What If Obi Wan and Ahsoka JOINED Anakin?

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and Revenge of the Sith Anakin Skywalker turned to the dark side to become Darth Vader betraying his master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Apprentice Ahsoka Tano but what if Obi-Wan and Ahsoka joined Anakin after Order 66 Rex and Ahsoka escaped the onslaught of the Clones and crashed their ship little is known about ahsoka's movements after this in Canon but the first thing I think she would do is contact Obi-Wan to understand the situation Kenobi answers ahsoka's message and gives her details of what's happened including Anakin's Betrayal Obi-Wan has just left the Jedi Temple and explains the horrors of what he's seen he tells her to make her way to Mustafa as they might be the last two people who can save Anakin from the dark path before we continue just a quick shout out to the voice actors the shapeshifter and Nick Cortez their links are in the description Obi-Wan sneaks onto padme's ship and arrives on Mustafa he exits the Nubian to Anakin's shock who accuses his wife of inspiring with Obi-Wan to kill him and chokes her unconscious as she collapses to the floor Obi-Wan stands in shock what are you doing this isn't you don't be foolish Obi-Wan this has always been me and the Jedi pushed me to the Tipping Point they never trusted me they were holding me back afraid of my power the Jedi are your family Anakin why my family my family was back on Tatooine my mother whom the Jedi left to rot away in the life of slavery the Jedi follow a path of ignorance you were taught to ignore everything you had ever felt the loss of your master the death of your lover and all for what what good had the Jedi done I know you desire more in life as I do I'm more powerful than any Jedi has ever dreamed of I am more powerful than the chancellor I can overthrow him join me and we can destroy the emperor and leave the Galaxy down the correct path achieve what the Jedi could not Obi-Wan can't help but resonate with Anakin's words it led him deep to his core his master sateen maybe they were the Jedi's fault he wonders if Anakin's right he stops his circular motion Anakin you're right I've known the Jedi Order is arrogant and some righteous for some time now but I've tried to suppress those thoughts but that's no longer something I can do I will join you they grab headmate and begin heading towards her ship as they sent another fighter into the atmosphere it clicks for Obi-Wan who tells Anakin it must be Ahsoka Anakin stunned he didn't expect his Padawan to arrive but realizes this is a good opportunity together he and Kenobi can bring him to their side she lands exits her ship and runs towards the Sith Masters what's going on here I'm sorry Ahsoka it seems the plan has changed Ahsoka takes a step back as she senses the dark side and both of her friends what have you done we've chosen the correct path let me rephrase the only path Ahsoka the state the Galaxy is in right now is the fault of the Jedi their own arrogance and self-righteousness allowed Darth Sidious to rise to power and corrupt the Senate you must see it Anakin puts his hand on ahsoka's shoulder and speaks calmly Snips the ways of the Jedi are wrong stealing children from the mother's arms training them as a motionless Warriors all you've ever done is fight young one and for what the Republic the Jedi the Jedi have never helped anyone in this galaxy only brought it to a state of war after War but together the three of us can save the Republic rule at the top and bring order to the Galaxy Ahsoka stares deeply in her master's eyes I don't know master think about it Ahsoka together with all of us aligned we could save more people than the Jedi ever could with the Empire that we create we can bring true peace to the Galaxy the dark side coming from Anakin is too strong it begins affecting her thoughts she feeds off the dark side and starts to realize that he's right everything that's happened is the Jedi's fault but together the three of them are unstoppable they can drive the Republic into a new era I will join you master what shall we do together they head off towards Coruscant Anakin contact Sidious and tells him that Obi-Wan and Ahsoka have joined them good my younger printers return to the capital now I sense Master Yoda is close by but this enrageous Sidious Obi-Wan and Ahsoka are a tether to the light side he must eliminate all of Anakin's past ties to the light side and Jedi they have to be disposed of the call ends and Anakin gives the two their first teaching of the dark side he explains to fully Engage The Dark Side you must break away from the chains of your past and the perfect opportunity has arisen together they will slay Master Yoda to symbolize their commitment to the dark and cleansing of the light they nod in agreement and they arrive on Coruscant they quickly drop off pedme at the closest hospital and head towards the Senate chambers when they arrive they see flashes of green and red the sound of lightsabers clashing Echoes through the chamber they head towards the hall and jump into the center console and the three stand beside Sidious opposite Yoda the look on the grand Master's face is Indescribable he can sense the dark side leaching from the three former Jedi Kenobi Ahsoka gun what have you they've embraced the true nature of the force now must touch it hey you will die scream Sidious as the four jumped towards Yoda the Grand Master defends for as long as he can but he stands no chance against these four he manages to kick Sidious to the side but Anakin grips him with the force and squeezes him time fight do it now he yells as Ahsoka and Obi-Wan throw their lightsabers towards the Grand Master ending his life Obi-Wan and Ahsoka Embrace their new power they've finally broken free from the chains of the Jedi as their eyes turn a deep yellow but Sidious looks at them in disgust all his life he's dreamed of being the one to kill Yoda but they've stolen this from him he begins to feel fear as he senses the power of those three if they combine their strength together they could overthrow him he must put countermeasures in place Sidious turns to face them this is it the end of the Jedi that Sith will rule the galaxy they all bear Smiles on their faces but the tension is evident Anakin gets on one knee Master before your next order is it all right if we visit Padme she suffered injuries on Mustafar and I have to make sure she's okay of course Anna kitten returned to my office once you finished Sidious knows he can't oppose Anakin's wishes not yet the risk of then turning on him is too high as they leave so there's contacts the grand Inquisitor Gran didn't quit at her a new threat chis upon us the remnants of the Jedi Order collect all inquisitors and bring them here on Coruscant and so it will be done Sidious was always scheming he turned the grand Inquisitor former Temple guard to his side months ago and for years he secretly been training force sensitives in the dark side to become his own band of Jedi Hunters he'll need them in the upcoming fight Anakin Obi-Wan and Ahsoka head to check up on Padme whilst in this ship Anakin tells them when the time is right after he's helped him save Padme they'll overthrow Darth Sidious and begin implementing their control of the Galaxy they arrive at the hospital and the medical Droid tells Anakin that Padme has begun labor his eyes grew wide in shock she wasn't due for another week the events on Mustafa must have triggered the birth he puts his hands on his head and fear consumes him but on either side Obi-Wan and Ahsoka put a hand on his shoulder Padme will not die tonight Anakin together the three of us can save her your dreams will not become reality I promise you master they get ready to use all their combined power to save Padme but she gives birth to two twins Luke and Leia easily with zero complications they enter the room Padme is drowsy after all the medication but seeing those three together brings her Joy Anakin holds the two children with a smile on his face looks at Ahsoka and Obi-Wan who share the same feelings he hands the babies to the Droid who follows up with their care but Anakin's face begins to turn sour padme's birth was smooth that wasn't meant to happen was his dreams all a lie they couldn't be the dreams of his mother all those years ago came true the same should happened this time what was different and all cloaked for Anakin I didn't need Palpatine's help Padme was never going to die in childbirth he knew about my dreams without me ever telling him there's only one way that could be possible he planted those dreams in your mind to deceive you I've read the dark side technique for a solution and make such a thing possible he did this to turn you to the dark side and Aid in the death of the Jedi Order it's all a lie what should we do Master I thank Palpatine for what he's done he opened up our eyes to the hypocrisy of the Jedi Council but we no longer need him it's time to end Lord Sidious they go to Palpatine's office and walk in as he's planning to make his speech in front of the Senate as they enter they notice many beings none of them they've ever seen all strong in the force Anakin's face curls Sidious knew they were coming and he's prepared he looks at Obi-Wan and Ahsoka and they sense the same these dark side acolytes must have been trade by Sidious in the shadows but now he's revealed them to show his might does he think this will deter him the chosen one destined to bring balance to the force if he does then he's severely mistaken Anakin throws his lightsaber into the chest of the closest acolyte signaling that beginning of the battle Foolish Boy you really think you can defeat all of us I don't just think Sidious I know for certain the force has told me itself Sidious clenches his teeth and the fight begins Anakin heads straight for Sidious whilst Ahsoka and Obi-Wan deal with the acolytes their duel is fierce lightsabers clashing at tremendous speeds Cydia sends Anakin flying back with a kick and sends lightning towards him he Dodges by flipping over it and rushes towards the Sith Lord so this box Anakin's forceful strikes and Spins under to cut his hip however is not deep enough to be effective cities is fast fast enough to keep up with Anakin but his old age nonetheless is a weakness Anakin diagnose his lightsaber the catch Sidious Hilt in his left and sends a straight right punch to his neck Sidious is forced to grab his neck as he chokes from the strike but Anakin sends a left kick flush on his Temple forcing him to collapse to the ground Anakin jumps on the Sith Lord bombarding him with punches Sidious makes one last test for attempt and force pushes Anakin off him with the chosen one pulls cities towards him with greater force as he falls right onto Anakin's lightsaber so this is body collapses through the floor as Anakin turns around to see half the Sith acolytes had been defeated Anakin acts instantly with unfathomable speed cuts the hands off the remaining acolytes who shriek in pain listen here your master is dead you have two choices join us in the hunt of the Jedi or die every echolot drops to their knees enter his loyalty to Anakin the pieces are beginning to be put in place The Sinner chamber is full Mass amida announces Emperor Palpatine's arrival but in walks Anakin Obi-Wan and Ahsoka Anakin takes the stage and talks to the entire Senate he explains the situation Palpatine was an evil dictator he had poor intentions for his Empire his rule would be clouded with pain and despair not peace however we defeated him and I will take his place as Emperor and together alongside Obi-Wan and Ahsoka will lead the Empire and Galaxy into a peaceful and prosperous future any system that does not comply will face the full power of the dark side and Clone Army Kenobi takes control of the Senate and Anakin rushes back to the hospital to check on Padme she's fully conscious now with their two children but is shocked at what Anakin has done as she just watched the broadcast of her speech he explains it was necessary and together they will bring peace and order to the Galaxy but Padme tells Anakin she needs time to process and he gives her this but Anakin asks Ahsoka to go talk to her Ahsoka and pedme have always had a close relationship and got along well Padme began to resonate with the ideals after talking to Ahsoka she explained how the Republic has always been corrupt and democracy has never truly been a thing the only option left is to take control themselves and force their Visions onto the Galaxy it took time as Padme was a Democrat through and through but slowly began to see this was the only option and joined Anakin by his side the three began to delve more into the dark side of the force and their power increases together alongside their acolytes destroy all remaining Jedi and any seeds of rebellion that attempt to overthrow their power Anakin and Padme have two more children Baron and Alicia who alongside Luke and Leia grow up to be extremely strong in the dark side of the force during one of her missions against the crime syndicates Ahsoka met Lux bonteri again and the two fell in love and started their own family having many children Obi-Wan became obsessed with resurrecting the dead in order to save his long-lost love sateen but no matter how hard he and Anakin tried it simply wasn't possible so teen had been dead for too many years although their empire was harsh and Stern it created order and peace in the galaxy and every system prospered famine reduced Equity was reached and opportunity for all was at an equal Obi-Wan took more of her political role in the Empire controlling the Senate and dealing with Galactic Affairs whereas Anakin was the military might crushing rebellion and anyone who opposed them Luke and Leia grow to be strong Sith almost the same level as their father together the Skywalker family continues to expand with Luke and Leia's starting families of their own and the Skywalker Legacy has begun Padme and Anakin's Love Remains strong and never falters she's grown to love the man who saved the Galaxy more and more and can't imagine doing anything else in Anakin's Quest enter the secrets of the dark side he discovers Darth Plagueis journal and manages to replicate and perfect the ability to control life and death he's done it Emperor Anakin Obi-Wan and Empress Ahsoka would lead the Galaxy forward for eternity now with the power over life and death their rule was absolute no one could ever oppose them and the Galaxy was theirs if you enjoyed the video you have to watch what if Padme was a Jedi or what if Palpatine was a Jedi if you want to support the Channel please consider becoming a YouTube member for one dollar a month where you get sneak peeks on thumbnails and video ideas it's greatly appreciated and I'll see you all this weekend
Channel: Fantasy Folklore
Views: 399,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars what if, anakin skywalker, obi wan kenobi, what if ahsoka joined anakin and obi-wan to rescue palpatine, what if, what if anakin, ahsoka tano, obi wan, anakin, what if obi wan turned to the dark side, ahsoka, what if ahsoka joined maul, what if obi wan, anakin vs obi wan, what if anakin and ahsoka fell in love, what if ahsoka went to mustafar instead of obi wan, what if star wars, what if ahsoka fought anakin, obi wan vs anakin
Id: BEz4GBee2UU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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