What if Anakin KILLED Obi-Wan on Mustafar?

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in Revenge of the Sith Anakin and Obi-Wan engage in the fight of their lives on the lava Planet Mustafar this epic contest is to decide which power will rule the galaxy Jedi or Sith in the original timeline Obi-Wan defeats Anakin but in doing so let's says morals and emotions take over causing him to leave his old friend alive this ultimately plunges the Galaxy into Decades of darkness and pain from the hands of Darth Vader but what if instead of Obi-Wan defeating Anakin on Mustafar Anakin is actually the one who kills Obi-Wan Our Story begins on Mustafar where Anakin and Obi-Wan face each other with their blue lightsabers ignited Anakin's anger and hatred towards Obi-Wan has reached its peak the two former allies stand on the volcanic planet's Edge their lightsabers locked in a furious Clash Anakin's Relentless Onslaught proves too much for Obi-Wan to handle as Obi-Wan defends himself he realizes that his former Apprentice has fully succumbed to the dark side of the force Anakin's eyes burned with an intense rage devoid of any remnant of the Jedi Knight he once was he has fully embraced his new identity as Darth Vader Obi-Wan's defenses begin to weaken under Anakin's Relentless assault and a moment of distraction Anakin lands a devastating blow sivering Obi-Wan's lightsaber as Obi-Wan falls to his knees Anakin stands over him triumphantly his Sapphire blade poised to deliver the final strike Obi-Wan a mobile and battered looks into the eyes of the man he once called his brother in a final Act of desperation he reaches out through the force attempting to connect with the last remnants of Anakin Skywalker buried deep within Darth Vader's heart he pleads for his former Apprentice us to remember their bond and reject the darkness for a brief moment doubt flickers and Anakin's eyes but his anger and ambition overpowers any lingering shred of goodness with a surge of power he strikes Obi-Wan down ending the life of his former mentor and closest friend as Obi-Wan's lifeless body crumbles to the ground Anakin feels the escalation of Triumph and victory within himself he has fulfilled his Twisted Destiny and let himself become consumed by the dark side Anakin holds his blue lightsaber with a trembling grip with a surge of dark power he forces his anger into the crystal as it screams in agony the blade transforms bleeding a crimson red glow the symbol of his form is complete Anakin returns to The Landing platform where he finds the pastel body of Padme he can still sense the life force within her he immediately brings her on board this ship and leave leaves the planet he could sense that she was extremely close to giving birth the Crimson Skies of Mustafar Fade Into the distance as Anakin plotted his Starship to enter hyperspace and arrive at the peaceful world of Naboo Anakin Powers down the ship and turned to Padme still unconscious and in deep Sleep he brings her straight to the best medical facility in the system with her droids immediately helped the weighted couple the scene shifts to Mustafa as Palpatine's lamp did t4a shuttle lands he could sense a change in the force no longer was his Apprentice Lord Vader in danger as he followed his senses halpertin found the lifeless corpse of Obi-Wan Kenobi his fate had been sealed by Anakin Palpatine smirk at the sight of this everything was going as he had planned Sidious knew that the only thing keeping Vader Tethered to his old life as Anakin Skywalker was his wife Padme if he could eliminate her the invader's Furious hate hatred will be released and the Galaxy will forever suffer at his hand with a smirk he enters his ship and heads back to Coruscant the Droids on the boo provide a great assistance to Anakin and Padme Anakin was a nervous wreck and his emotions displayed this perfectly the droids take her into an isolated room as she enters labor much to Anakin's surprise Padme gave birth to twins fairly easily and once she saw her husband she knew everything would be okay in the original timeline padmasa comes to a broken heart and dies in this moment but because Anakin is by her side now she knows everything is all right and she does not die Anakin and Padme welcome a son named Luke and a daughter named Leia When She lays eyes on her newborn children she is blinded to the rage and Corruption that is encapsulated Anakin and all she wants is his love in the opulent surroundings of the Sith Lords private office on Coruscant Emperor Palpatine awaited the arrival level of the notorious Bounty Hunter Chad Bane the room was dimly lit casting an eerie glow upon the Crimson walls as the doors hissed open Bane Strode in his cold gaze fixed upon the Emperor Palpatine leaned forward his bony fingers into lacing as he began to speak the Sith Lord and formed the greatest bounty hunter in the Galaxy that his mission is to eliminate the senator from the boom his reward will be handsome and he will have proved himself for future Imperial jobs understanding dawned upon Ben's face as the gravity of the situation became clear as the shriveled Emperor stared into the deep gaze of Bane he informed him of one last thing Palpatine placed the hilt of a Jedi lightsaber onto his desk sliding it towards the duros he must use this weapon to complete his task the Bounty was clear Padme Amidala was the Target and Bane had been given a green lightsaber to eliminate her with a bow Bane turned on his heel and made his way towards the exit the weight of his mission hanging heavily in the air Palpatine had told Bane that he should begin his search on Naboo as it is the home world of Padme she was easy to locate and when his ship exited hyperspace a quick hack of naboo's calm systems revealed the Senator's location the calm atmosphere of the medical facility on Naboo was disrupted by a sudden disturbance the silence was shattered as the doors slid open and the notorious Bounty Hunter CAD Bane stepped inside the medical droids unaware of the danger approaching continued their tasks diligently Bane's Keen eyes scanned the room searching for his Target the tension in the air grew thicker as he realized that Padme was alone with the newborn children Luke and Leia Anakin was nowhere to be found his mission was clear eliminate Padme and ensure Anakin's descent into darkness silently Bane approached the bed where Padme cradled her precious infants her gaze filled with love and concern the children innocent and unknowing were not part of this bounty his code is a bounty hunter dictated that they be spared drawing the green lightsaber a grim Relic from the Fallen Jedi Order with a Swift and merciless strike Bane Unleashed a flurry of deadly blows upon Padme her eyes widened in shock and pain as the lightsaber cut through the air extinguishing her life the ones vibrant and courageous Senator was now lifeless despite the brutal act he had just committed Bane spared the lies of the innocent children their cries piercing the glum atmosphere as if mourning the loss of their mother this is where the life of Anakin Skywalker takes a turn for the worse he returns to the medical facility shortly after leaving it only to find the lifeless corpse of his wife his children remained breathing upon her cold body and entered a fit of rage never before had he experienced pain like this not even when his late mother passed in his arms this was so much worse tears welded in his eyes but they were not tears of sadness they were tears of burning Fury this couldn't be happening not to him not again the darkness within him surged forth causing immense strength and power to expel from his body the force responded to his anguish crackling with raw power as he struggled to compromand the enormity of his loss Anakin saw the slices on her body that had resulted from a lightsaber yet he knew that a Jedi wouldn't do this it was against everything their code stood for he was once a Jedi he knows how they think how they act this was the doing of the dark side there was only one man who was responsible for this dark deed leaving his children on the boo Anakin left the Starship and went straight to Coruscant Anakin stormed through the corridors and went straight into Palpatine's office his anger expelling and reverberating all around him his steps are fueled by a potent mix of grief rage and the unyielding need for answers answers to which Palpatine would immediately give him a smirk smothered across his face he told Anakin that he ordered the death of Padme and she was a mere Beacon of Light Within him the air crackled with dark energy as Anakin and Palpatine both ignited their lightsabers their Sabers clashed as the jaw between the two evil forces began Palpatine his Twisted form emanating malevolence Drew upon the vast repertoire of Sith abilities he Unleashed bolts of crackling Force lightning that lashed out towards Anakin with unrelenting Theory the blue arcs of energy seared the air threatening to engulf Anakin in A Storm of Agony but Anakin fueled by a potent mix of anger and grief defy made it Onslaught his lightsaber world was blinding speed a beacon of vibrant red intercepting the lightning bolts with calculated Precision each strikes in Sparks cascading across the room the conflicting Powers creating an ethereal dance of light and darkness Anakin was clearly the winner of this Jewel his powers growing far greater than palpatines in a blinding flash Anakin's lightsaber found its Mark plunging into Palpatine's chest the emperor's eyes widened with a mixture of shock and disbelief as his life force began to disappear Anakin now Darth Vader stood alone in the remnants of Palpatine's office in the aftermath of Emperor Palpatine's demise the Galaxy stood on the edge of change Anakin Skywalker was now fully consumed by the dark side and ascended to the mantle of power he was the emperor of the Galaxy now no longer Anakin but Lord Vader he ruled with an iron fist his tyranny extending his reach to every corner of the Galaxy with his children Luke and Leia by his side Darth Vader began the tiring task of molding them into his own image he trained them ruthlessly honing their force abilities and shaping their minds to embrace the ways of the Sith their potential inherited from their father's unmatched midichlorian count was nurtured and twisted until it blossomed into a dark reflection of their former selves under Vader's tutelage Luke and Leia grew to embody the very essence of this Sith Heritage and so the Sith ruled the Galaxy unchallenged and unopposed as the Light Of Hope faded Into Obscurity the once heroic Anakin Skywalker consumed by Darkness became the very embodiment of evil forever etching his name in history as Darth Vader if you enjoyed today's video you must watch what if Obi-Wan killed Anakin or what if Anakin reached his full potential please check out our membership program and a collection of enjoyable videos on our page I hope you all enjoyed and May the force be with you foreign [Music]
Channel: Fantasy Folklore
Views: 109,310
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Keywords: anakin skywalker, what if anakin, star wars what if, anakin, what if anakin skywalker killed obi wan, what if anakin killed obi wan on mustafar, what if anakin killed obi wan on mustafar?, what if, what if obi-wan didn't leave anakin on mustafar, obi-wan kenobi, what if star wars, what if anakin skywalker, what if anakin did not lose his limbs, anakin vs obi-wan, what if obi-wan killed anakin, anakin kills obi-wan, anakin kills obi wan, fantasy folklore, star wars
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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