What If Padme KILLED Anakin On Mustafar?

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and Revenge of the Sith Padme meets with Anakin on Mustafa his rage gets the better of him resulting in him choking his wife unconscious this leads to the intense duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan which leaves Vader a shadow of the man he once was but what if Padme killed Anakin let's start when Padme arrives on Mustafa she rushes off her ship and hugs her husband tightly she tells him how she's worried about him how Obi-Wan said he's done some terrible things but she doesn't believe it she can't believe it her husband would never do that she looks up at her husband waiting for him to deny what Obi-Wan says he's done but he doesn't he Simply Smiles and laughs proclaims he's become the most powerful Jedi ever and wants to rule the galaxy with her by his side pedme can't believe what she's hearing this isn't her husband what happened to Anakin she pleads with him to run away with her whilst they still can and raise the family they've always dreamed about but Anakin refuses padme's heart is broken she can't take this How could Anakin do this to her their children her husband is gone she can see it consumed by Darkness the man Anakin Skywalker is no more she doesn't recognize the dark and disfigured person in front of her Anakin would never do what this man has done and plans to do and she must stop it whilst Anakin is distracted gloating off his power she grabs his lightsaber and turns it towards his body and ignites it piercing his chest Whispering that she loves him Anakin looks at her wide-eyed as he looks down at the sapphire blue blade piercing his chest he collapses to the ground and Padme holds up her head tears rolling down her face Anakin grabs her cheek and caresses it apologizing and wiping away her tears as his head falls back and the light leaves his eyes Obi one rushes out and puts his arm around Padme he stares down at his Fallen Apprentice lifeless on the ground and tears begin to well up in his eyes he failed him letting the dark side take control over him he blames himself but he can't focus on that now Sidious would have sensed Anakin's death through the force and will be making his way there now Obi-Wan helps ped me up who's completely broken and Carries Anakin's body to their ship they head to polis Massa where they meet with bale Organa and Yoda who just escaped his duel with Sidious they discuss what to do next there's no way they can get close to Sidious to challenge him again so they have to buy their time but Palpatine will be hunting for Padme eager to get his hands on her child and train him as a Sith she must go into hiding out of Palpatine's reach she decides the best place would be Tatooine the planet where Anakin grew up even though he hated the planet Padme wants Anakin to be buried by his mother they have a small funeral for Anakin at the last farm and own and baru agreed to let her stay with them she gave birth to the twins in the quiet Solitude of the desert two innocent Souls Untouched by the darkness that consumed their father Palpatine is furious about Anakin's death his plans for the future of the Sith have been foiled no longer can he pass the Sith Empire he created to his successor Darth Vader but there's still hope Padme must be alive out there somewhere and her child will have the same potential as her father he must find her before it's too late in the meantime he contacts Darth Moore and offers for him to rejoin him by his side more graciously accepts and becomes the leader of the inquisitorious program after dropping Padme off Obi-Wan briefly meets with Yoda and Organa to plan ahead now with the twins there is still hope for the Jedi Order the children of Anakin Skywalker have the potential to be just as powerful as their father and could rival and surpass the emperor they plan to rebuild the order gather as many surviving Jedi as they can and recoup Obi-Wan explains how it will be impossible to conceal their presence from the emperor but Yoda has the perfect solution they'll hide on Dagobah a planet with an immense connection to the force but also a strong presence of the dark side that will be able to mask out the light bail Organa will help with finding surviving Jedi and direct them to Dagobah but will also slowly gain allies in the political setting and Begin The Rebel Alliance years pass and a lot has changed the Jedi Order has begun to rebuild finding key surviving members Oppo ransis caller and Beck Coleman cash Endo Cordova Quinlan Voss kalcastis Caleb Doom Ahsoka Tano Gangi Theron bar and many more the Jedi Order has 23 members many of which were powerful established Jedi Masters in the old Temple there was hope for the resurrection of the order the Masters were tasked with finding new force-sensitive children to accept into the order as well as teach the current young links and padawans of the order they stay out of Galactic Affairs for the time being leaving it all to bail or Ghana and focus on restoring the light side of the force Obi-Wan Kenobi remained on Tatooine Padme refused for her children to be trained in the force seeing what it did to her husband she carried on the moisture farming tradition known as Padme Lars and Blended in with the crowd of sand worn and sunburned faces Obi-Wan tried to convince her many times to allow the children to be trained but she never faltered until one day there was an incident at their house when the children were 10 years old Luke and Leia bickering and Leia got so mad that she screamed and threw Luke flying back with the force against the distant wall Padme not knowing what to do called Obi-Wan for help Obi-Wan explains how without guidance they cannot control the force within them they'll be susceptible to Darkness and not know how to control their powers Obi-Wan emphasizes the importance of Jedi training and helped Padme realize that it's the children's Destiny to be trained as a Jedi to change Anakin's Legacy from one of darkness and destruction to Liberation and peace padman usually didn't have a choice and allowed Obi-Wan to take the twins to the Jedi Academy on Dagobah Yoda decides it's important to keep the identity of the children a secret from the other Jedi to avoid unnecessary resentment but also to keep Anakin's past as Vader a secret from the twins Padme had told them stories of their father's greatness but never mentioned his fall and turned to the dark side Yoda didn't want to instill any desire for revenge against the emperor in them for the next 10 years the Jedi Order continues to grow in secret evading the emperor and his ruthless inquisitors the order has grown to 30 members a mere shadow of what it once was but nonetheless not a force to be taken lightly Luke and Leia were prodigies of the force their power surpassing most Masters in the order the swamp of daguba became their training ground holding their physical abilities learning the art of lightsaber combat and understanding the mysteries of the force they were taught the principles of the Jedi Order of peace and Justice and the dangers of the dark side Bale Organa stayed in close contact with Yoda and Obi-Wan updating them on the movements of the Rebel Alliance he's begged them to join the fight countless times but Yoda has always refused stating that the force will show them when the time is right we are now at the event of Rogue one the Death Star plans are successfully stolen and because Darth Vader is dead the rebels escape with the plans unscathed Organa contacts Yoda immediately and tells the Grand Master they've discovered the Empire super weapon and have a chance to destroy it this was the moment Yoda was waiting for the members of the Jedi Council Yoda Obi-Wan Oppo ransis Keller and Beck and Indo Cordova meet with the leaders of the Rebel movement who were shocked to see the Jedi Order alive and well they discussed reports that Palpatine isn't currently on the Death Star so need to find a way to lure him out Obi-Wan comes up with an idea to delete the location of the Jedi Order on Dagobah Palpatine will know the information is true instantly as he will realize it's the best hiding place for the Jedi Order he won't be able to resist the chance to wipe them out once and for all they dismiss and set the plane in motion they use Jedi Knight gungi to lure out the inquisitors back to Dagobah faking a message to the council as well as baiting them to put a tracking beacon on their ship this is reported back to the emperor himself who sets the attack in motion he sends the Jedi were up to something in the last 10 years it's been too quiet and he knew they hadn't wiped them all out the Imperial Fleet arrived out of hyperspace Emperor Palpatine leading the charge in the throne room of the Death Star he's bought the entire inquisitorious program not taking any precautions his Apprentice Darth Maul sits next to him eager to determine whether Kenobi is alive with the remnants of the order they Advance on the planet but Cydia senses something is wrong he should be able to feel the presence of the Jedi Order but he doesn't feel a thing until it hits him the entire Rebel Fleet comes out of hyperspace behind the Imperial flea and catches them off guard many Imperial fleets are destroyed as the rebel Fleet advances the Jedi are each situated in a single pod fighter and hold formation they have the Death Star plans encoded in their ship and only one of them needs to make it they lead the star destroys to the larger Rebel Fleet but have to deal with the Thai fighters the imperial fighters are no match for the Jedi who run circles around them shooting them down one by one as the battle rages on the Jedi Pilots break off from the fleet utilizing their Mastery of the force to guide them through the chaotic space the Jedi Fleet successfully make it to the Death Star trenches dodging the fierce attacks from Death Star cannons and Tie fighters inside the Death Star Palpatine senses their approach and understands the Peril he faces he orders his best pilots and even inquisitors to stop the Jedi back in the trench the Jedi are Guided by the force Luke and Leia lead the charge having inherited their piloting skills from their father the other Jedi form a wall of Defense around them knowing they have the greatest likelihood of success in the twins out of nowhere the inquisitors enter The Fray in their Thai Defenders outclassing the other imperial fighters and they catch the Jedi off guard focusing their fire on taking out a few and forcing the formation to crumble the inquisitors focused their attack on the Skywalker twins as they can tell by the Jedi's formation that they're protecting those two fighters many Jedi give their lives in order to defend the Skywalkers from The inquisitors Vicious bombardments Palpatine runs for his escape craft sensing the end is near but he's too late Luke and Leia lock onto the death star's weak point Guided by the force and release their proton torpedoes the Torpedoes Arc away disappearing into the death star's exhaust Port they scatter as a deafening explosion erupts a shock wave extending from the heart of the Death Star consuming Sidious and more the Jedi Fighters Focus their attention on the less skilled inquisitors and clean them up with ease they join the rebel Fleet and capitalize on the chaos decimating the remaining Imperial ships and winning the Battle of Dagobah with the fall of the Empire The Rebel alliance's Victory is met with joyous celebration across the Galaxy democracy returns and bail or Ghana alongside mon mothma are elected as co-chancellors of the reinstated Republic they address the entire galaxy in a broadcast from the ruins of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant once a symbol of Oppression under the rule of the Empire and now a Beacon of Hope they pledged to restore the Republic to its former glory to uphold democracy and to respect the rights of every sentient being in the Galaxy pedme returns as Naboo Senator and lives close to her children on Coruscant the pain of Anakin's Betrayal still haunts her however her children Redeeming the force has brought her immense Joy together alongside the key members of the Senate they work to undermine the Empire Palpatine created on Coruscant the Jedi Temple undergoes a comprehensive restaurant duration the vast once the Kang structure is rejuvenated and serves as the headquarters of the newly reformed Jedi Order with guidance from Yoda Obi-Wan and the surviving Jedi Masters Luke and Leia take up the mantle of leading the Jedi Order into a new era Luke and Leia after learning of their father vowed to uphold his legacy honoring the great Jedi he once was and vowing to maintain the balance of the force a new generation of Jedi initiates start their training Guided by the lessons learned from the order's past the Jedi are not Warriors but our diplomats and peacekeepers maintaining Harmony within the Galaxy Yoda revealed the identity of the Skywalker children to the rest of the order who were shocked at first but were content with the fact that the twins have successfully Avenged Anakin's sins as the Republic solidifies its power the remnants of the Empire are gradually eradicated some worlds that were once under Imperial control resist the change but the Republic's diplomatic approach they backed by the peacekeeping Jedi ensures the restoration of peace and democracy slowly but surely the Galaxy begins to heal trade routes are re-established Interstellar travel becomes safer and prosperity begins to return with the Jedi orders Resurgence and the restoration of the Republic hope is renewed the Galaxy once shroud and darkness once again shines under the light of freedom and peace and thus the new chapter in Galactic history marks the end of a time of darkness and the beginning of an era of light a testament to the unyielding Spirit of the Galaxy and the enduring hope of its people the Galaxy finds itself Guided by the principles of democracy Justice and peace are powered by the established Republic and resurgent Jedi Order thanks for watching everyone if you enjoyed the video please consider supporting the channel and becoming a member for only one dollar a month I love chatting with my membership community so please consider joining check out all the other videos on my channel and I'll see you all next time
Channel: Fantasy Folklore
Views: 73,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jQC1J1ylglo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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