What if Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader Were DIFFERENT People?

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Our Story begins on the twin Suns Planet Tatooine shmee Skywalker a simple woman was blessed and burdened with the birth of twins the first was Anakin a boy radiating with light and hope unbeknownst to her however the second Twin born still and Silent clung to life through the inherent raw connection to the dark side of the force assuming the child to be dead a heartbroken shmee devoted herself entirely to raising Anakin unaware that the forces of destiny were already in motion for her lost son the twin was brought to the center of the desert with a seemingly lifeless body was laid to rest the baby lay there under the cold clear skies of Tatooine his only Lifeline was the dark side through the birth of the dark twin an explosion of Darkseid energy was released into the Galaxy and the Sith Lord shiv Palpatine immediately felt a virgins in the Force he made his way to Tatooine where he could feel the presence of the dark side growing as Palpatine made his way to the source of the dark side energy he found a small child pulsating with the dark side in a way he had never seen before it was latching itself to the energy beginning to form a bond with the dark side his cries resonated with anger and fear the dark side responded to these raw emotions intensifying his protection and feeding him with more of its power to keep him alive and the infant unknowingly accepting and embracing its influence Sidious picked up the child dubbing him Vader and carrying him out of the barren desert Palpatine could tell that the child was special but did not understand the extent to which he was he was born a twin the two most powerful forced entities to ever be created they both shared the highest midi-chlorian count ever recorded in a life form but one child was Arc was the other serve the light the world of koraban ancient home of the Sith was not a place for children but this was where Vader found himself under the watchful eye of Darth Sidious within the intricate network of tombs and temples Sidious had established a hidden training ground Vader was quickly introduced to Darth Maul Sidious current Apprentice even at such a young age Vader was not intimidated by Palpatine's Fierce Apprentice instead he sends Maul's immense power and understood that he was to learn from him Vader driven by an innate will to survive and Conquer absorb these teachings with an unnatural ease his force abilities flourished soon rivaling that of maul the force was strong with him stronger than Sidious had ever seen in Someone So Young by the age of nine Vader's Powers had grown exponentially his combat skills were impressive but it was his Mastery of the force that set him apart he could manipulate the force in ways that even Maul could not his abilities to harness the dark side was unsettling even to Sidious in one particular training session Vader managed to disarm Maul using just the force a food that surprised them both more stood Frozen as the lightsaber was wrenched from his grip from that point on it was clear to Sidious that Vader was no ordinary Apprentice he was a prodigy of the dark side born of desperation and nurtured by the ruthless teachings of the Sith Vader had become the perfect embodiment of Sidious Vision a powerful force user shaped from the very start to serve the dark side to fortify his position in the darkness Sidious placed him into a dark metal suit that would instill fear into his adversaries Anakin is eventually discovered by the Jedi Order on Tatooine and taken back to Coruscant to be trained as a Jedi throughout the this period Palpatine is able to take over as Chancellor of the Republic after calling for a vote of no confidence on Chancellor valorum during this time Maul was revealed to the Jedi as a Sith and he killed Qui-Gon Jinn on the boo however Obi-Wan quickly struck back and sliced more through the abdomen this caused Anakin to be trained by Obi-Wan Kenobi everyone would continue as in the normal timeline Anakin would grow up to become an extremely powerful Prospect in the Jedi Order and was dubbed The Chosen One the main difference in this story is that Palpatine does not manipulate the young boy he isn't even a part of his plan remember at this point Palpatine doesn't know that Anakin and Vader are brothers because of this he has no use for Anakin so the boy is left alone 10 years passed as we reach the end of attack of the Clones Anakin and Pad may get married and finally the Clone Wars begin Anakin was a natural leader in inspiring his clone troopers and surprising his superiors with his Innovative strategies and impressive use of the force yet unbeknownst to Anakin and the Jedi Order as shadow moves silently behind the scenes Vader trained in secret by the hand of Darth Sidious was now a formidable Sith Lord his involvement in the Clone Wars remained a closely guarded secret however Sidious masterminded slicked interventions where Vader would discreetly tip the scales in favor of the separatists amidst the chaos of the Clone Wars the two brothers Drew in strength and purpose their two paths yet to converge the Clone Wars served as a dramatic backdrop to this Revelation a galaxy-wide conflict orchestrated by Sidious that would eventually Pit Brother against brother light against dark the Clone Wars reached his climax with the death of Count Dooku and General Grievous once again a carefully laid out plot by by Sidious so his true Apprentice Darth Vader could come into the fold the Warhead reached its peak and the Republic's trust in the Jedi was dwindling if there was a time to seize control of the Galaxy it was now Palpatine's decade long was to be set in motion Vader secretly arrived on Coruscant from Palpatine's orders it was easy for him to arrive on the planet undetected with the chancellor helping a coded message was sent to All Clone Commanders containing three simple words Execute order 66. these words Mark the beginning of the end for the Jedi Order in this timeline Anakin would be sent to Mandalore instead of Ahsoka which means that he is not on Coruscant at the time of the Jedi Purge Vader arrived at the Jedi Temple his dark silhouette a stark contrast against the Elegance of the Jedi Temple Vader walked the familiar Halls of the temple a place he had only seen through the Visions provided by his master he step he took was measured a dark presence sending a wave of fear throughout the force Jedi fell before him this skills no match for Vader's Mastery of the dark side and his ruthless efficient combat techniques the Jedi Order collapsed that night Jedi all across the Galaxy fell to their clone troopers and sidious work was done meanwhile on Mandalore Anakin saw the effects of Order 66 on his 501st Legion they turned against him and began firing bolts of energy towards Anakin attempting to end their Jedi General Anakin had just captured Maul who managed to escape their grip once again he watched more get into a ship and enter hyperspace disappearing for good Anakin motioned to do the same thing as he watched the powerful Planet fall further away from his Viewpoint he entered hyperspace and made direct contact with his master Obi-Wan Kenobi who was on utapower at the time of the attack as well as Yoda who was on kashyyk the three knew that they had to go back to the Coruscant and into the Jedi Temple they had to discover who was behind this dark deed entering the temple was a difficult task and they had to slaughter many of their fellow clone troopers in order to discover the truth but once they entered the archives they found their answer on a security recording shock engulfed each of their faces as they saw Chancellor Palpatine but it wasn't him that captured their attention it was a man cloaked in Black emanating a chilling Aura and sending shivers down their spine Palpatine informed Vader that he must go to Mustafa and end the separatist leaders Vader bowed in acknowledgment and the recording ended leaving them in stunned silence the reality of the situation was undeniable Anakin explained that he will go to Mustafar and face Vader whilst Yoda and Obi-Wan will take on Sidious these Jewels would determine the fate of the Galaxy they had to be be ready and it can strip descended onto the volcanic landscape of Mustafar a planet a flame with rivers of molten lava his heart pounded as he made his way to the location indicated in the security recording there he found him Vader cloaked in Black his Aura as oppressive as a searing heat around him he ignited his Sapphire blade and ran towards him Vader turned his red lightsaber springing to life with a threatening hiss the two men stood bathed in the glow of their weapons a striking contrast of light and darkness the jewel was fierce and Relentless their blades clashed each strike sending sparks flying Anakin the Jedi Knight fought with a combination of skilled technique and raw Force Power but Vader steeping the dark side counted with ruthless efficiency and a ferocity that was the mirror image of Anakin's own as the swords connected an unpreced accidented wave of energy pulsated throughout them causing the world around them to momentarily blur both were thrown into a Vortex of Visions memories they didn't remember but knew were true they learned how they were brothers separated at Birth but connected for one reason to bring balance to the force Anakin wasn't the chosen one they both were the epitome of light and dark both were needed to bring balance the vision Ended as abruptly as it started leaving them on the smoldering Plains of Mustafar they disengaged their weapons their battle ceased in the face of this profound Revelation and Echo resounded to the celestial landscape a wordless voice Timeless and Universal much like the force it explained that if the brothers wanted to destroy Sidious they must work together Vader was completely shocked at what he had seen but knew what he had to do he joined his brother and together they would make sure Sidious paid for what he had done the two brothers escaped the fiery landscape of Mustafar and set course for Coruscant they burst into the synod's grand Auditorium the site they greeted them causing a momentary freeze in their steps Anakin's heart sinks as he sees the lifeless corpse of his former Master Obi-Wan Kenobi lying on the tiled floor he had been killed the reality of Obi-Wan's death hit him harder than any physical blow fueling his resolve to bring an end to the chaos around him as he and his brother stirred up at the Epic conflict unfolding they did not just see Palpatine and Yoda but instead the death of Miriam zabreck male Maul Vader's expression hardened a sense of betrayal flaring up within him marking the Resurgence of a long forgotten rivalry as the brothers finally entered the room they saw Yoda experience a burst of energy and spin over Palpatine his lightsaber slicing through the air and impaling Maul who fell with a gasp his Crimson blade extinguishing as he slumped to the floor dead however the moment of victory was short-lived Palpatine seeing his chances Unleashed a torrent of Force lightning at the momentarily distracted Yoda Sidious took this moment of Triumph and severed Yoda's head from his body ending the grandmaster's life Anakin and Vader watched Frozen in shock as Yoda's body stilled his life extinguished by the lightning still crackling around him Anakin and Vader Rich Palpatine anger and hatred expelling from their movements Anakin desired to avenge OPI 1 and Yoda but remembered his training in the light and knew the remaining calm was the best path to Victory Vader opposed these views he was a tyrant who was prepared to kill anyone who got in his way the twins wanted the same thing however their path to achieve it were polar opposites the battle began with the lightsabers clashing in a furious battle it was a dance of light and darkness Anakin strikes like waves crashing onto a Shore were met with Vader's retaliations Fierce and Relentless their energies intertwined feeding off one another each complementing the other's attacks Palpatine was a formidable Force his years of dark side manipulation making him a deadly opponent but against the combined might of Anakin and Vader he found himself pushed back they moved in harmony their attacks orchestrated in a seamless Rhythm the light and dark working together Anakin sent a wave of force energy towards Palpatine who staggered leaving him open for Vader's attack Vader seized the moment charging forward with a Bellow of anger his red blade aimed for the emperor in a final Act of defiance Palpatine Unleashed a wave of Force lightning but Vader and Anakin stood a ground their lightsabers intercepting the deadly energy the light and dark within them uniting creating a barrier that turned the lightning back towards its source with a final combined effort they thrust their Sabers forward Palpatine's stream echoed throughout the chamber as the combined energy of the twin blades found its Mark and killed Emperor Palpatine in the wake of Palpatine's death Anakin and Vader stood amidst the ruins of the old order The Echoes of their Victory still rang and the grand Senate chambers however their Triumph was not the end but the beginning of a new chapter for the Galaxy they had both experienced the power of the force in its entirety Anakin trained as a Jedi was familiar with the light side's Tranquility compassion and healing conversely Vader twisted and shaped by the dark side had tasted the raw power and anger needed to be a Sith both sides held their merits and their dangers both were necessary to maintain balance and the force and consequently the Galaxy thus they resolve to build a new order the Imperial Knights based neither on the Jedi's rigid adherence to the light nor the sister sent into darkness the Imperial Knights would strive for balance the intertwining of light and dark mirroring the unity of Anakin and Vader that they had discovered within themselves students of this new order were taught the principles of the Light Side peace knowledge and serenity simultaneously they were educated about the dark side passion strength and the inherent desire for Freedom instead of succumbing to his Temptations they learned to harness it to control it and use it for the greater good the Imperial Knights were not just soldiers or diplomats the Guardians of the Galaxy they pledged to protect the innocent and punish the guilty standing Vigilant against any forces that death written peace and balance Anakin was able to go home to his wife Padme who had just given birth to twins despite the loss of Obi-Wan and the rest of the Jedi order the two were committed to bringing their children a bright and safe future with a horrors of evil and Corruption would not disrupt them the married couple would live happily ever after as a powerful family and so in the aftermath of a Monumental conflict the Galaxy saw the rise of a new order Anakin and Vader two brothers born from light and dark stood at the helm guiding the Imperial Knights towards a future where the Galaxy with no peace and unity their legacy was not of Destruction but a balance and hope a beacon for the generations to come if you enjoyed today's video you must watch what if Anakin went with Mace Windu to fight Palpatine or what if Anakin reached his full potential please check out our membership program and a collection of enjoyable videos on our page I hope you all enjoyed and May the force be with you foreign
Channel: Fantasy Folklore
Views: 68,465
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Keywords: anakin skywalker, darth vader, star wars what if, what if anakin, what if anakin skywalker, skywalker, luke skywalker, what if anakin skywalker never became darth vader, anakin, what if darth vader, how many people knew darth vader was anakin skywalker?, what if anakin skywalker left the jedi order, what if darth vader survived return of the jedi, what if star wars, darth vader comics, how darth vader and anakin skywalker were not the same person, fantasy folklore, vader
Id: nn1PDRfcT4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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