What if Anakin Went WITH Obi-Wan To Utapau?

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in Revenge of the Sith Obi-Wan is sent to uttapow to defeat General Grievous prior to these events Palpatine had campaigned with the Jedi Council to let Anakin go to utapau but this was quickly rejected what resulted was Palpatine revealing himself as a Sith Lord and turning Anakin Skywalker to the dark side so what if Anakin went to utapau with Obi-Wan to fight Grievous this would change the timeline immensely and through this one small difference a ripple effect of changes would occur Obi-Wan and Anakin exit hyperspace to see the Subterranean planet of utapower before them as they land they are greeted by the leader of the poor ants who is pleading for help against the notorious General Grievous the Jedi senses are filled with the robotic movements of the droids Grievous was near as they headed towards the source of their senses they found him the tall demonic and inhumane robot standing in the center of his droid army commanding them with Terror leaping to the ground they both ignited their two sapphire blades and the nauseating humidity their mission was to defeat General Grievous the leader of the droid army and Wilder of four lightsabers the fight began with the clashes of their blades Grievous fought with hate and anger looking only to destroy the Jedi and add more lightsabers to his collection but the issue was that he couldn't keep up with the combined strength of Obi-Wan and Anakin Anakin was the chosen one and his lightsaber dueling abilities was almost the best in the Jedi Order Grievous would not last long in this fight Anakin pressed his attacks further desperate to find a way through the droid's defenses he had been trained by Count Dooku as Sith Lord that Anakin had already killed and now he wants to end his Apprentice Anakin applied as much pressure and aggression as he could until he sliced through Grievous robotic hand in a quick and deadly motion Obi-Wan saw an opening with a swift maneuver he fainted to the left drawing Grievous attention and then struck a powerful blow shearing through the Cyborg's defenses Grievous body slumped to the ground his lightsabers clattering on the barren soil Obi-Wan's final strike was Swift and merciful resulting in the death of General Grievous in the aftermath of General Grievous death the cavernous sinkhole of uttapow seemed somehow smaller Obi-Wan gave his former Padawan a measured look it was something noticeably off about Anakin his usual calm demeanor was replaced via anxious energy that had been palpable during their Jewel Obi-Wan told his Apprentice to explain what was bothering him at first Anakin stroked off obiwan's concerns telling him he was merely focused on the battle at hand but Obi-Wan was too wise to succumb to such a weak excuse and explained to his Apprentice that he had known him for two long and can feel when something isn't right they were not leaving the planet until Anakin told him what was bothering him Obi-Wan was persistent and after much persuasion Anakin finally caved looking up he explained to his master that he had been having dreams premonitions of the future that resulted in the death of a loved one the Jedi twitched At The Mention Of These nightmares they were consuming and driving him crazy Obi-Wan spoke in a calm manner he asked Anakin if these dreams had anything to do with Padme Amidala Anakin was taken aback and stumbled on his own words he couldn't fathom and answer for Obi-Wan and stood there perplexed Obi-Wan is the silence through explaining that he had a strong inkling of their relationship for some time through this realization Anakin admits everything to his master he explains how they were married padme's pregnancy and how he was terrified that she would die in childbirth Obi-Wan the wise and experienced master was able to bring solos to his Apprentice by explaining that premonitions can be misread things aren't always how they seem and the force is known to play tricks on the Mind Obi-Wan assures Anakin that they will confront these fears and protect Padme from whatever evil lies ahead although this didn't thwart Anakin's fears and concerns he found solace knowing that he wasn't facing these fears alone and knew his master would do everything he could to help him the bond between master and Apprentice Drew exponentially after this confrontation as the two returned to Coruscant Obi-Wan continued to assist Anakin with his nightmares or Padme using his status as Jedi Master Kenobi would travel to the Restricted Section in order to find any pieces of information he could on how to save people from Death unbeknownst to him the knowledge he was looking for required the dark side and Obi-Wan was too pure of a Jedi to search through ancient Sith texts because of this he struggled to fight find any suitable knowledge that would help him save Padme however Jedi texts clearly outlined to him that the force was not always correct and sometimes made errors when predicting the future this brought some peace to Anakin as he slowly began to realize that padme's fate wasn't set in stone and he could save her if he desired after a few days of being back on Coruscant Anakin was called into the Chancellor's office this confrontation would go very similar to Revenge of the Sith Palpatine would reveal himself as the Sith Lord who orchestrated the Clone Wars and Anakin would quickly exit the room without giving Palpatine a proper answer but where this story differs is who Anakin tells after explaining his nightmares and fear of loss to Obi-Wan on UTA Powell Anakin felt like he could trust him more than anyone so instead of telling Mace Windu about Palpatine he opted to explain the truth to Obi-Wan Obi-Wan was a Jedi who did his best to remain loyal to the Jedi Code because of this Obi-Wan tells Anakin that they must inform the Jedi Council and get their opinion on how to proceed in this situation if they made the wrong move the Galaxy would fall into the hands of the Sith the scene quickly changes to the council chambers in the Jedi Temple where Anakin and Obi-Wan stand in the center of the circular room with the wide eyes of the Jedi Masters staring at them Anakin speaks first and explains what Palpatine told him after all it was his mission to spy on this Chancellor and understand his dealings despite this being the most important information that could end the Clone Wars for good the Jedi did not seem that surprised they had suspected this for a long time but now it was confirmed but what the council wished for Anakin to do was something he had never expected Windu spoke in a controlling but assertive tone explaining to Anakin the dangerous and deadly task he was about to Embark upon Anakin was to embrace the Shadows walk the treacherous Earth and deceived the very man who sought to manipulate him he was to make Palpatine believe that he had succumbed to the seductive pull of the dark side to gain his trust and uncover his true intentions the council understood that if he rushed and arrested Palpatine now they would have no evidence against him and could possibly result in the Senate siding with him over the Jedi they needed to be patient until they could successfully save the Republic Anakin found himself in the opulent setting of Palpatine's office a sense of trepidation coiled within him yet his demeanor remained steady he had to make the Sith Lord believe in his Allegiance Palpatine was behind his desk A Satisfied smile playing upon his lips revealed and what he saw as his Triumph though he still found this to be too easy Anakin wouldn't join him without any protest or perhaps his fear of losing Padme was that strong nevertheless he had to test his new apprentices Allegiance in order to secure his claim to the dark side he motioned towards a hologram of Cato nemodia the heart of the trade federation's influence and the current location of Jedi Master plokun Sidious informed Anakin that to prove his loyalty he must go to Kato nemoidia and kill plokun without a moment's rest Anakin accepted this challenge as Anakin's ship descended upon the planet's surface he made sure to inform the council what he was doing he had no desire to kill innocent people the council told PLO to evacuate their base and protect himself from the Skywalker as Anakin's ship swooped over plokun's base he released a volley of explosives Flames roared to life consuming the structures in an inferno of Destruction Anakin's gaze link it over the scene his heart aching for the necessary deception at the Epic Center of the explosion cloakoon stood Resolute as the world around him erupted in Flames he reached deep into the Wellspring of the force forming a protective shield around himself The Inferno roared at the edges of his barrier heat and debris batted against the sphere of calm he maintained cloakoon had survived but the council still declared him dead in order to fool Sidious who now believed his prized pupil to be submerged in the dark side Palpatine had restored his faith and his apprentice and knew he was ready back in his office on Coruscant he explained to the boy the inner workings of Order 66 and how it will be used to eliminate the Jedi Order that was tonight he pulled out his comlink and executed his plans but his Clone Commander Fox appeared on the Hologram Anakin ignited his blue blade in defiance Sidious anger was painted across his face slamming his combling to the floor he ignited his Crimson blade he told Anakin that his treachery will cost him his life but as the chancellor motioned to lock blades with Anakin the doors burst open to find Masonry do Obi-Wan Kenobi and Kit Fisto budge inside their weapons each depicting altering colors Anakin was not alone in this fight Anakin was the first to Lunge his blue blade clashing against the Sith Lords and a burst of raw power a surge of determination course through him fueling his resolve this was the pivotal moment in his undercover Mission the true test of his loyalty as Anakin grapple was assessed Windu Obi-Wan and Fisto joined the fight their lightsabers sang through the air A Chorus of defiance against Palpatine's dark designs Fisto's greenblade danced in fluid sweeps his Swift agility evident and each powerful stroke Obi-Wan's blue blade was a Relentless Force the sorsu master holding the defensive line in a swift move Palpatine managed to land a hit on Kit Fisto causing him to fall to his knees defeated and dead but his fault did not break the resolve of the remaining Jedi Windu and Obi-Wan redoubled their efforts creating openings for Anakin to strike the Sith Lord was a force to be reckoned with his attacks Fierce and calculated he moved with a cruel Elegance his blade striking with deadly Precision the fight was brutal and intense the air sparking with the energy of their clashing lightsabers with a final decisive move Anakin managed to find his way past the cesspool's defenses his blade struck true effectively ending the reign of Darth Sidious the room fell eerily silent the only sounds being the heavy breeds of the surviving Jedi and the quiet hum of their lightsabers in the wake of the conflict a palpable sense of relief spread across the Galaxy within the Polish walls of the kaminoan cloning facility the Jedi began the meticulous process of removing the inhibitor chips and planted in their clone comrades and with each successful procedure the Jedi offered their Brethren a choice to remain as part of the Galactic Army or to retire free to lead their lives as they saw fit to the Jedi's heartening surprise most clones chose to stay their loyalty undiminished with the full support of the Jedi Order and the widespread approval of the Senate Bale Organa was appointed as the new Chancellor his first actions were imbued with his deep-seated respect for peace and democracy after years of war and uncertainty the Galaxy could finally breathe a sigh of relief the clone wars were over the sils were vanquished and the Dark Cloud that had hung over them had been lifted and in its wake the promise of a brighter future was right in front of them meanwhile on the peaceful world of Naboo another joyous event unfolded Padme Amidala the Beloved Senator and secret wife of Anakin Skywalker gave birth the arrival of their twins Luke and Leia was a Beacon of Hope and love amidst the end of the conflict Anakin and Padme standing on the 3 threshold of this new era looked upon their children and then each other love and contentment was reflected in their share Gates their connection deeper and stronger than ever the Sith were vanquished the clone wars were over and a new era of Peace had begun and at the heart of it all Anakin and Padme Skywalker lived loved and cherished their happily ever after if you enjoyed today's video you must watch what if Anakin killed Obi-Wan on Mustafar or what if Anakin went with Mace Windu to fight Chancellor Palpatine please be sure to check out our membership program in the description below it is one dollar a month and helps us out immensely thank you all for watching and May the force be with you [Music]
Channel: Fantasy Folklore
Views: 87,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anakin skywalker, what if anakin went to utapau, star wars what if, anakin, what if anakin, what if, what if anakin never turned to the dark side, what if obi wan killed anakin, what if anakin killed palpatine, what if anakin killed obi wan, what if anakin died on mustafar, anakin skywalker vs obi-wan kenobi, what if mace windu trained anakin, what if anakin went to mandalore, obi wan vs anakin, what if obi wan joined dooku, pente patrol star wars, fantasy folklore, ppsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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