What if Obi-Wan Kenobi Was The Chosen One?

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the chosen one was prophesized to bring Salvation to the Galaxy by creating balance in the force it is one of the most important occurrences in the Star Wars galaxy in the timeline we all know and love Anakin Skywalker is the chosen one and through his Twisted life manages to overcome his demons and destroy the Sith but what if he wasn't the chosen one what if Obi-Wan Kenobi was actually the chosen one how would that change the story that we know today our Story begins in 57 BBY Jedi Master Count Dooku is on a mission that stretches far into the outer rim and takes him to a planet called stojon whilst marching the streets he feels a strong presence in the force that calls them into a nearby home as he enters he scans the room his senses heightened as the force erupts around him walking towards a crypt he sees a force sensitive child in all of Dooku's 42 years alive he had never sensed up being so powerful in the force he took it upon himself to conduct a midichlorian test to which he found that this child possessed a reading over twenty thousand no being that had ever existed in history persisted reading that high not even Master Yoda Dooku determined that this was the prophesized chosen one created to destroy the Sith and bring balance to the force Dooku takes Obi-Wan back to Coruscant and presents him to the Jedi Council Dooku reminded the council that he sensed the rising Darkness for years and now he wholeheartedly believed that this boy is their savior although skeptical at first the council runs their own tests and agrees with Dooku's assessment this boy was the chosen one they decide to immediately begin his training and hone his skills in the force the difference in their approach to Obi-Wan's arrival compared to Anakin's in The Phantom Menace is that Obi-Wan is still an infant an episode good one Anakin is nine years old which means the Jedi Code states that he is far too old to begin his training this is not the case with Obi-Wan they take this discovery extremely seriously Yoda speaks and explains that he will take it upon himself to train young Obi-Wan Kenobi in the force that his 800 years of experience training padawans is what is needed to develop the maximum potential in the boy Yoda Begins by teaching Obi-Wan the subtleties of the force and how to use it even from before Obi-Wan could speak his Force Powers flourished and developed quicker than anyone else in the Jedi Order as he grows older Yoda continues to instill the teachings of the Jedi within him Yoda teaches him how to channel his heightened midichlorian count amplifying his connection to the force Obi-Wan's Powers flourish as he Masters telekinesis mind control and profound insights Yoda installs in him the Jedi Code fostering discipline and compassion with each passing day Obi-Wan's Destiny as the chosen one becomes undeniably evident a Beacon of Hope in the Galaxy when Obi-Wan is old enough he begins to use a lightsaber he was taught to master former 3 Source soon a defensive style that when used effectively could defeat any opponent in combat but that wouldn't be the only combat style that Obi-Wan was trained in he also learned form 5 to increase his aggression form 4 in case he knew to utilize acrobatics and form two so that he could be proficient in lightsaber combat he became an extremely powerful Jedi Knight very quickly in the original timeline Obi-Wan became a Jedi Knight when he was 25 years old however in this story he was only 14 when he earned this title proving how advanced his skills in the force truly were around the time Obi-Wan became a young adult Palpatine had dealings with Jabber the Hutt which brought him to Tatooine when he was there he sensed to the force that he should go watch the pod race one boy showed a true affinity for racing at speed in the Pod Race and he ultimately ended up winning Palpatine was taken aback when he learned the boy wasn't even 10 years old yet a normal human being couldn't do what this boy had done he introduced himself to the boy who was named Anakin Skywalker he believed Anakin had the perfect upbringing for a Sith a slave and constantly at odds with other people around him he was born and bred with hatred Palpatine would have to keep this a secret from his master Darth Plagueis he spent the following weeks manipulating the boy Beyond repair he constantly filled his life with anger hatred and sadness further propelling his Dark Side emotions until it was all the Anakin knew the final straw was when Sidious murdered his mother shmee leaving Anakin completely and utterly alone he had no other choice but to turn to the the dark side and rely on his rage Anakin lift Tatooine with Palpatine and his training immediately began Palpatine taught Anakin everything about the force and how to use it to focus on his anger and rely on hatred as a form of fuel to increase his power he was taught the subtleties of the dark side including Force lightning Force choke and various other abilities such as force drain now it's important to note here that in this timeline Anakin is not as powerful he doesn't have the maximum number of midichlorians which means that his potential power is not nearly as strong in the actual timeline nevertheless Cydia still nurtured the boy to be a formidable adversary at this point Sidious had still trained Maul to become extremely powerful though he saw Anakin as his true Prodigy it was around this time that Palpatine was elected a supreme Chancellor of the Republic and he murdered his master Darth plane Vegas becoming the true Sith Lord in the Galaxy Darth Maul is sent to Naboo where he faces the Jedi just as he does in the normal timeline however Obi-Wan is not qui-gon's Apprentice so he now faces Qui-Gon and balen's skull his new Apprentice the result of this jewel is the death in both Qui-Gon and Balin Balin was not nearly as powerful as what Kenobi was in The Phantom Menace this means that Maul is still alive as we enter the following events in the timeline Sidious continues to train Anakin and make him as powerful as possible his plan has slightly altered from what we know as he cannot manipulate the chosen one into joining the dark side there are two reasons for this first Obi-Wan is being trained by Yoda which means that he is receiving the highest quality or training possible and will not succumb to any manipulation from Palpatine secondly Obi-Wan was brought him to the Jedi Temple from birth which is not similar to what Anakin wants Anakin had many past traumas that affected his training and belief in the Jedi such as being a slave all of his childhood Obi-Wan did not which meant that his mindset was a hundred percent focused on the Jedi when the Clone Wars began Obi-Wan was an extremely powerful asset for the Jedi he became the poster boy for the Republic winning most of his battles and saving millions of lives throughout the Clone War Obi-Wan came to blows with Darth Maul on numerous occasions though neither could could best the other each time they would barely escape with their lives years past and the Clone Wars are raging on Palpatine needed to create a strong level of disarray in the Republic so that the destruction of the Jedi could happen more fluidly he sends his Apprentice Darth Maul to the mon calamari as a way of getting Yoda of Coruscant so that he can Execute Order 66. Yoda had to be the one to go in his youth he had often visited the planet and grew extremely fond of their people and culture and would not see them fall when they were last invaded during the Clone Wars Yoda was off-world and couldn't go and defend the planet so this time he made sure he could bringing his Apprentice Obi-Wan the two go to the planet and face Darth Maul the invasion was massive and brought catastrophe to the planet Millions were killed in the onslaught alongside the entire architecture Yoda and Kenobi knew they had to kill Maul as soon as possible to stop the Bloodshed as they hunt him down they engage in combat the landscape was not ideal for a jewel whilst being surrounded entirely by water but they use it to their advantage and beat more they combine strength overwhelms more as they deliver the final decisive blow that ends his life simultaneously Palpatine executes Order 66 on Coruscant he and Anna can then go to the Jedi Temple and wipe everyone out it was Swift and brutal and there was absolutely no survivors as it stood Anakin and sidious had taken over the Galaxy and the empire was created Yoda and Obi-Wan knew that something was horribly wrong when their clone troopers turned on them they managed to escape the planet and get to a safe place where they learned the true extent to the destruction they knew they had to go back to Coruscant and face their enemy if they waited any longer then the Galaxy would be thrusted into a catastrophic era of evil which wish they would never recover from silius had built his Empire extremely quickly as he didn't want to risk the possibility of remaining Jedi or Republic sympathizers acting fast and attempting to destroy the Empire and so the two most powerful Jedi Masters immediately go back to Palpatine's office on Coruscant where they see Palpatine and Anakin Anakin had been hidden during the Clone Wars which meant there Obi-Wan and Yoda didn't have a clue who they were looking at they ignited their blades and attacked the Sith the battle rages with ferocious intensity as the force swirls around them Yoda bounces across the room searching for any Vantage points but he was not strong enough to keep up with the power of the Sith Lords they had been ruthlessly training for decades for this very moment and confrontation despite their Valiant efforts Yoda's unwavering defense vultures and sidious's malevolent strike Finds Its Mark sending the wise Jedi Master to the floor Kenobi screams in agony as the loss of his master happens right in front of him anger and hatred swells within him but he breathes and calms himself remembering the teachings of his late friend he re-engages in combat as he Swings with all of his might Kenobi switched between fighting styles very often there were times where he needed to go on the front foot and be aggressive so he channeled form five but when Anakin's rage reached its boiling point Kenobi resorted to form three so that he could focus on defense despite his skillful fighting he seemed unmatched as he locked blades with the Sith Lord he grew exhausted he felt as though the end was near and almost surrendered to that fact he shot his eyes so that he could die peacefully when a blinding light shines behind him and the figure of Qui-Gon Jinn appears before them Sidious and Anakin were struck with fear as the long dead Jedi was resurrected from the grave qui-gon's voice resurrected with wisdom and conviction as he employs Obi-Wan to embrace the force fully reminding him of his Destiny to bring balance to the force and fulfill the prophecy flashes of Obi-Wan's life entered his mind as he remembered everything that he had been through and all he had now lost since the Jedi were defeated he wouldn't let the Galaxy be tormented by The corruptive Sith Kenobi regains his courage and purpose he shuts his eyes once more and everything goes white his power is completely channeled through the force and he completes his chosen one's Destiny opening his eyes he sees Palpatine with fear painted across his face the Sith Lord raises his hand and attempts to shoot Obi-Wan back with the force but nothing happens Anakin tries the same but the exact same result occurs Obi-Wan explains that he has been contacted by the living Force who gave him the ability to reduce their midichlorian count to an average being thus they can can no longer wield the force and harm innocent people Anakin and Palpatine were tried in the Senate where they were arrested for the rest of their lives with no chance of escaping the Galaxy entered a period of rebirth where they focused on rebuilding everything they had lost and entering a new era of Peace the clone wars were done the Sith were defeated and so were the Jedi Obi-Wan stood as a pillar of hope he was the chosen one and had completed his mission in the galaxy of fulfilling the prophecy now he remained and Nomad a beacon of balance he roamed the Galaxy and focused on maintaining peace and balance his days whispered maintaining peace for the people of the Republic and so the story of Obi-Wan Kenobi was a complete one where he destroyed the Sith and brought balance to the force propelling the Galaxy into a strong era of Peace for centuries to come if you you enjoyed today's video you must watch what if Obi-Wan became Darth Vader or watch of Obi-Wan killed Anakin on Mustafar please check out our Discord page if you would like to become active within the community and discuss all things Star Wars I hope you all enjoyed and May the force be with you foreign
Channel: Fantasy Folklore
Views: 21,158
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Keywords: star wars what if, obi-wan kenobi, what if, what if star wars, what if obi-wan, obi wan kenobi, anakin skywalker vs obi-wan, what if obi wan, kenobi, the chosen one, what if anakin skywalker, what if kenobi, what if anakin, what if obi-wan didn't leave anakin on mustafar, darth vader vs obi-wan kenobi, what if obi wan turned to the dark side, obi wan, what if obi-wan killed darth vader, what if obi-wan kenobi fell in love, fantasy folklore, obi wan what if, star wars theory
Id: cJBA3vrXolw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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