What If Anakin Skywalker BECAME The Emperor?

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what if Anakin became the emperor in Anakin's last plea to his wife he proclaims he is more powerful than Palpatine and can overthrow him but what if he fulfilled this line of thinking and actually became the emperor there are a few conditions that would need to happen for this to occur firstly Anakin wouldn't be able to lose the duel on Mustafa the events play out normally Anakin chokes Padme unconscious and the fierce duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan commences however the ending will be different Anakin flips over Obi-Wan to land on the bank of Mustafa and evades Obi-Wan's deadly strikes to flick his lightsaber behind him and through the chest of Obi-Wan he was the chosen one and Obi-Wan could not oppose him he stands Victorious and kicks Obi-Wan's body into the lava below meanwhile on Coruscant Yoda and Palpatine's duel ends in a draw and the Grand Master successfully escapes Palpatine centers a disturbance in the force and tells Mas amida that he senses Lord Vader is in trouble however what Palpatine sensed is wrong Vader's life isn't in danger his own is when Sidious arrived on Mustafa accompanied by a squad of clones he meets Anakin who tells his master he was successful in defeating Obi-Wan the dark side is pulsating through his veins and has consumed his entire personality it Whispers to him tells him his master is defenseless and unsuspecting the time to strike is now the intrusive thoughts take over Anakin as he ignites his lightsaber through Sidious chest he focuses his turmoil and anger into his kyber Crystal and bleeds it into a deep crimson red he proclaims the Galaxy is now his and clones around him get on one knee and he has control over the Clone Army Anakin retrieves padme's body and he heads back to kurosong he drops her off at the medical facility and stays close Anakin can sense the surge in his power and knows his journey deep into the dark side but he doesn't know if he can save her he stands with his wife as she goes in and out of consciousness telling her it's all going to be all right but she looks like an Anakin with disgust telling him he's completely broken her heart that Anakin Skywalker the man she loved is gone Anakin begins to shake Padme but she takes her last breath losing the will to live however the medical droids were able to retrieve the twins Luke and Leia Anakin stood up hands shaking he erupts into a burst of Rage destroying the walls around him until he looks to his children and feels love he didn't know possible padme's death may have broken him but his children brought him back he still has something to care for and a reason to keep moving forward Anakin heads off to the Senate to call an emergency Senate meeting he takes stage proclaiming he's been Victorious and destroying not only the traitorous Jedi but also the evil Emperor Palpatine who planned devious and destructive things for the Galaxy however now as his successor Vader he will take control over the Empire and bring order to the Galaxy he tells the Senate to wait for orders as he ensures stability in this transitory period but vows that any senator who does not comply will face the same fate as Palpatine Anakin meets with mass amida and the rest of Palpatine's Loyalists and bureaucratic Council he orders them to swear loyalty to him or die and that he'll be able to sense any hint of betrayal in their minds they were the true powers of the Galaxy and as Emperor it's necessary to have them by his side the main difference between Anakin and Palpatine in their rule is that Palpatine was focused on the future whilst Anakin focused on the present Anakin was determined to stomp out the rest of the Jedi and maintain order rather than control whereas Palpatine focused on the Death Star project as well as ensuring his contingency plan in case something went wrong Anakin got on extremely well with the Clones during the war and commissioned the Cameron Owens to continue their production and they will become the galactic police stationed around his Empire however these clones would have less personality and become more obedient in following orders shortly after his declaration as Emperor a temple guard revealed to Anakin that he'd been working alongside Palpatine but now was to work alongside him Anakin accepted his declaration and made him the grand Inquisitor say pistache a Palpatine loyalist revealed to Anakin a facility on ferrics where Palpatine was training force sensitives in the dark side and it can travel to this facility where he met with the first batch of inquisitors trained by Sidious the grand Inquisitor commanded them and together they would hunt down the remaining Jedi for the next five years Anakin trains intensely in the dark side of the force as well as ensuring the control of his Empire there was difficulty with worlds complying with the emperor's terms however after Anakin enforced the clone's occupation they quickly complied with the Empire he Now controls all of the Galaxy in which the Republic and separatists claimed together and he plans to venture further into the outer rim and eventually the unknown regions Anakin's power in the force goes exponentially during this period to on the dark side he had to study Scrolls and holocons from the Jedi archives Restricted Section he has completely mastered Force lightning and is able to completely incinerate an enemy with it accompanying this ability would be forestrained the power to completely drain the life force from an opponent to the point of death and they wouldn't know what's happening until it's too late Anakin was always proficient at jumping but after years of studying he would now have mastered the ability to remain in the air and essentially fly for short periods of time however Anakin's greatest power was his ability to see into the future and after five years of studying he could do this at will the force would only Grant him Snippets but this was enough for him to track down the main enemies of the Empire he used this ability when meditating and focused on Master Yoda and the force granted him a vision of his location on dagoba Anakin goes by himself as Vader eager to test Howe's power now compares to the Grand Master the two dueled intensely but Anakin's new abilities have surpassed the old weakened master and he successfully killed him during these five years Anakin's priority was The Inquisitor program and thus he was successful in Exterminating the remnants of the Jedi order including council member Oppo ransis an apprentice Ahsoka Tano Anakin wouldn't be a complete Sith as he would still use his Jedi training sometimes in his life spending 80 percent of his time in the dark and 20 in the light he still saw Merit in the light side as there was power in both and power is what he desired he trains his children Luke and Leia in this regard and they go to become powerful in the force in the next 15 years Anakin really focused on establishing his Empire he has complete control and subordination of the Galaxy the Senate remains but to hear and Carry Out orders from the emperor instead of injecting their opinions whatever scuffle of rebellion there was was quickly stomped out by Anakin and his forces not scared to execute top Rebel leaders to show his stance on Rebellion his Imperial Navy is vast and the strongest the galaxy has ever seen Mass amida who loyally serves Anakin as Amita essentially serves power had told Anakin about Palpatine's plan for a death star Anakin put the plans on hold while he was focusing on Exterminating the Jedi but during these 15 years the Death Star was built and he decided to test it on his home planet Tatooine tatooine's destruction signified to the Galaxy that opposition to Vader's Empire is futile he Ventures into the outer rim and completely conquers it with his Imperial Navy and begins Mining and Gathering more resources to construct more death stars during this time Luke and Leia completed their training as Sith and had become the second and third most powerful force users of all time behind their father Leia's specialty was Sith Alchemy and Magic having an affinity for this devious technique however Luke was immensely skilled with a lightsaber sometimes even beating his father and lightsaber only combat this would continue on for another 20 years Luke and Leia would fall in love with Force use as Vader raised as Sith Warriors and his inquisitorious program and began families of his own Galactic control was Vedas and no one else could oppose him and he continued to strengthen his forces with the inquisitories program now full of hundreds of Sith Warriors however 40 years after he sees control of the Galaxy was when his next opponent threatened Galactic peace the yuzong vong the yuzang vong arrived out of hyperspace From A Distant Galaxy into the unknown regions and had been studying beta's Empire for years and preparing their attack they specialized in organic-based Warfare often altering their bodies for armor and defense they were a race of Warriors born and bred to battle but also immune to the force and because of this Anakin couldn't use his ability to peer into the future to see them rumors of their Invasion into the outer rim spread however Anakin viewed these as just rumors as he was sure the force would Grant him a vision of them invading if they really existed however Anakin was forced to believe it when a video surfaced of his Sith Warriors being defeated to buy the vong in combat Anakin realized why he never sensed it when he first met avong they were undetectable by the force however they were still privy to force-based attacks the Huts who had a good relationship with Anakin passed on information of the vong's fleet's movements to Anakin however this was discovered by the enemy who ruthlessly conquered their worlds riding them of any mechanical creations and would essentially terraform them back to how they originally were they killed billions on their Rampage and Anakin knew he had to face the bomb with his Fleet and declared war on them the Imperial Fleet engaged the yuzang vong many times in space with both sides suffering severe casualties the organic nature of the yuzong vong's fleet called the Empire of God however with Anakin's intelligence and quick-witted thinking they quickly adapted the average Sith Warrior was superior to the average yuzong-bong however the inability to sense the vong's movements and attacks in battle severely hindered the Sith Warriors resulting in more casualties than expected however the war players were still running rampant and the vong decided to do something about this they Unleashed a new biological weapon the voxen which were designed to hunt and kill Force sensitives they could sense Force sensitives Through the force and had a variety of deadly abilities and tools at their disposal this was extremely effective and Anakin knew he had to end this war soon the vong would keep adapting to their strategies so a decisive victory was necessary Anakin had kept his three death stars hidden and knew they were the ace upper sleeve to destroy the vong Army the yuzong long had already killed trillions of his people in his Empire and knew the vong had been studying him for years so determined if he was to beat them he needed to make allies they were unaware of Anakin had invention far into the unknown regions but had heard rumors and stories of a blue-skinned race that lived peacefully but had vast power and resources at their disposal but also had tactical Brilliance like no other Anakin himself travels into the unknown regions and uses the force to guide him to the chest ascendancy space he is greeted and welcomed into the meeting chamber with the nine Aristocrat leaders and announces himself as emperor of the Galaxy he discusses the threat that faces his Galaxy the yuzang vong who doesn't want to rule but conquer and eventually after they're done with his Empire they'll come for theirs Anakin proposes an alliance to assist him in their fight to defeat the yuzon vong and in exchange will vow as long as his Emperor to never conquer ascendancy space the aristocratic leaders discuss and agree with Anakin's offer and they present their expansatory defense Fleet at his service the trust ascendancy aligned himself with Anakin's Empire and begin discussing their War plan the just don't usually attack an enemy unless they provoked however they see this as the only way to ensure the safety of their people not only from the yuzang vong but also from beta's Empire Anakin reunites with thrawn after many years their most prestigious Admiral who Anakin knows will be pivotal in the upcoming battle Anakin shares the details of as military capacity the size of his Fleet but also reveals the existence of his death stars which caught thrawn by tremendous surprise the chess have a huge Fleet relative to their size and can be instrumental in the outcome of the battle thrawn proposed using the death stars against the Von Command Ship as no doubt the supreme leader of the vong Omni would be there however Anakin disagreed saying this war must end with himself killing their leader so they decided to use the death stars to take out the gravity field emitting ships unique to the yuzong vong which would be close proximity to the command ship these ships provided Shields the most of their Fleet by consuming the energy from cannons and other methods of attack if they can take them out they might be able to wipe out the fleet there and then the vong had taken control of the planet solist to rename it yuzang tar and use it as their base of operations their main Fleet resides there and thrawn plants a surprise attack they assemble a Joint Task Force a powerful melange of Imperial Star Destro is chess clawcraft and of course the death stars the Imperial Fleet jumped out of hyperspace just out of seller's gravitational reach and the vong were no doubt informed the leader omany informed All Ships to prepare for battle not expecting a direct attack from Anakin as the vong were getting ready to face him thrawn using his knowledge of the unknown regions plotted a route that would avoid the vong's detection until they came out of hyperspace behind their Fleet this caught Omni off guard not expecting the chest to become involved in this war however so be it they still didn't have the combined forces to take them out however what happened next turned the tide of the battle the Imperial and chess Fleet on opposite sides of the battle began advancing but to the side out of hyperspace comes out the death stars commanded by Luke and Leia Skywalker who fire at the gravitational emitting ships successfully destroying them in a large part of the vong fleet they imploded sending a Cascade of energy that disabled the shields protecting the yuzong vong fleet and again and stood at the Command Deck of his Imperial command ship and ordered the entire fleet to advance he enters his Imperial TIE fighter to head for the Von Command Ship he evades Blaster fire and Torpedoes with the force guiding him to his enemy he shoots down the clothes hanger and ejects from his ship he kills the local guards and uses the force to burrow through the force above until he reaches the bridge he stands opposite supreme leader omini and immediately sensed he was force sensitive this battle isn't going to be as easy as he thought Anakin started talking to omany while secretly using force drain to gain an advantage however omany was weary of this and confronted Anakin immediately he was a hulking-clad figure and a strange organic armor omini was a formidable opponent attacking Anakin with a staff-like weapon that seemingly had a life of its own shifting and contorting with each attack this made his attacks unpredictable but Anakin used his ability of foresight to glimpse into the future to see how the supreme leader would attack next Anakin vapor tries to start using the force and began to manipulate the midichlorians inside his organic armor commanding them to attack their host and they began to consume omni's flesh then muscle until they reached bone and ate the supreme leader omini from the inside Anakin disables the command ship and thrawn's Fleet cleans up the rest of the yuzong vong they were successful however trillions died in the war and Anakin would have some rebuilding to do the church and the Empire decided to maintain their Reliance and the church aided in the Empire's movements into the unknown regions they vowed to unite again when a new threat would emerge and in time a new enemy after watching Anakin's Empire from afar would reveal themselves thanks for watching everyone if you enjoyed this video make sure to check out what if thrawn joined the Republic and what if the Clones killed Obi-Wan after order 66. consider becoming a member of the channel or check out our patreon to support us and I'll see you all next time
Channel: Fantasy Folklore
Views: 71,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anakin skywalker, star wars what if, what if anakin, what if anakin skywalker, what if star wars, luke skywalker, skywalker, what if mace windu trained anakin skywalker, anakin, what if, revenge of the sith, star wars what ifs, what if yoda trained anakin skywalker, what if sidious, what if palpatine trained anakin, what if mace windu trained anakin skywalker?, anakin skywalker vs obi-wan kenobi, emperor palpatine, what if anakin skywalker was born in the old republic
Id: SJZjcj1aefs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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