're kind of on the topic of vegeta let's talk about his grudge for a bit he still does hold that grudge towards chichi obviously he's suppressed it by now and kind of gotten over it but it's still there a little bit he can't help but think first of all why was that a secret for so long why did they never tell him about that and second of all why did chichi even do that in the first place why wish to be a saiyan well he knows why being a sand would make her way stronger than being a human think about it but he also views it as being cheap and kind of disrespectful in a way obviously he can't articulate why but he just feels that he obviously keeps this to himself though not really mentioning it over the seven years or bringing it up at all but once those seven years are over we get to the world tournament and wouldn't you know it goku's actually alive this time i mean regardless he was going to participate as for the roster well we don't really need to cover it really the only change is that instead of 18 there's chi-chi and to be fair the tournament isn't really the highlight of this arc that would obviously be the busag the tournament starts out pretty normal there's not really much that would change here even with chichi being a saiyan so everything up to gohan's energy getting stolen will pretty much be the same the group flies over with shin and kabito trying to find where bobby and his people are stationed deboer notices everyone arriving and this is both good and bad good because they have a lot of potential people get energy from here bad because well there's too many people it's nice to have all this energy but if they stop you from getting that energy it's not really worthwhile before he makes a move he's gonna have to think of a really smart plan for this he needs something that'll allow him to get the edge he has one opportunity for a sneak attack instead of going to kill kabito he has a better idea he jumps up and spits at random hitting goku and vegeta before they even realize it the two satans are turned into stone and that only leaves piccolo chichi and gohan to fight and krillin i guess but he doesn't want to do anything but he is there which that counts for something deborah then flies into the ship with the three other fighters chasing after him as well as shin and kabito unsure of what to do next and obviously the first two fighters in the ship aren't too hard to fight poippy and yakon they're no big deal deboer is the main course but the group's not going to fight him one on one if they really want to make this quick and preserve energy they're going to have to fight him altogether but still they got to make sure not to go overboard otherwise bobbity will get his energy but with the three of them they may be able to overpower him and kill him actually as soon as they start fighting they realize that even gohan alone might be able to handle this deborah is comparable to cell after all and who killed cell gohan tells him to stand back as he goes to the super kyle campbell deborah realizes that gohan is going to overpower him but in order for their plan to work they need deborah alive they need to keep at least one of the people turn at the stone deborah powers up and gets ready to fight back but also makes a surprising maneuver he retreats he wants us to be a distraction only gohan isn't following him just like he wanted piccolo and chichi stay back with shin and kabita but as deborah flies away bobbidy asks him to do something release one of the people from the stone the one with the really spiky hair wait they both have spiky hair okay well release the shorter one oh that guy yeah deborah releases vegeta from the stone wondering why bobbidy would want to do that but he trusts his plan bobby actually has a really good idea in mind sure it would be great to have two of them stay a stone but what would be even better is have one of them turn into his servants vegeta actually seems like he might be able to be possessed and imagine if he had that kind of power on his side instead of it just being there doing nothing bobby begins looking to vegeta's mind trying to figure out if there's anything he can exploit oh it seems like he has a lot of pent-up anger there's so much in vegeta's mind that makes him well vegeta not just him wanting to go back to the way he was but also his grudge against kakarot and chichi vegeta actually gives him to bobby like you guys creating majin vegeta no one knows what's happening so far because they're still inside the ship but suddenly vegeta enters he's in super saiyan he looks a bit different he has an m on his forehead and he looks like he's wearing eye shadow or something why does vegeta have makeup on but shin realizes what happened he's been possessed by bobbidy and vegeta has one main target right in front of him chichi piccolo is willing to help her fight but she says that she needs to handle this on her own shin agrees if piccolo joins the fight that just gives more energy to bobby so now the entire group is spread out it's piccolo with shin and gabito chichi fighting majin vegeta and gohan fighting dabura shin hopes that they can defeat the borah and imagine vegeta because otherwise babadi will definitely get his energy going over to deborah for a bit he's just trying to bide for time he knows that if gohan catches up he'll win if that happens that'll release goku from the stone meaning that their group wins it's all hinging on deborah being alive using his own magical abilities and strength he's trying to hold gohan off in any way possible manipulating the landscape around him to try and slow him down keeping himself hidden stuff like that as for chichi and vegeta their fight begins she wonders why he actually let himself be possessed shin assumed that was the case and she believes it too what made him do this vegeta says it's not important he's focused on the fight he's going to beat her once and for all proving his superiority as a saiyan showing he's stronger than both her and goku it's time to finally settle this with an all-out battle vegeta powers up showing a brand new technique of this a red aura appears around him as his power soars just like gohan he now has acts of the super kyle ken and this actually makes him a really formidable opponent but luckily chi-chi also has something up her sleeve something that she was hiding she also powers up sparks of electricity surrounding her her energy soars and her hair gets even spikier than it was before chichi introduces vegeta to the super saiyan 2. wait there's a way to go beyond super saiyan he doesn't care though super kaoken is much stronger and even though it's draining he has the advantage and their fight begins immediately chichi knows she's outmatched but for a certain reason she doesn't back down she knows there actually might be a way out of this as long as she lets fiji to keep fighting he'll run out of energy he's relying too much on super cow can of course she knows the draining effects of it gohan's her kid after all and she knows if she lets vegeta draw it out he'll end up injuring himself too much and losing too much energy which will then give chichi the advantage just like deborah she's biting for time right now as gohan chases deborah devorah then ends up running into someone at shin kabito and piccolo shin teleported all of them to that area deciding that it might be best to get involved even though it might give more energy to babadi if their best chance is stopping this quickly this catches dubour off guard and gives gohan a chance to attack and with a single blast he erases deborah killing him instantly now they need to get to where chichi is and as they try and come up with a plan they sense another energy approaching rapidly actually it's not coming towards them it's going to where chichi and vegeta are they know what energy it is now it's goku after killing deborah he's been freed from the stone and he's heading over to help chichi as quickly as possible vegeta's surprised by a kick to the back of the head turning around as he sees goku standing there and super saiyan goku looks over to chichi oh she's already using super saiyan too there's no point in him hiding it either and instantly he powers up into his own super saiyan too this only serves to piss vegeta off more and more goku is not interested in talking right now he and chichi need to end this fight as quickly as possible that's the priority vegeta powers up more and more pushing kaioken to his limits right now he's in times four but he goes up to times ten feeling pained as he does so and goku and chichi notice this this is their shot at victory the two team up and fight vegeta and quickly they're able to dismantle his defenses vegeta's strength is fleeting and instead of getting stronger he's getting weaker and weaker allowing the two of them to land a final attack knocking vegeta unconscious and as they do so shin teleports over with his gloop glad to see the result good they're able to stop both deborah and vegeta shin can work his magic and try and actually fix vegeta trying to get rid of that possession so they can reverse everything all they need to do now is handle bobby things may actually be going their way although they're feeling optimistic shin then sends us something terrified no they were too late the rest of the group began sensing it as well an overwhelming evil presence is nearby alongside bobbidy's present they rush back over to the ship expecting the worst case scenario and they find exactly that the ship is completely gone it's just a massive crater in the ground bobby is standing there with a smile greeting everyone piccolo launches a quick blast at him but bobbity immediately throws up a shield even if piccolo did succeed at killing bobbity that wouldn't even matter he just chuckles at this he wants to introduce everyone to his new friend majin buu that's right they gave just enough energy to revive him and now the terrifying majin is there under bobby's control ready to fight everyone the group doesn't really know how to react except goku he immediately goes into a fighting stance ready to battle powering up into super saiyan 2 holding nothing back and he tells the group there's no point in suppressing your power now now is their chance to show up the fruits of their training alongside goku chi-chi powers up into super saiyan 2. gohan's a super saiyan but he stacks kaioken on top of it he's reached a point where he could use kaioken times 2 with a relatively little string basically equaling super saiyan 2 and power and if he needs he can increase his power output although it will be drink and as for piccolo he's practiced with cow ken so much that he can use it at really high levels with relatively little strain as well it's basically his own version of super saiyan powering up in the coyote times 50 a huge feat that'll really help in the battle and surprisingly although he's shaking in fear even krillin joins him and together the group lunges at majin buu right now that is ready to gauge his power they might actually be able to defeat him although it doesn't seem too likely but that doesn't matter though in the worst case scenario they do have one thing to rely on fusion although some people didn't learn from piccolo yet they could always find a way to bite for time and get to the time chamber to learn it but they might not even need it right now they'll just use this their strength combine with their perfect teamwork they come to learn that boo actually regenerates and it's nothing like cells either he could do it without any downsides at all infinitely regenerating and never losing energy he seems almost unstoppable but if they power up just to a certain point they'll be able to defeat him erasing every little bit of him before he could regenerate buu lifts his hands up performing a massive explosion attack knocking everyone far away he grin as he goes towards them he actually seems like he's having fun and he's starting to get serious himself boo splits himself up into multiple copies with one to fight each of the fighters although they're not as strong as the main but this helps them to stop being outnumbered shin and kabito are there watching wondering what their next move should be if they can't defeat buu then what are they supposed to do the group is strong together but as they watch the battle they're beginning to realize something they're also pretty worn out from their own battles goku and piccolo are really the only ones that are uninjured chichi had her fight with vegeta gohan had his fight with deborah and as for vegeta he still needs to be restored back to normal and obviously needs to regain consciousness before he could help but shin's not sure if they could even trust him at the moment and as the group continues fighting they only lose more and more stamina while boo keeps on going at full power this might actually be an issue the fight with majin buu continues he's relentless no matter what they do it seems nothing's working they can't just hurt him he regenerates it's not like they could tire him out either he just keeps going it seems like he's not losing any stamina at all and the worst part is he's having fun with all this this is enjoyable for him and not only that he's trying to turn them into candy too so they have to avoid his magic as well as his attacks the group tries everything they try fighting individually they try fighting together they try doing new strategies that they've never done before even with goku and chichi there in super saiyan 2 there's nothing much that they can do every idea that someone in the group offers doesn't help [ __ ] and computer are getting more and more anxious they really want to retreat by now telling the group that it might be their best option but they insist on doing this not to mention if they retreat that means they're going to leave boo here to wreak havoc on earth they got at least find a way to slow them down if anything they're not entirely sure they can defeat him but maybe they could stall them for a bit at least until they actually do think of something just to have some more fun boo begins launching candy beams everywhere not even necessarily trying to be precise he's just shooting them around this poses some trouble for the group because if they turn into candy i don't think i need to tell you that that's a bad thing this is probably worse than his regular attacks because if they're hit by that they're completely incapacitated they narrowly avoid these attacks while piccolo begins talking to gohan maybe the two of them need to try and max out cow can even more yeah it's risky but if they go to higher levels it'll be more effective and even though they can only use it for a short period of time it'll be just enough just a short burst of more energy might be what they need to actually defeat boo but gohan tells piccolo that's impossible he doesn't have enough energy left to go beyond where he is right now not only will it deplete too fast and injure him too much but it's just not possible at the moment he doesn't have the energy in him to spit if they give him some time to charge more energy maybe he'll be able to do it but it's still not definite although it seems like the best chance right now and in order to do that the group would need to hold off boo for much longer which also seems kind of impossible at the moment there has to be some good plan that they can do to at least hold boo off goku and chichi turn to each other and get an idea if gohan needs more energy they'll be glad to lend go and ask why they're doing that if they give up their energy then they're not going to be able to do anything but they remind gohan of the trade-off super saiyan 2 is not something that they can keep increasing but as for kyle ken gohan doesn't know his limits with that maybe if they gave him some of their energy and charged him up more that burst of kyle kennedy does could be higher than anyone's power at the moment even if it only be for a brief few seconds that brief few seconds might be enough for him to charge up a full power kamehameha launching a boot incinerating it it's a very risky maneuver but really they don't really have anything else to do at the moment so they decide to go with this boo watch is on confused as goku and chichi put their hand on gohan powering up into super saiyan 2 and then going down into bases gohan's filled with their energy and gohan feels completely recharged not only is he at his maximum output but he has a little extra that he could use it's a huge boost in energy and a huge boost in power and it makes him feel more confident in the plan without wasting any time he immediately goes into kyle ken once more but this time it's different he's powering up way beyond where he ever was before piccolo watches on amazed gohan's not only in super saiyan but he has kao ken on top of that at a pretty high level he shouts times 10. this is their only shot of defeating buu right now just consider how strong that is in comparison to everyone else it's the multiplier of super saiyan with another 10 times multiplier on top of it it's massive although it's not really something he could use them all it's not like he has infinite energy to do this and it also is pretty painful gohan quickly launches a boo and begins attacking and he's actually overwhelming the majin he's trying his hardest to find an opening so he can launch a full power attack to erase him and the group watches on hoping everything goes okay but then they hear shin behind them yell out he notices that something's wrong not with boo or gohan but vegeta he's gone he was just unconscious on the ground nearby and now they can't find him as gohan can use boo he's then shocked that someone else jumps into fight too a quick flash of red light appears and then gohan sees vegeta he's woken up and it seems he's overcoming the majin curse the group looks over to see him as well vegeta actually seems like he's back to normal and he tells the group to stop messing around gohan's power might be great but he can't do this alone he offers gohan's help and the two begin fighting together krillin and piccolo watch on as well and since krillin's really the only one who hasn't lost all his power he lends it to piccolo telling him to join the fight piccolo didn't expect this but he thanks krillin the power from krillin isn't a huge amount but it's just enough for him to get back into the battle vegeta gohan and piccolo are teamed up against buu all of them and kyle kent vegeta tells him right away they need to coordinate they need to synchronize the perfect attack to defeat boo and he tells them to get ready on his command when they get the q he wants them to all power up with khao khan going to the maximum output they have possible he doesn't care if it hurts them or uses all their energy it's their last chance the other fighters decide to help with a distraction even though goku chichi and krillin don't have much power left chi-chi and krillin each create a kienzon fling and a boozy slice into pieces goku then jumps in blinding creating the perfect opening vegeta shouts now and together the three of them all power up a massive red aura appears and the entire area begins shaking as they shout kyle ken the light from it is so bright too even from the tournament arena people notice a red glow from far away as the three prepare their kaio-ken assault boo regenerates from being attacked by chichi and krillin but just as he does he's hit head-on by three beam attacks this attack is so powerful that it incinerates the entire area turning all the sand around them into glass the clouds part above is the beams launch off into the atmosphere with buu desperately trying to push back but to no avail as he's destroyed by their combined attacks bobbidy is defeated boo's defeated and now it seems that they claim victory goku chichi krillin and the two kai's watch on a maze and they see booze completely eradicated and obviously bobbidy stands no chance gohan and vegeta powered down exhausted collapsing onto the ground with piccolo barely being able to stand he could at least handle kyle ken better but vegeta and gohan can't even stand up they did it they defeated buu and the best part is vegeta seems to be back to normal he apologized to the group for his actions and hopes that this makes up for it so with all this out of the way the busag has ended and now we can move on to the next arc so naturally there's another short time skip in between everything and everyone continues training goku continue down their current path while not gonna think it surpassed super saiyan 2 goten even joins another training as well he is older now and due to him being a full saiyan he's not the same goten not that he was never motivated in the original series but here he's so much more focused on wanting to actually fight and even though he doesn't have the immense potential of hybrid saiyan he makes up for it with all his great training and his training partners he wants to one day become just as strong as his brother and his parents and he definitely has that same mindset it's weird he's really the first of his kind a pure saiyan born on earth and being raised there and unlike goku it's not like he has to hit his head to become good he's just raised to be good as for vegeta he's kind of in a weird spot he doesn't really have a rivalry with goku like he has in the main series nor does he have one with chichi but is instead really focused on himself although it's kind of dissipated he still does feel that chi chi cheated but he doesn't care that much about it anymore and thinks that there's no point competing if anything it just serves more motivation to him unlike chichi he won't have to rely on tricks or wishes to get strong so your training will be enough he's somewhat distance from goku compared to normal obviously the two see each other from time to time and train but he's not too set on that oddly enough he actually forms more of a rivalry with piccolo and with gohan too considering the three of them use a similar technique the three of them like to train together since it's really something that only the three of them could really relate on not to mention since they are practicing kaio ken they decide to visit king kai from time to time he does know most about it after all and while goku and chichi are set on improving super saiyan 2 these three are more set on improvement kyle can unlike those same transformations kaioken might not have limits besides the strength of one's body but in terms of the multipliers they could probably keep going even higher and higher piccolo's already got it at great rates he can go up to times 100 for gohan and vegeta it's obviously different but maybe they can go even beyond that too and who knows what piccolo could strive for times 200 times 500 a thousand they're excited just thinking about it and they know they want to suppress their limits in this way vegeta and gohan view this as better than super saiyan 2 because if they perfect kaioken to a certain level it'll be a bigger multiplier they saw what it was like for gohan when he got that power up during the busan and super saiyan 2 would just mean they have to relearn super kaio-ken again it wouldn't really be worth the effort as for piccolo his best course of action is to strengthen his regeneration instead of trying to increase kyle ken at the moment he does get more efficient with kyle ken but more importantly getting more efficient with the generation first would be better if he becomes more efficient with that he'll regenerate quicker with less stamina usage and that'll help with kaioken to the point where it could be used for prolonged periods of time and with higher multipliers once his regeneration has improved far beyond where it is now he'll then start focusing on higher multiplications of kaioken combine the two together and you'll get a really powerful combo for piccolo making him a very formidable arrival for vegeta and gohan everyone's life continues normally for a few years but one day while these three are on king kai's planet king kai starts panicking apparently some sort of visitor is coming and king kai tries to play it off like it's all okay but eventually lets a slip that is lord beerus and vegeta hears his name and is shocked ken kai surprised wait vegeta knows who beerus is oh no this can't be good beerus then arrives on the planet amuses to see that king guy has three students vegeta immediately bows and gohan and piccolo don't really know what to do so they just bow in response as well he introduced himself to gohan and piccolo and as for vegeta he tells vegeta what he's here for he's looking for something called a super saiyan god and since vegeta is a saiyan after all maybe he knows something about it vegeta is actually kind of confused by this he's never heard of a super saiyan god but if beerus wants they can fight it just so we can get a gauge of their power well if they say so vegeta fights beerus first it goes nowhere gohan then fights beerus and that goes nowhere and just for fun even though he's not a saiyan piccolo fights too but that goes nowhere although beerus is impressed with their strength this kaioken thing that they're using is pretty impressive and he commends king kai for it it seems he's taught his students well although there still is the issue that they've never found out about any super saiyan god or whatever he still does want to look for it although he is kind of enjoying himself here he tells all three of them to fight him at once that might be more interesting and with the three of them fighting together he's surprised that their teamwork and their power combined it does make the fight more interesting but of course beerus would still win he fends them all off and sees their promise so there really is no super saiyan god though vegeta tells beerus that there are more saiyans on earth but they wouldn't know about anything either there's two full saiyan adults and a full saiyan kid but vegeta says if anything he'd be the one to know about this and they're more focused on some super saiyan 3 thing or whatever beerus turns to whis and the two of them begin thinking why not invite vegeta to their planet from what they're hearing and seeing he seems to be the strongest and since it's called super saiyan god it might have something to do with god ki whis theorizes that maybe if vegeta gets access to god ki he could then get super saiyan god just from training assuming it is some sort of transformation as the name implies it's a super saiyan form two of which are already pre-existing and are able to be unlocked well vegeta concurs with this he can't really think of anything else so he'll go with them if they want it'll also be better training for him gohan and piccolo decide to stay with king kai since he's closer to earth while vegeta ends up going with beerus and beerus tells vegeta if this goes well he'll grab those other two sands on earth three chances of super saiyan god that'll make the odds much better than they are right now eventually goku and chichi do hear about this if they're not too shocked about beerus being a thing they're more so shocked that vegeta went off a train on his own without them whatever sort of godly training he's doing sounds really interesting and they wish they got to go and as i mentioned they would eventually get invited although there is one issue chichi and goku are concerned about goten he would be left on earth pretty much alone of course gohan would be there and he could help take care of goten but still he'd be without his parents but surprisingly government is actually kind of fine with this it may seem weird but you gotta remember goten is a full say false lands are much more individualistic i mean look at vegeta and raditz they were around destroying planets as kids babysitting they're sent to low-level planets to destroy them and they mature surprisingly quick even goku as a kid while he definitely wasn't a normal saiyan at that point he was still very independent living out in the woods alone plus goten thinks he's fine because he has a bunch of other people there gohan of adelaide are there after all if he needs anything as well as bulma he's a lot more mature and self-sufficient than a regular human of his age he can live fine alone and vegeta actually notes this too it does make sense for a full saiyan to act like this well if goten says so if he ever needs anything they'll definitely come back here but he insists that he's fine on his own and if anything this will be better for him training alone might be better than what he's doing right now it'll make him less reliant on others so the two of them go off to beerus's planet with vegeta and not long after doing so goten immediately regrets saying this not because he misses them or doesn't feel like he can live alone but because he feels bored he feels like he's left behind in a way if anything he should have just gone with them beerus didn't really want some kid running around his planet which goten is kind of bummed out of him but even besides that he feels like it's a symptom of a larger issue he has trunks if he feels the same but trunks doesn't really mind he likes training now and then but his human side makes him much more accustomed to living peacefully and not so focused on trying to get stronger and being able to blow up planets or whatever but goten feels that they're wasting their potential they could be doing so much more in terms of power it would be nice if they were involved in all these cool fights with their parents and gohan they continue their training while on earth keeping this in mind they want to get involved in whatever big fight is next they want to prove that they're responsible enough to do this thing maybe if they do that goten can get a ticket onto beerus's plan training at the high level that everyone else is training at gohan takes goten to king kai's planet sometimes and while he has fun with that he doesn't really want to focus on learning how can like gohan is learning kaioken at the level that piccolo would go on have it at that's going to take him way too long and plus it's not like he can stay on kinkai's planet for too long he goes back and forth from there in earth to get to school and everything he really just wants to get involved in the fight and he's pretty bummed out one day he's trading with trunks and they notice something odd up in the sky there's spaceships approaching earth they're definitely not made by humans they're not sure what it is but it's definitely some sort of alien spaceship and goten realizes this is his chance this must be some sort of alien invasion he can defend earth against him and prove himself as strong trunks is ready to join in too and the two head out to where that spaceship is going towards so just like i said in the last part everyone's pretty much off on their own training gohan and piccolo are mostly with king kai although they do visit earth occasionally as for goku chichi and vegeta they're all on beerus's planet training to get the next level of super saiyan god and without any of them there the strongest line of defense is goten and trunks at the end of the last part goes head and trunks noticed a spaceship approaching they weren't too sure what it is but they decided it's best to go see what's happening just as soon as they see it the two of them chase it down goten expects a fight's about to brew maybe he'll finally get to show his strength maybe he'll finally get to prove himself trunk says that it might be friendly aliens who knows but as they get closer to the ship they start to doubt that it looks very menacing this isn't something that normal aliens would arrive on this is definitely some sort of malicious attempt at an invasion soldiers start pouring out of the ship as other ships arrive for backup just as quickly as goten and trunks got there other fighters start arriving krillin tan shinhan roshi even yamcha and choutsu they know that the other strong fighters are gone from earth so if this is actually a threat they're gonna need as much help as possible at first no one knows what this is but krillin then recognizes the ship and then a person that steps off here it's freezing krillin's absolutely terrified as well as everyone else goten and trunks aren't too sure what's going on but krillin begins explaining although there's no need for an explanation frieza introduces himself and tells everyone how he's alive once more and not only that but he's stronger than before he's been training a lot well a lot in frieza terms not really much in comparison to all the people on earth but for frieza even the short training is good enough first you'll give everyone an appetizer as he sends his forces to go attack them even without gohan and piccolo here it's pretty easy to defend against all these fighters but as the group is fighting frieza's army frieza looks on and notices something weird one of the fighters there he's wearing an orange outfit he has a tail and his hair style it's unmistakable he looks just like goku this only serves to anger frieza more and more that must be goku's breath he knows goku had won but he didn't know there was another now the thing that pisses him off moses how much he looks like goku but surprisingly he doesn't see goku he doesn't see chichi or vegeta either this might actually be good it's just those two kids and some random earthlings he would prefer if they were here but he could also wreak havoc on earth and leave them present then going to visit them later on the army is defeated pretty easily as frieza then walks up to the group immediately they're on guard and goten jumps into super saiyan this stuns frieza for a bit he wasn't expecting another super saiyan much less a kit goten takes this opportunity to begin attacking frieza he catches the emperor off guard and begins attacking no hesitation at all he's actually dealing some considerable damage to frieza he's only in his first one right now even better trunks decides to join in and help goten also turning super saiyan there's two more super saiyans and they're kids as frieza's getting overwhelmed by the two fighters his concern washes away turning into pure anger whether it's goku chichi or their spawn he doesn't care he's come here for blood and he's gonna get it he launches a blast that knocks the two fighters back it doesn't injure them at all but it gives frieza some room to breathe now he'll stop playing around he transforms going into his final form this isn't his full power but he expects that this will be enough for these two brats super saiyan or not his training has been fruitful and this power alone is more than that of a super saiyan even with frieza transforming goten's undeterred krillin tells him to be careful but goten says it's fine he's stronger on his own now too he doesn't want anyone underestimating him and he's not going to give up here he starts attacking frieza once more and trunks joins him too to help and even with frieza transformed the two of them together actually are doing some damage although instead of overwhelming frieza now they're mostly just holding him off it's a very even fight between the three of them frieza is actually somewhat impressed it's not enough to overpower him but enough to make this fight annoying maybe he should really show off his true power he said before that he wasn't playing around but still it seems like he didn't get serious enough oh well he needed to test out his new power anyways this would be the perfect opportunity he got to slaughter two saiyans and not just any two saiyans but they're the kids of saiyans that he hates this fight ends here he begins powering up and a golden glow fills the area everyone watches i'm terrified even trunks is scared too goten's concerned but he tries not to show it he needs to act strong here he needs to defend earth it's his responsibility it's a chance to grow stronger and it's a chance to prove himself to everyone frieza reveals his new golden form and once more the young saiyan and the young hybrid stand launched towards him but this time even in super saiyan their combined might isn't enough frieza keeps dodging their attacks even blocking them and attacking back they do hit him occasionally but they don't do any damage to it he's so much stronger now in this form frieza's actually getting a kick out of this now they see they see his true power the splendor of the emperor goten then powers up once more going into super saiyan 2 now angry and frieza feel like he was mocked before goten was holding back this whole time he wasn't using his true power but even so this gives frieza more enjoyment even at their full power they're hopeless against him nothing that they do could stop him they fight harder and harder and the humans even try helping but they don't do much goten just getting angry not really at frieza but more so angry at himself it's like i mentioned last time and have been saying throughout this part doughton's been kind of doubting himself a bit he feels that as a saiyan he's not doing as much as he could and yeah he knows he's young he knows that something that will limit his power but still he feels useless in a way even at his full strength he can't even hope to defend earth he did put up a fight but it wasn't enough he needs more power he wants to help frieza then launches an attack at trunks and as the weaker of the two trunks is hopeless to defend against it goten makes a split second decision powering up further then flying over to what trump says trying to block the attack he knocks his friend out of the way and quickly tries to push back the attack but only barely manages to do so the attack then blows up in front of him knocking far away injuring him and rendering him unconscious he lies there on the ground disappointed in himself they're completely outmatched he can't do anything he failed at defending earth trunks stands up and watches as frieza gets closer and closer to him laughing as he sees goten on the ground well that's one monkey down one more to go and then he'll slaughter everyone else here he menacingly gets closer and closer to the group with trunks in front of them as they all cower in fear but two voices then shout out and out of nowhere frieza's chest explodes two beams of energy bursts out of it swirling in unison frieza drops to the ground and behind him the group sees a red glow that dissipates revealing piccolo and gohan with a combined mechanical sappo they caught frieza off guard and knocked him down a double mechanical sapo if you will to make sure all the other fighters are all right and trunks points over to goten he's injured but at least he's okay he's just unconscious right now seeing this only serves to anger gohan more and more not only is it bad enough that frieza's here but he hurt his brother and it seems he hurt him back he turns over to where frieza's lying on the ground he's almost dead but barely still alive weakly on the ground he props himself up with one arm and begins chuckling no matter what these monkeys do he won't be stopped look how pathetic everyone here is cowering out of fear and the only one that hoped to serve a chance is down on the ground the only way they actually hurt frieza was by a sneak attack in his other hand he begins charging a blast ready to aim it right towards earth but before he can even do so he's lifted up in the air by gohan as gohan holds frieza in front of him he stares down the emperor picking on children frieza knows no loads he tells frieza was a big mistake not only showing up here but hurting goten but gohan will make sure he never returns with a single blast he completely eradicates frieza finishing the job finally killing the emperor for good the group leaves the area gohan and piccolo take goten to the lookout aiming to get him healed and figure out what happened goten recounts all the events and how he and trunks briefly held off frieza until he turned into the skolden form goten still regrets what happened he feels weak he couldn't do anything he had to rely on gohan and piccolo to save the day and if they didn't sense what was happening on earth earth would have been destroyed because goten is too weak to defend it gohan tells him that's not the case frieza is a really tough opponent especially at goten's age he's amazed at how strong his brother is and how he was able to even hold frieza off and think about it this way if goten weren't as strong as he was while earth would have been destroyed right away gohan and piccolo wouldn't have had a chance to save him and even better he reminds goten that he's a saiyan goten got some bad injuries during that fight and as a saiyan he's only gonna get stronger and stronger as this happens goten completely forgot about that too not only will this battle serve as a great experience but it did actually make him stronger in a few ways and gohan's right he shouldn't be so defeatist about everything yeah he might not be as strong as the others but he's strong enough as is and he's just gonna get stronger as he keeps training one day he's gonna stop doubting himself he'll prove his strength not only to everyone around him but to himself thankfully that arc ends all well and next up we have the universe 6 tournament by this time goku vegeta and chichi are all back on earth and they hear what happened with frieza they're pretty proud of goten and trunks for what they did and it's good that gohan and piccolo were able to arrive in town but now they face another challenge they need a team for the tournament as you can probably guess they already have three different fighters goku vegeta and chichi the next natural best picks would be piccolo and gohan but as for gohan he decides not to attend he'd tell them to recruit goten instead he could have a chance at this i mean this just sounds like a friendly tournament it can't be that serious right it's not like earth is going to magically disappear to universe 6 or anything if they lose right garton's actually glad to hear this and joins the team immediately well goku and chichi think this could be a good experience for him not only will they get to see his strength first hand but it'll be in a more friendly manner instead of him trying to defend earth desperately against an evil emperor and it's goten's lucky day or maybe unlucky day because he's actually chosen first for the tournament meaning he'll be the first fighter in the ring alright that's kind of a lot of pressure for him but he'll make it work his first opponent is botamo and as you'd probably expect baton was not really that strong of a fighter but it's his abilities to make him impressive goten can easily dodge all of his attacks but none of his attacks work against potamo every time he hits patamo he just tanks it taking no damage at all and not even flinching goten's gotta think and he's got the perfect idea just hit harder he wanted to pace himself but he jumps into super saiyan and then delivers a bunch of full power attacks at patama it's still not hurting him but he notices something but taro is actually moving back when he attacks the force of his punches are so strong that it kind of flings with tama back with his elastic body and he just got another idea just as soon as he attacks again he quickly powers up into super saiyan 2 giving his punch more impact as he launches potamo out of the ring next up he'll be facing frost of course this kind of angers him a bit this guy looks just like frieza although he's acting like a good guy something's really off about him but it seems like he actually is good so maybe he's not like frieza he shouldn't judge frost by his cover i mean goten doesn't want to be racist right if anything frieza would want him to be racist he's not gonna do that but as it turns out maybe he should have been racist because frost is actually a pretty bad guy goten actually seems to have the upper hand during the battle but then he gets poisoned by frost and they find out when frost gets disqualified although instead of vegeta jumping in goten stays in the ring after a few minutes he's fine and the poison doesn't affect him anymore and his next opponent is magetta this one's going to be a bit harder like literally magetta's body is so incredibly strong that none of goten's attacks do any damage to him it would be nice if whis told him the weakness of the metal men but he's actually interested to see how goten performs gohan tries to employ strategies like he did with potamo trying to just knock him out of the ring instead of focusing on his pure power but it's impossible magetta is just so heavy and so durable that nothing works eventually this leads to goten losing as magetta steams him out of the ring goten is kind of bummed out about this but everyone congratulates him for its performance against potamo and frost and in terms of magetta whis tells chichi a way to win because she's up next and not only is she ready to win this but she's mad at magetta for hurting goten whis doesn't even need to tell her his weakness because she just starts insulting him and he jumps out of the ring himself wow the insults weren't even that bad she didn't know he was that sensitive and next up she's facing kaaba it's weird to see a saiyan from universe 6. he looks very different from the ones in her universe although it's kind of a weird judgment to make considering chichi wasn't originally a saiyan after all so who is she the nitpick he seems like a nice guy although she finds out that he doesn't know what a super saiyan is besides the thing he saw goten do it this ends up being a pretty fun match although cabba doesn't learn how to do super saiyan chichi ends up winning and goes on to the next round against hit this will actually be a chance to test her true power instead of using just super saiyan or super saiyan 2 she can start using gothic techniques she does pays herself against hit but it becomes very clear that he's too strong for her so she reveals something that really no one's seen yet besides goku and vegeta in super saiyan she's then surrounded by a blue glow illuminating the entire arena it's a relatively calm transformation too she barely moves and once it's complete she's revealed there now with blue hair this is super saiyan blue goku claps that was a great reveal from his wife although he kind of wished he was the one to reveal it but whatever that was still cool nonetheless vegeta just scoffs and for a brief while she is actually able to keep up with hit but hit then begins picking up the pace not only is pure progress helping him but he begins using his time abilities more and more cheesy begins getting overwhelmed and even in this new form of hers with this great new power it might not be enough and if anything she only made it stronger it knocks her out of the ring next up is goku and it's a similar story with him he shows off super saiyan blue as well although he's pretty even with chichi in terms of power so nothing he does against hit works there's only two people left vegeta and piccolo the one up next is vegeta piccolo knows that vegeta is likely stronger than him so he's hoping that he can finish this but vegeta's got a trick up asleep while those two have super saiyan blue he has been discussing an idea with kakarot one that kakarot never actually went for but something that vegeta can do and decided to make his own although the chances of it working are slim but vegeta has the highest chance of making work he then powers up into super stay in blue but continues powering up beyond that a red glow illuminates the arena on top of his blue oar as vegeta shouts kyle kane just like he did in the buu saga with super kaio-ken vegeta has now combined the power with super saiyan blue creating super saiyan blue kaioken kind of mouthful but cool and powerful nonetheless in blue cow 10 times 10 he completely outpaces it even with time skip vegeta is just simply too fast for him to keep up and it doesn't end like it did between goku in it vegeta actually goes the distance knocking hit out of the ring taking the win and winning the tournament for universe 7 in the process all the spectators were amazed with his power but there's another person that ended up watching these saiyans fight after the fact someone who is also pretty intrigued with the saiyan's power so let's start by setting the scene traveling to the future timeline going back a couple years goten trunks bulma and everyone else around earth like normal they enjoy the new peace time that they have after the androids are defeated and luckily it seems like there's no threats right now at least not any immediate threats but knowing the future timeline that's bound to change eventually shin and kibito arrive to earth warning goten and trunks about what's about to happen apparently a monster named majin buu is about to appear or at least someone trying to revive him and he's about to arrive on earth they need to stop him before majin buu is revived or else the entire galaxy maybe even the entire universe is at risk well they knew a new threat would come around someday i mean that's pretty standard for earth so they have been training but they take shin's advice they go with him to the sacred world of kai's and again training there already things seem to be going much better for them in the main timeline all they had was trunks but here they have goten as well who's equally as strong as trunks he's clearly a pure saiyan too however the hell that happened they could tell by his tail but [ __ ] and kabir aren't gonna ask any questions as long as they have two people helping that's really all that matters so the first order of business is trying to release the z-sword and with their great power it doesn't really take too long of course there is some struggle that's the whole point of it but they eventually free it and begin training with it trunks is obviously better suited for it because he's more of a swordsman although goten does swing it around from time to time they share the sword and they're making some great progress shin and kabito are amazed they're growing really quickly they know that's standard for saiyans but at this rate they'll be more than enough to defend earth defeating deboer and bobbity and defending earth against majin buu and that pretty much is the case here they go to earth ready to fight it with the biggest threat being deborah and in the original story it took trunks going super saiyan 2 to actually defeat him but here they have two super saiyans with trunks being a little bit stronger than his mainline counterpart pretty much because he has goten they're training with him this doesn't mean the battle is going to be easy not by any means likely there wouldn't be some close calls at shin and kabito although thanks to the perfect fighting synergy of goten trunks as well as their amazing power they're able to pull through eventually defeating deborah defending earth and stopping majin buu's revival with both of the kai surviving through the experience eventually they do return to the sacramento kaise to train they want to get even stronger than they were before going beyond super saiyan in any way possible and they improve pretty much every aspect of them even fusion whenever they fuse in the go tanks they have a better hold of him known to regulate their power to make the fusion last as long as possible and to make things even more efficient sometimes they fuse into goat tanks and use the z sword it trains both of them at once while also making the fusion itself more efficient they go on with this training for a few more months and one day they're all resting on the planet they feel light tremor as the hybrid saiyan and the saiyan are woken by an explosion kibito rushes over to them unsure of what's happened and they can't sense or find shin anywhere this definitely isn't good they rush over to where they saw the explosion and as the smoke clears from the area they only see one thing nearby shin lying on the ground dead trunks is then alerted by something above him he saw something moving through the smoke and he immediately goes on the super saiyan flying towards it to attack it goten tells him to wait unsure of what's lying ahead but trunks doesn't care he immediately begins fighting this unseen threat and as the two of them keep clashing the smoke eventually clears the area and when trunks sees who the villain actually is he's left completely dumbfounded goten looks up and has an even more severe reaction there's no way this is actually happening the person that attacked them it's it looks like goku no that can't be true goku died in this timeline and if this was the past goku how did he get here and why is he evil what's happening so many thoughts are racing through goten's head he doesn't even know how to react to this no matter who this guy is trunks is going to fight him he continues clashing with black realizing that his power is way higher than theirs crap even fusion might not be enough at least not at the moment it could barely help them but they don't want to take the risk but before trunks can even continue fighting he's then grabbed by kabito teleporting him to the surface grabbing goten then teleporting everyone back to earth goku black watches on smirking he'll see them again pretty soon so yeah i am going with goku black in this scenario now i could have done vegeta black and funny enough i actually have a reason to do goten black here but i feel like goku black will work better a lot of zamasu's hatred was directed towards goku himself at least that goku in his timeline so when making this video was pretty much 50 50 with me and it's not like vegeta black will be entirely original i've done it in a lot of scenarios before but especially with the dynamic of goten existing in the future i feel like goku black would be nice well not for him but for the story anyways short tangent aside everyone's back on earth and they're deciding what they should do kabino is really the only one leading them right now since there's no supreme kai anymore he did try to heal shin but nothing worked he was dead and it seemed like there was no way of saving him goten is pretty shaken up by all this stuff that guy couldn't have been goku right there's no way that was actually his dad there trunks tries to support goten getting him to snap out of him he knows it was something unexpected for him but still they need to figure out how to stop this as well as figuring out who he actually is there's no way it was goku so what's the best course of action now obviously they are preparing trying to get stronger in any way possible continuing their training except here on earth but bulma does have a backup plan she still has the time machine and since earth isn't under attack right now this is her perfect opportunity to work on refueling just as a failsafe in case their training doesn't work they could always go back in time but of course it's not hard for goku black to locate everyone and this short opportunity is quickly washed away he arrives in earth and begins wreaking havoc trying to find goten and trunks the two sinners mortals messing with time they think they're gods or something it's despicable goten trunks kibito and bulma are all on the move constantly trying to remain unseen while also trying to help bulma work on the time machine as much as kabito hates the idea of them time traveling he knows that the situation is pretty dire so he does try to help out the best he can but no matter how hard they try to avoid him he eventually locates them but this might have been a big mistake for him and kapito notices something interesting this time that he saw before that earring that he's wearing it looks oddly familiar almost like the ones that he has on now kabita would probably be the least knowledgeable of the kai's especially since elder kai's not there but of course he would recognize this earring and probably even the time ring not that he would have used it in the past but he's probably heard a little bit about it or something is this person related to the kaiser something he's not entirely sure what's happening but what's important now is that they try to fight him although this time goten's reaction is much more severe he doesn't know who this guy is but he sure as hell knows that it's not goku this isn't something his dad would do and hearing that someone's impersonating goku that doesn't sit right with goten seeing someone who looks like his dad destroying earth destroying planets killing the supreme kai all while trying to go after them goten is not having it goku blacks is a handout launching a blast right at goten but right before it makes contact goten shouts powering up immensely the blast completely dissipates eradicated by goten's aura trunks looks at his friend in amazement he powered up into super saiyan but something's different about it there's electricity surrounding it it's power's higher they don't know what it is but goten just powered up into super saiyan 2. his emotions completely overtook him and now he's going to channel them into his power he tells the three others to escape get in the time machine and leave as soon as possible trunks says he can't do that they only have enough fuel for one trip right now they can't even do a round trip and what about goten they're not just gonna leave him here goten tells him not to ask questions just to leave right now he's gonna handle this he just wants to make sure they're safe trunks feels that goten is not thinking clearly right now but after all the stuff that just happened goten tells trunks this is the clearest that he's been thinking he'll defeat this goku look alike and if not he at least wants to give the others a chance to escape he launches up towards goku black getting a direct hit dealing some significant damage as the clash begins the three others escape they hope goten is going to be okay they're hoping to get some help in the past bringing it back here to solve the threat if goten can't as the time machine disappears trunks washes in anticipation telling his friend to hang in there on the lawn of capsule corp a crowded time machine appears out of nowhere president trunks looks inside finding that there's three people in there not sure what this vehicle is or who these people are but then he gets to look at their faces recognizing all of them one looks like his mom one looks like that weird god guy that he saw before but he's not too sure who he is and the other one it looks like him president bulma immediately comes out and sees with other people like vegeta goku and chichi rushing over well it's cool that they get to meet future bulma and future kabito for some reason but why is goten not here trunks begins explaining immediately saying they need to return to the future as soon as possible once everyone's caught up to speed they don't even know what to say goku and chichi are especially worried because of what they heard about goten they just hope he survives and they can make it back in time bulma immediately begins work on refueling the time machine alongside her future self quickly running into the caps cork building as goku tries getting more info out of trunks they eventually see something appear in the sky a weird black portal of sorts and sure enough the person that comes through it is goku black now that's an interesting surprise trunks traveled back to this timeline just like he expected but it seems everyone's already here even goku angrily goku and chichi look up towards him goku black begins his monologue but goku cuts him short what did he do with goten goku black begins laughing he says that poor saiyan couldn't hope to fight him his power was simply too strong as expected of a god as much as he hates to admit it though he wasn't able to kill goten but he did get pretty close injuring the saiyan as he escaped and that's all goku and chichi needed to hear they do feel a bit of relief knowing that he's okay but more importantly they feel anger at the fact that goku black tried to kill him not only that but the fact that he's even impersonating goku in the first place this isn't just them fighting a threat this is personal now instantly the two of them power up into super saiyan blue goku black doesn't even register what's happening the wind is knocked out of him as he's then kicked in the back launched towards the ground below him then being kicked once more and launched up into the air he then receives another hit and another the two of them keep knocking goku black back and forth within the span of seconds they deal a significant amount of damage to him he tries to activate his time ring but before he even can he's met with two kamehamehas combining together hitting him head-on goku and chichi mean business and goku black dies in the battle they power down not saying a word they're gonna help trunks at everyone else and trunks thanks them for doing that that power they gave off he couldn't even sense it but it was insane he could tell he didn't expect that they'd solve it that quickly the three of them remain in the past with kabito meeting his past self and shin as everyone gets more and more informed about the situation that eventually turns everyone's attention to zamasu leading into an informal investigation by beerus but thankfully with future bulma's expertise not much time passes before the time machine is refueled with the two bombers working together they were able to get things back into working order pretty quickly and they're just about ready to return to the future just to be safe they also did get some extra fuel in case they do need to return but with goku black dead they're sure that everything's gonna be okay although they'll all remain alert goten then flies over giving a few senzu beans to trunks he's kind of bummed because he wanted to see his future self but this is fine he tells trunks to make sure that his future self is all right and trunks nods he's sure that future goten is more than okay at least he's remaining optimistic the three of them bore the time machine waving goodbye and thanking everyone once more and once they arrive in the future they notice that everything's pretty quiet with goku black now dead the city is eerily quiet right now but faintly trunks senses something some energy nearby recognizing it immediately as goten with the senzu beans in hand he flies over and immediately he sees that goten is in pretty bad shape he's alive but he is beaten up and he's a little tired of it but overall he is okay although the concerning thing is he asked goten why he's powered up right now goku black's gone they killed him goten chuckles glad to hear this but he tells trunks that goku black wasn't the only threat someone else just appeared and he looked oddly like a supreme kai he's been popping in and out it seems like he's looking for goku black and goten doesn't know who he is or why he's here but goten is out to get him he knows that this guy is probably responsible for whatever's been happening shin's death the damage to earth and whoever that was that stole goku's identity goten eats one of the senzu beans immediately getting healed now feeling much better than before as well as getting a bit stronger which is nice and it's good timing too because as soon as he powers up that kai then returns oh great trunks is here too it seems like this kai already knows that and he did have a brief encounter with goten but it went nowhere because he seems perfectly fine now goten wonders why he took no damage he was sure that this guy wasn't that strong but zamasu introduces himself then asking where goku black is trunks asked zamasu for more info daniel tell him what happened to goku black how annoying but zamasu obliges explaining who he is why he's here what he's done and who goku black is now angry he shouts at the two of them telling them to say where goku black went fearing the worst and his fears are confirmed goku black has died in the past and trunks tells zamasu that he's next but there is one little issue apparently this guy is immortal and i thought he might have been bluffing but he explains mentioning how he used the super dragon balls to gain immortality but they tell zamasu that they don't care even if he's immortal that's only going to prolong his pain and they'll find a way to stop him whether it's killing him or something else the two look at each other or not as to then perform the fusion dance with zamasu unsure of what's happening as gotenks then appears he lunges at zamasu with the z sword slicing the kai in half he then swings more and more turning zamasu into a bunch of little pieces and finishing it off with a blast seeing if that erases him for good and sure enough it doesn't he regenerates back from it although he definitely did feel that attack he might be immortal but he's not immune to pain and before he can even recollect himself his arms are then suddenly restrained rings of energy appear around him gotenks is used as a galactic donut holding the kai in place it's too strong for zamasu to escape and he wonders why gotenks isn't attacking and that's really because he's dumbfounded the fusion's not too sure of what he should do right now i mean they could hold him in place but they can't accomplish this forever huh this might actually be harder than goku black zamasu feels insulted they don't even seem concerned zamasu keeps taunting the fusion no matter what they try they can't kill it but gotenk's retorts saying that he will find a way he just needs some time to think for the next 10 minutes or so zamasu stands there restrained trying to wiggle his way out of the black donut but nothing works if only they had some way to seal him or something you know what maybe the immortality has some sort of limit if they completely destroy him every single little bit of him and make sure it doesn't regenerate that might work they try to deal with zamasu again and he just regenerates as they immediately restrain him once more zamasu is getting really annoyed by this point but there's nothing he could do and out of his sheer anger he powers up and this time he gets released from the galactic donut he launches over towards the fusion with a keyblade in his hand goten quickly draws his own sword hitting zamasu with it but this time something different happens a bright flash of light appears as zamasu screams gotenk still holds a sword in his hand and he can't see zamasu anywhere but then he hears a voice calling out to him he looks down at the ground shocked to see that there's someone else dressed like a kai down there they descend to go talk to the sky and he's really old for some reason this kai dust himself off introducing himself he was looking for a way out of that sword and with all the time in the world in there he figured out that he could probably just seal someone else in there swapping positions with them and that's exactly what he did gotenks is completely confused but elder kai explains further not only did he just seal zamasu and help them but he freed himself from the sword it's a win-win obviously they don't know who this guy is but he seems like a good guy at least so maybe that's something and he was a former supreme kai so he would be a good replacement for shin probably elder kai's caught up to speed as well and he knew that the person he sealed was a bad guy but he didn't realize he was that bad well seems like he made a good choice and gotenk's chuckles huh that must have been what was so powerful about the z sword although they wonder who sealed elder kai in the first place but that doesn't really matter right now all that matters that they stop these two threats goku black's gone and zamasu is sealed away but they're gonna make sure to be very careful with the sword it's probably a good idea to not train with it anymore and with that we'll end off here for now so now we're heading to what's possibly the penultimate part of the series a lot has changed already and the chichi being part of the story now all of those things snowball together completely altering the landscape of the tournament of power immediately we could see some changes within the team itself ever since the universe 6 tournament zeno has been wanting to do this and now it's finally coming to fruition universe 7 now needs 10 members for the team and the first three are pretty obvious goku vegeta and chichi goku is not sure how to break it to everyone that the universe could be erased but instead of bribing everyone with zenny or whatever chichi thinks it's best to tell them flat out if anything that would encourage people to join the tournament yeah it's scary they can keep it from the general public but in terms of their group it's better to not keep them in the dark even goten and trunks are told about this because they will be joining the team as you've seen in the scenario goten is pretty strong as his trunks too they'll definitely be beneficial for the team and of course gohan and piccolo are there too that makes seven and the last three fighters are pretty easy to pick krillin to shinhan and roshi without frieza and the androids we have chichi goten and trunks on the team replacing them goten and trunks are pretty hyped up for this well not for the fact that they could get a race but for the fact that they could show off their true strength now especially goten but they also have fusion to rely on it works so well for the other version of them that they've started relying on it more and more not too much because they do want to fight individually but if they ever need it as a last resort they haven't piccolo even tells them this too don't use it unless they absolutely need to it'll reduce the amount of fighters they have by 1 even though it does make a stronger one it's risky but could help in the right scenario as for vegeta he's continued his own path of training alongside with piccolo the two have been trying out kaioken more and more and of course piccolo has an advantage when it comes to this but for vegeta he still wants to try and max it out as much as possible combining with super saiyan blue was a really good idea but besides just improving kaio ken he wants to improve blue as well and he's found a new level of it mastered super saiyan blue it's not too different from regular blue but it uses it at 100 efficiency although it's pretty hard to maintain at first but thankfully piccolo has a good solution the two of them think it might be a good idea to head into the room of spirit and time together not only to train super saiyan blue but to train kyle ken they go in for about a day which is a year on the inside and not only does piccolo see some great gains but vegeta sees a considerable increase in strength as well this is mainly seen in his super saiyan blue form he's got a better control on the perfected version of it and has found out a way to actually use kaokan on top of it at first this was really hard to maintain but with that year of training it actually really helped a lot not to mention he's able to use calcan at even higher levels now this actually makes him the strongest person on the team far above anyone else even goku and chichi perfected blue alone is one thing but the fact that he has cow can on top of it and kaioken at higher levels well it's a deadly combination and as for piccolo training alongside vegeta so much is really helping especially with the two of them using kaio-ken but besides that i don't think i need to cover anything else before the tournament and now we can head into the actual battle itself the team heads to the world of void as the tournament begins right away the saiyans get to work surprisingly the first thing goten does to go after frost he knows that frost could be a wild card so he decides to surprise him not only showing off his increase in power but showing that he's serious about this battle catching frost off guard means that universe 6 has already lost a person and that's actually the first elimination of the tournament and of course frost is pretty angry and he tries to kill goten but he gets erased right away trunks watches on during the whole thing and this is pretty cool and he and goten are going to use that same strategy they want to try and catch people by surprise gohan piccolo and vegeta work together a lot dismantling a lot of the other universes with goku and gigi sticking together doing the same everyone is pacing themselves too they're all in base and as for piccolo he's not using kyle kent although there are rare instances where chi chi or goku go super saiyan but besides that everyone's trying to be as efficient as possible and can serve as much stamina as they can gohan and piccolo then end up facing the universe saiyan with the three of them teaming up against them although this isn't as hard as it seems the universe 6 saiyans still don't have super saiyan if you remember from before kaba never learned super saiyan meaning caulifla and kale don't have it either they are still pretty strong as is but together gohan and piccolo are showing even more power and this causes something really surprising to happen really quick as kale and cauliflower fused way earlier on they didn't realize how outmatched they were and fusing seems to be their only course of action right now otherwise they're going to be eliminated so they break out the potara early on into the tournament this creates kefla who is a pretty strong opponent although she is only in a base and this is her maximum power copper ends up getting knocked out pretty early on and that serves as kind of a catalyst for this at first go on a piccolo or a challenge when facing kefla but the two of them continue powering up as gohan goes onto super saiyan 2 and piccolo activates cow ken for the first time this actually concerns kefla she heard that cabba mentioned that the other sands from universe 7 can transform or something and now that both of them are seeing it up close it's more terrifying than they initially thought but they're not going to back down although gohan and piccolo do want to make this quick in order to conserve as much stamina as possible they go to their maximum power early on with piccolo showing off ludicrous levels of kyle kent he could use times 100 pretty flawlessly and he even goes to times 200 and as you can imagine with these two strong fighters together as well as a much weaker kefla they're able to knock her out goten trunks actually get kind of a kick out of this you see those two fused too early although that method that they use is pretty weird their fusion dance that's superior and they're gonna say that for later on but more importantly right now goku and chichi are about to face jiren yes both of them together what do you think about it it's pretty obvious that the two of them are going to stick together during this fight besides their relation it's also the fact that they're basically the same person in terms of fighting they're always looking for a strong challenge and the two approach jiren then they turn to each other and jiren wonders what they're plotting and then they play a game of rock paper scissors this just confuses him and kind of insults him in a way jiren tells them flat out one of them isn't going to be enough so they decide not only would it be better to fight him together but it might be more fun the two power up and begin cycling through their forms eventually reaching super saiyan blue and even with the two of them fighting together it's still not enough alright well they at least have one more form off their sleeves they really hope they'll be able to obtain the thing that whis was telling them about but this should be enough for now a really strong evolution of super saiyan blue even vegeta was aware of this and he was wondering when they're going to break it out he's more focused on blue kyle ken so it makes sense that they pursued their own evolution of super saiyan blue they begin powering up surrounded by a dark bluish aura both of them are showing off super saiyan blue evolution and they begin attacking jira individually they wouldn't have been enough but together they're actually making some progress although not a lot they still need to gauge jiren's power and as far as they know he's not even fully powered up yet not even close as that fight continues the rest of universe 7 faces their own opponents goten and trunks end up facing dyspo and together they're easily able to annoy him which forces them to go into his light speed mode and then the two of them realize why kefla fused so early on as a shame goten kind of wanted to eliminate more people himself but at least he got frost he and trunks agree to fuse but they just need some help to hold off dyspo gohan then jumps in helping them once more trying to buy some time as the two fused together into gotek's gohan uses super kaoken to defend off dyspo and as he's fighting the pride trooper he suddenly sees a ring of energy fly overhead descending down upon dyspo and then contracting gotenks was perfect for this the galactic donut was just what they needed together gohan and gotenks pick dyspo up as he struggles to try and escape the galactic donuts and pretty casually they just throw them off the stage that was pretty fun gotenks wants to try and conserve as much energy as possible they're almost halfway through the tournament at this point and if gotenks can serve as energy he could try and make the fusion last the entire time or at least whatever time is remaining vegeta is focused on weakening the ranks of the other teams using blue cow cannon burst really helps him with this not only does it make for some great surprise attacks but it gives him the power that he needs in a pinch he and piccolo take out basically the rest of the pride troopers besides dyspo although toppo does seem to be an issue but he doesn't transform into his god of destruction mode without frieza there to violently piss him off he actually doesn't really have a reason to transform or at least to abandon his morals and because of that blue cow can vegeta and kyle ken piccolo are able to take him on defeating him and throw them out of the ring all this time goku and chichi's fight with jiren is still ongoing and since the rest of the universes aren't that much of a threat anymore others begin trying to pitch in and help surprisingly even hit jumps in the fight he's the only one left for universe 6 by this point and he's accepted that they're probably going to lose but instead of giving up he'd rather team up with universe 7 against jiren this guy's a loose cannon and they can't let him win with universe 7 at least one of them might wish people back so really this is his best chance at survival jiren gets trapped in a time cage as goku chichi and vegeta attack together with all three of them maxing out their powers but even in the time cage jiren tries to power up more and more and eventually he's able to break through then going right for hit and taking him out of the ring although this actually did help universe 7 a bit and they thank him for his sacrifice they're able to get a lot of good hits in no pun intended and they actually dealt some significant damage to jiren although he kind of does brush it off but still without hits help jiren wouldn't have been held in place and this helped them actually make some progress gohan and gotenk's joined in the fight too as well as piccolo they ended up cleaning up the rest of the universes and now jiren really is the only main focus the gods at least all the remaining ones watch on an amazement not expecting universe 7 to have been this powerful but all the gods from universe 11 laugh despite all their progress universe 7 is still not going to win there's no way they can hope to defeat jiren although a bit weakened goku and chichi are still ready to fight and they power up once more as for gotenks he has a trick up his sleeve too showing off super saiyan 3 which surprises everyone they don't know exactly what that is but it seems strong although he needs to make it quick because it will drain the fusion and jiren watches as the rest of the team powers up at least the ones who can power him piccolo goes into kyle ken gohan goes into super kaioken too with vegeta using blue kaioken so many different auras he can't even keep track of what's going on that's a lie he can all he needs to do is power up himself which he does they were able to do some good damage before thanks to hit with hit also having dealt some damage as well so the good thing is jiren's not at full health nor is he at full stamina because he was fighting beforehand although he still is in pretty good shape compared to the rest of them mainly compared to goku and chichi who didn't really stand a chance against him before but now with everyone together they're going to win they're confident about goku and chichi start off attacking jiren head on to distract together the two of them punch him and he's thrown right into vegeta who then powers up cow ken even higher it's hurting him but it's not that bad he could push us beyond his limits he knows it jiren throws a punch in vegeta but he's then grabbed by piccolo who extended his arm jiren jerks his arm and that flings piccolo over towards him but piccolo flips mid-air throwing blast out of jiren this creates a smoke screen and when it clears jiren is surrounded by a bunch of gotenks's the super ghost kamikaze attack all of the ghosts explode which doesn't damage jiren much but destroys a lot of the ring around a couple discs carve into the ground as well as goku throws multiple kianzans with chichi helping too the ring below jiren gives out and just in the neck of time he jumps away but when he lands the other platform he lands on gives away as well they were distracting jiren from the fact that they were chopping up the ring and he doesn't know which parts of the ring are safe and which aren't he keeps trying to jump back in but more of the ring keeps giving out below him and if he uses too much of his strength well then the rest of the ring will get destroyed as well and he won't have anywhere to jump into they've already weakened the ring a lot preventing jiren from using most of his power but he doesn't care he keeps trying to attack and the group continues destroying more and more of the ring together they know they might not be jeered by pure power alone and this is their best bet but they also do try and attack you and he's getting sloppy he is facing a lot of people at once and even though together they might not overpower him they're able to annoy him plus he's also focused on not falling out of the ring and whenever he does land on a ground that's about to break it trips him up the group keeps pulling off all of these combo attacks but also they keep on destroying the ground below them jiren's unsure of why they're doing this they're going to lose as well if they knock themselves out of the ring and they say they don't care they'll find a way the group completely shifts their focus jiren doesn't understand why but for some reason they're completely set on destroying the ring now more and more of the ring gives out below them whenever jiren tries to jump up they even try and stop it combined key blasts and glacier donuts try and do this although they don't accomplish much they do slow them down a bit though but with so much of the ring broken more people on universe 7 even fall out piccolo is the first to go then gotenks although each of them lend more energy to the other fighters that are still in the ring goku then falls through and then vegeta it's just chi-chi and jiren jumping on little chunks of the ring the two clash mid-air and then chi-chi is eliminated but as jiren lands back on the ground he falls through although he doesn't care because he thinks that he's one but when he's in the stands he sees that universe 7 is eliminated and he only counts nine fighters over there wait where's the other one two of the humans did get knocked out of the ring before to shinhan hiroshi but krillin he never got knocked out yeah he wasn't fighting this whole time it's because he's been hiding and then they see on the broken pieces of the timer in the middle of the ring there's a small chunk of rockets about to fall apart krillin's holding on for dear life and it seems he's the only one left in the ring that was their strategy they knew krillin was there and that's why they focus on breaking the ground jiren thinks it's foolish that he wasn't able to notice this and because of that krillin's the mvp of the tournament because he's the only one left in the ring he's glad everyone saw his plan and that goku and chichi made use of his kianzans although he has a big responsibility now he needs to make a wish for super shenron now krillin's a pretty smart guy and a pretty good guy first of all he knows that zen was watching and second of all he knows what the best wish would be so instead of a selfish wish he decides to wish for all the universes to come back and the good thing is just like he thought this is what zetta wanted he breathed a sigh of relief knowing that he didn't piss off center after the tournament of power there's no real big changes yet everyone's training continues as normal and life goes back to normal as well although there is one change that i want to talk about goku chichi and vegeta have gotten together and made a play so goku chichi have a new evolution of super saiyan blue and vegeta has kaioken on top of it maybe they could try and help each other if they're able to all learn each other's techniques they can make something really powerful vegeta would prefer to keep his thing to himself since it was kind of a thing that him and piccolo worked on together but hey this might actually make him a bit stronger if he's able to get their super saiyan blue evolution and combine it with his kyle ken he could be unstoppable and even if he does show them tao ken it's not like they're going to learn as quickly as he did this might be it this will be vegeta's chance to become the strongest fight one day they're all back on earth and a surprise visitor appears or i guess surprise visitors the galactic patrol shows up and they're trying to look for majin buu and there is no majin buu he was killed a while ago but why are they looking for him of all people well the galactic patrol isn't really too sure if this is going to help but they explain to the earthlings and the saiyans maybe they can lend some sort of helping hand although it is kind of a long shot one of their deadliest prisoners has escaped and they needed to imagine boo's magical powers or at least the powers of the person inside of him that was the only way to stop moro this magician that escaped of course this does pique the saiyan's interests hmm a strong new fighter someone who's bad who needs to be stopped this might be a good opportunity for them not only for a good fight but to test out their current strength they've all refined their strength somewhat since the tournament of power and this might actually be their calling not just for goku chichi and vegeta but for gohan goten and even trunks too although those three are remaining on earth only the three saiyans are gonna be going with the galactic patrol they're not too sure if this is gonna work and this might actually make things worse but it's at least worth a shot they don't have anyone strong enough to face moro and even though these three can't counter his magic at all maybe they could figure something out as they head towards namek they learn more and more about the sky specifically his ability to steal energy physically at least right now he's kind of weak but if he gets enough energy built up he'll be incredibly powerful they need to figure out a way to avoid that somehow which they're not sure they're going to be able to not to mention there's a threat of his other magical powers not just his ability to take energy this will definitely be their toughest foe yet with incredible technique like that he might become strong enough to defeat them but they're up for the challenge and they'll figure out something that'll work eventually they arrive on namek and encounter the magician he looks much different than they expected it's an old goat man he actually looks pretty frail in comparison to them well that's what happens when you're millions of years old but maybe the looks are deceiving maybe he's way stronger than he appears and that actually turns out to be the case the first person to fight him is vegeta now he knows this guy could steal energy so he's going to be pacing himself here he contains his aura as much as possible first going into super saiyan which seems like it's not enough then he goes into super saiyan god and this is his opening he can't let morrow get stronger than this in super saiyan god he actually kind of overwhelms moro but more and more of his energy is getting drained it's slow but it's definitely happening against closing the gap between them he powers up into blue and launches towards more but now things are getting tougher even goku and chichi end up joining it this is kind of like boo before they have to somehow fight the threats in front of them without giving off too much energy and surprise surprise moro was able to steal more than enough to get stronger than that no matter what they tried it seems like it's unavoidable and just like maerus feared they only made things worse although they were trying and they did learn a bit about mora specifically how he fights and possibly ways to try and outmaneuver him but then they realize why are they on this planet anyways they never actually did go dynamic before but isn't this the home to piccolo's people wait a second they actually never asked the galactic patrol and it was kind of a big omission but then they come to learn from maerus moro is here for the dragon balls wait there's dragon balls on this planet well they knew about the super dragon ball so it's not surprising that there's another set but still this could be really bad especially if this dragon is more powerful than shenron the following is pretty much what happens with the regular story morrow was able to defeat them he then gets the dragon balls and gets his three wishes even with chichi here and with everyone's different strengths there's no way to stop him here goku vegeta and chichi can't even stay that long to try and fight him goku doesn't have instant transmission to rely on so they all have to use regular ships to escape and that's another thing goku never did go to yard in the story so vegeta is not going to be going there either he'll actually have to stick around goku and chichi as they try and figure out what to do next bamarus has an idea he'll train them he actually does know something that might help them actually his brother was the one to tell them although they don't know he's weeds's brother yet whis was really hoping that one of these three could access ultra instinct somehow of course that never happened so he is a bit disappointed although it's kind of expected not even that gods can obtain that so maybe expecting a mortal to do so is kind of far-fetched they might need some big catalysts or something and they don't even know what ultra instinct is yet so it might be a lost cause but mayras wants to try and see maybe he can just teach him the principles of it even if they don't get the full power of it using the galactic patrol's room of spirit and time they begin training there and meanwhile back on earth moro's crew ends up attacking of course with how strong piccolo is in the scenario it's even easier to defeat everyone than it was before except for one person 7-3 7-3 ends up stealing piccolo's powers and with piccolo being much stronger here that is a double-edged sword especially because of one thing he now has kyle kent those other prisoners weren't a threat at all but now there's this guy who's able to steal powers the worst part is he's an android not like the ones from before but a much more sophisticated one piccolo's powers are probably the worst kind he could have as he now is piccolo's regeneration and kyle can't combine with his infinite stamina that's a deadly combo piccolo is quickly overwhelmed by him angrily losing to his own techniques but thankfully help arrives in the form of a gohan the good thing is there's no other prisoners to worry about just this guy together they'll take him off and surprisingly even more help arrives goten and trunks are able to sense all this so they want to help too now 7-3 is up against four people but he isn't worried he powers up into kaio-ken going to levels even beyond where piccolo looks although there is one downside despite him having infinite energy and regeneration kaioken still does tear apart his body especially at such high levels that does weaken his defenses a bit and that will help them out into battle greatly goten and trunks turn into super saiyan 2 with gohan going into super kaioken too piccolo tells him how 73 stole his powers too as long as he doesn't touch their necks they should be fun he can't get any more powers beyond this they really need to make sure gotcha and trunks begin attacking together a seven defends them all piccolo and gohan take this opportunity to try and find an open they begin speeding up creating a bunch of after images of course at 7 3's intelligence he's able to figure out which ones are real and as he checks the after images none of them are real gohan a piccolo completely abandoned the area already and suddenly he's attacked from above with a double masenko from both of them they're both powered up with kaioken and the entire area is illuminated red not only from them but 7-3 as well 7-3 launches up in the air towards them and once again they fire another blast down at it he dodges it but is also hit from behind by an attack from goten and trunks launching their own beams from the ground below it doesn't do much damage but they do hit him and this leaves him open once again for gohan and piccolo 73 tries to power up more and more using more power with kyle ken and then he reaches what quite literally is a breaking point for him he's getting much stronger but he doesn't have a control on kaioken not to mention the speed at which it destroys his body is faster than his regeneration he launches a blast effect and it's a really powerful blast but as he launches it his entire arm disintegrates from the power he regenerates it and keeps trying to attack and they see it now that's their opening the next time he attacks they need to counter with something even more powerful and the same exact thing happens once more he launches a powerful beam weakening his entire body as he does so he becomes a glass cannon gohan a piccolo jump up on top of the blast using key in their hands to slack cross it goten trunks trying to maneuver around it as well and as 73 continues launching his beat maniacally he suddenly sees four people around him gohan and piccolo above him with goten trunks on either side of him four beams swirl into one hitting him directly and point blank along with seven three's own attack and kyle can destroy him these four beams finish the job killing 7-3 and even with this victory they know they need to fight more people later on they're gonna need to train more and more and maybe earth isn't the best spot for them but they do have a great idea of where to go although they haven't been there in some time they still have that moon base where they could train on with sophisticated gravity training technology it could really help them especially ghost-headed trunks since they do want to get stronger and get involved in this fight in case you couldn't tell already goten is much more confident in himself than he was before a few parts ago not only has he grown stronger but he's learned to accept his strength he isn't a weakling he just helped defeat one of the biggest threats to earth just now he's more confident than ever gohan and piccolo are going to help lead him down a great path as well as trunks being there alongside thus begins the two months of training as for goku chichi and vegeta they are beginning to obtain a new power just like i mentioned before they're trying to combine all their strengths together they want to create a deadly technique that's stronger than anything before and it's probably the most powers they've had stacked together at once they combine the powers of evolution and kyle camp creating what is simply known as blue evolution kaioken kind of a mouthful and a bunch of powers stacked together but it's very useful for everyone specifically for vegeta it wasn't too hard for him to obtain blue evolution for the other two getting kaioken was a bit tough and they could still only use it at low levels but it still does help them regardless especially in a pinch if they need a lot of power but as for vegeta he has a great control on how it came the blue evolution wasn't hard for him to obtain with this discovery he shoots way past them in terms of power although mirrors can't help but feeling disappointed still not them but in himself he wasn't able to teach them ultra instinct at all they learned the principles and they did learn about it but they weren't able to obtain it they still don't know how to move their body purely on instinct and in terms of the transformation itself they're definitely not close to that yet but hey this new powers might be a good start not a good start in terms of obtaining ultra instinct but a good start in terms of defeating more if they get strong enough even with moro's great increase in strength and his energy absorption they can overpower him before he gets too strong and that's what they're aiming for and in case their newfound power doesn't work they do have one more trump card but with the two months of training over they all head to earth once more morrow's crew gets there first and they're meant by the defense forces on earth although it's not really a tough battle everyone on earth is very strong especially gohan to pick logotended trunks fighting alongside the galactic patrol and the earthlings they're able to defeat morrow's crew pretty easily not to mention 7-3 is gone they killed him a while ago which moro is kind of pissed about he knew he might need his power eventually but whatever he'll make a do without it watching all these people fight they stand no chance against him at least not now eventually his entire crew gets defeated and just in time the three saiyans and maeru show up the good thing is with vegeta not going to yardrat they don't get split up all three of them together and they arrive on time by now everyone on earth knows moro's powers he can steal energy and he has other magical abilities this might need to be a team effort they need as much power as possible while also not using key attacks if they all attack him at once and don't give off too much energy for him they might be able to overpower him they outnumber him and could probably outmaneuver him too they just need to all overpower him at once creating an opening for a key attack that can erase him for good without him absorbing that he's clearly much stronger now they could tell by his physical appearance not only thanks to the wish dynamic but also due to all the energy he's absorbed in the last two months the all-out battle begins with goku chichi and vegeta fighting in regular super saiyan morrow thinks he's being mocked they used much higher forms of war against him but once again they're just pacing themselves they want to see how strong moral truly is right now but as they power up more and more it still seems like they can't defeat it but they kind of expected this they might actually need their trump card just to make sure things go perfectly okay this is their last chance and they don't want to risk anything by fighting individually they tell everyone about this they just need some time this trump card of theirs is fusion after seeing it so many times they've learned that on their own specifically thanks to some help from maerus and during their training they've been practicing it they can pull it off perfectly although they're not sure who needs to fuse they've tried a few combos goku and vegeta had fused vegeta and chichi had fused goku and chichi had fused and all three of those fusions were strong but of the three one was more potent than any of the others they asked the earthlings to buy them from time as the three of them retreat they only need a couple seconds and quickly right after they retreat someone returns vegeta launching out from behind the rocks although he's significantly weaker than he was before and that gives away who fused to make sure this works vegeta gave all its energy to chichi and goku and as he landed to punch square in moro's face moro was then blinded by a giant flash of light behind vegeta and now it jumps a brand new fusion the fusion of goku and chichi which we'll call chiku and i already know what everyone's biggest question is going to be a male and female fusion what does that create well dragon ball fusions actually had two of these and both times they ended up being a male fusion but since that was a different type of fusion and just for the sake of simplicity let's just say this fusion has no gender immediately chiku is already in super saiyan blue they're quite the powerful fusion and laura learns that right away they need to be both efficient and focus on not getting their energy during that's why right now they're just in blue but also focus on defense trying to employ the tactics that mayors taught them specifically with ultra instinct although they aren't actually using ultra instinct they're trying to move their body instinctively and it actually somewhat works it also trips morrow up in a way and even with morrow's great magical techniques this fusion is just simply too fast for it they're too powerful they're too smart it's the perfect kind of fusion i mean just look at the compatibility it's a husband and wife fusing they have the same exact training the same type of techniques and similar power they're not just a couple they're rivals perfect rivals it's possibly the best fusion they could have ever hoped for a fusion of rivals lovers and friends and they show off that's extraordinary power tomorrow quickly the fusion powers up in the super saiyan blue evolution kyle kent wow that is the area is illuminated by a purplish glow the blue from the aura of evolution and the red from the aura of kyle ken as the others work to hold moro back it creates the perfect opening for chiku and what better way to finish this than a kamehameha they start off first by using one of goku's attacks a meteor combo they need to weaken him physically first they need to make sure he doesn't absorb this key blast after a flurry of punches and kicks moro is launched far away as he flies through the air he tries to stop himself but shiku then rapidly flies behind him and before moro can even turn around and open his mouth it's already too late they launched the most powerful kamehameha ever known to anyone hitting morrow directly without him being able to absorb it enough the blast is massive as it flies out into space gets wider and wider expanding out as it becomes hundreds of miles wide even for a brief moment in time the entire galaxy is illuminated turning everything in bright bluish green and just as quickly as it started it ends moro is defeated and with the huge amount of power they use goku and chichi defused soon after hugging each other in celebration glad that they finally defeated the threat together mayor sprew the sigh of relief he is kind of bummed they didn't learn natural instinct but it seems they made things work their own way and even though whis wasn't there he was watching on beerus's plan his brother did a great job as well as his students they were able to figure out something amazing defeating their strongest foe yet to think all of this started from an accident a misinformed wish that turned chichi into his saiyan but it was a great accident the results were tremendous and now or at least for the time being everyone will get to enjoy peace time on earth and with that we'll be concluding the series at least for now so what did you guys think about this scenario do you think anything else would have gone different leave any thoughts in the comments below i'd like to see what you guys think as always if you liked the video be sure to drop a like and let's try hit that like button from the beginning of the video if you haven't already why not subscribe as well as hitting the bell icon so you're notified about any future uploads on this channel including more videos like this one anyways i'd like to thank you all for watching thanks for supporting this scenario and i'll see you all in whatever video is next
Channel: Salad Saiyan
Views: 2,263,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dbs, dbz, dbz what if, discussion, dragon ball, dragon ball super, dragon ball z, explain, explained, meme, q&a, question, saiyan, salad, salad saiyan, salad snake, scenario, theory, what if, what-if, super, arc, saga, shenron, wish, chi-chi, milk, goku, kakarot, vegeta, gohan, ssj, ssj2, ssb, ssgss, ssg, god, ki, beerus, whis, frieza, freeza, freezer, namek, piccolo, kaioken, ssjkk, ssbkk, ui, ultra, instinct, omen, moro, jiren, mastered, gogeta, vegito, fusion, gotenks, future, tail, goten, trunks, ell, gochi, potara, dance, chiku, pure, hybrid
Id: D3mpB14fV70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 23sec (9563 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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