What If Obi-Wan Kenobi BECAME Darth Vader?

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Anakin Skywalker the character we all know and love gave up everything to become Darth Vader but have you ever pondered the alternate reality where the Galaxy's wisest Defender Obi-Wan Kenobi could become its most fearsome enforcer dive in as we uncover the thrilling Untold tale let's begin around the event of The Phantom Menace Qui-Gon Jinn has just been killed by Darth Maul but Avenged by his Apprentice Obi-Wan when Obi-Wan washed his master fall he was overcome by rage and hatred all his Jedi training went out the window his emotions led his actions not his justful judgment he strikes down Maul and anger as the young Jedi feels the power of the dark side for the first time it calls to him almost consuming him on the spot but as he looks at his Fallen Master he's quickly pulled back Kenobi feels saddened distraught as he cries holding his master's body his first test of the dark side as the intense emotions of death begin to Eclipse him fear loss and hatred broke the young Jedi's defenses as he let this get to him he should not mourn his master as the Jedi Code says but he can't help it and this makes the young Padawan susceptible to the darkness the events after this play out as they did in the original timeline Kenobi after promising to train Anakin becomes his master as the young Skywalker joins the Jedi Order Darth Sidious has just killed his master Darth Plagueis to become lord of the Sith and began implementing the final stages of the grand plan the Clone Army as well as as the Confederacy of independent systems has been set in motion but Palpatine requires one more thing he plans for Order 66 to be his final move against the Jedi Order but he needs an inside man a Jedi that will Aid him in the purge a Jedi they will become Darth Vader Darth Vader wasn't a person but a symbol of pain and Vengeance and Palpatine will have to create him Palpatine had a few ideas of who could become Vader the most likely candidate was Anakin Skywalker new to the Jedi Order and easily malleable they had deemed him the chosen one destined to bring balance to the force how ironic if he became a merchant of Darkness however another potential candidate revealed themselves recently Obi-Wan Kenobi Palpatine hadn't heard of the name until it was reported he killed his Apprentice Darth Maul a mere Jedi Padawan killed his own Apprentice skillfully trained in the dark side maybe the young Jedi could be of use to him public is keeping his options open not putting all his eggs in one basket for the next 10 years the Confederacy of independent systems continued to develop and Anakin begins his training under Obi-Wan's tutelage Palpatine still keeping a close watch let's fast forward to the Clone War ever since Obi-Wan's danced with the dark side years ago it's been looking for a way to get him consume him but all his Jedi teachings have remained Superior however he's definitely susceptible to bouts of Rage much like his Padawan Anakin he's not as level-headed as he previously was and he's more emotional than a Jedi should be the Clone War doesn't help with this fact the darkness is growing the Jedi Council can feel it and it's slowly seeping into the order many believe the Jedi to be the cause of the war that years of inactivity and blind obedience to the Senate has sent the Republic into chaos Obi-Wan in his emotional state starts to believe this towards the latter end of the war Maul makes his reappearance when Obi-Wan finds out about this the dark side and him grow stronger he desires revenge against Maul for killing his master if he couldn't do it back then he'll do it now Kenobi faces Maul and Savage many times but they always seem to escape Maul comes up with a brilliant plan and successfully takes control of Mandalore he allows sateen to send an emergency message to the Jedi Order requesting assistance and new Obi-Wan lover of the team would show up Maul plans to take everything from Kenobi and he starts doing just that he captures him and kills the team his lover right in front of him Obi-Wan watches the light leave her eyes as she collapses lifeless Maul stands up quickly unaware of what he's just done the hate the anger inside Kenobi is terrifyingly strong all his Jedi training is for naught nothing could suppress these emotions they broke the barrier of Jedi teachings and they now controlled him all he desired was Revenge he uses the force to grab his saber from bars and Spins towards him piercing his inner chest and kicks him away he clashes blades with Maul a few times but ultimately spins around him cutting off his mechanical legs and thrusts his blade down his torso ending the death of Miriam's Sith before we continue I'd like to acknowledge the sponsor of this video owner saber have you noticed those amazing lightsabers trending all over the Internet it's your turn to get one for yourself this June owner saber is offering a fantastic deal a 40 discount on every lightsaber along with free shipping it's the 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that Palpatine decides to switch his plan from corrupting Anakin Skywalker to Obi-Wan Kenobi he was lucky Maul had done most of it for him there was only one thing left to do he had to eliminate Anakin his closest friend and Palpatine began putting the pieces in place and he sets his plan in motion Padme receives a distress call from one of her former handmaidens and close friend Rabe the message included Rabbi telling Padme she discovered a secret separatist Mining facility on Merrick's minor there could be pivotal in the war and she thinks they should check it out Padme has shown this message to the high command and they all ignored it however Padme has decided to go check it out herself and Anakin is skeptical but he can't go with her since he's leading a mission soon Anakin wishes he could ask the Jedi for help but he can't risk exposing his relationship with Padme he lets her go on one condition that if she doesn't contact him for three days straight he'll go and find her Padme agrees and heads off on her journey however what Padme didn't know was that as soon as Rabbi finished recording the message she turns through the hooded hologram figure next to her and asks if she can go now that she's done everything he wanted but as she finishes her sentence the hooded figure raises his hand and chokes the life out of Rabbi seven days go by and Anakin hasn't heard anything he's in a total state of panic the battle he leaves finishes he contemplates asking the Jedi even Obi-Wan for help but he cannot risk his relationship with Padme being leaked and he decides to go on his own he arrives on Merrick's minor to find pedme ship abandoned and there are obvious signs of struggle and he begins to panic in the Des distance on one of the active volcanoes he sees a dark facility which must be where Padme is being held and he makes his way over the facility is heavily guarded and fortified so he has to sneak his way inside he can already sense Padme is inside and begins making his way towards her she's being held in the detention center but Anakin sneaks into her room but as they lock eyes padman begins shaking and squirming Anakin rips off her mask covering her mouth and Padme tells him it's a trap and they have to get out of there Anakin senses the urgency in her voice and they begin their exit however on Coruscant Palpatine has just been notified of Anakin's arrival and presses the kill switch then sits back in his chair Anakin stops his motion as he senses it the foundations of the facility have just been blown up he knows they must get out of there a normal explosion would be bad enough however the facility is built on a volcano they have to get out of there now they don't have a second to spare as they're running Anakin doesn't know what to think who could trap him like this no one knew of his relationship with Padme he brought his mind back and focuses on the present they get to their only available exit and see their ship below however it's hundreds of meters down and there's no way they can jump down Anakin looks behind him to see the explosion heading right towards them Padme hugs Anakin thinking it's all over but he throws Padme off the cliff and begins controlling her descent down towards their ship with the force he lowers her as fast as he can but the explosion hits him and his body starts to burn her but he remains committed dropping down meter by meter towards her ship as her skin boils in place in one last burst of energy Anakin lowers his wife to the ground successfully but Padme screams as the explosion consumes him and the entire facility Anakin Skywalker the chosen one was dead Padme rushes back to Coruscant as fast as she can and on the way calls Obi-Wan and tells her to meet with her at her apartment immediately Obi-Wan rushes in to find Padme crying on the couch he Comforts her and asks what's wrong she tells him everything from her handmaiden to Anakin giving his life to save her Obi-Wan simply looks at Padme in shock Anakin can't be dead he can't be Obi-Wan has lost everything his master his lover and now his brother he has nothing left Tears start to swell in Obi-Wan's eyes as he simply sits there whilst Padme cries talking about Anakin mentioning how she loved him and that they were planning on having children soon Obi-Wan isn't shocked by this as deep down he knew about the two which only makes Anakin's death more heartbreaking Obi-Wan stands up and tells pedme he must report this to the Jedi Council but as he thinks of the Jedi his mind switches the feeling of sadness and despair begins turning into hate and anger the Jedi this is the Jedi's fault if only the Jedi allowed relationships Anakin men would have been able to ask for help in his journey but no the Jedi are too old-fashioned and stubborn the hate towards the Jedi begins to brew in his mind and starts thinking of the past sateen's death was also the Jedi's fault if only the Jedi aided Mandalore when they called for assistance there might have been hope she didn't have to die and then his master the council knew the Sith were hunting for the queen of Naboo so why didn't they send more Jedi why only send him and Qui-Gon surely not enough for a Sith and then at all Clicks in Obi one's mind everything bad that's happened in his life is the Jedi's fault stealing him from his mother's clutches to the death of everyone he's ever loved Obi-Wan's journeyed down the dark path is set in motion he's taken his first steps he reports Anakin's death to the council who was shocked by this Revelation however overall they show no compassion towards Anakin's death they are shocked but they don't miss nor mourn him he thinks to himself his fate will be the same eventually he will die and no one will care no one will mourn or cry for him he will be forgotten this isn't what he desires Obi-Wan sits there in Anger hatred towards the council who don't care about his best friend's death he senses no empathy in the room no emotion this is the Jedi's ideology no emotion not to mourn or miss him however Obi-Wan now realizes this is a weakness they conclude that Master plokun will be sent to investigate the marinx minor system and Anakin's death the session ends and Obi wants the first to leave and he makes his way towards Palpatine's offers to inform him he tells the chancellor of Anakin's death tears well up in Palpatine's eyes and they both begin to mourn their lost friend together Palpatine apologizes to Obi-Wan for what he's about to say but tells Obi-Wan the whole situation is the Jedi's fault they've always treated Anakin poorly and never allowed him to be his true self always keeping the chains around him if only the I'd let him free he'd still be alive Obi-Wan nods and tells the chancellor not to apologize because he agrees you know what Obi-Wan I've thought this for a long time but I believe the Jedi to be the main reason the galaxy has turned out the way it has their dogmatic and inefficient not willing to do what needs to be done you're right Chancellor the Jedi are the problem they always have been I've tried harder and harder to reduce the influence the Jedi have on the Galaxy but I've reached my limit I think more drastic measures need to be taken the Jedi are emotionless Warriors they don't care about anything except losing their power they're the enemy of peace and Justice Obi-Wan I sense our views align will you help me yes Chancellor for Anakin what do you have in mind I sense a great darkness in you Obi-Wan the same Darkness that's inside of me learn to know the dark side of the force and together we can rid the Republic of the incompetent Jedi and bring peace and order to the Galaxy yes my master Obi-Wan gets on his knees and pledges himself to the order of the Sith henceforth you shall be known as Darth Vader together they begin plotting their plan and Palpatine tells them of Order 66 the order to use in case the July go Rogue and conclude that using this is necessary it's late afternoon the next day and the plan is set Palpatine executes Order 66 and together alongside Darth Vader they March towards the temple with the Clones following behind them the mighty Temple once stood a Beacon of Hope and wisdom now stood trembling on the precipice of Oblivion city is reveled in the coming Purge a symphony of Despair and destruction he had meticulously composed Obi-Wan Kenobi the bright young Jedi was gone replaced by a Sith Lord fueled by betrayal regret and a thirst for vengeance together they Purge the temple The Darkest Day in Jedi history no Jedi stood a chance for the combined might of Vader Insidious the Masters were spread out in the temple so hunting them down one by one was efficient the Clones served their purpose cutting down many Jedi and assisting the Sith Lords and killing the Masters Mace Windu and Yoda didn't stand a chance against the onslaught of blaster fire accompanied by the two Sith utilizing all their power to destroy them the temple was purged and the Jedi would know more so this congratulates Vader and sends him off to Mustafa to end the separatist leaders whilst he makes his way to the Senate to make his Grand speech Kenobi or Vader successfully murders the separatist leaders and the war is over but as Obi-Wan enters his ship to return to Coruscant he notices a message from placoon the message explains how Poe found a bounty hunter lurking in a bar near the explosion on Marek's minor and managed to get key information out of him regarding the recent incident he used a Jedi mind trick to get the Bounty Hunter to reveal that he was hired by a cloaked man called Sidious to capture the handmaiden and the senator Obi-Wan stops what he's doing and is realized what's happened he's been completely stood up and manipulated Palpatine killed Anakin and useless to bring Obi-Wan to his side and he's done everything he's asked aided in his takeover and genocide of the Jedi Order the rage in Obi-Wan reaches its peak he's never felt this way he's been played like a fiddle used for Palpatine's agenda however over nothing has changed he still endured a life of pain and he believes that Jedi to be the cause but Palpatine is just as bad and is now on his hit list and he has a plan he contacts Master plow who's on his way back who asks Kenobi what happened he explains the purge to the master and tells him he managed to escape but together they must confront Sidious to end his Empire before he can establish control they meet in the space outside Coruscant flying side by side plow can sense the darkness around Obi-Wan who's trying to conceal it and comes to the conclusion that it's the result of the horrors he's experienced during The Purge together they make their way down to Coruscant and land outside Palpatine's office he's just made his speech and begun his new Empire but Obi-Wan has other ideas he plans to manipulate PLO and use him to take down the emperor the only Jedi to have defeated Yoda in a jewel he's the perfect choice together they enter the emperor's office and he smiles towards them he suspected Vader would betray him eventually but he didn't expect it so soon in a blur of movement Palpatine lunged towards them his lightsaber humming a dreadful tune Obi-Wan period the attack clashing his blade against palpatines with a hissing crackle clue quickly moved in his green blade a whirlwind of light seeking an opening but Palpatine was fast spinning with unnatural agility deflecting each of their strikes he sees an opening and goes to strike at placoon's shoulder but was baited in before cities could connect Obi-Wan took off his arm spun around to cut into his hip a few centimeters deep and placoon sent him flying back with a burst of force energy so this hits the wall at PACE and gets up to one knee he spits out blood and curses at the two master blue you are a fool do you know who you're faking with to Newby is the one who purged your Jedi friends the death of those Jedi are on his hands so what exactly are you fighting for here if you help me maybe we can stop him together and save the Jedi Order close glance waivers as he tries to make sense of what he's hearing but as he turns towards Obi-Wan his vision is overcome by an electric sapphire blue which is the last thing he will ever see Obi-Wan did what he had to he couldn't have injured Palpatine without plow's help but now he no longer needs him and is disposed of Palpatine is now weaker than Obi-Wan Obi-Wan uses the force to dismantle his blade and cradles the blue Jedi kyber crystal in his palm he pauses inner turmoil into it the crystal pulsating as it absorbs his unchecked aggression and anguish as the force swirls around him steep into the darkness of his deeds the crystal begins to bleed the blight Brew Hue moth deepening in into an ominous crimson red that mirrored the depths of Obi-Wan's Fall From Grace he ignites his newly constructed saber and rushes towards the heavily weak Insidious and finishes him off with ease with the Jedi masokit and sidious death Darth Vader takes over the mantle as emperor of the Galaxy Sidious Close Associates including Mars amida and Saint pestarch all swear loyalty to Vader and he controls the Galaxy Kenobi believes that Jedi and Sith are at fault for all the problems in the Republic it's always been corrupt and democracy has never truly been a thing the only option left is to take control for himself and force his own Visions on the Galaxy his Empire would be different from Sidious Sidious rules with an iron fist he would utilize fear and intimidation as primary tools for maintaining power however Obi-Wan wouldn't be so cruel although his Empire was harsh and Stern it created order in the galaxy and every system prospered famine reduced Equity was reached an opportunity for all was at an equal this is ultimately the vision Vader always had for the Galaxy and is used the dark side to achieve it however once Vader has control and everything is at its disposal he feels something is missing he's lonely he's always had either his master his lover or best friend by his side but now he has no one he travels to the Jedi Temple to search the archives he looks up his history and sees he was taken from the planet stujon he travels there and searched for his brother whom he can only just remember he moves from Village to Village and finally finds his hometown and the Kenobi family his mother Carol and his younger brother thorland Kenobi 35 years old he Embraces his family members and they have a long catch up when Obi-Wan looks at thornland he senses the force in him however subtle it's still there Obi-Wan Chuckles to himself both brothers were Force sensitive but the Jedi deemed stolen to be too weak to share the secrets of the force with this only reinforced his view of the Jedi he invites his brother to join him by his side to help rule the galaxy and learn the ways of the force from him thorlin accepts and becomes Vader's apprentice together they rule the galaxy and pull it into an optimistic and prosperous future if you enjoyed this video you have to watch what if Anakin never turned to the dark side or what if thrawn joined the Republic consider becoming a channel member for one dollar a month where you get sneak peeks and new video ideas and thumbnails before everyone else I'll see you guys this weekend
Channel: Fantasy Folklore
Views: 45,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: darth vader, obi wan kenobi, obi-wan kenobi, star wars what if, what if obi wan, what if star wars, darth vader lightsaber, darth vader vs obi wan, darth vader death, darth vader suit, darth sidious, anakin vs obi wan, obi wan, obi wan vs darth vader, what if anakin skywalker, what if obi wan turned to the dark side, what if, darth vader vs obi-wan kenobi, darth vader rogue one, what if obi-wan, what if obi-wan killed darth vader, obi wan vs darth maul
Id: uymJEyrLLm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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