What if VEGETA Was ALWAYS GOOD? (Full Story)

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well it's April fools again that means we're doing another weird scenario if you haven't seen the past three years I've been doing pretty strange scenarios for April fools scenarios that completely change the story in very weird ways and for this year you guys voted on this as a result of hitting his head Goku ended up losing his memories as a Saiyan which helped lead him to becoming good like he is today but what if we were to do the same thing to someone else like Vegeta this is what you guys asked for so this is what I'm gonna do what if Vegeta hit his head and ended up turning good it's a goofy idea and perfect for April fools I'll throw let go on the screen and if we hit that I'll continue this into a full series anyways let's begin in terms of when this happens we're gonna say it happens off of Gene as a kid he still gets sent out on missions I mean we even saw this in the Broly movie even at a few years old he was being sent out to different planets and this is a perfect way for him to hit his head actually I mean where else will you face constant blunt trauma to the Head this is probably the most effective way other than being grandpa Gohan and dropping babies I will say by this point this is a long time after the Saiyans died a few years actually project is already fairly Strong by this point and he Napa and Raditz have been pretty successful in the Frieza Force they're pretty well established and everyone knows how Vegeta operates although he still hasn't reached his growth spurt yet even though he's a teenager he still looks small as Saiyans tend to look he still is in his formative years and this ends up working against him of course one day on a mission their facing some particularly strong opponents nothing unusual for the Saiyans and they're able to claim victory here but there's a Survivor left while their guard is down a sneak attack is launched a Vegeta but a powerful key blast being sent right to his head he can't Dodge it in time and it ends up hitting him Raditz and Napa of course finish off with Survivor but after being hit by this attack Vegeta's launched a couple dozen feet away and hits his head once more we gotta make sure he really hits his head on her the two other Saiyans come over here he looks okay but he's unconscious that was a pretty nasty hit that he took to the Head they're surprises didn't just go through his head since he was off guard they take him back immediately well on the bright side he should get a nice boost in power from this so Will hitting his head activate some cool psychic powers like Bardock nope he's gonna become a goofball at Goku they're able to get a medical attention but by the time they arrive back at their base it's already a little bit too late the head trauma has taken some effect they're unsure there will be permanent damage or not at first he's in a coma for a bit as expected with a severe blow to the head like that but thankfully it's not too much of a concern he fully recovers and as far as everyone can tell there's not going to be any long-lasting damage but the doctors do note something while he was healing they noticed that his brain showed some sort of signs of Amnesia they're not sure if it'll be permanent or not and how much it affects him other than that he seems perfectly fine Vegeta steps out of the healing pot somewhat confused Napa and Raditz are there to greet him and he doesn't actually recognize them well not as glad that he's talking and moving normally so it just seems like he lost his memory that's fine they'll be sure to draw it again but the two other satans don't realize it's much more than that the Saiyans aren't set out on any missions because they needed Vegeta to lead them and freezing things is not a good idea to send Vegeta until he gets all distorted he won't really be effective on missions which could be a good thing because then Frieza won't have to worry about the Saiyans they'll just be eliminated but he also recognizes how valuable they are soldiers so he's not gonna do that he wants to get his full use out of them nap and rat is surprisingly learned that Vegeta's actually forgotten his name too and other things like that he doesn't know who he's working with where he is or what's going on it seems it might be worse than they thought exactly what happened with Goku when he hit his head he forgot who he was and why he was sent to Earth and Vegeta's forgetting pretty much all of his paths too they try and Jog his memory as much as possible he realized that they're his allies and learns that he's a saint working for an army called the Frieza Force they even try to remind him of the history of the Saiyans and how Vegeta is the prince but nothing jogs his memory well maybe they're going about it wrong why not try training with it actions might jog his memory better than words do surprisingly when they're training Vegeta still has a natural talent for fighting and he's surprised it seems so well ingrained in him that even after suffering this Amnesia he kinda remembers how to fight too and he relearns to control his power alright at least he has that but Raditz snap are getting increasingly concerned the strongest person in the group forgets who he is and beyond that he doesn't seem like himself he's not acting like himself when he learns what they did he actually seemed somewhat horrified about it they were working under some Emperor destroying planets for money but she didn't seem to like that especially once he was told that he was the one leading everybody too another big shock was the fact that he was actually the prince of the Saints at some point Frieza decides Vegeta's fine to go fight I mean he's been watching Vegeta training too he could still fight and he has the other two for guidance they could send the Vegeta on some easier missions he doesn't want Vegeta wasting any more time around team a few months have already gone by and he kind of needs Vegeta to actually do something no more excuses for it Vegeta can't avoid going on a mission anymore and he's not looking forward to this but he doesn't know what to do it's not like he could just go against what Frieza says because if he does that's gonna be the death of him Frieza or one of his soldiers will probably just be able to kill Vegeta and he doesn't want to do the mission either because he's just gonna be executing innocent people it's not something he wants to do Radisson Napa wonder if he'll ever regain a sense of himself he's caught up to speed now but he's not returning to his normal self his demeanor is completely different Vegeta doesn't want to be the same Brutus Warrior that he was but now he's being forced to go on this Mission and that Frieza guy is terrible he doesn't want to work under my but at least there's something right it's an app I agree with but it's not like anybody has a choice when they're sent out on the mission they land on the planet that they're supposed to clear out the inhabitants aren't very strong it's a pretty easy mission for Vegeta Radisson Napa get ready to fight but as soon as they do Vegeta then goes back in a space pod and deserts them he leaves his scouter behind too not wanting to be tracked and he's already figured out too he's disabled any sort of tracking on a spaceship as well he doesn't want anyone to find him at least not Frieza Ryder Snapper are just dumbfounded and they don't know what to do they gotta chase Vegeta down if they let him leave now they're not gonna be able to find him later at least now they can still see a spaceship they could Chase it that way but they can clearly see what he's trying to do he's trying to go off the grid somehow he wants to evade the Frieza Force he wants to Desert them Raditz curses it he then crushes his Scout in his hands going into a space pod and doing the same thing not bassing what the hell he's doing and rata says he's got a track down Vegeta somehow if they don't leave now they're gonna lose Vegeta for good and they'll have no chance at finding it but Napa can't believe it are they actually gonna desert the Frieza Force they're gonna be tracked down by Frieza and killed but he guesses they probably have no choice if Frieza finds out that Vegeta to Desert them well Napa and rattles are probably the ones punished for it even if they don't go after Vegeta Frieza will probably think that they're colluding with him damn it all right Napa does the same thing they deserve as well they're more loyal to Vegeta and the Saiyans rather than Frieza himself so they'd rather do whatever he's doing maybe he's got a plan in mind but why is he acting like this he's acting so rash they've always been weird ever since he hit his head but still to do this they manually fly their space pods chasing Vegeta down and they fly for a while eventually landing on some Planet that's actually Out Of frieza's Reach Vegeta waits for them to land and he says he's glad that they followed him he actually located this planet a while ago that's why he was stalling for so long trying not to go in a mission he wanted to find a new place to go he was planning on deserting the Frieza Force this planet is habitable and it's one that Frieza wasn't even aware of and even if he was it's not something worthwhile it seems pretty Barren but Vegeta says they'll at least be able to find food here and it's a place where they could breathe that's really all they could ask for nap on right to see he's planned this he's still very strategic just like he was before it's so strange though because his personality is completely different and Vegeta he has no clue what happened with him why he lost his memories he knows what happened but he doesn't know why it happened like that he's been in the heat of Battle Before at least according to Raditz and Napa and he can tell he's strong he has a gift as some sort of Elite Class Warrior at least that's what Napa says but he doesn't want that gift going to waste he doesn't want to be a slave to Frieza besides him not wanting to do that dirty work it's more than just him wanting to be good now rad is a Napa don't get why suddenly he just doesn't want to do this job anymore they don't realize why he suddenly views this as wrong but another part of what Vegeta is saying resonates with them the fact that he doesn't want to be a slave to Frieza that's something they could at least agree with Vegeta wants to rebel against Frieza right now they're not nearly strong enough but from what he knows about himself and from what he's learned from Raditz and Napa he thinks that maybe as Saiyans they can overpower him someday do the universe a favor and then maybe he can live some sort of normal life Radisson Napa still have evil intentions they're the same sayings they've always been but they're still loyal to Vegeta they're not going to go against him and Vegeta recognize this too they're not necessarily great people either but he'd rather team up with the devil that he knows than the devil he doesn't they are are the lesser of two evils the enemy of my enemy whatever sort of saying you want to use for them point being he knows he can trust them he can't trust Frieza and even if they want to part ways eventually he tells them that's fine they don't need to follow him forever he just wants to defeat Frieza he doesn't expect them to turn good either but he does tell them one thing if they stand against him he'll be sure to defeat them he wants to live his own life now he doesn't want to go around doing this anymore as for Addis Napa they honestly don't really know what to say as saying Warriors it's in their blood now Vegeta says he hasn't lost his love for fighting he just doesn't desire to fight people that are innocent random civilians that the Saiyans are executed rat is not to say they might not understand what Vegeta is going through now but at least for the freezer part the fact that he wants to rebel against him they respect that and they say they'll work with Vegeta now it's not like they have a choice they already deserted the Frieza Force anyways and once they actually defeat Frieza they'll see where they go from there Vegeta has no clue of what he wants to do after but he'll find that along the way although what are they actually supposed to do here they have to work things out as for Frieza he eventually finds out that the Satan somehow disappeared when Scouts were sent to that planet they see how couple craters were their spaceships once were with the remains of their scouters and some pieces of armor when Napa and radiss left they try to make him look at the Saiyans died somehow but it's kind of tough to do that because there's no traces of the spaceship left it was at least worth a try though and frieza's suspicious at first the scouts buy the idea that the Saiyans actually died here they find the remains and assume they were just wiped away with their spaceships somehow but Frieza says that seems a little bit too convenient who's to say they haven't deserted it I mean Vegeta's been acting weird all of a sudden but that doesn't explain why rad is in Napa would have done so unless they were clueding with the chief not to mention this shouldn't have been a tough Mission there's no way the Saiyans could have been eliminated his Scouts end up finishing the job anyways and that just shows them this nobody's too sure what happened with them and there's no way to track the Saiyans either sure maybe they did actually die but Frieza doesn't fully buy that he still think they're out there somewhere trying to plan against but even if that is the case he's not too worried angered yeah but worried not at all if they try and rise up against him what are they gonna do I mean he's Frieza he'll defeat them easily besides this is the perfect excuse for him to get rid of them he already wanted to in the first place and didn't really need an excuse but now why keep them around after they betray him frieza's not gonna let us guard down yet he doesn't fully believe they're dead and he'll make sure to be on the lookout for them he'll find the sayings again back on this other planet the Saiyans are trying to figure out what to do now Radisson Napa are still unsure about Vegeta's judgment but clearly he still seems to be the same strategic person that he was before they saw him training he's a great warrior still he has all that it's almost like it's inherented it's just his personality his demeanor all of that's different and of course the fact that he lost his memory still it doesn't seem like he's gonna be back to his normal self anytime soon but even if he did go back to his normal self this is probably something he would do anyways rebelling against Frieza but they recognize they need to get stronger a lot stronger and not just that but maybe they could try and find some more allies but Vegeta's confused what other allies well Napa says he's not too sure if anyone in the freezer forced to join but there are other Saiyans out there Vegeta can't believe that wait there are why wasn't he told about this well Raditz and apple kind of glossed over this they just forgot to include it when they were telling Vegeta about his past again they sent all the Saiyans died but apparently there's at least two others out there one of them actually being Vegeta's brother Napa says the issue is with that they don't know where Vegeta's brother is or how strong he is for that matter and not just that but he's also pretty young he was sent out specifically because he was weak so even if they do find him which is a big if they don't know if he'll be strong enough to help Vegeta does want to find him it's his brother after all and once again this is pretty off-putting for the two other satans taking Vegeta actually care about others at least in this way it's not in the same nature to actually care about people like this something really has changed with him okay well he has who the other saying is they said at least two are out there well they're still the same kind of issue it's another weak saying as far as they know at least but they actually do know where the Saiyan is it's raditz's younger brother he's only a few years younger so he should be fighting by now and the planet he was sent to was pretty weak Radice did want to seek out Kakarot eventually but why not do that now then Vegeta still doesn't want to find his brother tarble but in the meantime yeah they'll at least seek out Kakarot they know where he is so it's worth a shot but he wonders too it'll be weird beating another Saiyan especially once he's seen how these two have acted he's gonna be another evil Saiyan isn't he there's gonna be three versus one who knows if they'll rebel against Vegeta as far as Vegeta could tell these two trust him right now he's not sure if this Kakarot person will especially if he's still a normal Saiyan but it's at least worth a shot seek him out find an ally to fight against Frieza they stay here on this planet for a bit planning there's a brief passage of time right now the year is age 752. what's happened on Earth well nothing really the story went exactly the same there's no reason for that to change here Goku's doing his training for the 22nd World Tour this is about a year before that he's still off on his own unbeknownst to him he's about to have some visitors Goku sees three figures flying above him they look like meteors almost he has no clue what that is and by now he still can't even sense anything are those spaceships maybe no they can't be but he's curious he goes to check it out but three space PODS of land with the time that has passed by now Vegeta and Raditz probably would have gone through their gross first to ring and as the three Saiyan step off they realize they don't have their scouters they abandon them just to make sure that Frieza can track them and as a way to try to fake their death there might be some other scouters left on the ships that they have actors in case they break mid-battle but the Saiyans don't really want to activate them they want to make sure Frieza really can't track him but this pose is an issue how are they supposed to find kakarov if they can't sense key and if they don't have scouters what are they supposed to do to locate him but they see a yellow Cloud up ahead flying towards them and rats can kind of see there's someone sitting on top of it looking like he's riding that cloud Napa laughs they're probably not gonna have to search far a kid lands in front of them and rats can immediately tell that hairstyle this definitely is he even has the tail they can't believe they found him that easily and they're kind of surprised they knew Kakarot was apparently younger than rad is but he still hasn't even gone through his growth spurt yet they can't tell if he's strong either because they don't have any scouters and radiss is the first to talk to him Goku doesn't really know how to react either something feels off about this and Raditz greets him as Kakarot but Goku has no idea who that is he says they must be mistaking him for someone else but Goku sees they all have tails like him too he asks them what's going on here he pulls out his power pool thing that these might be threats they seem very imposing and they don't look like normal humans I mean they just came here on Space pods too but at the same time they look like him if anything he's confused and a little bit concerned but Ryder suggests is confused doesn't he recognize Raditz well rats is grown now Kakarot probably remembers how he looked as a kid at least he should have at least seen ratus while he was in the incubation chamber right or at least heard of his name but Goku says he has no idea of who he is or who this Kakarot is how could he forget his own brother he says his name is Goku and as far as he knows he doesn't have a brother he was raised by Grandpa Goa here on Earth and he asked the three of them why they have tails just like him wait a second there's no way the three are all thinking the same thing there's no way this could have possibly happened here too right well Vegeta's the one to step up and finally ask the question and as Goku looks up at Vegeta for some reason he feels like this guy's not as intimidating as the other two besides his smaller stature he just seems more friendly than them he has Goku by chance does he remember anything from when he was a kid Goku doesn't remember anything did he hit his head or something Goku's not actually sure he says maybe his master roshi would know but the other person who would know that as Gohan was dead by now it can't actually be the case did Kakarot hit his head too just like Vegeta but Vegeta assumes this is still the case and he tells Goku he doesn't need to worry they're not here as threats he needs to take a different approach to this he knows right it's a Napa are probably gonna act rashier but Vegeta could see this kid's exactly like him he's not some Brutus saying like he was imagining he seems kind and gentle he tells the other two he'll handle this and he asks Goku if he could speak to him alone Vegeta says the two of them are probably similar and he tries to explain briefly what happened they're both to say it Kakarot or Goku he was sent here a long time ago and he might have lost his memory just like the Vegeta had and Vegeta says they're here for a good purpose they were specifically seeking out Goku but before they do anything else he does want to test one thing he wants to see how strong Goku is and Goku still isn't sure if these guys are threats or not but it's not like that matters either way they're gonna need to fight and this Vegeta guy seems friendlier so he doesn't mind fighting him actually it's been a while since he's fought against someone so this could be fun and Goku reiterates he still can't tell if these guys are bad or not but either way he's looking forward to the foot and then he wants to know why they're truly here Goku assumes a Battle Stance and Vegeta Smiles doing the same he wonders of this Kakarot or this Goku guy if he's any different from another Saiyan looks like he's about to find out Goku's excited to fight Vegeta he does still think this guy might be a threat but either way he's gonna have a fun battle and they could tell Goku definitely has that same say in spirit even if he doesn't know that he's Kakarot or a Saiyan in general for that matter the fight begins and Vegeta can immediately see that Goku's way too weak like not just weak by Saiyan Sanders just weak Vegeta can't even really enjoy the fight because he only uses a very small fraction of his power he expected the Kakarot to be weak because cause I mean he's a low-class Saiyan after all that's what he's heard from Ryan to Napa but even their surprise rather saw that Kakarot would at least be at half his level I mean of course he's still a kid he's not fully grown but like really this this is always power rat is an apple kind of think that this is a waste of time even if Kakarot joined them he wouldn't really be of much help they don't say this out loud they just need an excuse to go it's not like they're going to do anything to this planet either I mean they're not working for Frieza right now and even if they were this planet's kind of weak if kakarot's the strongest person here which they suppose he is then the rest of the planet must be very weak in comparison and Vegeta sits there dodging all of Goku's attacks with Goku amazed wondering why he's not fighting back Vegeta delivers one punch heavily pulling it as well and Goku can feel it ringing through his body holy crap this guy's strong it makes Goku wonder if he could ever reach this level I mean apparently he's the same type of alien as them Radisson Apple Vegeta aside telling him this they should just leave Kakarot just seems to be a lost cause even if they were to train him I mean he's still this far behind there's no way he can grow that quickly but Vegeta says he has no idea where they're gonna go anyways he sees potential in him and he doesn't say this out loud but Vegeta likes him he seems like a nice little dude I mean he's not like these other people that he's hung out with in the freezer Force especially these two Saiyans and he doesn't know maybe if he trained Goku gave him some guidance he could help him grow a lot stronger he thinks it's so worthwhile plus another thing this planet seems pretty peaceful but she thinks he could stay here for the time being although he's Unsure how that's going to work out they come to a disagreement and Napa and radishes decide they're gonna go off on their own Vegeta needs to stop acting like this before they could deal with it but now why is he doing this he wants to stay on this planet they need to work on a way to defeat Frieza somehow they can't waste time here and Vegeta Knows that but he doesn't think they're gonna get anything else done anywhere else they might as well stay here and train this other Saiyan so at least he could be a part of their crew that's something Radisson app would think that it'll be better if they just grew stronger than normal combat but if she doesn't want to do that he doesn't want to go slaughtering people again with them it's not like they're going to find any normal fights anyways and even if they do go out and fight with normal people they'll be spotted by Frieza somehow at least here on Earth their powers won't be sensed by any of the scouters like where are they supposed to go now Radisson Napa don't but Napa takes initiative he just decides to leave on his own he tells Vegeta if he wants to stay here then fine once he sorts out whatever stupid issues he's having then he can come find them rats doesn't know what to do either and he looks over at Kakarot too still confuses to why his brother's so weak he doesn't really know how to react either but he joins Napa they'll grow stronger in their own way and then they'll come find Vegeta again but Vegeta stands at the ground he's gonna stay here and Goku asks where they're going but Vegeta says not to worry about it Goku is bummed out though he wanted to learn more about his brother and these other Saiyans too obviously has no attachment to radus yet but it could be cool to get to know him but he wonders why Vegeta didn't leave and honestly Vegeta doesn't know either this whole time ever since he hit his head he feels like he's grown detached from these people like at least they're loyal to him but he wonders if they're truly his allies or if they're his friends it doesn't seem like Saiyans have the idea of friends they have the idea of comrades people that they fight with together but he never sees them acting friendly and it seems like those two only follow him because he's strong who knows if he were just as weak as rats would they even care would they follow him would they help him he's also apparently an elite but that doesn't really matter anymore anyways there's only a few sayings left so what is he even the prince of he looks over to Goku he says he could tell he's far different from the other Saiyans not just in strength but just in his nature it's still not too late to leave he could go find Raditz and Napa is he really just gonna stay here just after meeting Goku for a little bit is he gonna really decide to throw that all away and just stay here she really doesn't want to go back he knows what they're doing they're gonna go back to the normal combat that they're used to hell they might even go back to Frieza they're so used to fighting doing that in their lives growing stronger that way so Vegeta doesn't really have a choice he either has to go back with them and then be found by Frieza and then he has no chance of surviving or he could stay here maybe find a new life for himself he seems the same kakron has done so and if he decides he wants to leave he can he has a spaceship but he still wonders why Goku is this way why is he so kind in scenes and why does he not know that he's a Saiyan why does he not go by kakaron well Goku says like you said before if they want to ask roshi he'd probably know a little bit about what happened with him I mean he do grandpa Gohan after all grandpa Gohan yeah Goku says he never knew his parents which makes sense to Vegeta but he's surrounded who doesn't at least remember them he doesn't remember them or what happened to them Goku gets on Nimbus and flies to the turtle school with Vegeta following behind and Goku's actually surprised that Vegeta could just fly on his own that's awesome he wants to learn how to do that too Vegeta is pretty quick as well and he tells Goku has a better idea he carries Goku on his back as Goku directs him with Vegeta being a much faster transport than Nimbus they land at kamehames with roshi freaking out as he sees someone flying over it's some guy carrying Goku and they land there Goku seems pretty happy and this other guy too he notices he has a tail he's wearing some sort of weird armor he asks Goku who his friend is a little bit concerned there's a few others at Turtle school too yantra and Krillin they obviously wanted the same thing so Goku explains this is a lot for roshi to take in and that's when Vegeta inquires does he know why Goku is this way well from what roshi can recall that actually did happen when he was a kid Goku was dropped on his head and apparently that same thing happened to Vegeta not the exact same way obviously but he took a Blow To The Head and that's why he's this way now but he didn't realize that Goku was an alien just as Vegeta thought this confirms everything that's why he turned out this way it's because he hit his head and Goku learns with this too he didn't realize that happened and roshi is suspicious about this Vegeta guy but he has one way to figure out if he's telling the truth he tells Goku to call Nimbus and he does it takes a bit but Nimbus arrives and he asked Vegeta to try and send my cloud he says only those who are pure apart could do so and this will truly tell him if Vegeta is pure of heart or not well Vegeta Knows His mindset has changed but he doesn't know if his heart has he doesn't even know how he was beforehand he still has all those sins in his past apparently but he tries it anyways and forbid he does stay on the cloud which amazes roshi he's telling the truth and somehow heading his head actually turned him pure which is strange because from what Vegeta is saying before he wasn't even like that he didn't say that right off the bat because he didn't want to freak roshi out but apparently he was a pretty bad guy beforehand well he tells Vegeta he's welcome to stay here especially with the power like that he could probably help train Goku up even more too roshi still has a bunch of things to teach Goku but if this guy's a Saiyan just like Goku who knows the type of things that go who can learn from him and Vegeta did have a few things in mind he wants to see if Goku grows stronger in any way the gravity here is very weak so that kind of explains one reason why Goku is so weak but there's also the fact that he apparently doesn't know what a great ape is he has his tail again but he's never learned to control that form he doesn't even really know he could transform so maybe Vegeta can help work with him on that roshi also mentions there's a tournament coming up soon if Vegeta wanted to join and Vegeta's tempted because that sounds pretty fun but he'll just watch it instead he knows if he jumps in he'll win regardless his power is way too far beyond everybody else's but at least he knows he could stay on Earth for the time being everyone is still terrified of him he's an alien that just showed up out of nowhere and apparently he's part of a race of Warriors of course they're going to be freaked out but if Goku is the same way and Vegeta is apparently pure with the way he hit his head well maybe it's fine and if they only recognize that this is an April Fool scenario and that there's some weird stuff going on in general then they'd probably be more fine with it since there's still a good amount of time before the tournament Vegeta spent some time trying to train a Goku he's got nothing else better to do anyways and because of this Goku grows a lot stronger he's still weak by Saiyan Sanders obviously but Vegeta sees that he has a ton of potential especially because he's already a great martial artist so by the time the actual tournament rolls around well Goku's basically gonna win by default with him being a lot stronger he ends up facing tension on and instead of having a tough time he's able to win here too claiming Victory and being very glad that he finally won a tournament roshi is a bit concerned that he won this early but it seems like he's not going to let it go to his head which is the main thing he's been concerned about especially because of what kind of influence Vegeta would have on him although it seemed like Vegeta hasn't really changed Goku too much if anything Goku is going to change Vegeta he's pretty much kept to himself he's tried to train a bit but he didn't really have any good resources for that or anyone to train with for that matter he's already strong as is but of course he still does want to grow stronger he's still worried he could just stay here for the time being like he kind of planned in the first place and he wants to prepare for Frieza but he doesn't know what to do and he doesn't want to go out and find the other two Saiyans either so he's just gonna have to play the cards he's dealt and there's a few other interesting things of tormund too this is the first time Vegeta actually meets Bulma although she's still with the Yamcha but she thinks this guy is pretty interesting I mean he's kind of mysterious too but nothing really happens yet another big thing that happens is that right after the tournament tambourine attacks trying to kill Krillin and krillin's terrified knowing that he's gonna die here but right as tambourine's about to attack somebody steps in front of Krillin saving him tambourine tries to fight back but he can't do anything and Krillin sees who it is it's that Vegeta guy he saw a Goku hanging around him before and Vegeta wasn't in the torment for some reason but he was watching and he can't believe what he's seeing Vegeta tells Krillin to get out of there and tambourine briefly tries to fight Vegeta and Vegeta learns what he's up to King Piccolo sent him they're going to kill all the tournament contestants and tambourine tells Vegeta even if he dies here it doesn't matter he still has all his brothers that are gonna help and Vegeta quickly realizes Earth is under a threat now he defeats tambourine and this is the first time he's been in a real battle even though tambry is not even comparable to him but now they're facing true evil opponents at least in the time being he could help Krillin already warned the others and Vegeta then meets up with them having to feed a tambourine already he tells him he's not sure who this King Piccolo guy is but he'll try and stop him and roshi asks if he's really sure about that from what he knows about kick Piccolo he's far too strong for anybody here but Vegeta reminds roshi he's not like anyone else from here he's not even from here he's confident that he can defeat whoever this is but he needs to make quick work because apparently the attack's already underway he has no way to send key unfortunately but maybe he could still track down everybody as long as he knows a general location of everybody he tells everyone he'll be right back as he rockets off and Goku tells him to wait up and much to everyone's surprise he also jumps up and flies away wait when did Goku learn how to fly Goku catches up to him telling Vegeta he wants to help too but Vegeta says it might be too dangerous but Goku has a pretty good idea maybe they should gather the dragon balls if there's already attacked underway that doesn't matter if they get these they can revive everybody and this is the first time Vegeta is actually hearing about the dragon balls too interesting well maybe it'll be a good thing to gather them that way they'll have them as a backup in case anyone does die but this ends up working their favor in more ways than they thought Goku Vegeta go to get the dragon radar that they need and they see that some of the dragon balls are already on the move that must be king Piccolo's dude and if that's what's going on that means they could actually locate King Piccolo and his sons that way if they're aiming to get the dragon balls too as well as killing all the torment people they can kill two birds with one stone this way they get the dragon balls and they protect them too while also finding King pickled on the others if only had that extra scouter he came with that would make things a lot easier Vegeta is able to locate a lot of King Piccolo's kids making quick work of them with go calls jumping and trying to fight although it's still a lot tougher for him even though he's much stronger than normal roshi and all the others are worried even 10 and xiaotsu went to kame house wondering if they could help with this anyhow they saw how strong Goku was and wonder if maybe they could pursue the same strength of the turtle school but then they come to learn what Goku truly is either way though they're all under a common threat now King Piccolo but before everyone knows it Vegeta is able to defeat most of king pig of those kits with Goku helping out too and they eventually track down King Piccolo himself and obviously Vegeta's gonna have no problem here either and he defeats King Piccolo pretty easily knock him completely unconscious with no effort at all he prepares the finishing blow but then someone else teleports him someone who looks like the demons that they just fought well one thing that Vegeta finds kind of weird is that King pickle looked actually like a namekian if anything not a demon and now that he sees this other guy he looks exactly like Piccolo which means he looks exactly like a namekian too he doesn't remember Napa vaguely mentioning this at one point but it was in passing and he forgot pretty much all he knew about them but it is interesting to note that their might be other aliens here Kami tells Vegeta to wait he'll explain everything he looks like Piccolo but he's not hip he wants to help them defeat this monster but they're gonna seal him away not kill Vegeta has no clue who this guy is and thinks that he might be a threat too same for Goku but Kami then turns around seeing that Piccolo is already unconscious good he tells him to watch this this will be proof enough he plays down a small pod and performs a mafuba sealing kick a piccolo away tiring himself out but then looking back at Vegeta that should be proof enough that he's on their side he just resealed King Piccolo he says he'll explain who he is he's Kami the guardian of Earth basically God here he says kingpicola were to die he would too and the Dragon Balls will be gone he wouldn't have intervened otherwise but he saw that Vegeta already defeated Piccolo and he's wanted to find Vegeta for a while too but didn't know when to actually go see it he's been keeping tabs on Vegeta I mean there are these aliens that just randomly showed up and were incredibly powerful as a guardian he needs to make sure Earth is safe he knows Vegeta is definitely a strong Warrior and could have been a Potential Threat but looking into Vegeta's heart he could tell now he's not seeing him in person he's surprised there's no malice and Vegeta at all and also that Goku kid he's known about Goku for a while as well but where do we go from here then after the events of the King Piccolo Arc nobody sees Goku or Vegeta for a while wondering where they are but at the 23rd World Tournament they feel like they'll meet up with the two of them again and sure enough that's exactly what happens they see Goku and Vegeta there once more surprised to see them after so long Goku's actually been training on their Kami and Vegeta went up there too he had nowhere else better to train and while he couldn't grow too much under Kami it still was worthwhile to go there but he's also went off on his own too trying to figure out new ways to train then they ask if he's gonna join this tournament but he knows it's gonna probably make it way too uninteresting he's still way stronger than everyone else but Goku's still going to join at least and there's a few big differences with this tournament Piccolo's not there first of all there's no threat at that tournament and Kami doesn't end up joining it either and with Goku being so much stronger than before too he was pretty much bound to win anyways but now it's made even easier with Goku once again winning the tournament he's kind of making a name for himself by doing this it was a great way to test his strength and see his friends again there's no threat here because it's just another normal tournament nothing crazy happens but Vegeta is still concerned though he hasn't heard from the other Saiyans at all he hasn't seen them in all these years or Frieza for that matter and of course he's been trying to grow stronger too but more so he's actually been trying to just enjoy life on Earth it's so weird having this nice change of pace granted he doesn't remember too much of his time at the freezer Force anyways but now he's on this peaceful Planet just living life and even though he couldn't learn a lot in terms of strength from Goku and Kami or roshi for that matter he still learned a lot otherwise he could still grow mentally and as a warrior he's seeing gains in other ways besides physical strength but he's still wondered what the other two are up to so let's actually cover that Radisson Napa want to still defeat Frieza on their own Vegeta's too unstable and soft they can't follow him anymore they don't have the same faith in them that they did before but they don't necessarily want to turn on them either they're not enemies just no longer affiliated with him they'll take over the Frieza force on their own but first they're gonna need to grow stronger and if they return they're gonna need some sort of story the only way they can actually grow stronger is going back to the Frieza Force they don't see any other ways to do so especially because they have so many resources that could help them such as those healing pods for example so without anything else in mind they actually do return to the Frieza force and they tell Frieza some up story that allows him to rejoin it covers them and Vegeta at the same time in their story Vegeta ended up betraying them he's been acting weird after all so Frieza kind of buys this but how are they still alive Vegeta was so much stronger than them well they explained he trapped them by misguiding them and they went to some other plan to fight a Vegeta tried to kill them there but the only way they ended up winning was by destroying Vegeta's spaceship and detonating the planet with Vegeta having no way off the planet he was stranded and he must have died in outer space that's why they came back without their scouters and why Vegeta didn't come back and thankfully Frieza actually buys a story he's glad to see their loyalty he's still suspicious though but the story checks out it strange that Vegeta turn on them but also at the same time but he just been acting weird in general at least they got rid of that thorn from his side and the two Saiyans are glad that he bought that but what's their next move supposed to be yeah they could stay here and grow stronger that way but what do they do now with the sea they were Rebellion planted they still want that Rebellion to happen maybe there's other stains out that they could seek they don't know for sure but in the meantime they're gonna find strength in their own way as an April Fool's scenario we can include some more fun things to give him interesting AKA other villains that actually aren't in the main series I like doing this in some of my videos anyways and especially for a scenario like this let's make it a little bit more light-hearted in a way and just to be straightforward if I kept the series strictly Canon you'll easily come to see that going forward there won't even be any villains if I didn't do it this way so I can be a nice addition to the story plus it's just fun in general let's start by covering what happens on Earth as for Vegeta and Bulma that still becomes a thing actually way earlier on because Vegeta still meets her so Vegeta's personality definitely is different since he is fully good but I think it would still end up working out especially because Bulma would probably just find him Charming in general hell there was even a point where she was considering what would have happened if she ended up with Goku but what ifs are my job and in this one she still ends up with Vegeta kinda sucks for Yamcha but that's his fault so dessert Vegeta's actually starting to really enjoy life on Earth he's concerned about Frieza still and frankly concerned about the other two Saiyans but he's becoming close with everybody here he has Goku as a friend now and he's not just a rival he's an actual friend it's so strange because as far as Vegeta Knows he never had these types of bonds in the Frieza Force he's had comrades and he's come to realize too especially after he hit his head that's all Radisson ever were they were just comrades fellow soldiers they weren't truly friends that's not something that really happened with Saiyans at least not too often especially with someone like Vegeta people were loyal to him because he was strong and he's the leader the Saints or at least would have been if the Saiyans ended up Surviving but here Virginia has people like Bulma Goku and other friends as well he even briefly trains on the roshi although roshi can't really teach him too much since he's worried that Vegeta is just far too powerful for him but roshi teaches things that aren't focused on pure strength so that's obviously gonna still be beneficial for Vegeta and the two of them come to realize this pretty quickly but there's other Rivals around him specifically Krillin for example since Vegeta is already kind of close with Goku that extends to Krillin as well especially because krillin's always licked Vegeta ever since he saved him from tambourine like of course everyone was weirded out with Vegeta at first but now especially after what happened with King Piccolo everyone thinks he's a pretty great guy actually at first he was a little bit mysterious and to himself but now he's a lot more open with them a lot more extroverted which is pretty fun but as I kind of alluded to before nothing really much happens on Earth Piccolo's not around and it's not like there's going to be a Saiyan Saga or anything because the Saiyans already arrived life is just peaceful on Earth Goku ends up getting married with Chichi Vegeta ends up getting married with Bulma actually around the same time that Goku gets married so that's definitely gonna have some pretty huge implications as you could probably tell and while nothing's happening that's good for them there's not a bunch of world ending threats showing them after King Piccolo was easily stopped it's been actually pretty peaceful so instead of focused on Earth let's go over to the Saiyans Raditz and apple are still set on defeating Frieza they have to train intensely to do this yeah they can keep going on missions and stuff but training really does help too without the guidance of Vegeta they really need to take charge themselves it's not like they're incompetent without him or anything they were still out on missions while Vegeta was recovering after all but now they're really on the road and they're taking up a lot more missions partially because that lets them grow stronger partially because they have fun with it as well and partially because they think they might be able to find some other people to join them they of course know Vegeta's Brothers out there but he's probably gonna be like Kakarot too and at least with Kakarot they knew where to find him while it's terrible they don't even know where to find him because that was Vegeta who knew about it so maybe he's too soft there's got to be another saying out there though maybe more or at least someone that'll team up with them against Frieza they can't really trust anyone else within the Frieza Force instead of their Saiyans it's not like they're going to be very welcome at other planets if they try to find allies there what are they supposed to do to actually get ahead of him I mean they could try and become Super Saiyan somehow that's still sounds like some sort of a rumor they don't know anything about it or even if it's possible they don't know what it is is it a transformation is it just a state of being is it something they're born as is it something they get they're in battle you saw Vegeta during the Namek Arc he didn't really know what a Super Saiyan was so it's not like they could just go and try and get that transformation because they have no clue of what it actually is but hopefully they find something out about it along the way maybe they can become Super Saiyans but that's going to be kind of in the back of their heads because there's no way to actually do it right now so they just keep going on missions and they do grow a lot stronger much stronger than normal at least until one day they actually find someone that could be particularly valuable with the Frieza Force getting more and more influence especially because it's remaining relatively unchecked there's going to be other factions that the freezer force is gonna have to deal with it's not like they're the only ones in the universe there's other factors out there too and Frieza has a special mission one day you get some of his strongest troops to go after it tsarbund Doria rad is Napa he does have some other strong soldiers but he feels like this is a good crew he tells them there's been another small crew going around one that not many people know of but he knows them they're particularly strong in comparison to his other soldiers but he feels this group could take it down it shouldn't be that powerful he doesn't know much about them but from what he does know they go around trying to collect planets for themselves they've only gotten a few small ones so far nothing really big but from these planets once those people arrived that planet was left Barren it was completely pillaged and there was no life left on it except for a giant dead tree sounds creepy but they're up for it this group is apparently called The Crusher Corps and that's really all they know but frieza's had some Scouts on them for a bit trying to track them down and they finally found the next Target for the crusher Corps he doesn't know how many are in this group but he has a rough estimate of how powerful it might be this group should be more than enough to handle it and he expects them to report back with all their findings because they will win here zarbron and adori are annoyed that they have to babysit rata to Napa yeah they're powerful but they're not like Vegeta's level Napa is kind of getting on the cusp of that but he's still not there yet and radish is definitely stronger than before but like he's Raditz they always knew he was the weakest of the Three Saints secretly they hope that on this Mission those two Sands will just be killed and then they could just clean up whoever's left they're able to intercept The crucial before they attack another planet this will be a planet for the freezer force and it seems like it's just a group of four people they do seem decently powerful but compared to this group of four they're not going to compare the small group of the Frieza Force defeats the crusher core and honestly they're kind of surprised that was it it was just those four people that were that easy to defeat there has to be something more to it but the planet's shaking something Sprouts nearby it looks like a Giant Mountain in the distance but they can see it's not actually a mountain it looks more like the shape of a tree or something immediately before them rush over there's still more of the crusher core left those four must have been a distraction they must have knew the Frieza Force were going to attack but the question is how many of them are left and how strong are they when they arrive over at the tree their scourges go off they look up and no one's there whoever they just detected vanished a man lands near them he's standing there holding what looks to be some sort of fruit and the four Frieza Four soldiers look uncompletely dumbfounded well for one this guy he obviously looks like a Saiyan but weirder is the fact that radissonapper realize you look exactly like Kakarot of all people the man laughs as expected they ended up defeating his group that's all fine and good but they're gonna have a bit of a tougher time with him because he's finally gotten another fruit he's gotten a few weak ones so far but this one this one should be potent but as he looks at the four of them his eyes then look over at Radisson Napa he immediately realizes who they are they are also Saiyans and no words are exchanged between the three Saiyans except for the man introducing himself as turless as he then takes a bite of the fruit powering up dramatically everyone's scouter explodes and single-handedly he takes down the door and it's pretty effortless this terrifies the rest of them and zaruban ends up powering him going into his monster pool but that does nothing against him trellis is able to easily defeat him too and he looks over at the other two sayings he doesn't attack them though he has a proposition for them he's already lost his crew which is kind of a Pity but these two could be part of his crew now they could be his new allies that or they could die here rattlesnappa don't really know what to say they're kind of terrified of this guy and it's not like they really have a choice either but Turles tells him he knows what they want they want to defeat Frieza 2 right they can say it out loud there's no scouters around and desire about Dory are dead well yeah Radisson Napa say that's true good well perilous wants to do the same and it's not really because he wants revenge for the Saints or whatever it's because he wants to take control and the only way to do that is to actually defeat Frieza I mean look at this they're already at War and he does need a new crew after all and it's probably better if they're Saiyans like think of that fellow Saiyans working together especially because one of them appears to be another low-class Warrior and that explains his Radisson Napa no wonder he looks a Kakarot but that doesn't explain why he's so powerful he could tell they're probably confused but he'll be able to fill them in later and he asked them again do they want to join Without Really knowing what to say they decide yeah they'll join this is a pretty easy outfit to say it zarbron and the Dory are dead and as far as Frieza knows the sayings are probably dead too he still is very suspicious about all this though I mean first Vegeta dying which seemed kind of unnatural and then everyone dying here and it's not like there's remains for Zara to Doria either they're just completely wiped off the map and Frieza doesn't see them betraying him the Saiyans yeah maybe but zarbam dedoria they wouldn't betray him they're loyal they'd have no reason to join the same side and they wouldn't be stupid enough to go against Frieza think that they could defeat him or whatever and while he still isn't sure about the whereabouts of Vegeta he actually believes that this time the other two Saiyans are dead there's no way they could have made it out of this again he also doesn't really know much about turless he doesn't even know that he's a Saiyan if he did then maybe he'd have a different conclusion but he doesn't actually know who Turtles is that annoys him to no end it looks like the next time they find the crusher core they're gonna need to be a little bit more serious he sends out more Scouts but they aren't able to find him and if any Scouts do end up getting close to him they're just destroyed immediately they get no data about him or who he's with they gotta keep additions after off they want to get more data and the Frieza Force completely loses sight of turless meanwhile he's going around with these other two sayings they're taking over more plans he uses Radisson Napa as soldiers to help they clean up some of these planets and he's able to give him some scraps of fruit sharing the power alongside them he's still far beyond them and way ahead of them too because he's had more fruits or at least pieces of fruit they have to kind of pace themself with this they can't just keep eating fruits endlessly and this is perfect because they could just split one fruit between each other and he tells them that this is the power you seek this is the power that can be used to defeat Frieza and radishnap are surprised is is this the power of a Super Saiyan or something Taylor says no it's just the power of the fruit of the tree of life it's nothing innate to say it's anyone can actually get this and slowly the three continue growing stronger and stronger together and you know this might not be as bad as they thought at first they didn't really have a choice of whether or not to join Turles but now it's probably the best choice they've made because of how strong they're growing but Turles says this still might not be enough no matter how many times they eat the fruit of the Tree of Might it might have diminishing gains at some point they might actually need more people in their crew that would be the best way to defeat Frieza there has to be more out there more people to think it recruit more Saiyan as maybe and he looks to rats he remembers when they first met Raditz muttered some name he said Kakarot like he looked at Turles and recognized him as someone else Kakarot to say a name and tells radiss to tell him plainly are there other Saiyans out there he doesn't want to be lied to either well they really have no choice but to give it away and Turles learns of Kakarot and Vegeta interesting the other two didn't bring this up before because they thought that would be too weak Vegeta was too weak-minded and Kakarot was just too weak in general but Turles reminds them look at how strong they've grown with the fruit of the tree of mine imagine two other Saiyans of their crew especially the prince turtles will still be above all of them which is nice but they could recruit these other two Saiyans he began to ponder it let's go back to Earth by now we're past the point that the Saiyan Saga would have happened and probably past the point of namik as well Goku and Vegeta have continued training together growing closer as friends and as allies and they have some pretty great training partners with them including two new that weren't really around before buried around the same time and it's not just that either they each ended up starting families at the same time as well and the two are training together with their two kids Goku's Kid Gohan and Vegeta's kid trunks oh yeah a little side note I know I do this sometimes my videos where people are born earlier or later or whatever and I know this isn't how genetics Works where like it would be the same exact person but like is that the one thing you're gonna question in the what if the fact that I included Trump is how to make some random OC because that's not how genetics Works in Dragon Ball no I'm putting trunks here so it's trunks the same one except earlier and Gohan well he's he's still Gohan point being they each have their own sons and man life is very peaceful on Earth they can't believe it especially Vegeta this would be a terrible time for someone to attack wouldn't it I mean it's been so long since somebody attacked this streak has to continue going right well no it's Dragon Ball they sense three strong Powers approaching and when they were both around Radisson Napa Goku Vegeta never actually knew how to sense of powers now they do and they can just tell three people are approaching and they can kind of get a feel for it feeling like it's a Saiyans key or something but that's weird that there's three of them they only remember two and it can't actually be them it's just so strong there's no way they could own this power but literally they know that's exactly what's happened Goku and Vegeta have their son stay back they can't get involved with this actually probably no one else can they're not even around any of their other friends right now so they just go off on their own confronting these Saints and just as they expect there's three space pods two familiar faces step out Raditz and Napa and there's another familiar face but at the same time they're just questioning why he looks like that Goku's jaw drops as he sees him why does that guy look exactly like him and turtles looks a little surprised at first but then laughs he kind of expects this Raditz decides to do the talking he tells Goku and Vegeta he's back to recruit them he tells them they're on the cusp of defeating freeze these two should be able to tell that radishnap are very powerful now and those two could join them help them defeat Frieza they just need a few more people to tip the skate and these two should be enough and radiss looked over a Vegeta he knows he wants to join again it's in him he can't be the same way he was before after he hit his head right he has to be normal again by now and calcrod he has to join his people as one of the last few Saiyans around especially with one of them being his brother Kakarot really should be joining them teaming up with him to defeat Frieza Frieza is a greater evil than anybody knows and he can come to Earth one day for all they know and while that does make sense Frieza is a threat especially because Vegeta recognized that he tells them that's stupid that's not gonna work they're still not strong enough to defeat Frieza even if they think they are they don't know what frieza's true power is and yeah they're definitely powerful by now but there's no way that's gonna work besides what are they gonna do after the fact he doesn't want to be a part of the crew because he knows how they are and this kind of angers Raditz and Napa the hir Vegeta verbally turn on them like this and Napa tells Vegeta he should be grateful he raised Vegeta and Vegeta's gonna stop acting like this he thought he would surely be over that by now but no it seems like that head trauma still remained and if anything he got softer here on Earth but Vegeta says quite the contrary he's made many strong bonds here on him and he's never stopped training either getting stronger with Goku too and he says despite what they may think this low-class Saiyan he's had the potential to grow really strong as well now he doesn't know how these other three Sans grew strong especially Raditz and turless those other two low-class sings but he tells them that Goku he got it through hard work and he showed Vegeta the value of that as well the two of them have trained the same way he tells them they're welcome to go on a suicide mission against Frieza but he's not going to join them and Goku says the same thing he wishes them luck but he's happy here on Earth while the idea of fighting Frieza sounds enticing Vegeta's definitely warned him against it by now many times rather snap I really have no idea how to react but turless he knows exactly what to say he finds these two weak they shouldn't remain here and you know now that he thinks about it this planet might be a good place to plant a tree he tells rat a snapper they're not going to leave just yet he's going to plant another tree of money and he wants to rather snap at a handle piece too they definitely can they're strong enough by now rabbit Snapper don't really know what do it first but they look over at the other two Saiyans Goku Vegeta can't believe what they're hearing either they're not actually gonna do it are they but she'd ask them to what are they doing taking orders from this other Saiyan they should be stronger than him right the whole point of this was that they didn't want to be controlled by others but they are they're being controlled by this other Saiyan Radisson Napa don't know if they can even go against turless and now that they think about it too he's kind of right these two are too weak minded they're disgracious to Saiyans and you know if the Tree of Might on this planet will be powerful maybe it's worth it Goku because you could tell the things to her contemplating something so they both assume a Battle Stance Goku and Vegeta say that they don't need to settle this in a fight there's no reason to fight here Turtles kind of expects that from them though from Radisson Napa he expects them to attack not questioning their Saiyans after all they should be attacking they should want to fight here they should want to get rid of these poor excuses for Saiyans after all right as Napa aren't really sure what to do they can just leave these two here but at the same time they feel like if they go against turless then turless is just gonna go after them instead and even with their recent increases in power there's no way that they're gonna be able to stand up against him at least they assume so Radice is the first to jump in eventually decides to do so with Vegeta and Goku fending him off that but nervously laughs looks like they won't even need his help radical just do this alone but terrible isn't too short and he tells Napa he better go join in that fight get rid of those two Saiyans Napa still isn't really too sure he's annoyed of Vegeta's Behavior recently and he does kind of agree with turless but at the same time that's Vegeta that's the prince it's still important to him despite the fact that there's no one to be a prince of he has the loyalty to Vegeta hell he kind of raised Vegeta after all even though Saiyans might not have those close familial bonds they're still gonna have that loyalty at least to each other especially someone like Napa looking at Vegeta Radice is mainly fighting out of fear of turless but he still doesn't get what happened with these two why is Kakarot like this why is Vegeta like this he saw Vegeta before Vegeta was never like this it was all because of that head drama how did that even cause that and the fact that happened to both of them is even worse tearless watches on Happily as he then goes off on his own looking for a spot to plant the Tree of Might Vegeta and Goku are actually pretty surprised they can't fend off Raditz he's able to fight both them at once even with their Newfound strength they can't seem to overcome it they have been training a lot actually hell the two have even been training as great apes if they ever did need to break out that power they could and Goku could actually control it now he still does have his tail too but that would definitely be very risky here because Radisson Napa can fight too like that so they don't really have any other options is Raditz really a threat they try and talk with him they want to learn more about the others say it and how Radisson Napa got so strong they were never this powerful there's no way they could have gotten this strong raddat says even if he tried to explain it wouldn't really benefit them they've already lost here turless has decided to take this planet for himself and he doesn't say this in a triumphant way he just says that as a matter of fact thing and Vegeta can see right through it he sees What's Happening Here the two of them are hesitant to do this that's why Napa didn't jump in immediately to fight them they're scared of that guy aren't they radus tells Vegeta to shut up hitting him with a powerful punch but Vegeta Knows that's exactly what it is and Goku butts in he asks if this is actually true if they want to stand up against that guy then why not have them help he says there's no way they'll even be able to do anything he nervously Chuckles they can't even fight him or Napa and on top of that it's not like they wanted to help fight Frieza before why do they want to help fight this guy now even if that is the case well Goku says it because they brought the threat here to Earth they don't really have a choice they're gonna have to fight him anyways with Frieza it's not like they wanted to get involved yeah they did have the nice Prospect of fighting someone strong especially for Goku that was a huge plus but they weren't prepared they weren't ready to fight Frieza if they went out there they'd basically having a death wish I mean here it might be the same case they don't know how strong Turles is but still he's here they're gonna have to fight him regardless they didn't back down against Frieza they were just trying to play the long game play it smart I mean Raditz and apple were doing the same thing too it's not like they attacked right away they've apparently been up to stuff and then Napa shout he can't take it anymore he tells Raditz to face the facts they don't want to work under turless yeah Vegeta has been weird these past few years but they've always been loyal to him and they know they could trust him hell with Frieza they don't know what's gonna go on there they basically fake their deaths twice there's no way they're gonna get back to Frieza another time and as for turless even if he does somehow manage to beat Frieza what's next they're still gonna be under his thumb Vegeta and Kakarot for that matter they both might be weak-minded but they're not active threats to Napa and Raditz Vegeta's surprised that Napa came around and said this but he's glad that this happened even though Goku and Vegeta's power might not be on par with them they could find a way to win they could use strategy to win here especially with Raditz and Napa's power backing them up how did they get that strong after all Napa says he was just about to explain it the reason Turles just left too he's gonna plant another Tree of Might get some more fruits from that that's how he got so strong and that's what he's gonna do here too although he's concerned it might already be too late the planet's energy might already be being drained by the tree Vegeta ask how long they have and Napa says the tree sprouts pretty quickly same for the fruits on it they'll need to get turless before he gets the fruit but they can make this work Vegeta has a plan in mind they'll attack thurles as quickly as they can and he tells them aim for the tail if they're able to cut turles's tail off Vegeta will lend some of his strength to an artificial Moon allowing radish Napa and Goku to transform and surely with the power of a great ape with turless being debuffed like that they can beat him they just need to get the jump on him as long as they're able to get his tail they can and they will win but what about Earth the damage already can be done by the tree and Vegeta says not to worry they'll have a way to fix that and they'll worry about that later on Turtles is over at where he planted the tree tending to it as It prepares to sprout a stray key blast hits him he looks over seeing that same saying that looks exactly like him Goku and he laughs a bit amused what did Goku manage to escape Radisson Napa somehow there's no way he defeated them so how'd he get here Goku doesn't even answer the question he tells Turles he could stop what he's doing now and leave he'll give him a chance to go and turtles bursts out into laughter is that a threat does he think he could threaten turless another key blast comes up from behind and turless easily knocks it away it's from Vegeta where are rat is in Napa he turns on a scouter they're gone he can't see them on there well those two must have been weaker than he thought then one thing they realized from their first visit on Earth is that Goku could lower and raise his key whenever these two learn how to do it before they grouped up with turless although they're not that good a sense a key yet hence the scouters if Vegeta and Goku were able to defeat them they definitely weren't valuable allies but it doesn't matter he knows he could beat them at least and he actually welcomes them to attack once more he'll give them open Monica showcased the full power he's got from the Tree of Might so far the two launching towards him fighting with perfect Synergy and turtles blocks all their attacks effortlessly Vegeta gives Goku a look and Goku knots he grabs her with his tail and then acts surprised when Turles doesn't react turtle is easily knocks Goku away what did Kakarot seriously think that Turles tail was a weak spot still he's trained it by now his tail is not a weak spot they were trying to grab it to stun him if that was their plan they definitely have no hope of winning here but this is the reaction they were hoping for they knew that wasn't going to do that and they knew with their strength they weren't going to be able to rip his tail off even if they wanted to they don't have the speed to do that here against him they just wanted to make sure his tail was sticking out and it wasn't wrapped around his waist Turles is scattered then beeps a strong power appears someone Rockets over hitting him right in the face it's Napa and he yells out at them now simultaneously Vegeta and Goku lift their hands up each forming a disc of energy in it a key enzyme Radisson rushes in two hitting Turles right in the gut Napa Maneuvers are behind turless grabbing onto the tail and holding it out Turtle swings an arm out to each side knocking both Radisson Napa away and one of the kyanzons Flies towards him he barely Dodges it it cuts off a piece of his arm but then the other one comes through it's Goku's and he directs it so it hits the tail that actually worked Turbo's tail is cut clean off he can't believe he fell for that and he looks around Raditz and Napa they betrayed him he kind of expected this but it doesn't matter either way he sees what's going on here they're gonna try an all-go great ape against him and see if that works the ground starts rumbling the tree begins to sprouting and he watches the Vegeta creates a Powerball throwing it up into the sky is an artificial moon is created the four Saiyans all turn into great apes together ready to fight turless turless Smiles he is a bit concerned but there's one thing they didn't account for as the tree sprouts behind him he tries his best to hold off the four Saiyans at once and it's tough he even tries to go for their tails too but whenever he tries to do so it's not really going to work too well because he has four great apes fighting against him two of whom are actually pretty powerful and with the Boost and power that they get from this Goku and Vegeta are actually able to fight against him rad is an app are just huge threats for him figuratively and literally but the tree continues Sprout the rules just has to wait a bit not just for the tree to grow but for the fruit itself and both of those are important he starts fighting defensively avoiding the great apes trying to hide creating crevices in the ground nearby hiding in them trying to be Out Of Reach for the great apes they're strong but they can't follow him anywhere as long as he's able to outmaneuver them he could win here and the best part is none of them have scouters it's not like they can find him at all well he doesn't account for the fact that Vegeta and Goku know how to sense Ki and they're able to actually find him pretty easily things aren't going too well for him no matter what he tries he's found he can't stay out of their reach even when he tries to throw up smoke screens or whatever he doesn't know how he's being found he's taken significant damage but looks up with Glee as the tree fully sprouts and this is what he was waiting for the massive leaves of the tree cover the entire atmosphere the area around them goes completely dark the sun is blocked out and more importantly the Powerball is blocked out the four Saiyans all what kind of pan as they start to de-transform going back into their base form tarless commends them they almost had him there but he says Rad is an app made a fatal mistake they should have accounted for the fact that the Tree of Might would have blocked out that Powerball hell maybe if they waited a little bit longer to throw one up they would have been able to win here quickly Napa tries to create one of his own Vegeta's already lost a lot of power from doing it before and he could do it again but that's just gonna make him even weaker but Turles knows how to watch for it Taylor no tail it doesn't matter he will beat them and they're not gonna be able to transform him to a great ape again like last time now that he knows what they're trying to do he's not gonna let it happen he fends them all off at once he has been weakened a bit but it doesn't really matter he's so powerful that he's able to fend off the four Saiyans at once somehow and they're completely losing control they see no path to Victory here especially Raditz and Napa they shouldn't have rebelled against him they knew this was going to happen those other two were so weak they couldn't have helped why were they so foolish to think so but Vegeta tells them to be quiet it's not over yet and Turlock begs to differ he thinks it is but he does not clear to the ground too injured to get back up next it's Goku then Napa Potrillos enjoys beating up Turtles himself is not in great condition either and he makes this point then he could beat them in his current state so what made them think that they could have won when he was in his full power and he looks up at the tree he sees on one of the branches great one of the fruits has already grown and turtles tells him a bear Witnesses its power rata's Napa have already seen it hell they know about it themselves they've had it but with this fruit especially from a planet like this he should get a nice increase in power and it'll make a nice show for everybody he floats up to the fruit and suddenly he quickly floats to the side as the key ends on flies past him cutting clean through the branch as well the fruit falls from the branch and turless tries to catch it mid-air but then he's attacked by two smaller Fighters they don't do much damage but is enough to distract him Goku and Vegeta can't believe what they're seeing floating there in front of turtles is a Gohan and trunks and rage seeing a little bit of a boost in power from this too not enough to hurt turless but enough to distract him and next to them floats Krillin the one responsible for throwing that key ends on how funny those two earthbounds saying they had kids well props them for expanding the say in bloodline it's a shame that it's gonna have to end here though he sticks out of hand and then Krillin places his fingers on his head performing a solar flare blinding turless as he fumbles the fruit out of his hand careless launched his blast aimlessly trying to hit them and the fruit rolls to the ground in front of Vegeta he's too weak to even stand but he reaches out for the fruit Napa looks over at it he tells Vegeta eat it now Refugee doesn't hesitate he takes a big bite of the fruit and instantly he feels rejuvenate he bulks up considerably then returning back to his normal size this power that he feels flowing through him it's absurd he looks down at the remain of the fruit eating at Hope and quickly he launches a blast up at Turles turles's Vision returns just in time and he's able to jump out of the way once more but Vegeta's blast is powerful and cuts right through the tree he wasn't actually aiming for tearless no the blast expands out burning up a bunch of the leaves cutting right through and making the Powerball visible once more Vegeta looks at the other Saiyans telling them to look up at the sky and then Turtle sees it too crap he rushes towards Vegeta as he starts transforming but then he's blinded once again by Krillin damn Earthling those two brats when did they get here as Charles's Vision recovers he then feels something grab him with his vision having fully returned and his point of view he sees not one not four but six great apes with Vegeta being the one pinning him against the tree right now he didn't even realize those kids had tails too they can control this form well yeah with Vegeta and Goku having their tails there's no reason for them to not teach Gohan that and just for fun trunks was born with a tail in the scenario too but Turles has no hope of winning now the great apes encircled a tree with all them placing their hands on him Vegeta counts down when the countdown finishes they all lift the tree up ripping it right out of the earth before the roots can further ingrain in the planet krillin's on the surface as everything is torn up that's pretty insane especially with the size of the tree he knows the great apes are strong but that is absurd and he just looks on and off and just says to himself well now he and Vegeta are even they saved each other's lives and there's a big grin on his face as he starts laughing watching as the sixth grade Apes all throw the tree up into space Vegeta yells out on his Mark a beam charges in front of his mouth and the same happens with the five other Saiyans together the six great apes all launch mountains the tree is completely eradicate out in space with Turles not having a chance of surviving being completely decimated alongside the tree he watches as the beams come toward him and at first he's terrified but right before they're about to hit he actually smiles you know that was pretty fun the six beams all coalesce as the tree explodes every single bit of turless is erratic eventually the Saiyans all de-transformed a Radisson Napa are kind of amazed seeing that those two have kids who could also turn into great apes and fight like that Vegeta and Goku might have been weaker than them but it seems like they were up to more here on Earth than they expected and Goku tells his brother it's not all about raw strength and clearly rad is an apple went a different route for getting that strength too but what are the two saying supposed to do now it's not like they can return to Frieza again and honestly they don't want to stay here either they're still unsure about Vegeta's judgment even though they are still loyal to him they gotta think of it they gotta go off on their own but they know the Rebellion is still starting they will defeat Frieza somehow they're just not going to remain here they go back to their spaceships turn into Goku and Vegeta surprisingly Napa apologized to Vegeta for the misunderstanding but Vegeta says he's just glad that Napa Saw The Light finely same for Raditz and Radice looks over at the two of them seeing his brother and his nephew it's awkward and he doesn't really know what to say either but Napa says they'll be hearing from them soon the two Saiyans launch off in the space not really knowing where to go next and Krillin questions that treated a lot of damage so they're gonna have to try and restore Earth somehow Vegeta says not too worried they could just use the dragon balls and look over the crater and see the huge extent of the damage it's way worse than I thought well at least they stopped it before it got too rooted into the Earth and Goku has how Vegeta's feel it that fruit and also granted them some insane power Goku can still feel it overflowing and Vegeta says he's not sure who's gonna even control this but he didn't really have a choice and that makes Goku wonder what did the fruit taste like oh Vegeta thought he was gonna ask about the power of it or something but you know what tasted surprisingly okay krillin's already gone into the crater just to look around and he yells at them he tells him to come down here real quick it seems like the tree made more than one fruit at the very bottom of the crater in the center it seems like there's a couple fruits down there three of them actually interesting and Vegeta tells Goku well now maybe he could taste that fruit see for himself if he likes it well no one's really sure what to do with the fruits and honestly if it's even safe to eat though but they guess they'll figure something out Gohan and trunks are dressed as curious too but Goku and Vegeta make sure to keep them away from that yeah they're gonna have to figure something out about those with these extra fruits what are we supposed to do with them well Vegeta doesn't like using the fruit for power because of how it was made and also it gives them the power instead of him working for it that's one thing that's still consistent with him even after hitting his head he still likes to work for his power especially around someone like Goku and seeing how much hard work pays off yeah he's gonna really like that of course he did already eat a fruit but that was kind of out of necessity it was the last ditch effort to try and defeat Turtles and it did actually help them that's not something that this version of Vegeta would normally want to do Goku is briefly intrigued but also at the same time he's thinking of the same thing he's not gonna have it because he'd rather work for his power and seeing how this fruit was made they can only imagine how the others were made turless and Radisson Apple by extension their strength came from destroying planets by planting that tree and for all they know the plant's dangerous they don't know what the effects would be if they eat it Vegeta felt the power coursing through him and realized that it could have worked the other way it could have just killed him although these fruits aren't going to go to waste Krillin decides he's going to take them he's not going to eat them he's just gonna try and see what he could do with them he sees how far ahead these two are Goku's best friend and Vegeta he kind of admires him that's a pretty important thing we have to consider for Krillin here his admiration for Vegeta is actually going to help him try and get to his level and he wonders if these fruits can be the key to that and maybe harnessing their power in a more ethical way don't let them go to waste have them be of some sort of use he'll see if there's anything possible with them but he's not entirely sure maybe Bulma can help but he doesn't really know her experience with plants and stuff like that or maybe she could figure something out though who knows so Vegeta and Goku are glad to see that Raditz and Napa aren't really threats to them like they came here and tried to kill them at first but they were able to actually fight alongside them so that shows that those two sayings aren't a threat but that still kind of does concern them they don't know what Raditz and Napa are going to be up to next they're still wild cards and as far as they know frieza's still out there who Vegeta is still pretty concerned about that seems to be the reason RADS and Napa joined Turles in the first place to grow stronger to try and defeat Frieza they didn't come here to kill Goku and Vegeta they wanted Goku and Vegeta to join them to help defeat Frieza but what are those two gonna do now it's not like they're gonna fight Frieza alone that's a death wish they definitely know not to do that which is why they team up with turos in the first place but Frieza is still a threat for Vegeta and Goku who knows what he's up to or if they'll ever encounter him Goku is still kind of up for fighting this guy although Vegeta kind of advises against it he kind of gets that as a Saiyan that's how Goku's gonna feel but he doesn't know how truly terrifying Frieza is even if even if Vegeta hit his head and forgot a bunch of stuff he did still see how strong Frieza was and how scary he was that's pretty ingrained in his mind and part of the reason he deserted in the first place they all have been training they're gonna take it a lot more seriously here though they might need to get more intense than they ever were but what about Frieza what is he up to his Scouts were still following turless I mean he wasn't just gonna let Turles kill some of his soldiers and get away with it he wants to figure out what's going on and his scouter led to Earth where they see another giant tree there which is also then blown up and then the planet is completely restored yeah that's gonna set some alarms off with the Frieza Force funny enough rad is a nap will get away completely fine as far as Frieza knows Turles came here and was defeated but his Scouts do find something else pretty interesting is that Vegeta and another Saiyan well Frieza glad that Turtles is gone he still doesn't know who the guy is or what he was up to but that annoyance seems to be gone although he has a new annoyance Vegeta he still is alive plus what looks like another say it I mean he could tell by the tail the scouts found some pretty interesting information it seems there are four Saiyans on Earth Vegeta Goku and then they're too as far as Frieza knows Raditz and Napa are actually dead the scouts found everything after the fact and they have nothing to prove that the ride is Napa are still alive and look at that they cause Frieza to find Vegeta and now we're off God knows where but now freeze is intrigued well of course he wants to go there to find Vegeta but at the same time why was turless at this planet how did he die that planet must be pretty powerful and pretty valuable for that matter so frieza's got a few reasons to go there especially after the scouts noticed that well the planet's completely restored after the damage there was a visible Crater where the tree was by the time they got there and then it just suddenly disappears at least from what they saw from outer space how did that happen how'd the planet get restored that quickly could it be the wish orbs who knows some of Frieza Scouts are sent onto the planet itself to get more information and this time the scouts are going with the order to kill Vegeta shouldn't be that strong from what Frieza remembers Vegeta was pretty powerful but sending some soldiers down should really help a small group of them should be able to defeat Vegeta with ease judging by his power level at least frieza's Scouts are sent down to earth tracking down Vegeta and they catch him in the middle of training with Goku it's been about another a month since rad is Napa arrived with Turles Goku and Vegeta as well as pretty much everyone else has been trading pretty intensely just in case and honestly Vegeta is not too surprised to see the Frieza Force here great they've finally been found Vegeta tells Goku these soldiers are of no concern they're all easily defeated but Vegeta tells one of the soldiers relay a message to Frieza just leave them be here and Frieza starts talking through one of the scouters with Vegeta picking it up placing it up he's talking right to Frieza himself Frieza tells Vegeta he can't just expect to get away with what he did I mean he deserted and everything but Vegeta tells Frieza he didn't cause any issues he's been here pretty much peacefully for the past few years he didn't even immediately kill the soldiers here he just defeated them he was attacked first after all Vegeta just wants to be rid of the Frieza Force but Frieza says he can't just let that slide Vegeta betrayed them he's going to be coming to Earth regardless Vegeta's size he kind of expected this he can't reason with Frieza he warns the emperor he's tougher than before much tougher and he's got new allies if Frieza comes here don't be surprised when they defend themselves don't be surprised when they win he crushed the scout it freezes Fury boils up that traitor but that's to be expected after the way Frieza treated the Saiyans he's not too surprised to see that one finally got fed up but still what the hell happened with Vegeta why is he this way now he was the prince of the Saiyans before a proud warrior and he still seems to be a proud warrior but not in the same way as before he's still acting that same weird way well him not taking Frieza seriously will be his downfall but Vegeta is taking Frieza seriously very seriously he just wants to live his peaceful life again but Goku tells Vegeta well even though Vegeta has been warning him not to fight Frieza it seems like they have no choice and he'll help Vegeta through everything and Vegeta is visibly nervous he doesn't know if they could win but Goku reminds him look what they did last time against turless that was a foe that seemed like he couldn't be defeated but they pulled through Frieza will definitely be their biggest challenge yet but Goku reminds Vegeta he's not alone against Frieza and the power that they have to back themselves up the willpower that they have too it'll lead him to Victory Goku also looks visibly nervous too but smirks it's not like they have a choice anyways they can't let a tyrant like that come to Earth and do whatever he wants he points his face side of Vegeta they got this Vegeta Smiles bumping Goku's fist thanking him for that pep talk a few days later more of the freezer Force arrives including Frieza himself Vegeta can see the ship no doubt about it that's him but they're all prepared Vegeta stands there alongside Goku with Trunks and Gohan on their sides too the rest of the Z Fighters stand alongside them as well Krillin ten shinhan and Yamcha and the humans all have something up their sleeve too the four Saiyans are all prepared as well everyone's able to face the Frieza force with no powering up at all collectively they're more than enough even Goku Vegeta alone could probably do this with these actually but Vegeta tells him to not get too confident from this Frieza himself he's a way different animal Frieza ship lands and he steps off it those two seem to be more powerful than he thought he could call on the guinea Force to help but he's not even gonna need that he'll just handle this himself he'd rather do it like that anyways especially for Vegeta but Vegeta reminds Frieza he's not going to go down without a fight and he told Frieza he will lose here besides they've discovered a new power that they'd love to test out against him one that he should be pretty familiar with and Frieza size what is he talking about it can't be the Super Saiyan right Vegeta and Goku power up as well as Gohan and trunks too not too much changes about that although besides Vegeta Frieza can notice that the three others have their hair spiked then their eyes seem to have changed color too Vegeta and Goku are glad that Gohan and trunks are able to pull it off this easily now they all had an issue with it before but work towards this by mastering the power of the great ape they tried to use it in their humanoid form now keeping the same increase that they normally have with the form although now they retain their humanoid size this is their wrathful for since they do have their tails they still could transform into great apes but this this is better for them they like this more Vegeta's the first one to charge it Frieza scouter goes off it climbs to the six figures quickly and keeps on going he can't even see how strong Vegeta is now his scouter explodes and just as the Vegeta is about to hit him with an attack Frieza then transforms quickly going into his second form barely being able to block Vegeta's hack and Vegeta taken aback seeing Frieza now in this form he's growing much stronger and Frieza enjoys seeing that look of fear in Vegeta's face what he must have at least heard the rumors that he could transform and if he thinks this is scary wait till he hears that he has two more this is exactly what Vegeta feared Frieza would be stronger than they thought but he thanks Frieza for telling him that they'll be sure to defeat him before he can get to his full strength Frieza suddenly blinded Cortland attempt to perform a solar flare together as the three other Saiyans launching alongside Vegeta Frieza is blind to try to defend all three of them off he can't sense them either he's just completely blind he doesn't know what's happening he can't be mocked like this he doesn't want to transform it's a sign of him not being able to defeat them he already transformed once out of necessity is he gonna have to again that was just against Vegeta that he's facing and now he has four of these Saiyans granted Vegeta is probably the stronger one he doesn't know how Vegeta got that strong though he still definitely seems to be the strongest of the group but Frieza could tell if he gets Vegeta alone he'll win he just needs to get rid of the others reluctantly he goes into his third career and his vision comes back he's not gonna let the others blind him again he points a finger out at the humans launching a laser that he drags across the ground they're all barely able to dodge it and then with his other hand he points at the seconds rapidly launching death beams from it all the Saiyans try to desperately Dodge freezes a lot faster now at this point they do definitely number him but individually they're not going to stand a chance against him right now and friends you can see that he's got them cornered great he might not need to transform again this third form will be enough mid-battle Goku looks at Vegeta he definitely wasn't lying about frieza's strength but just like he said before they'll find a way to win and he can plainly see now notice how Frieza reacted when they transformed before into wrathful how much Frieza hates the Saiyans and all Vegeta mentioned this in passing before but Goku tells him he's scared of the Saiyans is it hate and Goku glare the freezer when he says this that's it he's scared of them he knows he's going to lose here he knows the Saiyans will surpass him Goku starts fighting for his individual not being able to do much damage and fighting more on the defensive with Gohan jumping in alongside him that's what Frieza feared that's why he came all this way to defeat Vegeta he's scared of them he's scared of the Saiyans he could have let Vegeta just live here peacefully he wasn't going to interfere with anything but no Frieza was scared that he'd lose the Saiyans one day and it seems Frieza dug his own grave Goku and Vegeta aren't Just Gonna Stand by while Frieza comes here and terrorize them this is the day that the sames defeat him Vegeta's reinvigorated too but then looks over at the humans he tells Goku to get back as he and Gohan quickly fly back a spirit ball from Yamcha comes over and doesn't do much against Frieza but it is a good distraction because behind him tenshinhan appears with a powerful kikoho and does some noticeable damage too in his third form nonetheless yeah this technique is very strong and very draining but still the fact that it's doing damage it kind of surprises Goku Vegeta too and that a key enzyme from Krillin comes in Frieza is barely able to dodge it but it comes back to him as Krillin continuously swirls it around trying to hit him even creating another one too they didn't realize the humans got this strong and Yamcha flies up to the two Saiyans kritlin told him about the fruit they found he still doesn't really know what it is but he knows it apparently was pretty dangerous and can make people stronger Kremlin thought it might be a bad idea eating it concentrated so instead they just Juiced it honestly it tasted pretty good but these three humans all had a little bit of it splitting the fruit so they wouldn't be eating it too concentrated and they all grew noticeably stronger from it not to Vegeta's level or even Goku's level but still very strong in their own right who knows maybe some other people can benefit from it too shout soon yajirobe roshi freezes in Fury these humans are nuisances and these Saiyans they just won't stay down and to think that one from Earth he's getting so cocky that he thinks he's scared of the Saiyans Frieza does know that deep down this is true but he can't let them think that he can't be insulted like this he'll show them real fear he'll make the Saiyans fear him as they should he begins glowing as once more he Powers up he tells them he really didn't want to use this power he thought his third form would get the point across that he was Far stronger than them but this this should show them what he's truly made of and he'll make an example out of them too he glares over at Vegeta he should have just stayed part of the Frieza Force just done what he was told they could have avoided all this Vegeta would have still been alive but now he's gonna have to die for it Frieza starts chuckling as he taunts him too and look at this he put all these other people in danger he still has no clue what happened to Vegeta or why he's acting this way but he tells Vegeta to look around him V6 out of hand launching a powerful glass at 10 and Krillin knocking them far away with one being launched to Yamcha as well Frieza tells Vegeta that he caused this he brought this destruction here don't blame Frieza this is of his own doing and to think this pan it would have been nice and peaceful I would have stayed off frieza's map Vegeta is the one to blame for this Vegeta's infuriated he's not gonna stand for this he tries to attack Frieza but Frieza just effortlessly Dodges all of his attacks trunks even flies in too and raged at this but Frieza effortlessly swats him away then launching a blast at him with Vegeta rushing to defend him against it and Trunks is fine but he Powers down Vegeta tells him to sit out with this one for now thank him for the help and saying that he's proud of his strength freeze is disgusted look at how soft Vegeta is too he has some kid he's protecting him like this he's no Saiyan anymore why would he be scared of someone like this but like he said he's going to make an example of everybody and he looks over at Goku holding a handout telekinetically dragging him over he grabs onto Goku's shirt with Goku kicking Frieza trying to hit him with everything he has Point Blank but nothing's working Frieza is just completely unfazed and in his hands below he charges the Kamehameha launching straight upwards a direct hit to freeze his head trying to catching freeze off guard with the power but it doesn't really do too much that does leave a mark though see he's not scared of the Saiyans and he can tell this one is softer than Vegeta he was just enraged that his planet was in danger but he's too good-hearted to do anything here these two Saiyans and everyone else here they're not going to be strong enough he doesn't fear these weaklings now Frieza puts a hand on Goku's chest Vegeta tells him to stop don't do it his hand starts glowing and Frieza Smiles don't get too impatient Vegeta's turn will come next same for everybody else Goku tries to power up and fight back but it's no use a blast is launched right through his chest freeze lets go of him and Goku falls to the ground Vegeta rushes over if they give him a senzu bean you'll be fine he doesn't know what Krillin is he has them it's just him Trunks and Gohan right now and Trunks is out of commission too but as he gets over to Goku he realized that that's not going to do anything Goku was dead before he hit the ground asenju means not gonna help and Frieza asks Vegeta who should be next his son Goku's son or maybe Vegeta is going to play a hero here and go ahead of him what will it be does Vegeta want to watch them die or does Vegeta want them to watch him die Vegeta tries anything he can to try and revive Goku but he knows it's not going to work and he starts shaking freeze is waiting for his answer well he'll just kill Vegeta first he points a finger at you charging and being in front of him he launches a blast at Vegeta at the last second Vegeta turns around the beam hits him right in the head dissipating is nothing and after the Smoke Clears crazy can see his face he's angry but also has tears in his eyes he he tells Frieza this is the day he dies he's not gonna get away with this a golden aura swirls around Vegeta he killed his friend he's putting this planet at risk he's ruining Vegeta's life Vegeta's not gonna stand for it Goku is Right Frieza should fear the Saiyans Vegeta yells powering up as his hair and eyes change color there's a powerful blast of Q enough to eat and not Frieza back at him and Frieza looks on a disbelief what is this power now this is different there's another Golden Glow nearby though the same exact thing that happened with Vegeta it happens with Gohan now and he's even more infuriated not being able to control his rage Frieza killed Goku and he'll make Frieza pay Vegeta looks up at Gohan and Gohan looks down at him they see how each of them have changed not even realizing what this power is Vegeta flows up to Gohan together they'll avenge Goku and Vegeta sticks are fist out in front of him apparently Vegeta was the prince before and if that's the case Vegeta makes it his goal he needs to protect his fellow Warriors he needs to avenge them that's the duty of royalty like him that's the duty of him as Goku's friend Frieza dies here freeze is mortified at what he sees they can't be what he thinks they are right there's no way they're actually Super Saiyans but that is exactly what they are Super Saiyans Vegeta leads Gohan on the charge for Gohan it's a little bit hard to control know his explosive rage and all he's probably a little bit more Untamed than Vegeta is here Vegeta at least he has somewhat of a clear conscience relative to Gohan at least but still he's also fuming he needs to kill Frieza this is the first time he's felt a rage like this at least after he hit his head as far as he knows but he's glad that he has this new power he can make Frieza pay for what he's done he can defend this planet his new home and he could avenge his friend and protect his other friends trunks was fading in and out of Consciousness nearby but he looks up having regained it for a bit he's with the humans right now they're all amazed and trucks can't believe what he's seeing whoa whatever that power is he wants it for himself too but more importantly he wants to cheer them off glad to see his father and his best friend so powerful he cheers on Gohan and Vegeta with the human's following suit too but Krillin he won't sit back this Krillin is different remember because he's a lot less cowardly a lot more proactive the humans don't think they can do much even with their recent hour but Curly has 10 in the option lend him some energy just for now if they transfer some of their power over him he feels he could really help here he'll avenge his friend with the power that he got from the tree as well as the power from the other humans too and they agree telling Quillen to be careful they know he could probably help with his strategy they start channeling energy into him and Krillin then launches it frieza's having a tough time with Gohan and Vegeta but then he sees someone else flying he launches a blast over a trip and now Vegeta is terrified he tells Krillin to get out of the way he doesn't want him getting injured too but then he sees Krillin is dragging his arm behind him with a key ends on charge behind it he flings at foe cleanly cutting right through the blast and with frieza's vision obscured by his own attack the kianzon then hits him he barely moves out of the way this leaves him open to another attack from Gohan Vegeta but now Frieza sights are shot on Krillin he looks back over to him but the second he does he performs a solar flare blinding Frieza Vegeta and Gohan covered their eyes but Vegeta looks over to Krillin smirking he thinks Krillin for the assistance but he thinks he has this on his own besides he doesn't want to lose another friend although Krillin did make a nice play here and this makes another opening for them quickly everyone rushes in to attack the blind Frieza but Krillin then pulls Vegeta aside hating him two things and tell him to down it quickly he doesn't have time to explain but Vegeta knows exactly what it is Krillin brought some of this in preparation too and some of the extra juice from the fruit of the Tree of Might he didn't drink all of it because he thought that maybe Vegeta or Goku would be able to use it but it's not just that he has to send you beat his whip Krillin has no idea of what this new power that Vegeta has is but he has faith in Vegeta like always he tells Vegeta to defeat that monster avenge Goku while he's at it and Vegeta doesn't question he quickly senzu and downs the small amount of bite juice feeling a massive power boost that he wants to use right away this is perfect they wouldn't have beaten Frieza before even with his Super Saiyan form but now they can kill him especially with him blinded this is an incredible boost hey thanks Krillin for being dependable and smart as always he turns to Gohan now is the time to strike full power hold nothing back Frieza is completely blinded and it's not like he's gonna sense their key Either they could do whatever they need Frieza of course isn't stupid he's not just gonna stand there while he's blinded but he starts attacking aimlessly trying to hit whoever he can seeing if he can hit anyone for that matter but of course his attacks are easy to do although they are very powerful as Frieza waits for his vision to come back he then charges the Massive Attack if he can't hit them fine it doesn't matter they want to play dirty he'll play dirty too he's blind but he knows what direction down is so we charge this blast aiming right at the surface of the planet but just before he launches it he then feels a powerful blow at once Gohan and Vegeta strike him right in his stomach and midair the two of them stand back to back Vegeta commands Gohan Chargers most powerful attack the two each draw their arms backwards Vegeta charges a Gallop gun while Gohan charges a Kamehameha with Krillin also below them aiming his own comma haven't had directly upwards in unison the three all launched their beams each hitting freeze at the exact same time he doesn't know where they're coming from or how to brace for them but his vision comes back the second they're about to hit although it's too late for him to do anything he tries to guard against the gala Kamehameha moving his arms in front of him as quickly as possible but he can't do it in time and even if he did he probably couldn't defend against it the three blasts hit him at full power and they don't hold back either especially Vegeta and Gohan they're not gonna let Frieza survive after over here to Goku they're not giving him a second chance and with him being on Earth they're not going to risk trying to have a fun fight with him especially because they know this might be their only opportunity to actually beat him they don't know how far they exceed his power and how long this power will last if it will last so with this final attack Frieza is completely finished decimated with nothing of him left but he didn't go on to send to the ground powering down with Gohan actually going unconscious too and Vegeta is glad to be rude or Frieza go on Falls of the ground and Krillin catches him as Vegeta stands next to Krillin this new power he has there's no doubt about it it has to be a Super Saiyan and Krillin surprised Vegeta does seem surprisingly calm but he must have realized the same thing that Krillin did right well yeah Goku has never died before he could be brought back by the Dragon Balls of course they were mortified in the moment watching Goku die no matter how logically you try to think in that situation your emotions still will get in the way which was a good thing because that a lot of Vegeta and Gohan to power up but Vegeta is a lot calmer now he knows they can bring Goku back he's not dead for good the others need to gather the Dragon Balls the group rests after the fight trying to heal up too and right when they're about to go gather the dragon balls but she didn't hear the voice in his head Krillin hears it too Goku's actually with King Kai right now when he died he made it past snake way pretty quickly and he tells them he's gonna train here for a bit he'll come back very soon but he just wants to stay here about a month or two just to learn some things that King Kai has mentioned and he congratulates Vegeta and Gohan for the win and he's pretty amazed he didn't make it past snake way in time to see exactly what happened but he heard from King Kai what happened but two of them apparently transformed into some Super Saiyan or whatever and killed Frieza that way that's awesome Vegeta's surprised but he laughs as expected a Goku okay then they're gonna wait a bit to bring him back to life Vegeta still is a bit concerned though he knows that wasn't the entire Frieza Force he didn't bring the entire Army here he knows of other parts of it and another ruler or at least a former ruler he doesn't think there'll be a problem but he tells everybody they need to be prepared just in case they might be attacked again this time it won't be as bad as Frieza well besides one of them King cold is pretty strong and there's no doubt that they're going to come here soon enough he hopes the other Saiyans are fine though one thing that he didn't learn is what happened with Radisson Napa he doesn't think that the Frieza Force encountered them at all and they're probably still out there doing whatever they've been doing eventually they do actually appear and it's not just King cold either even with Vegeta forgetting a lot of things he obviously would still know about King cold and the genu force given how prevalent they were in the Frieza Force Radisson Apple would have refreshed his mind or he would have just heard about it from someone else and he's immediately able to recognize five ships are heading in alongside one giant one that's definitely King cold in the guinea Force he's there ready to fight with the humans Gohan and trunks he says he'll take on King Cole he wants everyone else to take on the guinea Force they can handle it with ease actually a few of them can do it they might even be Overkill the main issue is the abilities of the new Force he doesn't remember exactly what they're able to do or if he ever knew what they were able to do but he knows some of them have strange powers and he wants everyone to watch out for them the humans aren't going to protest this they're up to finish the fight right away before it even begins Vegeta goes up to King cold Kink hold is obviously a bit annoyed but he does recognize Vegeta's power maybe he would like to rejoin the Frieza Force he could rule under King cold actually it's probably the cold Force now and he doesn't need a replacement for his son Vegeta says that's not really his thing anymore well King Cole tells Vegeta not to complain when he dies he gave Vegeta a chance so he's not going to feel bad about this now he would have felt bad anyways he lifts a finger up and tries to charge a death beam before he even can he's hit right in the gut by Vegeta with Vegeta Vanishing from where he was King Cole can't believe he's that quick and he looks down and sees something in that instant where he moved Vegeta transformed he's he's turned golden or something he has no clue of what this is is this the thing his son wasn't worried about this Super Saiyan he doesn't have time to process it Vegeta makes quick work of it it tells King cold he would love to fight him but he knows the risk alongside that after what Frieza did last time he's not gonna let King cool even have a chance to attack he tells Vegeta he's gonna have to watch for the Ginyu Force though even if King cold is defeated which he doubts is possible the genu force is here they're probably causing Havoc as they speak really now Vegeta points a thumb back over to the distance where the guineaforce landed there's a lot of explosions over there and King cold laughs that's exactly what he wanted the candy forces already starting to cause Havoc oh yeah Vegeta forgot he can't sense key he tells Kinko to pull up one of those scouters he promises it's a nice surprise kenko looks on an horror he sees power levels Beyond The Ginyu forces and there's no contact with the kinyu force either their scouters have no signal Vegeta tells him take a good long look this is going to be the last thing King cold sees the last sight that the Frieza force will have a looks down at Vegeta and sees this whole time he's been charging an attack Vegeta shouts Kamehameha King Cole is Destiny the rest of the group flies over too yeah those Gideon force people were weird although Gohan says they had pretty cool poses it's funny he didn't even need to turn Super Saiyan well that's another loose end tied up soon after shannarana Summit Goku was finally brought back to life he thanks them for waiting a bit he knows they probably wanted him to come back sooner but he likes this better he was able to train a lot more in other world and he has some pretty interesting techniques that Super Saiyan thing looks awesome and he knows Vegeta will probably teach him how to use it and he makes a deal with Vegeta he'll try and show Vegeta what he's learned if Vegeta tries to show him what he's learned now Vegeta is curious what did he learn up there well he did learn a few different techniques but one that he knows he views a lot is the Kaioken he Powers up with a red Aura surrounding him showing this new string it's probably not as good as Super Saiyan but he feels like maybe he could work with it more he'll find his own way to make it even more practical it's very draining it rips his body apart and it does multiply his power but seemingly not to the extent of a Super Saiyan he powers back down he knows if anyone will be able to help him find a practical use for it it would be Vegeta the two of them could put their heads together he looks over at Gohan too proud of him and still in disbelief that Gohan's already surpassed him at this age but he kind of expected he and Trunks will learn Super Saiyan all four of them will have the form and they'll be unstopped they might as well get to training as quickly as possible in this training they do discover a few things for one Super Saiyan's not really that efficient right now of course they're gonna try and find ways around that Gohan and Vegeta can turn into the form at will but they still need to work on it a little bit more you know try and buff it somehow maybe they can go beyond Super Saiyan or at the very least perfect it make it so that they're not having as many stamina issues with it same goes for Goku with Kaioken but he's also more focused on learning Super Saiyan right now thinking he had at least combined with wrathful maybe kaioken's not the only thing he learned in other world though he did learn a few other things and he does show it off during your training but nothing's gonna really come into play with him just yet he does say though there's a bunch of great warriors in other room it's not just King Kai he was training with he actually met a few other people too no wonder they're up there they all have great powers and as Vegeta and Gohan try to improve Super Saiyan of course at some point Trunks and Goku unlocks Super Saiyan as of now Vegeta still definitely is the top person in the group he said Super Saiyan the longest plus he has that little buff that he had from the fruit of the tree of mind and he's pretty much always been ahead Gohan's had Super Saiyan for longer and with his great potential he's actually neck and neck with Goku Trunks has some great potential too but he's definitely the weakest of the four Saiyans here and as you can probably expect the humans aren't on their level but the humans are still very strong as I've covered in the last part they're way stronger than they are in the main story actually so they might not be Super Saiyans but don't underestimate them in the slightest also goten's born soon earlier than normal obviously there's a little bit of a Time skip here too the timeline has shifted around a lot and there's another timeline ship that's about to happen amidst their training one day Goku notices something strange for a brief moment he sent some other power flare up and it seems to be getting closer someone's flying over actually not just one person three of them are and he asked Vegeta if he could sense that well yeah he can Goku can't tell what one of the powers is but the two others they feel like Gohan on trunks but not necessarily like Gohan trunks but Goku can tell There's No Malice in those Powers well Vegeta says they could just wait around and see who it is it definitely doesn't seem to be some sort of threat but Goku and Vegeta are on guard just in case three people eventually land in front of them and for two of them it's pretty clear who they are well it's confusing but Goku and Vegeta could tell that two of these people they look exactly like Gohan trunks except a lot older what the hell is this the other person with them they don't really know who he is but he looks kind of familiar too the one that kind of looks like Gohan's steps up you can already tell by the looks on their faces and their reactions they're probably a little bit confused but they kind of have an idea of what's going on they recognize their power don't they and of course the the way they look the man Smiles glad to see Goku again their guess is exactly right these three are Gohan trunks and gotenk but that makes no sense why are they old now this new Gohan begins explaining they're not actually the Gohan Goten and Trunks that they know they're a separate version from the future actually obviously their identities don't need to be hidden either because they already know who they are and all three of them are already born Gohan explains that they're here with a warning and the three begin explaining what happened and why they're here a few years from now Goku is going to come down with a heart virus dying to that without having any cure and to make things worse they're attacked soon enough two Androids appear destroying everything killing many of their friends too and these Androids are powerful they even end up killing Vegeta as well as the other humans too these three have tried everything they've barely been able to survive just because of their strength but unfortunately their strength isn't doing anything against these Androids and they've tried everything they could but while plenty of them died against the Androids there are a couple things working in everyone's favor they haven't been to Planet Namek and they don't know about it but that doesn't really matter they have Dragon Balls here on Earth still without Piccolo having died Kami doesn't die either Kami is secluded from the Androids and the dragon balls are still intact although it does take a while to gather the dragon balls but this is good the hybrid Saiyans use their time to train even more it takes a while but after about two years they're able to bring everybody back to life at least everyone besides Goku and the best part is they were training in other world as well they actually did see Goku up there and he also gave him some pointers to help too Vegeta particularly had one thing interesting the super Kaioken he ended up learning the Kaioken and actually used it to help defeat the Androids fighting alongside a stronger group and a stronger group of hybrid seconds so the Androids were defeated but they came back here because they wanted to try and prevent if we've been happening boom already put the effort into the time machine just to the case and this way they could probably bring Goku back although there are a bunch of risks associated with messing with time and the reason these three went back is because well they wanted to of course a lot of the others are fine but Gohan and Goten mainly want to go back to see Goku and Trunks came along just because he's with them so much also curious to see everyone in the past so they can defeat the Androids they just need to be prepared and they need Goku take this medicine so he doesn't die from the heart virus and without Bulma there no one even suggests to actually use the Dragon Balls to try and find Dro and stop the anders before they're made and honestly it's not going to come to mind for Goku and Vegeta anyways they would rather just see how strong they are they'd rather train for the Android to fight them that way Gohan does want to test Goku's power but at the same time he wants to wait a bit he tells them in three years once he's back he'll spar with Goku Goten wants to as well and no trumps might even spar with Vegeta they'll see how strong everyone's grown and they'll be sure to defeat the Androids and in case everyone here is too weak which probably isn't going to happen the time travelers will be more than enough so that settles it in three years time the group will be ready for the Androids and this way we get to have a story without Goku being permanently dead the Androids were defeated in the future but there's a lot of turmoil that went along with it and it might be better to reverse it especially because that brings Goku back as well although it's gonna definitely have some unintended consequences there's a three-year passage of time just like normal Goku Vegeta continue training together I mean nothing's really gonna change that even if the time travels didn't show up they'd be doing this it's just now it's a little bit more intense Trunks and Gohan are involve as well but there there's a few major changes here with that besides the obvious stuff with Vegeta and with trunks I guess for one Vegeta and Goku actually learned to do super Kaioken Goku is actually the first one to do it which surprised Vegeta because he got a little bit ahead by doomson although there's a big issue with super Kaioken they could barely use it Kaioken alone is stressful especially for Vegeta who isn't as practice with it super Kaioken is extremely powerful but it can only really be used in short bursts especially because they haven't mastered Super Saiyan yet so that makes it even more strenuous they could probably do it for one or two attacks during the battle but this can't be all there is to it I mean the future Vegeta had that too didn't he well Goku theorizes that something's different here future Vegeta practices with that in other world here they're both alive in other world yeah it's still going to be stressful but that Vegeta was already more practice with the Super Saiyan as is he was older and more experienced and he probably had a better control in cow can because he might have even visited the King Kai in that time so Goku tells Vegeta not to beat himself up about it even Goku's having trouble with it but this is nice at least they could use it for short burst of attacks that could be helpful obviously that's not the only thing they focus on because they know it's probably not the best thing to focus on they're focused more on just making Super Saiyan better and practicing new techniques and such Goku did learn a lot of stuff in other world and kind of wants to apply that here also another huge change Goku doesn't come down with the heart virus Vegeta is able to pick up on one Goku's acting differently and it's very minute but at some point right before the anders are supposed to show up Goku shows some signs of it some very small signs of exhaustion him not being himself and Vegeta makes him take that medicine right away this prevents the heart virus from affecting him later on so he's actually fine although to rewind a little bit more there is still a little bit of a change with the humans the main area that we see there are actually more involved the fruit of the tree might really help them they're still behind the scenes but they're way stronger than they were normally especially Krillin he's much more motivated here he's very different because he's a lot more proactive than normal not that he wasn't already but here Krillin is basically a new person Vegeta's influence inspiration has really helped him as well as his influence from his best friend Goku of course or one of his best friends he Vegeta and Goku they're basically a trio they're basically a group of best friends a much different Dynamic than normal Vegeta especially at this point in the story but that should to be pretty obvious and also on top of it maybe Goten will train a bit but he's not really gonna get involved here he still is too young and even though Gohan and trunk started training at pretty much around the age that he is now he's not going to be helping against the Androids it's too risky to have him there the time traveler is even warned against this because they knew that Goten probably wouldn't be able to help there but the group should be pretty prepared here at some point bomo would probably even suggest to try and use the Dragon Balls to find Giro before he's a problem or at least find the Androids but no one's gonna go for that the Saiyan still do want to try and see how strong they are and the humans actually do want to do the same too so Android 19 and 20 show up of course they don't realize that these aren't the same address as before but it doesn't really matter they're defeated relatively easily actually it's strange though because the time travelers still haven't shown up yet it takes a bit of time but eventually they do show up glad to hear the Androids have been defeated although something is pretty concerning Goku says it wasn't too hard to defeat that old man of that doll looking dude but that kind of throws the future time travelers off guard what do they mean the two Andrews they fought they're supposed to just be normal looking teenagers so they find out that these aren't actually the same Androids but if should be okay because after they talk about it more and get some info from Bulma it seems like one of the Androids they killed was Dr gero maybe who probably was responsible for creating them in the first place which also means 17 and 18 shouldn't be activated although just to make things safe they should probably try and locate his lab just to make sure that the Androids don't eventually wake up because maybe they're on a timer or something they have no clue but this is good they might have completely stopped it but before they do so the future time travelers were promised a sparic patch honestly it's not too big of a deal for trunks because he's already fought future Vegeta but they mainly want to fight Goku although Vegeta is a bit bummed because he kind of wanted to see his future self he's surprised they didn't bring him back here but they said they didn't really need to they just came here to make sure everything was okay unfortunately nothing changed in the future because everyone's already defeated here but at least they saved whatever timeline this is Goku's perfectly fine the Androids are stopped seemingly and things should be all good and Goku's glad to be able to fight them the first one he faces his future Goten who seems to be the weakest of the three but still pretty strong in his own right Goku actually is able to beat him and next he's up against Gohan Gohan's actually stronger than not by a huge amount but still he is stronger and he could tell that Goku's been training very intensely ever since they defeated the Androids in the future these three have been training a lot as well too just in case there are any other future threats they want to be very prepared same goes for Vegeta they even talk about him a bit he's the strongest warrior in their timeline although Gohan feels like he could probably surpass him soon same with the trunks future Vegeta thinks that their huge potential will help them grow past and Goku Vegeta aren't too surprised they've always thought the same about the hybrid sayings of this timeline too and they'd love to see their sons grow stronger than them the battle continues them and then Goku notices something during the fight he senses a strange energy nearby and others could sense it too it briefly flared up but then disappeared they don't know what it is and then at the very last instant Goku Dodges an attack something flies out towards him trying to stab him it looks like and he sees it right behind him some green monsters there they just tried to strike Goku with his tail the man starts trying to fight Oak also trying to continue stabbing him but his eyes Dart around he sees that he might be outmatched here he didn't realize five of them were here at the moment especially those Time Travelers he only sends Goku Gohan and Goten although it's interesting those versions of them are here too they have no clue of who he is but they know he's a threat and probably related to the Android somehow obviously this is simple although he's a bit different than normal he has different DNA he doesn't have Piccolo's DNA but he does have turtles in place of it which might not seem like a big deal but it kind of is that's why he had to attack point blank with his tail he couldn't stretch it out he doesn't have pickles and making DNA within him they didn't get King Piccolo or regular Piccolo's DNA for pretty obvious reasons and he's also not going to be able to regenerate if he does get attacked but still he's pretty powerful in the timeline where he got his time machine he was able to get power from all three of the hybrid Saiyans as well as Vegeta covertly attacking everyone and stealing a bunch of energy as well as whatever energy he's gathered here so far so he's actually stronger than the normal imperfect cell that we saw at least for the time being and selling choirs what have they done with the Androids why does he want to know well they say if he's allied with them they're dead Android's 19 and 20 have been killed interesting 19 and 20 have been killed that means 17-18 still might be around he can still absorb that that might be back at the lap he's outnumbered here if he continues fighting his gonna definitely be killed he needs to leave right now they all recognize him as a threat especially now with him asking that question so cell performs a solar flare making a run for jarro's lab the time travelers immediately rock it off trying to follow his energy while also blinded Goku tells them chase that guy down they don't know what he's up to but those we could stop him he has a plan and they're gonna catch up with the hybrid Saiyans in a bit just follow him while they can he's trying to suppress his energy but not completely cell needs to fly quickly he needs to get to the lab first they might already know about it he doesn't know for sure and because of this the hybrids are able to track him down and you know this might be good he could take on all three of them at once the five of them he might not be able to fight but three of them he could definitely take he continues flying towards the lap throwing Ki blasts back at them trying to hold them off but suddenly to direct them away from the lap he can't leave them right there so he changes course at the last moment trying to fight them elsewhere this is all happening in a matter of seconds they land in the middle of nowhere the three hybrids are all transformed ready to face cell and still thinks his luck is turned around he'll just kill these three actually he can take energy from them too grow even stronger and that way he'll be able to make it to the Latino problem first he aims for the weakest one Goten and he's not messing around here he tries to put all his power into one attack he takes the stance of a Kamehameha they're all confused they still don't know who this guy is and they see him performing this attack and now they're sensing Goku's energy flaring up he looks like Gohan with Gohan thinking that cell's gonna launch the attack again but then at the last second he turns launching it right at Future Goten and the attack makes contact but it completely dissipates after a bit Goten stand in their guarding but he wasn't hit by an attack at all someone jumped in front of him and the other two are confused actually everyone's confused they see someone standing there that they don't really recognize but someone who also looks a little bit familiar he tells them sorry for waiting he just needed to wait for his vision to clear before he could perform this technique oh yeah they're probably pretty confused right now he tells those three not to worry what they're looking at is a brand new fuse Fighter the fusion of Goku and Vegeta who they just like to call Goji wait Fusion they kind of heard about this in the future Vegeta mentioned it in passing hearing it from Goku when he was in other world briefly that must be that technique that they used Gogeta says that's exactly it he doesn't know who this monster is but this technique should be more than enough it's his final trump card and he knows it's gonna let him win here cell can't believe what he's witnessing what is this Gogeta explains back when Goku was another world with King Kai he spends a little bit of extra time there learning this technique too never really again the chance to use it but he had to practice it with Vegeta and the two of them agreed if they ever needed to use it to end a battle quickly they would and given the fact that they don't know how big this threat is they want to guarantee that they can get rid of it and this way they definitely can they even considered using super Kaioken but they decided to do this instead powering up going super safe this will be more than enough actually probably Overkill Gogeta moved so quickly that it looks like he just vanishes he just disappears turning invisible that could sense his energy but they can't see him and it almost looks like cells being attacked by nothing with a few quick moves Gogeta is able to completely eradicate Seth not wanting to take any risk here with him that was pretty fun it was the first time they got to use Fusion in the battle even though they really overpowered him although the only downside is he's gotta wait a bit to defuse thankfully he used a little bit of power so maybe it's gonna run out a little bit quicker but they're gonna have to wait a turn to their normal forms wow that was pretty awesome all right well Goa says they should definitely learn that in the future too if they could figure out a way to gojuta says just go to King Kai maybe he'll give them a pass there who knows well in the meantime trunks mentions that they don't know where cell was heading he clearly was heading towards something and changed course at the last minute it's just a hunch but maybe it had something to do with the Androids so they continue in the direction that cell was originally heading not flying incredibly fast because they're just looking around below them at the ground seeing if they can find anything strange they eventually arrive at some mountains and see a weird hole in the side of one of them turns out this is exactly what they're looking for the laboratory Gogeta says he's got this about to destroy it but before he can Gohan says maybe they should check it first oh yeah good point he was being a bit Hasty they run in there finding some plans for the other Androids and they take those just in case they also find 17 and 18 in there as well as some other Androids that weren't finished still not activated great now Vegeta can destroy it he charges a massive Kamehameha wiping out the entire thing it's strange though they still wouldn't find out who that green guy was although now they might have their answer because of the destructive force of gogeta's attack it basically wiped away the entire top off of the mountain and they see something weird a tunnel that goes to an even deeper level looks like there's more of the lab left and this is where they find out about cell seeing blueprint for him and seeing this timeline's presence cell oh so that's who they killed they still know how he got here though but it seemed like he wasn't from any other timelines so at least the future Warriors will know to watch out for him especially because later on Bulma does find another time machine right before the time travelers head back so this is good this timeline and made it out completely safe and the future timeline that weren't about settle Gohan and Goten from the future also got to see Goku again as well as seeing their past selves which is a pretty cool experience same with trunk seeing his past self too well everyone thanks each other seemed to be mutually beneficial and just like that this saga's over and now we enter another time skip this time leading up to the busaka over this time a couple questions are raised for one where are Raditz and Napa what are they up to they still haven't seen them and apparently the future time travelers didn't see them either Goku Vegeta don't even really know where to look they just hope that they're not up to anything bad because again the last time I saw Radice Napa they accidentally tried to kill Goku and Vegeta not good but that was probably just an accident in a one-time thing hopefully there's also a few other things that happen here Vegeta and boom end up having another kid bra is actually born earlier on than normal so she'll probably be involved in the story later but for now she's obviously just a kid Trunks and Gohan end up going to high school together being in the same classes and all the strangest part is they become say Man one and two tron's kind of reluctantly joined but eventually did find it cool Gohan was the one to spearhead the whole thing trunks does want to keep his identity low-key and especially once Fidel starts to try to figure out who they are he tries to cool down a bit but Gohan continues fighting crime not worried about his identity getting exposed and you might think well they have tails that's a pretty identifying factor and here they actually don't the two of them got rid of their tails I mean they don't really transform into great ape anymore and even if they wanted to use the wrathful form they don't really touch upon him as much and they could probably use it without their tails they would look really weird at school with Tails and they don't really want to stand out too much and Goku says it's fine he's had his tail cut off before although a micro back he's not really sure though they're pretty confused on what Goten wasn't born with one though but Vegeta says maybe it's just not necessary anymore and maybe they'll be fine removing it Goku and Vegeta will keep theirs though they don't care about standing out like that trunks tries to at least cover for Gohan but it's a little bit tough the two are pretty obviously suspicious and trunk successfully avoids Videl she doesn't figure out who he is but he does hear in the class that people do like to say man they're apparently pretty cool and this almost makes trunks give up his identity at the time of recording saman X1 and 2 are in the manga right now and I don't know what happens next yet but at this point trunks is trying to impress Mai so maybe you try to do the same here except with someone else and there's a pretty obvious choice here we'll say he's trying to impress eraser and maybe he gets back into being a Saiyan man although by the time he does Fidel's already found out Gohan's identity and it's pretty easy to find out who trunks is too and Trunks almost gives his identity away to eraser but Gohan urges him to keep it secret and Fidel ends up training with Gohan one day too Mr Satan is still the World Champ but he's not the same hero he was because he never defeated Sim although she's probably still out there fighting crime and he's still very well known known as the strongest man on Earth actually but yeah videlines up Gohan and who knows maybe Trump will end up with eraser but we'll have to see that later on because now we head into the actual blue Saga or at least the torment first the first match is actually a pretty fun one Gohan is up against trunks also in the junior division goten's in there and basically sweeps everything but in terms of this main one they start off with a bang Gohan vs trunks a fight between best friends they each enter to say Amen though just to keep their identity secret so they have to kind of be careful not expose their identity to anyone else Videl knows and that's fine but they really gotta keep it under wraps the battle between the two begins and they're having fun Goku and Vegeta are also enjoying it too wondering who's gonna win because both of them are on pretty even footing but out of nowhere they're attacked spokovic and Yama enter and I really knowing who to aim for because they're both equal they jump in and try to attack Gohan and Gohan suddenly Paralyzed by someone Shin's there in the crowd he hasn't actually been spotted yet because Piccolo wasn't there to reveal his identity and no one else really realizes who he is even Goku doesn't because he hasn't been with King Kai long enough to hear about these guys but they explained to not intervene although trunks is definitely gonna interview he Powers up anger at seeing his friend hurt like that even going Super Saiyan which accidentally reveals who he is but then he's paralyzed by although that means shin has to free his grass from Gohan and Gohan ends up Breaking Free and then he starts fighting back Shin then puts all his power into it trying to hold both of them at once and spokovic and yamu end up escaping they actually didn't get too much energy but they still got a good amount Shin says he'll explain everything on the way he needs their help here he knows they're powerful and they can help him stop the wizard bobbity as well as Majin but kabino goes to heal Gohan trucks the tournament didn't even start so they're kind of pissed off they wanted to at least stick around for it Goku Vegeta Gohan and trunks go off following Shin with even Krillin decided to go along and Fidel wants to keep up too so she decides to go along too eventually turning back because she can't really keep up but realizing how weird this all is and a bit bummed that she can't go but glad at least that Gohan did prevent her from going and back in the tournament goten's there watching the whole thing why is everyone leaving with Goten back at the tournament let's actually cover what's going on there well he wins he wins everything at least until he gets to Mr Satan who he takes the fall against but it's pretty obvious that he's gonna win here he stayed back to help protect everybody but also says they have to do some weird format with it now that opens it up for him winning although he probably would have won regardless which is surprising he's not as young as he originally was but he's still like the youngest person here so pretty impressive he really wishes he could help out though but at least he won the tournament for his mom well won the money at least he didn't actually win because Mr Satan paid him off he'll join the fight if needed and hopefully he's gonna be needed as the youngest person here he feels kind of left behind you know it's because of his own safety and the fact that he has to protect others here but still he kind of wishes he can go along with them back with the Supreme Kai's and the rest of the group they follow spell provision yamu eventually leading to Bobby's ship and it's strange because for some reason Goku and Vegeta feel like this area is familiar they don't really recognize it but it eventually clicks with them this place has been long restored since they last fought in it which is why it took them a second but it's where they might have fought turless they think and shin asked what happened so they explained a little bit of what went on but why would babidi be drawn to this area it got restored so long ago it's not like he'd benefit anything from it and there's a reason he went there the energy from the tree might actually Drew him right over there to Earth although by the time he actually went there the tree was long gone he thought that maybe he'd be able to get some energy from it somehow but this is still fine it shows them that there's so much energy on this planet that he could even get that much reboot maybe and even strangers the fact that whatever he detected here it's just gone by now looking to his crystal ball he was able to divinate what happened here figuring out that it was some sort of tree that sucked the life out of Earth and that actually gave him an idea of what to do here differently of course he is still gonna go with his normal plan but he actually has a lot more energy than normal it would be great if he had that same sort of tree because it just apparently stuck the life out of Earth and then turned it into fruits and I got thinking it took him a while though to do this but he thought that maybe he could just draw the life from Earth itself of course he's still getting a lot of energy from the people here because they have so much of it but very slowly he was able to draw some from Earth too Booz egg actually already has some within it and now with some extra energy from Gohan he'll add this to the egg and hopefully boo will be revived soon they're actually pretty far along about three quarters of the way there they still need a little bit more energy although Deborah has a plan he could tell that they're being watched and he asked Bobby how about they take a hostage if all he needs is a little bit extra energy all they really need is one person to drain it from and he's got the perfect plan he'll seek out one person who's strong enough and he'll just take them right back to the ship well Bobby tells him to go ahead that sounds like a great idea and hopefully it'll work out pretty well he heads back into the ship as Deborah launches over beginning his attack his first move is different instead of immediately killing kabito he instead tries to spit on someone he has to make a really split-second decision and everyone's power is lowered right now so he has to kind of guess and then he finds his Target Vegeta when they were divinating what happened Bobby saw the fight that went down against the Tree of Might and how Vegeta was involved he spear fronted everything he seemed to be the most powerful one there and the poor can immediately tell he's probably the best Target to actually steal energy from immediately he spits on Vegeta he tries to spit on some others too but it's already too late they move quick enough to avoid and attack him with Goku launching in then looking back at Vegeta and seeing that he's been turned to stone Gohan and trunks are kind of panic trying to figure out what to do and shin tells him they can't do anything they just need to kill Deborah well good enough for them they'd be glad to do so and shockingly enough Vegeta then suddenly disappears being teleported away Deborah smirks just what he wanted they have no clue where he went but if they defeat the poor quickly enough they'll figure it out and shin warns them they can't be so Hasty if they use too much energy they'll just be giving it to Bob Deborah then vanishes from sight too appearing within the ship where Vegeta also is he places a hand on Vegeta turning a little bit of him back to normal he's still mostly a statue but this little opening will let Bobby drain some energy from it and bobbity sends him right back outside he can still draw out a little bit more energy from them by fighting against them and he's glad to do so but the second he's teleported back outside there's three Super Saiyan 2's waiting out there for him and with a quick combined attack Deborah is pretty much instantly killed alright now time to find Vegeta and immediately after they killed Deborah they sense Vegeta's energy he's turned back to normal but it's rapidly dropping Bobby's in the ship siphoning energy from Vegeta he suddenly turns back to normal but already in that short period of time Bobby drained a bit of energy from him and Vegeta tries to fight back quickly powering up Breaking Free and launching a blast rate at poverty he throws up a shield quickly looking at the device it seems that he has just enough in there he just needs to get this to booze egg and he'll be revived quickly Bobby casts another spell sending a Vegeta outside of the ship Vegeta looks around confused he's back where he just was this all happened so quick and he has no clue of what happened because you just turned into a stone well that's one problem solved Vegeta's already back they can immediately see though he's wounded he's bleed eating from his side oh crap Bobby took energy from him too but it couldn't have been that much right Vegeta got freedom very quickly and Vegeta's not too sure he heals a decent amount of a drain from him and he doesn't know how much bobbity actually needed obviously they'll have to plow their way into that kabito quickly heals Vegeta as the other Saiyan's head in with Vegeta then follow him behind shading could be to warn them to be careful they can't get too hasty the group flies into the ship rocketing past weep we and going down the other stages as well with Yacon being sent up at one point but just being instantly killed by them as they fly downwards Bobby is truly focused on providing energy to boo and it seems like he does have enough by the time they get to the bottom of the ship it already seems too late and Bobby greets all of them they're all then teleported back outside the ship but this time Bobby comes along with them as well as buzek Goku's kind of annoyed by all this teleporting he throws a blast that Bobby who then responds with his shield they won't kill him that easily although Goku serves as a good distraction because with that Vegeta was able to get behind Bobby punching right through his shield and grabbing him killing him with a point-blink blast that guy's dealt with but it doesn't seem like that's gonna stop boo his egg is still hatching Krillin says maybe if they attack it all at once it'll work well doesn't seem like they have any other option all of them Stand Together each performing a comment but right when they're about to launch it bag burst boo jumps out it's far too late and shin is terrifying this is exactly what he's feared the Majin is born well this is good at least because Bobby's gone so at least that could help right well maybe not because now boom is completely uncontrolled he has no one restraining him and it's just boot going around being Boo and they'll quickly come to realize this guy is someone that's gonna be very tough to beat shin and kabito are especially being defeatist about this they can't believe it with booze Revival they're screwed there's no way around this the group immediately does start fighting blue obviously and they can clearly see a gap in power everyone here has Super Saiyan 2 by now Goku and Vegeta do have super Kyle Kent really only using it in very short burst and they actually do break it out here once in a while too occasionally they power down into regular Super Saiyan then powering up with the Kaioken for just one attack but they can't do anything against Buu even with their maximum power straining their bodies completely it's do nothing and it's not just that either even if they can manage to do something they figure out boo could regenerate right away the fight of them can't do much and it's not like the two guys can't either Shin tries to think of what to do next what their next move can be the good thing is they're still holding Blue off he hasn't been completely Unleashed otherwise he'd be going around the world destroying everything on a whim Vegeta thinks maybe they could try a fusion but Goku might have a better idea he doesn't know how much it'll work sure Goji is incredibly powerful but they don't know the limit of Boo's power yet what they're seeing here is just a fraction of it they're definitely not going to rule Fusion out though they just need something that will completely destroy boot make sure he's not going to regenerate at all but as Goku's thinking a plan does come to mind for him he doesn't really know if it's gonna work it's something he learned a while back that he doesn't really have practice with but maybe it can go down well besides Kaioken and learning Fusion Goku also got something else in other world too it's a technique that takes a really long time to charge up and something he's never really tried an actual battle before but this could be the perfect thing here who is an agent of evil created out of pure evil essentially what about an attack that purely targets that evil while that's so strong too that'll erase every little Evil part of Boo at least if he could charge it long enough it's called The Spirit Bomb an incredibly strong attack but when that's going to take a while he needs to charge it and he needs to get energy for everyone too Vegeta says that's fine he'll let go who do his thing he trusted his plan and thinks that this could work as long as the attack actually is how Goku describes it should go down well Vegeta says he'll hold bull off and in the meantime go on a Trunks and help him maybe Vegeta could even get them to try Fusion they haven't really practiced with it too much especially recently and they're worried about messing it up but again it's suddenly they can keep on the back burner in case they need that trump card Gohan trunks confused and Goku and Vegeta confuse but Goku says they should try this attack first he goes off on his own finding a spot far away where boo won't find him while the other three try to hold the Majin off chin goes over to where Goku is too asking if he needs help with anything he said it was an attack he learn from the north Kai so he'd love to help out here Goku says he just needs to gather energy he needs to contact other cement Shin would definitely be glad to help Goku starts charging he gathers energy from Earth and all the living beings around him besides the earthlings themselves although Vegeta Gohan trunks and capito all that energy with Shin even Landing some of his own too they can't lend too much though they do need to hold off Boo and kabito does need to restore them after they do lead some the attack is growing and Goku can feel great power in it but it still might not be enough Goku tries to focus trying to communicate with his friends all the others from around the world back at the tournament Yamcha and Goten hear him lending some energy trying to get all the others around him to lend energy as well Goten even asked Fidel to help who then asked Mr Satan and at first he's not even too sure but then he realizes that Goten could reveal that he just threw the whole match so kind of out of fear he asked everyone to lend energy not even sure if he's doing right but he's directed by Goten who's directed by Goku all the people at the tournament lend energy as well and Goku could feel more come in not just that either but he also feels others around the world too energy from roshi energy from 10 chaotsu yajirobe corn all the people that he's met in the past Kami even tries to help out too trying to see who he can contact to let energy Goku needs to charge it a little bit more and he can sense the fight going on Gohan trunks and Vegeta are trying their best but they're being beaten by boo he's concerned they're putting their lives on the line they're in danger but it doesn't seem that the bomb has enough energy yet he just needs a little bit of an extra push he tries focusing as much as possible Shin even lends more of his energy too to try and help and then he feels energy from King Kai as well through him Goku just try to contact more people he puts out one last call to the rest of the universe to anyone who hears it most people ignore it they don't know what's going on there's no immediate threat to a lot of these people especially the people on Earth they don't even really know what's happening besides the people at the tournament that were influenced by Mr Satan no one to spending energy there and now in space it's not like they really know anyone either their Quest kind of falls on deaf ears but it's still worth a shot just in case they can't contact someone that could lend this energy they just need a little bit more the bomb slowly grows Vegeta Gohan trunks are having a very tough time the two hybrids try to fuse but they're not even given an opportunity to do that but it was so quick so powerful they're not given the opening now Vegeta looks over in the distance they can see the glow where Goku's charging that sphere pop he can sense the power in it too just a little bit more Goku gives that one last desperate call but no one responds although he then feels a little bit extra energy something happens he doesn't know where it's from but a little bit of extra energy shows up and it's a significant amount not for many people but it's enough to just push it over the edge I might be a little bit premature but he doesn't know if he could wait any longer he launches the Spirit Bomb it flies Over the Horizon targeting booze evil energy Goku Powers up pushing it further as Vegeta Gohan trunks are on their last legs Vegeta then sees that same glow getting closer and closer he's done it Krillin yells out to all of them get out of the way they're barely able to move in time as the Spirit Bomb barrels towards boot Boo's surprise at first but then shows confidence trying to grab the bomb and push it back but his power has been neutered by the Grand Supreme Kai within it it's a close call and he does start to push the bomb back but then Vegeta jumps in alongside Goku and the two struggle to push the bomb with the boot Gohan and trunks fly in two also pushing it a wrestling match ensues and boo seems to have the advantage there's enough power in the bomb to kill him but he's pushing it back they're not strong enough to push it towards him if only the bomb had a little bit more energy they wouldn't need to struggle like this Vegeta turns to Goku now is the time to do it midair the two of them perform the fusion dates this will give them the last push they need now they actually have an opening to do this boost slightly gets the advantage of the two of them fuse but then he feels a massive pushback the voices of Goku Vegeta together Yale Goji thinks to himself well if they had to end up using anyways maybe this would have been a better option in the first place but hey at least it makes for a cool finish powering up into Super Saiyan 2 pushing the bomb with all their Midas Goji even and not just that but Gogeta then sticks his hand up in the air lending even more injury to the bomb the bomb expands massively but has no chance now it completely disintegrates him as the bomb careens off into space explode Gohan trunks Krillin and Gogeta all float there with Gogeta surrounded by the aura of Super Saiyan 2 and Kaioken a pretty draining combo that makes him diffuse almost immediately which he kind of knew the risk of the turbo The Sire leaf and they fist bump and but she's just glad that worked even if they did fuse right away he's not too sure if it would have gone too well well Goku says it probably would have I mean look how much Gogeta contributes to the Spirit Bomb it's just a shame they didn't have an immediate opening for him not even Gohan and trunks had that open it now Vegeta asks how Goku got all the energy well it's kind of strange he explains what happened and at the very end someone sent a lot of energy and it wasn't an insignificant amount it was a noticeable amount and Goku has a hunch on who sent it Vegeta has no clue who he means but Goku explains he just shouted out to the universe trying to get anyone to lend energy and the amount that they were lent it was a similar amount to what Vegeta Gohan and trunks LED it had to be someone around their strict someone out in space that would have recognized Goku's call and would have led energy for some reason it had to be them it had to be ratted to Napa they're out there somewhere maybe they'll come across them again someday but that shows they were listening in maybe they've turned over a new Leaf who knows though and Vegeta can't believe what he's hearing that was too actually about energy took Oak of all people the person that they hated so much before for being so weak and now they recognized it was him calling out and they lent energy to him not even knowing what was going on well Vegeta has no clue but maybe they'll find out eventually soon enough beerus awakens he envisions the Rival and this is when he wants to wake up it appears to be a Super Saiyan God that's what he's thinking of but even stranger the Super Saiyan God that he thought of for some reason he looks familiar and he can't quite put his finger on it it's not like with Goku where was someone he didn't recognize this guy he feels like he knows somewhere but he doesn't know why and then it hits him that hairstyle it looks like King Vegeta interesting he thought the Saiyans were wiped out is is that supposed to be the Super Saiyan God that he fights Well turns out no all the Saiyans are dead besides a select few of them and one of them is actually the prince could that be his rival maybe well he does look like King Vegeta and he's a Saiyan obviously so maybe that actually is his rival beerus immediately goes to take out Vegeta leading him to planet Earth and once he gets there obviously he recognizes Vegeta however something's weird he greets Vegeta trying to give a little bit of intimidation being a little passive aggressive about their past but Vegeta doesn't recognize beerus at all he doesn't know why he's talking to him like that like he's known Vegeta before and Bieber says surely he has to remember he knows who Bieber says right but no Vegeta says he doesn't and beerus actually kind of takes offense to this is Vegeta just doing this to make him mad there's no way he doesn't remember being Iris now that he thinks about it something about Vegeta seems strange he didn't know Vegeta obviously he just knew king of Vegeta but Vegeta's whole demeanor the way he's talking the way he's acting and everything he doesn't seem to be acting like a normal Saiyan at least from what beerus knows it has been nearly 40 years after all and he's on a different planet but surely he should be acting like the prince but Vegeta says that's a past version of him who's died wait beerus is confused Vegeta's dead no not in the literal sense he just means whatever he'll explain it he tells beerus everything or the lack of everything because he forgets everything he mentions what happened to him and how he ended up here oh so he actually didn't know beerus interesting well beers assumes he probably doesn't know about the Super Saiyan God then if he doesn't even remember beerus he probably won't know about that well Super Saiyan rings a bell they at least have that but they have no clue about a Super Saiyan God and beerus really wants to learn about it although beerus is a little bit ticked off he came here inadvertently was disrespected by Vegeta and he didn't get any of his answers either of course none of this is Vegeta's fault he didn't know but he has one way to maybe appease beerus well this Super Saiyan God is real whether it's a person a form or whatever they could probably find out from Shenron so they decide to summon him ask with Shenron outlining the ritual and what it takes to become a Super Saiyan God this time around though they actually do have enough Saints they need five people to channel their energy into one other Saiyan they have Vegeta Goku Gohan Goten Trunks and bra and naturally beerus decides to have Vegeta become the Super Saiyan God he does kind of look like that rival he saw in his premonition so maybe he'll be the strongest super saiyan God not to mention he is the strongest Saiyan here at the moment oh man Goku why not become the Super Saiyan God but the ritual is done on Vegeta and obviously all the saints here are righteous this is the perfect ritual and Vegeta becomes a Super Saiyan God making beerus very happy great and now time for them to duel so he faces off against Vegeta and of course Vegeta's gonna lose I mean Goku couldn't even win originally so there's no way Vegeta's gonna win here either although I would say Vegeta is stronger than the Goku that we saw originally even if by a slight amount and even the Goku in this story might be stronger than that one originally at least if he were to become a Super Saiyan God which doesn't happen right at the moment I am kind of breezing through this because it's more important for what happens later obviously Vegeta's gonna end up losing this fight but beerus did find his rival and he's content eventually Vegeta and Goku do go to beerus's Planet to train under whis so all good in that regard even though it was kind of weird meeting beerus now things are going a lot smoother and since you guys probably already knew the outcome of that Arc let's go to the next one because you guys probably don't know what's going on here referring to right as in Napa it's been a while since they've shown up in the story sure last time I lended energy to the Spirit Bomb and apparently it was a lot of energy so how do they get strong enough to get that much energy and more importantly what have they been up to anyways well it's a bit of a long story Radisson Napa didn't really know what to do they've just been going around space trying to do odd jobs here and there becoming basically mercenaries For Hire eventually they came across the heaters a group that actually had a lot of resources which was not only great in terms of getting the money but also in terms of the training the heaters aren't working on as large of a scale as they were before since freeze is gone but still they can't make money being Pirates essentially and they're doing a really good job in it actually too good of a job Radisson Napa are also continuously training in the meantime trying to get stronger and stronger at some point they have learned to sense power remembering that those people on Earth were able to sense people without scouters and it took a while to develop the sense but at some points they sensed energy flare up from where they think Earth is they have no clue what the energy is because they've never felt it before but occasionally always from the same place they feel some very strong energies flare up and sometimes it's a similar energy to when they sensed before and one thing they notice is that the energy is somewhat similar to their own Napa could tell that one of the energies feels kind of like Raditz and there's another energy that feels like them in another way maybe that's because the energy they're sensing is that of a Saiyan with with one of them being Kakarot and obviously the other one being Vegeta how strong are those guys getting the fact that they're able to feel that out here and it's only occasionally of course but there's other weird spikes of energy too always from that planet though and sometimes it feels like their energies merge even they don't know what's going on but they don't question it they're mainly focus on their own craft now they kind of do have their own rival and in the sense that the Rival kind of wants to kill them that's granola granola is very concerned about the heaters not only do they hire new people that are outpacing him but those people are Saiyans he kind of has to hold his tongue for a bit but at some point he decides he needs to repel against them he doesn't know what's gonna happen to him the heaters probably want to get rid of him or if they don't maybe the Saiyans will maybe they're gonna finish the job and not just that but he wants revenge against the Satan's if there's some Saiyans left he has to get rid of them after what they did the planet cereal he's not just gonna sit by and let that happen at some point after the Buu saga he decides to make his wish with this obviously being way earlier than normal granola tries to become the strongest mortal in the universe and the wish does work but this is at a completely different point in the story he does become the strongest mortal but it's not like what he does in the later Parts he's powerful but it's not to an absurd level and he also doesn't lose as much of his life from it since his potential didn't need to be compressed too much actually here it's probably only gonna be a few years that gets compressed off his life compared to essentially the entire remainder of it but it's still good enough it gives them the power to defeat these Saiyans as well as the heaters and he plots his next move he's gonna get rid of them all of them all those people that stand in his way and the people that caused this turmoil to happen to his planet in the first place then he will finally find peace but right when he's about to strike against the heaters something really strange happens he seeks the heaters out but he can't find them anywhere he gets to their base of operations and it's completely in disarray he borrows in and just finds that Raditz and Napa are there bloodied and beaten standing over the corpses of the heaters also with golden hair wait what happened while he was away he doesn't even know whether to attack or not here he actually almost does but the Saiyan try and calm him down they think that granola is actually going to come kill them because they killed the heaters but granola's just completely bewildered why why do they do that and more importantly why are they golden now so Radisson have a power down and explain what's going on in case you guys couldn't tell already they have unlocked Super Saiyan by now their intense training actually they've had this for a while of course they unlocked it way later on than Goku and Vegeta did but they've heard rumors of it from the Frieza Force while Frieza was killed the Frieza force and King cold were still out there and before King Cold's death rumors of the spread around so Raditz and afternoon that the legend was real they could have become Super Saiyans they trained as hard as they could and it took them a while but they eventually unlocked and here in this fight they actually unlock the new power as well obviously it wasn't an easy battle especially when gas unleashes instincts with gas also realizing one of those Saiyans something about him seems so familiar he can't quite put his finger on it because unlike Goku he doesn't look exactly like Bardock but for some reason he feels that same resentment towards him that he did when he was fighting Bardock he saw that same Drive in willpower and that's when gas got dangerous getting back into a corner causing him to unleash his instincts against them but of course when the scenes were pushed into a corner that only made them stronger causing them to go Super Saiyan 2 finding a level Beyond Super Saiyan although it's a level that they could barely control they only just recently got control for Super Saiyan okay that's great and all but granola asked why'd they kill the heaters that's more so what he wanted to know oh yeah Raditz and apple wanted to get rid of any trace of Frieza they use the heaters as a means to an end the heaters had all the resources they needed not just for money and power but for training and now they have more than enough wealth to do basically whatever they wanted and while they do love fighting they're not gonna be the same sayings that were before just going around destroying things they don't really need that they have all the wealth they need and they're not being controlled by anybody the Heat leaders were basically the last remains of Frieza even if they didn't work directly with Frieza and it's very fulfilling they used this last connection to Frieza for their own game and then sever that connection to Frieza nothing more to worry about and this is kind of strange for granola because he just planned on killing these two and they're saying that they also wanted to rebel against the heaters and Frieza as well and he learns more about them and how they even try to rebel against Frieza before actually deserting his army twice they weren't even present on planet cereal hell Radice wasn't even old enough to be present there maybe his father was there though but he's not sure granola is kind of bummed by this because that means he might have just wasted the wish and that makes him realize the pursuit of Revenge kind of clouded his judgment here it should have been pretty clear to tell that the Saiyans were on his side although he still doesn't trust them obviously because look at how they just turn on the heaters who knows if they're gonna do the same to him next but of course they don't so this happens sometime after the Buu saga around the same time as Battle of Gods actually they have no clue of what's going on on Earth and rad Snapper are just living as is they eventually do form a crew with granola if the heaters are out there there's probably other people like Frieza where people that work for the Frieza that they still can defeat the three of them all actually have a common goal just give rid of any remains of the Frieza Force even if they're not directly connected they want to get rid of it it's kind of what Radisson Apple wanted to do before and they do consider going to Earth to recruit Goku and Vegeta but they're not too sure they're probably powerful I mean they've sensed them from here and they did defeat Frieza in the first place but at the same time they're not sure if those two are their enemies because they almost accidentally killed them before actually probably twice because they LED Frieza to that planet in the first place maybe not the best idea to go there because that could be walking to their own death and while they're seeking out the rest of the Frieza Force they eventually find something pretty strange a while after the three of them bond together was some sort of a de facto crew they realize that some of the Frieza force is trying to make a comeback and they're not too sure why eventually they tracked down one of the new Frieza 4 spaces and this shows them that the freezer force is still active they destroy the space but they also want to gather intelligence who's out there leading them why are they still so active but the soldiers will laugh their Emperor is back frieza's been revived wait revived how that makes no sense but granola theorizes how it could have happened well he doesn't know of the Dragon Balls being summoned on his Planet when I don't have told him if someone summoned Toronto but what if there's other dragon balls out there too I mean there's gotta be if menaida was able to create them there's got to be other namekians that can too and maybe there's a planet somewhere out there that has their own dragon balls and that's exactly what happened frieza's Army went to Earth getting the Dragon Balls to revive him like normal but this time Resurrection F's gonna go much different radius Napa and granola seek out Frieza immediately they need to kill him before he starts anything else he's probably still weak right now I mean he's got to be around the same level he was before right well this is a few months after he's been revived two months into it in fact and they don't know how crazy fast freezic Rose they work at a Breakneck speed trying to find frieza's main base of operations trying to find where Frieza is at the moment they need to strike him quick strike him with a sneak attack before Frieza finds them and kills them because Radisson Napa no they're probably on frieza's list Vegeta and Kakarot are probably the main targets but Raditz and apple are definitely right underneath that with the power of Super Saiyan 2 they should be able to win and with granola having that power from the wish he made that'll definitely help here as well at some point they are able to locate Frieza barging in while he's in the middle of his training killing all the soldiers around them and freezes infuriated how did they find him how did they even know he was alive more importantly why is it these three and who's that green-haired guy actually whatever he's not even gonna question it because he sees Radisson Napa those are two of his main targets he wanted to kill Vegeta and Goku first as well as the other young Saiyans on Earth but these two will do just fine they'll make a nice appetizer the Radisson not to say not to underestimate them they've gotten a power that's going to make feuds a terrified as they transform going Super Saiyan and Frieza laughs he's seen that before and that's exactly why he's training he's grown stronger than a Super Saiyan actually beyond that too well luckily for them they've also grown Beyond Super Saiyan as well as they transform into Super Saiyan 2 next alright well Frieza doesn't really see too much of a change I mean he just sees lightning around them and Spike your hair but not like the spike your hair really affects Napa much alright the Sans are kind of annoyed they're still being patronized by Frieza even after this but they'll be sure to eliminate him a battle ensues a 3v1 and frieza's actually got the advantage even with Super Saiyan 2 they can't believe that they're actually falling behind I mean obviously they're not as strong as Goku Vegeta already Super Saiyan 2 and not to mention with frieza's insanely rapid growth he's performing pretty well here the fight starts to become a little bit even with granola actually helping keeping it out because he's able to find vital points to hit Frieza but Frieza still has one final trump card one thing that he's been waiting to break out he hasn't used it yet because he barely has a control over this but the raw power alone it should be enough to finish this battle quickly he wanted to save this for the other Saiyans these two they weren't worthy of it they're not strong enough to even face this but oh hey he'll give them a nice treat for their death he stresses himself greatly veins pop out of his head he seems to be in pain transforming he can barely do this they thought this was his final form and he has another Beyond it now he's surrounded by a golden aura as his skin becomes golden as well he Reveals His newest Power golden Frieza he blurs over at granola and with a blink of his eye he knocks granola far away he'll save that guy for later these two Saiyans those are all he really cares about right now but but his power's draining fast and he knows it he starts beating these two not killing him instantly he wants to make them suffer after all but that's probably his biggest mistake here because that gives time time for reinforcements to arrive someone else then enters the scene striking Frieza with a powerful blow freezes knock far across the ground and he looks up to see a figure coated in red walking towards him and that silhouette it's unmistakable it's it's Vegeta wait who is he here and why is he red now Vegeta says he never thought he see Frieza again but this time he'll kill him for good and after what he did to Goku and his friends before he's not even gonna get Frieza a chance to fight back Frieza launches in with all his power towards Vegeta but Vegeta simply sticks a handout launching a mask beam that incinerates it and Vegeta looks back at the others rather Snapper on the ground being helped up by Goku but canola then flying back over to where everyone is it's a good thing they made it just in time wheeze told him that Frieza was back and apparently he was beating up Goku's brother they've been looking for Radisson Napa for a while and this is the perfect excuse to go seek them out and Vegeta walks back over to them then powering down how funny they've unlocked Super Saiyan as well it's definitely been a long and they're gonna need to catch up here there's a lot of exposition between them a lot of years have passed so Vegeta kind of explains everything that went down on Earth with Radisson Apple giving their story too also Goku Vegeta learned about granola's story too what's most surprising that granola is the fact that these two Saiyans seem completely unlike the Saiyans that he's with obviously radissonappa are weird Enough by saying standards right now but then there's these two who actually seem like pretty great guys and he has heard about Vegeta 2 from Radisson Napa I mean he used to be the prince and now he's whatever he is now basically a Saiyan Kong Earth is Hope although they can't stay for too long whis was their transport there and he's still waiting there he said he'd take them to fight Frieza but didn't say he'd stick around for them to chit chat so looks like they're gonna have to leave now but they wrap up the conversation Napa doesn't seem like Vegeta really is the same person that he was when they left Earth a while ago and Vegeta says he's grown as a person but definitely isn't back to his old self although he can say that Napa and Raditz they definitely have changed they still have their same personalities but in terms of what they do and he gets us to an extent their morality they have kind of developed into different people which is good to see and Napa jokes he says the haven't grown as soft as he has but Vegeta says he hasn't stopped at all actually the opposite before they go he's going to show off his brand new power Super Saiyan God the form he used to defeat Frieza Raditz Napa and granola can't even sense it they just feel the insane pressure from it Amadeus says he can go beyond that too then showing off a new form that he didn't even have to use against Frieza Super Saiyan blue and Vegeta jokes a bit too that which granola made must have been pretty strong but if only he waited a little bit longer he could have surpassed this level because of how early he made the wish he instantly got to served by Vegeta and even Goku because Vegeta mentions he has the same Powers as well even though Goku's a little bit behind him Vegeta Powers down he noticed the two head Super Saiyan 2 which is impressive considering they had no clue how to get it or what Super Saiyan even was and for now it seems like they live on planet cereal but Vegeta welcomes them to come back to earth if they ever want to but they turn it down they like where they are they will visit sometime though they do have to fight against Vegeta and rad is especially wants to fight his younger brother and he Chuckles smirking as he sticks a hand out towards his brother these low-class brothers they've grown so powerful who would have thought they would make it this far Goku obviously doesn't care about all that sane class stuff but it seems to make rat is happy and he just shakes his hand mainly he's just glad that the both of them are powerful and Raditz wonders how their father would react if he saw the two of them now whis takes Goku Vegeta back to beerus's planet with the other two Sans and granola left dumbfounded so those two have ascended to the level of gods now training under the God of destruction Radisson app have vague knowledge of him and granola has no idea of who he is but the name alone it sounds pretty terrifying well at least for Radisson Napa they will continue growing stronger and besides they're on a freeze of four space right now they could take so many resources from here you know those healing pods and all and maybe some spaceships too it could be really awesome To the victor goes the spoils after all it's about time they got some new spaceships and the three prepare to loot the base some time passes in between this Goku Vegeta practice more with their Super Saiyan blue form when Vegeta fought Frieza they only just accessed it of course he didn't actually need to use it against Frieza but he didn't really have a great control in it anyways so it's kind of good that he didn't need to thankfully Frieza had some serious problems with his golden form that he couldn't control making the fight a lot smoother for Vegeta the the universe 6 tournament is eventually planned though and Goku and Vegeta immediately have a team in mind or at least a few options for the team they could get Krillin Gohan in trunks but they're not quite sure krillin's strong and he is the strongest human here plus all the humans are actually way stronger than they were normally because of what happened back a few parts ago Gohan and trunks are definitely powerful too but the two of them have their own responsibilities and they almost do ask those two to go but instead they have a better idea what about asking Raditz Napa and that Cerulean Vegeta is the one who suggests this I mean it would be a great opportunity to see how strong they've truly grown they shouldn't be powerful enough I mean those two have Super Saiyan 2 and granola is apparently stronger than them those three would be a good option for their team and it could be interesting to see how they fight they seek out that group of three again go into Planet cereal and the three of them decide to join the tournament Raditz and apple would love a good fight especially something that's not crazy high stakes although it kind of is because the prize is the super dragon balls so this decides the team and of course they really get a kick out of seeing Kaba there there's four Saiyans on the universe 7 team seeing that there's another Saiyan from that Universe with Radisson Napa prying for info trying to figure out anything they can about planet sedala and the universe 6 seconds wondering how strong that guy is the team decides an order Goku and Vegeta do want to fight but knowing that they're the strongest of the group it might be the best to save them for the end but how about this they're gonna put granola up first wondering how that guy fights because apparently Radisson app would say he has a pretty unique fighting style well whatever yeah they go for that they all play Rock Paper Scissors to decide the next order and the lineup ends up being this granola Napa Vegeta Raditz and Goku which really bums Goku out he does still even get a chance to fight especially with Vegeta before him and Raditz knows exactly how his brother feels the fights are pretty easy though Grinnell is able to defeat batama pretty quickly and when he's up against Frost he automatically assumes the guys like Frieza and of course he pretends to be a good guy but he's definitely not a good guy especially because with granola's amazing eyesight he's easily able to see that he's hiding a needle in his arm which tells granola that this guy is exactly like Frieza he's trying to poison people in the ring but he doesn't even mention it he just happily eliminates Frost from the ring and then after the fact mentions that he saw it so he humiliated Frost and then destroyed his reputation too which is very sad satisfying for him because he never really got to defeat Frieza in his Universe next he faces magetta and this is something that he actually might have an issue with he doesn't know about mageta's weakness and in terms of trying to locate a weak point for magetta that's not gonna happen magetta actually does defeat granola here with Napa going up next an app is kind of concerned because this mcgetta guy seems strong it looks like he can take any attack that they throw at him but Napa is naturally a more crass guy and just accidentally lets an insult slip out so without even really having to fight magette is eliminated which Napa kind of gets a kick out of and he gets even more of a kick out of fighting Kaba next unlike Vegeta though he's not going to show Cabot how to go Super Saiyan he's just surprised that he doesn't know about Super Saiyan alright well he'll give himself a handicap the two of them will just fight in their base forms although he tells Cava that he wants to learn more about sedala later Radice would love to as well Napa defeats Kappa and I just noticed by complete coincidence these two are both named after cabbage so kind of fitting for the fight they essentially are named after the same thing anyways nap is up against Hit next and even with how strong Napa is here obviously he's gonna lose against Hit but with Vegeta up next he's actually able to work out a great strategy against him Vegeta's not only incredibly powerful here but he's incredibly smart as a fighter he has the great strategic knowledge he had when he was part of the Frieza Force says he just came naturally to him and he's a master martial artist too he's a mastermind in military strategy and a martial arts strategy and with him being so strong too all these factors combined together probably would allow him to defeat Hit he'd probably even employ the god to Blue switch here somehow just like Goku did in the manga and this is one of the many examples of how great of a fighter Vegeta is here of course the actual Vegeta in the main story is a great fighter too but with this Vegeta I'd say he's even above that not just in terms of pure strength but just pure knowledge too he was open to so many other kinds of training now being on Earth and being good from the get-go having grown alongside Goku as a fighter training under all these different Masters and having a completely different fighting style and while Universe 7 did win the torment Radisson Goku are really bummed out just like they thought they didn't even get a chance to fight ah whatever they'll get another opportunity especially since Zeno showed up and said that eventually he wants to do another tournament which we're going to see relatively soon because next we go into the Vegeta black Arc due to events in another timeline zamasu ends up stealing Vegeta's body but only happens in that timeline where he's from however he does go to the timeline where trunks Gohan and Goten are from the future versions at least they're the ones who mess with time and they're the ones who are going to pay for it although it's not going to be nearly as easy for him because he's facing so many more people if you remember back from before there's way more fighters in this timeline than there were in the main story including future Vegeta and the actual story it says Future Trunks facing off against Goku black and while Vegeta black would probably be a little bit stronger here if he attacks without full access to his power yet that's going to be a very huge issue he starts his attack against future Vegeta Future Trunks future Gohan and future Goten knowing the latter three messed with time and with Vegeta being the ringleader of all them essentially future Vegeta sees the spitting image of himself this future Vegeta is obviously way older than the normal Vegeta that we know because of how far had the future timeline is but he's still in his prime he hasn't rapidly aged and he's not even really close to it yet he has so many years of experience and a ton of power too and there's another big thing that Vegeta black doesn't account for this Vegeta has access to Godly Powers Shin in this timeline never died and eventually beerus didn't have a premonition about a Super Saiyan God going to Earth and seeking out Vegeta and thankfully they actually did have enough sayings for the Super Saiyan God ritual they've lived pretty great life so far and even though Goku's gone everyone else is fine this ritual is performed with Gohan trunks Goten and bra and pan lending power to Vegeta letting him become the first Super Saiyan God here with him eventually even training with beerus too and they have a multitude of ways to defeat Vegeta black the hybrids did eventually learn Fusion too Gohan and trunks even want to fuse against this guy they want to use the natural battle for once but Vegeta tells him to let him handle this Vegeta black is surprised to see them being so cocky but with Vegeta recognizing how big of a threat this is to his timeline especially with this guy stealing his body and being his doppelganger he's not gonna let it slide he immediately showcases Super Saiyan blue against Vegeta black surprising in the CM use that same exact power and Vegeta black is instantly defeated the zombies are still an issue and even though he's Immortal they're still able to deal with him pretty easily there's more than enough people fighting against him to hold him off and at least subdue him to an extent they basically stall for time right now trying to prevent him from leaving because not too long after beerus shows up to help and Vegeta tells him everything that's gone down and beerus is rightfully pissed off and knowing that this guy's Immortal too he's gonna have to think outside the box thankfully he could steal people away which is exactly what he does to zamasu so this Arc is completely avoided everyone in the future timeline is so much stronger and with Shin surviving in the Buu saga of this timeline beerus survives too which has a huge ripple effect I might cover this eventually later on since I know I'm kind of skimming through this timeline but I do want to focus on the main timeline it is important to cover this Arc at least so you guys know why it didn't happen there or at least why it's prevented because it still does happen to an extent at least so now we can go to the tournament of power in the main timeline and just like the universe 6 tournament it's pretty easy to select a team here Vegeta Goku Gohan trunks granola Goten Napa Radisson Krillin that's the team we have here and they're listed in order from strongest to weakest Vegeta even does consider recruiting bra because she does start fighting at some point but the other hyper Sans are a much better choice still and they already have a good enough team and this just shows that they have more than enough people they still didn't recruit the other humans either even though 10 and Yamcha would be really great picks here Goku doesn't even consider Reviving someone too and even if he did he wouldn't even think of Frieza because Frieza wasn't that powerful and they thought they wouldn't think of cell either because again they stopped him before he got too dangerous hell Vegeta says they could even find tarble they still never sought out his younger brother which Vegeta still kind of does want to do at some point but not right now because from what Raditz and Napa say he's probably not afraid of a fighter he was probably sent away for being too soft and weak so he wouldn't really be too much of a help here and this is the team they got but just out of curiosity they do ask whis can he find any other Saiyans out there you know like tarble at least he'll know his location later so whis looks into his staff trying to seek out any surviving Saiyan to universe 7. and surprisingly enough he finds three wait three they know Terrible's out there but that doesn't make sense what the turbo have like two kids or something no we says there's actually two more that are completely separate from tarble on some random planet and this kind of concerns granola to hear could there be more bad Saiyans out there well he says he's not entirely sure well he says he's not entirely sure but through this he's able to actually find the location of tarble and those other two saints that are out there too now those three aren't going to be part of the tournament but it's good to know for later on Vegeta does want to still seek out his brother but how there's another question or those other two Saiyans out there apparently the name Broly in paragus strange but again something for later they gotta focus on the tournament for now it isn't too surprising though all these Saiyans survived and even turlos was out there at one point too so it makes sense for others to be out there so they prepped themselves from the tournament and there's a few things that they need to do for this they come up with strategies and such and there's another thing the actual tournament itself starts and right away they're off to a great start obviously Goku Vegeta are fine same for Gohan and trunks those who actually work with Super Saiyan 3 with Goten utilizing Super Saiyan 2 on his own trying to reach Super Saiyan 3 himself with Gohan and trunk spending so much time on Earth they wanted to master Super Saiyan 3. they never got those Godly Powers but they actually figured out a way to use this form efficiently which is great for them and it's great for the tournament as for granola he acts as a sniper for Universe 7. quickly eliminating other fighters in the ring being able to hide an attack overtly and by now he's probably even unlocked that double red-eyed form he's even stronger than before and he didn't need to wish for the power either he's just been working for it seeing how great hard work can be for obtaining power as for Radisson Napa though they kind of do get some power granted for them because the other thing that they did before the torment it was the Super Saiyan God ritual Raz and Napa kept asking for it so they ended up doing it and now these two have their own Godly forms which is very helpful for this tournament and it's gonna be great later on when they want to spar with Vegeta and Goku speaking of Goku he does want to fight jiren alone showing off Super Saiyan blue Kaioken against him with Vegeta jumping in using the same power although Vegeta's Kaioken is a little bit weaker because Goku is a little bit better with Kaioken still although Vegeta makes up for it by being stronger with blue so there's a Super Saiyan blue Kaioken Duo fighting together against jiren oh my God I forgot how long that name is funny because it's not even the longest name for some sort of power besides the point though Goku Vegeta actually do pretty well against jiren and the two continuously fight trying to use everything that they can against him they push themselves to their absolute limit and it seems like jiren's not even taking it seriously of course jiren is able to defeat them but the two keep getting back up but the two won't stop fighting they won't be deterred and Goku's concerned about Vegeta he's getting pretty badly beat up continuously being knocked down by jiren and get him back up and at one point it seemed like he's knocked down for good and with Goku trying to hold left jiren on his own he continues facing losing power and then he feels an explosive aura behind him feeling a powerful gust of wind as someone dashes past him directly Landing a hit on jiren it's Vegeta surrounded by a strange Aura with his hair just being black like normal he has no clue what Vegeta is doing but his powers definitely changed although Goku does have one idea he does watch Vegeta utilize this power but he can't focus too much on it instead he's going to take this as an opportunity Vegeta somehow holding off jiren now and according to the gods is apparently some amazing power he stands on top of a large pillar nearby lifting his hands up in the air he's going to use this attack again the Spirit Bomb he focuses on charging energy getting a lot from his team with even Vegeta surprisingly lifting his hand up at one point almost as if it's automatic Goku's curious about what that power is but he still does need to focus on the fight what is Vegeta doing what's what's Ultra Instinct and why are the gods freaking out about it and jiren notices Goku charging an attack but he lets him do it anyways besides he's preoccupied with Vegeta now even though jiren's still not taking it seriously while he suppressed he does actually need to fight against although this power is fleeting Vegeta does eventually lose it against jiren dropping back into his base form and he's almost eliminated by jiren but looks up seeing a bright light Illuminating the ring Goku's Spirit Bomb is finished with it being incredibly powerful thanks to the team having a ton of energy to lend Goku flings it at jiren and this spear bomb is actually a little bit stronger than the one they had normally jiren actually does struggle a bit to push it back and Vegeta barely gets out of the way in time having lost a lot of power from using Ultra Instinct but jiren's able to Ward the bomb off pushing it right back at Goku with him falling into the Spirit Bomb and Vegeta can't believe it did it did he just die from that he fell into his own attack there's no way he could survive that Spirit Bomb but then he senses a familiar power everyone thinks Goku died from it but Vegeta has some sort of Hope and the crater where the Spirit Bomb exploded he sees that same aura that he just had and Goku Rises up out of the crater looking exactly like Vegeta did a few moments ago all the gods can't believe what they're witnessing and even jiren's a bit confused so he has that same power as Vegeta huh Vegeta looks on a complete disbelief as Goku stares down jiren Goku slowly walks over to wear Vegeta and jirenar and his body moves on command Vegeta knows exactly what this is it's what he just got and he knows it's powerful but he knows the downsides of it the two of them are clearly on train with this he's amazed and happy that Goku has it but he also knows it's fleeting Goku immediately launches in to fight jiren and Vegeta needs to think quickly there's not much he could do because that really wore him out and he tries to find shelter somewhere he watches as Goku clashes with jiren and while jiren has to show a little bit more of his power he already saw how Vegeta fights and he's slightly above where Goku is he fights Oman Goku but Goku of course ends up losing he doesn't know where Vegeta went but these two are definitely liabilities Goku lays there on the ground ninja jiren considers knocking him out and Vegeta watches nearby ready to scoop up Goku and run away with him but jiren surprisingly just leaves him there to rest and he yells out to Vegeta too he expects to face them again once they're fully ready to now Vegeta comes up from where he's hiding picking Goku up and walking away with him the two need to recover for a bit and also try and figure out what just happened they both got the same power of course Goku is way more beat up his Catalyst for Ultra Instinct was much more severe Goku thinks they should just let the others take over from hour they rest Vegeta wonders if maybe Fusion would work but Goku says it's too risky the new Power they have could activate well fused and just drain them even further if they can't control individually and that activates while they're fused that's going to really drain a lot of their power it might even kill them plus if they somehow get eliminated while fused jiren's gonna get two eliminations for one it's much less Mercy to try to tap into that power again but individually rather than together more fights continue on around the ring Universe 6 isn't really an issue the sayings never got super saiyan even though they saw it but they were never taught how to do it cabin never learned it and the other two didn't either they're actually defeated relatively easily but hit is still kind of a problem he's definitely the strongest on the team by a pretty significant margin and he faces Napa Raditz and granola but they heard about this guy before the tournament Goku Vegeta told them so they know what it's capable of and they know what to look out for but granola especially knows what to look out for his sharp Vision allows him to see subtle movements with hit taking up on when he's about to attack and trying to figure out ways to actually counter it the three battle together to hold him off but granola actually performs the best against him and hit surprised he wonders of granola was an assassin too and he isn't but he's using very similar techniques it's like he knows the best way to attack he knows how to hit people in their vital points granted hits control on time is definitely a huge Factor here keeping him ahead of the other three at least individually combined though they're able to actually take him out of the ring meanwhile in some other place in the ring the same man Duo claims victory over the pride Troopers but realizes that jiren is still an issue and they kind of want to fight against him too especially because Goku Vegeta are resting now they need to actually step in and help their fathers Goten of course wants to try the same too and he's holding his own well here fighting pretty decently alongside Gohan on trunks but also joins Krillin and 10 from time to time Gohan and trunks think of what they should do and they are able to find where Goku Vegeta are resting they don't give away their location they actually try to hide the two of them under some rocks and they just stay in that general area defending against any threats they'll basically be bodyguards for now although they noticed something else there still are some other Pride Troopers left not just jiren but toppo's there and he's facing Napa's crew now they're actually having a tough time against him even with their combined powers and granola's abilities it still is kind of tough they were kind of able to work around hit because they knew it to look for and they already had info on him but this guy they have no info on their combined strength at least holds him off but the same and then jump in to fight him too it's a 5v1 toppo does hold his own pretty well but is defeated although there is a mutual respect between him and the two semen since they recognize each other as superheroes Radisson Napa are kind of amazed at the power of these two Saiyans considering they're not even really using Godly forms and radish Chuckles as he knows her Napa that's his nephew right there well it's kind of late to be claiming that because Raditz barely cared about him before he tells her out as he sure waited a while to acknowledge that more and more people get eliminated and they need to do something about jiren Radisson Apple want to see Goku Vegeta fight with those Powers again they're definitely the best chance that the group has against jiren but they still need a little bit more time to recover but Gohan and trunks have an idea they could lend power to Goku Vegeta it would mean that they wouldn't have power to fight themselves but at least we'll help them get back up and they're about to do so but Napa stops them they should save their power use it for something else Napa turns to rats he says they don't really have much strength left to fight but their power is unique they have Godly key maybe if they lend power to Goku Vegeta that would really be a big help while the three hybrid Saiyans could try to figure out something else to do and get granola's help as well the humans have already been eliminated and now Radisson Napa are at low power this might mean that they're eliminated in X but at least gets Goku Vegeta back in and now with less people in the ring jiren doesn't really have much else to do he can stand there and wait for them but he kinda needs to fight them now so Gohan and trunk say that they'll buy some time as jiren walks over to the group Gohan and trunks assume a weird stance they tell Napa and radish to go over to Goku and Vegeta as the two of them perform Fusion Zeno watches on with amazement Two fighters compounding to one that's awesome we're at a snap and granola are just as amazed but Goten says he's seen them do this before it's a fusion technique that they learn from their fathers so Napa and Radice rush over to where Goku and Vegeta are hiding as jiren stands there looking at the light that's created from the fusion a new Warrior stands there this is the first time that he's appeared in battle he already does have a name for himself though but he still needs some sort of introduction so they know what to call him his name is gohawks the fusion of Gohan on trunks gohanks looks back over to where Napa and Raditz are they're already giving away their energy Gohan thinks he could fight alongside Goten but has no clue how granola fights he expects them to provide support though they need to buy as much time as possible and it's a pretty daunting task but whatever they don't really have a choice Goten Powers up to its maximum and so does granola as Gohan tries to Pace himself if he uses too much power right now it will run out the fusion but he knows he's gonna have to crank it up a notch soon Goku and Vegeta fuel burst of power they feel that God energy flowing through them from Raditz and Napa the two of them basically drain whatever reserves of power they have left they're not gonna be able to fight anymore but they know this energy will be better in their hands and Vegeta's amazed to see this he gets energy from Napa while Goku gets his from Raditz but you can't believe how much they've turned around the old one wouldn't have done this at all not just when they were together as a crew but when Vegeta first came to Earth I mean they tried to kill them before now they're saving them it's a selfless maneuver it really shows how much they've changed but Radice tells them not to get the wrong idea they just know this energy will be better in their hands that's their best shot at surviving here they haven't gone soft like Vegeta and Goku laughs at this he definitely can see they've changed a bit but thanks them for that strength and they could already sense the fusion fighting assuming that Gohan and trunks have fused and that's exactly what happened Goku Vegeta feel like they know how how to tap into that power again it's going to be tough and it's no guarantee that it's going to work but they gotta empty their mind be completely calm that's the way to tap into it again their body has to move automatically but still even with the power from Raditz and Napa it might not be enough that first point wore them out so much and even though together they've been able to discuss it and try and work on it again still they might need a little bit more power to make it work they power up in the Super Saiyan God launching in to fight jiren with gohonks and go Hawks is glad to see them back in here but jiren is showing more and more of his strength Gohan sees to power up as well showing his full power in Super Saiyan 3. Goku and Vegeta have powered up breaking through their limits but they still need a little bit more Gohan's asks if they could use that ability again that they just had but they're not sure they need more power and then maybe with that strength they'll be able to tap into it once more and Gohan says are they sure it will work well they can't really be sure they only used it once but the two of them both know how it felt they know the principles of it and they know what they're trying to get they just gotta look at what's consistent between the two of them and figure out what was there and they found out what they needed to unlock it says it's not just one person doing it it they're able to figure out the consistent factors between the two of them so there's a slight chance they can make it work and that's good enough for gohawks he begins charging power while also attacking jiren his attacks got weaker though he's not putting all of his power into it while the other four fight alongside him granola keeps his distance while Goten just provides support wondering where gohonks is doing too and then go honks that charge enough power if he tries to charge any longer he's going to lose it all and quickly sticks two hands out with each aimed at Goku Vegeta he emits a massive plume of power from both and then immediately defusing right after he granted all of his energy to them and Gohan and trunk's weekly get up trunk says that should be enough power to fuel them and Goku and Vegeta they're overflowing with strength now they have so much more jiren tells him his Noble effort but it's not going to do anything immediately knocking Gohan and trunks out of the ring with them having no way to defend themselves but then he turns back to Goku Vegeta the two of them have their eyes closed they look peaceful they're breathing calmly a subtle Aura swirls up around them and granola notices something weird about them their final points completely disappear they could tell jiren strong he hasn't even shown up his full strength yet but this right here this is the key to defeating him the aura completely flares up that same Ultra Instinct the world from before they're so much more powerful than a four as well and together the two of them open their eyes both using Ultra Instinct Dome no more words are exchanged just attacks and jiren has no choice now they've grown so much stronger he needs to go into his full power the two of them have a better grasp on the form using attacks now too and they're actually more potent but it still might not be enough radish and Napa are still in the ring of course they're not able to fight but they are still there granola and Goten go up to them watching everything happen they take out whatever scragglers are left in the ring and now it's really just them and jiren Vegeta and Goku try to keep access to ultra Instinct and they know exactly what they need to do don't consciously think about it keep Calm those are the keys to it amidst the fight Vegeta closes his eyes fighting without even looking he had Goku fight with perfect Synergy and jiren's having a really tough time fending them off now he can't believe they broke their limits this much but something begins changing with Vegeta too his Aura seems more intense and the flamesment they quote Vegeta's hair as then starts glowing it's no longer black there's a burst of energy and the hair turns silver for a brief moment Vegeta Taps into the complete Ultra Instinct standing back to back with Goku with the two not even thinking about it automatically each of them charges the Kamehameha launching the combined attack at jiren knocking them fully out of the ring and immediately after that attack the two of them drop back into their base form exhausted Vegeta looks over at Goku giving a thumbs up with Goku returning it they did it they won the tournament Vegeta is the MVP wishing for the universe to be restored and just like that the torments concluded the two of them want to figure out how to access that power at will though but the two of them thinking about it together and knowing the same principles of it it could really help them fully tap into it later on and while they're focused on that or as an apple have kind of a different Focus there's that other saying that whis mentioned they kind of want to find him and of course tarble eventually so after the tournament they figure out where that other Saiyan is located and go to seek him out granola goes with them too wondering if it's going to be dangerous because this guy's a Saiyan it's been completely secluded from the others for so long maybe he is like the old Saiyans but rad as an app aren't worried I mean if he is like the old Saiyans that's not gonna be a problem they could easily fight him this does lead them to planet vampa where they find two other Saiyans paragus and Broly and paragus almost has Broly attacked them but he doesn't know who two of them Mr he does recognize Napa though he's one of the higher ranking Saiyans and that's someone that paragus would have a grudge against but before he attacks Napa he does inquire what happened with Vegeta what the king the planet or his son any of them paragus gets the rundown of what happened realizing that Vegeta's alive at least the princess that angers him to no end but he's gotta bite his tongue for now he wants to be brought to Vegeta and that's exactly what Napa and Raditz wanted they want to bring him back to Earth but granola knows something strange about that other saying Broly he analyzes him and something about him is off his Anatomy his vital points something's different about him than other satans why are these Saiyans here in the first place they all arrive back on Earth meeting Vegeta and Goku there and this immediately causes problems because paragus sticks Broly on Vegeta right away Vegeta having no clue of what's going on although this fight isn't really going to last too long Broly shows some of his amazing power especially boosted by his anger but at some point it's pretty clear that he's losing control and paragus just decides to shock him the battle is going to be lost anyways and he can't believe they failed that quickly Vegeta and Goku still have no clue of what's going on here Vegeta do noticed the saying seem different than the others it was almost like he was Mindless when he was attacking and that he was electrocuted why he has the same reaction to Broly that Goku did in the actual movie and paragus knows he's already screwed these Saiyans are too strong even one of them can take on Broly judging by Vegeta's fight the other Saiyans and granolas Surround paragus intimidating him almost what's really going on here Vegeta picks Broly up and brings him over to the others dropping him on the ground and hearing more about who paragus is paragus isn't buying Vegeta's act apparently they say he's good now but he doesn't care it doesn't seem like it and Vegeta has no clue of who he is he barely remembers anything about his Planet anyways Radisson Napa are really the only ones who remember what planet Vegeta was like and they learn more about Broly's rage as well and Vegeta says they should be thankful being on this planet he doesn't know why he has any quarrel with Vegeta especially because of someone that his father did Vegeta's not that person anymore and there's no reason for paragus to actually be like that with him as Broly wakes up he sees Vegeta standing over him Vegeta reaches her Broly's neck with Broly think he's about to be attacked but that collar is just ripped off of him paracas calls Vegeta an idiot why would he do that they can't control Broly his powers to too dangerous that's the only way to control it Vegeta says he's interested in seeing Broly's full strength and he looks over at Goku with a confident smirk if he does have a power that's truly that dangerous they'll figure out a way to control it not by electrocuting him or whatever they're actually going to have him harness it Goku tells paragus they could stay here as long as they don't cause trouble they already lost once and he expects they won't act up again of course Goku Vegeta would be glad to fight if they do but he says it's probably not worth the risk for paragus SNAP especially since they can't control Broly's strength it's not a bad deal they get to stay here and they get to control Broly's power all Goku Vegeta asks is that they don't try and kill them of course paragus is infuriated and Broly doesn't really know what to think so they just mull on it for a bit but they do stay here because where else are they gonna go it's especially interesting that Goku and Vegeta because they wonder if Broly's strength is correlated with that one form they had before that wrath will form they haven't really used it too much at least in recent times but maybe that's somehow tied to his rage they're not too sure though there's another brief passage of time and next we have the more Arc although it ends pretty quickly the two of them arrive on Namek a little bit later but Moro still hasn't made his wish a fight ensues with Goku being the first one to play quite Moro and he loses energy but Vegeta then steps in he knows a good way to fight Moro and get around that energy absorption he then Powers up into Ultra Instinct domain they have a control in this not the complete Ultra Instinct but this should be enough and maybe in a battle like this it'll be the perfect way to win Mayors can't believe what he's seeing and ask Goku if that's what he thinks it is yep it's Ultra Instinct but how does he know about it he's just a random black Patrol guy Vegeta effectively uses it and defeats Moro basically like Goku did when he fought Moro also using alter Instinct except here Moro is still very weakened and Vegeta has access to Omen earlier on that makes the fight pretty easy of course Moro does try his best to escape leading to his defeat by Vegeta's hand and you know it's kind of strange now to think about it so this place is the home of Kami they never actually went to manic although they know for a while that Kami is in the namekian and they know that namekians make dragon balls because granola also had the same thing happen with him it's just strange being here for the first time what an interesting place it's a good thing they were able to save it but now there's not really much else to cover the granola Arc obviously wouldn't happen that's been completely avoided and in all honestly as for superhero it's too short to get its own part here and it's gonna be too long to cover in this part Goku Vegeta would also probably stay on Earth since they have no reason to bring Broly to Pierce's planet and that would mean the Red Ribbon Army had some pretty big resistance because most likely they'd be facing off against Goku Vegeta Broly Gohan and trunks as well as Goten was probably grown a lot stronger too and they don't have much data on Goku Vegeta recently either since well a lot of their Ultra Instinct training took place on beers's planet in short basically the gambas will probably be defeated easily and selmax would never be awoken and that's one of the many huge examples here of how much has changed given how different Vegeta is here that affects so many people around him we have a much larger crew protagonist here radish Nappa who would have been dead otherwise they're here as part of it despite being former enemies now they're allies again there's granola who's more connected with the group and also he has most of his life left because he didn't get it cut off by the dragon Gohan and trunks two best friends that have grown up so much stronger even the humans have changed getting new motivations you have Krillin for example being so driven by Vegeta with the option 10 even benefited from it due to the events with the turleson and you have Broly here on Earth with paragus driving as well all this here because Vegeta is a completely different person he might not have been raised on earth like Goku and he might have not had the same start to his life that gohu did but he's changed that past version of Vegeta it's so far removed from him this is a completely different Vegeta and there's a reason he gets along so well with Goku just like how Goku can affect everyone around him in good ways Vegeta does the same here and most importantly the two are affecting each other they're Rivals they're best friends they're both powerful pure Saiyans able to combine their powers effectively against any threat figuratively and literally combining themselves Vegeta has grown as a completely different person and Goku too growing up with Vegeta's influence even if he hasn't changed as much the shill is a pretty clear shift in the story all this from one little change Vegeta taking a blow to his head just like Goku did all that completely altered this story and their lives will continue going that way of going forward but there's still one thing that Vegeta's forgotten to do this entire time they already found another Saiyan so why not finally take the time to seek out tarpel and after all these decades have passed Vegeta finally meets his long-lost brother even with all these arcs having ended it looks Vegeta still has a lot to catch up on who knows what the future holds for him this is where we'll end off for now what'd you guys think about this part in this series as a whole considering the concept is for an April Fool scenario I really like how this one turned out and while we did speed up things at the end their impact wasn't too huge maybe we could explore the story further someday possibly even going into GT let me know what you think below as usual be sure to drop a like subscribe if you haven't already it really helps out the channel and shows me you want to see more like this thank you all for watching thanks for supporting the series all the way through and I'll see you all in my next video
Channel: Salad Saiyan
Views: 288,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dbs, dbz, dbz what if, discussion, dragon ball, dragon ball super, dragon ball z, explain, explained, meme, q&a, question, saiyan, salad, salad saiyan, scenario, theory, what if, what-if, super, arc, saga, vegeta, kakarot, king, prince, nappa, raditz, gohan, turned, good, sent, earth, freezer, freeza, frieza, became, zenkai, joined, planet, roshi, tarble, goku, krillin, tien, bulma, trained, raised, trunks, early, ssj, future, goten, kaioken, ssg, beerus, whis, granolah, ssb, god, ki, jiren, zeno, hit, ui, ultra, instinct, omen, broly, fusion, gohanks
Id: hilnUbIbT1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 17sec (9917 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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