What If Anakin didn’t KILL any JEDI during Order 66?

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what if Anakin Skywalker did not kill any of the Jedi when Palpatine executed Order 66 how would that change things let's find out so in this alternate Star Wars timeline everything would be the same as it was in the original up until Anakin's Betrayal of Mace Windu in the original timeline after Palpatine pushed a Smith's window out the window Palpatine Gear Sonic in the set name of Darth Vader and orders Anakin to go and hold the Jedi inside the Jedi Temple on Coruscant but in this new alternate timeline Palpatine decides to send Anakin directly to Mustafar telling Anakin that he Palpatine would deal with the Jedi while Anakin dealt with these separatists who were hiding out on Mustafar Anakin now later but obey his new master and would head on over to Mustafar but not before telling Padme that the chancellor has given him a special Mission and that he is going the most afford to finish it in the meantime Palpatine executes Order 66 which would play out just as it did in the original with the exception of Anakin not being present at the Jedi Temple but even without Anakin's help the Jedi can not have held off the clones for too long so even in this new timeline all the data in the temple are killed albeit with some more resistance due to Anakin not being there and as for Kenobi and Yoda both would survive just as they did in the original and after bail Organa the unsung hero of Star Wars sees what's happening on the Jedi Temple he would go looking for Master Yoda and would rescue him after the wookies helped Yoda off of kashyyk and then not long after Bill Organa would receive a transmission from Kenobi and would rescue him as well just as he did in the original timeline when Kenobi inquires whether any of the other Jedi had survived Bale and Yoda were talking would be that they haven't heard from anyone and that all they received from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant is a quoted Retreat message telling all the Jedi that the war is over and that they should return to Coruscant realizing this obvious rap Kenobi and Yoda decide to head back to the Jedi Temple to stop the transmission of this message and to warn all the remaining Jedi that they should not return to coruscald and should hide instead and luckily for the two Dead Eye Balor Ghana receives a transmission from Master meta telling him that Palpatine has called an emergency meeting of the Senate and that bail organized presence is expected Palpatine calling this emergency meeting was a good thing for Kenobi and Europe because it would offer them a distraction or at least reduced resistance in trying to get access to the Jedi Temple again so as Palpatine is telling all these Senators that the dead tried to commit treason and how the Republic has been reorganized as the Empire Kenobi and Yoda would make their way into the Jedi Temple with the few clones guarding the temple offering very little resistance also like in the original timeline when Kenobi and Euro entered the temple they wouldn't find evidence of any of the Jedi being killed by a lightsaber the side of many other friends lying dead would be outbreaking for the two Jedi but not being deterred by feelings of sadness Kenobi and yora would proceed with their mission which was to disrupt The Retreat message being sent out to all the Jedi asking them to return to Coruscant and instead replacing this Retreat message with a warning telling all the Jedi that the Republic has fallen and that they should not return to Coruscant and so after having transmitted this message to Old surviving Jedi Kenobi and Yoda would discuss their next move and this is where things start to deviate heavily from the original timeline so in the original timeline Obi-Wan checks these security recordings to find that Anakin had killed many of the Jedi and became palpati's Apprentice as Darth Vader and this follows with Yoda's ending kirobi to kill Heineken or waiter rather but in this new timeline Kenobi doesn't even bother checking the security recordings because the reason why he did that in the original timeline was to find out which Jedi betrayed the order and since the two jet ID didn't find any evidence of anyone being killed by a lightsaber in this timeline Kenobi basically decides to lead the security recordings alone and even if he did look all he would find would be clones killing Jedi so basically in this timeline Kenobi has no idea what happened to Anakin although he is awful that Anakin did survive and as for Master Yoda he too believes that Anakin has survived but he would sense that something terrible has happened to Anakin most like he did in Attack of the Clones but Anakin killed the Tuscan reign years but Yoda wouldn't share any of this with Kenobi instead he would tell Kenobi that they needed to destroy the set and that they had very little time to do so mainly because sooner or later someone was going to notice all the dead clone troopers in front of the Jedi Temple so basically for the two masters of the now fallen Jedi Order it didn't take too long to decide on what they should do next they needed to kill Sidious so to accomplish this yoran Kenobi would start making their way over to the sad building to Palpatine's office in the meantime Anakin now Vader would arrive on Mustafar and begin the slaughter of the separatist which would significantly strengthen Anakin's connection to the dark side because he hated these people especially Newt gundry who in case you don't remember basically ordered the hit on padman medal in Attack of the Clones so when he finally got the gun ray and I guess stood there in front of gunbray for a few moments letting the fear build up inside of Gunnery before cutting him down and with that every single separatist leader was dead and so after successfully completing his mission Anakin would contact his new master and tell him of his success so this would tell again that he did good and that because of Anakin or Raider peace has been brought back to the Republic which is now the Empire Insidious would also till Anakin 2 send a message to the Trade Federation telling them to shut down every single door unit immediately Anakin would agree the transmission would end and then Anakin would notice a ship arriving almost afar and at this point we would get to Kenobi and Yoda sneaking into the Center building Yoda would do so through the win Legend shafts and Kenobi would be disguised as a clone trooper so because of this the two Jedi Masters wouldn't have any problems finding Palpatine and when the two Jedi arrive at Palpatine's office her Palpatine would slowly turn around and look at the two Jedi Masters with a high degree of disbelief Yoda now addressing Palpatine as Darth Sidious would ask him if their survival is surprising to Darth Sidious this would make Palpatine angry and he would glare at Yoda and tell Yoda that his arrogance blinds him which is exactly what Sidious did in the original timeline but in the original after saying this Palpatine shoots Force lightning and Yoda with over for a moment but in this timeline says Kenobi is also there when Palpatine tries to shoot his lightning KW blocks it with his lightsaber Palpatine would express any surprise at seeing Kenobi hiding as a clone trooper because he could already sense him seeing this massamera who in this timeline could not leave Palpatine's side due to Master Yoda not being struck by Palpatine's Force lightning anyways masamata would try to call security but Obi-Wan would use the force to pull the combling from marsamira and crush it and then Master Yoda would ignite his green lightsaber and tells that he is dead his rule is at an end and it wasn't short enough and Asar as faster Master Yoda Sidious would ignite his red lightsaber and then engage the two Jedi in Fierce combat with mouse ahmeda standing in the corner who could only helplessly watch so in the original timeline Sidious tries to run away from Master Yoda and the reason for this was because Sidious had nothing to gain by fighting Yoda but he did have everything to lose Hanna city is also knew that the 900 year old Jedi Grandmaster was pretty much his equal so that's based basically Vice City has tried to run away from Master Yoda in the original timeline fighting Yoruba was just not worth it to Sidious and so in this new gem line with Kenobi also being present Sirius knew that he was in serious danger and also here masameta did not go with the call for help instead as Palpatine was fighting Yoda and Kenobi masamera would try to help out Sidious by using a blaster on Kenobi but Yoda would sense this and as masameta fires the Blaster Yoda would use his lightsaber to deflect this Blaster bolt right back into mathemata's head killing him so essentially nothing is going Sidious his way here So eventually has the two driver beginning two Corner cydius in his office Sidious would shift strategies serious would ask and it would be if he was worried about his former battle one Anakin Skywalker and this would cause the already traumatized Kenobi to lose focus on the fight for just a second which is all it took for Darth Sidious to launch Force lightning at Kenobi luckily for Kenobi Master Yoda was there who would immediately use the force to push Palpatine onto his tear Yoda will then make his way over to Kenobi and the two Jedi would regroup but now has more all space having formed between them and serious Sidious would then look at Kenobi and tell him the following I suppose I owe you my gratitude Master Kenobi had you focus more on Skywalker's training maybe your order would not have fallen so easily again the reason why cities is saying all this is because he knows that the two Jedi have a very good chance of defeating him and that one of the ways he Sidious could increase his chances of survival but by dealing with obiman first by taking away his Focus but Master Yoda on the other hand wouldn't be surprised by anything that Sidious was saying because in case you don't remember in Revenge of the said Yoda does sense when Anakin turns to the dark side and betrays me sundu and putting together that with what Sidious was saying was fairly easy for Yoda Yoda would arrive at the assumption that Anakin may be serving Sidious now but putting all his thoughts aside Yoda would immediately re-engage Sidious while also reminding Master Kenobi do not lose focus Canobie will listen and the dude that I will re-engage Darth Sidious Sidious with then sense and Master Yoda the strong desire to eliminate the Sith and sidious comes to the real realization that he might not be leaving his office alive and so at this point just despite Yoda Sidious would tell him that Darth Vader will become more powerful than either of them this wouldn't even Flinch Yoda because Yoda's only intention now was to destroy the Sith at any cost and as for master Kenobi everything that was happening reminded him of how bygone died because Kenobi couldn't reach him in time and not wanting to see the same thing repeated with Yoda Kenobi was filled with determination to protect Master Yoda and to destroy Sidious no matter what he had to do Sidious would of course set us this as well and as the two Jedi were coming at him with everything they had the thought of dot Plagueis would enter Sidious mind Sidious had killed this old master dot Plagueis 13 years ago on the night he was elected Supreme Chancellor of the Republic Sidious and Plagueis for followers of Darth Bane's rule of two which dictated that at any given time there should only be two set a master to embody the power and an apprentice to Crave it and as per the rule of two when an apprentice became strong enough they were to challenge their faster and Destroy them and this is what allowed the Sith to survive for a thousand years before the time of Darth Sidious but dark Plagueis had always believed that the rule of two was to end with him Plagueis told as much to his master.tenebrus when Plagueis killed him but unfortunately for Plagueis his Apprentice Darth Sidious also shared a similar sentiment that the rule of two would come to an end with him and not his master not Plagueis but unlike Plagueis Sidious was right his Apprentice Darth Vader wouldn't kill him instead Sidious end would come at the hands of a Jedi and the Jedi in the original timeline was a redeemed Anakin Skywalker but in this new timeline it was not Anakin Skywalker instead it was Master Yoda so the moments after the thoughts of drought Plagueis entered his mind Sidious felt a sharp pain on his right arm and when you looked there Sidious did not find his arm connected to his body but he did find it though lying pretty close by still gripping his lightsaber instantly upon seeing this Sidious would feel his sword of anger and with this one remaining arm Sidious would try to attack the Jedi with Force lightning but the two Jedi would sense this attack coming and Kenobi would take the other armor Sidious as well completely disarming Sidious serious would then fall back and look at the Jedi and tried to say something but before he got out of a single word Master Yoda would cut Sidious head in half as serious as mouth she would have listened to Palpatine top for over 10 years now I knew that I had no further desire to keep doing it and now with Darth Sidious dead the two Jedi needed to immediately leave the place Yoda would do so by crawling through the ventilation shaft and landing in bail organized Peter just as he did in the original timeline and azer Obi-Wan who was disguised as a clone trooper he would simply walk out of the Senate Building without much fuss his abilities are for suggestion saving him from anyone who questioned where he was going we will then get the bad me arriving on Mustafar with C-3PO Anakin would quickly rush out to see her and upon seeing Batman the darkness inside Anakin would begin to fade and then not long after Anakin Batman would leave Mustafar bananakin arrives back on corusand he would be given that his reporting news that the chancellor or Emperor Palpatine had been assassinated along with masameta this would be devastating newsrenican as the only reason he sided with Palpatine against the Jedi was to learn from Palpatine Sidious how he Anakin could stop Batman's death also Anakin would not be made Emperor just because Palpatine died because even though Palpatine had reorganized a republic into an Empire it wasn't really a Sith Empire just an Empire controlled by a man who happened to be a Sith so this new Empire didn't really follow these Sith rules so just because Anakin was Apprentice to darsidious he was not going to be made Emperor the Imperial Senate would not approve of it but none of that would be the problem that Anakin's mind would dwell on it would be Padme instead because in his Visions he saw badly dying just like you saw his mother dying and with Sidious now being dead the secrets to saving Padme had also died with Sidious or at least that's what Anakin believed but then Anakin would remember that Sidious was in his only bad to Forbidden Knowledge the Jedi archives still existed and with all the Jedi being gone Anakin could now access the restricted section of the archives which by the way is the reason why Anakin was so angry when he was denied the rank of Master and Revenge of the Sith because all the Masters could access the restricted section of the Jedi archives but now with all the Jedi being gone Anakin could now access the Restricted Section and that's exactly what he was about to do and so after talking to Padme for a while in her apartment Anakin would head over to the Jedi Temple and because of the security clearance that Anakin had getting into the archives would not have been hard for him and so not long after arriving on the Coruscant for mostafar and he can find himself inside the restricted section of the Jedi archives but Anakin didn't really know what he was looking for he knew he wanted to become powerful enough to say Padme but how exactly the restrictive section of the Dead Eye archives would help him do that Anakin wasn't sure should he first go through the sacred Jedi texts the city hall across that have been said to be there the ancient artifacts maybe Anakin didn't really know so when he entered the archives he stood there his mind now complete really filled with fear and anxiety at the thought of losing bad May someone American believed he couldn't live without but as Anakin's mind was becoming overwhelmed with all these thoughts he heard a voice not through his ears but through his mind through the force he couldn't really decipher what this voice was saying but Anakin could send where it was coming from and so where they can walk towards this voice that only got louder as he got closer to it and as he got closer to it all the thoughts that were flooding his mind began to dissipate even the thoughts of pathway and so Anakin kept walking until eventually he was standing in front of a mask it looked strange and Anakin could sense the dark side energy surrounding this mask Anakin would then cut through the transparent steel container in Miss Damascus being housed and then touched the mask and as soon as Anakin test the mask he would get a vision and in this Vision Anakin would see himself as a Sith Warrior who appeared to be partaking in a battle on some unknown planet in this Vision Anakin would see many Jedi and Sith fighting each other many of them dying and then the battle would cease as all who were fighting would turn their focus towards the sky and as did this Sith Warrior whose eyes Anakin was seeing through and when this hit Warrior turned his gaze Towards the Sky Anakin saw flashes of light in the sky and on the horizon what appeared to be a second sunrise and then immediately after everything went dark and when the vision ended Anakin realized a few things he's been standing there holding that mask for longer than he thought he also appeared to have mistake transmission from C-3PO informing him that Batman medulla had to be taken to a hospital because she went into labor upon seeing this transmission from C-3PO and it can quickly put down the mask and when he turned around to leave the Jedi archives and he can realize that while he was enclanced in that Vision he also didn't notice the doors the restricted section of the archives closing and he also didn't send a sobio and Kenobi and Masa Yoda walking up to him so how did Master Yoda and Kenobi find Anakin well to explain that we will now go back to what happened after Kenobi and Yoda assassinated Sidious and escaped the sad building so after assassinating Sidious with the help of balorgano Johan Kenobi made their way over to paulus NASA where they regrouped and while the two Jedi were there discussing what they should do next bill Organa informed them that Anakin had returned to Coruscant with Padme Amidala and that the Clones did not Target him so this piece of information that Anakin had not been attacked by the Clones but convinced Yoda that Anakin joined Sidious you are able to look at a confused Kenobi but wouldn't say anything letting Obi-Wan think on what he just learned Obi-Wan would then look at Yoda and tell Master Yoda that he Kenobi still doesn't believe that Anakin has turned to the dark side because Anakin who has the chosen one how could he do this and to this your I would tell Kenobi that the prophecy may have been misread Canobie with them look away not knowing what to say but Yoda would then speak up telling Kenobi that they needed to find Anakin and end the Seth once and for all after listening to all this Kenobi would stand up think for a moment and then tell Yoda that Anakin is actually the only hope that they have left for saving whatever Jedi that remained you confusion and then Kenobi would go on to explain that if Anakin were to testify before the Senate that Al petin was Darth Sidious and was behind the Clone Wars then whatever Jedi that remained could be saved from execution by the Clones this would actually make sense to Yoda because everyone knew that Anakin was pretty much the right-hand man of Sidious or Palpatine and his word would carry some weight in the Senate Yoda would start thinking on this but wouldn't say anything at this point kedobi would tell you that they have to at least try because this might be the only hope that the Jedi had left and after a short moment here I will look at Kenobi and would tell Kenobi that Yoda agrees with him but jenobi would notice that it wasn't entirely hope that he sells to be the new rap but regardless Kenobi returned to bail and tell him that they needed to go back to Coruscant to try and talk with Anakin fail but of course tell Kenobi that it is extremely risky and that course our security is on high alert after Palpatine's assassination Kenobi would tell Bale that he knows this but would add that Anakin is the only hope that the Jedi have of saving their order and Kenobi would also add that he and Yoda needed to get the core sound as soon as possible because the longer they wait the more Jedi will be killed by the clones and after listening to all this bill Organa would agree and would tell the Jedi that he will take them back to Coruscant and on top of this realizing the significance of anak and Skywalker in Saving the Jedi Order will Organa uses his connections to have and he can follow it basically because Kenobi and Yoda needed to talk to Anakin and to do that they had to know where Anakin was and so having decided all this master Yoda and Kenobi would head back to Coruscant bit Bale Organa and the reason why Bale Organo accompanies the two Jedi would be that Bale status as a senator would make these Security checks a bit more lenient on him and his ship and so finally with the help of bailed Organa the two Jedi would make their way to corusand and as they approach Coruscant Bale would receive an update from the people that he tasked with following Anakin apparently Anakin went into the Jedi Temple alone and no one knows why he did so hearing this she would have a look at Kenobi and tell Kenobi that this might be a good opportunity at trying to deal with Anakin Kenobi would also make degree especially synthetic converts alone and the two Jedi pretty much knew the Jedi Temple inside out and so no long after yoran Kenobi would make their way to the Jedi Temple but this time instead of attacking the Clone Trooper stationed outside the two Jedi Masters would use a secret entrance that most didn't know about it's the same one that Doncaster New Uses here and once inside the temple Yoda would search for Skywalker's presence through the force and in his short meditation Yoda would detect Skywalker and also a very dark presses and so letting the force be their guide the two Jedi Masters would make their way over to the Jedi archives and the closer they got to the archives the stronger the dark side presence that you are about sensing God until eventually the two masters walked into the Restricted Section where they saw Anakin Skywalker holding an ancient artifact a mask which was believed by the Jedi did not belong to an ancient Sith Lord by the name of Darth nilas but anyways upon seeing Anakin Kenobi called out to him but Anakin appeared to be lost in deep thought Anakin just stood there staring at this mask taking advantage energy of this distracted Anakin Yoda uses the force to close the door to the restricted section of the archives making sure that Anakin wouldn't have a chance to escape because even though Kenobi was there with the intention of convincing Anakin to testify before the Senate yora knew that they might end up having to fight Anakin and he forgot to that Joda didn't want to riskanic in escaping them and so the two Jedi stood there observing Anakin as he was lost in the strands Yoda even considered ending Anakin right then and there but quickly decided against it but then a moment later Anakin came out of this trance he was in and then Anakin checked his calm link to find a message from C-3PO telling Anakin that Padme Mandela has been taken to a hospital and he can then put the mask down stand around and so Kenobi and Yoda Anakin would look at the two Jedi Masters in disbelief and seeing the confused Anakin here I would tell Anakin that he is not having a vision and that they're actually there Anakin would then take a step back and turn his sights towards Kenobi at base Point Master Kenobi will tell Anakin that they need his help and that they need to talk Anakin will still look extremely confused used and then Anakin would ignite his blue lightsaber and asked to do Jedi what they are doing there Kenobi would then try to reason with that again telling him that if he Anakin were to testify before the Senate as to who Palpatine really was and whatever Jedi that remained could be saved from being hunted down Anakin's mind wouldn't really be registering anything that KW was saying and before canobiko say anything else Anakin would stop him and ask Adobe a newer if they're there to kill him hearing this Yoda would stay silent but it will be one would take out his lightsaber but instead of igniting it Kenobi would just throw it towards Anakin and after doing so Kenobi would again played with Anakin to do the right thing and to tell the senate the truth Anakin would remain silent shaking his head no knowing what to say and then Kenobi would go on to tell Anakin that every moment he stays doing nothing he's placing the lives of every single surviving Jedi at risk including Ahsoka and the mention of asoga by Kenobi would grab Anakin's attention Anakin was informed that the ship carrying mole and asoba crashed but none must have anything else so Anakin didn't really know what happened to ahsoga but more importantly hearing ahsoga's name would start to bring down an attic in the sheer impact his decision decide what Sidious had on those he loved Anakin now knows that after serious he was to blame for the powers of the Jedi and on top of this Anakin did realize that Palpatine horror Darth Sidious was actually behind the Clone Wars and that Master Windu was right when he said that Sidious was too dangerous to be left alive because Sidious or Palpatine pretty much control the Senate and the court so there was no way the courts could have brought about Justice if Palpatine faced trial essentially Annika realized that Mace Windu was not committing treason against the Republic instead Windu was trying to stop the war and save the Republic from an evil man who was responsible for the death of millions Anakin knew all this but to save himself the guilt Anakin had tried to convince himself that Miss windy was committing treason against the Republic by trying to assassinate sassler Palpatine but now as his mind went to asoga Anakin was beginning to realize that everything he did was to have a shot at saving Batman and not because Miss Windu committed any form of trees but of course sinisters with an Anakin and Kenobi will try to walk closer to Anakin at this point the interior and Anakin would tell Kenobi to stand back and then Anakin while keeping his eyes on the two Jedi would make his way towards the exit saying this can help people look at Yoda and Yoda would just look away and close his eyes and so no long after Harry can openers the door to the hidden archives that Yoda had closed earlier and would walk out at this point Utah will talk and will be that there was no use in getting Skywalker in a fight because all that would have done was put all three of them in danger I knew what I would go on to say that if they killed Skywalker they would not just be killing Darth Vader but also the only hope the remaining Jedi had of survival hearing this Kenobi would ask Master Yoda what they should do next to be sure I would say that their fate including the fate of the remaining Jedi will unfold according to the will of the force and that they should accept it and after saying that Yoda would walk out and Kenobi would follow and as for Anakin he would be rushing towards Padme Anakin's mind would be filled with the fear of losing Padme and also now with the guilt of betraying the Jedi Order so basically Anakin wasn't doing much thinking and he also didn't alert anyone that Kenobi and Yoda was inside the temple mostly because his mind was preoccupied and also because Anakin didn't want any more Deadeye dying because of him and so no long after Anakin makes his way over to the Grand Republic medical facility which is where Padme had been taken to one stair Anakin will contact C3PO asking him where Batman was being housed three B would of course tell Anakin what do you want to know and immediately after Anakin would find padme's hospital bed Anakin would rush in and he would find Batman unconscious this was seriously worry Anakin which was justifiable considering the Visions Anakin head of Padme but luckily Padme was safe and she wasn't there alone some of Batman's friends from the Senate including representative beings and C-3PO were there who would tell Anakin that Batman just needs to rest not being Satisfied by this Heineken would ask the medical Droid what's wrong with Padme to Mr Droid would say that Padme had twins and that she needs some rest now added it is only now that Anakin would notice Luke helea who were both being cared for by the Droid at this moment but Anakin wouldn't look at his children for too long because his final only concerned was Batman and not these children which is not surprising behavior from Anakin anyways the medical Droid would then tell everyone to please wait outside as Batman recovers everyone will listen and Anakin would too after being told that she is fine by C3PO but I keep his mind would be completely Restless he'd be worried about Padme while at the same time being worried about the Jedi especially his Apprentice Ahsoka Anakin would consider going before the Senate and revealing everything but that would mean losing badly because Batman was never going to stay with him if she found out about that and so Anakin would be very confused scared and guild-written to say the least but all these thoughts would be temporarily dissipated from Anakin's mind then the medical Droid informed everyone that Padme was awake and that they could see her now Anakin would rush inside before everyone else Amity so Padme awaken well have a of relief would wash all over Anakin and Batman would tell Anakin that he doesn't need to worry about his Visions anymore as she is fine and in no danger hearing this would bring a lot of Happiness to Anakin but he would still be worried and stay by her side for hours until eventually Batman went to sleep again and this boy Danica's mind again went to the Jedi and what he should do next and also now that he became certain that his Force Mission Inspire lies and Kimber seriously reconsider what Master Yoda told him and what Sidious offered him because now without Sidious help Batman is alive and well so he would now arrive at the conclusion that what he saw at his vision was nothing more than one possible future maybe a future that would have happened had Sidious not been killed this would do nothing but add to the guilt that he already felt and finally anakima decide that he needs to do something about it and now we get back to master Kenobi and Yoda after they left the Jedi Temple after confronting Anakin both Jedi were now back on polis Masa with matriona being immersed in meditation while master kenubi remained Restless not knowing what I will do next where Logan was also there but as the two were talking Bale would receive a transmission from Anakin Skywalker and in this transmission Anakin would tell Bale that he needed to see him this message would give some hope to Kenobi but that hope would immediately be diminished because Kenobi comes to the realization that Anakin may have figured that Bale helped them but regardless of all this Bale Organo would tell Anakin that he will arrive on coruscan shortly and then they will talk Anakin nuts had the transmission ends build within bit farewell to Kenobi and leave for Coruscant with Kenobi telling Bale to be careful the attacks Kenobi and the least polis Masa to gorasand Kenobi would then inform this development to Master Yoda and asked Master Yoda if he knows what will happen to be sure I would say that the future remains turbulent and as for bail Organa when he arrives on Coruscant he would meet with a very stressed out looking attic and Skywalker will be pretty stressed out himself because he didn't know why Anakin wanted to see him and even though Anakin disrespect that balorgeta had something to do with the Kenobi and Yoda showing up inside dimble Anakin had bigger concerns in his mind surrender to meet Anakin would tell Bale that Mace Windu and the other Masters who attacked Palpatine went rogue and their actions do not represent that of the Jedi Order so what Anakin is trying to do here is to make it seem like Mace Windu and the other Masters that attack Sidious did so without the approval or knowledge of the remaining Jedi Masters so Anakin would argue that the actions of War Rogue that I Masters shouldn't warrant the vilification of the entire Jedi Order and that the rest of them were innocent they'll of course knew that I were innocent and that Mace Windu was only trying to do the right thing but Bill would see what Anakin is trying to do here and even though Bill realizes that Agnes trying to save the Jedi while also saving himself bailed would accuse Anakin of this because Bill realizes that this is the only chance that the remaining Jedi have of being saved bill will however ask Anakin why he didn't do anything to stop the massacre of all the Jedi if he knew that they were innocent this would obviously be a ghost in that the Senate would also ask but Anakin obviously knew this and had a pretty convincing answer prepared so the following is that Anakin would tell Bill Organa so when Anakin saw four Jedi Masters going to Palpatine's office just to discuss terms of Palpatine giving up his emergency Powers Anakin became suspicious and Anakin's suspicion only grew in Mace Windu refused to let Anakin go with them even though Mace Windu knew that Anakin had a good relationship with Palpatine and eranic expressions would only make the negotiations with Palpatine easier so this led Anakin to doubt Miss Windu and the other Master's actual intentions and so because of his suspicions Anakin followed Mace Windu and the other Masters and after Anakin entered Palpatine's office Anakin saw the Masters trying to kill the Supreme sensor an Anakin being the law-abiding selfless Jedi that he is tried to get the Masters to style but the Masters did not relent and Anakin was forced to kill all of them saving Supreme Chancellor and after saving the chancellor Anakin made sure to let the chancellor know that may Spin 2 and the other Masters were acting on their own chord without the approval or knowledge of the other Jedi this regardless of Anakin's fake story was actually true Mace Windu didn't even tell Yoda that he was going after Palpatine so Anakin wouldn't have a problem selling the story to the Senate but anyways Anakin would go on to double organ at that after he Anakin told Palpatine about Mason to Palpatine immediately ordered Anakin to go to Mustafar because apparently somehow Palpatine received information that the separatist leaders were hiding out on Mustafar and palpatim was afraid that the separatists will leave Mustafar so he ordered Anakin to immediately go to Mustafar and so Anakin did but unfortunately due to his blind trust in the Supreme Chancellor Anakin did not report the incident to the Coruscant police or the other Jedi before going to Mustafar because again no Raiders Wildest Dreams imagine that Palpatine would use this incident to Target the entire Jedi Order but according to Anakin that's exactly what balbittin did Even though any kind of tool belvederine that made swindu and the other Masters had gone Rogue alberdeen used as action by Miss Windu to destroy the entire our Jedi Order why well Anakin wasn't sure maybe two secure his emergency powers and to become some kind of an emperor but Anakin just didn't know so ultimately when Anakin went to Mustafar Palpatine ordered every Jedi to be killed and the reason why Anakin couldn't do anything about this was because he was on Mustafar and by the time he found out about it it was too late so that would be the story that Anakin would tell Baal while Organa of course knew that Anakin was making most of this up but seeing us have this testimony by Anakin would save the Jedi Bill wouldn't try to argue with that again however bailed would ask Anakin white took him this long to share this Vital Information and to this Anakin wouldn't have a concrete answer but would tell Bale that he needed attempt to assess the situation because he wasn't sure if something else happened while he was gone especially since he Anakin was not targeted by the Clones even though he was also a Jedi so all this confused Anakin but now he has come to the realization that Palpatine had indeed abused his powers to destroy the Jedi Order and asked her why he himself was spared from being killed Anakin wouldn't really know but Anakin would tell Bale that it may have been because Palpatine knew of Anakin skills and that maybe he didn't fully press the Clones to end Anakin's life and that the only way palpin you could be sure that Anakin was killed was by waiting to attack an arrival and Coruscant to kill him but by the diamantic arrived on Coruscant Palpatine was already assassinated by unknown Jedi so Anakin would tell Bale that that may have been the reason why Anakin was spared so bail Organa and after listening to all this would tell Anakin that they immediately needed to inform the Senate of this and say whatever Jedi that remained an Anakin would of course agree also in just wondering about the all recordings of albertine's office as Miss Hindu confronted him while Palpatine would have obviously made sure those were gone because he didn't want anyone seeing that he could reveal the lightsaber even though being a Sith was illegal and so a little later we would pick up again with Master Yoda and Kenobi Yoda would still be in deep meditation but then Kenobi would receive a transmission from bail Organa telling Kenobi to tune into the holonet Kenobi would do so and there he will see Anakin testifying before the Senate that Mace Windu and Rogue and that all the other Jedi are innocent this would of course bring a lot of relief to Kenobi because that I have been saved but still Kenobi was disappointed in Anakin's decision do not tell the full truth but anyways because of Anika's testimony the Senate would vote to stop the hand of the Jedi at least not before a proper investigation can be held and so Anakin Skywalker's testimony even though he was fake managed to stop the clones from hunting down Jedi and after what happened after the Senate would order an investigation to be held to determine the truth and all the surviving Jedi would be requested back to corusand to present their side of the story so ultimately all they did I would return to corusand including Kenobi and Yoda and because of the kosinov who killed Palpatine being raised by the Senate Kenobi and Yoda would own up to it and tell the senate that it was them Kenobi would try to explain to the Senate that Palpatine was a Sith Lord the ancient enemy of the Jedi and that Palpatine orchestrated the Clone Wars with the sole purpose of destroying the Jedi and becoming Emperor but since being a said about an illegal in the Republic as it existed in the prequel era killing Palpatine just because he was a set wouldn't be justified and as for Palpatine orchestrating the Clone Wars the Jedi didn't immediately have all the evidence to prove that but the one thing from mannequin's testimony that would help the Jedi in this regard would be how Palpatine immediately knew where all the separatist leaders were because valpadine couldn't have had some sacred informant that just stepped out of nowhere in the most convenient of times so that right there would help the Jedi plead their case and would also convince the Senate to look further into it and now with Cydia Sudoku and Grievous being dead no one was really left to actively mess at the investigation so it is possible that eventually the truth of palpati's actions will be revealed but now since Kenobi and neura owned up detailing Palpatine the other Jedi would be free from prosecution and whatever remained of the Jedi Order would be re-established and they would be allowed to recruit and train New Jedi only now with a new committee appointed by the Senate to monitor every single move of the Jedi basically But ultimately as for the face of Master Yoda and Kenobi that would depend on whether they're able to prove that city has behind everything Anakin of course wouldn't help them any further because if he did that would mean losing battle me because badmay would not stay with Anakin knowing everything he did and ifanagan was willing to end the lives of younglings just to be with Padme he would be more than okay with lying to be with her and also now that Luke and liver in the picture Anakin wouldn't want them growing up without a father but there still remained people who could testify as to who palpati really was one of them being mole and with the slogan's help the Jedi would be able to track him down but ultimately regardless of other Palpatine orchestrated the Clone Wars Kenobi and Yoda would not be placed in a Cell for killing valpadine the reason for that is Palpatine did abuse his power and this abuse of power by balbedin resulted in thousands of Jedi dying so even though Kenobi near us to trial they would ultimately not be sent to a jail cell instead recognizing their Good Deeds during the war and their status as Jedi Masters who have always tried to maintain the peace Kenobi and Yoda would be sent to the Jedi Temple although they they wouldn't be allowed to leave Coruscant until this investigation into Palpatine's involvement in the Clone Wars was completed and as Veronica Skywalker he wouldn't rejoin whatever remained of the Jedi Order because even though Anakin wanted to be a Jedi again Anakin knew that Kenobi and Yoda knew of his actual involvement in the Betrayal of the Jedi Order so Anakin couldn't really look them in the eye anymore and believed that he didn't deserve to be a Jedi and so Anakin along with Padme and their children would go back to Naboo Anakin didn't really know what he should do with his life now but because of that man Luke and Leia and again for the first time in his life would have some resemblance of happiness but the guilt of having been indirectly responsible for the death of thousands of Jedi would never really leave Anakin but before leaving corusand Anakin did take another trip to the Jedi Temple and he did so to retrieve a certain mask because it just wouldn't stop calling to him so Anakin's future still remained uncertain same as that of this new Jedi Order
Channel: StarWarsQuill
Views: 95,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star wars what if, Anakin order 66
Id: 6IKpc54p0a4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 54sec (2214 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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