What if THE Z-FIGHTERS Grew Like SAIYANS? (Full Story)

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all right this one's been in the works for a while and I announced it kind of a long time ago I wanted to make a scenario that keeps the Z Fighters relevant somehow and you guys voted on seeing it too this one's actually going to combine a few previous scenarios specifically what if Chichi was a z fighter what a fro she wished for Youth and what if Piccolo got Kaioken with a little bit of some other sprinkled in there I wanted to buff everybody here but not just make them say it that would be kind of boring in my eyes this way we get to keep everyone unique and also relevant the main goal here is having them all keep up with Goku and whoever other Saiyans are in the cast at that point not that I know because I don't know how this story is going to go we'll be seeing that if the series continues and let's be honest the more algorithm friendly title would be what if the Z Fighters grew like Saiyans so I'm not sure if the video is going to be titled that or something else but in my mind I think the best title is what if the Z Fighters broke their limits so regardless of the title of the video on YouTube that's what I'll refer to it next anyways now we can forget one of the big parts of the scenario is that we're gonna have the human Fighters grow like Saiyans kind again I didn't really want them to grow too much like sayings otherwise I'd be better off doing what if the humans were Saiyans but one trait that I do think would really help them here is if they got zenkai boost that allows them to keep up but still doesn't make them too much like Sam so one of the big things here is that zenkai's aren't just going to be saying exclusive traits it's going to be for any relevant fighter in the series pretty much that doesn't just apply to protagonists that also applies to antagonists too we're gonna have to be a bit there after this scenario will buff everyone no one is irrelevant well except maybe yajirobi or anyone who doesn't train for that matter there's no excuse for a Fighter's weakness here besides laziness but where did the story begin well nothing's really going to change in Dragon Ball at first of the four what ifs that I mentioned so far well the zenkai's thing happens throughout the series and we're gonna say it doesn't affect Dragon Ball too much and as for the other three scenarios all of them happen after the fact so let's start with Chichi after the 23rd World Tournament well shingo can get married and she ends up training with him actually Goku does want to keep up his training obviously I mean he loves fighting and growing strong and you know what Chichi is a fighter too so she's not necessarily opposed to this the big difference here is that she focuses on a lot more yeah of course at some point they do have Gohan together which does put Chichi out of commission for a little bit but she gets right back into it she and Goku do a lot more training together and with a great training partner like Goku well she's gonna grow pretty strong we'll see that later on but another big thing affected by this is Gohan's upbringing he is a bit young to begin training at this point but he does have a slightly new upbring now this doesn't mean Chichi doesn't want him to study at all she still wants him to grow up smart and prosperous but at the same time she'll be able to finish in time for his training too I mean it's a great way for him to bond with them and hey if both her and Goku are fighting too Gohan should get involved train a little bit he definitely has great people around him to do so all the while roshi starts thinking he kind more involved if you feel like his old age kind of holds him back in some fights he still is a very Admiral fighter and he has a lot of knowledge but imagine if he were young again that could be pretty great I mean it worked well for King Piccolo so what if he were to do something similar plus if you were younger well honestly he feels he'd probably be a lot more attractive than he is now Krillin actually thinks this would be a great idea it would benefit both of them for their training and honestly he's a bachelor too the two of them can party a bunch so the wish benefits them in other ways as well roshi seeks out Shenron wishing for youth meaning he's going to do a lot more training and krillin's gonna be doing the same as well spending most of his time training with roshi but in their free time they do go and party many years pass Goku and Chichi actually don't know of the wish I mean at one point they just see Shenron be summoned they saw the sky turn dark not really knowing who summoned him or why hoping it wasn't anything bad but no demon kings are attacking them so hey maybe it's fine they were honestly kind of concerned that Piccolo was the one who used dragon balls at first but they haven't seen much of him either soon enough though there's a reunion at comedy house and it ends up being the same crowd except Chichi is also involved she doesn't really know roshi too well and maybe she could learn some things from him her husband and her father did train under him after all so if they both benefited from it maybe she could too same for Gohan and Goku's glad to hear this yeah it might be great to have roshi trained Gohan wouldn't be the first gohani trained they arrive at kame house and they see a familiar unfamiliar man step out at first with Krillin and Bulma seeming completely unfazed well Bulma was phased at first and she explains yeah she didn't recognize him either too that's roshi wait what yeah roshi explains he was the one to summon Shenron wishing for his youth just like King Piccolo did the best part is his youth is eternal he already wasn't gonna die from old age and now it's gonna be the same thing except he's gonna remain Young Forever it's awesome oh weird but also cool at the same time but roshi Krillin and Bulma are just as confused when they see that kid with Goku and Chichi they didn't realize Goku had a son seems like everyone has a lot to catch up on but amidst the talking everyone sends his huge power nearby a man descends from the sky above it's a rat if the group can immediately tell he's a threat and everyone beside Bulma really stands on guard even Gohan despite being a little bit nervous gets ready for a battle just in case radish explains who he is and why he's here also noticing that Gohan has a tail he must be a hybrid Saint the son of kakalan and that woman with it that must be his wife kakarot's grown soft but Raditz will be sure to fix that he goes in to take Gohan but the rest of the group jumps him and he's surprised he's actually meeting some sort of resistance individually no one is nearly as strong as him but collectively they actually might be able to put up a challenge so he decides to make his Escape quickly grabbing Gohan and flying away Goku and Chichi are Furious and without even thinking Goku calls Nimbus with the two of them hopping on it flying over to wherever Raditz went Krillin tells him to wait up by this time he's learned to fly and roshi still doesn't want to learn the technique it's a technique from the crane school but Krillin says to put that pride aside it's useful he should just learn it but whatever for now he puts oroshi on his back and the two of them fly over but was a little pissed off being the only one left behind so she gets into her ship and flies over and from behind kame house someone else steps out it's Piccolo he already encountered Raditz and he's been watching on he didn't realize that the other Fighters got this strong this quickly and wonders will they be able to take on Raditz he might need to help them but at the same time he's curious to watch the performance so he remains covert flying low and following behind every last person in the group he'll watch from a distance and intervene if needed just to survey his enemies because Goku is still his enemy after all and it seems Goku is not the only arch nemesis now his family's involved Chichi and Gohan so let's cover some power levels a bit here at least for everyone who's different for Goku we're gonna play some around 450. he's been training a lot more than normal and has a new training partner with Chichi that doesn't mean he spent all his time training I mean he does have a kid to raise too and a family to help but there definitely was more than normal roshi and Krillin are both at 400 with roshi seeing exceptional increase from becoming young again and the two of them relatively doing the same train Chichi's not too far behind at 350. only being a little bit behind because she wasn't training as intensely as them beforehand and she was out of commission for a bit because of Gohan but still 350 is very impressive and as for Gohan his power is at 50. at least when he's controlled he still doesn't realize his full strength but 50 it's pretty amazing criminal barely has any experience at this point and Goku Chichi have noticed his incredible potential so far as Radice makes his Escape he notices everyone trailing behind him alright looks like he's gonna have to fight this might actually be a bit fun for him he drops down to where his space pod is throwing Gohan in it and then flying right up into the air as everyone flies towards him rata sticks out two hands launching two powerful key blast right after with everyone dodging in the nick of time landing on the ground nearby Gratis looks down on them swiping his hand to the side launching another powerful key blast that cuts through the ground below aimed mainly at Goku he jumps up avoiding floating up in the air now they're still at a point where flying is kind of draining for them to do meaning krillin's probably a little bit tired out here and Goku's gonna use it sparingly but he uses it to float in front of rabbits telling him he'll give Raditz one last chance to leave give him his son back and go the two of them descend downwards towards the ground Errata slaps if he wants Gohan back he's gonna have to kill him for it and that's definitely not the right thing to say especially to Goku and Chichi it infuriated Chichi immediately rushes in attacking rats and Goku joins in two they fight with perfect Synergy dishing out quick and Powerful combos to rats his scouter beeps he notices their powers increasing okay that's not too crazy for a Saiyan but this human her powers increasing seemingly from anger the two of them each land a punch right to radishes a gun knocking him back on either side of him Krillin or roshi run behind rabbits and as he flies back backwards they counter with their own attack pushing rabbits back towards Goku and Chichi quickly the two of them charge up a Kamehameha with rabbits planting his feet in the ground trying to catch himself and trying to catch them and he's able to somewhat negate him but at the same time Goku and Chichi each launch one with Krill and aroshi also pretty happy to hear that she knows the technique this hits radish directly leaving him vulnerable to the combo attack from roshi and Krillin as well there's a massive explosion from the four beams Collide the Radisson sent flying back right to Goku and Chichi and then something hits Goku the tail that's a weak point quickly he grabs around his tail holding it down as he tells everyone else to attack Raditz begs for his life telling goku'll change his ways let him go he's his own brother after all and Goku hesitates further but Radice isn't sure if that's gonna work he sees the other three preparing to attack him as well he's gonna need to do something in quick if kakron doesn't let go of his tail right now then he's gonna die here rabbit shrieks as he slices his hand at his tape seeing this is the only way to free himself damn it that was painful now he can't transform and doesn't have that weak point but if he stayed there he probably would have ended up dying he didn't know if Goku would have let him go and Goku can immediately see Raditz was just lying he immediately gets back into fighting them and radiss is starting to lose more round he's taking some damage at this point and with Goku Chichi's anger fueling her power not to mention the strength that they get for doing kamehameha's rad is being worn down they could win this they just need a little bit of an extra push and nearby they hear an explosion the space pod that Gohan was trapped in is broken and not from his anger exploding no he was powerful enough to just break it with his base strength and calmly he jumps about at the crater watching the situation he needs to help he needs to get involved somehow with this fight maybe that way they'll win here and he hears rad is telling the others too more Saiyans are going to arrive soon this terrifies them and also terrifies Gohan but he can't falter now he has to help them out here and he'll have to help against any other Saiyans that come to Earth too consider this a practice run he tries powering up and watching his parents be attacked at that and the fact that he was kidnapped by Raditz too that fuels his anger significantly radza's scouter goes off a power of 2 000 who is that as he's caught between combo attacks from the others he turns his head seeing that the scouter's picking up on Gohan's power the last thing he sees is Gohan launching in towards him with a massive Blast coming his way completely eradicating Rats the rest of the group is barely able to get out of the way with Bulma also above watching nearby steering the ship clear of the blast what the hell is that Piccolo's also nearby too remaining covert seeing the same thing as well he can't believe his eyes all that power from a kid a massive divot is Left Behind as Gohan sits there kind of confused with the others looking over with the look of shock on their faces Goku looks over at Chichi did did she know that he could do that no she was gonna ask the same thing actually they run over him and thankfully he's okay with curling oroshi just looking on dumbfounded well he definitely takes after Goku Bulma lands nearby glad to see everything seemingly okay now but once more everyone senses a huge power nearby well not as big as radice's but still concerning pickle land's not too far away he's amazed that they were able to kill him and he tells them that he encountered raditz's weapon he was gonna join in here but wanted to see if it was actually necessary first and clearly it wasn't but of course with his big years and all he was able to overhear everything knowing that Saiyans are going to be coming to Earth soon this will naturally get in the way of his plans of world domination not to mention the fact that everyone else here is so strong he may not be able to overcome them the group tells pickle they're not looking for any trouble and he says he's not here for that he's surprisingly offered to help here if they're gonna encounter more foes like that especially ones that are seemingly stronger than Raditz they're gonna be his main adversaries at that point and the group might benefit from his health he tells them they need to train up that kit get him to control his power Gigi starts yelling at Piccolo and he actually recoils from this not only because angry Chichi is scary but she might actually have a decent chance at beating Piccolo if it came down to that especially with the fact that apparently she has some sort of Rage boost with Piccolo seeing that during the fight she tells him not to judge how she raises her shot Goku finds it amusing to see her standing up to Piccolo and Piccolo tells her to stop being stupid he's not judging how she phrases him he's saying that that power could come in handy with the Saiyans they need to unlock it somehow and he would offer to help but there's no need they were gonna have Gohan Trainor with roshi but now there's a change of plans they're gonna need to do a different kind of training for the Saints and Goku has an idea he says they should head to the lookout maybe Kami will have some sort of idea what they should do next so they all head up there including Piccolo too as much as it annoys Piccolo to encounter Kami again Krillin is able to get in contact with the other humans as well and seemingly they've been keeping up with their training too mainly 10 inch out to but yamchakind has as well Obama's still annoyed with him at the moment and Yamcha thinks maybe he can prove his strength of the others Bulma would want him back Krillin calls him an idiot for fumbling in the first place but he's confident he'll beat the Saiyans and he'll regain bulma's trust okay well at least he's motivated the humans all stay up there training with each other while roshi spends most his time trying to train Gohan roshi is also very powerful as is so he could spare some time I mean this training does help him too especially with Gohan growing so rapidly but it seems he would be the best option to actually go on to control his power Tommy's definitely gonna help as well but what's Piccolo gonna do well he doesn't necessarily want to train with everyone up here he wants to do something different he needs to find another way to get ahead and the best person he can consult with Kami thing that he might know something useful that Piccolo doesn't and Kanye actually does have one idea he's not too sure how well it'll work especially because of who Piccolo is after all I mean he's an evil guy but he might be able to pull some strings getting Piccolo to train with King Kai it's not guaranteed but he'll see what he can do and even with the crap that Piccolo probably give Kami at this point he surprisingly appreciates this they go up to King Yama and Kami has to kind of vouch for Piccolo kenyama knows he's not a great guy but at the same time he is training for a kind of noble cause I guess and Kami has to vouch a little more pickles kind of changes ways I mean he hasn't tried to take over the world in a few years that's something Yama says that normally he wouldn't allow this but under the circumstances he'll let this slide first of all it'll be less work for him because that'll mean the Saiyans will send less dead people up here and Kami did vouch for him and that definitely means something so while everyone else trains on the lookout Piccolo goes down snake way pursuing training with King Kai it seems everyone's gonna have their own unique method of growing towards a new power and I've already kind of alluded to it so far I want everyone to grow in their own unique way Yamcha Krillin I got plans for them I've alluded a bit to what's going to happen with Chichi and obviously Goku and Gohan still have their own unique ways there's also roshi and chatsu who I have plans for and now Piccolo's got his own path to go down not that he didn't already I mean he's the only namekian here but now he's got a much different turn his story this isn't only going to affect his power but also his character as whole he's not going to be spending that year training Gohan or training with the others he's going to be in solitude once more gaining power for himself one year has passed since radisson's death everyone's been training since then everyone's seen some pretty great leaps in power but there are some pretty big ones for one Gohan is actually getting a lot more experience fighting he's feeling a lot more confident as a fighter and he's controlling his power but he still doesn't have full control but training with his parents for this whole year that's really helped him everyone else of course has seen an increase in power Piccolo still is not on Earth yet he ends up having the same issue that Goku did and he leaves King Kai's Planet a little bit late but it shouldn't be too bad there's a bigger group of Fighters here and it's a stronger group of Fighters too one of the other big changes with Krillin Roshi's been working on his full power form try to increase his full power actually and at the same time Krillin unlocked his own full power form the height increase and muscle increase is awesome for him I mean he's always been a short guy so this is awesome and of course this is going to be useful for combat Tashina training for their own things kind they have different paths as martial arts and they wonder if maybe they'll be able to unlock some sort of form for themselves I mean if it's even possible for them to transform they don't know yet but it's definitely worth looking into that max power thing that roshi and Krillin have is awesome and Goku and the Saiyans apparently had that uzaru form they wonder if the humans have some sort of innate transformation too besides just that max power that they're not sure but definitely something to keep in mind let's go over some power levels right now Goku's at 7 000 the strongest of the group well one of the strongest of the group because roshi is at the exact same power level 7 000 at least when he's in his full power mode as for Krillin he's not too far behind six thousand at full power Gigi's also seen a pretty great increase too she's at a power of four thousand with tension on being around the same yamcha's a little bit behind but still at 3000 which is very admirable it took him a little bit to get back into training but now he's growing a lot more rapidly then there's Gohan no one knows the true extent of his power but with his controlled power he's at a level of 2 000 and then there's chaotzu who's also at two thousand nobody knows what Piccolo's power is like yet because they haven't seen him in a year but they're interested to see how strong he's grown although that's not their main focus right now because the time for battle has come the group encounters Vegeta and nap in a wasteland with the two Saiyans glad to see kakarot's there as well as his hybrid some they're gonna give him one last chance I mean he could be a great replacement for radness after all consider this them being gracious giving Kakarot a chance to survive before they kill everyone here Goku tell them he's not concerned by the threats they will be defeated here and now he tells him to get off this planet and Vegeta says very well if that's how it's going to be well a battle can then convince Napa starts by planting some Cybermen expecting that they'll clean up most of the fighters here tan Yamcha and shouts are the ones to actually fight the cyber men and they do that relatively easily with no effort at all one of the Cybermen even jumps on Yamcha trying to blow himself up but before he could even do that yeah I'm just able to grab him rip the sidemen right off him throwing up into the sky jumping up and then killing him with a wolf thing fist not a scratch on him well besides the ones on his face but you know what I mean well looks like these other things are stronger than they expected I'm mean they did Kill Radice after all so it's no surprise that they didn't have any trouble with the Cybermen either but still for those three regular earthings to defeat all those Cybermen at once maybe they're underestimating the Earth ones a bit Napa goes in next to attack with those same three Fighters Fanning him off and curling jumping in to help and at the same time roshi Chichi and Gohan follow Goku as he goes to confront Vegeta Goku's confident that he'll be able to defeat Vegeta especially with the help of the people alongside him sure Goku's a little bit weaker than normal he didn't go to King Kai's planet and get that training there and he doesn't have access to Kaioken but still his powers incredible seven thousand compared to before at least that's way better not comparable to Vegeta's power but still significant and Vegeta notes these powers on a scouter collectively that's actually a pretty strong group and with all their powers combined he's slightly outmatched at least in terms of raw strength but individually he could defeat all them easily Vegeta assumes a Battle Stance and begins fending off against these four Fighters at once immediately it's clear that he has the upper hand but again the group still isn't worried they can tell that the other half of the group isn't having too hard of a time with Napa especially with the fact that once Krillin got involved that tipped the scales very far Napa was already significantly outmatched in that battle in terms of raw power and obviously outmatched in terms of numbers but once Krillin joined it kind of became Overkill because Krillin alone here probably would have been able to contend with him actually not that he would know because Napa's defeated relatively easily the group's about to join Goku and the others in their battle with Vegeta leaving Napa behind unconscious or seemingly he's laying there injured and he tries to launch a sneaky attack aiming for the weakest one he can see shout soon but 10 quickly is able to jump in front of the attack launching his own retaliation this not only sends Napa's blast back to him but of course he gets hit by tens too killing Napa in the process it's too risky to leave him out like that so it's good that they get rid of him while they have the chance and now the full group is fighting Vegeta together and he's actually having some issue pushing him back Krillin and aroshi utilize their maximum power with everyone else at full strength too what's worse is that they know his weak point of course his tail is trained and if they grab it that's not gonna matter to him what does matter is if they cut the tail off preventing him from transforming and he knows they're aiming for that right now they did the same with the Raditz they were monitoring the fight over the scouters after all whether they knew would prevent Riders from transforming or not that doesn't matter the fact is they know to Target the tape and Vegeta did want to wait to do this but he decides as a better option to just transform her to a great ape right now while he still can in case he can't later on but there is another issue too Gohan's there he has his tail there'd be another great ape over there but still Vegeta could overpower everyone even with Gohan as a great ape it shouldn't be an issue quickly he creates an artificial Moon throwing it up into the sky the group has no idea of what it is but Vegeta explains they know about the Azara transformation luckily for him he doesn't need an actual full moon there the Saiyans have other ways of getting their transformation to activate quickly Goku and Chichi get Gohan out of there they tell him to look away knowing that he'll transform if he looks up there unfortunately he can't fight now so they're losing one of their Fighters but at least this way he doesn't transform and go berserk he hides nearby and contemplates what if they end up needing his help maybe he can look up at the Moon turning into a great ape himself even if he does lose control he keeps it in the back of his and unfortunately for him he can't watch the fight go on he'll risk looking at the moon that way but he tries to sense it somewhat spectate but then someone else arrives a somewhat familiar face it's yajarobi he's been doing a little bit of training I mean he's a bit lazy so he's not too much stronger than normal and he tells Gohan he's gonna go in there and help and Gohan tells him aim for Vegeta's tale slice off get him to d-transform and yadirobi's nervous to go in but he tries to put on courageous face pulling out his sword jumping into the battle but before he could even get involved he sees a red streak of light fly by them heading into the battlefield the others narrowly jump out of the way as something hits Vegeta's Square in the face too quick for them to even see and doesn't do too much damage but Vegeta still recoils from it what kind of attack was that and attack that table to damage him as a great ape no one should be that strong but on one of the cliffs nearby he sees another fighter standing there and the mecca the group all looks up Piccolo's back he apologized for being a little bit late but his new technique should more than make up for it while training with King Kai of course he wasn't able to learn the Spirit Bomb he's not pure enough to do that thankfully kinkai still had a very important technique for him to learn the Kaioken his whole time they were spent focusing on this technique not to mention Piccolo is a little bit Advantage when using this Kaioken literally will tear your body apart but that's okay for someone who's namekian and can regenerate of course he still has limits to using it I mean when he's regenerating he's still using a lot of his stamina but at least it's not destroying his body to use this because of the extra Focus that he had on learning this technique and his ability to regenerate he's actually able to use his form at higher levels than Goku did at least when he first got it he tells everybody this technique multiplies his power 10-fold with his regular power he's at a level of 8 000 higher than anybody else in the group with Kaioken which he can use pretty flawlessly in short burst that power can go up to 80 000. Vegeta laughs that still won't be enough that's less than half of his power but Piccolo tells Vegeta to not get sukaki who knows how far he can push the Kaioken he's had a year with it after all I wonder as if Vegeta truly wants to test it he Powers up in the times 10 jumping into the battle as Vegeta fends off everybody else at the same time but now with Piccolo there he works as a really good distraction of course even in times 10 he's not stronger than Vegeta and probably not faster than Vegeta either but this still really does help especially since Vegeta has so many other things going on at once he knows he has to still protect his tail not knowing whenever anyone else can attack him and there's still some very strategic techniques from the rest of the people in the group all the fighters there now actually know the solar flare which they could probably land on Vegeta a few times the first time is purely at a surprise and the other few times it's because they have multiple people that know how to do it making Vegeta extra cautious to try and avoid it somehow but he can't unless he literally just closes his eyes that can come from any angle to Blind him and as soon as his vision restores he can get blinded again and again and again and out of anger he charges up key in his fist slamming it into the ground the Earth shakes plumes of lava fly out everywhere in the area everyone's knocked back as Vegeta then charges the beam in his mouth sweeping it around the area as they try to desperately Dodge it he's enraged beyond belief all these stupid tricks they're using against him they're not gonna work he'll kill them here and now he keeps slamming his fist around shaking everything in the area trying to get all the fighters into one space briefly Piccolo flares up in the cow can times 20. this one's a little bit more stressful but he can still manage it a little bit and here his power is actually somewhat close to the Jeep it's a perfect distraction Krillin charges a key ends on fling him right on Vegeta's tail but he jumps up in the air known to expect it and dodging it relatively easily but what he didn't account for is that there's someone else there just as Gohan's about to jump out and try and transform into a great ape himself yajirobe then jumps it while Vegeta's mid-air he goes under his radar his power is too low for Vegeta to even notice not that it's incredibly low but still lower than the others he's able to cleanly cut right through Vegeta's tail with Vegeta cursing everything damn it he didn't know there was someone else there desperately he tries to charge one last attack as a grade 8 launching a massive Mountain aimed right at the boot the piccolo jumps in front of it flaring up into times 20 effortlessly defending against him as the power from the beam grows smaller and smaller while Vegeta also gets smaller and smaller with Piccolo's own attack overpowering it launching a Vegeta far up into the sky Vegeta stopped himself before he flies too far he's dead here there's no way he's making it out unless he figures out some way to make an escape here Piccolo launches up towards him and Kaioken ready to finish this and kill Vegeta with one shot Vegeta quickly turns over to where Gohan is launching a couple blasted him none of them hit but they destroy the Rocks around him give a Gohan a clear view with a moot Gohan then transforms as Piccolo tries to fight Vegeta with Vegeta desperately dodging every attack at least that great ape distracts everybody else and he tries to lead Piccolo towards Gohan setting Gohan's sights on pickle it ends up working and on a whim Vegeta launch is a volley of Ki blast everywhere throwing up smoke in every direction of course they can still sense Vegeta but he tries to lower his power trying to do what these earth looks can do Piccolo has to fend off against Gohan and Vegeta takes this as one opportunity he won't get another as quickly as he can he flies off with his power once again flaring up and everyone being able to sense him without needing to see him through the smoke or whatever he's already called a space pod with Vegeta getting inside of it midair as it launches right off into space the cleanest Escape that he could try he did it he made it out of here alive krillin's able to cut off Gohan's Tail as he shrinks back down to a normal size Vegeta hates the fact that he had to escape it was so cowardly but he saw no other way to survive this he should have saw the battle through to its end but at the same time he still does need to be smart and to be fair at least to keep his pride in check he tells himself he was at an unfair disadvantage anyways he was fighting against that entire group alone but still to think that he couldn't win here it's a huge blow to his ego and he's pissed about it but he's also injured and tired out he falls into unconsciousness as the ship leads him back to the Frieza Planet back down to the surface everyone's a bit injured but okay thankfully no one died well except Napa Piccolo curses it they almost had him but he does commend Vegeta's strategy they thought he would just be a meathead flying on pure strength but he seemed to have a good idea of what strategies to use in battle definitely a fearsome opponent he looks over at Goku and grins now it's time for their rematch and Goku laughed this off saying he needs a little bit more time to heal first at least to make it fair but he tells Piccolo that new technique he has is pretty cool well looks like they're gonna have to prepare for Vegeta's return he's definitely gonna come back sometime soon and who knows how strong he'll grow especially with them knowing that Saiyans grow a lot stronger whenever they get injured especially close to death like they don't know how strong Vegeta will be in their next encounter but they need to be prepared for it little do they know though Vegeta is not the main thing that they have to worry about Vegeta eventually gets back to that Frieza Planet not even being able to get off the ship because he's unconscious Vegeta's pulled out of the ship and placed in a healing pot and Frieza gets word of this well on one hand this is good news two of the three Saiyans that he knows about dick but he does wonder what ended up killing those other two and why is Vegeta so injured what kind of planet did they go to that there's someone strong enough to fight those seconds Vegeta definitely wasn't the strongest member in his crew but he was one of the strongest this must be a pretty strong Planet if they're able to fend off against Vegeta and that means it must be a pretty valuable Planet Too hmm he could possibly send his troops there I mean he knows nothing about this planet he's gonna have to look into it a bit first but there's potential for profit here and who knows maybe he could send Vegeta back and they'll finish the job killing Vegeta no more Saiyans and he gets a valuable planet in the process thankfully nobody here knows about the Dragon Balls not Vegeta not Frieza no one their sights are set on Earth though not because of dragon balls but because it's potentially pretty valuable and freeze up against contemplating what is next move be and should he have Vegeta involved at all there's some of that Vegeta is probably hiding from him he didn't consider that either why do the Saiyans make two separate trips of this planet rad is dying in the first trip that might have just been some random freak occurrence why did Vegeta nap ahead there Vengeance for Raditz that doesn't seem likely but they do have pride to finish the job well if they're just trying to win against the entire planet itself they could have just blown it up maybe they were preserving it because it was valuable or maybe there's someone there that they were going after it wasn't the planet itself and frieza's beginning to piece everything together how did the Saiyans know this plane in the first place why did they go there and why do they get beat up so badly all these thoughts are rushing through his mind this is definitely something he should check out immediately after Vegeta departs the group needs to figure out what to do next and Piccolo has the perfect idea if they really want to get strong they should head to King Kai's planet for Gravity training that did wonders for him and he's sure everyone else will benefit from it too Vegeta definitely will be back probably stronger than before thanks to the zenkai that he gets next time they're gonna have to find a way to finish it instantly and they were almost able to do that here but if they just had a little bit more power then they'd be able to do that easily Goku looks forward to fighting him again too and this King Kai guy sounds pretty cool I mean look at what he did for Piccolo Piccolo is like the strongest of the group now it's awesome but eventually gets word of this too and decides that maybe it's not best if they go to King Kai's Planet she could do something even better what if she made a room where gravity could be adjusted to whatever level they want not just 10 times Earth's gravity but even up to 100 300 whatever they can continuously increase it and they trust her to find this out they know she's definitely capable of doing so and she ends up building a gravity chamber so instead of everyone going to King Kai's Planet they decide to train here honestly it's probably for the better King Kai's been watching and he didn't really want that many people on his Planet it could have been fun but for such a small planet he can have a bunch of people on there they could try and learn the Kaioken later and as for Piccolo he'll just continue practicing with it now with this gravity room built by Bulma and her dad everyone's got the perfect way to train Yamcha also continues to try to reconcile with Bulma as well the best part is he's actually still alive after the Saiyan Saga and whenever their gravity training they're near capsule Corp anyways Yamcha probably even goes to Krillin for a device not the best person for that but Krillin supports his friend not like anyone else would have great advice for him and this is actually pretty important because remember this was one of the main factors to motivate yamcha's training not too Noble of a reason but doing that to impress Bulma hey at least it's something some time passes Vegeta is still healing and Frieza looks more into Earth trying to figure out what this planet was that Vegeta went to and more importantly why only one of them came back some Scouts are sent around the plant too and they notice there's some fluctuating Powers most of the population seems to have really low Powers but occasionally their status will pick up on some other powers and they rapidly fluctuate a normal Power could suddenly shoot up to about ten thousand and then right back down there's others that are fluctuating within the thousands range and then going up into the tens of thousands range there's even one that hit six figures pretty early on they think their scouters are malfunctioning but Frieza says that's probably not the case it definitely wants to continue looking into this and they need to examine this planet more closely Piccolo's out in a wasteland one day he needs some more open room to practice with Kaioken and thankfully 10 and yamchar here too to help him with that wanting to spar with Piccolo in order to face him at his full strike and they noticed some sort of strong power nearby not particularly strong but way stronger than anyone they've sensed on Earth probably only a couple hundred a couple thousand there's a few of them some Scouts that are here crap they're noticed how do the scouts get noticed these guys don't have scouters there's no way they'd be able to detect them but the scouts are pretty intrigued because it seems like there's aliens here look at Piccolo that namekian Frieza wonders if there's any other aliens there more Scouts are sent on Earth to get a closer look these Scouts that are spotted get eliminated instantly and the entire battle is transmitted back to Frieza they're able to manipulate their powers at will these Scouts were no match for them even one of them individually could have wiped out multiple scouts at once but one of the scouts details something that seems pretty interesting and Earthling that looks very familiar or maybe it isn't an Earth on me he can't really tell but Frieza gets a closer look and he sees exactly what's happening here that isn't an Earthling he racks his brain he kind of recognized this guy that hairstyle that to say it there's no doubt he looks just like that one that rebelled so long ago that it all makes sense that's why Vegeta went there the Saiyan resembling the other Saiyan maybe they're related or maybe this saying was actually related to one of the others in his crew this is why Raditz Napa and Vegeta all went there but he wonders if this is worth his time he doesn't necessarily know of anything valuable on Earth but the powers do concern him as say him growing that strong especially because it looks like he has a kid too they're procreating more Saiyans maybe this anger's been no end he thought he wiped out all the Saiyans so long ago but no there's a Survivor out there I mean he knew about Vegeta but at least Vegeta he can keep under his control the Saiyan he knows nothing about him he needs to fix this issue before it becomes an issue Vegeta's of course completely left in the dark at some point he does fully heal and he starts training again preparing to head back to Earth on his own some other Frieza soldiers are making some really weird remarks too like they know about something that he doesn't or rather they know that Vegeta Knows something that they don't and Vegeta's getting a little suspicious Frieza slowly starts moving out the Army he doesn't want Vegeta to know at all actually Frieza does give Vegeta a mission Frieza was gonna have the guinea Force go to some other planet but he actually needs a guinea force with him instead Vegeta could go to this place it's some weird planet called the ardread he'll be able to handle himself let's get into some power levels right now Piccolo's at a power of about 50 000 but what's most interesting is that he's practiced more with Kaioken getting it up to even times 40 by now Goku is actually able to use times 20 by the time he was on namic and like I mentioned before Piccolo could handle Kyle Ken better thanks to him having regeneration so it's not unrealistic to assume that by this point he'd have an even higher level of Kaioken and by training at these higher levels as well it does help him grow faster roshi is actually not too far behind Piccolo's base power at full strength roshi is at 45k he wants to remain ahead of his students Krillin and Goku who are both at 40 000. he tells him he still has some tricks up his sleeve and as their Master he doesn't have a higher power than them in order to push them to their absolute limits Chichi's not too far behind at 35 000 with 10 shinhan and Yamcha also at the same power surprisingly enough Gohan's at 30 000 at least when he's controlled they don't know the extent of his full power with him still not having controlled it fully and even shouts is at pretty high level 30 000 as well although unlike Gohan this is his actual limit and yajiroi comes in and out but he's still probably still a little bit too lazy we'll be generous let's put him at five thousand I guess again more with the freezer Force descends on the planet soon enough the group already expected some sort of Alien Invasion after seeing all those Scouts but they don't know who this is I mean they're wearing those same scouters that the Saiyans had so it must be related they do remember hearing from Raditz and even Vegeta that there was some Frieza guy out there it must be him zarbron and Dory are the first to arrive and just as they do they're immediately eliminated with a bunch of soldiers following it great looks like they have to fight these guys now it's just waves of random soldiers that they have to defeat which isn't too tough but still it's annoying that they have all these people here on Earth especially because some of them do need to end up spreading out actually with certain Frieza 4 soldiers trying to attack cities and whatnot seeing if they can find anything valuable Frieza watches from above he still doesn't want to get his hands dirty but he knows exactly who to send it they're already with him that's why I send Vegeta to yardroad after all the Ginyu Force is here he didn't really want to resort to them this soon but they should be able to handle this he knew that the earthlings would probably be a little bit stronger than he expected but not this much defeating his army that quickly is interesting so the Kenya Force are sent in on a new special mission to eliminate these Fighters all the Frieza soldiers stopped coming in but the group sees five space Paws heading down everyone flies over to where they're gonna land grouping together once more Bulma even flies over too curious as to what's going on she was told it's dangerous but she honestly doesn't care she wants to see if she could scavenge any attack from an army also she might be able to gather some dragon balls if needed because there is a lot of needless destruction the group is protecting Earth trying to keep casualties to a minimum but they can't protect everything and they're Furious about that having this whole Army here against them is not fair but now things have calmed down there's only these five soldiers left but from what they could sense they seem pretty powerful so maybe this is the real deal the genio 4 steps off their ships striking a pose and immediately they get down to business and yet you could tell from their powers he has no need to swap bodies because everyone's weaker than him anyways except for one guy that namekia his power briefly flares up at some points even going past a million two million even it's very brief but still that's worth noting maybe you could steal that guy's body ending this fight quickly right now the battle is not too tough but this will just make the battle even easier and his able to use his Trump cop swapping bodies of Piccolo without anybody knowing at least not at first and once he's in Piccolo's body he realizes he's actually weaker now not only can he tap into Piccolo's full base power but he can't use Kaioken and pekko was confused at first but laughs seems like kinyu played himself he might have Piccolo's body but he doesn't have Piccolo's power not at all and he tells everyone Guinea probably doesn't know how to regenerate either so he tells everybody hold nothing back just don't kill it but any injuries it doesn't matter and guinea wonders why they're doing this they completely overwhelm getting you in Piccolo's body and pickle is right dinu doesn't even know about the Regeneration or how to use it he takes a lot of damage in the battle and he realizes he needs to jump to another body right now this was actually a terrible maneuver at least the rest of the guinea force is able to keep up and now Guinea is being beaten up he sets his sights on roshi next maybe he could take his body so quickly he tries to swap with roshi and roshi quickly vanishes as the beam flies far away completely missing roshi maroshi then grabs on a Genie's body flinging it far into the distance trying to make it hit that beat and it works the two swap bodies again with Piccolo back in his original body instantly trying to regenerate any damage he still is a little bit worn out but at least he's not bleeding out like that body Piccolo quickly launches a blast in the distance which hits getting you head on destroying him instantly the rest of the guinea Force continues to fight and honestly it's not too bad it's only the four of them and they are powerful but the group is able to actually hold them off pretty well gobo's the most annoying being able to stop time by stopping his breath they try to attack him but the rest of the Ginyu Force defends him knowing that he's their most valid Blaster right now funnily enough but out of nowhere goldo randomly explodes and the group senses another high power Vegeta's there Furious they didn't even see his ship get here and he's absolutely livid right now he knew Frieza was trying to pull something on him once he assigned him on that weird mission to yard rat he knew something was up he'll head to that planet later on seems like he could probably learn something useful there but even stay on the yard right to fight the second he got there he saw that all the Frieza troops are heading towards Earth they wanted to get Vegeta away before moving it Frieza knew this DeTour for Vegeta wouldn't work for too long but at least hold him off and he's amazed that everyone defeated the Ginyu Force the group's ready to fight Vegeta too and he's ready to fight them now with frieza's army gone as soon like there's nobody to fight here except for one person Frieza himself he descends on the planet a little bit ticked off but not really too surprised impressive he honestly thought the guinea force would kill everybody but that idiot ginu had to try and swap bodies with Piccolo not realizing that Kaioken wasn't an innate power of His everyone tries to attack Frieza at once but he just stands there taking it nothing hurts him at least not at first Piccolo goes into Kyle King times 40. and he's able to significantly injure Frieza too why is this Immaculate so powerful he transforms into the second form it's still not enough Piccolo can use times 40 pretty easily and actually he tries to push it higher during battle the time's 50 maybe even a little bit more Kaioken still does dream of stamina even though he can mitigate it tearing his body apart he still can't mitigate the fact that regeneration takes some stamina to do he still has to kind of use it sparingly Piccolo tries to finish this as quickly as possible even though Frieza transformed he still has an opening and Vegeta just watches on dumbfounded Frieza transformed he's never seen this before and even with that Piccolo is still able to be ahead of him pickle launches a full power blast at Frieza trying to kill him right here and now but the second is about to hit Frieza Powers up once more not even going to his third form immediately going into his final form the blast hits him it does absolutely no damage and any damage he took before that's gone he seems perfectly fine now the group could sense Freeze's power this is way too much nobody's gonna be able to handle this Frieza smirk his pickle tries to attack him then swiping his arm chopping Piccolo's arm up without any effort at all he then launches a death beat with Piccolo barely be able to move out of the way immediately he he turns his attention over to the rest of the group seeing the Saiyans there specifically Goku that's the one he wanted to get rid of so he might as well do it while he still can he points at Goku launching a death beam right at it the option is able to barely push Goku out of the way being hit by the death beam himself Frieza Chuckles with this fine he'll just have a double kill then he then points another finger Coke then being able to successfully hit it yamcher and the Goku are on the ground critically injured Frieza looks over at Gohan about to launch a beam at him but then getting punched right in the face by Chichi who heads right in with a huge rage boost with the group noting that her power is increased Gohan feels in Rage 2 jumping in fighting with her Yamcha and Goku are riding on the ground in pain but Krillin comes over they have a few senzu beans at least although not too many but he gives one to each of them with them healing fully getting a huge boost in power what the hell is this is this from them nearly dying this power might help them their strength jumps significantly free is able to easily ward off Chichi and Gohan he delivers a swift punch to Gohan hitting him right in the chest and as he flies back towards the group Frieza launches another death Beam at him and much to his surprise Goku and yamcher jump back in the fight and after attacking Gohan just now Goku's Beyond Furious same for Chichi the two fight together with Piccolo and Yamcha at their side Chichi's strength is growing too with her rage she's surprisingly growing even stronger and the only thing keeping Goku's saying right now is the fact that they know that their senzu beans for Gohan and krillin's able to give him one Gohan then jumps back into the battle too and freezes confused how are they getting back up from this they seem completely healed and stronger than before they're healing somehow but how is that even possible Frieza screams with a massive explosion around him that sends everyone flying back his eyes Dart around and he sees something interesting in the distance a spaceship and Goku notices frieza's eyes lock onto it and Frieza Smiles maybe that's their healer or one of their allies and Goku goes up to Frieza telling him not to do that that's not a fighter she's not involved at all yamcha's Furious too telling Frieza to stop it and Frieza laughs they seem upset Piccolo Powers up yelling Kyle contends 100 launching braid into Frieza and just as he does frieza's hand pierces right through his chest and he won't let this namekian regenerate Piccolo falls to the ground with Frieza launching the point-blank blast at his head Brew totally killing Piccolo he Chuckles there goes their strongest fighter and now here goes their healer but almost watching from afar and sees Frieza looking at her quickly she tries to fly the ship away but then sees a light heading towards her and the group watched from a distance as her ship explodes Frieza Chuckles looking down at the ground at Piccolo's mutilated body looks like they all failed here and Frieza asked who wants to be next to die Vegeta could be fun or that other Saiyan maybe his brat he didn't succeed in killing them before but now without their healer or presumably their healer he can kill them easily roshi Krillin tension Hanan Gohan all power up ready to fight instantly Chichi tries to keep Gohan back so he doesn't get killed but right now after being healed he's actually one of the strongest people here and she's Furious too but nervous as is everybody else and for some reason Vegeta feels stunned he doesn't know what to do Goku and Yamcha decide to fly with a bulma's ship seeing if she's okay at all but when they get there there's nothing left Goku and Yamcha frantically searched this is one of Goku's closest friends and for Yamcha also one of his friends that he's known for so long and now his lover Goku was already Furious beyond belief but Frieza does one more thing to push over the edge Goku sent his a power disappear it's Roshi's back at the scene of the battle Roshi's in his full power and Frieza attacks him being the biggest target here roshi falls to the ground next but freeze is then blinded by a light in front of him and he also notices one of the distance too Gohan starts glowing his teacher he's gone his family they're threatened here his friends too he absolutely loses it with his hair glowing golden as he transforms into his Super Saiyan and that same Golden Light is in the distance too watching Gohan and Chichi be hurt like that also seeing Piccolo and Bulma die battery sent Goku over the edge and Roshi's death made him even more Furious Golden Light launches in as Goku then stands next to Gohan's surprise the two look at each other they both transformed and Frieza recoils in fear are those Super Saiyans Vegeta can't believe what he's seen but at the same time an ominous dark Aura emanates from where Bulma ship exploded someone else runs over on all fours actually and Frieza can't even react before he could even see who's attacking he's already being hit by a bunch of attacks being slashed by claws it feels like out of fear he jumps back two Super Saiyans and then somebody else he doesn't recognize this fighter he looks completely different it's Yamcha he's he's transformed almost looking like a wolf transforming out of anger just like the Saiyans Yamcha stands beside Goku and Gohan in this new form that we'll call Alpha Yamcha krillin's back in full power standing alongside the group 2 exploding with rage at Roshi's death a giant hulk and Krillin stands behind them with 10 Chichi and Vegeta standing back but even though Chichi knows she can't hurt Frieza she can't just sit here her rage flares up again and she yells out of Goku and Gohan to kill that bastard and 10 cheers on tip let's finish this here and now Vegeta watches on he can't believe his eyes super that that Earthling he he transformed too maybe maybe they actually have a chance here empowered by their Transformations and powered by their rage and with Goku Yamcha and Gohan being empowered by zenkai's too as well as the rest of the group being there too ready to help but Frieza might still be able to overcome that Frieza can't believe his eyes the group is completely reinvigorated Yamcha Goku and Gohan have seen the greatest increase in power with Goku Yamcha benefiting from a huge zenkai and Gohan benefiting from a rage boost as well surprisingly enough they're all pretty much on equal footing the three start attacking Frieza and Unison with the rest of the group back in the mode Yamcha charges in with powerful melee attacks now having even grown claws but he mixes them in with his normal moves as well he moves a lot faster than before a lot more animalistic it makes it harder for freeze to keep track of him as he runs around on top of the fact that Goku and Gohan are fighting him as well of course Gohan's not experienced like Goku but he's still a pretty good fighter at this point in the story and he could barely control the power that he has which doesn't really matter because that means he's using it at 100 Frieza needs to stop this now he can't hold back any longer he decides he's gonna play is 100 power he barely has an opportunity to transform but he's given a brief opening one that allows him to power up just enough bulking up considerably ready to continue this battle and now they should be uneven footing the three of them versus Frieza but freeze is actually being worn out now especially from those attacks he just took they could tell he's becoming desperate he's acting like he's cornered he tries fighting back but now it's a lot tougher he doesn't have the hugest manage that he did before he can't be cocky like before and he did this to himself he created not one but two Super Saiyans as well as whatever Yamcha is right now he didn't even realize these darn things could transform much less a say in transforming beyond the great ape he needs to kill them for good and he knows just the way to do that as they fight mid-air Frieza sticks a handout pointing it towards the corrupt quickly he charges a large ball of energy launching it right towards the surface as fast as they can Goku Gohan and Yamcha all fly down trying to push the attack back obviously seeing that freeze is trying to blow up her he adds more power to the attack continuing to push her phone laughing as he does so he'll destroyed them and his pesky planet no one will stand in his way but he sees only three of them defending against the attack and he doesn't even notice krillin's missing and by the time he notices it's already too late he feels a sharp pain in the sock a key ends on hits him that doesn't cut clean through but it does cut partially through he grabs the side and pain losing cited the attack that he was powering and having it flung right back towards him he stands there bloody and beaten hurt by his own attack he's fuming with anger and he turns right towards Krillin launching at it Krillin quickly jumps up and right behind him freezes his tension up Frieza sharply Maneuvers away trying to get Krillin but Krillin was just a distraction Krillin launches a solar flare blinding Frieza as he's then spaghettified stretch out with an ominous green ore around him as Krillin yells now Goku wonders what they're doing but then he sees what's in front of 10. there's a small container he's using the mafuba Goku tells him to stop it's gonna kill him especially with that much power being used but it's already too lit 10 performs the attack fling his hands down is freezing throw into the Container while Breathing heavily he puts a seal on he tells them now destroyed he flicks up into the air Goku Gohan and Yamcha all lock their eyes in it and simultaneously they perform a Kamehameha with Frieza being weakened beforehand and now weakened even further by being sealed this is the perfect opportunity their attacks collide with the container completely disintegrating it killing Frieza inside as well 10 Smiles he wishes he could have done more to help and then he falls to the ground Yamcha rushes over and so does shouts it they try to give him energy try to revive him in any way they can but it's already too late he used up too much energy with this attack unlike when he used it before this required way more power and after already fighting Frieza it's not like he was in great condition to begin with his energy then slowly Fades away as he's the next to die Yamcha Zorro grows fiercer and flares up his girlfriend one of his closest friends his teacher and even Piccolo who he wasn't close with but still another one of his friends of God he yells out with Goku feeling the same exact way yamcha's power increases even further as then he he passes going back into his base form falling to the ground alongside 10. Goku calms himself trying to power down as he goes into his base and Gohan's clearly still in Rage he's having trouble doing so he and Goku fly over to Chichi and they have to try to console Gohan Goku holds his family close as he looks over at the rest of him beaten and bloodied missing a few people and his eyes then connect with vegetas Vegeta can't believe what he just saw everything about him it's unfathomable Goku tells everyone roshi died twice it can't be brought back and he also just realized too now that he's calmed down he's been thinking through this and the dragon balls are gone too since Piccolo died which also means Kami is dead as well they've lost more than they thought and these losses might be permanent and up Bulma Piccolo roshi comedy they're gone what are they supposed to do now it was either shock to hear about this the dragon balls like those wish orbs that are rumored to exist well they don't anymore but that's interesting that they're out there and they can be used to revive people maybe he doesn't know what else they could do if anything but he knows for a fact that can revive people from this and from the way they're describing it it sounds like they can only do that not that it matters now Vegeta can't even seek them out anyways even if they were still active too Vegeta would have no chance at getting the group now has to figure out what to do next because not just all that but also Vegeta's here too which could be a problem remember Vegeta initially came here to try and kill everybody he was not here to help we go over to Otherworld Piccolo returns to King Kai a little bit saddened to be here under these conditions but also he's a bit shocked to be in other world too kankai tells Piccolo he's turned over a new Leaf of course he'd be considered a good nap and look at how he died too he died actually helping defend her and King Kai said he put in a good word for pickled well Piccolo thanks King Kai he's not sure how long he'll be here and it might be permanent if anything once again he's elope separated from everyone his anger that his training wasn't enough but King Kai tells him to consider his growth how much he's grown in strength and he did put up a really good fight against Frieza tip all that matters is that Earth is safe now and Piccolo didn't contribute to that King Kai then makes a confused face oh looks he's getting some other visitors too and Piccolo's confused wait who else died King Kai fills Piccolo in Piccolo knows that Kami would have died as well but he hears that Bulma 10 and roshi died too with tanaroshi then appearing on the planet as well even Roshes surprised to see 10 because he died beforehand and 10 explains what happened roshi tells 10 that mufubu is a dangerous technique and even with his strength it's no wonder that using on Frieza was that draining and ten knew the risk he's used it before and it took so much out of him especially with how much of his power he had to put him through it this time and he knows what it did to roshi before as well well Roshi's glad that he at least knew the risk and he's proud of 10 for the sacrifice soon enough too Kami shows up on the planet not the train of course but to see everybody Piccolo and Kami already realized this but the other two are now just realized they're not gonna be coming back they're dead for good aren't they well roshi says even if the dragon balls were there he can't be revived again he kinda knew that the second he got here well it's probably not too bad being in other world at least they made it here after all not hell so if they gotta spend eternity here well whatever they're just gonna have to deal with it but King Kai says that doesn't necessarily need to be the case he tells Piccolo and Kami they do know about their history right well it's spotty and they heard Frieza and Vegeta mentioning something about them being the neckings or whatever so that's really the extent of their knowledge King Kai says that if they do want to come back to life maybe there is a way maybe some other namekians might be able to help there definitely are more Dragon Balls out there wait what there's other dragon balls out there yeah of course and genkai would be glad to help them find them well not them but the Earth face the ones that are still alive in other circumstances he wouldn't really want to get involved but here because they did defeat Frieza who is such a plate in the universe he says he could help them with a favor King Kai gets in contact with the earthlings they hear this weird voice in their heads but they have no clue who it is and he introduces himself to those who don't know him and surprisingly enough they all hear other voices Piccolo 10 roshi even Kami they're all there on this planet too boma's another world but not on this planet although kinkai says he's sure she's doing fine as well he tells them not only are their friends okay but they can come back there's another set of dragon balls out there well most likely I'm nanik there's a wish-granting dragon there as well and it's no guarantee but he could Point them in the right direction there is a little bit of an issue though normally they'd have someone like Bulma make them a ship but she's of course not a rabbit but with Dr brief's help that could actually work plus there are still some Frieza ships scattered around he could probably modify those and get them to travel Dynamic even better he decides to install a gravity chamber on one of them thanks to this help from King Kai they're pointed in the right direction and end up going to Mammoth but it's not going to be too quick of a journey and it's going to take a little bit thankfully they could spend some time training on the way there not that they're really trading for anything but it's just a good way to kill time back on King Kai's Planet Ten's feeling a little bit left behind he watches on roshi tries to learn Kaioken for himself even though it doesn't really suit him like Piccolo 10 does train here with King Kai but opposite of learning Kaioken it seems like it'll be too tough to try feroshi he handles a surprisingly well due to his Mastery of Ki and his Mastery of martial arts he's able to maintain a nice balance with it he doesn't overdo it and aims to improve this he can think of a few ways to get this to grow even further and 10 wonders where he can go next he saw yamcha's new form and he sees that Roshi's doing this awesome technique right here and it gets 10 thinking maybe maybe he doesn't need to learn that technique yeah kaioken's cool and all but he doesn't necessarily need it hell he doesn't even really need that full power from that roshi and krill in half he starts focusing on something else instead of spending time trying to learn Kaioken he's racking his brain trying to think of all the ways he can grow it's not going to be a quick process but he starts going in the right direction now with this newfound motivation and also there's stuff Beyond King Kai he can go around Otherworld learning techniques from all these other great warriors up here learn all these insane abilities for millions and millions of years of Warriors he sees a lot of opportunity up here eventually the group does arrive on Manic and thankfully this time it's very peaceful it's not like the freezer force is going to be there most of them are gone anyways the group gets into contact with some namekians and the namekians are quickly able to tip this group isn't here with any threats well maybe Vegeta is he was dragged along just so everyone can keep an eye on him and also he wanted to see how these Revival wishes work he doesn't know if they can do anything else but still if they could revive people there's potential potential there for him to use them somehow the demeki has helped point the group into the right place seeing what they're trying to do they're led to granular Guru and he decides yeah they're worthy for the dragon balls he asked Goku to step up reading his mind seeing what just went down and he sees everything they went through and what they prevented they stopped Frieza and Guru says there's no question about it they should be granted the dragon balls they are making a pretty noble wish after all Reviving their friends and these wishes are going to be used to save Earth too because once Piccolo's back they'll have the Earth Dragon Balls there as well the dragon balls are all gathered and they summon paranga giving him three wishes first revive Piccolo then revive rosh he can't be revived by Earth Dragon Balls anyway so that needs to be done here and for the third one they decide to revive Bulma and tan actually tells them he wants to be a revived left he wants to spend a little bit more time up here so the other three they can go before him he'll come back from Shenron once they're back on Earth and Kami is intrigued to see how this Dragon Works wondering if he should update Earth's Dragon Balls as well the group thanks the namekians and they're glad to help especially after what the group did and the fact that they're Reviving one of their own they they don't mind but just as the group's about to leave a ship starts approaching Namek they can sense a pretty strong power on it great what's left of the freezer for us and Vegeta can immediately tell he completely forgot King cold is still out there King cold who the hell is that well it's frieza's father and it seems he probably knew where to find their I mean they are using a modified free of ship after all maybe he's able to track it some way like that or maybe he was following him this whole time Vegeta doesn't know alright well Goku asked Vegeta how strong is King cold Vegeta has no clue well either way they'll be able to solve this King cold lands on the planet and they decide they're going to take a no-nonsense approach to this King Cole stepped off the ship greeting everyone there's a few Frieza Horse Soldiers with him it seems most of the Army's gone and he tells them somebody's gonna need to fix this his son is gone most of his Army's gone and he wanted to find who's responsible it seems they were LED here and from space they saw some sort of dragon or something and King cold wants to know what's going on here you'll find that out and then just Slaughter everyone responsible but no one even responds to Goku and Gohan immediately Power Up surrounded by a golden aura going at a Super Saiyan with King cold being taken aback even stumbling backwards Super Saiyans alongside them Yamcha Powers up into his Alpha form howling just like a wolf as he transforms the three of them all attack in a Unison with the namekians watching not amazed and before tinkle can even do anything he's immediately defeated with Goku Gohan and Yamcha all powering down apologizing to the namekians they didn't realize that they would lead somebody else here like that well that America can say that's probably better that way then nobody even thought to eliminate King cold but now he's gone and they don't have to worry about him I guess Vegeta just stands there with his jaw hitting the ground that easily defeated King Cole he knew the defeated freeze already but this is just something else they're already starting to learn how to use these forms and grow more powerful in them it's amazing the group all thinks the namekens once again as everyone goes back to Earth and has 10 weights to be revived he stays another world a bit longer he's not even with King Kai at the moment he's going around meeting other Warriors around him trying to learn any unique techniques from them or whatever training with all these great people getting Knowledge from them sees all these alien Warrior races he sees powerful earthlings from the past even some of his ancestors too there's so much knowledge that can be gained here so much of it that was lost to time and now he can go right to the sources themselves his mind is absolutely blown by this and he's glad he didn't spend his time learning yeah the technique seems cool and all but look at what he's doing here all this knowledge he's getting and he tries to piece everything together thinking about how he can grow what he could do the group eventually rides back to Earth but just as they do they receive a message from King Kai he says to wait to revive 10. they don't really need to revive immediately and this is his request not King Kai's well if he wants to wait that's fine with them I guess kinkai says he's having a lot of fun here 10's been training and learning Non-Stop and he wonders what he's up to well at least they have all their friends back and 10 will come back soon enough even though all seem lost against Frieza they're able to recuperate but what lies ahead for everybody now that he's back on Earth Kami looks more at the Dragon Balls wondering if you could change them somehow everyone here has grown stronger surpassed him people who are formerly students are now way above and makes him think to himself he hasn't really changed change much as the guardian of Earth there could be better ways for him to protect it he does want to upgrade the dragon balls but even if he does try to upgrade them Shenron really can't surpass his power Kami thinks to himself he needs to be stronger too just like the other Warriors if he wants to Be an Effective Guardian he wants the powers to back it up even though he's not necessarily a fighter he still does want that power I mean even look at his other half Piccolo how strong he's got kame may not be a warrior like Piccolo is but that doesn't mean he's weak and that doesn't mean he has no potential to grow stronger and he actually has the perfect idea of what to do months and months pass during this little time skip we see a few different things 10 still stays another world continuously training there learning as many new techniques and abilities as he can he does pick up on a few interesting things but probably the most important part is that he grows stronger in general he could train their non-stop It's amazing And there's so many ways for him to train so many people he could spar with so many great Masters there's infinite teachings available here it is Otherworld after all you're there for eternity as long as you're not being brought back by the dragon balls that is so it makes sense that there's so much knowledge for him to look at he even ends up meeting a pretty interesting training partner named Pika who we may be seeing more of later but at some point he decides he doesn't need to go back he could stay here growing stronger forever but he does yearn to go back to Earth see his friends there actually defend it utilize that power for something while this quest for power and knowledge is great he feels like in other world he can't really use it too well he wants to put it to use in the living world I mean he will be back here someday anyways so it doesn't matter if he leaves right now and who knows maybe he could be alive and come back here too just like how Piccolo went to King Kai's Planet although they'd have to make an exception for him but thankfully King Kai and ten grow a pretty strong connection 10 spends a lot of time in his Planet training under him and King Kai encourages him to learn the Kyle Canton he could pull it off but he kind of sees why 10 doesn't want to try it especially as a human he probably would be naturally disadvantaged using it roshi is one of them the Mastery and knowledge that he already had when he's old combined with the Eternal youth that he now has it makes for a great combo and it might not be as effective as it is with Piccolo but the Kaioken does hugely benefit and he can find ways to work around it make it stronger perfect it somehow but for 10 he doesn't want to try that although he does end up learning the Spirit Bomb he's not completely pure but he's definitely good of Heart by now and training in other world has really helped him getting control over his heart calming himself 10 is seeing sizable gains and even though he's not getting new forms just yet like some of the others he's growing in his own ways he's brought back to Earth and immediately he sees Piccolo in kami's clothing or that's what it looks like At first this is actually Kami wait he's not wrinkly anymore what's going on Kami explains he ended up upgrading the Dragon Ball but before he did so he wanted to make sure he could give them more power now that congrats three wishes like namix but more importantly commies wish for Eternal youth just like King Piccolo did and just like roshi did he gained immense amounts of power from it of course he's not as strong as he once was when he and Piccolo were merged but the other earthlings agreed he's grown way stronger from this and by extension Shenron is far stronger too well ten has a lot of catching up to do and he thanks Kami for that glad to see him now in this new state and Kami says it was necessary in order to be a more effective guardian of Earth he wanted to become younger and he looks forward to seeing what ten learned so far especially now that Kami is so much stronger he might be able to teach 10 a bit more of course it's not like he's stronger than 10. but with more strength to back his knowledge up he could still be a very effective teacher so Ten's grown a lot stronger and so has Kami everyone else has kept up with their training of course too but Vegeta is a pretty unique case he wants to get Super Saiyan so he goes out in space to do so doing some intense training out there and he knows exactly where to go it's a planet he was sent to before as a distraction but from what he briefly saw there then happens they seem like they have some weird abilities he doesn't know how strong they truly are but that's what he wants to find out he's going to pursue a different type of training he doesn't know how to access Super Saiyan otherwise he needs to think outside the box and hey even if he doesn't learn Super Saiyan here he'll grow stronger in other ways he ends up going to yardra that place he was briefly at before misdirected by Frieza he briefly saw the inhabitants using some pretty odd techniques and they even threatened to drain his energy before he even had the chance to attack luckily he did nothing because he immediately headed to Earth but now he wants those techniques for himself he wants to learn more about it and for a while he remains here honestly the group is kind of glad that they don't have to deal with him right now it's not like he was causing a lot of trouble it's just he was still kind of a wild card so they weren't too sure what was going to be like having him around but who knows maybe he'll come back from this experience as a changed person in One Way or Another at least and since they know Vegeta might come back way stronger than before they're prepared for it Goku and Gohan have been training with Super Saiyan getting more practice with that Yamcha gets more tuned with his Alpha 4. this one was actually a little bit tougher to control than Super Saiyan since a lot of the power was derived from animalistic instincts but he is getting more of a hang of it and he's growing a lot stronger roshi continues working with Kyle Kent as Krillin well he just continues being crueler he doesn't really have anything unique for himself right now but that doesn't mean I'm forgetting about him and at this point it's not like he really even needs anything he's still one of the strongest people around and that's without a unique technique or form with him that felt power form has worked kind of as a temporary boost for him at least but you can tell is not something he'll stick with forever especially after seeing the others getting their own things no time travel ever appears but the Androids do of course the Red Ribbon Army is still around at least a rose there's no Androids 1920 instead it's just 17 and 18. they attack one day with a dragon team coming in ready to fight seeing that there's a threat on Earth again with how powerful this threat seems they assume at first it might be another alien invasion of some sorts but it turns out it's actually two humans well seemingly and knowing how strong they've seen humans before they're not really too surprised I mean just look at the group yamchas had on Krillin roshi Chichi Chow to everybody all of them are so strong so it's only natural that another strong human would show up but these two are different they're modified they're Androids the group learns this one at first they can't even sense their key and Goku notices the logo of the red weapon Army knowing that they're responsible for these two he's surprised to see more Androids I mean he saw Android 8 before but he didn't realize anyone was around to even create more in general but it doesn't matter they're here for Goku and they found him and the group's ready to stand up to them unsurprisingly the Androids would likely be noticeably stronger here Dro has a different data to work with and make them Stronger by default but also a huge thing about the scenario is that humans grow way differently at least those with heavy access to key so while that doesn't mean every single person in this world is going to grow as strong as someone like Krillin here for example this would apply to the Androids especially since they're being genetically modified to be the strongest humans they could possibly be whether intentionally or unadvertently this change in the series would have a big effect in the androids too and no matter how strong the group is it's gonna be a tough battle and at first it seems the two Androids are about evenly matched with the group but their Infinite Energy becomes tougher and tougher to keep up with and with the group split up between the two Androids that makes things even tough 17-18 let the group know they can keep this up forever they're never going to be tired out and they notice something really interesting Goku specifically seems to be getting very tired out roshi wonders if it's that Super Saiyan form but Gohan says it can't be yeah it's still draining but they've worked to make it way less straining than it was before there's no reason for Goku to be struggling this much with him I mean just look at Gohan he's handling it fine actually Goku doesn't know what's happening he drops into base then collapses to the ground Gohan rushes over to help but then curling jumps in he says Gohan needs to stay here and fight Krillin will make sure Goku's okay Gohan's power could help turn the tide of the battle so they need him here and Chichi joins along too she does want to stay in fight and make sure everyone else is okay but surprisingly she agrees with acrylic Gohan should stay behind he's one of the stronger people on the group and she tells Gohan he'll help them here's a key reason for them to have the potential to win here reluctantly Gohan agrees staying back as Krillin and Chichi take Goku away trying to figure out what's going on with him kami's watching from the lookout he would love to join in the battle too but even with his power increase he still might not be strong enough to help here and he'd be putting everyone else at risk by doing so he can't risk them losing the Dragon Balls again but there is a way he can help out here he teleports down to the surface grabbing Goku Chichi and Krillin and taking them up to the lookout trying to figure out what's going on with Goku and see if he could fix it somehow when he regained his youth he gained a lot of other strange abilities mainly powered up versions of things that he used to have before or other late in the making abilities he might even be able to heal Goku he's not too sure though especially because they don't even know what's causing this in the first place on the battlefield 10 turns to Yamcha he has an idea of how to win here he knows a technique they could use something that could significantly turn the tide of the battle but the issue is he needs to buy some time before with Goku here they might have been able to do so but Goku got dropped out of the battle too quickly he'll need yamcha's help with this one but with yamchak should be one of the strongest in the group right now they can't have him taken away from the battle because then the Androids will get a huge Advantage though luckily somebody joins in to help them someone completely unexpected especially because they don't even know how he got here in the first place a familiar face materialized that of thin air appearing behind Android 17. 17's confused at first and jumps back but then he recognize who this is It's Vegeta you know they're not too concerned fighting him but 18 looks over at 17. did he see Vegeta arrive and 17 didn't he thought 18 did obviously they wouldn't have sensed Vegeta's key anyways but they would have at least seen him arriving on the battlefield right well it doesn't matter everybody to ask them what are they confused about is it the fact that he just teleported in and then it hits 10. he realized what happened he asked did Vegeta go to yardrat and Vegeta surprised that tan even knows about them he remembers in other world hearing of some technique that allowed people to teleport but he was never able to find anybody from yardrat to try and learn this technique but seeing what Vegeta just did he must have done that Vegeta sarcastically congratulates him for noticing that's exactly what he did but that's not the only trick he picked up on he sends this battle going on and wonder what was happening and 17 actually takes the opportunity to explain they were here kill Goku they're engineered to be the strongest Warriors they can be and Vegeta gets a kick out of this really now they won't be stronger than him though and if anything Kakarot says prey not theirs he Powers up transforming into the Super Saiyan much to the surprise of everyone else especially Gohan he knew Vegeta was trying to pursue it but didn't know he actually obtained it and 10 realizes this is perfect exactly what they needed he looks over at the rest of the group Gohan seems to be fine Vegeta's at Peak Performance right now and roshi is a little bit worn out from using Kaio Ken on and off but he's fine especially since Piccolo keeps checking in on him making sure he's all right with it know how draining the technique could be for everyone else 10s roshi make a distraction it doesn't matter how just help Vegeta and Gohan and roshi not save him do whatever he can then yamch asked what does he have in mind a 10 ass Yamcha how well could he dance wait dance while another world Ted learned a very interesting technique one that allows two people to fuse but they need to be of a similar power and a similar height and it requires a certain dance although if they do mess it up then the fusion will fail and it'll just backfire if anything but Yamcha would be the perfect Fusion partner they're around the the same size and even though Yamcha would have to lower his power a bit they would be at a similar level if they did so he wanted to try and teach us the group someday because Yamcha Goku and roshi could really benefit from it being around a similar height and power hell even though Vegeta's a little bit short maybe he could too ten isn't too sure how leaning at the dance is he hasn't really tested it out yet but it should work perfectly between the two of them and he shows Yamcha to do it yamcha's terrified though what happens if they screw it up 10 says not to worry about because he believes that Yamcha could pull it off the first try they're such close allies ten knows he has it in it that's part of the reason why he's asking Yamcha he could make a strong fusion with Vegeta made him even Piccolo erosion but for Yamcha the two of them are definitely very compatible for him ayamcha has great power to back it up Piccolo Vegeta Gohan oroshi all hold off the Androids Gohan is still worried about Goku but Kami tells them it'll be fine Krillin and chichar even teleported back to the battlefield they honestly have no idea of what's going on with Goku but kami's gonna try and fix it although things are looking bad the Androids are still pushing forward having fun with this battle and of course not being worn out the city they were fighting is completely leveled roshi especially is getting worn out from Kyle Kent he's still hasn't perfected it like he aimed to but that doesn't deter him he continuously fights knowing that he needs to do so pretending the option but then everyone senses a massive power nearby the Androids don't have a clue of what's going on but they see a bright flash of light a brilliant beam of light then flies across the battlefield directly hitting Android 8 flinging her through a nearby building and then into the ground they hear a voice yelled a dhanpa or two voices yellow actually she gets up and flies back in and 17 wonders what that was how are they powerful enough to hurt her but she says it's no big deal they just got lucky but then 17 receives a flurry of attacks from behind a wolf thing Fist and they see somebody standing there it looks like 10 it looks like Yamcha and his hairline is really messed up well that's the one part he doesn't really like about this Fusion but this fuse fighter proclaims that he's tiensha a fusion of tinchinon and the yamcheck their powers aren't just added they're significantly multiplied too he wonders if you use the alpha form but for now he just wants to test out his base worried about how trying that will affect the fusion and he might not even need that he still has another trick of his sleeve too 17 says he'll fight tiancha alone it won't be a big deal and this is perfect tiancha realized that he has an opportunity here with the Android's being so cocky he can eliminate one and then it'll be easy to kill the other two extra arms come out of tiench's back the four witch's technique this kind of freaks 17 out but he's not deterred the two of them begin fighting and the rest of the group sees a chance to fight 18. and 17 is amazed tiensha's power is way more intense than he thought and briefly he sees tension's eyes change Tianjin tries to summon the power of alpha Yamcha and it doesn't fully manifest itself but part of that power is there those wolf-like eyes that yamchuk gains in that form appear here but the fusion terrifying 17 as he glares at him he only shoots a flurry of attacks with four arms and his immense speed 17 has no way to counter it and is perfect because he separated mate and even though she's powerful she has Piccolo roshi and then two Super Saiyans fighting against her as well as Krillin and Chichi they're wearing the Androids app but tientia still thinks this might not be enough and he has the perfect plan the two arms in his back stick up as his two main arms continue fighting telepathically he tells others in the group lend him energy in other world King Kai is actually keeping up with the fight and he's amazed he's actually gonna do it not only did he use Fusion but he's going to use the Spirit Bomb he can't believe it and he's excited to see it finally used wondering how well it'll turn out and how powerful it would be but he warns the fusion the energy is going to be pretty significant but Tianjin knows that and that's why he's using it here the Androids get way more confident knowing that they're gaining ground now it's because everybody's losing energy they're not sure why and they can't even tell that it's happened but that's what is happening the group is getting weaker and they make fun of it too but really they're not growing weaker that strength is getting transferred somewhere else Vegeta even contemplates using four Spirit fission but these two are mechanical it probably won't even work and either way whatever tiench is doing it seems like he should have enough energy the Androids look up amidst the fight tianj's two other arms are charging a Spirit Bomb high up in the sky and now it's time with his two main arms tiancha performs a thundershock surprise and he yells to roshi to do the same 17-18 are paralyzed temporarily and takes both of the powers combined to actually do this the two Androids are drawn together and then the Spirit Bomb comes towards them Piccolo tells Gohan Krill and Chichi that they should help you he forms a ring of energy in his hands and they do the same they're thrown out the Androids restraining them and the Spirit Bomb is about to hit right before it does the two Androids break free from the restraints quickly getting out of the way right before it strikes them the Spirit Bomb flies off to the distance slowly traveling as the Androids stand there and tianji can't believe it that was their one shot that would have killed them but then the two Androids disappear they have no clue what's happening but somehow they're in front of the spear bomb again Vegeta quickly grabbed onto both teleporting just in front of where the Spirit Bomb is about to land he smirks and waves goodbyes he teleports away with a tooth then immediately being hit by the attack the two Androids are destroyed completely by it with the Spirit Bomb flying out into space well Vegeta kind of came a clutch there again that was the second time he helped out here he tells him to save their thanks he's just glad he got to show with his true powers tientia defuses and 10 thinks Yamcha again Yamcha says he's just glad it worked out and that should be the last of it although they're wondering how Goku's doing but the sky then goes dark almost like someone summoned Shenron but krilla knows what this is Tommy was just telling him about this from what Kami could tell Goku had some sort of sickness and it was pretty serious there was no way for him to reverse it but Shenron probably and that's exactly what happened Kami was able to summon Shenron Gathering the Dragon Balls amidst the fight and summoning Shenron to ensure Goku would survive had he actually died from this well they couldn't bring him back since it would be a natural sickness and Kami wants to stay true to his resolution he wants to help Earth as much as possible and that doesn't just mean he needs to be stronger that means all of Earth's Warriors the ones who trained underneath him they need to be stronger too and he can't let them die in his watch if he has the power to save them he'll do that it's not just physical strength either something like that being able to summon genre creating a way to heal Goku like that that's a way for him to assist a big part of the scenario is that the humans want to become a lot stronger so after seeing the Android especially there is naturally a pretty big question the humans wonder if they should become Androids too I mean they are very powerful as is Yamcha even considers this but feels like Bulma wouldn't like it and the funny thing is Bulma would be the one to actually do the procedure too by now they're most likely married and he's actually fine as is he thinks his Alpha form would be great and he'd rather work on that than trying to do something completely new Ten kind of views it as a shortcut and he has a few better ideas he tries to go back to other world again too in King Kai once more and as for roshi well he already has Eternal youth he doesn't really need this but but there is one person who is pretty interested in the idea Krillin he thinks it would be very smart sure it's a little bit of a shortcut but who cares it gives him infinite energy that's really all that he wants he just wants to have that it's not like he needs to be genetically modified to be sturdier like the Androids or something no he's already strong enough as is but having that infinite energy that could be pretty huge especially because he feels like he's kind of stagnating here he does have that full power horn but he wants to get something beyond that too and maybe if he had unlimited reserves of energy that could help him get whatever he has in mind he's still not completely sure yet but he decides to go for this and Obama's a little bit hesitant because it's weird she checks in with Krillin does he know what he's asking for he's asking to have an engine installed in him yeah he doesn't care infinite energy that's awesome imagine how much training he could do with that well he seems pretty motivated for it so she helps him out and tells Yamcha she hopes he doesn't get any bright ideas he reassures her he doesn't want that but he's interested to see how it'll affect Krillin of course after the Android Saga we're entering a brief times kit this upgrade for Krillin happens pretty much immediately after but what else happens in the meantime well one Goku and Gohan are of course still training eventually even achieving Super Saiyan 2 but again they're not really the focus of the scenario even though they are very powerful here we are more focused on all the other stuff with the humans oh yeah Goten is born too but again more importantly what happens with the humans well as for roshi he and Piccolo actually work together a lot more it's so strange considering Piccolo at least the old version of him before he reincarnated he killed roshi beforehand and now they're kind of training Partners in a way the irony isn't lost on either of them they both realize how strange of a situation it is but it just goes to show how much Piccolo has changed from the person he was before the two are both very powerful and they're both using the same technique Kaioken as for roshi he's utilizing his great skill and knowledge as a martial artists and that helps him make the technique a lot more efficient and allows him to use it at higher levels of course he can't use it like how Piccolo does he can't regenerate so if his body's being torn apart by it yeah he kind of has to work on that first as for Piccolo though that's his big Advantage besides him already having a lot of experience with Kaioken the thing that makes him really strong with it is the fact that he's Advantage by default with the Regeneration that he has and it's kind of necessary to reiterate that doesn't mean you could just infinitely use Kaioken no it still does drain his stamina whenever he regenerates he's able to use cow can at higher levels and his body will adapt to it at some point and the more he practices it with it the more efficiently he could use it and the higher levels that he could use with it too but obviously it still is gonna take a huge hit on his stamina even though his body is regenerating when it's being torn apart it uses some of his power to regenerate in the first place still it's a pretty huge Advantage we already kind of covered Yamcha he's going to be sticking with his Alpha form honing it even further he sees Goku and Gohan evolving Super Saiyan and he still has no clue of what this form is but wonders if he could evolve it in some way too super Alpha Yamcha or something well for now he's just gonna work on using the form at its full power trying to harness complete control of it and the key that comes from it too which eventually he does so think of it kind of as his version of Super Saiyan grade 4 or something and 10 well he goes back to other world learning more techniques and training with all the people up there too it's a great place to go in the meantime even chaotzu comes along too he's kind of lagging Behind still but those will actually help him catch up a little bit more there is still one person I'm missing though I said the Saiyans weren't a big Focus here but Vegeta is a completely different character here right now at least his backstory is he's still not really that great of a guy he's still kind of the anti-hero here after the fight with the Androids he pretty much immediately leaves Earth at first he was considering try to get the dragon balls maybe use it to revive people like rabbits and Napa maybe but then he reconsiders thinking their kind of weaklings anyways and it's already too far gone for that he doesn't really have a reason to revive them and he still links to Dragon Balls only for five people but he feels like there's got to be something more to it but he doesn't really care about that anymore for one if he tried to seek out the Dragon Balls he'd surely be stopped by everybody there yeah he's powerful on his own but there's a lot of strong people there too who knows maybe those two humans could use Fusion again against him even with Spirit Vision they'd be a great distraction and a huge challenge before he could defuse them Gohan is a Super Saiyan probably stronger than Vegeta too and now that kakarov's cured from that virus or whatever he could probably defeat Vegeta too Vegeta's already got a great advantage of techniques though and he wonders maybe he should go around the universe you know going to yardrat was very helpful so but if you found other planets of great techniques like that or at least go back to yard rat in general he's not entirely sure of what to do but he kind of leaves on his own accord unannounced too they all wonder what Vegeta's up to he doesn't really seem like too much of a threat here it's not like he's gonna come back and Destroy them all but they're still curious as to what he's up to he's very to himself very secluded which kind of makes sense to them anyways it's just strange they wonder what's going on in his mind the thought even crosses his mind to get the dragon ball somewhere else to try to get immortality that way but he doesn't really care about that immortality makes things a little bit too easy for him not to mention he doesn't even know where he could even look for other dragon balls too I mean there's Namek maybe he can go there but they're probably on guard now anyways especially after what happened like the last time they were there he'd rather not try and Chase Dragon Balls which might amount to nothing instead he's gonna chase actual techniques that could amount to something and the best part is he has really easy ways to transport himself around the universe into transmission he can leave the soft planet and do whatever he pleases working even further on four Spirit fission too so that basically covers that little time skip now we enter the busock as a little bit of a side note I'm gonna say all the great Sandman stuff still does happen it still seems like something Gohan would do the only difference is Gohan's already been keeping up with his training still because Goku's still around to motivate him not to mention roshi who was his teacher at one point a while back he has a lot of good influences and he's gonna be a good influence on Goten as well especially because unfortunately for Goten there's no trunks here but he still has Gohan around and the two train together a lot as brothers also training with Goku a lot too and obviously Chichi another huge influence here there's no reason for both of them to not be training Goku's alive Chichi is actually a fighter here and the fact that pretty much everyone around them influences that you guys could probably guess where I'm going with the Boost Saga though I know I know I skipped the bus a lot on some scenarios but hey in my defense a lot of the more recent ones had the boost up it's not that I don't like it it's that you just need a lot of very specific things to happen in a good order to actually cause it to happen and here I just kind of see it being avoided so why is that well on one hand it could have happened I mean there's a lot of people here with lots of power to absorb so there's a lot more potential targets for Bobby to take power from maybe he could have tried to possess Vegeta but Vegeta's not even here that would have been very easy especially since Vegeta's not connected with the group at all but that's not a possibility whether that's before the tournament or when they actually arrive at Bobby's ship at best spokovic and Yama would probably be able to steal some energy at the tournament but there's a lot of things that happen differently here everyone being stronger means that there's more energy to take but that doesn't benefit Bobby at all if you can't actually get to them and take that energy these people are very smart Mark they have great guidance and there's a lot of great minds working together once the Kai's come to Earth they're able to formulate some much better plans to actually infiltrate bobbity's spaceship and by the time they get there it's not like Majin Vegeta would be a thing like I mentioned before I mean Bobby might be able to try and look into other people's hearts you know attention on it wasn't that great of a guy before and obviously Piccolo's there too he's another potential Target but they're way too far reformed and they wouldn't willingly give in to it like Vegeta did and that's the thing he willingly gave into it these two they wouldn't do that and they'd probably be a lot harder to possess anyways and other than that he can't possess anybody and it's not like his troops aren't going to do anything either weep we Yacon and even Deborah they won't be a challenge for anybody especially if Gohan um excuse me I mean the great say man especially if the great Saiyan man ends up facing Deborah he's kept up with this training so there's no reason for him to not be stronger here there's other people in the group too that could possibly contend with him hell it's not crazy to say that pretty much everyone in the group can contend with him honestly I feel like everyone here with how strong they are they'd all have a chance besides shin kabido and probably Chichi and chatsu don't worry I haven't forgotten about them though chichi time is coming soon but yeah with all that the blue Saga is completely avoided with Deborah and Bobbidi easily stopped a crisis averted although this does lead to something pretty interesting 10 meets the Supreme cotton he's heard about him obviously he's been in other worlds so much and shin actually has heard about 10 too I mean the other guys all know about him all the other directional kais have seen 10 as well even one of his Rivals another world pycon he's another student of another Kai especially with all the time he spent training there there's no way that he hasn't met some of the other guys around there and what about this fighter from Earth this living fighter it's definitely got a round to the other cops and shin already knows what 10 is going to ask I mean he could read minds after all and he says yes before 10 can even ask it 10 wanted to be a student of his and shin says it could be pretty interesting but if he's so highly regarded by all the other Kai's then 10 would be a great person to train under him who knows maybe he could even pull the Z sword and Ten's grateful for this but he does have one request while he's there trading with them can you bring a friend along and shin says he already kind of expected 10 to ask that what because he was reading his mind no actually he already did kind kind of expect this after hearing about 10 from the Kai's he's also heard about pycon and ten was actually going to ask if python to come along all of 10's friends on earth have heard about pikon he's apparently some really strong dead guy and they hope they get to see him one day too but since both of them are so strong in other world Shin says it's only natural that they want to train under Supreme Kai's now he'd be glad to get both of them as students thankfully for everyone here this leads to another long period of peacetime besides the conflict with Bobby and Deborah there hasn't been anything bad since the Androids but it's long overdue there's somebody out there seeking a rival a Godly figure that had a premonition one of a Super Saiyan God it's beerus at some point he will wake up still wanted to seek out the Super Saiyan God but he hears something really interesting there's apparently this planet called Earth and not only do Saiyans live there but a bunch of other strong people live there too at least by regular mortal standards but what interests the most is the fact that Saiyans lived there as well as apparently some guy that's the student of the Supreme Kai this planet must be really interesting there's no way there's not a Super Saiyan God on that planet so beerus immediately heads there locating Goku and Gohan his two candidates for Super Saiyan God they're apparently the strongest Saiyans around I mean he did hear that Vegeta's still around too but here on Earth you hear there's three Saiyans all from the same family one of whom being a hybrid who apparently has some pretty great potential and one of whom just being a pure Saiyan and these two they were both actually the first Super Saints and they'd definitely be glad to help but they have no clue what a Super Saiyan God is although Shenron might have an idea with Kami suggesting that they ask him once he sees beer is here he'll do anything to try and play please beerus seeing a god this powerful is just insane for him even as the guardian of Earth he feels pretty much like nothing and Compares and of course they hear about the Super Saiyan God ritual so they're gonna need a few extra Saiyans they only have three here well we kind of gloss over the blue Saga but Gohan and Videl are actually together still in the scenario and she would butt it and say they have pan or at least the fact that she's pregnant with another Saiyan so maybe that does count but they still need two more Saiyans and Goku says maybe Vegeta would help although they have no clue where to look for him or what he's up to and there's also another problem is he even eligible for the ritual they have no clue they apparently need five other righteous Super Saiyans they don't know if Vegeta would necessarily qualify as that although we're gonna make the ritual more lenient here and say they just need five other Saiyans but beerus does remember whis mentioned that Vegeta's out there somewhere maybe wheeze could find him and sure enough whisa is able to locate him and they're about to go to his location but instead Vegeta surprisingly teleports over to them I mean he could teleport we says it's easier to just have him teleport over here all he needed to say was that Lord be is requesting it Vegeta's there dumbfounded having no idea who contacted him but he sees beerus and we standing there and I mean whis some random guy speaking to him across the entire universe of course that's gonna set some alarms off and tell Vegeta that this is legit and they film it he says he will join on the ritual but there's a condition he agrees to this only if he's the one to become a Super Saiyan God I mean it's like they said they don't even know if he's compatible in the ritual apparently five other Saiyans need to lend their energy to one other site maybe it'll work better if they lend it to him maybe that last one doesn't need to be so righteous and beerus tells that you did not act cute he's not gonna blackmail them especially because they still need another Saiyan not just Vegeta but Vegeta says that's exactly where he could help consider this a bargain of sorts he knows another Saiyan out there one who could probably help with a ritual well actually a few others but there's one who's particularly interesting he explains ever since he left Earth he's been seeking out more Fighters he's been trying to grow in power too eventually he achieved Super Saiyan 2. even going beyond that getting Super Saiyan 3 but he still wanted more strength more power but one day he came across a power that surprised him it ended up being another Saiyan of course he even thought of his brother tarval but tarble doesn't want to fight this other Saiyan he was this was Broly when he detected this power and teleported to the planet it was some abandoned planet where he met paragus and Broly and naturally paragus sent Broly to attack Vegeta but there were two big things working with Vegeta's favor here one the fact that he was way stronger even being able to utilize Super Saiyan 3 in battle but he didn't even get to use that the other thing that worked in his favor is the fact that paragus electrocuted Broly before he went fully berserk knowing that it would be risky Vegeta might have killed brolby and if he let Broly fight any longer there's no way that he would have survived he would have went berserk and probably destroyed everything killing all three of them in the process paragus had no hope of standing up to Vegeta but Vegeta said they could mutually benefit it took a lot of convince him especially with paragus's hate for Vegeta but Vegeta was able to get them off the planet and in exchange he wanted to train with Broly learn more about the Saiyan's power the same that he detected out in space he was about to bring them back to Earth but decided it's probably better if he trains with Broly on this Barren Planet out in the middle of nowhere and as for paragus well he had the perfect place to send him Planet Tech were tarbalists paragus didn't even know that King Vegeta had another son and the thought crosses his mind to probably enact revenge on terrible but he realized how stupid that is when he sees how completely different marvelous from other Saiyans also if he does try anything here Vegeta will definitely seek him out and kill him instantly so yeah paragus is on his best behavior so reluctantly everyone agrees Vegeta can become the Super Saiyan God and he thanks beerus for accepting quickly he teleports away and then comes back with another save it's Brut they were actually training just now and Broly's amazed to see this planet Vegeta didn't tell him about it although but he didn't really see need to go back there and Broly would be worried to go there anyways too because he didn't want to accidentally destroy everything he still can't control his power again the train is mutually beneficial not only does it allow for you to grow stronger but allows Broly to channel his power trying to gain control on that as well but that's not important right now what's important is the fact that they can actually do the ritual well maybe the five Saiyans all get together trying to channel their power into Vegeta Broly can't even turn Super Saiyan and obviously Pan's not even born yet but miraculously it's Dylan's at work you have the three pure-hearted Super Saiyans Goku Gohan and Goten and Pan's purehearted even though she's not a Super Saiyan and not even born yet this ended up working in the original story anyways and Broly well he's not a Super Saiyan and he's probably not a righteous Saiyan either and we could use either of those explanations for the ritual but instead I'm gonna say let's have a little bit of leeway here this isn't too crazy of a creative Liberty and I'm gonna say here the ritual still ends up working and now we have Super Saiyan God Vegeta now with Super Saiyan God Vegeta is ready to face beerus the immense power of this form is overflowing I can't believe how strong this is although it turns out to not be incredibly impressive against beerus sure it's strong and he does enjoy the fight and he sees the potential within Vegeta too but it's still not really what he expected he only had to use a fraction of his power pretty standard Battle of God stuff which is kind of why I'm going through it pretty briefly and even though there's nothing really too crazy from this fight the effects of this Arc will change the story pretty significantly of course beerus is gonna end up taking Vegeta on his Planet training him under whis and Vegeta's glad to do this he'll be stronger than anyone this way although beerus can't tell Vegeta still is kind of a loose cannon remember Vegeta is not really the same person that he was in the main store he's still kind of in his anti-hero face which I kind of touched upon in the last part too taking that Liberty and giving Vegeta Super Saiyan God and that's what makes beerus Wonder well Vegeta's not really one that seems fitting of The Godly form but he still was able to get it somehow so beerus wonders what if they had a say in that actually was fitting what that form is supposed to be I mean from what they were told about this form when they first inquired about it it was used by righteous Saiyans after all so what if they had an actual righteous saying with the form that being Goku beerus ends up taking a couple people to his Planet Vegeta Goku and Broly surprisingly Broly shows some great potential he's not necessarily A righteous Saiyan but he still has a ton of potential with his power Vegeta already lost the Super Saiyan God form after his fight absorbing it to his base and with everyone thinking that he might have just lost it permanently even though he kept The Godly key they still have no clue of what's going on with it yet and that's why beerus is specifically wondering if you should take Goku with him Vegeta's a bit annoyed by it but whatever he's still got to become a Super Saiyan God and access that godly power and he's going to use that going forward trying to be the strongest still and it makes Goku Wonder well maybe Vegeta did fit the form after all Vegeta's definitely changed at least a bit and it makes Goku and the others pretty curious Goku would love to take more people with him specifically Gohan Chichi and Goten but Gohan would appear to stay here and while Chichi is definitely up for training she thinks it's best that they all stay here too she has to draw the line somewhere but they could also grow strong here so it's okay they just hope Goku stays careful because really he's the only good one on that crew beer is still kind of sketchy and same for that Broly guy and even though Vegeta's cooled down he still is Vegeta but hey again if you got that Godly form and what they heard about it is true maybe he's not as bad as before hopefully at least it's wishful thinking all the while everyone continues their normal trait roshi and Piccolo continue growing stronger together and now with Goku gone Gohan Goten and Chichi would probably join them occasionally although Chichi morso trains Goten since Gohan is actually above the two of them he feels his time is better spent with Piccolo and roshi even though the three of them all have wildly different powers and all this makes Piccolo Wonder Kaioken is great especially the hugely high level he has it at but he wonders if there's a form that he the sayings all have their Transformations hell even Yamcha has a transformation roshi and Krillin have their max power things and even though it's not really something like super saiyan it's still a transformation it's cool as a namekian maybe he has something unique and by training with these two maybe you could help him find something even if he's wildly different than the two of them let's also go over to the sake of Rolex 10 has been training non-stop same for pycon he's surprised that he was actually allowed to come here but Shannon Kabuto seem pretty lenient around him the two are growing incredibly powerful from their training and at one point ten is even able to pull the Z sword the two of them start training together with him but with how rapidly they're growing the Z sword can't keep up at some point which means it ends up breaking unleashing Elder Kai from its seal completely dumbfounding everyone there thankfully it's not like the busaga where they're just under constant threat right now so it's a little bit more chill here and they don't find out about his ritual immediately but at some point they do Elder Kai sees how strong they're growing and even though it's weird to have some Mortals training here especially one who's dead they do seem like righteous Warriors and maybe they can benefit from this power he's curious to see it too so they both learn a lot ritual and they're not strapped for time either so it's not gonna have to be cut short or anything they can get the full ritual with both 10 and pycon having their potentials awakened giving them their ultimate forms the two are pleasantly surprised by it they weren't too short for us because they're just being gifted this power it doesn't feel like it's earned but they have a different mindset once they get it they're going to utilize this gift to its fullest not let it go to waste and even though it is a gift they could use it as a stepping stone to train harder and get some different things they're confident about their future and this ultimate form is definitely going to help them going forward 10 especially can't wait to get back to Earth and show everybody and it's not just this he's learning so many other things just like in other world he's focused on different techniques that he can learn hell even Elder Kai tell them that there's a different way to do fusion with patara earrings but he's looking at other techniques too specifically ones that Kai's have but there's some trouble Brewing out in Space the Frieza Force definitely has some spies out some that still survived they have some pretty interesting info both from King cold and counteronymic and of course frieza's initial counter with everybody wish orbs are an earth and on mamic and people could be revived by them they're able to get the dragon ball from Earth Reviving Lord Frieza and frieza's ready to Max's Revenge it's not just those pesky Saiyans it's everyone else on Earth those monkeys that Wolf Man and those other earthlings too last time I get too ahead of himself he should have just wiped him out when he had the chance and he did kill a few of them but this time he'll make sure to kill every last one especially them Super Saiyans and if Vegeta's still there Frieza will make sure to have some fun with him too but mainly that Saiyan Goku his son and his Earthling friends mainly the strong ones like Yamcha and the three-eyed one who sealed him away that part annoyed him most his training commences which leads to him heading to Earth at some point now with more power and his golden form and he knows to expect a lot of strong people there it's not just the Saiyans everyone on this planet is powerful so he actually trained a little bit extra this time just in case an extra month actually which is a lot for him admittedly he's met by a welcoming crew a group that decimates his army Gohan Chichi Yamcha piccolo Goten trunks roshi zaotsu and even Kami who decides to help fight this group is already Overkill but Frieza was prepared for that he knew it would be a little bit tougher so he steps up ready to face them go on stand at the front of the group with roshi and pickle alongside him they're all looking to test their Newfound strength Piccolo goes up first he Powers up into Kaioken with Frieza actually taken aback at how much power he's giving off the pressure from his Aura alone Frieza immediately goes into his final four Piccolo tells Frieza he's been looking to test out this power for a while he shouts Kaio Ken full power his Aura grows massively this level of Kaioken is so high that he doesn't even know what the multiplier is and it progressively grows the more he trains it's the maximum amount of power he could output well at least without completely destroying his body he lost count of how strong this was after getting to the 500 range he tells Frieza who knows maybe he's in the thousands by now maybe even more he simply can't quantify how strong this Kaioken is Frieza gets ready to attack but before he could even do so Piccolo dashes quickly towards Frieza can't react to his speed Piccolo completely vanishes from everyone's sight and roshi tells the others Piccolo's gotten to a level cow can that he didn't even know was possible it's absurdly powerful and he knows Piccolo is going to continue pushing it Frieza takes a flurry of attacks from Piccolo But ultimately he's able to unleash a lot of energy knocking everyone back giving him a little bit of an opportunity to transform showing off his new golden form he didn't realize he'd have to bring it out the suit but he's confident that this would be more than enough to face Piccolo and Piccolo says it's a great increase in power but he's still confident in his own abilities the two start clashing it's so incredibly fast track of every time they strike each other there's a massive shock wave sent throughout the area but roshi is concerned that Kaioken is powerful but at the max power it is still tearing Piccolo's body apart he's not sure how long he can keep it up Piccolo does want to just finish this battle as quickly as he can but now Frieza is a much tougher opponent especially since he has trained a little bit longer but mid battle Frieza suddenly freezes up midair allowing Piccolo to land a perfect attack but they're both confused what just happened why was Frieza just paralyzed momentarily a piccolo he's a familiar voice saying he'll take it from here and that he wants Piccolo to rest for a bit it's tension up and Pike on there too Shane and kabito are nearby as well and Frieza recognizes him that's the one the one who sealed him before and now this time he paralyzed Frieza mid-battle and who's this other guy 10 said he sends the battle far away and using the kai kai he and pycon came over with and kabito following him Elder Kai wanted to sit this one Shin's looking forward to see how his students perform but 10 feels like he's got this in the back Piccolo Powers down asking if 10 is absolutely sure that he's got this intense as he knows he does it's not Cockiness he actually is sure that he can't do this and Frieza reminds him he shouldn't get too confident he has that sealing ability but besides that he was useless in that first fight against Frieza antenna greets he couldn't hope to have faced Frieza before but that changes here and he's not gonna have to steal away Frieza this time he'll be sure to just eradicate him with his raw Strike 10 is surrounded by a white Aura showcasing his ultimate form but it's not just this his Aura starts swirling up forwarding into some giant construct around him 10 ascends into the air Frieza tries to attack but then pycon jumps in defending 10. he wants to see this too he's not going to let Frieza play a dirty trick and hit 10 while he's powering up frieza's outraged by pycon he doesn't even know who this guy is why is he metal and he notices the Halo 2. is he dead tenzo or swirls up more and begins taking shape into something else it looks like a giant humanoid behind him like a giant Avatar of himself made of key 10 floats there in the air legs crossed looking like he's meditating all of his eyes are closed too but his third eye opens up glowing while the other two remains shut and from that construct behind him two eyes open up where the face should be it freeze is mortified he can feel those eyes looking through his soul and that key construct it has so many arms Ten's voice projects through the area this is the hundred witches technique this giant construct floats towards Frieza attacking with dozens of arms he's continuously trained Awakening a new version of himself he sits at the core of this construct looking like the heart of it as eyes remain closes he controls the arms this is the comation of all of his trainer All The Godly training he's done with Kami King Kai Shin kabido Elder Kai and all the gods he's met in other world as well as all the other great Fighters he's come across in his life this is his Godly form and Frieza tries attacking the heart of it where 10 actually is he punches through one of the arms but another one grabs him midair Frieza breaks himself free trying to attack the others too but another arm gets in the way blocking him he's surrounded by All These Arms with all the arms separated from the body being able to float around Frieza attacking freely however they want and the two eyes of the construct look towards him as well as Ten's third eye on his actual body there's a piercing glow coming from each of the eyes and his voice Echoes with the area once again he told Frieza he wanted him to not underestimate his new state of healing all the arms swirl around Frieza each forming a diamond shape with the hands and freezes held at the center two of the arms all at once these other arms launched kikohos and from each of the eyes the ones on the key con truck and Tan's actual eye the lasers are launched converging at a single point where Frieza is all these key blasts combine completely eradicating Frieza as the contract disappears and 10 slowly floats towards the ground it's the first time he got to use as an actual combat it takes a little bit to activate but it worked pretty well now pycon congratulates him he knew it would be powerful but seeing it in action that's a completely different thing and everyone else is completely dumbfounded but shin and Kabuto are proud of him as are the others too looks like Ten's been doing a lot more training than they realized Yamcha Krillin roshi and Chichi are especially intrigued by this they know 10 is different from them but that's what an Earthling is capable of they can only imagine where they can go next and on beerus's planet they all watch this as well Goku did want to go back there asking Vegeta to teleport over there but whis decided they should just watch and see what's happening if they really need to intervene they will and Vegeta's actually impressed he didn't think the Earth is grow that powerful and it's not just that look at that namekia also Gohan showed some amazing strength too even without a Godly form although he didn't get to show his full power hour in this battle he is working towards something unique for himself and he knows he's on the cusp of obtaining it but of course the three Saiyans on beerus's planet are doing the same as well Vegeta was actually able to harness the power of a Super Saiyan God once again and Goku was able to get it as well both of them now have a Super Saiyan blue a new power combining Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan God as for Broly well he doesn't even really have super saiyan yet he has transformed into it a few times but having him harness that power is Pretty Tough so they're kind of starting from square one and getting him to get control on his wrathful fool and it's interesting for Goku to train with these two Vegeta and Broly they're so different from him and the other earthlings Vegeta still is ahead of the two of them Broly has more late in power but he can't control all of it Vegeta he actually has more power than the two of them and it's not just that he has some great techniques too specifically the ones he learned from yardrat that technique that ten used where he created a giant contract with himself it reminds Vegeta how he could change his size not like that where it makes a key construct but he could physically change himself all his Spirit control abilities are very useful from here eventually the universe 6 tournament gets set into motion and I'm not really going to spend time covering it we all know it's going to be a wash for the sake of the video we'll say the team is made up of Goku Vegeta Broly Piccolo intentional it's not even fair for Champa and we actually don't have anything with zamasu either sure he still hates Mortals but with no time traveler here there's even less of a reason for him to go off the rails he doesn't like The Mortals making a mockery of godly power but at least they're not messing with time as well well besides hit but that all gets avoided and once again this means another time to get but a pretty brief one between Resurrection F and the beginning of the tournament of Power with the universe 6 tournament still happening Zeno decides he still does want to do tournament it would be fun to pass some time and it gives him a reason to test the universes hell it might actually happen sooner because Zeno would probably get very bored especially without a duplicate version of himself but that tournament is set into motion so what is the team gonna be here well we obviously have the same people from the universe 6 tournament Goku Vegeta Broly 10 and Piccolo and as for the rest we have more than enough people here the next five Fighters are a pretty easy pick Gohan roshi Krillin Yamcha and pycon it's a shame because they have so many other strong people too hell they could have gotten Chichi chaotsu Goten or even Kami on the team but they decide to sit this one out Chichi voluntarily stays out saying that others would be better picks she feels kind of left behind but use this as motivation she's gonna grow stronger than anyone she knows she could obtain something soon enough and Goten thinks the same the two will continue their training and kami's glad with his new power but he's not really a fighter to begin with he only fights an absolutely necessary he'd rather leave that to the rest of the team and chaotsu yeah he's stronger than normal but he's not really keeping up too much with the others unfortunately but he's also fine sitting it out he doesn't take offense to it but this tournament's gonna be great for everybody they're confident that they can win this but at the same time it also means they could test out all their new powers everyone has grown so much and besides Resurrection F no one's really had a chance to test their powers anyway even then only a few people got to fight Frieza this time it's a battle royale everyone will have the chance to utilize their new powers like yeah they had the Universe X tournament but here they could really go all out especially with how much some of them have grown since then eat and there's also pycon who people don't really know yet besides that brief appearance against Frieza so they'll get to see his strength too this is the first time the whole group is actually back together in action like yeah occasionally they all will be together but here they're all going to be in one spot all fighting at their maximum power it's just like old times again and the stakes are still pretty high but they're confident they can make this work they could win for universe 7. and hopefully it's just not Vegeta that gets the wish because they still aren't sure what he would wish for although by now he's still not really a terrible guy especially after beating Kaba in the universe 6 tournament becoming somewhat of a mentor for him albeit a bit harsher so maybe he will fight for the sake of others this time but that all remains to be seen before heading off to the tournament some decide that it might be a good idea to train in the room Spirit of time roshi asks Goku to go in there going in with Piccolo as well as for the rest of his students he's seen what they're capable of I mean they've been on Earth this entire time but Goku he hasn't seen him in a while he wonders how his training's going along and wants to see how he's improved actually it was Kami who told me she's going through my spirit in time he's worked on improving it too and they don't have a limit on how much they could use it this was mainly at the request of Piccolo and roshi but it's definitely going to help everybody they don't have too much time before the tournament but obviously this will help and it's just those three that go and there's a good reason for that now we head off to the actual tournament itself I'm just gonna get in front of it and say we all know that Universe 7's gonna win so I'm not gonna go too in depth in a tournament and you'll see why especially once you see how it starts to go but it does act as a great opportunity for everyone to Showcase their powers so let's cover some of the important things especially showing how strong everyone's grown since we last saw them as for Krillin we know he's been training non-stop as an Android that's one of the main reasons he got that upgrade infinite stamina is great for training and it's just as amazing for fighting too this means krillin's been able to train way more than he did originally and he's been able to do even more intense training than before he's been growing significantly the best part is before he became an Android he already had a great access to key and was a pretty strong Warrior this only makes him even stronger him becoming an Android was very effective and he's immensely powerful but surprisingly he's not even one of the strongest on the team and again this isn't me saying that he's Weak by any means it's just that everyone on this team is so vastly powerful that even a strong character like curling here could fall behind them but he still Leaps and Bounds Beyond where he is normally as for Yamcha he's unlocked a new stage of the alpha form it doesn't look too much different but he has 100 control over it and has learned a couple different things about this form one it grows strong with rage 2. it grows stronger with an overflowing battle spirit think of that like alter ego and three it's a very agile form it gives them the properties of a wolf after all so he wants to use that to his advantage of course like other forms it improves pretty much every aspect of it the one thing that he notices that his speed is so much more improved than everything else it's like when he transforms into this the boosted speed he gets is greater than the Boost in everything else so he tries to apply that to his fighting style also he's someone inspired by what ten has using a giant key construct is really cool so he opted tries to do that himself more from the strange Aura this form to look kind of like a wolf it's not a true transformation but it's like the head of a wolf forms around him comprised completely of his Aura way he's in this powered up State his tail fluffs up too his claws grow sharp all of his senses improve significantly and besides just that wolf head his key forms a larger claws around his hands too and these key contracts that he makes he can control them just like normal body parts even the jaw of that wolf that's surrounding him it allows him to enact larger and deadlier attacks and he's been having a lot of fun with this form as for 10 himself well he and Pai kind of been working more with the than their eyes learning more about magic was the next big step for them they're very Adept with it now and it has very great properties teleportation object manipulation paralysis healing they've only just scratched the surface of what magic can do and they're excited to learn more about it while also training to grow stronger like they have been normally and it's pretty important to acknowledge 10 because he has a pretty good plan here some of the Saiyans probably wouldn't want to get involved in the fight I don't know about Broly but definitely Goku and Vegeta hsf Saiyans are they love battle and as much as 10 enjoys fighting well he's a much more strategic person and given the stakes here he doesn't really want to mess around and some of the others agree too including people like Piccolo Gohan Etc so immediately at the beginning of the battle 10 activates the hundred witches technique catching everyone off guard when they see this giant key construct appeared of nowhere and a couple Swift motions are able to eliminate dozens of Fighters no one gets how he did this or how he's so powerful and did it so casually of course this makes him a giant tarp they can see 10 floating at the center of it and of course he's able to defend himself pretty easily but even if he weren't able to do so he has some good friends of Fennekin pycon and Yamcha mainly both of whom are willing to fuse with the 10 if it comes down to it or even each other but that might not even be necessary here pekko and roshi feel very prepared for this tournament Piccolo is pretty interested in what 10 and paikon has that ultimate form where it unlocks all their potential it makes him wonder if he should try doing that you know maybe ask Shenron for it but he hasn't gotten around to it yet instead he's been focusing mainly on Kyle Kinston more so the fact that he could regenerate trying to grow stronger with that he's already improved Kaioken as much as he possibly can at least in terms of how he can max out the multiplier so instead he's going to improve his regeneration so he could use Kaioken for longer and possibly go even further with Kaioken and that's what he was doing in the room of spirit in time as for roshi he normally was training with Piccolo anyways but he learned something interesting from Goku he has hasn't been around the gods but learned what Goku and Vegeta were being taught by whis Goku actually came to roshi for advice because maybe he could help with this he is pretty knowledgeable after all and roshi feels like he has kind of a good idea of what to do here they had about a year to train that was actually perfect and Hiroshi surprisingly this wasn't too hard to tap into it's something that he always kind of knew as a martial artist allowing his body to move on its own reacting instinctively but with a pure focus on that now he's unlocked something amazing and so has Goku the two are ready to show the fruits of their training Goku's pretty bummed that 10 eliminated a lot of the fighters and it's great that his team is doing well but they're eliminating people way too quick but Goku has the perfect opponent to face jiren Apparently one of the strongest Mortals here he and roshi go against jiren together with Goku pacing himself at first cycling the role of his forms before he eventually gets to something new the two are surrounded by a strange Aura but they don't change too much physically they go into Ultra Instinct Dome his amazes all the dots especially Heroes and weeks when did Goku get back and more importantly how did that human get it's not the true complete Ultra Instinct just yet but omen's still more than good enough and it shows they're on the right track especially because they can control Omen pretty well actually this isn't the first time either of them are using it but still even if it's not complete it's incredibly impressive and especially with the power of the rest of their team backing them jiren is defeated as is pretty much everyone else and the craziest part is Universe 7 has no eliminations even if someone were almost eliminated well they have Vegeta and 10 and pycon all of whom could just teleport to someone and bring them back in the ring and there's also Piccolo who could just stretch his arms oh yeah and if they ever needed someone to heal them Dan and pycon are there this is the most stacked team that they could possibly have and with how powerful everyone is Zeno is actually pretty intrigued by Universe 7th history and growth he wonders if other universes could be the same look how impressive these people are and the best part is they made the exact what she wanted 10 gets MVP because well he got more than enough eliminations and his strategy was really helpful for the team the one thing is the team did kind of have to hold back a little bit just to make this a little bit more interesting for Zeno because if they limited everyone too quickly well Zeno might have not been pleased but he's happy with the result even if the tournament went way quicker than normal it has a nice gift from beerus we survived by as a thanks for participating in the 20. honestly he didn't even really need to be revived but he appreciates the gesture he's going to continue training with the Kai's anyways but he'll probably be visiting Earth from time to time although he's mainly going to live with Shannon kabito following the tournament there's no Broly movie Broly's already here with he and Vegeta being training buddies although now they're really kicking into high gear because Vegeta sees that Goku's got Ultra Instinct so he's got to figure out some way to surpass him and Broly surprisingly motivated to do the same as well although it will be tougher for him but the results will probably be more significant at least compared to Vegeta after that we'd have the moral Arc Maris arrives on Earth and there's no big misunderstanding this time he's purposely seeking out someone else he's heard of two magicians here on this planet or at least one of them that permanently lives here he seeks that attention wondering if he could help apparently he's a pretty strong human and he has access to Magic he'd be the perfect match for Moro and hopefully they can stop him for good once it's explained to him who Moro is he says he's glad to help and they actually have a few people come along with him 10 tries to make a team that's perfect for taking more now the team includes Krillin and pycon and Vegeta and he has a pretty good reason for choosing those guys mayor doesn't question it hoping that his judgment is good they head out into space with 10 wondering where moro's heading he could teleport right onto his ship but that could be risky if Moore decides to blow up the ship or something they can't fight on there but before they even get out into space they realize more was headed right in their Direction he knows the dragon balls are on earth and that's where he's going because that's the rumors he's heard from the Frieza Force members in the prison and even if the Dragon Balls aren't here he knows this planet is strong it'll make a great snack so they wait on Earth ready for Morrow to land and right away they realize he's not gonna be too big of a challenge he does seem strong magically at least but there's a reason this team is perfect Krillin is the one to go up to fight him and surprisingly from roro he can't take any energy from Krillin he's an Android after all of course he does have normal keys still but he has no need to use that in this battle he just relies on his artificial energy allowing him to fight with no issue and Vegeta wants to get back to beerus's Planet so he's gonna try and make this quick apparently this Moro guy could steal energy from people Vegeta could do the exact same thing with them alright so if Moro can't take energy from Krillin he'll try to take it from Earth nope Vegeta is able to prevent that and he's actually able to attack Moro using Force Spirit fission to return any energy that more was already taken which isn't really much gorillin is a good way to hold him off Vegeta is a good way to nullify his abilities and as for 10 to pycon their magic can do the same thing but they're more focused on something else they're going to seal him away and make sure the seal lasts forever with their combined Kai Powers magic they're able to do so and War was eliminated before he even becomes a threat and Mayors is amazed not only how strong everyone is but how great that strategy worked all these different abilities that these earthlings have well pycon Vegeta aren't earthlings but hey if these two have these abilities you can only imagine with other people on her path it's probably these humans that have rubbed off of them MPG is glad they made that quick instantly teleporting away and leaving not even saying bye he's still vegetable Mayors thanks all of them as the lack of Patrol beats with pycon going back to the sacred world of Kai's and 10 deciding he's gonna head back there too for a bit but there is still one more threat Lube in the battle the granola Arc we're gonna say it just doesn't happen without Frieza out there vinola has no reason to make that wish in seek revenge and the healers are glad with the control they already have so nothing really comes with that and even if something did it wouldn't involve everything but there's one character who hasn't awoken yet back in Rose there's a section of it that remains intact and after all these years a project in there is finally complete the super computer has been working overtime Gathering some amazing data from everyone on Earth and also figuring out ways to improve this project this what-if is all about optimizing people which of course is going to affect sound so now we're going to optimize him too make him the most optimal fighter ever from the get-go he's born perfect with all this data from all these great Fighters the super computer adjusted him he's born perfect luckily for him too some of the strong Fighters are offered of course they can come here whenever they want Vegeta could easily bring Crowley and Goku thing and 10 and pycon can teleport back if they meet but right now they don't have the full crew on Earth Piccolo Gohan Yamcha Chichi Krillin roshi chaotsu Goten and Come Those are the fighter cells gonna contend with the second he awakens he really has no idea of what to do he needs a way to gather everyone's attention all he does is simply raise his power it almost feels like the entire Earth is shaking and everyone there can immediately sense this heading over as quickly as possible they can't believe this power that they're sensing and the craziest part is they feel like they could sense a other people's Powers within it almost like it's an amalgamation of all these other powers their friends included and of course when they arrive they're greeted with cell standing there in a wasteland he was made to kill Goku but at the same time he's also looking for a good fight he's surprised that Goku isn't here but whatever these guys will be perfect appetizers no one really has any time to think either cell just immediately gets ready for battle roshi is the first to jump it activating Ultra Instinct domain again this way he can act as a distraction letting everyone else think further and sell surprise this is something that he doesn't have data on he's gained data on some pretty interesting things recently including the magic of 10 and pycon and more for that matter too of course he could steal energy with his tail normally but now he actually knows how to do so with magic and he's tempted to try that but instead he just needs to stop roshi first he tries to tap into this magic and is able to paralyze roshi midair no matter how good he is at dodging well if he's Frozen in place he can't Dodge at all but someone else then jumps into attack it's Piccolo but he looks radically different Piccolo wonders how up-to-date sales data is because cell actually looks surprised to see this form Piccolo he's he's orange after seeing everyone's performance in the tournament power he decided to finally use the Dragon Balls to try and awaken his strength accessing this brand new power and who knows he might be able to combine it with Kaioken even avenge me but for now he's confident that this could hold off sale and he definitely is very powerful but we can't understand how strong the cell would be here no pun intended the rest of the humans get ready to attack but with Gohan Goten and Chichi staying behind they have something up their sleeves well not gotenk but the other two do especially after excluding herself from the tournament of power Chichi has been training a lot she does train with Goku from time to time at least when he's on Earth but when not with him she mainly trains with Gohan and the two of them have noticed something very similar Gohan must have inherited us for both his parents but more so Chichi the two are both very prone to anger and when they get angry it's almost like they derive power from it Goten doesn't really seem to be this way at least as far as they know but they've been trying to see what they could do with this knowledge especially because it helps Yamcha in a way when he gets angry his power and his outfit form grows significantly and just like Chichi Gohan and Goten have felt a little left behind for Goten is more understandable I mean he's younger but Gohan feels like he be doing a lot more although with all the great knowledge around him and all these amazing training Partners on Earth included his mother his teacher roshi and Piccolo the two have tapped into something pretty significant something that they doubt cell even has data an intense battle rages on itself even with the immense power of all these other Fighters including the new orange Piccolo they're having a tough time Yamcha can't believe after he's powered up his Alpha form this much and cell tells Yamcha no matter how fast he is cell is probably faster no matter how strong Piccolo is cell is probably stronger and no matter how agile roshi is with his technique well cell could overcome that tip he does note though Krillin got lucky with that infinite energy that's the one thing so wishes he had but it's not like he's gonna need it anyways only a fraction of his power will be necessary but while all these Fighters try to hold off cell they notice a slight power surging nearby First Goten jumps in with a new form that they briefly heard about from Vegeta action Super Saiyan 3 and this interests so I mean it's not very powerful comparison to everyone else but he's surprised to see a child say in this powerful and it actually works as a perfect distraction if anything the overflowing power of everyone else including go to now that means cell doesn't really notice the other power surgeon that's Gohan and Chichi collecting as much energy as possible this new power they access it takes a little bit of time to activate they only just recently got it and it comes from anger after all and this whole situation is making them pretty mad especially how cells talk to everyone threatening their friends and threatening their Planet but it's not like they're gonna try to force themselves to snap or anything that would be a very bad idea because they need something pretty significant to do that so they just have to activate it this way charging as much power as possible trying to transform into it once more and then cell finally sends it two massive energy surge nearby he looks over Gohan and Chichi are gone but there's craters filled with fire where they were once stand cell then receives a powerful kick from one side he braces for it but as he's launched backwards some of them lands a direct punch right to his back it sends himself flying back to where he came from and for both sides two common how my eyes are launched towards him he sticks out of hand on each side trying to eliminate both blasts and it's tough but he's able to do so but this leaves him open for some other attacks the Rhythm student has attacked him right now no one could even see them because they're moving so quickly but there's a brief moment where they appear and cell is actually and sales has you're kind of terrified of how they look just like with Piccolo and with roshi these two have a power that he hasn't seen before his drones didn't get any data on this because they never really use it in battle they kept it so Under Wraps Gohan and Chichi are both there with an intense blue and red Aura their hair is grown significantly in size and it's white their eyes are red and this leaves everyone dumbfounded they've never seen a form like this before and it's even crazier to see that Chichi's one of them hasn't together Chichi and Gohan are both using the Beast for turn Gohan Advantage from sight again moving so quickly that no one could see them they practice some amazing combo moves and goten's there to provide support even if he isn't nearly as strong it would be better if they had Goku here this sun family has some pretty amazing combo moves after all but surprisingly just when they're thinking about this three more people arrive on Earth trolley Vegeta and Goku they sense that there's some trouble going on here and whis told them too so Vegeta teleported everyone here but it actually looks like they all have it under control and Goku immediately recognizes they're doing one of the combo attacks without him no that doesn't sit right he needs to jump in on that the three others are glad to see Goku I tell him they could use a fourth person for this combo and Goku sees the two of them with white hair okay well he didn't expect that but is is that Ultra instinct no it can't be it doesn't feel like it'll look like it besides the hair being white and Rose is confused by this comment what is what does he mean by white hair Ultra Instinct well Goku says he hasn't been on Earth in a while so he might as well show them he Powers up surrounded by the aura culture Instinct but this time he has awakened he's finally completed the power and he's more than ready to join in with his family he doesn't know who this threat is but he's definitely a threat and he doesn't want to give up opportunity to do this massive combo attack the four members of the sun family all Stand Together Goku looks at cell and tells him to get ready for the family meteor combo Goku dashes right towards the set while Gohan and Chichi disappear from say it again with Goten jumping up in the air Goten launches a massive downloads and sells able to easily block it but also tries to keep focus on Goku too who then disappears from sight appearing behind cell unleashing a flurry of kicks and punches then Chichi jumps in with an attack and just like before she launches him right towards ago go on Kick cell back and sells he's not gonna fall for that again but instead of both launching beams at him the two rushed towards him with Goku also jumping back and the three of them all attacking at once and Goten descends downwards joining in his way he can't believe it he can't escape this how is this possible the four of them all run in a circle around the cell launching attacks seemingly at random but they're perfectly coordinated they aren't random at all Gohan then hit cell with an uppercut with Goku also doing the same a soaring Dragon strike as cell flies up in the air the four will stand in the circle still they all hold their hands out in front of them charging a beam in the middle of a circle together they all shout Kamehameha as they fling their hands upwards launching that blast up before cell could even try to defend against it he was eradicated by the attack with everyone powering down go who's glad he came here just in time I mean Chichi and Gohan probably could have handled it with everyone else but he wanted to get involved in that combo attack they never really had an opportunity to pull it off at least in an actual battle like this but he surprised to see how the two of them are grown especially cheats getting a form that's pretty awesome and you know he's been off Earth for a while I mean he's come back and forth from time to time but he hasn't really reflected on how truly strong everyone's grown there's 10 in that pycon guy training with the kais they all his human friends grow as strong as this his two sons his wife Piccolo has this brand new form too Goku's really only been keeping up with Vegeta and Broly because he's been mostly with them but you know he's glad it's this way all these great friends allies and Rivals alongside it all these strong people surrounding him it's incredible and for all he knows they can all go much further than this look at him only recently getting Ultra Instinct he doesn't even know his own limits but everyone here they're continuously breaking their limits as well and this fight is one of the many examples of that all they could do now is just continue to do that maybe they can get even more people involved you know go out as Fidel maybe there's other fighter from Goku's past that he could meet again he has no idea where they're going next but he knows that they're going to continue breaking their limits and this is where we'll end off what'd you guys think about the scenario it's a little bit different from what I normally do but I think I had some pretty fun Concepts hopefully you guys enjoyed it just as much as I did it was nice having some different people some Shine for once let me know your thoughts in the comments below I'd love to see what you guys think as usual if you like the video be sure to drop a like And subscribe if you haven't already especially if you want to see more videos like this and if you want to help support the channel anyways thank you all for watching thanks for supporting the scenario and I'll see you all in my next video
Channel: Salad Saiyan
Views: 431,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dbs, dbz, dbz what if, discussion, dragon ball, dragon ball super, dragon ball z, explain, explained, meme, q&a, question, saiyan, salad, salad saiyan, salad snake, scenario, theory, what if, what-if, super, arc, saga, zenkai, chi-chi, dragon, team, z-fighter, human, earthling, roshi, master, krillin, yamcha, tien, gohan, goku, kami, piccolo, king, kai, kaioken, power, form, full, trained, broke, limits, vegeta, freezer, freeza, frieza, beast, rage, transform, ssj, tenshinhan, fusion, pikkon, broly, ssg, ssj2, ssj3, golden, ssb, blue, cell
Id: bEd9ffqOddA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 17sec (7217 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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